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原创 ubuntu 11.10就是很坑跌啊

2011-09-30 10:41:14 440

翻译 高斯分布

2011-09-29 17:08:58 599

转载 Bootstrap简介

Bootstrap意指靴带,来自短语:“pull oneself up by one’s bootstrap”,18世纪RE Raspe的小说《巴龙历险记》(Adventures of Baron Munchausen):巴龙掉到湖里,沉到湖底,在他绝望的时候,他用自己靴子上的带

2011-09-29 16:47:15 1054

翻译 covariance

In probability theory and statistics, covariance is a measure of how much two variables change together. Variance is a special case of t

2011-09-29 11:24:38 698

翻译 probability density

2011-09-29 10:51:11 168

翻译 The Rules of Probability

2011-09-29 10:33:24 535

翻译 sum rule

2011-09-29 10:21:00 978

翻译 column vs. row

column和row在数学领域势很奇怪的概念,正如凸函数和凹函数的定义,名字不同,但是有时候灰很乱。在pattern recognization中column可以看作是列的概念,row为行的概念。

2011-09-29 10:17:28 681

翻译 Probability Theory

1. A key concept in the field of pattern recognition is that of uncertainty. It arises both through noise on measurements, as well as throug

2011-09-29 10:03:30 658

翻译 Data partitioning

The results above suggest a simple way of achieving this, namely by taking the available data and partitioning it into a training set, used

2011-09-28 22:56:41 700

翻译 how to solve over-fitting

One technique that is often used to control the over-fitting phenomenon in such cases is that of regularization, which involves adding a pen

2011-09-28 22:49:54 757

翻译 over-fitting

In fact, the polynomial passes exactly through each data point and E(w ) = 0. However, the fitted curve oscillates wildly and gives a very p

2011-09-28 22:28:17 1364

转载 鞅是什么

有些朋友问到“鞅”的概念。我总是有些回避,因为这个概念太庞大,加上自身理解得也不是很透彻,不敢妄加评论。但前些时看到《女士品茶》,觉得还是能用通俗的语言稍加解释。鞅的英文是martingale。大家查百度词典,有两个解释:1. 马颔缰;2. 加倍赌注。解释貌似跟数学不搭边

2011-09-28 21:48:31 5390

转载 T-Test

T检验,亦称student t检验(Student's t test),主要用于样本含量较小(例如n<30),总体标准差σ未知的正态分布资料。 T检验是用于小样本(样本容量小于30)的两个平均值差异程度的检验方法。它是用T分布理论来推断差异发生的概率,从而判定两个平均数的

2011-09-28 17:24:50 1845

翻译 Hopfield

If the less significant terms are also included to the concept space, the training of the Hopfield network may not converge because the conc

2011-09-28 16:39:20 800

翻译 中文分词的分类

Previous work on Chinese word segmentation can be divided into three categories, lexical rule-based approach(Nie et al., 1994; Wu & Tseng, 1

2011-09-28 12:22:49 878

翻译 Written Chinese

Written Chinese consists of strings of characters (or ideographs) separated by punctuation. The smallest indexing units in Chinese documents

2011-09-28 12:20:34 1138

翻译 How to construct a Hopfield network

A term is a word or expression that has a precise meaning in peculiar to a subject. Lin (Lin & Chen, 1996) refers terms extracting from a co

2011-09-28 12:14:28 623

翻译 STRAND的构成

Several techniques have been developed to construct parallel corpus automatically. The most prominent system that generate parallel corpus f

2011-09-28 12:08:18 756

翻译 Multilingual corpus

Multilingual corpus is a collection of text in electronic form (written language corpus) where texts in different languages are put together

2011-09-28 11:58:58 904

翻译 跨语言检索的两种方法

Current research in cross-lingual information retrieval can be divided into two major approaches: (1) controlled vocabulary and (2) free tex

2011-09-28 11:43:02 736

翻译 东方语言与欧洲语言在跨语言检索上的困难

The difficulties of cross-lingual information retrieval between European and Oriental languages are comparatively higher than the difficulti

2011-09-28 11:38:53 650

翻译 structural and semantic interoperability

Digital library research has been focusing in structural and semantic interoperability in the past.

2011-09-28 11:24:51 426

翻译 Inference on the collocation map

The inference on the collocation map is not different from that of the sigmoid belief networks. The time complexity of inferencing by reduci

2011-09-28 10:31:50 588

翻译 Sigmoid Bayes Network

Sigmoid Bayesian network. The gain from the variation is the efficiency of encoding the probability information, and the loss is the inflexi

2011-09-28 10:20:11 640

翻译 Gibbs sampling

Gibbs sampling is an approximation technique for computing the conditional probability through astochastic simulation, and it is regarded

2011-09-28 10:15:06 590

翻译 Bayes network

This is based on the fact that there should be at least one topological order of nodes, but in the actual computation the order of the nodes

2011-09-28 10:12:08 720

翻译 数据稀疏

The major problem with statistical methods in the automatic construction of the sauri is data sparseness.

2011-09-28 10:00:57 925

转载 Hadoop的安装


2011-09-27 20:49:25 773

转载 centos 6安装R语言

R语言是主要用于统计分析、绘图的语言和操作环境。官方网站:http://www.r-project.org/Windows下面有直接的安装包,直接下载安装很方便,但是对于刚出的CentOS6.0上不能直接通过yum 安装R,需要自己编译。下载页面:http:/

2011-09-27 19:20:53 11180 2

转载 Hadoop java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host

8:java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host j解决方法: sudo /etc/init.d/iptables stop

2011-09-27 19:11:58 1451

原创 主从节点ssh

1.NameNode:ip:,system:CENTOS 6.0 Finalssh-keygen -t rsacd ~/.ssh/cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keysscp authorized_keys qibaoyuan

2011-09-27 14:20:36 908

原创 最短路径(Floyd_Warshall算法)

#include #include #define SIZE 8#define INFINATE 99999#define IN_FILE "distance.txt"int matrix[SIZE][SIZE];int next[SIZE][SIZE]={0};

2011-09-27 10:48:24 866

转载 学习算法之路(转)

第一阶段:练经典常用算法,下面的每个算法给我打上十到二十遍,同时自己精简代码,因为太常用,所以要练到写时不用想,10-15分钟内打完,甚至关掉显示器都可以把程序打出来.1.最短路(Floyd、Dijstra,BellmanFord) 2.最小生成树(先写个prim

2011-09-26 19:57:58 802

转载 chrome中的arraysize

///http://blog.chinaunix.net/space.php?uid=25909722&do=blog&id=2901495#include using namespace std;template char (&ArraySizeHelper(T (&a

2011-09-26 19:52:17 1096

转载 蒙特卡洛

1946年,美国拉斯阿莫斯国家实验室的三位科学家John von Neumann,Stan Ulam 和 Nick Metropolis共同发明,被称为蒙特卡洛方法。它的具体定义是:在广场上画一个边长一米的正方形,在正方形内部随意用粉笔画一个不规则的形状,现在要计算这个不规则

2011-09-26 18:56:12 1225

翻译 Conditonal Bayesian Network

2011-09-26 16:07:00 606

翻译 Tree CPD

2011-09-26 15:57:55 607

翻译 D分割

2011-09-26 15:42:17 1352

翻译 Reality vs. Model

2011-09-26 15:36:18 546


附件中就是p6spy改造去掉resultset和添加每日归档的jar。 方法:打开eclipse,导入-eclipse,进行自己的修改(已改完) 将src复制到-src下面,运行ant命令即可在dist生成p6spy.jar文件 参照sp6.properties进行修改即可












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