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原创 pmw3100, jeita->fg->charger

too cold, cold, hot, too hot configuration in fg registers.0x00004162 FG_BATT_INFO_JEITA_TOO_COLD0x00004163 FG_BATT_INFO_JEITA_COLD0x00004164 FG_BATT_INFO_JEITA_HOT0x00004165 FG_BATT_INFO_JEIT...

2019-11-18 15:47:15 404 1

原创 ubuntu install coderunner error - Error running 'requirements_debian_update_system ruby-1.9.3-p551',

Recently, I want to install coderunner in Ubuntu 12.04.The guide is here.https://github.com/coderunner-framework/coderunner/wiki/Installing-CodeRunnerDuring this process, an error is encou

2017-12-26 12:07:02 907

原创 [Keyword]关键字

Perception : minimize misclassification errorsSupport Vector Machine(SVM) : maximize the margin

2017-12-18 20:52:43 437

原创 [Python][Numpy] ValueError: Integers to negative integer powers are not allowed.

The code snippet is as follows:>>> for c in np.arange(-5, 5):...     lr = LogisticRegression(C=np.int(10**c), random_state=0) ... Traceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 2, in

2017-12-18 19:51:15 5825

原创 ecos linker script

ecos linker script

2013-11-27 16:26:50 1364

翻译 在嵌入式环境中如何使用busybox中的ulimit

最近在弄MIPS板子上的coredump, 遇到了ulimit的问题. 使用的是busybox 1.20.1版本,在其menuconfig中,shell utilities中的ash和hush, 及其子选项都选上了.然后make install, 重新构建root fs.下载到板子上,重启,进入linux cmdline, 输入 ulimit -c unlimited,设置coredu

2013-11-13 16:01:45 5920 2

转载 Ubuntu Emacs23中,去到某一行的命令。

ubuntu的Linux,在emacs23中打算去到某一行,使用M-g 或者 M-x goto-line 命令却起不到作用。在如下的链接中,找到了答案。输入 M-g-g 命令, 就会 提示Goto line:  在冒号后面输入目的行号就OK了。http://www.stylesen.org/emacs_goto_line原文如下:Emacs go

2012-02-29 00:36:40 2174

原创 在Ubuntu下,建立下载image文件到Mini2440或者TQ2440开发板的环境


2012-02-21 22:03:20 1648

翻译 解决 (emacs23:4451): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap"

使用的LInux OS是ubuntushawn@shawn-ThinkPad-T410:~$ uname -aLinux shawn-ThinkPad-T410 3.0.0-15-generic-pae #26-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 20 17:07:31 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux安装了emacs23 shawn@

2012-02-12 11:19:02 2002

翻译 Build an embedded Linux distro from scratch 从无到有打造Linux发布包 之4 引导程序

英文原文见于http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/tutorials/l-embedded-distro/section5.htmlBoot loadersWhat is a boot loader?A boot loader (or bootstrap loader) is a program that loads another

2012-02-08 00:31:04 1219

翻译 Build an embedded Linux distro from scratch 从无到有打造Linux发布包 之3 构建内核

英文原文来自http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/tutorials/l-embedded-distro/section4.htmlBuilding the kernelDownloading the sourceDownload Technologic's Linux source and TS-7800 co

2012-02-02 23:23:47 844

翻译 Build an embedded Linux distro from scratch 从无到有打造Linux发布包 之2 交叉编译

英文原文出现在http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/tutorials/l-embedded-distro/section3.htmlCross-compilationWhat is cross-compiling?Cross-compiling is using a compiler on one system t

2012-02-01 21:12:25 1512

翻译 Build an embedded Linux distro from scratch 从无到有打造Linux发布包 之1 闲言碎语

英文原文出现在http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/tutorials/l-embedded-distro/index.htmlSummary:  Learn how to build a custom Linux® distribution to use in an embedded environment, in this case t

2012-01-31 22:42:56 1343

翻译 The Linux Bootdisk HOWTO 之 4. Building a root filesystem 构建根文件系统

4. Building a root filesystemCreating the root filesystem involves selecting files necessary for the system to run. In this section we describe how to build a compressed root filesystem. A less co

2012-01-30 23:45:08 2628

翻译 The Linux Bootdisk HOWTO 之 3. Bootdisks and the boot process 启动盘与启动过程

3. Bootdisks and the boot processA bootdisk is basically a miniature, self−contained Linux system on a diskette. It must perform many of the same functions that a complete full−size Linux system p

2012-01-18 20:05:55 1078

翻译 Creating a Root File System for Linux on OMAP35x - 为Linux基于OMAP35x创建根文件系统

本文原载于http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php?title=Creating_a_Root_File_System_for_Linux_on_OMAP35x翻译文章,转载本文请标明出处,谢谢。今天,我们只关注root file system的创建,并不聚焦具体的芯片是什么。ABSTRACT A Lin

2012-01-16 21:19:16 4148

翻译 Linux Filesystem Hierarchy 之 /boot

1.4. /boot This directory contains everything required for the boot process except for configuration files not needed at boot time (the

2011-10-19 07:53:20 945

原创 使用ELDK 5.0编译U-BOOT中的smdk2410

准备玩玩ARM板子了,今天尝试着建立一下编译环境。U-BOOT的ELDK已经发到5.0版本了。而且,相较以前的ELDK版本,这个版本的安装路径不能在重定位了,规定死了要安装在 /opt/eldk-5.0/ 目录下,所以我预先建立了/opt/eldk-5.0/路径。ro

2011-10-14 23:31:07 1077

翻译 Linux Filesystem Hierarchy 之 /bin

1.3. /bin Unlike /sbin, the bin directory containsseveral useful commands that are of use to both the system administrator as well as no

2011-10-13 22:34:06 569

翻译 Linux Filesystem Hierarchy 之 The Root Directory

1.2. The Root DirectoryTo comply with the FSSTND the following directories, or symbolic links to directories, are required in /.为了

2011-10-12 22:44:00 838

翻译 Linux Filesystem Hierarchy 之前言

Linux Filesystem HierarchyVersion 0.65Binh Nguyen2004-07-30Chapter 1. Linux Filesystem Hierarchy1.1. ForewardWhen migr

2011-10-11 22:17:34 1805

转载 How To Install Programs In Linux (.gz &.bz & RPM)

一直在使用ubuntu,只会使用 apt-get install 命令来安装package,今天学习了一下怎么在linux下本地安装package,这篇学习的文章是转载来的,原载如下链接:http://geekdomain.wordpress.com/2007/08/22

2011-10-02 22:44:37 1251

原创 Nor Flash 编程

1. 注意Nor Flash的 数据宽度。例如,8-bit, 16-bit等。它们会在program,erase,read id过程中,产生小小的confusing,比较好的方式,个人以为,可以定义一个Macro,如 Addr(base, cmd)   (*(data

2011-08-24 22:23:56 1561

原创 MPC837xE-rdb开发板上DUART的调试

花了一天时间搞MPC837xE-rdb开发板上DUART的调试。 因为Application的要求,要使用interrupt-driven 进行Transmit。一些基本配置,比如 data length,stop bits length,parity,和baudra

2011-08-16 22:32:08 884

转载 Song: San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair)

Song : San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair)Singer: Scott McKenzieIf you're going to San FranciscoBe sure to wear

2011-08-11 23:45:37 2061

原创 基于Newlib库的PowerPC交叉编译器的制作

基于Newlib库的PowerPC交叉编译器的制作第一阶段:准备工作   在电脑d盘中建立4个目录cross_source,cross_configure,cross_build,cross_archives。   cross_archives目录包含下载的binutils,gc

2011-07-28 20:24:28 2914

转载 自定义你自己的xubuntu

最近想学习linux driver programming,  买了第三版,作者说,最好自己编译一个linux出来,我就打算这么做了。下面这个网址的内容帮助我良多http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-customize-your

2011-07-24 18:22:57 789

翻译 Using Inline Assembly With gcc

All following are from http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~sergey/cs108/2009/gcc-inline-asm.pdfAssembler Instructions with C Expression OperandsC表达式作为操作数的汇编器指令In an assembler instruction using ‘asm’, you can now specify the operands of the instruction using C exp

2011-05-01 21:45:00 1437

翻译 why do you need ./ to execute programs in current directory?

Shell 通过保存在PATH环境变量中的文件路径列表来寻找命令和程序。环境变量将信息存储在其他命令和程序可以访问到的地方,环境变量存储诸如,你正在使用的shell,你的登录名,你当前的工作路径等信息。为了查看当前定义的所有环境变量的列表,在命令提示符的地方输入set。当你在shell命令提示符的地方输入命令的时候,shell会按顺序在PATH变量里列出的每一个路径里寻找该命令的程序文件。发现的第一个匹配你所输入命令的程序会得到运行。如果命令的程序文件并不在PATH环境变量列出的路径里,shell会返回一个

2011-04-30 15:08:00 683


如果你有2台电脑,一台ubuntu,一台windows,在不断的切换之间,你会感觉到 手也要在不同的鼠标,不同的键盘之间切换很繁琐,那么使用 barrier,可以帮你解这种烦恼,它用来在 ubuntu 和 windows 之间 定义一个电脑作为server,然后在2个电脑之间 共享 server的 鼠标和键盘。



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