


第1章 初识Python

001 孩子为什么要学编程11

002 为什么要学Python12

003 下载Python安装包12

004 安装Python14

005 配置编程环境18

006 输出19

007 输入21

008 在编辑器中编写和保存代码22

009 运行24

010 调试25

011 注释27


012 变量的命名与赋值30

案例 单位磅和千克的转换

013 变量命名的规则与习惯32

案例 求圆环的面积

014 运算符:算术运算符34

案例 求解一元二次方程

015 运算符:关系运算符36

案例 判断学生成绩的等级

016 运算符:赋值运算符38

案例 计算任意5个数字的乘积

017 运算符:逻辑运算符40

案例 判断三条边的边长能否构成三角形

018 数据类型:数字42

案例 谁的存款更多

019 数据类型:字符串44

案例 判断一个正整数是否是回文数

020 对浮点型数据执行精确运算46

第3章 Python控制语句

021 条件语句:if49

案例 找出身高最高的人

022 条件语句:if-else51

案例 我进游乐园可以省多少钱

023 条件语句:if-elif-else53

案例 了解学生的身体健康状况

024 条件嵌套:if和if-else55

案例 今天天气怎样?

025 条件嵌套:if-else和if-elif-else57

案例 一起来玩"石头剪刀布”

026 循环语句:while60

案例 棋盘上的米粒

027 循环语句:for62

案例 计算投资的本利和

028 结束整个循环:break64

案例 计算1+2+……+100的和

029 结束本轮循环:continue65

案例 统计分数80及以上的平均分

030 循环嵌套:while和while67

案例 制作九九乘法表

031 循环嵌套:for和for69

案例 输出一个由☆号组成的等腰三角形

032 条件和循环的嵌套71

案例 猴子分桃


033 创建列表75

案例 创建学生姓名列表

034 添加列表元素77

案例 在空列表中添加学生姓名

035 删除列表元素79

案例 删除学生的姓名

036 列表的切片操作81

案例 选择自己喜爱的套餐

037 元组的创建和使用83

案例 计算学生考试的总成绩

038 创建字典84

案例 列出学生最喜欢的运动

039 查找字典元素86

案例 在成绩单中查找科目成绩

040 编辑字典元素88

案例 整理书籍清单

041 反向查找字典元素90

案例 查找学生的学号

第5章 Python函数与模块

042 内置函数93

案例 计算歌唱比赛选手的最终得分

043 自定义无参数的函数94

案例 输出3个由☆号组成的等腰三角形

044 自定义有参数的函数97

案例 输出n个由☆号组成的等腰三角形

045 自定义有返回值的函数99

案例 求给定日期是当年的第几天

046 使用time模块获取时间101

案例 计算已经活了多长时间

047 使用random模块获得随机数103

案例 猜数字游戏

048 使用math模块获取数学常量105

案例 计算圆的周长和面积

049 第三方模块的安装107

第6章 Python的初级应用

050 求任意一元二次方程的根112

051 计算任意三角形的面积115

052 冒泡排序考试成绩118

053 运用turtle模块绘制爱心123

054 计算平面上两点间的直线距离130

第7章 Python的高级应用

055 带图形用户界面的计算器136

056 贪吃蛇游戏150

057 垃圾分类查询169

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Chapter 2 Magic coins example. magic_coins1.py Chapter 3 Favourite sports. favourite_sports.py Furniture placeholder. furniture_placeholder.py A list of lists. list_of_lists.py A letter from Malcolm Dithering dithering_letter.py Escaping quotes quote_escaping.py The Wizard List wizard_list.py Chapter 4 The turtle draws a square. turtle1.py The turtle draws two parallel lines. turtle2.py Chapter 5 If statements if_statements.py Conditions in if-statements. conditions.py Else-if (elif) statements. elif_statements.py Strings and numbers. strings_and_numbers.py Chapter 6 Five Hellos. five_hellos.py Huge hairy pants (example 1). huge_hairy_pants1.py Huge hairy pants (example 2). huge_hairy_pants2.py Magic coins (example 2). magic_coins2.py A while-loop with multiple conditions. while_loop_multiple_conditions.py Looping through the wizard list. wizard_list_loop.py Chapter 7 A function to calculate your savings. savings.py Building a spaceship. spaceship_building.py Test function (example 1). test_function1.py Test function (example 2). test_function2.py Your age function. your_age.py Chapter 8 Giraffes (example 1). giraffes1.py Giraffes (example 2). giraffes2.py Three turtles. three_turtles.py Chapter 9 Using the abs (absolute) function. abs_function.py Using the exec (execute) function. exec_function.py Using the len (length) function. len_function.py Using the max and min functions. max_and_min.py Using the range function. range_function.py Using the sum function. range_function.py Opening a file. opening_a_file.py Writing to a file. writing_to_a_file.py Chapter 10 Copying objects (example 1). copying_objects1.py Copying objects (example 2). copying_objects1.py Guess a random number. guess_a_number.py Random desserts. random_desserts.py Using the time module. timing_lots_of_numbers.py Using pickle to save information. pickle_saving.py Using pickle to load information. pickle_loading.py Chapter 11 Drawing an eight point star. eight_point_star.py Drawing a many point star. many_point_star.py Drawing a spiral star. spiral_star.py Drawing a nine point star. nine_point_star.py Drawing a car. car.py Drawing a yellow circle. yellow_circle.py Drawing a filled green circle. green_circle.py Drawing a dark-green circle. dark_green_circle.py Drawing squares using a function. square_function.py Drawing filled and unfilled squares. filled_squares.py Drawing stars using a function. star_function.py Chapter 12 Clickable button (example 1). clickable_button1.py Clickable button (example 2). clickable_button2.py Drawing a diagonal line. diagonal_line.py Drawing a square. square.py Drawing a horizontal rectangle. horizonal_rectangle.py Drawing a vertical rectangle. horizonal_rectangle.py Drawing random rectangles. random_rectangles.py Drawing coloured rectangles. coloured_rectangles.py Using the color chooser. rectangle_colorchooser.py Drawing arcs. drawing_arcs.py Drawing polygons. drawing_polygons.py Drawing text. drawing_text.py Drawing images. drawing_images.py Basic animation (example 1). basic_animation1.py Basic animation (example 2). basic_animation2.py Using events (example 1). using_events1.py Using events (example 2). using_events1.py Using the move function. using_move.py Using the itemconfig function. using_itemconfig.py Chapter 13 Bounce (example 1) - this one doesn't do anything when it's run. bounce1.py Bounce (example 2) - stationary ball. bounce2.py Bounce (example 3) - ball moving upwards. bounce3.py Bounce (example 4) - ball moving up and down. bounce4.py Bounce (example 5) - ball moving around the screen. bounce5.py Chapter 14 Bounce (example 6) - adding the paddle. bounce6.py Bounce (example 7) - moving paddle. bounce6.py Bounce (example 8) - bouncing the ball when it hits the paddle. bounce6.py Bounce (example 9) - ending the game when the ball hits the floor. bounce6.py Chapter 15 Transparent Image - 27 by 30 pixels. transparent-image.gif 6 Stick Figure Images - left and right. stickfigure.zip 3 Platform images. platform.zip 2 Door images. door.zip Background image. background.gif Chapter 16 Stickman Game, version 1 - displaying the background. stickmangame1.py Stickman Game, version 2 - adding the within functions. stickmangame2.py Stickman Game, version 3 - adding the platform. stickmangame3.py Stickman Game, version 4 - adding lots of platforms. stickmangame4.py Chapter 17 Stick figure sprite class. stickfiguresprite.py Stickman Game, version 5 - adding the stick figure. stickmangame5.py Chapter 18 Stickman Game, version 6 - animating the stick figure. stickmangame6.py Stickman Game, version 6 - adding the door sprite. stickmangame7.py Afterword Pygame2 example. pygame-example.py Hello World Java example. HelloWorld.java Hello World C example. helloworld.c Hello World C++ example. helloworld.cpp Hello World C# example. helloworld.cs Hello World PHP example. helloworld.php Hello World Objective-C example. helloworld.m Hello World Perl example. helloworld.pl Hello World Ruby example. helloworld.rb Hello World Javascript example. helloworld.js Hello World Javascript Browser example. helloworld-js.html


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