data structure and algorithms in python[solutions to exercises in Chapter 2]

R-2.5 Use the techniques of Section 1.7 to revise the charge and make payment methods of the CreditCard class to ensure that the caller sends a number as a parameter.

class CreditCard:
  """A consumer credit card."""
  def __init__(self, customer, bank, acnt, limit):
    """Create a new credit card instance.

    The initial balance is zero.

    customer  the name of the customer (e.g., 'John Bowman')
    bank      the name of the bank (e.g., 'California Savings')
    acnt      the acount identifier (e.g., '5391 0375 9387 5309')
    limit     credit limit (measured in dollars)
    self._customer = customer
    self._bank = bank
    self._account = acnt
    self._limit = limit
    self._balance = 0

  def get_customer(self):
    """Return name of the customer."""
    return self._customer
  def get_bank(self):
    """Return the bank's name."""
    return self._bank

  def get_account(self):
    """Return the card identifying number (typically stored as a string)."""
    return self._account

  def get_limit(self):
    """Return current credit limit."""
    return self._limit

  def get_balance(self):
    """Return current balance."""
    return self._balance

  def charge(self, price):
    """Charge given price to the card, assuming sufficient credit limit.

    Return True if charge was processed; False if charge was denied.
    if not isinstance(price, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError('price must be numeric')
    if price + self._balance > self._limit:  # if charge would exceed limit,
      return False                           # cannot accept charge
      self._balance += price
      return True

  def make_payment(self, amount):
    """Process customer payment that reduces balance."""
    if not isinstance(amount, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError('amount must be numeric')
    self._balance -= amount

if __name__ == '__main__':
  wallet = []
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Savings',
                           '5391 0375 9387 5309', 2500) )
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Federal',
                           '3485 0399 3395 1954', 3500) )
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Finance',
                           '5391 0375 9387 5309', 5000) )

  for val in range(1, 17):

  for c in range(3):
    print('Customer =', wallet[c].get_customer())
    print('Bank =', wallet[c].get_bank())
    print('Account =', wallet[c].get_account())
    print('Limit =', wallet[c].get_limit())
    print('Balance =', wallet[c].get_balance())
    while wallet[c].get_balance() > 100:
      print('New balance =', wallet[c].get_balance())

R-2.6 If the parameter to the make payment method of the CreditCard class were a negative number, that would have the effect of raising the balance on the account. Revise the implementation so that it raises a ValueError if a negative value is sent.

class CreditCard:
  """A consumer credit card."""
  def __init__(self, customer, bank, acnt, limit):
    """Create a new credit card instance.

    The initial balance is zero.

    customer  the name of the customer (e.g., 'John Bowman')
    bank      the name of the bank (e.g., 'California Savings')
    acnt      the acount identifier (e.g., '5391 0375 9387 5309')
    limit     credit limit (measured in dollars)
    self._customer = customer
    self._bank = bank
    self._account = acnt
    self._limit = limit
    self._balance = 0

  def get_customer(self):
    """Return name of the customer."""
    return self._customer
  def get_bank(self):
    """Return the bank's name."""
    return self._bank

  def get_account(self):
    """Return the card identifying number (typically stored as a string)."""
    return self._account

  def get_limit(self):
    """Return current credit limit."""
    return self._limit

  def get_balance(self):
    """Return current balance."""
    return self._balance

  def charge(self, price):
    """Charge given price to the card, assuming sufficient credit limit.

    Return True if charge was processed; False if charge was denied.
    if not isinstance(price, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError('price must be numeric')
    if price + self._balance > self._limit:  # if charge would exceed limit,
      return False                           # cannot accept charge
      self._balance += price
      return True

  def make_payment(self, amount):
    """Process customer payment that reduces balance."""
    if not isinstance(amount, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError('amount must be numeric')
    elif amount < 0:
        raise ValueError('amount cannot be negative')
    self._balance -= amount

if __name__ == '__main__':
  wallet = []
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Savings',
                           '5391 0375 9387 5309', 2500) )
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Federal',
                           '3485 0399 3395 1954', 3500) )
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Finance',
                           '5391 0375 9387 5309', 5000) )

  for val in range(1, 17):

  for c in range(3):
    print('Customer =', wallet[c].get_customer())
    print('Bank =', wallet[c].get_bank())
    print('Account =', wallet[c].get_account())
    print('Limit =', wallet[c].get_limit())
    print('Balance =', wallet[c].get_balance())
    while wallet[c].get_balance() > 100:
      print('New balance =', wallet[c].get_balance())
R-2.7 The CreditCard class of Section 2.3 initializes the balance of a new account to zero. Modify that class so that a new account can be given a nonzero balance using an optional fifth parameter to the constructor. The four-parameter constructor syntax should continue to produce an account with zero balance.
class CreditCard:
  """A consumer credit card."""
  def __init__(self, customer, bank, acnt, limit, balance=0):
    """Create a new credit card instance.

    The initial balance is zero.

    customer  the name of the customer (e.g., 'John Bowman')
    bank      the name of the bank (e.g., 'California Savings')
    acnt      the acount identifier (e.g., '5391 0375 9387 5309')
    limit     credit limit (measured in dollars)
    self._customer = customer
    self._bank = bank
    self._account = acnt
    self._limit = limit
    self._balance = balance

  def get_customer(self):
    """Return name of the customer."""
    return self._customer
  def get_bank(self):
    """Return the bank's name."""
    return self._bank

  def get_account(self):
    """Return the card identifying number (typically stored as a string)."""
    return self._account

  def get_limit(self):
    """Return current credit limit."""
    return self._limit

  def get_balance(self):
    """Return current balance."""
    return self._balance

  def charge(self, price):
    """Charge given price to the card, assuming sufficient credit limit.

    Return True if charge was processed; False if charge was denied.
    if not isinstance(price, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError('price must be numeric')
    if price + self._balance > self._limit:  # if charge would exceed limit,
      return False                           # cannot accept charge
      self._balance += price
      return True

  def make_payment(self, amount):
    """Process customer payment that reduces balance."""
    if not isinstance(amount, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError('amount must be numeric')
    elif amount < 0:
        raise ValueError('amount cannot be negative')
    self._balance -= amount

if __name__ == '__main__':
  wallet = []
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Savings',
                           '5391 0375 9387 5309', 2500) )
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Federal',
                           '3485 0399 3395 1954', 3500) )
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Finance',
                           '5391 0375 9387 5309', 5000) )

  for val in range(1, 17):

  for c in range(3):
    print('Customer =', wallet[c].get_customer())
    print('Bank =', wallet[c].get_bank())
    print('Account =', wallet[c].get_account())
    print('Limit =', wallet[c].get_limit())
    print('Balance =', wallet[c].get_balance())
    while wallet[c].get_balance() > 100:
      print('New balance =', wallet[c].get_balance())

R-2.8 Modify the declaration of the first for loop in the CreditCard tests, from Code Fragment 2.3, so that it will eventually cause exactly one of the three credit cards to go over its credit limit. Which credit card is it?

ans: The third credit card.

class CreditCard:
  """A consumer credit card."""
  def __init__(self, customer, bank, acnt, limit, balance=0):
    """Create a new credit card instance.

    The initial balance is zero.

    customer  the name of the customer (e.g., 'John Bowman')
    bank      the name of the bank (e.g., 'California Savings')
    acnt      the acount identifier (e.g., '5391 0375 9387 5309')
    limit     credit limit (measured in dollars)
    self._customer = customer
    self._bank = bank
    self._account = acnt
    self._limit = limit
    self._balance = balance

  def get_customer(self):
    """Return name of the customer."""
    return self._customer
  def get_bank(self):
    """Return the bank's name."""
    return self._bank

  def get_account(self):
    """Return the card identifying number (typically stored as a string)."""
    return self._account

  def get_limit(self):
    """Return current credit limit."""
    return self._limit

  def get_balance(self):
    """Return current balance."""
    return self._balance

  def charge(self, price):
    """Charge given price to the card, assuming sufficient credit limit.

    Return True if charge was processed; False if charge was denied.
    if not isinstance(price, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError('price must be numeric')
    if price + self._balance > self._limit:  # if charge would exceed limit,
      return False                           # cannot accept charge
      self._balance += price
      return True

  def make_payment(self, amount):
    """Process customer payment that reduces balance."""
    if not isinstance(amount, (int, float)):
        raise TypeError('amount must be numeric')
    elif amount < 0:
        raise ValueError('amount cannot be negative')
    self._balance -= amount

if __name__ == '__main__':
  wallet = []
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Savings',
                           '5391 0375 9387 5309', 2500) )
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Federal',
                           '3485 0399 3395 1954', 3500) )
  wallet.append(CreditCard('John Bowman', 'California Finance',
                           '5391 0375 9387 5309', 5000) )

  for val in range(1, 69):

  for c in range(3):
    print('Customer =', wallet[c].get_customer())
    print('Bank =', wallet[c].get_bank())
    print('Account =', wallet[c].get_account())
    print('Limit =', wallet[c].get_limit())
    print('Balance =', wallet[c].get_balance())
    while wallet[c].get_balance() > 100:
      print('New balance =', wallet[c].get_balance())
R-2.9 Implement the sub method for the Vector class of Section 2.3.3, so that the expression u−v returns a new vector instance representing the difference between two vectors.
class Vector:
  """Represent a vector in a multidimensional space."""

  def __init__(self, d):
    if isinstance(d, int):
      self._coords = [0] * d
      try:                                     # we test if param is iterable
        self._coords = [val for val in d]
      except TypeError:
        raise TypeError('invalid parameter type')

  def __len__(self):
    """Return the dimension of the vector."""
    return len(self._coords)

  def __getitem__(self, j):
    """Return jth coordinate of vector."""
    return self._coords[j]

  def __setitem__(self, j, val):
    """Set jth coordinate of vector to given value."""
    self._coords[j] = val

  def __add__(self, other):
    """Return sum of two vectors."""
    if len(self) != len(other):          # relies on __len__ method
      raise ValueError('dimensions must agree')
    result = Vector(len(self))           # start with vector of zeros
    for j in range(len(self)):
      result[j] = self[j] + other[j]
    return result
  def __sub__(self, other):
    if len(self) != len(other):          # relies on __len__ method
      raise ValueError('dimensions must agree')
    result = Vector(len(self))           # start with vector of zeros
    for j in range(len(self)):
      result[j] = self[j] - other[j]
    return result

  def __eq__(self, other):
    """Return True if vector has same coordinates as other."""
    return self._coords == other._coords

  def __ne__(self, other):
    """Return True if vector differs from other."""
    return not self == other             # rely on existing __eq__ definition

  def __str__(self):
    """Produce string representation of vector."""
    return '<' + str(self._coords)[1:-1] + '>'  # adapt list representation

  def __neg__(self):
    """Return copy of vector with all coordinates negated."""
    result = Vector(len(self))           # start with vector of zeros
    for j in range(len(self)):
      result[j] = -self[j]
    return result

  def __lt__(self, other):
    """Compare vectors based on lexicographical order."""
    if len(self) != len(other):
      raise ValueError('dimensions must agree')
    return self._coords < other._coords

  def __le__(self, other):
    """Compare vectors based on lexicographical order."""
    if len(self) != len(other):
      raise ValueError('dimensions must agree')
    return self._coords <= other._coords

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # the following demonstrates usage of a few methods
  v = Vector(5)              # construct five-dimensional <0, 0, 0, 0, 0>
  v[1] = 23                  # <0, 23, 0, 0, 0> (based on use of __setitem__)
  v[-1] = 45                 # <0, 23, 0, 0, 45> (also via __setitem__)
  print(v[4])                # print 45 (via __getitem__)
  u = v + v                  # <0, 46, 0, 0, 90> (via __add__)
  print(u)                   # print <0, 46, 0, 0, 90>
  w = v-u
  total = 0
  for entry in v:            # implicit iteration via __len__ and __getitem__
    total += entry
R-2.10 Implement the neg method for the Vector class of Section 2.3.3, so that the expression −v returns a new vector instance whose coordinates are all the negated values of the respective coordinates of v.
  def __neg__(self):
    """Return copy of vector with all coordinates negated."""
    result = Vector(len(self))           # start with vector of zeros
    for j in range(len(self)):
      result[j] = -self[j]
    return result
R-2.11 In Section 2.3.3, we note that our Vector class supports a syntax such as v = u + [5, 3, 10, −2, 1], in which the sum of a vector and list returns a new vector. However, the syntax v = [5, 3, 10, −2, 1] + u is illegal. Explain how the Vector class definition can be revised so that this syntax generates a new vector.
  def __rmul__(self,factor):
    """Return copy of vector with all coordinates negated."""
    result = Vector(len(self))           # start with vector of zeros
    for j in range(len(self)):
      result[j] = factor*self[j]
    return result
R-2.12 Implement the mul method for the Vector class of Section 2.3.3, so that the expression v 3 returns a new vector with coordinates that are 3 times the respective coordinates of v.
  def __mul__(self,factor):
    """Return copy of vector with all coordinates negated."""
    result = Vector(len(self))           # start with vector of zeros
    for j in range(len(self)):
      result[j] = self[j]*factor
    return result
R-2.13 Exercise R-2.12 asks for an implementation of mul , for the Vector class of Section 2.3.3, to provide support for the syntax v 3. Implement the rmul method, to provide additional support for syntax 3 v.
  def __rmul__(self,factor):
    """Return copy of vector with all coordinates negated."""
    result = Vector(len(self))           # start with vector of zeros
    for j in range(len(self)):
      result[j] = factor*self[j]
    return result

R-2.14 Implement the mul method for the Vector class of Section 2.3.3, so that the expression u v returns a scalar that represents the dot product of the vectors.

  def __mul__(other1,other2):
    """Return copy of vector with all coordinates negated."""
    result = 0           # start with vector of zeros
    for j in range(len(other1)):
      result+= other1[j]*other2[j]
    return result

R-2.15 The Vector class of Section 2.3.3 provides a constructor that takes an integer d, and produces a d-dimensional vector with all coordinates equal to 0. Another convenient form for creating a new vector would be to send the constructor a parameter that is some iterable type representing a sequence of numbers, and to create a vector with dimension equal to the length of that sequence and coordinates equal to the sequence values. For example, Vector([4, 7, 5]) would produce a three-dimensional vector with coordinates <4, 7, 5>. Modify the constructor so that either of these forms is acceptable; that is, if a single integer is sent, it produces a vector of that dimension with all zeros, but if a sequence of numbers is provided, it produces a vector with coordinates based on that sequence.

  def __init__(self, d):
    if isinstance(d, int):
      self._coords = [0] * d
      try:                                     # we test if param is iterable
        self._coords = [val for val in d]
      except TypeError:
        raise TypeError('invalid parameter type')
R-2.18 Give a short fragment of Python code that uses the progression classes from Section 2.4.2 to find the 8 th value of a Fibonacci progression that starts with 2 and 2 as its first two values.
class FibonacciProgression(Progression):
  """Iterator producing a generalized Fibonacci progression."""
  def __init__(self, first=0, second=1):
    """Create a new fibonacci progression.

    first      the first term of the progression (default 0)
    second     the second term of the progression (default 1)
    super().__init__(first)              # start progression at first
    self._prev = second - first          # fictitious value preceding the first

  def _advance(self):
    """Update current value by taking sum of previous two."""
    self._prev, self._current = self._current, self._prev + self._current
R-2.22 The collections.Sequence abstract base class does not provide support for comparing two sequences to each other. Modify our Sequence class from Code Fragment 2.14 to include a definition for the eq method, so that expression seq1 == seq2 will return True precisely when the two sequences are element by element equivalent.
  def __eq__(self,other):
      if len(self)!=len(other):
          return False
      for j in range(len(self)):
          if self[j]!=other[j]:
              return False
      return True
R-2.23 In similar spirit to the previous problem, augment the Sequence class with method lt , to support lexicographic comparison seq1 < seq2.
  def __lt__(self,other):
      if len(self)!=len(other):
          return False
      for j in range(len(self)):
          if self[j]>=other[j]:
              return False
      return True
C-2.25 Exercise R-2.12 uses the mul method to support multiplying a Vector by a number, while Exercise R-2.14 uses the mul method to support computing a dot product of two vectors. Give a single implementation of Vector. mul that uses run-time type checking to support both syntaxes u*v and u*k, where u and v designate vector instances and k represents

a number.

  def __mul__(self,other2):
    if isinstance(other2, (int,float)):
        result = Vector(len(self))           # start with vector of zeros
        for j in range(len(self)):
          result[j] = self[j]*other2
        return result
            result = 0           # start with vector of zeros
            for j in range(len(self)):
              result+= self[j]*other2[j]
            return result
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError('invalid parameter type')

C-2.26 The SequenceIterator class of Section 2.3.4 provides what is known as a forward iterator. Implement a class named ReversedSequenceIterator that serves as a reverse iterator for any Python sequence type. The first call to next should return the last element of the sequence, the second call to next should return the second-to-last element, and so forth.

class ReversedSequenceIterator:
  """An iterator for any of Python's sequence types."""

  def __init__(self, sequence):
    """Create an iterator for the given sequence."""
    self._seq = sequence          # keep a reference to the underlying data
    self._k = len(sequence)                  # will increment to 0 on first call to next

  def __next__(self):
    """Return the next element, or else raise StopIteration error."""
    self._k -= 1                  # advance to next index
    if self._k > -1:
      return(self._seq[self._k])  # return the data element
      raise StopIteration()       # there are no more elements

  def __iter__(self):
    """By convention, an iterator must return itself as an iterator."""
    return self

C-2.32 Write a Python class that extends the Progression class so that each value in the progression is the square root of the previous value. (Note that you can no longer represent each value with an integer.) Your constructor should accept an optional parameter specifying the start value, using 65, 536 as a default.
import math

class SquareRoot(Progression):
  """Iterator producing a generalized Fibonacci progression."""
  def __init__(self, start=65536):
    """Create a new fibonacci progression.

    first      the first term of the progression (default 0)
    second     the second term of the progression (default 1)
    super().__init__(start)              # start progression at first

  def _advance(self):
    """Update current value by taking sum of previous two."""
    self._current = math.sqrt(self._current)

P-2.33 Write a Python program that inputs a polynomial in standard algebraic notation and outputs the first derivative of that polynomial.

import numpy as np

def Deriv(y):
    return y.deriv()


P-2.34 Write a Python program that inputs a document and then outputs a barchart plot of the frequencies of each alphabet character that appears in that document.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

with open('example.txt') as f: 
    lines = f.readlines() # 读取文本中所有内容,并保存在一个列表中,列表中每一个元素对应一行数据
for line in lines:
    for char in line.rstrip():
        if char in statistics:

index = list(statistics.keys())
value = list(statistics.values()), value, width=0.3 , color='b')

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