Types of Backgrounding

five primary types of backgrounding in iOS: 

1 application suspension, 



When an application is suspended, it ceases executing code but is preserved exactly as the user left it. When the user returns to the application, it appears to have been running the whole time. In reality, all tasks are stopped, keeping the app from using up your device’s resources. Any application that you compile will, by default, support background suspension. You should still handle cleanup in the application if it is about to be suspended (see the “Background-Aware Application Life Cycle Methods” section, later in this hour), but beyond that, it “just works.”

In addition to performing cleanup as an application is being suspended, it is your responsibility to recover from a background suspended state and update anything in the application that should have changed while it was suspended (time/date changes and so on).

2, local notifications, 

3, Task Completion for Long-Running Tasks

The fourth type of backgrounding that we’ll use is task completion. Using task-completion methods, you can “mark” the tasks in your application that will need to finish before the application can be safely suspended (file upload/downloads, massive calculations, and so on).

For example, to mark the beginning of a long-running task, first declare an identifier for the specific task:

var myLongTask: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier!

Then use the application’s beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler method to tell iOS that you’re starting a piece of code that can continue to run in the background:

myLongTask =
  UIApplication.sharedApplication().beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler({ () -> Void in
     // If you're worried about exceeding 10 minutes, handle it here

And finally, mark the end of the long-running task with the application endBackgroundTask method:


Each task you mark will have roughly 10 minutes (total) to complete its actions, which is plenty of time for most uses. After the time completes, the application is suspended and treated like any other suspended application.

4, Task-Specific Background Processing

Before Apple decided to implement background processing, it did some research on how users worked with their devices. Apple found that people needed specific types of background processing. First, they needed audio to continue playing in the background; this is necessary for applications like Pandora. Next, location-aware software needed to update itself in the background so that users continued to receive navigation feedback. Finally, Voice over IP (VoIP) applications like Skype needed to operate in the background to handle incoming calls.

These three types of tasks are handled uniquely and elegantly in iOS. By declaring that your application requires one of these types of background processing, you can, in many cases, enable your application to continue running with little alteration. To declare your application capable of supporting any (or all) of these tasks, you will add the Required Background Modes (UIBackgroundModes) key to the project’s plist file and then add values of App Plays Audio (Audio), App Registers for Location Updates (Location), or App Provides Voice over IP Services (VoIP).

5,  background fetches.

he fifth and final multitasking feature we review this hour is background fetches. Using the background fetch feature, your application can periodically launch and execute a method that retrieves and processes update data. Scheduling of the updates happens automatically based on a user’s usage. If a user starts an app and uses it each morning, iOS will make sure that a background fetch occurs before the time the user is typically using it. In addition, iOS prevents multiple applications from attempting background fetches at the same time, thus keeping the device responsive even if background processing is taking place.

As a developer, you need to do just two things to implement background updates. First, you must edit the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method in the application delegate (AppDelegate.swift) to set the minimumamount of time between fetches. This consists of a single line (broken here for readability):


The constant UIApplicationBackgroundFetchIntervalMinimum tells the application that you want updates to happen as often as they can. If you have a specific interval in mind, you can provide a number in seconds instead. You aren’t guaranteed an interval by iOS; it is intended to be scheduled around a user’s activities.

The second step is to implement the background fetch itself. To do this, you add the following method to the application delegate:

func application(application: UIApplication,
    performFetchWithCompletionHandler completionHandler: (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {

    //Do something useful here

    //Indicate completion


This method has 30 seconds to execute and perform the background fetch. When completed, it should call completionHandler(UIBackgroundFetchResult.NewData) to indicate success.

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