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原创 飞桨PaddlePaddle论文复现:图像的一阶运动模型(初版)


2020-08-06 18:50:49 987

原创 基于PaddlePaddle的深度学习7日学习入门cv心得体会


2020-04-07 11:56:57 510 1

原创 head first python

类class是一种将数据与函数链接在一起的东西     类有助于减少复杂性 有利于维护(要通过实践发现他的好处)class起码有一个参数 self 具体用就是创造 实例最好不要  a.time.append()    可能会导致混乱(?) 可以先创立一个方法   变为a.time_append,在使用229...

2018-03-24 14:01:30 206

原创 head first python 3/20

 .strip()从字符串中去掉不想要的空白符 str = "0000000 Runoob 0000000"; print str.strip( '0' ); # 去除首尾字符 0 str2 = " Runoob "; # 去除首尾空格print str2.strip();open  参数有 'w' 'w+' 'r'...  python2中写入可以用.write(...

2018-03-21 13:21:52 164

原创 python learing 3/20

next()  在循环时使用会稍微简单一点  C++JavaPythonPerlPHPShell#!/usr/bin/python3# Open a filefo = open("foo.txt", "r")print ("Name of the file: ", fo.name)for index in range(5): line = next(fo) prin...

2018-03-20 13:32:06 142

原创 te42

# -*-coding:utf-8-*- class TheThing(object): def __init__(self): self.number = 0#初始化 .number是self的一个属性 self就是自己 def some_function(self): print"i got called."#类下面的函数 打印xxxxx def add_m...

2018-03-08 15:07:18 392 1

原创 te41

from sys import exitfrom random import randint #aimed to create random numberdef death(): '''you will die with a random words''' die = ["you died.you kinda suck at this.","nice job, you died .....

2018-03-08 13:35:19 217

原创 te40

cities = {'CA':'san fransico', 'MI':'detroit','FL':'jacksonville'}cities['NY'] = 'new york'cities['OR'] = 'portland'def find_city(themap, state): if state in themap: return themap[state] else:...

2018-03-07 13:07:46 230

原创 te39

ten_things = 'apples oranges crpws telephone light sugar'print 'wait there\'s not ten things in the list, let\' fix it.'stuff = ten_things.split(' ')more_stuff = ['day','night', 'song', 'feisee',...

2018-03-07 12:21:45 153

原创 对python符号的理解

Keywords• and     逻辑算符 和• del       删除后面的变量• from     • not       相反 • while    while循环 • as      • elif       elseif• global    定义为全局变量• or         逻辑算符 或 • with    • assert   • else     其他• if      ...

2018-03-04 14:22:09 511

原创 te36 初学建议


2018-03-02 12:30:28 256

原创 te35

from sys import exitdef gold_room(): print"this room is full of gold.how much do you take?" next = raw_input(">") if "0" in next or "1" in next: how_much = int(next) else: dead("man,lea...

2018-03-01 14:04:19 192

原创 异想天开了

今天本来在想有没有什么解方程的快速方法 就输入了x + 5 = 10结果出现了错误  SyntaxError: can't assign to operator  原来 操作是不可以当成对象的

2018-03-01 13:23:47 147

原创 te33

def add_number(n,numbers ): i = 0 while i < n: print"at the top i is %d"%i numbers.append(i) i = i+1 print "numbers now:",numbers print"at thr bottom i is %d"%inumbers = []add_numbe...

2018-03-01 12:54:40 342

原创 学 python 有感

现在学习 learn python the hard way 已经到了te32,从第一部分注重对print的运用到现在开始了逻辑的运用。没学的时候感觉编程吗不就是堆砌一堆函数吗,现在看来不是这样。虽然我对电脑的了解还只有平时的娱乐,学习了c语言(非常初级)与在学的Python,感觉这几种脚本语言(见识浅不敢乱说)确实像学习语言,函数和一些基本的知识就像单词,也都有语法,但这绝不是全部 你文笔怎么样...

2018-02-28 11:12:23 504

原创 te32

the_count = [1,2,3,4,5]fruits = ['apples','oranges','pears','apricots']change = [1,'pennies',2,'dimes',3,'quarters']#this first kinf of for-loop goes through a listfor number in the_count: print...

2018-02-28 11:12:17 166

原创 te31

#coding=utf-8 #if function have two level.print"you enter a dark room with two doors. do you go through door #1 or door #2?"door=raw_input("> ")if door == "1": print "there's a giant bear he...

2018-02-28 10:45:23 153

原创 te30

people = 30 cars = 40buses = 15if cars > people : print"we should take the cars."elif cars <people: print"we should not take the cars."else: print "we can't decide." if buses > ca...

2018-02-27 21:34:30 118

原创 te29

#coding=utf-8 people = 20cats = 30dogs = 15if people < cats : print"too many cats! the world is doomed!" if people > cats : print"not many cats! the world is saved." if people < d...

2018-02-27 21:32:47 103

原创 te26 修改任务

def break_words(stuff): """This function will break up words for us.""" words = stuff.split(' ') return wordsdef sort_words(words): """Sorts the words.""" return sorted(words

2018-02-27 21:30:10 580

原创 te25

def break_words(stuff): '''this function will brerak up words for us.''' words = stuff.split(' ') return words def sort_words(words): '''sorts the words.''' return sorted(words) def print_f...

2018-02-26 22:03:55 152

原创 te24

print "let's practice everything"print'you\'d need to know \'bout escapes with \\ taht do \nnewlines and \t tabs'poem = """\tthe lovely worldwith logic so firmly plantedcannot discern \n the nee...

2018-02-26 22:01:45 148

原创 te20

from sys import argvscript,input_file = argvdef print_all(f): print (f.read()) def rewind(f): f.seek(0) def print_a_line(line_count,f): print (line_count,f.readline()) current_file = open(...

2018-02-24 20:59:27 182

原创 te19-plus 写一个函数用十种方法运行

def max(num1,num2): if num1>=num2: return num1 else : return num2 max(10,20)#1print"max:%r" %maxint a= input(a)#2int b= input(b)max(a,b)print"max:%r" %maxfrom sys import argv #3...

2018-02-24 19:10:13 227

原创 te19

def cheese_and_crackers(cheese_count,boxes_of_crackers): print "you have %d cheeses!"% cheese_count print "you have %d boxes of crsckers!" %boxes_of_crackers print "man that's enough for a party!"...

2018-02-24 19:08:30 176

原创 te18

#this one is like your scripts with argvdef print_two(*args): arg1,arg2 = args print "arg1:%r, arg2 :%r"%(arg1,arg2) #ok, tha *args is actually pointless ,wecan just do thisdef print_two_again(a...

2018-02-24 16:38:30 720

原创 learning python te16

from sys import argvscript, filename = argvprint "we're going to erase %r."%filenameprint "if you don't want that, hit CTRL-C."print "if you want that, hit RETURN."raw_input("?")print "open

2018-01-30 21:08:43 162

原创 learning python te15

from sys import argvscript,filename = argvtxt = open(filename)print "here's your file: %r" %filenameprint txt.read()print "type the filename again:"file_again = raw_input(">")txt_again = o

2018-01-30 20:30:29 121

原创 learning python te14

from sys import argvscript, user_name = argvprompt = '>'print "hi %s, i'm the %s script." %(user_name,script)print "i'd like to ask you a few questions."print "do you like me %s?" %user_nameli

2018-01-29 21:45:17 145

原创 learning pthon te13

from sys import argvscript,first,second,third = argvprint "the script is called:",scriptprint "your first variable is:",firstprint "your second varible is:", secondprint "your third variable is

2018-01-29 21:26:31 127

原创 learning python te12

age = raw_input("how old are you")height = raw_input("how tall are you")weight = raw_input("how much do you weight")print "so, you're %r old, %r tall and %r heavy." %(age, height, weight)raw_i

2018-01-29 20:46:04 134

原创 learn python te11

print "how old are you?",age = raw_input ()print "how tall are you?",height = raw_input()print "how much do you weight?",weight =raw_input()print "so,you're %r old, %r tall and %r heavy." %(age

2018-01-28 22:18:16 284

原创 learn python te9

days = "mon tue wed thu fri sat sun"months = "jan \n feb \n mar \n apr \n may \n jun \n jul \n aug"print "here are the days:",daysprint "here are the months:",monthsprint """there's something

2018-01-28 21:53:40 137

原创 learn python te10

tabby_cat = "\ti'm tabbed in."persian_cat = "i'm split\non a line"backslash_cat = "i'm \\ a \\ cat."fat_cat = '''i'll do a list:\t* cat food\t* fishies\t* catnip \n\t* grass'''print tabby_c

2018-01-28 21:51:04 128



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