在Solaris下使用IPMP(IP Multipathing)
IPMP的配置有点烦,主要是因为它的概念不易理解,IPMP要求每个网卡至少要配置有两个IP,一个是网卡的实际IP地址,叫Data address;一个是用来监控网卡的运行状态,错误检测,叫Test address。当检测到故障时,IPMP会把Data address从故障网卡上转移到组里正常运行的网卡上。外部应用程序应该使用Data address,避免使用Test address。
注意,默认情况下,在基于SPARC架构的系统上,所有的网络接口共享一个MAC地址。因此,为了在基于SPARC架构的系统上使用IPMP, 你必须修改默认的MAC地址。
IPMP的配置有点烦,主要是因为它的概念不易理解,IPMP要求每个网卡至少要配置有两个IP,一个是网卡的实际IP地址,叫Data address;一个是用来监控网卡的运行状态,错误检测,叫Test address。当检测到故障时,IPMP会把Data address从故障网卡上转移到组里正常运行的网卡上。外部应用程序应该使用Data address,避免使用Test address。
注意,默认情况下,在基于SPARC架构的系统上,所有的网络接口共享一个MAC地址。因此,为了在基于SPARC架构的系统上使用IPMP, 你必须修改默认的MAC地址。
# configure the ip multipath network
echo " Please input the number of networkd cards(1 ~ 4): "
read noc #number of network cards
while [ $noc - le 0 - o $noc - ge 5 ]
echo " Illegal number of cards, need 1 ~ 4 "
echo " Please input the number of networkd cards "
read noc #number of network cards
hostfile =/ etc / inet / hosts
ipfile =/ etc / inet / ipnodes
if [ ! - w / etc / inet / hosts ]
chmod u + w $hostfile
cp . / rdisc / etc / init.d
chmod u + x / etc / init.d / rdisc
ln / etc / init.d / rdisc / etc / rc2.d / S70rdisc
mv $hostfile ${hostfile}.bak
echo " localhost " > $hostfile
mv $ipfile ${ipfile}.bak
echo " ::1 localhost " > $ipfile
echo " Please input your group name "
read group_name
touch ${group_name}.sh
echo " #!/bin/sh " > ${group_name}.sh
chmod u + x ${group_name}.sh
answer = yes
n = 1
while [ $n - le $noc ]
if [ $answer = " yes " - o $answer = " YES " - o $answer = " y " - o $answer = " Y " ]
echo " Please input the system name "
read sys_name
echo " Please input the manage address for interface "
read mng_addr
echo " $mng_addr $sys_name loghost " >> $hostfile
echo " $mng_addr $sys_name loghost " >> $ipfile
echo " Please input the logical interface name $n "
read int_name
echo " Please input the test address for interface $n "
read test_addr
echo " $test_addr gdlc-${int_name} " >> $hostfile
echo " $test_addr gdlc-${int_name} " >> $ipfile
if [ - w / etc / hostname.${int_name} ]
mv / etc / hostname.${int_name} / etc / hostname.${int_name}.bak
touch / etc / hostname.${int_name}
trap " mv /etc/hostname.${int_name}.bak /etc/hostname.${int_name};mv ${hostfile}.bak ${hostfile}; mv ${ipfile}.bak ${ipfile} " INT TERM
echo " gdlc-${int_name} netmask + broadcast + group $group_name deprecated -failover up " > / etc / hostname.${int_name}
echo " addif $sys_name netmask + broadcast + failover up " >> / etc / hostname.${int_name}
echo " ifconfig $int_name group $group_name " >> ${group_name}.sh
ifconfig $int_name plumb gdlc - ${int_name} netmask + broadcast + - failover deprecated up
ifconfig $int_name addif $sys_name netmask + broadcast + failover up
n = `expr $n + 1 `
echo " Do you want to input more manage IP? "
read answer
echo " Is the host use for router? "
read answer
if [ $answer = " yes " - o $answer = " YES " - o $answer = " y " - o $answer = " Y " ]
touch / etc / notrouter
echo " Create file /etc/notrouter "
. . / ${group_name}.sh
rm ${group_name}.sh
echo " done "
# configure the ip multipath network
echo " Please input the number of networkd cards(1 ~ 4): "
read noc #number of network cards
while [ $noc - le 0 - o $noc - ge 5 ]
echo " Illegal number of cards, need 1 ~ 4 "
echo " Please input the number of networkd cards "
read noc #number of network cards
hostfile =/ etc / inet / hosts
ipfile =/ etc / inet / ipnodes
if [ ! - w / etc / inet / hosts ]
chmod u + w $hostfile
cp . / rdisc / etc / init.d
chmod u + x / etc / init.d / rdisc
ln / etc / init.d / rdisc / etc / rc2.d / S70rdisc
mv $hostfile ${hostfile}.bak
echo " localhost " > $hostfile
mv $ipfile ${ipfile}.bak
echo " ::1 localhost " > $ipfile
echo " Please input your group name "
read group_name
touch ${group_name}.sh
echo " #!/bin/sh " > ${group_name}.sh
chmod u + x ${group_name}.sh
answer = yes
n = 1
while [ $n - le $noc ]
if [ $answer = " yes " - o $answer = " YES " - o $answer = " y " - o $answer = " Y " ]
echo " Please input the system name "
read sys_name
echo " Please input the manage address for interface "
read mng_addr
echo " $mng_addr $sys_name loghost " >> $hostfile
echo " $mng_addr $sys_name loghost " >> $ipfile
echo " Please input the logical interface name $n "
read int_name
echo " Please input the test address for interface $n "
read test_addr
echo " $test_addr gdlc-${int_name} " >> $hostfile
echo " $test_addr gdlc-${int_name} " >> $ipfile
if [ - w / etc / hostname.${int_name} ]
mv / etc / hostname.${int_name} / etc / hostname.${int_name}.bak
touch / etc / hostname.${int_name}
trap " mv /etc/hostname.${int_name}.bak /etc/hostname.${int_name};mv ${hostfile}.bak ${hostfile}; mv ${ipfile}.bak ${ipfile} " INT TERM
echo " gdlc-${int_name} netmask + broadcast + group $group_name deprecated -failover up " > / etc / hostname.${int_name}
echo " addif $sys_name netmask + broadcast + failover up " >> / etc / hostname.${int_name}
echo " ifconfig $int_name group $group_name " >> ${group_name}.sh
ifconfig $int_name plumb gdlc - ${int_name} netmask + broadcast + - failover deprecated up
ifconfig $int_name addif $sys_name netmask + broadcast + failover up
n = `expr $n + 1 `
echo " Do you want to input more manage IP? "
read answer
echo " Is the host use for router? "
read answer
if [ $answer = " yes " - o $answer = " YES " - o $answer = " y " - o $answer = " Y " ]
touch / etc / notrouter
echo " Create file /etc/notrouter "
. . / ${group_name}.sh
rm ${group_name}.sh
echo " done "
case " $1 " in
' start ' )
if [ - x / usr / bin / pgrep ]
/ usr / bin / pgrep - x - u 0 in .rdisc > / dev / null 2 >& 1 ||
/ usr / sbin / in .rdisc - f > dev / msglog 2 >& 1
logger Cannot execute / usr / bin / pgrep, in .rdisc not started.
' stop ' )
/ usr / bin / pkill - x - u 0 in .rdisc
* )
echo " Usage:$0 {start | stop} "
exit 0
case " $1 " in
' start ' )
if [ - x / usr / bin / pgrep ]
/ usr / bin / pgrep - x - u 0 in .rdisc > / dev / null 2 >& 1 ||
/ usr / sbin / in .rdisc - f > dev / msglog 2 >& 1
logger Cannot execute / usr / bin / pgrep, in .rdisc not started.
' stop ' )
/ usr / bin / pkill - x - u 0 in .rdisc
* )
echo " Usage:$0 {start | stop} "
exit 0
import Tkinter
import os
import sys
import Dialog
import sysinfo
class MultiPathConfig(Tkinter.Frame):
def __init__ (self, master = None):
Tkinter.Frame. __init__ (self, master)
self.si = sysinfo.SysInfo()
self.iname_list = self.si.get_iname_list()
if len(self.iname_list) < 3 :
self.iname_count = 3
else :
self.iname_count = len(self.iname_list)
self.sys_name = " sys- "
self.int_name = " gdlc- "
self.column_count = 4
self.other_row_count = 1
self.empty_ip_address = - 1
self.illegal_ip_address = - 2
self.test_ip_list = []
self.man_ip_list = []
self.check_button_list = []
self.check_value_list = []
self.flag = True
for name in self.iname_list:
def create_widgets(self):
self.grid(sticky = Tkinter.N + Tkinter.W + Tkinter.E + Tkinter.S)
self.top = self.winfo_toplevel()
self.top.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1 )
self.top.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1 )
# Make all columns stretchable
for i in range(self.column_count):
self.columnconfigure(i, weight = 1 )
self.iname_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self, text = " Name " )
self.iname_lbl.grid(row = 0, column = 0,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.test_ip_addr_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self,
text = " Test IP Address " )
self.test_ip_addr_lbl.grid(row = 0, column = 1 ,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
for i in range(len(self.iname_list)):
self.iname = Tkinter.Label(self, text = self.iname_list[i])
self.iname.grid(row = i + self.other_row_count, column = 0,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.test_ip = Tkinter.Entry(self, bg = " #ffffff " )
self.test_ip.grid(row = i + self.other_row_count, column = 1 ,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.cb_var = Tkinter.IntVar()
self.check_button = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = " select " ,
variable = self.cb_var,
onvalue = 1 , offvalue = 0)
self.check_value_list[i] = self.cb_var
self.check_button.var = self.check_value_list[i]
self.check_button.grid(row = i + self.other_row_count, column = 2 ,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.add_button(self, 0, 3 , " Save " , self.on_save)
self.add_button(self, 1 , 3 , " OK " , self.on_ok)
self.add_button(self, 2 , 3 , " Apply " , self.on_apply)
self.add_button(self, 3 , 3 , " Close " , self.on_close)
self.label = Tkinter.Label(self, text = " Group Name " )
self.label.grid(row = self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, column = 0,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.group_name = Tkinter.Entry(self, bg = " #ffffff " )
self.group_name.grid(row = self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, column = 1 ,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.other_row_count += 1
self.man_ip_addr_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self, text = " Manage IP " + str( 1 ))
self.man_ip_addr_lbl.grid(row = self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, column = 0,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.man_ip = Tkinter.Entry(self, bg = " #ffffff " )
self.man_ip.grid(row = self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, column = 1 ,
stick = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.add_button(self, self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, 3 ,
" More " , self.on_more)
# Make all rows stretchable
for i in range(self.iname_count + len(self.man_ip_list) + self.other_row_count):
self.rowconfigure(i, weight = 1 )
def add_button(self, root, row, column, text, command):
self.button = Tkinter.Button(root, text = text, command = command)
self.button.grid(row = row, column = column,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
# Save configure to file
def on_save(self):
for iname in self.iname_list:
if self.check_value_list[self.iname_list.index(iname)].get() == 1 :
try :
os.rename( " /etc/hostname. " + iname, " /etc/hostname. " + iname + " .bak " )
except OSError:
print " No such file: /etc/hostname. " + iname, " didn't backup. "
cmd_str = self.int_name + iname
+ " netmask + broadcast + group " + self.group_name.get()
+ " deprecated -failover up "
if self.flag == True:
cmd_str += " addif " + os.popen( " hostname " ).read()[0: - 1 ]
+ " netmask + broadcast + failover up "
self.flag = False
else :
cmd_str += " addif " + self.sys_name + iname
+ " netmask + broadcast + failover up "
try :
file = open( " /etc/hostname. " + iname, " w " )
except IOError:
print " Can not open file: /etc/hostname. " + iname
self.flag = True
# Save test ip address to /etc/inet/hosts and /etc/inet/ipnodes
hostfile = " /etc/inet/hosts "
ipfile = " /etc/inet/ipnodes "
try :
os.rename(hostfile, hostfile + " .bak " )
host_file = open(hostfile, " a+ " )
host_file.write( " " )
os.rename(ipfile, ipfile + " .bak " )
ip_file = open(ipfile, " a+ " )
ip_file.write( " :: localhost " )
except OSError:
print " Can not rename file " + hostfile + " to " + hostfile + " .bak "
print " Or can not rename file " + ipfile + " to " + ipfile + " .bak "
except IOError:
print " Can not open file: " + hostfile
print " Or can not open file: " + ipfile
else :
for iname in self.iname_list:
if self.check_value_list[self.iname_list.index(iname)].get() == 1 :
+ " " + self.int_name + iname + " " )
+ " " + self.int_name + iname + " " )
for ip in self.man_ip_list:
if self.man_ip_list.index(ip) == 0:
host_file.write(ip.get() + " "
+ self.si.get_hostname() + " loghost " )
ip_file.write(ip.get() + " "
+ self.si.get_hostname() + " loghost " )
else :
host_file.write(ip.get() + " " + self.sys_name
+ self.iname_list[self.man_ip_list.index(ip)] + " loghost " )
ip_file.write(ip.get() + " " + self.sys_name
+ self.iname_list[self.man_ip_list.index(ip)] + " loghost " )
def on_ok(self):
# Apply configure immediately but not save.
def on_apply(self):
for iname in self.iname_list:
if self.check_value_list[self.iname_list.index(iname)].get() == 1 :
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname + " group " + self.group_name.get()
ret = os.system(cmd)
for iname in self.iname_list:
if self.check_value_list[self.iname_list.index(iname)].get() == 1 :
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname
cmd += " netmask + broadcast + -failover deprecated up "
ret = os.system(cmd)
if self.flag == True
or self.iname_list.index(iname) >= len(self.man_ip_list):
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname + " addif " + self.si.get_hostname()
self.flag = False
elif self.iname_list.index(iname) >= len(self.man_ip_list):
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname + " addif " + self.si.get_hostname()
else :
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname + " addif " + self.sys_name + iname
cmd += " netmask + broadcast + failover up "
ret = os.system(cmd)
self.flag = True
def on_close(self):
def on_more(self):
if len(self.man_ip_list) >= self.get_enable_count():
# Make new line stretchable
self.rowconfigure(self.iname_count + len(self.man_ip_list)
+ self.other_row_count, weight = 1 )
self.man_ip_addr_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self,
text = " Manage IP " + str(len(self.man_ip_list) + 1 ))
self.man_ip_addr_lbl.grid(row = self.iname_count + len(self.man_ip_list)
+ self.other_row_count,
column = 0, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.man_ip = Tkinter.Entry(self, bg = " #ffffff " )
self.man_ip.grid(row = self.iname_count + len(self.man_ip_list)
+ self.other_row_count,
column = 1 , stick = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
def message_box(self, title, text, strings, default):
dlg = Dialog.Dialog(None, title = title, text = text, default = default,
bitmap = Dialog.DIALOG_ICON, strings = strings)
return dlg.num
def check_all(self):
if self.check_all_test_ip() == self.empty_ip_address:
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an empty test IP address, back to provide one or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
elif self.check_all_test_ip() == self.illegal_ip_address:
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an illegal test IP address, back to modify or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
if self.check_all_man_ip() == self.empty_ip_address:
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an empty manage IP address, back to provide one or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
elif self.check_all_man_ip() == self.illegal_ip_address:
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an illegal manage IP address, back to modify or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
if self.check_group_name() == - 1 :
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an empty group name, back to provide one or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
def check_group_name(self):
if self.group_name.get() == "" :
return - 1
return 0
def check_ip(self, ip):
if ip == "" :
return self.empty_ip_address
ipnum = str(ip).split( " . " )
if len(ipnum) != 4 :
return self.illegal_ip_address
for n in ipnum:
if not n.isdigit() or int(n) > 255 or int(n) < 0:
return self.illegal_ip_address
return 0
def check_all_test_ip(self):
for i in range(len(self.iname_list)):
if self.check_value_list[i].get() == 1 :
ret = self.check_ip(self.test_ip_list[i].get())
if ret == self.empty_ip_address:
return ret
elif ret == self.illegal_ip_address:
return ret
return 0
def check_all_man_ip(self):
for i in range(len(self.man_ip_list)):
ret = self.check_ip(self.man_ip_list[i].get())
if ret == self.empty_ip_address:
return ret
elif ret == self.illegal_ip_address:
return ret
return 0
def get_enable_count(self):
count = 0
for var in self.check_value_list:
if var.get() == 1 :
count += 1
return count
def main():
si = sysinfo.SysInfo()
if si.check_user() == - 1 :
return - 1
main_form = MultiPathConfig()
main_form.master.title( " IP Network Maltipath Configure " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
import Tkinter
import os
import sys
import Dialog
import sysinfo
class MultiPathConfig(Tkinter.Frame):
def __init__ (self, master = None):
Tkinter.Frame. __init__ (self, master)
self.si = sysinfo.SysInfo()
self.iname_list = self.si.get_iname_list()
if len(self.iname_list) < 3 :
self.iname_count = 3
else :
self.iname_count = len(self.iname_list)
self.sys_name = " sys- "
self.int_name = " gdlc- "
self.column_count = 4
self.other_row_count = 1
self.empty_ip_address = - 1
self.illegal_ip_address = - 2
self.test_ip_list = []
self.man_ip_list = []
self.check_button_list = []
self.check_value_list = []
self.flag = True
for name in self.iname_list:
def create_widgets(self):
self.grid(sticky = Tkinter.N + Tkinter.W + Tkinter.E + Tkinter.S)
self.top = self.winfo_toplevel()
self.top.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1 )
self.top.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1 )
# Make all columns stretchable
for i in range(self.column_count):
self.columnconfigure(i, weight = 1 )
self.iname_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self, text = " Name " )
self.iname_lbl.grid(row = 0, column = 0,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.test_ip_addr_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self,
text = " Test IP Address " )
self.test_ip_addr_lbl.grid(row = 0, column = 1 ,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
for i in range(len(self.iname_list)):
self.iname = Tkinter.Label(self, text = self.iname_list[i])
self.iname.grid(row = i + self.other_row_count, column = 0,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.test_ip = Tkinter.Entry(self, bg = " #ffffff " )
self.test_ip.grid(row = i + self.other_row_count, column = 1 ,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.cb_var = Tkinter.IntVar()
self.check_button = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self, text = " select " ,
variable = self.cb_var,
onvalue = 1 , offvalue = 0)
self.check_value_list[i] = self.cb_var
self.check_button.var = self.check_value_list[i]
self.check_button.grid(row = i + self.other_row_count, column = 2 ,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.add_button(self, 0, 3 , " Save " , self.on_save)
self.add_button(self, 1 , 3 , " OK " , self.on_ok)
self.add_button(self, 2 , 3 , " Apply " , self.on_apply)
self.add_button(self, 3 , 3 , " Close " , self.on_close)
self.label = Tkinter.Label(self, text = " Group Name " )
self.label.grid(row = self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, column = 0,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.group_name = Tkinter.Entry(self, bg = " #ffffff " )
self.group_name.grid(row = self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, column = 1 ,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.other_row_count += 1
self.man_ip_addr_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self, text = " Manage IP " + str( 1 ))
self.man_ip_addr_lbl.grid(row = self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, column = 0,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.man_ip = Tkinter.Entry(self, bg = " #ffffff " )
self.man_ip.grid(row = self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, column = 1 ,
stick = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.add_button(self, self.iname_count + self.other_row_count, 3 ,
" More " , self.on_more)
# Make all rows stretchable
for i in range(self.iname_count + len(self.man_ip_list) + self.other_row_count):
self.rowconfigure(i, weight = 1 )
def add_button(self, root, row, column, text, command):
self.button = Tkinter.Button(root, text = text, command = command)
self.button.grid(row = row, column = column,
sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
# Save configure to file
def on_save(self):
for iname in self.iname_list:
if self.check_value_list[self.iname_list.index(iname)].get() == 1 :
try :
os.rename( " /etc/hostname. " + iname, " /etc/hostname. " + iname + " .bak " )
except OSError:
print " No such file: /etc/hostname. " + iname, " didn't backup. "
cmd_str = self.int_name + iname
+ " netmask + broadcast + group " + self.group_name.get()
+ " deprecated -failover up "
if self.flag == True:
cmd_str += " addif " + os.popen( " hostname " ).read()[0: - 1 ]
+ " netmask + broadcast + failover up "
self.flag = False
else :
cmd_str += " addif " + self.sys_name + iname
+ " netmask + broadcast + failover up "
try :
file = open( " /etc/hostname. " + iname, " w " )
except IOError:
print " Can not open file: /etc/hostname. " + iname
self.flag = True
# Save test ip address to /etc/inet/hosts and /etc/inet/ipnodes
hostfile = " /etc/inet/hosts "
ipfile = " /etc/inet/ipnodes "
try :
os.rename(hostfile, hostfile + " .bak " )
host_file = open(hostfile, " a+ " )
host_file.write( " " )
os.rename(ipfile, ipfile + " .bak " )
ip_file = open(ipfile, " a+ " )
ip_file.write( " :: localhost " )
except OSError:
print " Can not rename file " + hostfile + " to " + hostfile + " .bak "
print " Or can not rename file " + ipfile + " to " + ipfile + " .bak "
except IOError:
print " Can not open file: " + hostfile
print " Or can not open file: " + ipfile
else :
for iname in self.iname_list:
if self.check_value_list[self.iname_list.index(iname)].get() == 1 :
+ " " + self.int_name + iname + " " )
+ " " + self.int_name + iname + " " )
for ip in self.man_ip_list:
if self.man_ip_list.index(ip) == 0:
host_file.write(ip.get() + " "
+ self.si.get_hostname() + " loghost " )
ip_file.write(ip.get() + " "
+ self.si.get_hostname() + " loghost " )
else :
host_file.write(ip.get() + " " + self.sys_name
+ self.iname_list[self.man_ip_list.index(ip)] + " loghost " )
ip_file.write(ip.get() + " " + self.sys_name
+ self.iname_list[self.man_ip_list.index(ip)] + " loghost " )
def on_ok(self):
# Apply configure immediately but not save.
def on_apply(self):
for iname in self.iname_list:
if self.check_value_list[self.iname_list.index(iname)].get() == 1 :
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname + " group " + self.group_name.get()
ret = os.system(cmd)
for iname in self.iname_list:
if self.check_value_list[self.iname_list.index(iname)].get() == 1 :
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname
cmd += " netmask + broadcast + -failover deprecated up "
ret = os.system(cmd)
if self.flag == True
or self.iname_list.index(iname) >= len(self.man_ip_list):
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname + " addif " + self.si.get_hostname()
self.flag = False
elif self.iname_list.index(iname) >= len(self.man_ip_list):
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname + " addif " + self.si.get_hostname()
else :
cmd = " ifconfig " + iname + " addif " + self.sys_name + iname
cmd += " netmask + broadcast + failover up "
ret = os.system(cmd)
self.flag = True
def on_close(self):
def on_more(self):
if len(self.man_ip_list) >= self.get_enable_count():
# Make new line stretchable
self.rowconfigure(self.iname_count + len(self.man_ip_list)
+ self.other_row_count, weight = 1 )
self.man_ip_addr_lbl = Tkinter.Label(self,
text = " Manage IP " + str(len(self.man_ip_list) + 1 ))
self.man_ip_addr_lbl.grid(row = self.iname_count + len(self.man_ip_list)
+ self.other_row_count,
column = 0, sticky = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
self.man_ip = Tkinter.Entry(self, bg = " #ffffff " )
self.man_ip.grid(row = self.iname_count + len(self.man_ip_list)
+ self.other_row_count,
column = 1 , stick = Tkinter.E + Tkinter.W, padx = 5 , pady = 5 )
def message_box(self, title, text, strings, default):
dlg = Dialog.Dialog(None, title = title, text = text, default = default,
bitmap = Dialog.DIALOG_ICON, strings = strings)
return dlg.num
def check_all(self):
if self.check_all_test_ip() == self.empty_ip_address:
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an empty test IP address, back to provide one or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
elif self.check_all_test_ip() == self.illegal_ip_address:
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an illegal test IP address, back to modify or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
if self.check_all_man_ip() == self.empty_ip_address:
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an empty manage IP address, back to provide one or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
elif self.check_all_man_ip() == self.illegal_ip_address:
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an illegal manage IP address, back to modify or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
if self.check_group_name() == - 1 :
ret = self.message_box( " Message " ,
" Get an empty group name, back to provide one or quit? " ,
( " back " , " quit " ), 0)
if ret == 0: return
else : self.quit()
def check_group_name(self):
if self.group_name.get() == "" :
return - 1
return 0
def check_ip(self, ip):
if ip == "" :
return self.empty_ip_address
ipnum = str(ip).split( " . " )
if len(ipnum) != 4 :
return self.illegal_ip_address
for n in ipnum:
if not n.isdigit() or int(n) > 255 or int(n) < 0:
return self.illegal_ip_address
return 0
def check_all_test_ip(self):
for i in range(len(self.iname_list)):
if self.check_value_list[i].get() == 1 :
ret = self.check_ip(self.test_ip_list[i].get())
if ret == self.empty_ip_address:
return ret
elif ret == self.illegal_ip_address:
return ret
return 0
def check_all_man_ip(self):
for i in range(len(self.man_ip_list)):
ret = self.check_ip(self.man_ip_list[i].get())
if ret == self.empty_ip_address:
return ret
elif ret == self.illegal_ip_address:
return ret
return 0
def get_enable_count(self):
count = 0
for var in self.check_value_list:
if var.get() == 1 :
count += 1
return count
def main():
si = sysinfo.SysInfo()
if si.check_user() == - 1 :
return - 1
main_form = MultiPathConfig()
main_form.master.title( " IP Network Maltipath Configure " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
import os
import sys
class SysInfo:
def check_user(self):
uid = os.popen( " id -u " ).readline()[0: - 1 ]
if uid != " 0 " :
print " Need user root to run this program "
return - 1
def get_hostname(self):
host_name = os.popen( " hostname " ).readline()[0: - 1 ]
return host_name
def get_iname_list(self):
# The next two lines use for test.
if os.popen( " uname " ).readline()[0: - 1 ] == " Linux " :
return [ " eth0 " , " eth1 " , " eth2 " ]
self.iname_list = []
self.inames = os.popen( " ifconfig -a | cut -d " " -f 1 " ).readlines()
for name in self.inames:
if name != ' ' and name[0: 4 ] != ' lo0: ' :
index = name.find( " : " )
if index != - 1 :
if name.find( " : " , index + 1 ) != - 1 : # logical interface
name = name[0:index]
return self.iname_list
def make_rdisc(self):
text = """
case "$1" in
if [ -x /usr/bin/pgrep ]
/usr/bin/pgrep -x -u 0 in.rdisc > /dev/null 2>&1 || /usr/sbin/in.rdisc -f > /dev/msglog 2>&1
logger Cannot execute /usr/bin/pgrep, in.rdisc not started.
/usr/bin/pkill -x -u 0 in.rdisc
echo "Usage:$0 {start | stop}"
exit 0
try :
file = open( " /etc/init.d/rdisc " , " w " )
except IOError:
print " Can not open file /etc/init.d/rdisc "
return - 1
os.system( " chmod u+x /etc/init.d/rdisc " )
os.system( " ln /etc/init.d/rdisc /etc/rc2.d/S70rdisc " )
import os
import sys
class SysInfo:
def check_user(self):
uid = os.popen( " id -u " ).readline()[0: - 1 ]
if uid != " 0 " :
print " Need user root to run this program "
return - 1
def get_hostname(self):
host_name = os.popen( " hostname " ).readline()[0: - 1 ]
return host_name
def get_iname_list(self):
# The next two lines use for test.
if os.popen( " uname " ).readline()[0: - 1 ] == " Linux " :
return [ " eth0 " , " eth1 " , " eth2 " ]
self.iname_list = []
self.inames = os.popen( " ifconfig -a | cut -d " " -f 1 " ).readlines()
for name in self.inames:
if name != ' ' and name[0: 4 ] != ' lo0: ' :
index = name.find( " : " )
if index != - 1 :
if name.find( " : " , index + 1 ) != - 1 : # logical interface
name = name[0:index]
return self.iname_list
def make_rdisc(self):
text = """
case "$1" in
if [ -x /usr/bin/pgrep ]
/usr/bin/pgrep -x -u 0 in.rdisc > /dev/null 2>&1 || /usr/sbin/in.rdisc -f > /dev/msglog 2>&1
logger Cannot execute /usr/bin/pgrep, in.rdisc not started.
/usr/bin/pkill -x -u 0 in.rdisc
echo "Usage:$0 {start | stop}"
exit 0
try :
file = open( " /etc/init.d/rdisc " , " w " )
except IOError:
print " Can not open file /etc/init.d/rdisc "
return - 1
os.system( " chmod u+x /etc/init.d/rdisc " )
os.system( " ln /etc/init.d/rdisc /etc/rc2.d/S70rdisc " )