<!--#include file = "md5.asp" -->
'此类大部分方法改编自maxcms,在此感谢“石头 ”同学
class fso
public streamObj,fsoObj
public charset,content
Private Sub class_initialize()
charset = "gbk"
End Sub
Function setstream()
if not isobject(streamObj) then Set streamObj=Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
end function
Function setfso()
If not isobject(fsoObj) then set fsoObj=server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
End Function
Function exist(Byval path)
call setfso()
on error resume next
If (fsoObj.FileExists(server.MapPath(path))) Then exist=True Else exist=False
if err then err.clear:exist=False
End Function
Function existFolder(Byval path)
call setfso()
on error resume next
If fsoObj.FolderExists(server.MapPath(path)) Then existFolder=True Else existFolder=False
if err then err.clear:existFolder=False
End Function
Function load(ByVal filePath)
call setstream()
On Error Resume Next
With streamObj
.LoadFromFile Server.MapPath(filePath)
End With
if err then load = ""
End Function
function time(Byval path)
call setfso()
dim f
on error resume next
If Exist(path)=True Then
set f = Fsoobj.GetFile (server.mappath(path))
time = f.DateCreated
set f = nothing
end if
End function
Function createFolder(Byval path,Byval dirType)
call setfso()
dim subPathArray,lenSubPathArray, pathDeep, i
on error resume next
path=replace(path, "/", "/")
path=replace(server.mappath(path), server.mappath("/"), "")
subPathArray=split(path, "/")
select case dirType
case "file"
lenSubPathArray=ubound(subPathArray) - 1
case "folder"
end select
for i=1 to lenSubPathArray
if not fsoObj.FolderExists(pathDeep) then fsoObj.CreateFolder pathDeep
if Err Then createFolder=false:errid=err.number:errdes=err.description:Err.Clear:echoErr err_createFolder,errid,errdes else createFolder=true
End Function
Function save(Byval path)
on error resume next
call fsosave(path)
if err then call streamsave(path)
End Function
Function fsosave(Byval path)
call setfso()
call createfolder(path,"file")
dim fileobj
set fileobj=fsoObj.CreateTextFile(server.mappath(path),True)
set fileobj=nothing
End Function
Function streamsave(Byval path)
call setstream()
With objStream
.WriteText content:.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(fileDir), 2
End With
End Function
Function del(Byval path)
on error resume next
If Exist(path)=True Then fsoObj.DeleteFile(server.mappath(path))
if Err Then del=false else del=true
End Function
end class
const DBHOST = "localhost"
const DBUSER = "sa"
const DBPWD = "tengguohui"
const DBNAME = "ceshi"
Class MySql
Dim serverpath,User,Pwd,Name,isReady,conn,isopen,rs,connstr
public linktype
Private Sub class_initialize()
call init()
End Sub
Private Sub class_terminate()
if isobject(conn) then set conn = nothing
End Sub
Function init()
on error resume next
serverpath = DBHOST
user = DBUSER
if err then isReady = false else isReady = true : linktype = "const"
End Function
Function SetSource(ByVal dbhoststr,Byval dbuserstr,ByVal dbpwdstr,Byval dbnamestr)
on error resume next
serverpath = dbhoststr
user = dbuserstr
Pwd = dbpwdstr
Name = dbnamestr
if err then isReady = false else isReady = true : linktype = ""
End Function
Function open()
on error resume next
if isReady = false then
response.write "错误的参数设置"
connstr = "Provider=Sqloledb;Data Source="&serverpath&";Initial Catalog="&Name&";User ID="&user&";Password="&Pwd&";"
Set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.open connstr
isopen = true
end if
if err then
if isobject(conn) then set conn =nothing
isopen = false
response.write "数据库连接失败!"
end if
End Function
Function exec(Byval str)
if isopen =false then call open()
conn.execute str
End Function
Function execfile(Byval path)
dim file
set file = new fso
if file.exist(path) then exec (file.load(path))
set file = nothing
End Function
Function getrs(ByVal str)
if isopen =false then call open()
set getrs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
getrs.open str,conn,3,3
End Function
Function getrows(Byval str)
if isopen =false then call open()
set rs =conn.execute(str)
getrows = rs.GetRows()
set rs = nothing
End Function
Function getArray(Byval str)
getArray = FormatArray(getrows(str))
End Function
Function getcache(Byval str ,Byval min)
dim cacheobj
dim key
key = md5(str,16)
set cacheobj = cachefactory(min)
cacheobj.freetime = min
dim myarray
myarray = cacheobj.getcache(key)
if not isarray(myarray) then
getcache = getarray(str)
cacheobj.setcache key,getcache
getcache = myarray
end if
End Function
End Class
function FormatArray(Byval a)
dim b,c,i,j
redim b(ubound(a,2))
redim c(ubound(a,1))
for i = 0 to ubound(a,2)
for j=0 to ubound(a,1)
FormatArray = b
end function
Function cachefactory(byval min)
if min<30 then
response.write "<h1>成功调用内存缓存<h1>"
set cachefactory = new memcache
response.write "<h1>成功调用硬盘缓存<h1>"
set cachefactory = new filecache
end if
End Function
class memcache
public freetime
Private Sub class_initialize()
freetime = 30
End Sub
function setcache(Byval key,Byval value)
Application( key) = arr2code(value)
Application( key&"_time") = now()
response.write "<h2>成功建立缓存</h2>"
End Function
Function getcache(Byval key)
on error resume next
dim cachetime
cachetime = Application( key&"_time")
if datediff("n",cachetime,now())>freetime then
set Application( key) = nothing
set Application( key&"_time") = nothing
execute Application( key)
getcache = a
end if
response.write "<h2>成功读取缓存</h2>"
if err then getcache = ""
End Function
end class
class filecache
public file ,freetime
Private Sub class_initialize()
set file = new fso
freetime = 60
End Sub
function setcache(Byval key,Byval value)
file.content = arr2code(value)
file.save "/cache/"&key&".cache"
response.write "<h2>成功建立缓存</h2>"
end function
function getcache(Byval key)
dim cachetime
if not file.exist("/cache/"&key&".cache") then getcache="" : exit function
cachetime = file.time("/cache/"&key&".cache")
if datediff("n",cachetime,now())>freetime then
getcache =""
execute file.load("/cache/"&key&".cache")
getcache =a
response.write "<h2>成功读取缓存</h2>"
end if
End function
end class
Function arr2code(byval arr)
if not isarray(arr) then exit function
dim mystr
mystr = "dim a("&ubound(arr)&") :"
dim i
for i = 0 to ubound(arr)
mystr = mystr& "a("&i&") = array("""&join(arr(1),""",""")&""") :"
arr2code = mystr
End function
dim db : set db = new mysql
'call ceshi1
'调用一次 ceshi2 , 输出 成功设置缓存,成功读取缓存,刷新一下页面 输出 成功读取缓存
call ceshi3
sub ceshi1
dim a : a = db.getarray("select bookid,bookname from book")
if isarray(a) then
for i = 0 to ubound(a)
response.write "书名:"&a(i)(1)&"<br/>"
end if
end sub
'将分钟设置在10,使用appliaction 作为缓存
sub ceshi2
dim a : a = db.getcache("select bookid,bookname from book",10)
if isarray(a) then
for i = 0 to ubound(a)
response.write "书名:"&a(i)(1)&"<br/>"
end if
end sub
sub ceshi3
dim a : a = db.getcache("select bookid,bookname from book",40)
if isarray(a) then
for i = 0 to ubound(a)
response.write "书名:"&a(i)(1)&"<br/>"
end if
end sub