<% @ Page Language = " c# " %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.Web " %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.Drawing " %>
<% @ Import Namespace = " System.Drawing.Imaging " %>
< script runat = " server " language = " C# " >
void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
int charsNo = 4 ;
int fontSize = 12 ;
int bgWidth = 60 ;
int bgHeight = 20 ;
float x = (bgWidth - (charsNo * (fontSize + 0.5F ))) / 2 ; // TODO: optimize
float y = (bgHeight - (fontSize * 1.7F )) / 2 ; // TODO: optimize
// Generate the text
// string genText = Globals.CreateTemporaryPassword(charsNo).ToUpper();
string genText = CreateTemporaryPassword(charsNo).ToUpper();
// Add the generate text to a session variable
Session.Add( " ValidateNumber " , genText);
// Create the memory map
Bitmap raster;
// Select an memory image from file of 290x80 px
// in the current dir, NoSpamBgImgs folder named bg_X.jpg
Graphics graphicObj;
string bgFilePath = Server.MapPath( @" ./AntiSpamBgImgs/bg_ " + new Random().Next( 1 ) + " .jpg " );
System.Drawing.Image imgObj = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(bgFilePath);
// Creating the raster image & graphic objects
raster = new Bitmap(imgObj, bgWidth, bgHeight);
graphicObj = Graphics.FromImage(raster);
// Creating an array for most readable yet cryptic fonts for OCR's
// This is entirely up to developer's discretion
// CAPTCHA recomandation
String[] crypticFonts = new String[ 13 ];
crypticFonts[ 0 ] = " Arial " ;
crypticFonts[ 1 ] = " Verdana " ;
crypticFonts[ 2 ] = " Comic Sans MS " ;
crypticFonts[ 3 ] = " Impact " ;
crypticFonts[ 4 ] = " Haettenschweiler " ;
crypticFonts[ 5 ] = " Lucida Sans Unicode " ;
crypticFonts[ 6 ] = " Garamond " ;
crypticFonts[ 7 ] = " Courier New " ;
crypticFonts[ 8 ] = " Book Antiqua " ;
crypticFonts[ 9 ] = " Arial Narrow " ;
crypticFonts[ 10 ] = " Fixedsys " ;
crypticFonts[ 11 ] = " 宋体 " ;
crypticFonts[ 12 ] = " 仿体 " ;
// Instantiate object of brush with black color
Random r = new Random();
SolidBrush brushes = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(r.Next( 150 ), r.Next( 150 ), r.Next( 150 )));
// Loop to write the characters on image with different fonts
// CAPTCHA method
for ( int a = 0 ; a < genText.Length; a ++ )
Font fontObj = new Font(crypticFonts[r.Next(crypticFonts.Length)], fontSize);
graphicObj.DrawString(genText.Substring(a, 1 ), fontObj, brushes, x + (a * fontSize), y);
// Flush again
// Setting the response header content MIME type
Response.ContentType = " image/gif " ;
// Saving the file to output stream to be displayed in browser
raster.Save(Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
// Flushing to the Response
public static String CreateTemporaryPassword( int length)
string str = "" ;
Random r = new Random();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < length; i ++ )
str += r.Next( 0 , 9 ).ToString();
return str;
</ script >
<img src="/ValidateImg.aspx" align="absmiddle" id="code" width="66" height="30" alt="验证码" /><a href="javascript:document.getElementById('code').src='/ValidateImg.aspx?'+Math.random();void(0);">看不清楚,换一个验证码</a>
后台:Session["ValidateNumber"] == input