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翻译 LMR(末招剪裁) 介绍

LMR(末招剪裁) 介绍原文引自:http://www.glaurungchess.com/lmr.html翻译:李理简介在计算机象棋以及其他棋盘类游戏中最常使用的选择性搜索技术是通过对一些高失败率的节点进行剪裁。递归空招裁剪(recursive null move),复合剪裁(multi-cut),以及ProbCut 剪裁全都属于这一类。所有这些技术有一个共性:他们使用剪裁后

2013-04-13 22:51:47 1806 3

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 8

Congratulations! You have completed this training.Thanks for yourparticipation to this training. Thanks Gabriel Murray, who teaches me a lot of things in R.Thanks Duncan Jeffries,who teaches m

2013-04-13 22:04:05 516

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 7

Section 7: Fix missing dataOverviewIn previous sections, we have mentioned how to find missing data in our table. In this section, we are going to use linear regression to restore missing data

2013-04-13 21:42:01 422

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 6

Section 6: Control ChartsOverviewA common issue in the field of process control and manufacturing is that how to find the sudden spike in productions. A control chart can make a view to show u

2013-04-13 20:22:27 567

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 5

Section 5: Pareto ChartsOverviewSometimes, it is impossible to fix any data quality issue in a big data set. Fortunately, we can use 20% time to fix 80% problems in most cases. In this section

2013-04-13 15:16:00 483

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 4

Section 4: Rule CheckingOverviewSometimes, using some common sense to check the data is a good way to fix data quality problem. In R, there are some great features to help us checking rules co

2013-04-13 14:06:48 409

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 3

Section 3: Correlation TestOverviewIn this section, we are going to talk about the relationship between two variables, making a scatter plot for two columns, and making a correlation test.

2013-04-13 12:45:45 462

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 2

Section 2: Visualizing VariablesOverviewIn this section, we will talk about how to create charts and graphs so that you can explore your data in a quick visual summary.Dot Plots & Jitter P

2013-04-13 11:52:54 506

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 1

Section1: Introduction to RWhat R isR is a useful open-source software environment, which is used for statistical analysis, data exploration, and so on. In this section,we will talk about how

2013-04-13 10:57:29 533

原创 Using R to Fix Data Quality: Section 0

Using R to Fix Data QualityEnd User Training and SupportCIS285-ON1Assignment 2LiLi 200094814Duncan Jeffries2013/4/12 Course descriptionThis course provides workers

2013-04-13 10:28:50 683

原创 后缀表达式的求值

#include#includestruct node{    int num;    struct node *next;};struct node *push(int num ,struct node *p){    struct node *n=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));    n->next=p;    n->num=num

2007-11-12 19:23:00 419

原创 求最大公约数与最小公倍数

#include#includeint gcd(int m,int n){    return n?gcd(n,m%n):m;}int main(){    int num1,num2;    puts("请输入两个数");    scanf("%d %d",&num1,&num2);    int g=gcd(num1,num2);    printf("两个数的最大公约数是%d,/n最

2007-11-06 19:35:00 593

原创 折半查找法

#include #include int search(int a[],int l,int r,int g){        while(l    {        int m=(l+r)/2;            if(a[m]==g)return m;           if(a[m]>g)r=m-1;        else l=m+1;    }    return -1;}

2007-11-06 19:34:00 474

原创 折半查找法(递归)

 #include #include int search(int a[],int l,int r,int g){        int m=(l+r)/2;        if(a[m]==g)return m;    if(l>=r)return -1;    if(a[m]>g)return search(a,l,m-1,g);    else return search(a,m+1

2007-11-06 19:32:00 796

emacs中文手册 PDF

本文的主旨以讨论 EMACS 的入门为主,其内容包括 EMACS 发展的概述, EMACS 整合 环境的简介以及 EMACS 的基石 - editor 的详谈。本文在结构上分成八章,第一章讨论有 关 EMACS 的源起、发展历史以及 EMACS 的特性简介。 第二章讨论 EMACS 的 on-line help。第三章则简单介绍 EMACS 的整合环境。接下来就是本文的重点,探讨 EMACS 的 本质。 所以,第三章之後的各章节则详细探讨 EMACS 为 editor 的这一个主题。



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