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2011-07-21 09:54:05 103

转载 针对IE的CSS hack

12345678.all IE{property:value\9;}.gte IE 8{property:value\0;}.lte IE 7{*property:value;}.IE 8/9{property:value\0;}.IE 9{property:value\9\0;

2011-07-20 16:39:10 124


转自:http://cubiq.org/spinning-wheel-on-webkit-for-iphone-ipod-touchHOW TO USE THE SCRIPTThe widget is composed of two parts: the stylesheet a

2011-07-20 11:03:44 361


文章转自:http://cubiq.org/spinning-wheel-on-webkit-for-iphone-ipod-touchHOW TO USE THE SCRIPTThe widget is composed of two parts: the stylesheet

2011-07-20 10:43:42 102

转载 妙用204状态


2011-07-19 17:02:27 217

转载 高性能WEB开发 - 图片篇

一、缩小图片大小 当图片很多的时候,减少图片大小是提高下载速度最直接的方法。1. 使用PNG8代替GIF(非动画图片),因为PNG8在效果一样的情况,图片大小比GIF要小。 2. 用fireworks处理PNG图片,在我们产品中很多PNG图片是美工直接用photoshop导出的,

2011-07-19 17:00:32 89

转载 高性能WEB开发 - HTTP服务器篇


2011-07-19 16:59:04 322

转载 CSS优先级权重计算法

CSS优先级包含四个级别标签内选择符ID选择符Class选择符元素选择符CSS优先级的计算规则如下元素标签中定义的样式(Style属性),加1,0,0,0每个ID选择符(如 #id),加0,1,0,0每个Class选择符(如 .class)、每个属性选择符(如 [attribut

2011-07-13 18:01:13 182

转载 PHP语言中global和$GLOBALS[]的分析

原来以为global和$GLOBALS除了写法不一样以为,其他都一样,可是在实际应用中发现,2者的区别还是很大的!先看下面的例子:<?php // 例子1 function test_global() { global $var1, $var2;

2011-07-08 15:27:39 76

原创 openssl生成private_key和public_key对

openssl genrsa -out private.key 1024openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key 

2011-06-20 18:04:00 649

转载 MySQL query results into a CSV file, or Import CSV file directly into MySQL

SELECT order_id,product_name,qtyFROM ordersINTO OUTFILE '/tmp/orders.csv'FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','ENCLOSED BY '"'LINES TERMINATED BY '/n'

2011-06-01 16:36:00 100

原创 Save MySQL query results into a text or CSV file

<br /><br />Given a query such as <br />SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders<br /><br />which returns three columns of data, the results can be placed into the file /tmo/orders.txt using the query:<br />SELECT order_id,product_name,qty<br /> F

2011-04-02 10:08:00 108

原创 IE activate event

<br />相对于一般浏览器的focus和blur事件,IE有它独特的事件,激发顺序如下:<br /> <br />beforeactivate/beforedeactivate -> activate/deactivate -> focusin/focusout -> focus/blur

2011-04-01 15:23:00 108

转载 System Event Notification Service Notifications

<br /><br />The System Event Notification Service enables mobile-aware applications to receive notifications from system events that SENS monitors. When the requested event occurs, SENS notifies the application.<br />SENS can notify applications about thre

2011-03-09 13:58:00 884

转载 Winlogon Notification Packages

Winlogon notification packages are DLLs that receive and handle events generated by Winlogon. You can implement such a notification package to monitor and respond to Winlogon events. This is useful for applications that need to perform additional processin

2011-03-09 13:13:00 331

转载 9 Useful PHP Functions and Features You Need to Know

Twice a month, we revisit some of our readers’ favorite posts from throughout the history of Nettuts+.Even after using PHP for years, we stumble upon functions and features that we did not know about. Some of these can be quite useful, yet underused. With

2011-03-09 13:08:00 237

转载 Why You’re a Bad PHP Programmer

<br /><br />We all have our bad habits. In this article, we’ll go over a list of bad practices that are worth examining, reevaluating, and correcting immediately.<br /> Who the Hell Do You Think You Are?<br />Every time I open a project that isn’t mine, it

2011-03-09 13:05:00 499

转载 Change Ubuntu Server from DHCP to a Static IP Address

If the Ubuntu Server installer has set your server to use DHCP, you will want to change it to a static IP address so that people can actually use it.Changing this setting without a GUI will require some text editing, but that’s classic linux, right?Let’s o

2011-03-05 10:43:00 374

原创 JavaScript对input的内容做样式后:form reset 造成的bug

用JavaScript实现了databoxinput的value是unix时间戳,通过JavaScript,将该时间戳显示为:****-**-** **:** PM但是form reset后,丑陋的时间戳有回到了input里面。分析:主要是input的defaultValue造成的解决:修改input的value值时,同步修改input的defaultValue值

2011-02-25 10:20:00 433

原创 How to find out if a windows restart is needed?

<br />I've built a setup.exe in c# that runs several chained MSI's (with the /QUIET /NORESTART ). At the end I'd like to check if a reboot is needed in the machine (that is, if one of the MSI's requested a reboot).<br /><br />The following registry key

2011-02-12 10:39:00 104

转载 格式: echo "/033[字背景颜色;字体颜色m字符串/033[0m"

格式:echo "/033[字背景颜色;字体颜色m字符串/033[0m"例如:echo "/033[41;36m something here /033[0m"   参数:==============字背景颜色范围:40----49 40:黑 41:深红 42:绿 43:黄色 44:蓝色 45:紫色 46:深绿 47:白色 ==============字颜色:30-----------39 30:黑 31:红 32:绿 33:黄 34:蓝色 35:紫色 36:深绿 37:白色================

2010-11-08 18:03:00 436

原创 isset" or "array_key_exists"


2010-10-13 11:43:00 301

原创 纯CSS,两个并排的div如何实现等高

<br /><mce:style><!--html,body,tbody{margin:0;padding:0;}#Body{overflow:hidden;padding:0;padding-left:180px;}#Left,#Right{height:auto;margin-bottom:-32767px;padding-bottom:32767px;}#Left{display:inline;float:left;width:180px;margin-left:-180px;back

2010-10-13 11:38:00 352

原创 Howto optimize your PHP installation to handle large file uploads.

<br />You can call the phpinfo() function to find the location of your php.ini file, it will tell you the current values for the following settings that we need to modify file_uploadsupload_max_filesizemax_input_timememory_limitmax_execution_timepos

2010-10-11 11:47:00 99

原创 Howto: install phplua extension for PHP

Lua is an embeddable scripting language. If you are trying to embed it in PHP follow this instructions that may help you:$ sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev $ git clone git://repo.or.cz/phplua.git src$ cd src/$ phpize$ ./configure At this point

2010-09-30 14:57:00 661 1

原创 mb_convert_encoding中,from_encoding的查找顺序

<br />string mb_convert_encoding ( string $str , string $to_encoding [, mixed $from_encoding ] ) <br />Converts the character encoding of string str to to_encoding from optionally from_encoding.<br />Is specified by character code names before conversion.

2010-08-17 18:37:00 250

原创 IE table div relative


2010-07-16 17:55:00 71

原创 display:inline-block

<br />IE6和IE7都不支持!<br />但是IE6和IE7可以为display:inline的element指定尺寸

2010-07-14 18:10:00 198

原创 Position relative + z-index = IE Bug

<br />The problem<br />If you’re dealing with absolutely or relatively positioned elements and you’re noticing that the z-index property doesn’t seem to work, you may be encountering yet another IE bug.  In certain cases, IE 6 especially will ignore the z-

2010-06-07 14:34:00 498

转载 IE Bug: Styling the Button Element in IE

<br />If you’ve ever attempted to style a button inside IE, you know that it can be a huge pain. On most of our projects, we’ve now started using the button element in place of traditional input buttons due to the ease of styling and consistency across bro

2010-06-07 13:25:00 190

原创 CSS: CSS Hack for IE

<br />#a {/*此段代码只有IE能够解析*/background: red/9;}#a {/*此段代码只有IE 8能够解析*/background: red/0;} 

2010-06-06 15:35:00 181

原创 CSS: CSS HACK for FireFox

@-moz-document url-prefix() { .selector { color: red; } }

2010-06-02 11:29:00 167

原创 CSS: CSS HACK for Safari

<br />@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0){ p{ text-indent:2em; }}

2010-06-02 11:28:00 204

原创 ISO Latin-1字符集


2010-04-30 16:38:00 235

原创 Free font tools: Overview

Font properties extensionLearn more about your fonts with the Font Properties Extension. Once installed, details of a particular fonts copyright, embedding permissions, hinting, multi

2010-04-07 19:20:00 231

原创 Google: Mainland China service availability

This page offers a summary of accessibility to Google services fromwithin mainland China. The status is assessed by geographically diverseservers that are used to monitor connection capability. No

2010-04-06 12:22:00 212

转载 各大浏览器 CSS3 和 HTML5 兼容速查表


2010-04-05 12:45:00 217

原创 More Standards Documentation Available

Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 (spec link)Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core (spec link)Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events (spec link)Document Object Mod

2010-04-04 23:45:00 200

转载 GIT指令集

Git 是分散式的版本控制系統, 從架設、簡易操作、設定, 此篇主要是整理 基本操作、遠端操作 等.註: Git 的範圍太廣了, 把這篇當作是初學入門就好了. :)注意事項由 project/.git/config 可知: (若有更多, 亦可由此得知)origin(remote) 是 Repository 的版本master(branch) 是 local 端, 正在修改的

2010-03-24 10:09:00 846 1

转载 PHP中数组循环语句foreach和while的速度之辩

PHP进行大量的数组循环操作,主要有两种方式,一种是foreach,另一种是while,到底哪种好哪种坏一直有争论,为了以后能节省点CPU时间,下面总结一下:在循环里进行的是数组“读”操作,则foreach比while快:foreach ($array as $value) {       echo $value;   }     while (list($key)

2010-03-22 14:56:00 1230


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