

  • [HIVE-887] - Allow SELECT without a mapreduce job
  • [HIVE-895] - Add SerDe for Avro serialized data
  • [HIVE-967] - Implement “show create table”
  • [HIVE-1577] - Add configuration property hive.exec.local.scratchdir
  • [HIVE-2397] - Support with rollup option for group by
  • [HIVE-2418] - replace or translate function in hive
  • [HIVE-2530] - Implement SHOW TBLPROPERTIES
  • [HIVE-2549] - Support standard cross join syntax
  • [HIVE-2694] - Add FORMAT UDF
  • [HIVE-2767] - Optionally use framed transport with metastore
  • [HIVE-2909] - SHOW COLUMNS table_name; to provide a comma-delimited list of columns.
  • [HIVE-2928] - Support for Oracle-backed Hive-Metastore (“longvarchar” to “clob” in package.jdo)
  • [HIVE-3001] - Returning Meaningful Error Codes & Messages
  • [HIVE-3056] - Create a new metastore tool to bulk update location field in Db/Table/Partition records
  • [HIVE-3066] - Add the option -database DATABASE in hive cli to specify a default database to use for the cli session.
  • [HIVE-3068] - Add ability to export table metadata as JSON on table drop
  • [HIVE-3072] - Hive List Bucketing - DDL support
  • [HIVE-3086] - Skewed Join Optimization
  • [HIVE-3152] - Disallow certain character patterns in partition names
  • [HIVE-3238] - A table generating, table generating function
  • [HIVE-3304] - sort merge join should work if both the tables are sorted in descending order
  • [HIVE-3433] - Implement CUBE and ROLLUP operators in Hive
  • [HIVE-3471] - Implement grouping sets in hive
  • [HIVE-3554] - Hive List Bucketing - Query logic
  • [HIVE-3610] - Add a command “Explain dependency …”
  • [HIVE-3643] - Hive List Bucketing - set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories
  • [HIVE-3649] - Hive List Bucketing - enhance DDL to specify list bucketing table
  • [HIVE-3705] - Adding authorization capability to the metastore
  • [HIVE-4053] - Add support for phonetic algorithms in Hive
  • [HIVE-4345] - Pushing down query conditions to support on-the-fly filtering at the file parsing


  • [HIVE-3405] - UDF initcap to obtain a string with the first letter of each word in uppercase other letters in lowercase
  • [HIVE-7122] - Storage format for create like table
  • [HIVE-8435] - Add identity project remover optimization


  • [HIVE-7998] - Enhance JDBC Driver to not require class specification
  • [HIVE-9039] - Support Union Distinct
  • [HIVE-9188] - BloomFilter support in ORC
  • [HIVE-9277] - Hybrid Hybrid Grace Hash Join
  • [HIVE-9302] - Beeline add commands to register local jdbc driver names and jars
  • [HIVE-9780] - Add another level of explain for RDBMS audience
  • [HIVE-10038] - Add Calcite’s ProjectMergeRule.
  • [HIVE-10099] - Enable constant folding for Decimal


* [HIVE-12270] - Add DBTokenStore support to HS2 delegation token
* [HIVE-12634] - Add command to kill an ACID transaction
* [HIVE-12730] - MetadataUpdater: provide a mechanism to edit the basic statistics of a table (or a partition)
* [HIVE-12878] - Support Vectorization for TEXTFILE and other formats
* [HIVE-12994] - Implement support for NULLS FIRST/NULLS LAST
* [HIVE-13029] - NVDIMM support for LLAP Cache
* [HIVE-13095] - Support view column authorization
* [HIVE-13125] - Support masking and filtering of rows/columns
* [HIVE-13307] - LLAP: Slider package should contain permanent functions
* [HIVE-13418] - HiveServer2 HTTP mode should support X-Forwarded-Host header for authorization/audits
* [HIVE-13475] - Allow aggregate functions in over clause
* [HIVE-13736] - View's input/output formats are TEXT by default


  • [HIVE-14217] - Druid integration
  • [HIVE-14362] - Support explain analyze in Hive
  • [HIVE-15147] - LLAP: use LLAP cache for non-columnar formats in a somewhat general way
  • [HIVE-15269] - Dynamic Min-Max/BloomFilter runtime-filtering for Tez
  • [HIVE-15409] - Add support for GROUPING function with grouping sets
  • [HIVE-15955] - make explain formatted to include opId and etc


  • [HIVE-1555] - JDBC Storage Handler
    • [HIVE-10924] - add support for MERGE statement
    • [HIVE-11072] - Add data validation between Hive metastore upgrades tests
    • [HIVE-12764] - Support Intersect (distinct/all) Except (distinct/all) Minus (distinct/all) in Hive
    • [HIVE-13964] - Add a parameter to beeline to allow a properties file to be passed in
    • [HIVE-14035] - Enable predicate pushdown to delta files created by ACID Transactions
    • [HIVE-14233] - Improve vectorization for ACID by eliminating row-by-row stitching
    • [HIVE-14249] - Add simple materialized views with manual rebuilds
    • [HIVE-14315] - Implement StatsProvidingRecordReader for ParquetRecordReaderWrapper
    • [HIVE-14558] - Add support for listing views similar to “show tables”
    • [HIVE-15434] - Add UDF to allow interrogation of uniontype values
    • [HIVE-15691] - Create StrictRegexWriter to work with RegexSerializer for Flume Hive Sink


Provide a fallback authorizer when no other authorizer is in use


  • [HIVE-1010] - Implement INFORMATION_SCHEMA in Hive
  • [HIVE-8838] - Support Parquet through HCatalog
  • [HIVE-15229] - ‘like any’ and ‘like all’ operators in hive
  • [HIVE-15434] - Add UDF to allow interrogation of uniontype values
  • [HIVE-15571] - Support Insert into for druid storage handler
  • [HIVE-15691] - Create StrictRegexWriter to work with RegexSerializer for Flume Hive Sink
  • [HIVE-15996] - Implement multiargument GROUPING function
  • [HIVE-16281] - Upgrade master branch to JDK8
  • [HIVE-16452] - Database UUID for metastore DB
  • [HIVE-16520] - Cache hive metadata in metastore
  • [HIVE-16575] - Support for ‘UNIQUE’ and ‘NOT NULL’ constraints
  • [HIVE-16602] - Implement shared scans with Tez
  • [HIVE-16605] - Enforce NOT NULL constraints
  • [HIVE-16643] - BeeLine tests output should keep the PREHOOK/POSTHOOK Input/Output orderdering
  • [HIVE-16917] - HiveServer2 guard rails - Limit concurrent connections from user
  • [HIVE-17089] - make acid 2.0 the default
  • [HIVE-17159] - Make metastore a separately releasable module
  • [HIVE-17160] - Adding kerberos Authorization to the Druid hive integration
  • [HIVE-17204] - support un-bucketed tables in acid
  • [HIVE-17361] - Support LOAD DATA for transactional tables
  • [HIVE-17366] - Constraint replication in bootstrap
  • [HIVE-17432] - Enable join and aggregate materialized view rewriting
  • [HIVE-17466] - Metastore API to list unique partition-key-value combinations
  • [HIVE-17481] - LLAP workload management
  • [HIVE-17626] - Query reoptimization using cached runtime statistics
  • [HIVE-17710] - LockManager should only lock Managed tables
  • [HIVE-17717] - Enable rule to push post-aggregations into Druid
  • [HIVE-18098] - Add support for Export/Import for Acid tables
  • [HIVE-18281] - HiveServer2 HA for LLAP and Workload Manager
  • [HIVE-18347] - Allow pluggable dynamic lookup of Hive Metastores from HiveServer2
  • [HIVE-18361] - Extend shared work optimizer to reuse computation beyond work boundaries
  • [HIVE-18373] - Make it easier to search for column name in a table
  • [HIVE-18726] - Implement DEFAULT constraint
  • [HIVE-18739] - Add support for Import/Export from Acid table
  • [HIVE-18814] - Support Add Partition For Acid tables
  • [HIVE-18835] - JDBC standalone jar download link in ambari
  • [HIVE-18841] - Support authorization of UDF usage in hive
  • [HIVE-18953] - Implement CHECK constraint
  • [HIVE-19059] - Support DEFAULT keyword with INSERT and UPDATE


* [HIVE-18739] - Add support for Import/Export from Acid table
* [HIVE-19307] - Support ArrowOutputStream in LlapOutputFormatService


### 回答1: Hive是一个基于Hadoop的数据仓库工具,它允许用户使用SQL-like语言来进行大数据处理。Hive-2.3.3是Hive的一个版本,它提供了一种新的JDBC驱动程序,这个驱动程序支持新的JDBC4.2 API,提供更完整的JDBC支持。与之前的版本不同,这个新的JDBC驱动程序提供了更好的性能和更高的可伸缩性。它还支持Kerberos身份验证和SSL加密,可以更加安全地访问Hadoop数据仓库。 使用Hive-2.3.3的JDBC驱动程序,用户可以使用Java编程语言来连接和操作Hive数据仓库。它可以帮助用户编写更加灵活、可靠的Hive应用程序,实现更高效的数据分析和处理。此外,这个驱动程序还可以作为其他应用程序的数据源,如BI应用程序和ETL工具。 对于企业级应用程序,这个JDBC驱动程序提供了更好的弹性和可伸缩性,以应对大量数据的处理需求。用户可以使用它进行数据抽取、转换和加载,从而更好地实现数据集成。 总的来说,Hive-2.3.3的JDBC驱动程序是一个非常有用的工具,它提供了更好的性能、更高的可靠性和更大的可伸缩性,使用户可以更好地处理和分析大数据。 ### 回答2: Hive是一款基于Hadoop的数据仓库系统,可以用于大规模数据存储和分析。而Hive-2.3.3版本的JDBC驱动程序则是提供给Java程序访问和操作Hive数据库的一种工具。 JDBC是Java数据库连接的缩写,是Java语言访问关系型数据库的标准接口。Hive JDBC驱动程序是基于这个接口实现的,通过JDBC接口实现了Hive数据仓库的连接与操作,使得开发者可以使用Java程序对Hive表进行查询、插入、更新、删除等操作。 Hive-2.3.3版本的JDBC驱动程序具有一些新的特性,比如支持Kerberos安全认证、支持HiveServer2协议、支持连接池等。这些新增特性使得Hive-2.3.3 JDBC驱动程序更加易用、安全可靠,并能更好地满足各种应用场景的需求。 总之,Hive-2.3.3 JDBC驱动程序是连接Java程序与Hive数据库的一条桥梁,具有重要的作用。通过这个驱动程序,用户可以在Java应用程序中访问和操作Hive数据库,便于数据分析和挖掘,是大数据应用中必不可少的工具。 ### 回答3: Hive-2.3.3 JDBC驱动程序是一个用于连接Apache Hive数据库的Java编程语言接口,它使得程序员能够在Java应用程序中访问Hive数据库。JDBC驱动程序是一种遵循Java Database Connectivity(JDBC)标准的软件组件,它提供了一个标准接口来访问关系型数据库。 Hive是一个基于Hadoop的数据仓库,它允许用户使用类SQL的语言查询和分析存储在Hadoop文件系统中的大规模数据集。Hive可以将结构化数据映射到Hadoop的分布式文件系统中,并提供了类SQL的查询语言HiveQL,允许用户使用HiveQL查询大型数据集。 使用Hive-2.3.3 JDBC驱动程序,程序员能够在Java应用程序中轻松地访问Hive数据库。它提供了一个稳定、高性能的连接对象来管理与Hive的通信,该对象对数据库的基本操作(例如查询和更新)提供支持。此外,JDBC驱动程序还提供了一组API,使得程序员可以自由地构建和执行查询语句,从而进行数据查询和分析。 总之,Hive-2.3.3 JDBC驱动程序是一个重要的工具,它使得Java程序员能够轻松地访问和查询Hive数据库。它提供了一组标准接口,使得程序员可以更轻松地进行数据分析和处理,为企业和组织提供了更快、更有效的数据处理解决方案。
评论 2




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