几个基础java的问题!~(仔细看哦 有陷阱的!!!勿陷)

1.What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code?    

public class Test


    public static void main(String argv[])


            Test test = new Test();




            boolean b = false;

            if(b = true)


                System.out.println("The value of b is " + b);

            }       }}
A) Run time error, a boolean cannot be appended using the + operator.

B) prints : The value of b is true.

C) Compile time error, cannot simultaneously create and assign value for boolean value.

D) Compilation and run with no output.

2.What will happen when you compile and run the following code?(     )

class Test


    int i = 5;



    public static void main(String args[])


        Test t = new Test();



A) 5    B) 6      C) Compilation error    D) None of these

3.What will happen if you compile/run the following code?    

public class Test


    public static void main(String[] args)


        boolean b1 = false ;

        boolean b2 = true ;

        int k = (int)b1 + (int)b2;



A.0  B.1  C. This code causes run-time error  D.This code causes compile-time error

4.What results from compiling and running the following code fragment?    

Byte myByte = new Byte("111");

if(myByte.toString() == myByte.toString())




A)     Compilation error, toString() is not available for Byte.

B)     Prints "True"     C.Prints "False"     D.None of the above

5.What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code?    

1.  public class TestEqual

2.  {

3.      public static void main(String args[])

4.      {

5.          Object obj1 = new Boolean("false");

6.          Object obj2 = new String("false");

7.          Object obj3 = obj1;

8.          obj1 = null;

9.          Object obj4 = obj3.toString();

10.         System.out.println(obj2.equals(obj4));

11.     }   }

A) It will print-false      B) It will print-true

C) It will throw NullPointerException at runtime  D) The code will not compile

6.What will happen if you compile and run the following code?     

public class Test


   static String str1 = "main method with String[] args";

   static String str2 = "main method with int[] args";

   public static void main(String[] args) // line :6




   public static void main(int[] args) // line:11



   }        }

A)     Duplicate method main(), compilation error at line 6.

B)     Duplicate method main(), compilation error at line 11.

C)     Prints "main method with main String[] args".

D)     Prints "main method with main int[] args"

7. Consider the following line of code(     )

    char y[] = new char[5];

After execution, which of the following are true?

A. y[4] = '0'  B. y[4] = '/u0000'  C. y[5] = '/u0000'  D. y[5] = '0'

8.What will happen on compiling and executing the following code fragment?(     )

Boolean[] b1 = new Boolean[10];

boolean[] b2 = new boolean[10];

System.out.println("The value of b1[1] = " + b1[1]);

System.out.println("The value of b2[1] = " + b2[1]);

A) Prints "The value of b1[1] = false"

          "The value of b2[1] = false".

B) Prints "The value of b1[1] = null"

          "The value of b2[1] = null".

C) Prints "The value of b1[1] = null"

          "The value of b2[1] = false".

D) Prints "The value of b1[1] = false"

          "The value of b2[1] = null".

9.What will happen when you compile and run the following code?(     )

class Test


    public static void main(String args[])


        System.out.println(0.0 == -0.0);


A. true        B. Compilation error        C.  None of these

10.The following line of code is equivalent to which of the codes given as choices?(     )

if(x > y) z = x;

else z = y;

A)     z = x < y ? x : y         B.z = x < y ? y : x

C   z = y < x ? x : y          D.z = y < x ? y : x       E. None of the above

11.What will be output by the following statement?(      )

System.out.println(1 << 32);

A)     1         B -1       C.32        D.-2147483648

12.What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code?(      )

public class Q


    public static void main(String argv[])


        int anar[] = new int[]{1, 2, 3};


    } }

A)     1       B.2       C. Error anar is referenced before it is initialized

B)     Error: size of array must be defined

13.What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code?(     )

1.  public class Test

2.  {

3.      public static void main(String args[])

4.      {

5.          Boolean b1 = new Boolean("Yes");

6.          Boolean b2 = new Boolean("No");

7.          Object obj = new Boolean(b2.equals(b1));

8.          System.out.println(obj);

9.      }}

A) Compilation error at line 5    B) Compilation error at line 6

C) Compilation error at line 7   D) It will print – true

E) It will print – false

14.What String instance method would return true when invoked as follows?    


where a equals "GROUNDhog" and b equals "groundHOG"?

A)     equals()   B.toLowerCase()   C.toUpperCase()   D.equalsIgnoreCase()

15. In Struts achieve pages Jump main use any method?(      )

A) erver.transfer   B) response.redirect C) mapping.findForward

D) response.sendRedirect

16.which object can be used to be sent at the request of the browser(      )

A) HttpServletRequest   B) HttpServletResponse  C) HttpServlet   D) Http

17. From Which of the following is an option available in the Servlet initialization parameters.(     )

AServlet  BServletContext  CServletConfig  DGenericServlet

18. How to obtain the data source.(      )

A) Through Http  B) Through ftp  C) Through JNDI  D) Through Connection

19. Which of the following item appeared only in Struts(     )

A) JavaBean   B) Web.xml  C) struts-config.xml   D) application.propertyes

20. Http default request methods is?(     )

A) PUT    B) GET    C) POST   D) TRACE

21. JDBC, for the object of that database connections is.(     )

A) Statement   B) Connection  C) DriverManager  D) PreparedStatement

22. EJB Class inventory in which version of Java?(     )


23. When the JSP was running, what’s the results?(     )


<% for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ %>


<% } %>


A)     024    B.0246    C. out.print(i*2) out.print(i*2) out.print(i*2)

D) This JSP grammatical mistakes, can not run

24.What will happen when you compile and run the following code?(     )

public class MyClass


   public static void main(String args[])


                System.out.println("Before Try");




                catch(Throwable th)


                   System.out.println("Inside Catch");


                System.out.println("After Try");

         } }

A) Compilation error   B) Runtime error   C) Before Try   D.After Try

E) None of these

25.If you want to output "<", then <c: out> tags which should be set in a property?(     )

A) value   B) escapeXml  C) default   D) entity

26.Which is the Web components of J2EE(     )

A) HTML   B) EJB   C) Applet   D) JSP

27.Following what can be achieved on the interface of Web visitors authentication?(     )

A) Http Servlet Request    B) Http Servlet Response

C) Http Session   D) Http Servlet

28.What will be the result of executing the following code?(     )

1.  class TestClass

2.  {

3.      public static void main(String args[])

4.      {

5.          System.out.println(maximum(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}));

6.      }


8.      public static int maximum(int[] myData)

9.      {

10.         int max = 0;

11.         for (int i = 0; i < myData.length; i++)

12.             if (max < myData[i])

13.                 max = myData[i];

14.         return max;

15.     }

16. }

A) The code will not compile at line 5 as arrays cannot be passed without creation

B) The code will compile but a runtime exception will be thrown at line 11

C) The code will compile and print 5     D) None of these


1.which  of the following lines will compile without warning or error.      
A) float f=1.3; B) char c='a'; C) byte b=257;  D) boolean b=null;  E) int i=10;

2.which of the following lines of code will compile without error     
int i=0;
if (i) {
boolean b=true;
boolean b2=true;
if(b==b2) {
system.out.println(“so true”);
int i=1;
int j=2;
if(i==1|| j==2)
int i=1;
int j=2;
if (i==1 &| j==2)

3.Which of the following collection classes from java.util package are Thread safe?(     )

A) Vector  B) ArrayList C) HashMap  D) Hashtable

4.Which of the following are valid ways to define a constructor for class Test?(     )

A) public void Test(){}   B) public Test(){}  C) private Test(){}

D) public static Test(){}   E) final Test(){}

5.Which of the following classes have "is-a" relationship with java.lang.Number?(     )

A) java.lang.Byte    B) java.lang.Void    C) java.lang.Double

D) java.lang.Boolean   E) java.lang.Short   F) java.lang.Character

6.Which of the following are recommended ways a Thread may be blocked?    

A) sleep()   B) wait()/notify()   C) suspend()  D) pause()  

7. What are the expression of operation JSTL tags.(     )

A) <c:out>   B) <c:if>   C) <c:url>  D) <c:catch>

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