Clsssic MapReduce (MapReduce 1) - Job assignment

Tasktrackers run a simple loop that periodically sends heartbeat method calls to the jobtracker.

   * Main service loop.  Will stay in this loop forever.
  State offerService() throws Exception {
    long lastHeartbeat = System.currentTimeMillis();

    while (running && !shuttingDown) {
      try {
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // accelerate to account for multiple finished tasks up-front
        long remaining = 
          (lastHeartbeat + getHeartbeatInterval(finishedCount.get())) - now;
        while (remaining > 0) {
          // sleeps for the wait time or 
          // until there are *enough* empty slots to schedule tasks
          synchronized (finishedCount) {
            // Recompute
            now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            remaining = 
              (lastHeartbeat + getHeartbeatInterval(finishedCount.get())) - now;
            if (remaining <= 0) {
              // Reset count 

        // If the TaskTracker is just starting up:
        // 1. Verify the versions matches with the JobTracker
        // 2. Get the system directory & filesystem
        if(justInited) {
          String jtBuildVersion = jobClient.getBuildVersion();
          String jtVersion = jobClient.getVIVersion();
          if (!isPermittedVersion(jtBuildVersion, jtVersion)) {
            String msg = "Shutting down. Incompatible buildVersion." +
              "\nJobTracker's: " + jtBuildVersion + 
              "\nTaskTracker's: "+ VersionInfo.getBuildVersion() +
              " and " + CommonConfigurationKeys.HADOOP_RELAXED_VERSION_CHECK_KEY +
              " is " + (relaxedVersionCheck ? "enabled" : "not enabled");
            try {
              jobClient.reportTaskTrackerError(taskTrackerName, null, msg);
            } catch(Exception e ) {
    "Problem reporting to jobtracker: " + e);
            return State.DENIED;
          String dir = jobClient.getSystemDir();
          while (dir == null) {
  "Failed to get system directory...");
            // Re-try
            try {
              // Sleep interval: 1000 ms - 5000 ms
              int sleepInterval = 1000 + r.nextInt(4000);
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) 
            dir = jobClient.getSystemDir();
          systemDirectory = new Path(dir);
          systemFS = systemDirectory.getFileSystem(fConf);

        now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (now > (lastCheckDirsTime + diskHealthCheckInterval)) {
          lastCheckDirsTime = now;
          int numFailures = localStorage.numFailures();
          // Re-init the task tracker if there were any new failures
          if (numFailures > lastNumFailures) {
            lastNumFailures = numFailures;
            return State.STALE;

        // Send the heartbeat and process the jobtracker's directives
        HeartbeatResponse heartbeatResponse = transmitHeartBeat(now);

        // Note the time when the heartbeat returned, use this to decide when to send the
        // next heartbeat   
        lastHeartbeat = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Check if the map-event list needs purging
        Set<JobID> jobs = heartbeatResponse.getRecoveredJobs();
        if (jobs.size() > 0) {
          synchronized (this) {
            // purge the local map events list
            for (JobID job : jobs) {
              RunningJob rjob;
              synchronized (runningJobs) {
                rjob = runningJobs.get(job);          
                if (rjob != null) {
                  synchronized (rjob) {
                    FetchStatus f = rjob.getFetchStatus();
                    if (f != null) {

            // Mark the reducers in shuffle for rollback
            synchronized (shouldReset) {
              for (Map.Entry<TaskAttemptID, TaskInProgress> entry 
                   : runningTasks.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().getStatus().getPhase() == Phase.SHUFFLE) {
        TaskTrackerAction[] actions = heartbeatResponse.getActions();
        if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Got heartbeatResponse from JobTracker with responseId: " + 
                    heartbeatResponse.getResponseId() + " and " + 
                    ((actions != null) ? actions.length : 0) + " actions");
        if (reinitTaskTracker(actions)) {
          return State.STALE;
        // resetting heartbeat interval from the response.
        heartbeatInterval = heartbeatResponse.getHeartbeatInterval();
        justStarted = false;
        justInited = false;
        if (actions != null){ 
          for(TaskTrackerAction action: actions) {
            if (action instanceof LaunchTaskAction) {
            } else if (action instanceof CommitTaskAction) {
              CommitTaskAction commitAction = (CommitTaskAction)action;
              if (!commitResponses.contains(commitAction.getTaskID())) {
      "Received commit task action for " + 
            } else {
        //we've cleaned up, resume normal operation
        if (!acceptNewTasks && isIdle()) {
        //The check below may not be required every iteration but we are 
        //erring on the side of caution here. We have seen many cases where
        //the call to jetty's getLocalPort() returns different values at 
        //different times. Being a real paranoid here.
      } catch (InterruptedException ie) {"Interrupted. Closing down.");
        return State.INTERRUPTED;
      } catch (DiskErrorException de) {
        String msg = "Exiting task tracker for disk error:\n" +
        synchronized (this) {
                                           "DiskErrorException", msg);
        // If we caught a DEE here we have no good dirs, therefore shutdown.
        return State.DENIED;
      } catch (RemoteException re) {
        String reClass = re.getClassName();
        if (DisallowedTaskTrackerException.class.getName().equals(reClass)) {
"Tasktracker disallowed by JobTracker.");
          return State.DENIED;
      } catch (Exception except) {
        String msg = "Caught exception: " + 

    return State.NORMAL;

 Heartbeats tell the jobtracker that a tasktracker is alive, but they also double as a channel for messages. As a part of the heartbeat, a tasktracker will indicate whether it is ready to run a new task, and if it is, the jobtracker will allocate it a task, which it communicates to the tasktracker using the heartbeat return value.

   * The periodic heartbeat mechanism between the {@link TaskTracker} and
   * the {@link JobTracker}.
   * The {@link JobTracker} processes the status information sent by the 
   * {@link TaskTracker} and responds with instructions to start/stop 
   * tasks or jobs, and also 'reset' instructions during contingencies. 
  public synchronized HeartbeatResponse heartbeat(TaskTrackerStatus status, 
                                                  boolean restarted,
                                                  boolean initialContact,
                                                  boolean acceptNewTasks, 
                                                  short responseId) 
    throws IOException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Got heartbeat from: " + status.getTrackerName() + 
                " (restarted: " + restarted + 
                " initialContact: " + initialContact + 
                " acceptNewTasks: " + acceptNewTasks + ")" +
                " with responseId: " + responseId);

    // Make sure heartbeat is from a tasktracker allowed by the jobtracker.
    if (!acceptTaskTracker(status)) {
      throw new DisallowedTaskTrackerException(status);

    // First check if the last heartbeat response got through
    String trackerName = status.getTrackerName();
    long now = clock.getTime();
    if (restarted) {
    } else {
      faultyTrackers.checkTrackerFaultTimeout(status.getHost(), now);
    HeartbeatResponse prevHeartbeatResponse =
    boolean addRestartInfo = false;

    if (initialContact != true) {
      // If this isn't the 'initial contact' from the tasktracker,
      // there is something seriously wrong if the JobTracker has
      // no record of the 'previous heartbeat'; if so, ask the 
      // tasktracker to re-initialize itself.
      if (prevHeartbeatResponse == null) {
        // This is the first heartbeat from the old tracker to the newly 
        // started JobTracker
        if (hasRestarted()) {
          addRestartInfo = true;
          // inform the recovery manager about this tracker joining back
        } else {
          // Jobtracker might have restarted but no recovery is needed
          // otherwise this code should not be reached
          LOG.warn("Serious problem, cannot find record of 'previous' " +
                   "heartbeat for '" + trackerName + 
                   "'; reinitializing the tasktracker");
          return new HeartbeatResponse(responseId, 
              new TaskTrackerAction[] {new ReinitTrackerAction()});

      } else {
        // It is completely safe to not process a 'duplicate' heartbeat from a 
        // {@link TaskTracker} since it resends the heartbeat when rpcs are 
        // lost see {@link TaskTracker.transmitHeartbeat()};
        // acknowledge it by re-sending the previous response to let the 
        // {@link TaskTracker} go forward. 
        if (prevHeartbeatResponse.getResponseId() != responseId) {
"Ignoring 'duplicate' heartbeat from '" + 
              trackerName + "'; resending the previous 'lost' response");
          return prevHeartbeatResponse;
    // Process this heartbeat 
    short newResponseId = (short)(responseId + 1);
    if (!processHeartbeat(status, initialContact, now)) {
      if (prevHeartbeatResponse != null) {
      return new HeartbeatResponse(newResponseId, 
                   new TaskTrackerAction[] {new ReinitTrackerAction()});
    // Initialize the response to be sent for the heartbeat
    HeartbeatResponse response = new HeartbeatResponse(newResponseId, null);
    List<TaskTrackerAction> actions = new ArrayList<TaskTrackerAction>();
    boolean isBlacklisted = faultyTrackers.isBlacklisted(status.getHost());
    // Check for new tasks to be executed on the tasktracker
    if (recoveryManager.shouldSchedule() && acceptNewTasks && !isBlacklisted) {
      TaskTrackerStatus taskTrackerStatus = getTaskTrackerStatus(trackerName);
      if (taskTrackerStatus == null) {
        LOG.warn("Unknown task tracker polling; ignoring: " + trackerName);
      } else {
        List<Task> tasks = getSetupAndCleanupTasks(taskTrackerStatus);
        if (tasks == null ) {
          tasks = taskScheduler.assignTasks(taskTrackers.get(trackerName));
        if (tasks != null) {
          for (Task task : tasks) {
            if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug(trackerName + " -> LaunchTask: " + task.getTaskID());
            actions.add(new LaunchTaskAction(task));
    // Check for tasks to be killed
    List<TaskTrackerAction> killTasksList = getTasksToKill(trackerName);
    if (killTasksList != null) {
    // Check for jobs to be killed/cleanedup
    List<TaskTrackerAction> killJobsList = getJobsForCleanup(trackerName);
    if (killJobsList != null) {

    // Check for tasks whose outputs can be saved
    List<TaskTrackerAction> commitTasksList = getTasksToSave(status);
    if (commitTasksList != null) {

    // calculate next heartbeat interval and put in heartbeat response
    int nextInterval = getNextHeartbeatInterval();
                        actions.toArray(new TaskTrackerAction[actions.size()]));
    // check if the restart info is req
    if (addRestartInfo) {
    // Update the trackerToHeartbeatResponseMap
    trackerToHeartbeatResponseMap.put(trackerName, response);

    // Done processing the hearbeat, now remove 'marked' tasks
    return response;

 Below is the default inplementation of TaskScheduler in Hadoop of assignTasks(you can choose among several TaskSchedulers implementation such as fair scheduler). The default one simply maintains a priority list of jobs. The tasks to run is communicates to the tasktracker using the heartbeat return value.

   * Returns the tasks we'd like the TaskTracker to execute right now.
   * @param taskTracker The TaskTracker for which we're looking for tasks.
   * @return A list of tasks to run on that TaskTracker, possibly empty.
  public synchronized List<Task> assignTasks(TaskTracker taskTracker)
      throws IOException {
    // Check for JT safe-mode
    if (taskTrackerManager.isInSafeMode()) {"JobTracker is in safe-mode, not scheduling any tasks.");
      return null;

    TaskTrackerStatus taskTrackerStatus = taskTracker.getStatus(); 
    ClusterStatus clusterStatus = taskTrackerManager.getClusterStatus();
    final int numTaskTrackers = clusterStatus.getTaskTrackers();
    final int clusterMapCapacity = clusterStatus.getMaxMapTasks();
    final int clusterReduceCapacity = clusterStatus.getMaxReduceTasks();

    Collection<JobInProgress> jobQueue =

    // Get map + reduce counts for the current tracker.
    final int trackerMapCapacity = taskTrackerStatus.getMaxMapSlots();
    final int trackerReduceCapacity = taskTrackerStatus.getMaxReduceSlots();
    final int trackerRunningMaps = taskTrackerStatus.countMapTasks();
    final int trackerRunningReduces = taskTrackerStatus.countReduceTasks();

    // Assigned tasks
    List<Task> assignedTasks = new ArrayList<Task>();

    // Compute (running + pending) map and reduce task numbers across pool
    int remainingReduceLoad = 0;
    int remainingMapLoad = 0;
    synchronized (jobQueue) {
      for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) {
        if (job.getStatus().getRunState() == JobStatus.RUNNING) {
          remainingMapLoad += (job.desiredMaps() - job.finishedMaps());
          if (job.scheduleReduces()) {
            remainingReduceLoad += 
              (job.desiredReduces() - job.finishedReduces());

    // Compute the 'load factor' for maps and reduces
    double mapLoadFactor = 0.0;
    if (clusterMapCapacity > 0) {
      mapLoadFactor = (double)remainingMapLoad / clusterMapCapacity;
    double reduceLoadFactor = 0.0;
    if (clusterReduceCapacity > 0) {
      reduceLoadFactor = (double)remainingReduceLoad / clusterReduceCapacity;
    // In the below steps, we allocate first map tasks (if appropriate),
    // and then reduce tasks if appropriate.  We go through all jobs
    // in order of job arrival; jobs only get serviced if their 
    // predecessors are serviced, too.

    // We assign tasks to the current taskTracker if the given machine 
    // has a workload that's less than the maximum load of that kind of
    // task.
    // However, if the cluster is close to getting loaded i.e. we don't
    // have enough _padding_ for speculative executions etc., we only 
    // schedule the "highest priority" task i.e. the task from the job 
    // with the highest priority.
    final int trackerCurrentMapCapacity = 
      Math.min((int)Math.ceil(mapLoadFactor * trackerMapCapacity), 
    int availableMapSlots = trackerCurrentMapCapacity - trackerRunningMaps;
    boolean exceededMapPadding = false;
    if (availableMapSlots > 0) {
      exceededMapPadding = 
        exceededPadding(true, clusterStatus, trackerMapCapacity);
    int numLocalMaps = 0;
    int numNonLocalMaps = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < availableMapSlots; ++i) {
      synchronized (jobQueue) {
        for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) {
          if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING) {

          Task t = null;
          // Try to schedule a node-local or rack-local Map task
          t = 
                numTaskTrackers, taskTrackerManager.getNumberOfUniqueHosts());
          if (t != null) {
            // Don't assign map tasks to the hilt!
            // Leave some free slots in the cluster for future task-failures,
            // speculative tasks etc. beyond the highest priority job
            if (exceededMapPadding) {
              break scheduleMaps;
            // Try all jobs again for the next Map task 
          // Try to schedule a node-local or rack-local Map task
          t = 
            job.obtainNewNonLocalMapTask(taskTrackerStatus, numTaskTrackers,
          if (t != null) {
            // We assign at most 1 off-switch or speculative task
            // This is to prevent TaskTrackers from stealing local-tasks
            // from other TaskTrackers.
            break scheduleMaps;
    int assignedMaps = assignedTasks.size();

    // Same thing, but for reduce tasks
    // However we _never_ assign more than 1 reduce task per heartbeat
    final int trackerCurrentReduceCapacity = 
      Math.min((int)Math.ceil(reduceLoadFactor * trackerReduceCapacity), 
    final int availableReduceSlots = 
      Math.min((trackerCurrentReduceCapacity - trackerRunningReduces), 1);
    boolean exceededReducePadding = false;
    if (availableReduceSlots > 0) {
      exceededReducePadding = exceededPadding(false, clusterStatus, 
      synchronized (jobQueue) {
        for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) {
          if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING ||
              job.numReduceTasks == 0) {

          Task t = 
            job.obtainNewReduceTask(taskTrackerStatus, numTaskTrackers, 
          if (t != null) {
          // Don't assign reduce tasks to the hilt!
          // Leave some free slots in the cluster for future task-failures,
          // speculative tasks etc. beyond the highest priority job
          if (exceededReducePadding) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Task assignments for " + taskTrackerStatus.getTrackerName() + " --> " +
                "[" + mapLoadFactor + ", " + trackerMapCapacity + ", " + 
                trackerCurrentMapCapacity + ", " + trackerRunningMaps + "] -> [" + 
                (trackerCurrentMapCapacity - trackerRunningMaps) + ", " +
                assignedMaps + " (" + numLocalMaps + ", " + numNonLocalMaps + 
                ")] [" + reduceLoadFactor + ", " + trackerReduceCapacity + ", " + 
                trackerCurrentReduceCapacity + "," + trackerRunningReduces + 
                "] -> [" + (trackerCurrentReduceCapacity - trackerRunningReduces) + 
                ", " + (assignedTasks.size()-assignedMaps) + "]");

    return assignedTasks;

 Tasktrackers have a fixed number of slots for map tasks and for reduce tasks, and these are set independently. In the context of a given job, the default scheduler fills empty map task slot, the jobtracker will select a map task; otherwise it will select a reduce task.

// Inside

    // In the below steps, we allocate first map tasks (if appropriate),
    // and then reduce tasks if appropriate.  We go through all jobs
    // in order of job arrival; jobs only get serviced if their 
    // predecessors are serviced, too.

    // We assign tasks to the current taskTracker if the given machine 
    // has a workload that's less than the maximum load of that kind of
    // task.
    // However, if the cluster is close to getting loaded i.e. we don't
    // have enough _padding_ for speculative executions etc., we only 
    // schedule the "highest priority" task i.e. the task from the job 
    // with the highest priority.
    final int trackerCurrentMapCapacity = 
      Math.min((int)Math.ceil(mapLoadFactor * trackerMapCapacity), 
    int availableMapSlots = trackerCurrentMapCapacity - trackerRunningMaps;
    boolean exceededMapPadding = false;
    if (availableMapSlots > 0) {
      exceededMapPadding = 
        exceededPadding(true, clusterStatus, trackerMapCapacity);
    int numLocalMaps = 0;
    int numNonLocalMaps = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < availableMapSlots; ++i) {
      synchronized (jobQueue) {
        for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) {
          if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING) {

          Task t = null;
          // Try to schedule a node-local or rack-local Map task
          t = 
                numTaskTrackers, taskTrackerManager.getNumberOfUniqueHosts());
          if (t != null) {
            // Don't assign map tasks to the hilt!
            // Leave some free slots in the cluster for future task-failures,
            // speculative tasks etc. beyond the highest priority job
            if (exceededMapPadding) {
              break scheduleMaps;
            // Try all jobs again for the next Map task 
          // Try to schedule a node-local or rack-local Map task
          t = 
            job.obtainNewNonLocalMapTask(taskTrackerStatus, numTaskTrackers,
          if (t != null) {
            // We assign at most 1 off-switch or speculative task
            // This is to prevent TaskTrackers from stealing local-tasks
            // from other TaskTrackers.
            break scheduleMaps;
    int assignedMaps = assignedTasks.size();

    // Same thing, but for reduce tasks
    // However we _never_ assign more than 1 reduce task per heartbeat
    final int trackerCurrentReduceCapacity = 
      Math.min((int)Math.ceil(reduceLoadFactor * trackerReduceCapacity), 
    final int availableReduceSlots = 
      Math.min((trackerCurrentReduceCapacity - trackerRunningReduces), 1);
    boolean exceededReducePadding = false;
    if (availableReduceSlots > 0) {
      exceededReducePadding = exceededPadding(false, clusterStatus, 
      synchronized (jobQueue) {
        for (JobInProgress job : jobQueue) {
          if (job.getStatus().getRunState() != JobStatus.RUNNING ||
              job.numReduceTasks == 0) {

          Task t = 
            job.obtainNewReduceTask(taskTrackerStatus, numTaskTrackers, 
          if (t != null) {
          // Don't assign reduce tasks to the hilt!
          // Leave some free slots in the cluster for future task-failures,
          // speculative tasks etc. beyond the highest priority job
          if (exceededReducePadding) {

 If we don't use the default scheduler, the precise number of slots depends on the number of cores and the amount of memory on the tasktracker.


By looking into the default scheduler's source code, we know that for a map task, it maybe data-local, rack-local or non-rack-local, for a reduce task it will simply takes the next in its list of yet-to-be-run reduce tasks. You can tell the proportion of each type of task by looking at a job's counters.

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