

在安装 WAMP 时报此错误:

其实在安装的过程中 WAMP 已经告诉你需要哪些依赖的软件包,看下面截图文字

Make sure you are "up to date" in the redistributable packages VC9, VC10, VC11, VC13 ,  VC14 and VC15

原因是缺少了相应的 Microsoft Visual C++ 相应的程序包


进入控制面板 > 程序与功能  查看自己已经安装的 VC ++

可以发现我这里是缺少了 Visual Studio 2015:

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 下载


如果是安装 WAMP 报这个错误的话记得先将 WAMP 卸载掉,然后安装 vc_redist 重启电脑再安装 WAMP 即可。


wampserver 下载,wampserver 最新版下载


--- Installation of Wampserver ---
BEFORE proceeding with the installation of Wampserver, you must ensure that certain elements are installed on your system, otherwise Wampserver will absolutely not run, and in addition, the installation will be faulty and you need to remove Wampserver BEFORE installing the elements that were missing.
Make sure you are "up to date" in the redistributable packages VC9, VC10, VC11, VC13 ,  VC14 and VC15
See --- Visual C++ Packages below.
--- Do not install Wampserver OVER an existing version, follow the advice:
- Install a new version of Wampserver: http://forum.wampserver.com/read.php?2,123606
If you install Wampserver over an existing version, not only it will not work, but you risk losing your existing databases.
--- Install Wampserver in a folder at the root of a disk, for example C:\wamp or D:\wamp. Take an installation path that does not include spaces or diacritics; Therefore, no installation in c: \ Program Files\ or C: \ Program Files (x86\
We must BEFORE installing, disable or close some applications:
- Close Skype or force not to use port 80
Item No. 04 of the Wampserver TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS:http://forum.wampserver.com/read.php?2,134915
- Disable IIS
Item No. 08 of the Wampserver TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS:http://forum.wampserver.com/read.php?2,134915
If these prerequisites are not in place, Press the Cancel button to cancel the installation, then apply the prerequisites and restart the installation.
This program requires Administrator privileges to function properly. It will be launched with the "Run as administrator" option. If you do not want a program to have this option, cancel the installation.
--- Visual C++ Packages ---
The MSVC runtime libraries VC9, VC10, VC11 are required for Wampserver 2.4, 2.5 and 3.0, even if you use only Apache and PHP versions with VC11. Runtimes VC13, VC14 is required for PHP 7 and Apache 2.4.17 or more
-- VC9 Packages (Visual C++ 2008 SP1)
-- VC10 Packages (Visual C++ 2010 SP1)
-- VC11 Packages (Visual C++ 2012 Update 4)
The two files VSU4\vcredist_x86.exe and VSU4\vcredist_x64.exe to be download are on the same page: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679
-- VC13 Packages Update 5(Visual C++ 2013)
The two files VSU4\vcredist_x86.exe and VSU4\vcredist_x64.exe to be download are on the same page: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4032938/
-- VC14 Packages (Visual C++ 2015 Update 3) Supersedes by VC15
- VC15 Redistribuable (Visual C++ 2017)
VC2017 (VC15) is backward compatible to VC2015 (VC14). That means, a VC14 module can be used inside a VC15 binary. Because this compatibility the version number of the Redistributable is 14.1x.xx and after you install the Redistributable VC2017, VC2015 is removed but you can still use VC14.

If you have a 64-bit Windows, you must install both 32 and 64bit versions of each VisualC++ package, even if you do not use Wampserver 64 bit
To verify that all VC ++ packages are installed and with the latest versions, you can use the tool:
http://wampserver.aviatechno.net/files/tools/check_vcredist.exe and you will find all the packages on http://wampserver.aviatechno.net/ in section Visual C++ Redistribuable Packages
You must install each package "as an administrator", so right-click the exe file and then run as Administrator. Do not use a previously loaded tool. Make a new download to make sure you are using the correct version.

Warning: Sometimes Microsoft may update the VC ++ package by breaking the download links and without redirect to the new. If the case happens to you, remember that item number 20 below will be updated and the page http://wampserver.aviatechno.net/ section Visual C++ Redistribuable Packages is up to date.
This is item number 20 of TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS of Wampserver:

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### 回答1: 如果计算机丢失vcruntime140.dll文件,可以尝试以下解决办法: 1. 重新安装Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable包。可以从Microsoft官网下载最新版本的Visual C++ Redistributable包,然后安装即可。 2. 运行系统文件检查器。在命令提示符输入sfc /scannow命令,系统会自动检查并修复系统文件。 3. 从其他计算机上复制vcruntime140.dll文件。可以从其他安装了相同操作系统和软件的计算机上复制vcruntime140.dll文件,然后粘贴到丢失文件的计算机上。 4. 使用DLL修复工具。可以使用一些专门的DLL修复工具,如DLL-Files Fixer等,来修复丢失vcruntime140.dll文件。 需要注意的是,如果以上方法都无法解决问题,可能需要重新安装操作系统或者联系专业技术人员进行修复。 ### 回答2: vcruntime140.dll是一个在Windows操作系统使用的动态链接库文件。当计算机的某个软件需要使用它时,它会被调用。一般而言,在计算机上遗失或损坏vcruntime140.dll文件会导致某些程序无法正常运行。下面是一些可能出现问题的软件:Microsoft Office,Adobe Creative Cloud,Photoshop,Premiere Pro和Dreamweaver等等。 如果您的计算机缺少vcruntime140.dll文件,通常有一些解决方案可供使用。以下是一些常见的解决方法: 1.重新安装软件 由于在一些软件包含了vcruntime140.dll文件,因此在重新安装相关程序时,这个错误有可能会被解决。在选择安装这些软件之前需要在控制面板卸载这些软件,以确保旧文件被删除。随后,再安装这个程序的新版本。 2.安装Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 这个程序是一个微软提供的免费工具,它包括了vcruntime140.dll文件以及其他Visual C++资源,用于支持软件的正常运行。如果计算机上没有这个软件,一些程序就会出错。您可以从Microsoft的官方网站下载并安装Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio。 3.更新Windows操作系统 在更新操作系统过程,有可能已经包含了vcruntime140.dll文件,因此这个问题有可能会被解决。在Windows更新设置查找更新,然后进行安装操作。 4.复制文件到系统文件夹 如果您知道vcruntime140.dll文件的路径,可以尝试将它复制到system32文件夹(如果是32位系统)或SysWOW64文件夹(如果是64位系统)。如果您复制该文件到C:\Windows\System32文件夹,防止将该文件误放到其他目录或文件夹。确保要覆盖掉以前的文件,以完全替换损坏或缺失的文件。 总的来说,如果计算机出现vcruntime140.dll文件的错误,用户可以尝试上述方法进行解决。如果问题仍然无法解决,建议进行更深入的故障排除。 ### 回答3: vcruntime140.dll是Windows系统所需的动态链接库之一,它是Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable的一部分,通常被用于在计算机上运行一些程序或游戏时需要使用的库文件,一旦缺少这个文件,计算机就会出现一些奇怪的问题和错误。 如果你遇到了vcruntime140.dll丢失的情况,在这里我们为你提供解决办法: 方法一:重新安装Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable vcruntime140.dll最常见的情况是缺少Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable包,所以你需要重新安装这个软件包。你可以在Microsoft官网下载Visual C++ Redistributable包并按照安装包的提示进行安装。 方法二:从其他可靠来源下载vcruntime140.dll并将其添加到系统目录 如果重新安装Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable并不能解决问题,你可以尝试从其他可靠的来源下载vcruntime140.dll,并将其添加到系统目录。可以通过Google等搜索引擎或者第三方软件下载站来获取vcruntime140.dll。请注意,下载文件时一定要确保文件来源可靠,并避免下载来路不明的文件,以免受到恶意软件或病毒的入侵。 方法三:使用系统还原功能 如果你不确定vcruntime140.dll何时丢失,或者你认为你的问题与Windows的其他错误相关,那么你可以使用系统还原功能还原到过去可以处理问题的时间点。请注意,使用系统还原功能可能会导致您失去最近的数据或软件,所以一定要谨慎使用。 总结 以上是计算机丢失vcruntime140.dll的解决办法,建议先尝试方法一,如果还不行再尝试方法二和方法三,确保在下载软件时一定要确定文件来源可靠,并且在向系统目录添加文件时要格外注意,避免误操作或者导致系统异常。同时,为了避免此类情况的发生,建议定期清理和维护计算机,确保计算机始终保持在一个稳定和安全的状态。


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