
摘 要

本项目是基于JavaWeb的酒店管理系统的设计与实现。使用 MyEclipse,mysql5.7,tomcat7.0,作为开发工具,JSP(java server pages)和java技术开发的酒店管理系统。该项目系统框架是基于当前主流SSH(Struts + Spring + Hibernate)框架的。该系统主要服务于广大旅客,为用户提供预订酒店房间等服务,方便住宿者的外出前的准备。系统前台主要包含酒店房间浏览、酒店房间预订、商品浏览、商品购买,系统后台管理主要有登录管理、入住管理、订单管理、以及系统管理和财务管理等。

关键字: JSP; MyEclipse;MySQL;酒店管理系统;.

With the rapid development of the hotel industry and the multiplication of the number of hotels, the amount of information in all aspects of hotel management is increasing. For such a huge amount of information, the hotel industry needs to use computer information technology. With the popularization of computers and the widespread use of networks, most industries in China are increasingly applying computer management systems to their own companies to improve themselves. With regard to management efficiency and benefits, the hotel industry is relatively late in its use of computers compared with banks and aviation companies, however, with the development of the hotel industry, its competition has become increasingly fierce. However, advanced computer technology can be used to facilitate the management of the hotel. At the same time, it can also improve the hotel’s quality and management efficiency. Nowadays, large and medium-sized hotels increasingly prefer hotel online reservations. Based on the network technology, more and more hotel chains are well developed. With the help of the Internet, the resources of its chain stores can be reasonably and effectively integrated. Consumers across the country can access company room information and can order or order online via the phone. It has provided consumers with great convenience, and it has also greatly reduced the cost of hotel management and management. At the same time, it has been able to significantly improve hotel management efficiency and obtain greater profits… A good computer system can improve the marketing methods of hotel companies, promote the increase of operating income, increase the core competitiveness of hotel companies, use information technology to improve the efficiency of hotel companies’ collaborative work, and establish a bridge between the hotel and the customer. Not only can it improve hotel management, but it can also reduce the risk of hotel operations. It can also promote the coordination, standardization and efficiency of hotel management, and can also promote brands.
This project is the design and implementation of a hotel management system based on JavaWeb. Use MyEclipse, mysql5.7, tomcat7.0, as a development tool, the hotel management system was designed and developed using JSP and java technology. In the design, the current mainstream SSH framework is used. The system designed in this paper mainly serves the majority of passengers, providing users with services such as booking hotel rooms, to facilitate the preparation of the guests before going out. The front desk of the system mainly includes hotel room browsing, hotel room reservation, product browsing, and product purchase. The system background management includes system management, order management, financial management, occupancy management, and login management.

Keywords: JSP; MyEclipse; MySQL; hotel management system;

目 录

1 引 言 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2研究目的及意义 1
1.3研究内容 2
1.4论文结构 3
2相关技术及开发工具介绍 4
2.1开发模式 4
2.2系统框架 4
2.3 项目开发工具介绍 5
3.1系统可行性分析 6
3.1.1经济可行性 6
3.1.2技术可行性 6
3.1.3操作可行性 6
3.2系统需求分析 6
4 系统设计 10
4.1功能设计 10
4.1.1系统功能设计 10
4.1.2前台系统流程设计 11
4.1.3后台系统流程设计 12
4.2数据库设计 13
4.2.1数据库概念结构设计 14
4.2.2数据库逻辑结构设计 18
5系统实现 21
5.1前台各功能模块的实现及说明 21
5.2后台功能模块实现及说明 28
6 系统测试 34
6.1测试目的 34
6.2 测试内容 35
6.3 测试用例 36
6.3.1 登录模块测试 36
6.3.2 客房预订模块测试 37
6.4 测试结果 39
6.5 测试结论和建议 39
6.6测试总结 39
7总结和展望 40
7.1总结 40
7.2展望 41
参考文献 42
致 谢 43

1 引 言

随着互联网的迅速发展,商业活动也与互联网相连,因此它可以更好地利用互联网来获得更大的商业利益。 网上预订方便快捷,电子商务应用日益广泛。 酒店、宾馆、机票预订等行业都加入了电子商务时代的行列, 在线预订越来越受到消费者的青睐。
随着社会的不断发展进步,而且近年来人们的生活水平也逐渐提升,于是人们也逐渐将旅游看成是生活的一部分。在五一和国庆节等旅游旺季,房源的缺少,缺乏住房和价格急剧上涨给游客带来了麻烦。 通过酒店预订房间不仅解决了游客找不到、订不到客房的难题,价格比淡季更加实惠。 随着电子商务的发展和人们对电子商务意识的提高,酒店在线预订将成为所有酒店未来业务发展方向和销售方式。 因此,酒店管理系统也是每个酒店必须在未来配备的计算机系统,提高管理管理效率,有必要开发这样一套管理软件。
在酒店业快速发展的同时,怎样才可以使酒店的竞争力得以提升,如何才可以使酒店管理水平得以逐步提高,如何才能够使酒店运营成本大幅减少,这一系列的问题都必须借助先进的技术进行解决。随着生活节奏的加快,传统的酒店人工管理方式难以较好的满足实际需求,以及高效率的酒店业管理的需求。 所以,在信息技术的大背景下,怎样使用计算机技术和网络技术摸索应用于中小型酒店的管理和管理方式,进而实现中小型酒店管理的信息化、智能化、以及自动化,同时还可以为客户提供高质量、高效的服务。这些问题都需要采取有效措施进行解决。随着软件系统的逐步成熟,也逐渐降低了软件管理的成本。越来越多的酒店也开始使用信息管理系统,随着酒店业的发展,这也具有非常大的商机。根据资料显示,不同的酒店所采用的管理系统也具有差异。在功能方面,一些系统并不完善,不符合市场的需求。信息系统没有起到应该有的作用,强大的统计数据分析功能在酒店管理系统上得到了体现,为酒店管理员决策提供了方便,并对酒店决策的可执行性与科学性进行了更好的保障。





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