c++ 导致内存泄露的一些小问题与解决方法


Recently i had a project which had some of the worst memory leaks in C++ i’ve ever had to deal with. It had just about every memory leak problem you could think of, all of which could have been solved with a little bit of planning.

Using tools such as Valgrind or Instruments surely helps, but they can only help you so much.

So if you have a nightmarish C++ project with memory leaks, heres a few ways in which you can solve them.


Stage 1: Forgetfulness

We start off with a simple case: when you make an object but never delete it. e.g.:

  Object *foo = new Object(); // foo never deleted

Which can be solved by:

  delete foo; // <<< delete the object


Stage 2: Garbage Collection

Sometimes you have a pointer to an object which is re-assigned at one point, but the old object is never deleted.

  Object *foo;

  foo = new Object();
  // ... later on ...
  foo = new Object();

Which can be solved by deleting the object before re-assigning:

  Object *foo;

  foo = new Object();
  // ... later on ...
  delete foo; // <<< delete the old object
  foo = new Object();


Stage 3: Destructors

Some people assume if you make a couple of classes like this:

  class Foo

  class Woo : public Foo

If you destroy an instance of Woo both ~Woo and ~Foo will be called. Only it wont: only~Woo will be called. Anything you free in~Foo will never be freed.

So if you want ~Foo to be called too, the destructor for Foo needs to be virtual, i.e.:

  class Foo
    virtual ~Foo(); // <<<

Stage 4: Spaghetti

Things start getting complicated when you have objects which can be referenced by multiple objects. For example:

Object *foo, *child1,*child2

foo= new Object();

 child1= new Object();

 child1->parent= foo;

child2= new Object(foo);

child1->parent= foo;

Now when do we delete foo? If we make child1 or child2 delete it, we’ll probably get a crash when we delete foo twice. If we delete it elsewhere, how do we know child1 or child2 aren’t still using it?

One possible solution is to use a reference counting system like in Objective C, so when we reach 0 we delete the object:

class Object


 Object* retain()


retainCount++; // object is being used return this;


void release()

 { --retainCount; // object is no longer being used

if (retainCount <= 0)

delete this;


virtual ~Object()

 { if (parent)



Object *parent;

}; // ...

Object   *foo, *child1, *child2;

foo = new Object();

child1 = new Object();

child1->parent = foo->retain(); // object is being used by child1

child2 = new Object(foo);

child1->parent = foo->retain(); // object is being used by child2


If you want to be more fancy you can make a smart pointer class, e.g.

// Modified Object

class Object


Object* retain()


retainCount++; return this;


 void release()



if (retainCount <= 0)

 delete this;


virtual ~Object()


 parent = NULL;


ObjectReference parent;

}; // The smart pointer

class ObjectReference


 public: // Constructor



object = NULL;

} // Assignment initializer

ObjectReference(const ObjectReference &ref)


object = ref.object ? ref.object->retain() : NULL;

 } // Assignment operator

ObjectReference& operator=(const ObjectReference &ref)


 if (object)


object = ref.object ? ref.object->retain() : NULL;

return *this;

} // Pointer operator

operator Object*()


return object;


Object *object; // reference to Object }; // ...

Object *foo, *child1, *child2;

foo = new Object();

 child1 = new Object();

 child1->parent = foo; // automagically retains

foo child2 = new Object();

child1->parent = foo; // automagically retains foo


Beware however that when you get a circular reference your objects may never be released using this method.

Stage 5: Runaway Spaghetti

Even if you have a reference counting system, you might encounter situations where you release or retain objects too much. Typically memory leak tools only tell you where objects were allocated, not who the retain/release culprit is.

One way of solving this is to keep track of where you retain and release objects


class Object


Object* retain(char *file=NULL, int line=0, char *owner=NULL, int addr=0)



if (owner)

printf("%x: retain (%i) [%s @ %i] OWNER %s[%x]", this, retainCount, file ? file : "", line, owner, addr);


printf("%x: retain (%i) [%s @ %i]", this, retainCount, file ? file : "", line); return this;


 void release(char *file=NULL, int line=0, char *owner = NULL, int addr=0)

{ -


if (owner)

 printf("%x: release (%i) [%s @ %i] OWNER %s[%x]", this, retainCount,file ? file : "", line, owner, addr);


printf("%x: release (%i) [%s @ %i]", this, retainCount,file ? file : "", line);

if (retainCount <= 0)

 delete this;

} // ... }; // ...

Object *foo, *child1, *child2;

foo = new Object();

child1 = new Object();

 child1->parent = foo->retain(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Object", child1);

child2 = new Object(foo);

child1->parent = foo->retain(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Object", child2);


Then you can simply examine your logs and spot the problematic line of code for that extra release or retain.


Final boss

Of course once you have solved all of your leaks, you might find you bump into the arch nemesis: Memory Corruption. Specifically, this:

class Entity


public: float mNextThink;


 void think();





What is wrong with this? Well say we have some code like this….

for (int i=0; i<mEntities.size(); i++)


if (smCurrentTime >= mEntities[i]->mNextThink)



Then think may never be called, since mNextThink is never initialized, so its value will be undefined. It could be 0, it could be -10000. Who knows. The solution is simple:

Entity::Entity() :

 mNextThink(0) // set a default value



With all of your memory leaks solved, you should now be able to sleep better.


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C++程序设计过程中,经常会遇到一些常见的问题,下面列举了一些常见问题及其解决方法: 1. 编译错误:编译错误是指在编译代码时出现的错误,包括语法错误、类型错误等。解决方法是仔细检查代码,查找错误所在的行数和原因,尝试修改代码并重新编译。 2. 运行错误:运行错误是指程序在运行时出现的错误,包括数组越界、空指针等。解决方法是使用调试器来查找错误,或者加入异常处理机制来处理错误。 3. 性能问题:性能问题是指程序在运行时出现的性能瓶颈,如程序运行速度慢、内存占用过高等。解决方法是使用优化算法和数据结构,或者使用多线程、GPU加速等技术来提高程序性能。 4. 内存泄漏:内存泄漏是指程序在运行时未能释放已分配的内存,导致内存占用过高。解决方法是使用智能指针、RAII等技术来管理内存,或者使用内存检测工具来检测和修复内存泄漏问题。 5. 可读性问题:可读性问题是指程序代码难以理解和维护,如命名不规范、代码复杂等。解决方法是遵循良好的编码规范和代码风格,使用注释和文档来说明代码逻辑和用途,尽量保持代码简洁和易读。 总体来说,C++程序设计中常见的问题有很多,需要开发人员具备扎实的编程基础和丰富的经验,才能有效地解决这些问题。通过不断学习和实践,积累经验和技巧,不断提高自己的编程水平和能力,才能编写出高效、稳定、易维护的程序。


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