iPhone Performance Killers

Have a look at the following code, and then answer these questions before reading on:

  1. Which function will run faster?
  2. What will be the framerate for each function when run 100 times per frame on an iPhone 3G?
  3. Will wrapping the 100 calls to function1 in an NSAutoreleasePool show any difference?

[cc lang="ObjC" height="465"]
-(void) function1
CGPoint pos = [self position];
id x = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:pos.x];
id y = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:pos.y];
id objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:x, y, nil];
id keys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"x", @"y", nil];
id dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:objects forKeys:keys];
dict; // avoid compiler warning, is a noop

-(void) function2
CGPoint pos = [self position];
id x = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:pos.x];
id y = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:pos.y];
id objects = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:x, y, nil];
id keys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@”x”, @”y”, nil];
id dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:objects forKeys:keys];
[x release];
[y release];
[objects release];
[keys release];
[dict release];

The Answers

  1. Which function will run faster? Answer: function1
  2. What will be the framerate for each function when run 100 times per frame on an iPhone 3G?Answer: 27 fps for function1 and 24 fps for function2.
  3. Will wrapping the 100 calls to function1 in an NSAutoreleasePool show any difference? Answer:no, but memory of temporary objects is released immediately.

Needless to say, on an iPod (4th Generation) and an iPad these tests all run at 60 fps and give no indication whatsoever that the performance on an iPhone 3G would suffer this much (and neither does the Simulator, of course). All the more reason to test early and often on older devices.

To autorelease or not?

Common wisdom may tell you that alloc/release is faster than autorelease. Even Apple recommends avoiding autorelease, right?

Not quite, because this is often misunderstood: Apple recommends to avoid autorelease but only for functions which create a lot of temporary objects and because of the constrained memory – not because it’s slow or even dangerous – autorelease is not dangerous.

Since memory is so constrained on 1st and 2nd generation iOS devices, it’s best to release that memory as soon as possible and don’t leave it allocated for longer than necessary. To achieve this, you can choose to do two things in this case: use alloc/release or enclose the loop in an NSAutoreleasePool. The latter option is preferred since it will release the memory right away, and not some time later. And autorelease is generally preferable because you will never, ever forget to send a release message to an object – which means it’ll be leaked and forever use up memory.

You can write well-performing, even better-performing code by using autorelease and using NSAutoreleasePool around tight loops creating many temporary autorelease objects.

Innocent looking code kills framerate

Did you expect that creating 100 rather simple NSDictionary instances each frame would drag the framerate down to around 24-27 fps? Me neither. I knew the code wasn’t going to be blazing fast, but I never expected it to have such an impact. However, it can be optimized somewhat since I’m unnecessarily creating two NSArray instances to hold the keys and values respectively before using them to create the NSDictionary. In fact we can get rid of them by using dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys and doing this in a single step:

[cc lang="ObjC"]
-(void) function1Optimized
CGPoint pos = [self position];
id x = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:pos.x];
id y = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:pos.y];
id dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:x, @"x", y, @"y", nil];
dict; // avoid compiler warning, is a noop

Sometimes it helps to look around what other ways there are to run the same code. In terms of performance this is an order of a magnitude faster and now clocks in at 42 fps. Still not good enough for realtime rendering obviously but an improvement of over 50% by cutting two NSArray allocations is a very simple and effective optimization.

Just as a general guideline, when I get rid of the two NSNumber instances and simply pass empty strings for x and y the framerate went back up to 60 fps. Of course that’s over-optimizing to the point where the code doesn’t work anymore. It just goes to show how expensive the creation of NSDictionary and NSArray are, as is wrapping simple types in NSNumber or NSValue objects.

If you can avoid allocation and temporary objects, avoid it. If you can’t, at least avoid creating temporary objects every frame. Re-use objects as much as possible. Unfortunately, that’s not an option for NSNumber objects since you can’t change the value of a NSNumber instance.

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将下面中文翻译成英文:肿瘤是威胁人类健康的杀手之一. 目前, 化学药物治疗是最常用的癌症治疗手段之一, 但化疗药物缺乏肿瘤特异性, 患者常受到消化障碍、骨髓抑制、肝肾损伤及免疫功能下降等毒副作用的困扰. 近年来, 纳米载体在肿瘤的靶向治疗及药物的可控释放等生物医学领域的应用日益受到人们的关注. 理想的纳米载体应该具备高的载药量, 运输过程中低的药物泄露和有效的靶点药物可控释放. 释药可控的药物递送系统(Controlled drug delivery systems)能够被人为控制实现治疗药物在病灶处可控快速释放, 克服了传统药物递送系统的诸多缺点(药物释放缓慢, 选择性差, 药物利用率低等). 因此, 设计开发刺激响应触发的释药可控药物递送系统正受到科研工作者的广泛关注. 构成可控释药递送系统的材料被称为“智能材料” , 他们可以对生物体的一些内部(pH、氧化还原、酶等)或外部(温度、电/磁、超声和光等)的刺激响应[1,2], 响应前后, 材料发生组成或构象上的变化, 破坏递送系统原有的平衡, 从而使药物从递送系统中释放. 而光是一种清洁, 无创和有效的刺激源. 将特定波长的光用于肿瘤的精准治疗主要有光动力治疗[3,4]、光热治疗[5,6]、光声成像[7,8]以及光控释放药物递送系统等, 在几种治疗系统中, 光控释药型药物递送体系通过调节光的波长和强度以及光照时间和空间, 实现药物在病灶部位的高浓度光控释放, 减少药物对正常部位的毒性, 因此光控释药的药物递送系统在生物医学领域有着巨大的应用价值和广阔的发展前景. 本文对基于不同光响应机理的光控释药型药物递送系统的研究进展进行了综述, 指出现有光控释药型药物递送系统存在的问题及对未来的研究方向进行了展望.


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