State List

StateListDrawable is a drawable object defined in XML that uses a several different images to represent the same graphic, depending on the state of the object. For example, a Button widget can exist in one of several different states (pressed, focused, or neither) and, using a state list drawable, you can provide a different background image for each state.

You can describe the state list in an XML file. Each graphic is represented by an <item> element inside a single<selector> element. Each <item> uses various attributes to describe the state in which it should be used as the graphic for the drawable.

During each state change, the state list is traversed top to bottom and the first item that matches the current state is used—the selection is not based on the "best match," but simply the first item that meets the minimum criteria of the state.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android=""
    android:constantSize=["true" | "false"]
    android:dither=["true" | "false"]
    android:variablePadding=["true" | "false"] >
        android:state_pressed=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_focused=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_hovered=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_selected=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_checkable=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_checked=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_enabled=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_activated=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_window_focused=["true" | "false"] />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_pressed="true"
          android:drawable="@drawable/button_pressed" /> <!-- pressed -->
    <item android:state_focused="true"
          android:drawable="@drawable/button_focused" /> <!-- focused -->
    <item android:state_hovered="true"
          android:drawable="@drawable/button_focused" /> <!-- hovered -->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/button_normal" /> <!-- default -->


    android:background="@drawable/button" />

Required. This must be the root element. Contains one or more  <item> elements.


StringRequired. Defines the XML namespace, which must be "".
Boolean. "true" if the drawable's reported internal size remains constant as the state changes (the size is the maximum of all of the states); "false" if the size varies based on the current state. Default is false.
Boolean. "true" to enable dithering of the bitmap if the bitmap does not have the same pixel configuration as the screen (for instance, an ARGB 8888 bitmap with an RGB 565 screen); "false" to disable dithering. Default is true.
Boolean. "true" if the drawable's padding should change based on the current state that is selected; "false" if the padding should stay the same (based on the maximum padding of all the states). Enabling this feature requires that you deal with performing layout when the state changes, which is often not supported. Default is false.
Defines a drawable to use during certain states, as described by its attributes. Must be a child of a <selector> element.


Drawable resourceRequired. Reference to a drawable resource.
Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is pressed (such as when a button is touched/clicked); "false" if this item should be used in the default, non-pressed state.
Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object has input focus (such as when the user selects a text input); "false" if this item should be used in the default, non-focused state.
Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is being hovered by a cursor; "false" if this item should be used in the default, non-hovered state. Often, this drawable may be the same drawable used for the "focused" state.

Introduced in API level 14.

Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is the current user selection when navigating with a directional control (such as when navigating through a list with a d-pad); "false" if this item should be used when the object is not selected.

The selected state is used when focus (android:state_focused) is not sufficient (such as when list view has focus and an item within it is selected with a d-pad).

Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is checkable; "false" if this item should be used when the object is not checkable. (Only useful if the object can transition between a checkable and non-checkable widget.)
Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is checked; "false" if it should be used when the object is un-checked.
Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is enabled (capable of receiving touch/click events); "false" if it should be used when the object is disabled.
Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is activated as the persistent selection (such as to "highlight" the previously selected list item in a persistent navigation view); "false" if it should be used when the object is not activated.

Introduced in API level 11.

Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the application window has focus (the application is in the foreground), "false" if this item should be used when the application window does not have focus (for example, if the notification shade is pulled down or a dialog appears).

Note: Remember that Android applies the first item in the state list that matches the current state of the object. So, if the first item in the list contains none of the state attributes above, then it is applied every time, which is why your default value should always be last (as demonstrated in the following example).

android:drawable 放一个drawable资源
android:state_pressed 是否按下,如一个按钮触摸或者点击。
android:state_focused 是否取得焦点,比如用户选择了一个文本框。
android:state_hovered 光标是否悬停,通常与focused state相同,它是4.0的新特性
android:state_selected 被选中,它与focus state并不完全一样,如一个list view 被选中的时候,它里面的各个子组件可能通过方向键,被选中了。
android:state_checkable 组件是否能被check。如:RadioButton是可以被check的。
android:state_checked 被checked了,如:一个RadioButton可以被check了。
android:state_enabled 能够接受触摸或者点击事件
android:state_activated 被激活(这个麻烦举个例子,不是特明白)
android:state_window_focused 应用程序是否在前台,当有通知栏被拉下来或者一个对话框弹出的时候应用程序就不在前台了





首先,将文法符号化简为如下形式: S -> begin D ; L end D -> D ; I d | ε L -> L ; I s | ε 接着,构造 SLR(1) 分析表: | | d | s | ; | I | $ | begin | end | D | L | |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-------|-----|-----|-----| | 0 | s4 | s5 | | s2 | | s1 | | g3 | g6 | | 1 | | | | | acc | | | | | | 2 | s4 | s5 | | s2 | | | | g7 | g6 | | 3 | | | | | r1 | | r1 | | | | 4 | | | s8 | | | | | | | | 5 | | | s9 | | | | | | | | 6 | | | | | r2 | | r2 | | | | 7 | | | r3 | | r3 | | r3 | | | | 8 | s4 | s5 | | s2 | | | | g10 | g6 | | 9 | s4 | s5 | | s2 | | | | g11 | g6 | | 10 | | | r4 | | r4 | | r4 | | | | 11 | | | r5 | | r5 | | r5 | | | 其中,s 表示移进,r 表示规约,g 表示转移。$ 表示输入结束符。 可以看到,上述 SLR(1) 分析表存在移进-规约冲突。具体来说,状态 0 中遇到一个 I 时,既可以移进,也可以使用规约 D -> ε。因此,我们需要修改文法,消除这个冲突。 可以发现,冲突的原因是 D 可以推出 ε。因此,我们可以将 D 改为 D',并添加产生式 D' -> D | ε,使得 D' 不再能够推出 ε。 修改后的文法如下: S -> begin D ; L end D' -> D | ε D -> D ; I d L -> L ; I s | ε 重新构造 SLR(1) 分析表: | | d | s | ; | I | $ | begin | end | D' | D | L | |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-------|-----|-----|-----|-----| | 0 | s4 | s5 | | s2 | | s1 | | g3 | g6 | | | 1 | | | | | acc | | | | | | | 2 | s4 | s5 | | s2 | | | | g7 | g6 | | | 3 | | | | | r1 | | r1 | | | | | 4 | | | s8 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | s9 | | | | | | | | | 6 | | | | | r2 | | r2 | | | | | 7 | | | r3 | | r3 | | r3 | | | | | 8 | s4 | s5 | | s2 | | | | g10 | g6 | | | 9 | s4 | s5 | | s2 | | | | g11 | g6 | | | 10 | | | r4 | | r4 | | r4 | | | | | 11 | | | r5 | | r5 | | r5 | | | | 可以看到,修改后的文法不再存在移进-规约冲突,且仍能识别与原文法相同的语言。因此,我们成功地将原文法转化为了 SLR(1) 形式。




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