


#ifndef MY_STRING_H_
#define MY_STRING_H_

#include <iostream.h>

 * The next line is used because Codewarrior has a conflict with
 * the STL string. Make sure to put the #include of this file
 * AFTER all the system includes.
#define string String

class StringIndexOutOfBounds { };

class string
    string( const char *cstring = "" );               // Constructor
    string( const string & str );                     // Copy constructor
    ~string( )                                        // Destructor
      { delete [ ] buffer; }

    const string & operator= ( const string & rhs );  // Copy
    const string & operator+=( const string & rhs );  // Append

    const char *c_str( ) const        // Return C-style string
      { return buffer; }
    int length( ) const               // Return string length
      { return strLength; }

    char   operator[]( int k ) const; // Accessor operator[]
    char & operator[]( int k );       // Mutator  operator[]

    enum { MAX_LENGTH = 1024 };  // Maximum length for input string

    char *buffer;                  // storage for characters
    int strLength;                 // length of string (# of characters)
    int bufferLength;              // capacity of buffer

ostream & operator<<( ostream & out, const string & str );    // Output
istream & operator>>( istream & in, string & str );           // Input
istream & getline( istream & in, string & str );              // Read line

bool operator==( const string & lhs, const string & rhs );    // Compare ==
bool operator!=( const string & lhs, const string & rhs );    // Compare !=
bool operator< ( const string & lhs, const string & rhs );    // Compare <
bool operator<=( const string & lhs, const string & rhs );    // Compare <=
bool operator> ( const string & lhs, const string & rhs );    // Compare >
bool operator>=( const string & lhs, const string & rhs );    // Compare >=



#include <string.h>
#include "mystring.h"

string::string( const char * cstring )
    if( cstring == NULL )
        cstring = "";
    strLength = strlen( cstring );
    bufferLength = strLength + 1;
    buffer = new char[ bufferLength ];
    strcpy( buffer, cstring );

string::string( const string & str )
    strLength = str.length( );
    bufferLength = strLength + 1;
    buffer = new char[ bufferLength ];
    strcpy( buffer,str.buffer );

const string & string::operator=( const string & rhs )
    if( this != &rhs )
        if( bufferLength < rhs.length( ) + 1 )
            delete [ ] buffer;
            bufferLength = rhs.length( ) + 1;
            buffer = new char[ bufferLength ];
        strLength = rhs.length( );
        strcpy( buffer, rhs.buffer );
    return *this;

const string & string::operator+=( const string & rhs )
    if( this == &rhs )
        string copy( rhs );
        return *this += copy;

    int newLength = length( ) + rhs.length( );
    if( newLength >= bufferLength )
        bufferLength = 2 * ( newLength + 1 );

        char *oldBuffer = buffer;
        buffer = new char[ bufferLength ];
        strcpy( buffer, oldBuffer );
        delete [ ] oldBuffer;

    strcpy( buffer + length( ), rhs.buffer );
    strLength = newLength;
    return *this;

char & string::operator[ ]( int k )
    if( k < 0 || k >= strLength )
        throw StringIndexOutOfBounds( );
    return buffer[ k ];

char string::operator[ ]( int k ) const
    if( k < 0 || k >= strLength )
        throw StringIndexOutOfBounds( );
    return buffer[ k ];

ostream & operator<<( ostream & out, const string & str )
    return out << str.c_str();

istream & operator>>( istream & in, string & str )
    char buf[ string::MAX_LENGTH + 1 ];
    in >> buf;
    if( !in.fail( ) )
        str = buf;
    return in;

istream & getline( istream & in, string & str )
    char buf[ string::MAX_LENGTH + 1 ];
    in.getline( buf, string::MAX_LENGTH );
    if( !in.fail( ) )
        str = buf;
    return in;

bool operator==( const string & lhs, const string & rhs )
    return strcmp( lhs.c_str( ), rhs.c_str( ) ) == 0;

bool operator!=( const string & lhs, const string & rhs )
    return strcmp( lhs.c_str( ), rhs.c_str( ) ) != 0;

bool operator<( const string & lhs, const string & rhs )
    return strcmp( lhs.c_str( ), rhs.c_str( ) ) < 0;

bool operator<=( const string & lhs, const string & rhs )
    return strcmp( lhs.c_str( ), rhs.c_str( ) ) <= 0;

bool operator>( const string & lhs, const string & rhs )
    return strcmp( lhs.c_str( ), rhs.c_str( ) ) > 0;

bool operator>=( const string & lhs, const string & rhs )
    return strcmp( lhs.c_str( ), rhs.c_str( ) ) >= 0;





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


