
1099 篇文章 1 订阅
1030 篇文章 9 订阅

定义一个 PageBean 工具类。的工具类需要至少6个私有属性,数据的totalRecord总数; totalPage 数据页总数;pageSize:每页几个数据;pageNow 当前页码;列出当前页码的列表数据集合;startIndex sql 语句 查询的起点。

package com . pagehelper . test ; 
import java . util . List ; 
public  class  PageBean < T >  { 
    /*total number of records*/
    private  int totalRecord ; 
    /*total number of pages*/
    private  int totalPage ; 
    /*data per page Number of
     items */private  int pageSize ; 
    /*Current page number*/
    private  int pageNow ; 
    /*Data collection obtained<T>Generic in order to make the tool class universal*/
    private List < T >list ; 
    /*Database query starts with that record*/
    private  int startIndex ; 
    public  PageBean ( int pageNow ,  int pageSize ,  int totalRecord ) { 
        this . totalRecord = totalRecord ; 
        /*Trinocular operation, totalRecord can be divisible by pageSize totalPage=totalRecord/pageSize
         * = Not divisible totalRecord TotalPage/* the pageSize +. 1/ 
        TotalPage = totalRecord % the pageSize == 0 ? TotalRecord / the pageSize : totalRecord / the pageSize + . 1 ; 
        the this . The pageSize = the pageSize ; 
        the this . PageNow = pageNow ; 
        startIndex =  ( pageNow - . 1 ) * pageSize ; 
    /*Constructor for fixed PageSize*/
    public  PageBean( int pageNow ,  int totalRecord ) { 
        this . totalRecord = totalRecord ; 
        pageSize =  5 ; 
        totalPage = totalRecord % pageSize == 0 ? totalRecord / pageSize : totalRecord / pageSize + 1 ; 
        this . pageNow = pageNow ; 
        startIndex =  ( pageNow - 1) * pageSize ; 
    /*Set,Get method*/
    public  int  getTotalRecord ( )  { 
        return totalRecord ; 
    public  void  setTotalRecord ( int totalRecord )  { 
        this . totalRecord = totalRecord ; 
    public  int  getTotalPage ( )  { 
        return totalPage ; 
    public  void  setTotalPage ( int totalPage )  { 
        this . totalPage = totalPage ; 
    public  int  getPageSize ( )  { 
        return pageSize ; 
    public  void  setPageSize ( int pageSize )  { 
        this . pageSize = pageSize ; 
    public  int  getPageNow ( )  { 
        return pageNow ; 
    public  void  setPageNow ( int pageNow )  { 
        this . pageNow = pageNow ; 
    public List < T >  getList ( )  { 
        return list ; 
    public  void  setList ( List < T > list )  { 
        this . list = list ; 
    public  int  getStartIndex ( )  { 
        return startIndex ; 
    public  void  setStartIndex ( int startIndex )  { 
        this . startIndex = startIndex ; 

Mapper 接口至少需要两种方法,一种方法查询总记录数,另一种方法查询数据。Worker 是我的数据库的 pojo 类。

int  getTotalRecord ( ) ;
List < Worker >  selectAll ( @Param ( value =  "startIndex" )  int startIndex ,  @Param ( value =  "pageSize" ) int pageSize ) ;


< mapper  namespace = " com.pagehelper.mapper.WorkerMapper "  > 
    < resultMap  id = " BaseResultMap "  type = " com.pagehelper.pojo.Worker "  > 
        < id  column = " wid "  property = " wid "  jdbcType = " INTEGER " /> 
        < result  column = " password " property = " password"  jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
        < result  column = " company "  property = " company "  jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
        < result  column = " department "  property = " department "  jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
        < result  column = " job " property =" job "  jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
        < result  column = " name "  property = " name "  jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
        < result  column = " sex "  property = " sex "  jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
        < result  column = "age "  property = " age "  jdbcType = " INTEGER " /> 
        < result  column = " tel "  property = " tel "  jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
        < result  column = " email "  property = " email "  jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
        < result  column = "regist_time " Property = " registTime "  the jdbcType = " TIMESTAMP " /> 
        < Result  column = " IMG "  Property = " IMG "  the jdbcType = " VARCHAR " /> 
    </ The resultMap > 
    < SELECT  ID = " getTotalRecord "  the resultType = " int " >
        SELECT COUNT(wid) FROM worker
    </ select > 
    < select  id = " selectAll "  resultMap = " BaseResultMap " >
        SELECT wid, password, company, department,job, name, sex, age, tel, email, regist_time,img FROM worker limit #{startIndex},#{pageSize}
    </ select > 
</ mapper >


    public PageBean < the Worker >  the getAll ( int pageNow )  { 
        /* Get the total number of calls to method of recording getTotalRecord () */
        int totalRecord = workerMapper . GetTotalRecord ( ) ; 
        /* instantiate a class PageBean tool parameters passed pageNow, totalRecord, the PageSize fixed constructor I used here */ 
        PageBean < Worker > pageBean =  new  PageBean < > ( pageNow , totalRecord ) ;
        /* Call data query method selectAll (StartIndex, PageSize), parameters PageBean properties, the results of the query package to PageBean of the List */ 
        pageBean . SetList ( workerMapper . A selectAll ( pageBean . GetStartIndex ( ) , pageBean . GetPageSize ( ) ) ) ; 
        /*Return PageBean object*/
        return pageBean ; 


package com . pagehelper . test ;
import com . pagehelper . mapper . WorkerMapper ; 
import com . pagehelper . pojo . Worker ; 
import com . pagehelper . service . impl . WorkerServiceImpl ; 
import com . pagehelper . util . PageBean ; 
import org . apache . ibatis . io . Resources ; 
importorg . apache . ibatis . session . SqlSession ; 
import org . apache . ibatis . session . SqlSessionFactory ; 
import org . apache . ibatis . session . SqlSessionFactoryBuilder ;
import java . io . IOException ; 
import java . io . InputStream ;
public  class  Test1  {
    public  static  void  main ( String [ ] args )  throws IOException { 
        /*Get and load configuration file*/ 
        String resource =  "mybatis-config.xml" ; 
        InputStream inputStream = Resources . getResourceAsStream ( resource ) ; 
        /*Create a SqlSessionFactory session factory*/ 
        SqlSessionFactory sessionFactory =  new  SqlSessionFactoryBuilder ( ) . Build ( inputStream ) ; 
        /*Production SQLSession*/
        The SqlSession the session = the sessionFactory . The openSession ( ) ; 
        /* realized obtained WorkerMapper interface */ 
        WorkerMapper Mapper = the session . GetMapper ( WorkerMapper . Class ) ; 
        /* the Controller layer calls Service layer methods, examples of WorkerService */ 
        WorkerServiceImpl workerService =  new new  WorkerServiceImpl ( mapper ) ; 
        /*Call WorkerService method, return PageBean, encapsulate paging related data
        * Controller or after get data request is transmitted to the front end module to PageBean page, the page can obtain data directly via EL database, the current page number, total number of pages, and other related parameters */ 
        PageBean < the Worker > pageBean = workerService . The getAll ( . 1 ) ; 
        /* print the total number of records TotalRecord */ 
        the System . OUT . the println ( "total number of records:" + pageBean . getTotalRecord ( ) ) ( ) ) ; /* print from the database acquired data */for ( the worker worker : pageBean . getList ( ) ; 
        /* * print pages TotalPage/ 
        the System . OUT . the println ( "pages: " + pageBean . getTotalPage
         )  { 
            System . OUT . The println ( worker ) ; 


log4j:ERROR Could not find value for key log4j.appender.LogFIle
log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate appender named "LogFIle".
2019-07-24 09:26:41 [main:1]-[DEBUG] ==> Preparing: SELECT COUNT(wid) FROM worker 
2019-07-24 09:26:41 [main:56]-[DEBUG] ==> Parameters: 
2019-07-24 09:26:41 [main:123]-[DEBUG] <== Total: 1
2019-07-24 09:26:41 [main:131]-[DEBUG] ==> Preparing: SELECT wid, password, company, department,job, name, sex, age, tel, email, regist_time,img FROM worker limit ?,? 
2019-07-24 09:26:41 [main:132]-[DEBUG] ==> Parameters: 0(Integer), 5(Integer)
2019-07-24 09:26:41 [main:148]-[DEBUG] <== Total: 5
Total records: 29
Total pages: 6
Worker{wid=100001, password='admin', company='Soft Emperor', department='Development Department', job='Super Admin', name='Super Admin', sex='Male', age= 18, tel='123', email='', registTime=Sat Jul 20 11:33:18 CST 2019, img='default.jpg'}
Worker{wid=100002, password='123', company='Soft Emperor Group', department='Development Department', job='Employee', name='Administrator', sex='Male', age=122, tel='123', email='', registTime=Sat Jul 20 16:00:59 CST 2019, img='default.jpg'}
Worker{wid=100003, password='admin', company='Soft Emperor', department='Development Department', job='Administrator', name='Administrator', sex='Male', age=18, tel='123', email='', registTime=Sat Jul 20 11:33:20 CST 2019, img='default.jpg'}
Worker{wid=100004, password='123', company='Soft Emperor', department='Development Department', job='BOSS', name='123', sex='男', age=18, tel= '123', email='123', registTime=Sat Jul 20 15:10:33 CST 2019, img='default.jpg'}
Worker{wid=100005, password='123', company='Soft Emperor Group', department='Personnel Department', job='Manager', name='Sada', sex='Male', age=18, tel='123', email='123', registTime=Sat Jul 20 15:10:50 CST 2019, img='default.jpg'}
Process finished with exit code 0






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