Layer visibleRegion的计算过程




    struct State {
        Geometry active;
        Geometry requested;
        uint32_t z;
        uint32_t layerStack;
        uint8_t alpha;
        uint8_t flags;
        uint8_t reserved[2];
        int32_t sequence; // changes when visible regions can change
        Transform transform; //表示Layer的旋转,平移,缩放
        // the transparentRegion hint is a bit special, it's latched only
        // when we receive a buffer -- this is because it's "content"
        // dependent.
        Region activeTransparentRegion;//当前显示的transparentRegion,也就是dumpsf的transparentRegion
        Region requestedTransparentRegion;
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    struct Geometry {
        uint32_t w; //size的宽高
        uint32_t h;
        Rect crop; //crop
        inline bool operator ==(const Geometry& rhs) const {
            return (w == rhs.w && h == rhs.h && crop == rhs.crop);
        inline bool operator !=(const Geometry& rhs) const {
            return !operator ==(rhs);
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java层的就不看了,直接看Native层的例子 resize

60    SurfaceComposerClient::openGlobalTransaction();
61    surfaceControl->setSize(320, 240);
62    SurfaceComposerClient::closeGlobalTransaction();
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107status_t SurfaceControl::setSize(uint32_t w, uint32_t h) {
108    status_t err = validate();
109    if (err < 0) return err;
110    return mClient->setSize(mHandle, w, h);//这个mClinet就是SurfaceCompserClient强引用对象
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569status_t SurfaceComposerClient::setSize(const sp<IBinder>& id, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) {
570    return getComposer().setSize(this, id, w, h);//Composer是个单例
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279status_t Composer::setSize(const sp<SurfaceComposerClient>& client,
280        const sp<IBinder>& id, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) {
281    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
282    layer_state_t* s = getLayerStateLocked(client, id);
283    if (!s)
284        return BAD_INDEX;
       //每层Layer的属性暂存到Layer_state_t Struct
285    s->what |= layer_state_t::eSizeChanged;
286    s->w = w;
287    s->h = h;
289    // Resizing a surface makes the transaction synchronous.
290    mForceSynchronous = true;
292    return NO_ERROR;
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250layer_state_t* Composer::getLayerStateLocked(
251        const sp<SurfaceComposerClient>& client, const sp<IBinder>& id) {
253    ComposerState s;
254    s.client = client->mClient;
255    s.state.surface = id;
257    ssize_t index = mComposerStates.indexOf(s);
258    if (index < 0) {
259        // we don't have it, add an initialized layer_state to our list
260        index = mComposerStates.add(s);
261    }
263    ComposerState* const out = mComposerStates.editArray();
264    return &(out[index].state);
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closeTransaction这边流程就不具体看了,直接看函数 SurfaceFlinger::setTransactionState

2093void SurfaceFlinger::setTransactionState(
2094        const Vector<ComposerState>& state,
2095        const Vector<DisplayState>& displays,
2096        uint32_t flags)
2098    ATRACE_CALL();
2099    Mutex::Autolock _l(mStateLock);
2100    uint32_t transactionFlags = 0;
2124    count = state.size();
2125    for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { //遍历每层Layer
2126        const ComposerState& s(state[i]);
2134        if (s.client != NULL) {
2135            sp<IBinder> binder = IInterface::asBinder(s.client);
2136            if (binder != NULL) {
2137                String16 desc(binder->getInterfaceDescriptor());
2138                if (desc == ISurfaceComposerClient::descriptor) {
2139                    sp<Client> client( static_cast<Client *>(s.client.get()) );
2140                    transactionFlags |= setClientStateLocked(client, s.state);
2141                }
2142            }
2143        }
2144    }
2146    if (transactionFlags) {
2147        // this triggers the transaction
2148        setTransactionFlags(transactionFlags);
2149        ...
2168    }
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2221uint32_t SurfaceFlinger::setClientStateLocked(
2222        const sp<Client>& client,
2223        const layer_state_t& s)
2225    uint32_t flags = 0;
2226    sp<Layer> layer(client->getLayerUser(s.surface));
2227    if (layer != 0) {
2244        if (what & layer_state_t::eSizeChanged) {
2245            if (layer->setSize(s.w, s.h)) {
2246                flags |= eTraversalNeeded; //设置eTraversalNeeded flags
2247            }
2248        }
2281    return flags;
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1137bool Layer::setSize(uint32_t w, uint32_t h) {
1138    if (mCurrentState.requested.w == w && mCurrentState.requested.h == h)
1139        return false;
        // size,crop传给mCurrentState.requested
1140    mCurrentState.requested.w = w;
1141    mCurrentState.requested.h = h;
1142    setTransactionFlags(eTransactionNeeded);
1143    return true;
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2085uint32_t SurfaceFlinger::setTransactionFlags(uint32_t flags) {
2086    uint32_t old = android_atomic_or(flags, &mTransactionFlags);
2087    if ((old & flags)==0) { // wake the server up, Layer属性发生变化
2088        signalTransaction();
2089    }
2090    return old;
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760void SurfaceFlinger::signalTransaction() {
761    mEventQueue.invalidate();
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Layer 属性发生变化做的操作


  1. 根据Layer的size是否变化,改变buffer大小
  3. 修改flags(使之重新计算visibelRegion的值)

–>Layer::commitTransaction() : 赋值 mDrawingState = mCurrentState;

uint32_t Layer::doTransaction(uint32_t flags) {

    const Layer::State& s(getDrawingState());
    const Layer::State& c(getCurrentState());

    const bool sizeChanged = (c.requested.w != s.requested.w) ||
                             (c.requested.h != s.requested.h);

    if (sizeChanged) {//根据Layer的size是否变化,改变buffer大小
        // the size changed, we need to ask our client to request a new buffer

        // record the new size, form this point on, when the client request
        // a buffer, it'll get the new size.
                c.requested.w, c.requested.h);

    if (!isFixedSize()) {

        const bool resizePending = (c.requested.w != ||
                                   (c.requested.h !=;

        if (resizePending && mSidebandStream == NULL) {
            // don't let Layer::doTransaction update the drawing state
            // if we have a pending resize, unless we are in fixed-size mode.
            // the drawing state will be updated only once we receive a buffer
            // with the correct size.
            // in particular, we want to make sure the clip (which is part
            // of the geometry state) is latched together with the size but is
            // latched immediately when no resizing is involved.
            // If a sideband stream is attached, however, we want to skip this
            // optimization so that transactions aren't missed when a buffer
            // never arrives

            flags |= eDontUpdateGeometryState; //设置了这个flag就不会用requested的值

    // always set active to requested, unless we're asked not to
    // this is used by Layer, which special cases resizes.
    if (flags & eDontUpdateGeometryState)  {
    } else {
        Layer::State& editCurrentState(getCurrentState()); = c.requested; //

    if ( != {
        // invalidate and recompute the visible regions if needed
        flags |= Layer::eVisibleRegion; //修改flags(使之重新计算visibelRegion的值)

    if (c.sequence != s.sequence) {
        // invalidate and recompute the visible regions if needed
        flags |= eVisibleRegion;
        this->contentDirty = true;

        // we may use linear filtering, if the matrix scales us
        const uint8_t type = c.transform.getType();
        mNeedsFiltering = (!c.transform.preserveRects() ||
                (type >= Transform::SCALE));

    // Commit the transaction
    return flags;

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void Layer::commitTransaction() {
    mDrawingState = mCurrentState;
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重点介绍一下 transform的值


Mmatrix: mat33类型,就是一个3X3矩阵
mType: uint32_t类型,最低位为1表示需要translate(还有其他位表示ROT_90…)

transform(): 执行变换的函数

1.1 Transform.mat33的赋值


scaleX: x轴的缩放因子
skewX: x轴的斜交因子(错切因子)
translateX: x轴的平移向量
scaleY: y轴的缩放因子
skewY: y轴的斜交因子
translateX: y轴的平移向量
最后一排: 3D效果,透视变换

Transform.mat33 的值由position和 matrix组成,由setMatirx和setPosition赋值

bool Layer::setMatrix(const layer_state_t::matrix22_t& matrix) {
            matrix.dsdx, matrix.dsdy, matrix.dtdx, matrix.dtdy);
    return true;
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bool Layer::setPosition(float x, float y) {
    if (mCurrentState.transform.tx() == x && mCurrentState.transform.ty() == y)
        return false;
    mCurrentState.transform.set(x, y);
    return true;
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1.2 Transfrom.transform() 函数


203Rect Transform::transform(const Rect& bounds) const
205    Rect r;
206    vec2 lt( bounds.left,    );//四个顶点的坐标
211    lt = transform(lt);//每个顶点根据mat33的值重新计算(平移,缩放)
216    r.left   = floorf(min(lt[0], rt[0], lb[0], rb[0]) + 0.5f);//left的值是最小的x值
221    return r;
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176vec2 Transform::transform(const vec2& v) const {
177    vec2 r;
178    const mat33& M(mMatrix);
179    r[0] = M[0][0]*v[0] + M[1][0]*v[1] + M[2][0];//x=scaleX*x+skewY*y+translateX
180    r[1] = M[0][1]*v[0] + M[1][1]*v[1] + M[2][1];//y=scaleY*Y+skewX*x+translateY
181    return r;
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Layer的visibleRegion值和 position, transform.mMatrix, size, transparentRegion 有关。
Layer的position, transform.mMatrix, size,都是由SurfaceControl.java设置的。

—> Layer::setVisibleRegion

void SurfaceFlinger::computeVisibleRegions(size_t dpy,
        const LayerVector& currentLayers, uint32_t layerStack,
        Region& outDirtyRegion, Region& outOpaqueRegion)
    while (i--) {
        const sp<Layer>& layer = currentLayers[i];

        // start with the whole surface at its current location
        const Layer::State& s(layer->getDrawingState());   //得到mDrawingState
        // handle hidden surfaces by setting the visible region to empty
        if (CC_LIKELY(layer->isVisible())) {
            Rect bounds(s.transform.transform(layer->computeBounds()));      //计算visibleRegion

        // Store the visible region in screen space
        layer->setVisibleRegion(visibleRegion);     //设置到visibleRegion
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  1. layer->computeBounds()
Rect Layer::computeBounds() const {
    const Layer::State& s(getDrawingState());
    return computeBounds(s.activeTransparentRegion);

Rect Layer::computeBounds(const Region& activeTransparentRegion) const {
    const Layer::State& s(getDrawingState());
    Rect win(,;
    if (! {
        win.intersect(, &win);
    // subtract the transparent region and snap to the bounds
    return reduce(win, activeTransparentRegion);
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  1. s.transform.transform()
    根据mDrawingState.transform 进行 transfrom操作




Window和Surface一一对应 (SurfaceView是个window)


TODO 图 mContentFramee mVisibelFrame

↳ android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams
↳ android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams
LayoutParams are used by views to tell their parents how they want to be laid out. See ViewGroup Layout Attributes for a list of all child view attributes that this class supports.
The base LayoutParams class just describes how big the view wants to be for both width and height. For each dimension, it can specify one of:
FILL_PARENT (renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher), which means that the view wants to be as big as its parent (minus padding)
WRAP_CONTENT, which means that the view wants to be just big enough to enclose its content (plus padding)
an exact number
There are subclasses of LayoutParams for different subclasses of ViewGroup. For example, AbsoluteLayout has its own subclass of LayoutParams which adds an X and Y value.
WindowManager.LayoutParams 是 WindowManager 接口的嵌套类;它继承于 ViewGroup.LayoutParams; 设置Windows 的Layout属性


1368         * Positive insets between the drawing surface and window content.
1372        public final Rect surfaceInsets = new Rect();
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APP可以调用setLayouParams 进行设置



3087    public int relayoutWindow(Session session, IWindow client, int seq,
3088            WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs, int requestedWidth,
3089            int requestedHeight, int viewVisibility, int flags,
3090            Rect outFrame, Rect outOverscanInsets, Rect outContentInsets,
3091            Rect outVisibleInsets, Rect outStableInsets, Rect outOutsets, Configuration outConfig,
3092            Surface outSurface) {
3104        synchronized(mWindowMap) {
3105            WindowState win = windowForClientLocked(session, client, false);
3164            final boolean scaledWindow =
3165                ((win.mAttrs.flags & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SCALED) != 0);
3167            if (scaledWindow) {
3168                // requested{Width|Height} Surface's physical size
3169                // attrs.{width|height} Size on screen
3170                win.mHScale = (attrs.width  != requestedWidth)  ?
3171                        (attrs.width  / (float)requestedWidth) : 1.0f;
3172                win.mVScale = (attrs.height != requestedHeight) ?
3173                        (attrs.height / (float)requestedHeight) : 1.0f;
3174            } else {
3175                win.mHScale = win.mVScale = 1;
3176            }
3201            if (viewVisibility == View.VISIBLE &&
3202                    (win.mAppToken == null || !win.mAppToken.clientHidden)) {
3245                try {
3246                    if (!win.mHasSurface) {
3247                        surfaceChanged = true;
3248                    }
3249                    SurfaceControl surfaceControl = winAnimator.createSurfaceLocked();
3250                    if (surfaceControl != null) {
3251                        outSurface.copyFrom(surfaceControl);
3254                    } 
3259                }
3289            } else {
3335            }
3368            performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked();
3377            outFrame.set(win.mCompatFrame);
3378            outOverscanInsets.set(win.mOverscanInsets);
3379            outContentInsets.set(win.mContentInsets);
3380            outVisibleInsets.set(win.mVisibleInsets);
3381            outStableInsets.set(win.mStableInsets);
3382            outOutsets.set(win.mOutsets);
3401        }
3409        return (inTouchMode ? WindowManagerGlobal.RELAYOUT_RES_IN_TOUCH_MODE : 0)
3410                | (toBeDisplayed ? WindowManagerGlobal.RELAYOUT_RES_FIRST_TIME : 0)
3411                | (surfaceChanged ? WindowManagerGlobal.RELAYOUT_RES_SURFACE_CHANGED : 0);
3412    }

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8926    private final void performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked() {
8927        int loopCount = 6;
8928        do {
8929            mTraversalScheduled = false;
8930            performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedLoop();
8931            mH.removeMessages(H.DO_TRAVERSAL);
8932            loopCount--;
8933        } while (mTraversalScheduled && loopCount > 0);
8934        mInnerFields.mWallpaperActionPending = false;
8935    }
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8937    private boolean mInLayout = false;
8938    private final void performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedLoop() {
8939        if (mInLayout) {
8940            if (DEBUG) {
8941                throw new RuntimeException("Recursive call!");
8942            }
8943            Slog.w(TAG, "performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked called while in layout. Callers="
8944                    + Debug.getCallers(3));
8945            return;
8946        }

8961        mInLayout = true;
8963        boolean recoveringMemory = false;
8964        if (!mForceRemoves.isEmpty()) {//Memory不足时,把可强制移除的windows移除以便回收内存
8965            recoveringMemory = true;
8966            // Wait a little bit for things to settle down, and off we go.
8967            while (!mForceRemoves.isEmpty()) {
8968                WindowState ws = mForceRemoves.remove(0);
8969                Slog.i(TAG, "Force removing: " + ws);
8970                removeWindowInnerLocked(ws);
8971            }
8972            Slog.w(TAG, "Due to memory failure, waiting a bit for next layout");
8973            Object tmp = new Object();
8974            synchronized (tmp) {
8975                try {
8976                    tmp.wait(250);
8977                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
8978                }
8979            }
8980        }
8982        try {
8983            performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner(recoveringMemory);
8985            mInLayout = false;
8987            if (needsLayout()) {
8988                if (++mLayoutRepeatCount < 6) {
8989                    requestTraversalLocked();
8990                } else {
8991                    Slog.e(TAG, "Performed 6 layouts in a row. Skipping");
8992                    mLayoutRepeatCount = 0;
8993                }
8994            } else {
8995                mLayoutRepeatCount = 0;
8996            }
8998            if (mWindowsChanged && !mWindowChangeListeners.isEmpty()) {
8999                mH.removeMessages(H.REPORT_WINDOWS_CHANGE);
9000                mH.sendEmptyMessage(H.REPORT_WINDOWS_CHANGE);
9001            }
9002        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
9003            mInLayout = false;
9004  , "Unhandled exception while laying out windows", e);
9005        }
9007        Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER);
9008    }
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1. 调用performLayoutLockedInner 计算各个windows大小。
2. 执行windows Animation。
3. step1,2 是打包成一个Transaction的,通过closeTransaction函数


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  1. 销毁系统中的不会再显示的windows的drawing surface;
    移除已经完成Exiting的window token;
    移除已经退出了的Activity 的AppWindowToken.
9875    private final void performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner(boolean recoveringMemory) {
9923        SurfaceControl.openTransaction();
9941            for (int displayNdx = 0; displayNdx < numDisplays; ++displayNdx) {
9944                WindowList windows = displayContent.getWindowList();
9958                int repeats = 0;
9959                do {
9960                    repeats++;
9991                    // FIRST LOOP: Perform a layout, if needed.
9992                    if (repeats < 4) {
9993                        performLayoutLockedInner(displayContent, repeats == 1,
9994                                false /*updateInputWindows*/); //计算各个windows的大小
9995                    } else {
9996                        Slog.w(TAG, "Layout repeat skipped after too many iterations");
9997                    }

9999                    // FIRST AND ONE HALF LOOP: Make WindowManagerPolicy think
10000                    // it is animating.
                         . . .

10015                } while (displayContent.pendingLayoutChanges != 0);
10024                final int N = windows.size();
10025                for (i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
10026                    WindowState w = windows.get(i);
10086                    // Moved from updateWindowsAndWallpaperLocked().
10087                    if (w.mHasSurface) {
10119                        winAnimator.setSurfaceBoundariesLocked(recoveringMemory);
10120                    }

10199        } finally {
10200            SurfaceControl.closeTransaction();

10287        // Destroy the surface of any windows that are no longer visible.
10306        // Time to remove any exiting tokens?
10321        // Time to remove any exiting applications?
10355        // Finally update all input windows now that the window changes have stabilized.
10440        scheduleAnimationLocked(); //通知WindowAnimator执行动画
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    1. 准备阶段:调用PhoneWindowManager类的成员函数beginLayoutLw来设置屏幕的大小。屏幕的大小可以通过调用WindowManagerService类的成员变量mDisplay所描述的一个Display对象的成员函数getWidth和getHeight来获得。

    2. 计算阶段:调用PhoneWindowManager类的成员函数layoutWindowLw来计算各个窗口的大小、内容区域边衬大小以及可见区域边衬大小。

    3. 结束阶段:调用PhoneWindowManager类的成员函数finishLayoutLw来执行一些清理工作。

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9048    private final void performLayoutLockedInner(final DisplayContent displayContent,
9049                                    boolean initial, boolean updateInputWindows) {

9054        WindowList windows = displayContent.getWindowList();

9074        mPolicy.beginLayoutLw(isDefaultDisplay, dw, dh, mRotation);

9090        // First perform layout of any root windows (not attached
9091        // to another window).
9092        int topAttached = -1;
9093        for (i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) {
9094            final WindowState win = windows.get(i);
9096            // Don't do layout of a window if it is not visible, or
9097            // soon won't be visible, to avoid wasting time and funky
9098            // changes while a window is animating away.
9099            final boolean gone = (behindDream && mPolicy.canBeForceHidden(win, win.mAttrs))
9100                    || win.isGoneForLayoutLw();

9122            // If this view is GONE, then skip it -- keep the current
9123            // frame, and let the caller know so they can ignore it
9124            // if they want.  (We do the normal layout for INVISIBLE
9125            // windows, since that means "perform layout as normal,
9126            // just don't display").
9127            if (!gone || !win.mHaveFrame || win.mLayoutNeeded
9128                    || ((win.isConfigChanged() || win.setInsetsChanged()) &&
9129                            ((win.mAttrs.privateFlags & PRIVATE_FLAG_KEYGUARD) != 0 ||
9130                            (win.mHasSurface && win.mAppToken != null &&
9131                            win.mAppToken.layoutConfigChanges)))) {
9132                if (!win.mLayoutAttached) { //通过mLayoutAttached这个flag判断是否是父window

9145                    mPolicy.layoutWindowLw(win, null);//计算父window,真正计算工作在这个函数执行

9159        // Now perform layout of attached windows, which usually
9160        // depend on the position of the window they are attached to.
9161        // XXX does not deal with windows that are attached to windows
9162        // that are themselves attached.
9163        for (i = topAttached; i >= 0; i--) {
9164            final WindowState win = windows.get(i);

9171                // If this view is GONE, then skip it -- keep the current
9172                // frame, and let the caller know so they can ignore it
9173                // if they want.  (We do the normal layout for INVISIBLE
9174                // windows, since that means "perform layout as normal,
9175                // just don't display").
9176                if (attachedBehindDream && mPolicy.canBeForceHidden(win, win.mAttrs)) {
9177                    continue;
9178                }
9179                if ((win.mViewVisibility != View.GONE && win.mRelayoutCalled)
9180                        || !win.mHaveFrame || win.mLayoutNeeded) {

9187                    mPolicy.layoutWindowLw(win, win.mAttachedWindow);//计算子窗口,会把父窗口的WindowState也传进去
9208        mPolicy.finishLayoutLw(); //这个函数直接return,啥都没做
9209    }
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  • PhoneWindowManager
    主要功能:根据LayoutParams 计算

  • WindowState
    (eg. mContentFrame, mContentInsets …)

534    public void computeFrameLw(Rect pf, Rect df, Rect of, Rect cf, Rect vf, Rect dcf, Rect sf,
535            Rect osf) {

559        final int pw = mContainingFrame.width(); //父窗口的宽高
560        final int ph = mContainingFrame.height();
562        int w,h; //初步计算窗口宽高
563        if ((mAttrs.flags & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SCALED) != 0) {
564            if (mAttrs.width < 0) {
565                w = pw;
566            } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) {
567                w = (int)(mAttrs.width * mGlobalScale + .5f);
568            } else {
569                w = mAttrs.width;
570            }
571            if (mAttrs.height < 0)
578        } else {
593        }

607        mOverscanFrame.set(of); //给WindowState的其他属性赋值
608        mContentFrame.set(cf);
609        mVisibleFrame.set(vf);
610        mDecorFrame.set(dcf);
611        mStableFrame.set(sf);

620        float x, y; //左上角
621        if (mEnforceSizeCompat) {
622            x = mAttrs.x * mGlobalScale;
623            y = mAttrs.y * mGlobalScale;
624        } else {
625            x = mAttrs.x;
626            y = mAttrs.y;
627        }

           //计算mFrame (根据父窗口区域mContainingFrame和gravity[gravity简单的说是参考布局(左对齐,居中...)])
636        Gravity.apply(mAttrs.gravity, w, h, mContainingFrame,
637                (int) (x + mAttrs.horizontalMargin * pw),
638                (int) (y + mAttrs.verticalMargin * ph), mFrame);
640        // Now make sure the window fits in the overall display frame.
           // 计算mFrame (根据显示屏区域mDisplayFrame和gravity)
641        Gravity.applyDisplay(mAttrs.gravity, mDisplayFrame, mFrame);

653        // Make sure the content and visible frames are inside of the
654        // final window frame. mContentFrame必须包含在mFrame中
655        mContentFrame.set(Math.max(mContentFrame.left, mFrame.left),
656                Math.max(,,
657                Math.min(mContentFrame.right, mFrame.right),
658                Math.min(mContentFrame.bottom, mFrame.bottom));
           . . .
           //mContentInsets = mFrame - mContentFrame
675        mContentInsets.set(mContentFrame.left - mFrame.left,
676       -,
677                mFrame.right - mContentFrame.right,
678                mFrame.bottom – mContentFrame.bottom);
690        mCompatFrame.set(mFrame);
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  • WindowStateAnimator
    • 官方说明:
      Keep track of animations and surface operations for a single WindowState.


  • computeShownFrameLocked()
    1.根据Animation的Transformation,通过矩阵运算得出变换矩阵 这里写图片描述 ;
    2.计算Rectf WindowState::mShownFrame(x,y=平移向量的值; w,h值=WindowState.mFrame width,height值) 和mShownAlpha。
1036    void computeShownFrameLocked() {
1076        if (selfTransformation || attachedTransformation != null
1077                || appTransformation != null || screenAnimation) {
1078            // cache often used attributes locally
1079            final Rect frame = mWin.mFrame; 
1080            final float tmpFloats[] = mService.mTmpFloats;
1081            final Matrix tmpMatrix = mWin.mTmpMatrix;
1083            // Compute the desired transformation. 根据Animation的transformation计算变换矩阵的值
1084            if (screenAnimation && screenRotationAnimation.isRotating()) { //显示屏是否有旋转动画
1099            } else {
1100                tmpMatrix.reset();
1101            }
1102            tmpMatrix.postScale(mWin.mGlobalScale, mWin.mGlobalScale);
1103            if (selfTransformation) { //当前窗口是否有动画
1104                tmpMatrix.postConcat(mTransformation.getMatrix());
1105            }
1106            tmpMatrix.postTranslate(frame.left + mWin.mXOffset, + mWin.mYOffset);
1107            if (attachedTransformation != null) { //父窗口是否有动画
1108                tmpMatrix.postConcat(attachedTransformation.getMatrix());
1109            }
1110            if (appTransformation != null) { //Activity切换动画
1111                tmpMatrix.postConcat(appTransformation.getMatrix());
1112            }
1113            if (screenAnimation) { //显示屏是否有动画
1114                tmpMatrix.postConcat(screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation().getMatrix());
1115            }
1133            mHaveMatrix = true;
1134            tmpMatrix.getValues(tmpFloats);
1135            mDsDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X]; //变换矩阵的赋值
1136            mDtDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y];
1137            mDsDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X];
1138            mDtDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];
1139            float x = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X]; //mShowFrame的左上角
1140            float y = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
1141            int w = frame.width();
1142            int h = frame.height();
1143            mWin.mShownFrame.set(x, y, x+w, y+h);
1150            mShownAlpha = mAlpha; //这个alpha变化效果因为硬件不支持被关闭了,这个值现在是木有效果的
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  • setSurfaceBoundariesLocked()
    根据WindowState::mShownFrame, mAttrs.sufaceinsets,设置position, size,matrix, crop
1356    void setSurfaceBoundariesLocked(final boolean recoveringMemory) {
1357        final WindowState w = mWin;
1359        int width;
1360        int height;
1361        if ((w.mAttrs.flags & LayoutParams.FLAG_SCALED) != 0) {
1362            // for a scaled surface, we always want the requested size.
1364            width  = w.mRequestedWidth;
1365            height = w.mRequestedHeight;
1366        } else {
1367            width = w.mCompatFrame.width();
1368            height = w.mCompatFrame.height();
1369        }
1370        ...
1380        float left = w.mShownFrame.left;
1381        float top =;
1383        // Adjust for surface insets.
1384        final LayoutParams attrs = w.getAttrs();
1385        final int displayId = w.getDisplayId();
1386        float scale = 1.0f;
                . . .
1396        width += scale * (attrs.surfaceInsets.left + attrs.surfaceInsets.right); //后面会调用setSize(width,height)
1397        height += scale * ( + attrs.surfaceInsets.bottom);
1398        left -= scale * attrs.surfaceInsets.left;  //后面会调用 setPosition(l,r)
1399        top -= scale *;

1409                mSurfaceControl.setPosition(left, top);

1428                mSurfaceControl.setSize(width, height);
1429                mSurfaceControl.setMatrix(
1430                        mDsDx * w.mHScale, mDtDx * w.mVScale,
1431                        mDsDy * w.mHScale, mDtDy * w.mVScale);

1452        updateSurfaceWindowCrop(recoveringMemory);
1453    }
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  • setMatrix的值

  • setSize的值
    如果有缩放width = WindowState.mRequestWidth+scale * (attrs.surfaceInsets.left + attrs.surfaceInsets.right);
    height = WindowState.mRequestWidth+scale * ( + attrs.surfaceInsets.bottom);

根据上面两项,缩放之后,宽高值是attrs.{width|height},这下wms.relayoutWindow计算的缩放因子的注释就清楚了( requested{Width|Height} Surface’s physical size. attrs.{width|height} Size on screen)

2. WindowState 和 WindowStateAnimator


–>WindowState mWin是在WindowStateAnimator构造函数赋值
195 WindowStateAnimator(final WindowState win) {

212 mWin = win;

—>WindowStateAnimator 是在 WindowState 构造函数里面创建
mWinAnimator = new WindowStateAnimator(this); //把 WindowState 本身传进去

mRequestedWidth,mRequestedHeight :APP申请的宽高

WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs的值是由ViewRootImpl.java这边传下去的
(CALL performTraversals() relayoutResult = relayoutWindow(params, viewVisibility, insetsPending); //params 是WindowManager.LayoutParams, 由mWindowAttributes赋值给它 )

frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/ setView()

frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/ setLayoutParams()


adb shell dumpsys window

static final boolean DEBUG_SURFACE_TRACE = false; -> true

dumpAllSurfaces() 会执行

adb shell dumpsys window surfaces
Surface #3: #544e0ff SurfaceView
mLayerStack=0 mLayer=21025
mShown=true mAlpha=1.0 mIsOpaque=false
mPosition=0.0,0.0 mSize=1920x1080
Transform: (0.5625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.7777778)



Android变形(Transform) 之 Matrix


评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


