

 * BHTree.java
 * <p>
 * Represents a quadtree for the Barnes-Hut algorithm.
 * <p>
 * Dependencies: Body.java Quad.java
 * @author chindesaurus
 * @version 1.00

public class BHTree {

    // threshold value
    private final double Theta = 0.5;

    private Body body;     // body or aggregate body stored in this node
    private Quad quad;     // square region that the tree represents
    private BHTree NW;     // tree representing northwest quadrant
    private BHTree NE;     // tree representing northeast quadrant
    private BHTree SW;     // tree representing southwest quadrant
    private BHTree SE;     // tree representing southeast quadrant

     * Constructor: creates a new Barnes-Hut tree with no bodies.
     * Each BHTree represents a quadrant and an aggregate body
     * that represents all bodies inside the quadrant.
     * @param q the quadrant this node is contained within
    public BHTree(Quad q) {
        this.quad = q;
        this.body = null;
        this.NW = null;
        this.NE = null;
        this.SW = null;
        this.SE = null;

     * Adds the Body b to the invoking Barnes-Hut tree.
    public void insert(Body b) {

        // if this node does not contain a body, put the new body b here
        if (body == null) {
            body = b;

        // internal node
        if (!isExternal()) {
            // update the center-of-mass and total mass
            body = body.plus(b);

            // recursively insert Body b into the appropriate quadrant

        // external node
        else {
            // subdivide the region further by creating four children
            NW = new BHTree(quad.NW());
            NE = new BHTree(quad.NE());
            SE = new BHTree(quad.SE());
            SW = new BHTree(quad.SW());

            // recursively insert both this body and Body b into the appropriate quadrant

            // update the center-of-mass and total mass
            body = body.plus(b);

     * Inserts a body into the appropriate quadrant.
    private void putBody(Body b) {
        if (b.in(quad.NW()))
        else if (b.in(quad.NE()))
        else if (b.in(quad.SE()))
        else if (b.in(quad.SW()))

     * Returns true iff this tree node is external.
    private boolean isExternal() {
        // a node is external iff all four children are null
        return (NW == null && NE == null && SW == null && SE == null);

     * Approximates the net force acting on Body b from all bodies
     * in the invoking Barnes-Hut tree, and updates b's force accordingly.
    public void updateForce(Body b) {

        if (body == null || b.equals(body))

        // if the current node is external, update net force acting on b
        if (isExternal())

            // for internal nodes
        else {

            // width of region represented by internal node
            double s = quad.length();

            // distance between Body b and this node's center-of-mass
            double d = body.distanceTo(b);

            // compare ratio (s / d) to threshold value Theta
            if ((s / d) < Theta)
                b.addForce(body);   // b is far away

                // recurse on each of current node's children
            else {

     * Returns a string representation of the Barnes-Hut tree
     * in which spaces represent external nodes, and asterisks
     * represent internal nodes.
     * @return a string representation of this quadtree
    public String toString() {
        if (isExternal())
            return " " + body + "\n";
            return "*" + body + "\n" + NW + NE + SW + SE;


 * Body.java
 * Represents a Body (a point mass) and its position,
 * velocity, mass, color, and the net force acting upon it.
 * @author chindesaurus
 * @version 1.00
import java.awt.Color;

public class Body {

    // gravitational constant
    private static final double G = 6.67e-11;

    private double rx, ry;       // position
    private double vx, vy;       // velocity
    private double fx, fy;       // force
    private double mass;         // mass
    private Color color;         // color

     * Constructor: creates and initializes a new Body.
     * @param rx    the x-position of this new body
     * @param ry    the y-position of this new body
     * @param vx    the x-velocity of this new body
     * @param vy    the y-velocity of this new body
     * @param mass  the mass of this new body
     * @param color the color of this new body (RGB)
    public Body(double rx, double ry, double vx, double vy, double mass, Color color) {
        this.rx    = rx;
        this.ry    = ry;
        this.vx    = vx;
        this.vy    = vy;
        this.mass  = mass;
        this.color = color;

     * Updates the velocity and position of the invoking Body
     * using leapfrom method, with timestep dt.
     * @param dt the timestep for this simulation
    public void update(double dt) {
        vx += dt * fx / mass;
        vy += dt * fy / mass;
        rx += dt * vx;
        ry += dt * vy;

     * Returns the Euclidean distance between the invoking Body and b.
     * @param b the body from which to determine the distance
     * @return  the distance between this and Body b
    public double distanceTo(Body b) {
        double dx = rx - b.rx;
        double dy = ry - b.ry;
        return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

     * Resets the force (both x- and y-components) of the invoking Body to 0.
    public void resetForce() {
        fx = 0.0;
        fy = 0.0;

     * Computes the net force acting between the invoking body and b, and
     * adds this to the net force acting on the invoking Body.
     * @param b the body whose net force on this body to calculate
    public void addForce(Body b) {
        Body a = this;
        double EPS = 3E4;      // softening parameter
        double dx = b.rx - a.rx;
        double dy = b.ry - a.ry;
        double dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
        double F = (G * a.mass * b.mass) / (dist*dist + EPS*EPS);
        a.fx += F * dx / dist;
        a.fy += F * dy / dist;

     * Draws the invoking Body.
    public void draw() {
        StdDraw.point(rx, ry);

     * Returns a string representation of this body formatted nicely.
     * @return a formatted string containing this body's x- and y- positions,
     *         velocities, and mass
    public String toString() {
        return String.format("%10.3E %10.3E %10.3E %10.3E %10.3E", rx, ry, vx, vy, mass);

     * Returns true if the body is in quadrant q, else false.
     * @param q the Quad to check
     * @return  true iff body is in Quad q, else false
    public boolean in(Quad q) {
        return q.contains(this.rx, this.ry);

     * Returns a new Body object that represents the center-of-mass
     * of the invoking body and b.
     * @param b the body to aggregate with this Body
     * @return  a Body object representing an aggregate of this
     *          and b, having this and b's center of gravity and
     *          combined mass
    public Body plus(Body b) {
        Body a = this;

        double m = a.mass + b.mass;
        double x = (a.rx * a.mass + b.rx * b.mass) / m;
        double y = (a.ry * a.mass + b.ry * b.mass) / m;

        return new Body(x, y, a.vx, b.vx, m, a.color);


 * NBodyBH.java
 * <p>
 * Reads in a universe of N bodies from stdin, and performs an
 * N-Body simulation in O(N log N) using the Barnes-Hut algorithm.
 * <p>
 * Compilation:  javac NBodyBH.java
 * Execution:    java NBodyBH < inputs/[filename].txt
 * Dependencies: BHTree.java Body.java Quad.java StdDraw.java
 * Input files:  ./inputs/*.txt
 * @author chindesaurus
 * @version 1.00

import java.awt.Color;

public class NBodyBH {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final double dt = 0.1;                     // time quantum
        int N = 10000;                 // number of particles
        double radius = 1000;      // radius of universe

        // turn on animation mode and rescale coordinate system
        StdDraw.setXscale(-radius, +radius);
        StdDraw.setYscale(-radius, +radius);

        // read in and initialize bodies
        Body[] bodies = new Body[N];               // array of N bodies
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            double px = radius * 0.5 * (Math.random() - 1);
            double py = radius * 0.5 * (Math.random() - 1);
            Color color = new Color(225, 225, 0);
            bodies[i] = new Body(px, py, 2, 2, 1, color);

        // simulate the universe
        for (double t = 0.0; true; t = t + dt) {

            Quad quad = new Quad(0, 0, radius * 2);
            BHTree tree = new BHTree(quad);

            // build the Barnes-Hut tree
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                if (bodies[i].in(quad))

            // update the forces, positions, velocities, and accelerations
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

            // draw the bodies
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)



 * Quad.java
 * Represents quadrants for the Barnes-Hut algorithm.
 * Dependencies: StdDraw.java
 * @author chindesaurus
 * @version 1.00

public class Quad {

    private double xmid;
    private double ymid;
    private double length;

     * Constructor: creates a new Quad with the given
     * parameters (assume it is square).
     * @param xmid   x-coordinate of center of quadrant
     * @param ymid   y-coordinate of center of quadrant
     * @param length the side length of the quadrant
    public Quad(double xmid, double y
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