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url : Anthem_DefaultURL, clientCallBack ? true : false); x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"); x.setRequestHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"); if (clientCallBack) { x.onreadystatechange = function() { if (x.readyState != 4) { return; } Anthem_DebugResponseText(x.responseText); result = Anthem_GetResult(x); if (result.error) { Anthem_DebugError(result.error); if (window.Anthem_Error) { Anthem_Error(result); } } if (updatePageAfterCallBack) { Anthem_UpdatePage(result); } Anthem_EvalClientSideScript(result); clientCallBack(result, clientCallBackArg); x = null; if (window.Anthem_PostCallBack) { Anthem_PostCallBack(); } } } var encodedData = ""; if (target == "Page") { encodedData += "&Anthem_PageMethod=" + method; } else if (target == "MasterPage") { encodedData += "&Anthem_MasterPageMethod=" + method; } else if (target == "Control") { encodedData += "&Anthem_ControlID=" + id.split(":").join("_"); encodedData += "&Anthem_ControlMethod=" + method; } if (args) { for (var argsIndex = 0; argsIndex < args.length; ++argsIndex) { if (args[argsIndex] instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < args[argsIndex].length; ++i) { encodedData += "&Anthem_CallBackArgument" + argsIndex + "=" + Anthem_Encode(args[argsIndex][i]); } } else { encodedData += "&Anthem_CallBackArgument" + argsIndex + "=" + Anthem_Encode(args[argsIndex]); } } } if (updatePageAfterCallBack) { encodedData += "&Anthem_UpdatePage=true"; } if (includeControlValuesWithCallBack) { var form = document.getElementById(Anthem_FormID); if (form != null) { for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < form.length; ++elementIndex) { var element = form.elements[elementIndex]; if (element.name) { var elementValue = null; if (element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") { var inputType = element.getAttribute("type").toUpperCase(); if (inputType == "TEXT" || inputType == "PASSWORD" || inputType == "HIDDEN") { elementValue = element.value; } else if (inputType == "CHECKBOX" || inputType == "RADIO") { if (element.checked) { elementValue = element.value; } } } else if (element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT") { if (element.multiple) { elementValue = []; for (var i = 0; i < element.length; ++i) { if (element.options[i].selected) { elementValue.push(element.options[i].value); } } } else if (element.length == 0) { elementValue = null; } else { elementValue = element.value; } } else if (element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA") { elementValue = element.value; } if (elementValue instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < elementValue.length; ++i) { encodedData += "&" + element.name + "=" + Anthem_Encode(elementValue[i]); } } else if (elementValue != null) { encodedData += "&" + element.name + "=" + Anthem_Encode(elementValue); } } } // ASP.NET 1.1 won't fire any events if neither of the following // two parameters are not in the request so make sure they're // always in the request. if (typeof form.__VIEWSTATE == "undefined") { encodedData += "&__VIEWSTATE="; } if (typeof form.__EVENTTARGET == "undefined") { encodedData += "&__EVENTTARGET="; } } } if (encodedData.length > 0) { encodedData = encodedData.substring(1); } Anthem_DebugRequestText(encodedData.split("&").join("/n&")); x.send(encodedData); if (!clientCallBack) { Anthem_DebugResponseText(x.responseText); result = Anthem_GetResult(x); if (result.error) { Anthem_DebugError(result.error); if (window.Anthem_Error) { Anthem_Error(result); } } if (updatePageAfterCallBack) { Anthem_UpdatePage(result); } Anthem_EvalClientSideScript(result); if (window.Anthem_PostCallBack) { Anthem_PostCallBack(); } } return result; } function Anthem_GetResult(x) { var result = { "value": null, "error": null }; var responseText = x.responseText; try { result = eval("(" + responseText + ")"); } catch (e) { if (responseText.length == 0) { result.error = "NORESPONSE"; } else { result.error = "BADRESPONSE"; result.responseText = responseText; } } return result; } function Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, name, value) { var input = null; if (form[name]) { input = form[name]; } else { input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute("name", name); input.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); } input.setAttribute("value", value); var parentElement = input.parentElement ? input.parentElement : input.parentNode; if (parentElement == null) { form.appendChild(input); form[name] = input; } } function Anthem_RemoveHiddenInput(form, name) { var input = form[name]; if (input != null && typeof(input) != "undefined") { var parentElement = input.parentElement ? input.parentElement : input.parentNode; if (parentElement != null) { form[name] = null; parentElement.removeChild(input); } } } function Anthem_FireEvent(eventTarget, eventArgument, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg, includeControlValuesWithCallBack, updatePageAfterCallBack) { var form = document.getElementById(Anthem_FormID); Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, "__EVENTTARGET", eventTarget); Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, "__EVENTARGUMENT", eventArgument); Anthem_CallBack(null, null, null, null, null, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg, includeControlValuesWithCallBack, updatePageAfterCallBack); form.__EVENTTARGET.value = ""; form.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = ""; } function Anthem_UpdatePage(result) { var form = document.getElementById(Anthem_FormID); if (result.viewState) { Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, "__VIEWSTATE", result.viewState); } if (result.viewStateEncrypted) { Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, "__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED", result.viewStateEncrypted); } if (result.eventValidation) { Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, "__EVENTVALIDATION", result.eventValidation); } if (result.controls) { for (var controlID in result.controls) { var containerID = "Anthem_" + controlID.split("$").join("_") + "__"; var control = document.getElementById(containerID); if (control) { control.innerHTML = result.controls[controlID]; if (result.controls[controlID] == "") { control.style.display = "none"; } else { control.style.display = ""; } } } } if (result.pagescript) { Anthem_LoadPageScript(result, 0); } } // Load each script in order and wait for each one to load before proceeding function Anthem_LoadPageScript(result, index) { if (index < result.pagescript.length) { try { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; if (result.pagescript[index].indexOf('src=') == 0) { script.src = result.pagescript[index].substring(4); } else { if (script.canHaveChildren ) { script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(result.pagescript[index])); } else { script.text = result.pagescript[index]; } } var heads = document.getElementsByTagName('head'); if (heads != null && typeof(heads) != "undefined" && heads.length > 0) { var head = heads[0]; // The order that scripts appear is important since later scripts can // redefine a function. Therefore it is important to add every script // to the page and in the same order that they were added on the server. // On the other hand, if we just keep adding scripts the DOM will grow // unnecessarily. This code scans the
element block and removes // previous instances of the identical script. var found = false; for (var child = 0; child < head.childNodes.length; child++) { var control = head.childNodes[child]; if (control.tagName.toUpperCase() == "SCRIPT") { if (script.src.length > 0) { if (script.src == control.src) { found = true; break; } } else if (script.innerHTML.length > 0) { if (script.innerHTML == control.innerHTML) { found = true; break; } } } } if (found) { head.removeChild(control); } // Now we append the new script and move on to the next script. // Note that this is a recursive function. It stops when the // index grows larger than the number of scripts. document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); if (typeof script.readyState != "undefined") { script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (script.readyState != "complete" && script.readyState != "loaded") { return; } else { Anthem_LoadPageScript(result, index + 1); } } } else { Anthem_LoadPageScript(result, index + 1); } } } catch (e) { Anthem_DebugError("Error adding page script to head. " + e.name + ": " + e.message); } } } function Anthem_EvalClientSideScript(result) { if (result.script) { for (var i = 0; i < result.script.length; ++i) { try { eval(result.script[i]); } catch (e) { alert("Error evaluating client-side script!/n/nScript: " + result.script[i] + "/n/nException: " + e); } } } } function Anthem_DebugRequestText(text) { } function Anthem_DebugResponseText(text) { } function Anthem_DebugError(text) { } //Fix for bug #1429412, "Reponse callback returns previous response after file push". //see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1429412&group_id=151897&atid=782464 function Anthem_Clear__EVENTTARGET() { var form = document.getElementById(Anthem_FormID); Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, "__EVENTTARGET", ""); } function Anthem_InvokePageMethod(methodName, args, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg) { Anthem_Clear__EVENTTARGET(); // fix for bug #1429412 return Anthem_CallBack(null, "Page", null, methodName, args, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg, true, true); } function Anthem_InvokeMasterPageMethod(methodName, args, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg) { Anthem_Clear__EVENTTARGET(); // fix for bug #1429412 return Anthem_CallBack(null, "MasterPage", null, methodName, args, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg, true, true); } function Anthem_InvokeControlMethod(id, methodName, args, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg) { Anthem_Clear__EVENTTARGET(); // fix for bug #1429412 return Anthem_CallBack(null, "Control", id, methodName, args, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg, true, true); } function Anthem_PreProcessCallBack( control, e, eventTarget, causesValidation, validationGroup, imageUrlDuringCallBack, textDuringCallBack, enabledDuringCallBack, preCallBackFunction, callBackCancelledFunction, preProcessOut ) { preProcessOut.Enabled = !control.disabled; var preCallBackResult = true; if (preCallBackFunction) { preCallBackResult = preCallBackFunction(control); } if (typeof(preCallBackResult) == "undefined" || preCallBackResult) { var valid = true; if (causesValidation && typeof(Page_ClientValidate) == "function") { valid = Page_ClientValidate(validationGroup); } if (typeof(WebForm_OnSubmit) == "function") { valid = WebForm_OnSubmit(); } if (valid) { var inputType = control.getAttribute("type"); inputType = (inputType == null) ? '' : inputType.toUpperCase(); if (inputType == "IMAGE" && e != null) { var form = document.getElementById(Anthem_FormID); if (e.offsetX) { Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, eventTarget + ".x", e.offsetX); Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, eventTarget + ".y", e.offsetY); } else { Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, eventTarget + ".x", e.clientX - control.offsetLeft + 1); Anthem_SetHiddenInputValue(form, eventTarget + ".y", e.clientY - control.offsetTop + 1); } } if (imageUrlDuringCallBack || textDuringCallBack) { if (control.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") { if (inputType == "CHECKBOX" || inputType == "RADIO" || inputType == "TEXT") { preProcessOut.OriginalText = GetLabelText(control.id); SetLabelText(control.id, textDuringCallBack); } else if (inputType == "IMAGE") { if (imageUrlDuringCallBack) { preProcessOut.OriginalText = control.src; control.src = imageUrlDuringCallBack; } else { preProcessOut.ParentElement = control.parentElement ? control.parentElement : control.parentNode; if (preProcessOut.ParentElement) { preProcessOut.OriginalText = preProcessOut.ParentElement.innerHTML; preProcessOut.ParentElement.innerHTML = textDuringCallBack; } } } else if (inputType == "SUBMIT") { preProcessOut.OriginalText = control.value; control.value = textDuringCallBack; } } else if (control.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT") { preProcessOut.OriginalText = GetLabelText(control.id); SetLabelText(control.id, textDuringCallBack); } else { preProcessOut.OriginalText = control.innerHTML; control.innerHTML = textDuringCallBack; } } control.disabled = (typeof enabledDuringCallBack == "undefined") ? false : !enabledDuringCallBack; return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (callBackCancelledFunction) { callBackCancelledFunction(control); } return false; } } function Anthem_PreProcessCallBackOut() { // Fields this.ParentElement = null; this.OriginalText = ''; this.Enabled = true; } function Anthem_PostProcessCallBack( result, control, eventTarget, clientCallBack, clientCallBackArg, imageUrlDuringCallBack, textDuringCallBack, postCallBackFunction, preProcessOut ) { if (postCallBackFunction) { postCallBackFunction(control); } control.disabled = !preProcessOut.Enabled; var inputType = control.getAttribute("type"); inputType = (inputType == null) ? '' : inputType.toUpperCase(); if (inputType == "IMAGE") { var form = document.getElementById(Anthem_FormID); Anthem_RemoveHiddenInput(form, eventTarget + ".x"); Anthem_RemoveHiddenInput(form, eventTarget + ".y"); } if (imageUrlDuringCallBack || textDuringCallBack) { if (control.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") { if (inputType == "CHECKBOX" || inputType == "RADIO" || inputType == "TEXT") { SetLabelText(control.id, preProcessOut.OriginalText); } else if (inputType == "IMAGE") { if (imageUrlDuringCallBack) { control.src = preProcessOut.OriginalText; } else { preProcessOut.ParentElement.innerHTML = preProcessOut.OriginalText; } } else if (inputType == "SUBMIT") { control.value = preProcessOut.OriginalText; } } else if (control.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT") { SetLabelText(control.id, preProcessOut.OriginalText); } else { control.innerHTML = preProcessOut.OriginalText; } } if (clientCallBack) { clientCallBack(result, clientCallBackArg); } } function Anthem_FireCallBackEvent( control, e, eventTarget, eventArgument, causesValidation, validationGroup, imageUrlDuringCallBack, textDuringCallBack, enabledDuringCallBack, preCallBackFunction, postCallBackFunction, callBackCancelledFunction, includeControlValuesWithCallBack, updatePageAfterCallBack ) { var preProcessOut = new Anthem_PreProcessCallBackOut(); var preProcessResult = Anthem_PreProcessCallBack( control, e, eventTarget, causesValidation, validationGroup, imageUrlDuringCallBack, textDuringCallBack, enabledDuringCallBack, preCallBackFunction, callBackCancelledFunction, preProcessOut ); if (preProcessResult) { Anthem_FireEvent( eventTarget, eventArgument, function(result) { Anthem_PostProcessCallBack( result, control, eventTarget, null, null, imageUrlDuringCallBack, textDuringCallBack, postCallBackFunction, preProcessOut ); }, null, includeControlValuesWithCallBack, updatePageAfterCallBack ); } } function AnthemListControl_OnClick( e, causesValidation, validationGroup, textDuringCallBack, enabledDuringCallBack, preCallBackFunction, postCallBackFunction, callBackCancelledFunction, includeControlValuesWithCallBack, updatePageAfterCallBack ) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (target.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "LABEL" && target.htmlFor != '') return; var eventTarget = target.id.split("_").join("$"); Anthem_FireCallBackEvent( target, e, eventTarget, '', causesValidation, validationGroup, '', textDuringCallBack, enabledDuringCallBack, preCallBackFunction, postCallBackFunction, callBackCancelledFunction, true, true ); } function GetLabelText(id) { var labels = document.getElementsByTagName('label'); for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { if (labels[i].htmlFor == id) { return labels[i].innerHTML; } } return null; } function SetLabelText(id, text) { var labels = document.getElementsByTagName('label'); for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { if (labels[i].htmlFor == id) { labels[i].innerHTML = text; return; } } } //]]> </script>

Programming Article Collection

<script language="javascript" src="http://tag.csdn.net/urltag.aspx" type="text/javascript"></script> 作者tag: c/c++一般性问题 CSDN 推荐tag: 函数  文件  cpp 

<script type="text/javascript">function StorePage(){d=document;t=d.selection?(d.selection.type!='None'?d.selection.createRange().text:''):(d.getSelection?d.getSelection():'');void(keyit=window.open('http://www.365key.com/storeit.aspx?t='+escape(d.title)+'&u='+escape(d.location.href)+'&c='+escape(t),'keyit','scrollbars=no,width=475,height=575,left=75,top=20,status=no,resizable=yes'));keyit.focus();}</script>

#include "stdafx.h"1.extern用在变量声明中常常有这样一个作用,你在*.c文件中声明了一个全局的变量,这个全局的变量如果要被引用,就放在*.h中并用extern来声明。


extern int f(); 和int f();



include “*.h”来声明函数,声明后直接使用即可。




// extern.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

extern print(char *p);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 char *p="hello world!";
 return 0;


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
print(char *s)
 printf("The string is %s/n",s);



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