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原创 Epigrams on Programming

Epigrams on ProgrammingAlan J. PerlisYale UniversityThe phenomena surrounding computers are diverse and yield a surprisingly rich base for launching metaphors at individual and group activitie

2007-04-11 13:56:00 1111

原创 The UNIX Philosophy

The Unix Philosophy Author: David CalvertThe UNIX PhilosophyFrom The UNIX Philosophy by Mike Gancarz. Operating systems embody the philosophy of their creators. Mac/OS is visually based wit

2006-10-08 08:29:00 1118

原创 Progamming style guidelines

http://home.earthlink.net/~huston2/books/programming_books.html The Practice of ProgrammingBrian Kernighan, Rob PikeStyle Use descriptive names for globals, short names for locals.

2006-02-15 22:53:00 1755

原创 Current reading on patterns----Holub On Patterns

For book review,here is the link,       http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/159059388X/103-0069373-8011051?v=glance&n=283155     

2006-02-12 22:47:00 1666

原创 A good paper on software metaphor

By Nik Boydhttp://www.educery.com/papers/rhetoric/metaphors/

2006-01-08 16:56:00 1718

原创 [C Language Utility]Convert Hex String to string represented by its corresponding Hex Values

/*For example*Hex String: *       unsigned char *src="0a0b0c0d"*Converted String: *       unsigned char *des={0x0a,0x0b,0x0c,0x0d}*Reference:*       http://bdn.borland.com/article/0,1410,17203,00.html

2006-01-05 11:53:00 2233

原创 [MS Smartphone]Double Buffering Using Native C Code

void CreateGrphicMenuWin(){  WNDCLASS wc;  RECT rect; ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(wc)); ... wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)MenuWinProc; ... //RegisterClass(&wc)  //CreateWindow //ShowWindow //UpdateWindow}BOOL

2005-10-16 01:30:00 1922

原创 [MS Smartphone]Make phone call using native c code

#include //Link with phone.libBOOL MakePhoneCall(CONST TCHAR *tszPhoneNumber){ PHONEMAKECALLINFO  pmci; memset(&pmci,0,sizeof(PHONEMAKECALLINFO)); pmci.cbSize=sizeof(PHONEMAKECALLINFO); pmci.dwFlags=P

2005-08-31 13:03:00 1205

原创 [MS Smartphone]How to get bitmap bits

HDC      hDC = GetDC(NULL);  //1. HDC                 hMemDC; HBITMAP     hBitmap, hOldBitmap;  RECT     rect; unsigned char* pBits=NULL; COLORREF       clrText   = RGB(0,0,0); int         nWidth, nBp

2005-08-10 15:33:00 1183

原创 [MS Smartphone]Detect user interface language change

#define EN_UI _T("English")#define CH_UI _T("中文(简体)")BOOL IsChinese(){ TCHAR tcBuffer[256];  LANGID langId = GetUserDefaultUILanguage();  GetLocaleInfo(langId, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE , tcBuffer, sizeof(tcBu

2005-08-09 16:15:00 1185

原创 [MS Smartphone]Memory leak check

 1. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnembedded/html/embedded10152002.asp2.Download Entrek Toolhttp://www.entrek.com/products/toolbox_pro.msi

2005-07-25 14:49:00 1162

原创 [MS Smartphone]Several solutions for MIDI playback

      For MS Smartphone 2003 platform,it is really not an easy thing to deal with MIDI playback.Here are several solutions,but every way has its own problems.1.Use SDK raw API.    Refer to http://home

2005-07-14 17:06:00 2555 1

原创 [MS Smartphone] Connection Manager Sample Code

 /***********************************************************************************Function:GPRSConnect()**Description:If there is active CMNET connection,no need to create CMNET connection again.*I

2005-07-07 16:10:00 2946 1

原创 [MS Smartphone 2003] Active Sync Error:Unable to load device side Components

Use spdps command before you connect the real device.C:/Program Files/Windows CE Tools/wce420/SMARTPHONE 2003/Tools>spdps /create/device Processing filesEmulator files completeDevice files completeFor

2005-06-14 14:26:00 2269

原创 Trick:Incoming call notification(Symbian)

Search nokia forum using the key word: Incoming call.I referred to the following thread and modified it to meet my specific needs.http://discussion.forum.nokia.com/forum/showthread.php?s=e2251207bc816

2005-03-21 11:56:00 1117

原创 Information Hiding vs Encapsulation

        These are two of most important concepts in software design.But it is a pity there are no unified definitions for the two concepts.         These days I am reading the Code Complete 2nd Editio

2005-03-15 17:08:00 1192

原创 Panic 54 in CEikColumnListBox(Symbian)

      There is a substantial difference in the behavior of the basic Symbian CEikColumnListBox class.On Series 60 if the old value of current item index  is invalid (i.e. either = than number of items

2005-03-15 16:34:00 1074

原创 The brief history of iterative and incremental development

   Craig Larman and Victor R.Basili wrote a great overview of the brief history of iterative and incremental development in their article:     Iterative and Incremental Ddevelopment:A brief History.  

2005-03-12 21:02:00 1030

原创 My current reading list

1.Code Complete,2nd Editionhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0735619670/103-5768418-38974262.Extreme Programming Explained,2nd Editionhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0321278658/3.Understan

2005-03-07 10:30:00 943

原创 An XP Team Room by William Pietri

Here is the link:http://www.scissor.com/resources/teamroom/

2005-03-07 09:41:00 1226 1

原创 Two comparative reviews of the two versions of XP Explained

1.Bill Wakehttp://xp123.com/xplor/xp0502/index.shtml2.Marchesihttp://www.agilexp.org/downloads/TheNewXP.pdf

2005-03-04 17:08:00 845

原创 Insightful thinking on Teaching OO

Recently I read one article by James O.Coplien written for artima developer.I recommend you to read it if you are teaching OO.Here is the link:http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=6771

2005-03-04 11:30:00 781

原创 Symbian Programming Resource

The following lists the resource for symbian programming Iv collected and  I refer to this list  frequentlywhile I do symbian programming.Notes:If you have any other valuable resource,please let me k

2005-02-02 14:51:00 1772

原创 Trick:Make use of HAL class(Symbian)

This class is used to get and set miscellaneous device-specific information and state,eg machine id,avaible runtime RAM etcIf we want to distinguish whether the current handset is P900 or P800,use   T

2005-01-31 11:57:00 1059

原创 Trick:How to use cmwap to access internet(Symbian)

Cmwap is an access point defined by CMCC.In fact it means to access internet using a http proxy .The following code segment  demonstrates the http request data format with proxy used. iHttpRequest.Zer

2005-01-31 11:08:00 1384

原创 Trick: Open document file with its associated application(Symbian)

For Series60 platform,you can use CDocumentHandler,For UIQ platform,you can use  QikFileUtils,eg QikFileUtils::StartAppL(iDestFile);

2005-01-31 10:44:00 1113 2

原创 Reference for sockets programming learning(Symbian)

There are many useful references for learning sockets programming on symbian OS.Here I list  what I refered to while I did my projects.1.Using the sockets API http://www.symbian.com/developer/techlib/

2005-01-28 19:13:00 872

原创 Tips on Walking Through Code(Selected from by Adam Barr )

The following is extracted from > by Adam Barr.Although they seem trivial tips,yet they are quite useful.These are the steps to take when looking at code. Keep in mind that, hopefully, you wont need

2005-01-20 15:19:00 899

原创 Trick:Auto start it at the end of installing an application(Symbian)

Follow the following steps:1.Use arguments FR,RI while copy your app file.As follows:......"C:/Symbian/UIQ_2.1/epoc32/release/thumb/urel/localplayer.app"-"!:/system/apps/localplayer/localplayer.app",F

2005-01-17 14:59:00 837

转载 misc examples & tutorial list for symbian(Author:Zache)

From http://forum.newlc.com/viewtopic.php?t=375&highlight=autostart************************************************************************Programs with source code Symbian OS for Mobilephones example

2005-01-15 22:14:00 1137

原创 Auto select internet access point(Symbian/UIQ)

    Auto select internet access point programmatically.We use RGenericAgent and CActive  to form an engine based on observer pattern which is most used in symbian app development.    The following is

2005-01-15 19:40:00 1561

原创 Trick:Launch WAP browser(Symbian/UIQ)

Code snippet:void  LaunchWapBrowserL(TDesC & aURL){ const TInt KWmlBrowserUid =  0x100066de ; TUid aWebAppUid( TUid::Uid( KWmlBrowserUid ) );     RApaLsSession session; session.Connect(); TApaAppInfo

2005-01-15 09:56:00 2837

原创 Trick:Controlling the backlight(Symbian/UIQ)

To turn on the backlight and keep it turned on, a timer can be used that fires every ten seconds. When the timer fires a raw event is simulated, which keeps the backlight turned on.The following exa

2005-01-15 09:08:00 1121 2

原创 Trick:Simple way to display message to indicate processing progress

       Often it will take a lot of time to do a http Get or other network related operation.You have to display message to indicate what is going on.Here is a simpler way instead of progress bar(CEikP

2005-01-13 13:23:00 868

原创 Trick:Checking the Contents of Descriptors in MSVC6(Symbian)

          The most useful facility while testing is to be able to view thecontents of a descriptor, which can be achieved through the following:1. Insert a breakpoint in the code.2. Ensure that “Displ

2005-01-13 13:09:00 774

原创 Trick: Change toolbar status(Symbian/UIQ)

        While you develop program such as streaming media player ,you want the toolbar which contains PLAY(RESUME)/PAUSE/STOP to switch status among  playback/pause/stop.For example,when stream ends,y

2005-01-13 12:06:00 865

原创 Trick:conversion from TDesC to TInt(symbian)

TInt  Utils::TDes2TIntL(TDesC &aDesC){      TInt rstInt;   TLex lexRec(aDesC);   if(lexRec.Val(rstInt)!=KErrNone)       User::Leave(0);   return rstInt;}

2005-01-07 14:52:00 1505 2

原创 Daily build resource

It is said that daily build is the heart beat of MS development.Ive read a lot of articles about it and practiced it for java projects.There are many articles(scipts) which tell you how to implement

2004-12-28 11:27:00 1899 1

原创 How to trigger your application while downloading file from wap browser(symbian)?

To achieve this,you have to follow three steps:1.Write a recognizer.You have to specify MIME-TYPE  for you file.    Refer to  http://www.forum.nokia.com/main/1,6566,040,00.html?fsrParam=3-3-/main/0,,1

2004-12-28 10:03:00 974

原创 Code snippet for creating column listbox on Symbian/UIQ

void CMediaStreamListView::CreateColumnListBoxL(const TRect &aRect/*,TInetAddr& aAddress*/,TFileName aMbmFilePath){ iColumnListBox=new (ELeave)CEikColumnListBox; iColumnListBox->ConstructL(this,CEikCo

2004-12-27 20:59:00 988



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