fedora 18安装源设置

Before the graphical installation program starts, you may need to configure the installation source depending on the method you are using.

8.1. Installation Method

If you are installing from DVD, additional configuration will not be required unless the DVD drive is not detected. If you booted the installation from minimal boot media, use a boot prompt to select an installation method.

8.1.1. Installing from DVD

To install Fedora from a DVD, place the DVD in your DVD drive and boot your system from the DVD. Even if you booted from alternative media, you can still install Fedora from DVD media.
The installation program then probes your system and attempts to identify your DVD drive. It starts by looking for an IDE (also known as an ATAPI) DVD drive.


To abort the installation process at this time, reboot your machine and then eject the boot media. You can safely cancel the installation at any point before the  Write changes to disk screen. Refer to  Section 9.14, “Begin installation” for more information.
If your DVD drive is not detected, and it is a SCSI DVD, the installation program prompts you to choose a SCSI driver. Choose the driver that most closely resembles your adapter. You may specify options for the driver if necessary; however, most drivers detect your SCSI adapter automatically.
If you booted the installer from other media and wish to use a DVD as your installation source, use the following boot option:
linux repo=cdrom:device
If you later encounter problems with the installer, you should reboot and perform the media check by running the boot option  linux rd.live.check before seeking support.

8.1.2. Installing from a Hard Drive

To specify a partition from which to install Fedora, use the  linux repo= boot option:
linux repo=hd:device
Select the partition containing the ISO files from the list of available partitions. Internal IDE, SATA, SCSI, and USB drive device names begin with  /dev/sd. Each individual drive has its own letter, for example  /dev/sda. Each partition on a drive is numbered, for example  /dev/sda1.
Also specify the full directory path from the drive that contains the ISO image files. The following table shows some examples of how to enter this information:
Table 8.1. Location of ISO images for different partition types
Partition type Volume Original path to files Directory to use
VFAT D:\ D:\Downloads\Fedora18 /Downloads/Fedora18
ext2, ext3, ext4 /home /home/user1/Fedora18 /user1/Fedora18

If the ISO images are in the root (top-level) directory of a partition, enter a  /. If the ISO images are located in a subdirectory of a mounted partition, enter the name of the directory holding the ISO images within that partition. For example, if the partition on which the ISO images is normally mounted as  /home/, and the images are in  /home/new/, you would enter  /new/.

8.1.3. Installing via NFS

To specify an installation source for Fedora accessible by NFS, use the  linux repo= boot option. To specify an expanded tree of installation files, type:
linux repo=nfs:options:server:/path
To specify an ISO image file, type:
linux repo=nfsiso:options:server:/path
  • options — specify any NFS mount options that you require. Refer to the man pages for  mount and  nfs for a comprehensive list of options.
  • server — enter the domain name or IP address of your NFS server. For example, if you are installing from a host named  eastcoast in the domain  example.com, enter  eastcoast.example.com.
  • path — the path to the exported directory.
    • If the NFS server is exporting a mirror of the Fedora installation tree, enter the directory which contains the root of the installation tree.
    • If the NFS server is exporting the ISO image of the Fedora DVD, enter the directory which contains the ISO image.
    If you followed the setup described in  Section 5.1.2, “Preparing for an NFS installation”, the exported directory is the one that you specified as  publicly_available_directory.
After entering the  linux repo= command, proceed with  Chapter 9, Using the Fedora installer.

8.1.4. Installing via FTP or HTTP

To specify an installation source for Fedora that is available over the Internet, use the  linux repo= boot option:
linux repo={ftp|http}://URL
For  URL, enter the name or IP address of the FTP or HTTP site from which you are installing, and the name of the directory that contains the  /images directory for your architecture. For example:
If your FTP or HTTP server requires user authentication, specify user and password as part of the URL as follows:
For example:
After entering the  linux repo= command, proceed with  Chapter 9, Using the Fedora installer.

title Install Fedora 18
   root (hd0,0)
   kernel /vmlinuz linux askmethod repo=hd:/dev/sdbY:/
   initrd /initrd.img




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