1Get the average salary of each store
2Get the average salary of each city
3find cities in which there exists salary less than 1000
4Get the average salary of cities there exists salary less than 1000(can create temporary tables)
5Get the employees who are paid the max salary for each city.( can create temporary tables)
6Get the total salary the total space ,the number of the store ,the number of the employee and maximum salary of every city. Show the results as following layout.( can create temporary table)
2Get the average salary of each city
3find cities in which there exists salary less than 1000
4Get the average salary of cities there exists salary less than 1000(can create temporary tables)
5Get the employees who are paid the max salary for each city.( can create temporary tables)
6Get the total salary the total space ,the number of the store ,the number of the employee and maximum salary of every city. Show the results as following layout.( can create temporary table)