Agile Software Development with Scrum

Agile Software Development with Scrum一书中指出,Scrum的核心价值观是:承诺、专注、公开、敬重和勇气。它提倡自我管理、涌现机制、可视性和评估/适应循环的根本原则。 

 承诺(Commitment)— 承诺不只是把一项工作分配给团队,也不是简单的答应去完成。它是建立在目标之 上的来自内心的接受和应许,这里只有“做”和“不做”,没有“让我试试”

 专注Focus— 像邮件和不相关的会议就是很常见的一些分散注意力的事情,我们需要做得是不转移注意力,把精力全部集中在承诺的事务上

公开Openness— 保持一直让任何有兴趣的人员都可以在墙上、wiki页面或者仪表盘工具上获知项目当前状况,能够了解多少功能已经完成,哪些正在做,每次迭代和发布的目标是什么  

尊重(Respect)— 每个团队成员都必须被尊重的看待,大家一起指定工作规范(working agreements)

勇气(Courage)— 为了接受并负责任的交付产品,团队成员必须有足够的勇气来对大家说“不”,比如不能承诺时,对纳入sprint的故事说“不”等


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All the time I hear people talking about software projects as journeys, and I think they are implying that software projects are not just journeys, but they are journeys into the unknown. We start with funding from a sponsor, muster together a stout-hearted crew, head out in what we guess might be a useful direction, and the rest is The Odyssey. We live the tales of the brave Odysseus: tales of Lotus Eaters, the Cyclops, Circe, the Sirens, Scylla, and Calypso. We succeed or fail only with the help or rage of the gods. How wonderfully romantic, and how perfectly silly. I think that the more appropriate analogy along this line is the project as an expedition. We have a goal or a short list of goals. We have some well-proven maps; we have some vaguer ones, too. We have the advice and journals from those who have been out there and made it back to tell their stories. We don’t walk out the door and face the unknown; but on the other hand, there are some big question marks, and these bring us into a high-risk position. We accept these risks, because if the expedition can succeed there are surely significant rewards. We have skills, but there are uncertainties. How do we deal with this? I recommend that we look back, oh, about 300 years, to the York Factory on Hudson Bay in Canada. At that time this was the headquarters of the Hudson Bay Company. The Hudson Bay Company’s main line of business was to be the supplier of all necessary provisions for fur traders going out on, you guessed it, expeditions, from Hudson Bay. The fur traders developed a great way to start an expedition, and it was called “The Hudson Bay Start.” Having done their one-stop shopping at The Company, the fur traders would go out of Hudson Bay only a mile or two and set up camp. Why? Certainly not to set up traps; they wanted to discover what they forgot to bring while they were less than an hour’s hike back into town! Being the excellent project person that you are, you know that for the vast majority of time the leather-faced expert fur trader would reappear for another shopping trip. What the heck does all this have to do with the book in your hands right now? With Succeeding with Agile, Mike Cohn has delivered The Hudson Bay Start for agile development. This is it. This is a weather-beaten experienced fur trapper giving you the checklist to work through before you begin your expedition. By reading this book, you will find that Mike brings up issues that you never thought of, offers advice on how you might handle situations, and helps you define


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