Android 找到资源的内存数据位置

  Android 得到主题中对应的属性的结果或自己设置的style中的结果该文在说GetBag(uint32_t resid, std::vector<uint32_t>& child_resids)的时候,会通过FindEntry(resid, 0u /* density_override /, false / stop_at_first_match /, false / ignore_configuration */)会得到一个ResTable_map_entry结构的数据指针。该指针就是Bag资源在内存中的位置。



class AssetManager2 {
  // The ordered list of ApkAssets to search. These are not owned by the AssetManager, and must
  // have a longer lifetime.
  std::vector<const ApkAssets*> apk_assets_;

  // DynamicRefTables for shared library package resolution.
  // These are ordered according to apk_assets_. The mappings may change depending on what is
  // in apk_assets_, therefore they must be stored in the AssetManager and not in the
  // immutable ApkAssets class.
  std::vector<PackageGroup> package_groups_;

  // An array mapping package ID to index into package_groups. This keeps the lookup fast
  // without taking too much memory.
  std::array<uint8_t, std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() + 1> package_ids_;

  // The current configuration set for this AssetManager. When this changes, cached resources
  // may need to be purged.
  ResTable_config configuration_;

  // Cached set of bags. These are cached because they can inherit keys from parent bags,
  // which involves some calculation.
  mutable std::unordered_map<uint32_t, util::unique_cptr<ResolvedBag>> cached_bags_;

  // Cached set of bag resid stacks for each bag. These are cached because they might be requested
  // a number of times for each view during View inspection.
  mutable std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<uint32_t>> cached_bag_resid_stacks_;

  // Cached set of resolved resource values.
  mutable std::unordered_map<uint32_t, SelectedValue> cached_resolved_values_;

  成员apk_assets_是std::vector<const ApkAssets*>,ApkAssets对应着Apk文件。在对APK文件解析资源时,是将APK文件解析成ApkAssets对象的。
  configuration_是当前AssetManager的配置信息,它是用ResTable_config 来描述的。当它发生改变时,缓存的资源可能需要丢弃。



  // A collection of configurations and their associated ResTable_type that match the current
  // AssetManager configuration.
  struct FilteredConfigGroup {
      std::vector<const TypeSpec::TypeEntry*> type_entries;

  // Represents an single package.
  struct ConfiguredPackage {
      // A pointer to the immutable, loaded package info.
      const LoadedPackage* loaded_package_;

      // A mutable AssetManager-specific list of configurations that match the AssetManager's
      // current configuration. This is used as an optimization to avoid checking every single
      // candidate configuration when looking up resources.
      ByteBucketArray<FilteredConfigGroup> filtered_configs_;

  // Represents a Runtime Resource Overlay that overlays resources in the logical package.
  struct ConfiguredOverlay {
      // The set of package groups that overlay this package group.
      IdmapResMap overlay_res_maps_;

      // The cookie of the overlay assets.
      ApkAssetsCookie cookie;
  // Represents a logical package, which can be made up of many individual packages. Each package
  // in a PackageGroup shares the same package name and package ID.
  struct PackageGroup {
      // The set of packages that make-up this group.
      std::vector<ConfiguredPackage> packages_;

      // The cookies associated with each package in the group. They share the same order as
      // packages_.
      std::vector<ApkAssetsCookie> cookies_;

      // Runtime Resource Overlays that overlay resources in this package group.
      std::vector<ConfiguredOverlay> overlays_;

      // A library reference table that contains build-package ID to runtime-package ID mappings.
      std::shared_ptr<DynamicRefTable> dynamic_ref_table = std::make_shared<DynamicRefTable>();

  每个PackageGroup 对应着一个包id。它可能包含着多个包的资源,packages_的类型是std::vector,每个ConfiguredPackage实例对应着一个包的资源。这些包的id值是相同的。
  再看ConfiguredPackage 结构,他有两个成员:loaded_package_和filtered_configs_。
  而filtered_configs_是为了优化,根据当前的配置信息,将所有匹配的资源都放入它里面。这样就不用再去查询那些不匹配的资源信息。filtered_configs_是ByteBucketArray类型,里面的次序是(typeid -1),对应着每个类型的资源。后面为了称呼方便,这里暂且叫它优化配置资源。



base::expected<FindEntryResult, NullOrIOError> AssetManager2::FindEntry(
    uint32_t resid, uint16_t density_override, bool stop_at_first_match,
    bool ignore_configuration) const {
      // Might use this if density_override != 0.
  ResTable_config density_override_config;

  // Select our configuration or generate a density override configuration.
  const ResTable_config* desired_config = &configuration_;
  if (density_override != 0 && density_override != configuration_.density) {
    density_override_config = configuration_;
    density_override_config.density = density_override;
    desired_config = &density_override_config;

   参数 resid就是要查询的资源id;density_override是要满足的屏幕密度,如果为0,则没要求;stop_at_first_match是如果找到第一个匹配的,是否停止;ignore_configuration是否忽略配置。
   这第一段代码是处理参数density_override,如果density_override不为0,并且和当前AssetManager2配置configuration_的屏幕密度不一致,则将desired_config的屏幕密度设置为 density_override。其他的配置则取configuration_的。

  const uint32_t package_id = get_package_id(resid);
  const uint8_t type_idx = get_type_id(resid) - 1;
  const uint16_t entry_idx = get_entry_id(resid);
  uint8_t package_idx = package_ids_[package_id];
  if (UNLIKELY(package_idx == 0xff)) {
    ANDROID_LOG(ERROR) << base::StringPrintf("No package ID %02x found for ID 0x%08x.",
                                             package_id, resid);
    return base::unexpected(std::nullopt);

  const PackageGroup& package_group = package_groups_[package_idx];
  auto result = FindEntryInternal(package_group, type_idx, entry_idx, *desired_config,
                                  stop_at_first_match, ignore_configuration);  

  这块开始处理resid得到package_id ,type_idx ,entry_idx 。这个前面解释了。分别通过移位操作得到对应的值。type_idx 是移位操作之后,做了一个减1的操作。因为typeid是从1开始的。后面在通过数组的序列查找,所以需要减1。
  接着就是怎么找到对应的PackageGroup,在package_ids_中存储的是对应包id的次序,然后在通过package_groups_[package_idx]就得到了对应的package_group 。

  if (!stop_at_first_match && !ignore_configuration && !apk_assets_[result->cookie]->IsLoader()) {
    for (const auto& id_map : package_group.overlays_) {
      auto overlay_entry = id_map.overlay_res_maps_.Lookup(resid);
      if (!overlay_entry) {
        // No id map entry exists for this target resource.
      if (overlay_entry.IsInlineValue()) {
        // The target resource is overlaid by an inline value not represented by a resource.
        result->entry = overlay_entry.GetInlineValue();
        result->dynamic_ref_table = id_map.overlay_res_maps_.GetOverlayDynamicRefTable();
        result->cookie = id_map.cookie;

      auto overlay_result = FindEntry(overlay_entry.GetResourceId(), density_override,
                                      false /* stop_at_first_match */,
                                      false /* ignore_configuration */);
      if (UNLIKELY(IsIOError(overlay_result))) {
        return base::unexpected(overlay_result.error());
      if (!overlay_result.has_value()) {

      if (!overlay_result->config.isBetterThan(result->config, desired_config)
          && overlay_result->>config) != 0) {
        // The configuration of the entry for the overlay must be equal to or better than the target
        // configuration to be chosen as the better value.
      result->cookie = overlay_result->cookie;
      result->entry = overlay_result->entry;
      result->config = overlay_result->config;
      result->dynamic_ref_table = id_map.overlay_res_maps_.GetOverlayDynamicRefTable();

  return result;




 * Header that appears at the front of every data chunk in a resource.
struct ResChunk_header
    // Type identifier for this chunk.  The meaning of this value depends
    // on the containing chunk.
    uint16_t type;

    // Size of the chunk header (in bytes).  Adding this value to
    // the address of the chunk allows you to find its associated data
    // (if any).
    uint16_t headerSize;

    // Total size of this chunk (in bytes).  This is the chunkSize plus
    // the size of any data associated with the chunk.  Adding this value
    // to the chunk allows you to completely skip its contents (including
    // any child chunks).  If this value is the same as chunkSize, there is
    // no data associated with the chunk.
    uint32_t size;
struct ResTable_type
    struct ResChunk_header header;

    enum {
    // The type identifier this chunk is holding.  Type IDs start
    // at 1 (corresponding to the value of the type bits in a
    // resource identifier).  0 is invalid.
    uint8_t id;
    enum {
        // If set, the entry is sparse, and encodes both the entry ID and offset into each entry,
        // and a binary search is used to find the key. Only available on platforms >= O.
        // Mark any types that use this with a v26 qualifier to prevent runtime issues on older
        // platforms.
        FLAG_SPARSE = 0x01,
    uint8_t flags;

    // Must be 0.
    uint16_t reserved;
    // Number of uint32_t entry indices that follow.
    uint32_t entryCount;

    // Offset from header where ResTable_entry data starts.
    uint32_t entriesStart;

    // Configuration this collection of entries is designed for. This must always be last.
    ResTable_config config;

  header是ResChunk_header 结构。ResChunk_header 是每个数据表的开头的内容。ResChunk_header 的type代表表类型,headerSize是ResTable_type数据结构的内存大小,size是ResTable_type数据结构 + 相关数据内容 的大小。
  ResTable_type 的id是type id。从1开始计数。
  ResTable_type 的entryCount代表这个类型的资源的entry数量
  ResTable_type 的entriesStart是数据开始的地方距离该结构开始的偏移。
  ResTable_type 的config是该类型的相关配置信息。


  ResTable_map_entry、ResTable_map数据结构在Android 得到主题中对应的属性的结果或自己设置的style中的结果说过。




base::expected<FindEntryResult, NullOrIOError> AssetManager2::FindEntryInternal(
    const PackageGroup& package_group, uint8_t type_idx, uint16_t entry_idx,
    const ResTable_config& desired_config, bool stop_at_first_match,
    bool ignore_configuration) const {
  const bool logging_enabled = resource_resolution_logging_enabled_;
  ApkAssetsCookie best_cookie = kInvalidCookie;
  const LoadedPackage* best_package = nullptr;
  incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_type> best_type;
  const ResTable_config* best_config = nullptr;
  uint32_t best_offset = 0U;
  uint32_t type_flags = 0U;

  std::vector<Resolution::Step> resolution_steps;

  // If `desired_config` is not the same as the set configuration or the caller will accept a value
  // from any configuration, then we cannot use our filtered list of types since it only it contains
  // types matched to the set configuration.
  const bool use_filtered = !ignore_configuration && &desired_config == &configuration_;    

  定义了几个变量,best_cookie 代表资源来自哪个ApkAssets;best_package 是资源来自LoadedPackage,它对应着一个package;best_type代表它来自哪个ResTable_type;best_config 代表它来自哪中配置;best_offset 是资源的偏移值,它与前面的ResTable_type结构有关;type_flags 代表资源受影响的配置因素。
  还定义了一个使用优化配置资源(上面也说了,就是用ConfiguredPackage的filtered_configs_来进行查找)的变量use_filtered 。这个变量在不忽略配置并且期望查找的配置和当前AssetManager2当前的配置信息完全一样的情况下,就会采用优化配置资源信息进行查找对应的资源。

  const size_t package_count = package_group.packages_.size();
  for (size_t pi = 0; pi < package_count; pi++) {
    const ConfiguredPackage& loaded_package_impl = package_group.packages_[pi];
    const LoadedPackage* loaded_package = loaded_package_impl.loaded_package_;
    const ApkAssetsCookie cookie = package_group.cookies_[pi];

    // If the type IDs are offset in this package, we need to take that into account when searching
    // for a type.
    const TypeSpec* type_spec = loaded_package->GetTypeSpecByTypeIndex(type_idx);
    if (UNLIKELY(type_spec == nullptr)) {

    // Allow custom loader packages to overlay resource values with configurations equivalent to the
    // current best configuration.
    const bool package_is_loader = loaded_package->IsCustomLoader();

    auto entry_flags = type_spec->GetFlagsForEntryIndex(entry_idx);
    if (UNLIKELY(!entry_flags.has_value())) {
      return base::unexpected(entry_flags.error());
    type_flags |= entry_flags.value();

    const FilteredConfigGroup& filtered_group = loaded_package_impl.filtered_configs_[type_idx];
    const size_t type_entry_count = (use_filtered) ? filtered_group.type_entries.size()
                                                   : type_spec->type_entries.size();


// TypeSpec is going to be immediately proceeded by
// an array of Type structs, all in the same block of memory.
struct TypeSpec {
  struct TypeEntry {
    incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_type> type;

    // Type configurations are accessed frequently when setting up an AssetManager and querying
    // resources. Access this cached configuration to minimize page faults.
    ResTable_config config;

  // Pointer to the mmapped data where flags are kept. Flags denote whether the resource entry is
  // public and under which configurations it varies.
  incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_typeSpec> type_spec;

  std::vector<TypeEntry> type_entries;

  它的type_spec是incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_typeSpec>类型,它里面包含着entry受哪些配置影响。我们通过entryidx,就能得到对应资源受影响的flags。type_entries是TypeEntry的集合,每一个TypeEntry对象又包含incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_type> type,ResTable_type这个在前面解释过了。

    for (size_t i = 0; i < type_entry_count; i++) {
      const TypeSpec::TypeEntry* type_entry = (use_filtered) ? filtered_group.type_entries[i]
                                                             : &type_spec->type_entries[i];

      // We can skip calling ResTable_config::match() if the caller does not care for the
      // configuration to match or if we're using the list of types that have already had their
      // configuration matched.
      const ResTable_config& this_config = type_entry->config;
      if (!(use_filtered || ignore_configuration || this_config.match(desired_config))) {
      // The configuration matches and is better than the previous selection.
      // Find the entry value if it exists for this configuration.
      const auto& type = type_entry->type;
      const auto offset = LoadedPackage::GetEntryOffset(type, entry_idx);
      best_cookie = cookie;
      best_package = loaded_package;
      best_type = type;
      best_config = &this_config;
      best_offset = offset.value();
      // Any configuration will suffice, so break.
      if (stop_at_first_match) {

  得到类型资源的数量,就开始循环。首先得到type_entry ,它是TypeSpec::TypeEntry*,这个上面说过了。然后得到它的配置this_config 。
  接着得到type,它是上面说的ResTable_type指针,再通过LoadedPackage::GetEntryOffset(type, entry_idx)得到offset,这个就是上面讲述ResTable_type时,所说的entry的偏移量。

  auto best_entry_result = LoadedPackage::GetEntryFromOffset(best_type, best_offset);
  const incfs::map_ptr<ResTable_entry> best_entry = *best_entry_result;
  const auto entry = GetEntryValue(best_entry.verified());
  return FindEntryResult{
    .cookie = best_cookie,
    .entry = *entry,
    .config = *best_config,
    .type_flags = type_flags,
    .package_name = &best_package->GetPackageName(),
    .type_string_ref = StringPoolRef(best_package->GetTypeStringPool(), best_type->id - 1),
    .entry_string_ref = StringPoolRef(best_package->GetKeyStringPool(),
    .dynamic_ref_table = package_group.dynamic_ref_table.get(),

  LoadedPackage::GetEntryFromOffset(best_type, best_offset)这块得到ResTable_entry指针best_entry_result ,这块就是咱们上面说的ResTable_type数据结构,通过相对于entriesStart的偏移量,就找到ResTable_entry的位置了。
  然后通过GetEntryValue(best_entry.verified())得到EntryValue类型entry 。看下相关代码:

using EntryValue = std::variant<Res_value, incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_map_entry>>;

base::expected<EntryValue, IOError> GetEntryValue(
    incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_entry> table_entry) {
  const uint16_t entry_size = dtohs(table_entry->size);

  // Check if the entry represents a bag value.
  if (entry_size >= sizeof(ResTable_map_entry) &&
      (dtohs(table_entry->flags) & ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX)) {
    const auto map_entry = table_entry.convert<ResTable_map_entry>();
    if (!map_entry) {
      return base::unexpected(IOError::PAGES_MISSING);
    return map_entry.verified();

  // The entry represents a non-bag value.
  const auto entry_value = table_entry.offset(entry_size).convert<Res_value>();
  if (!entry_value) {
    return base::unexpected(IOError::PAGES_MISSING);
  Res_value value;
  return value;

  可以看到EntryValue 可能的值类型是Res_value或incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_map_entry>,在该资源是Bag资源的时候,会是incfs::verified_map_ptr<ResTable_map_entry>;如果是普通资源的情况下,则是Res_value。还可以看到,在ResTable_entry类成员变量flags有ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX时,会是Bag资源。
  再看上面最后一段代码,最后拼成一个FindEntryResult结构作为结果返回。看下其成员type_string_ref和entry_string_ref。type_string_ref是取的对应LoadedPackage的类型Type 的ResStringPool,entry_string_ref取的对应LoadedPackage的Key的ResStringPool。并且成员dynamic_ref_table取的是对应package_group.dynamic_ref_table。





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