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原创 CentOS安装Vsftpd 3.0.3


2022-11-24 16:06:25 814

原创 CentOS安装Redis 7.0.5

【代码】CentOS安装Redis 7.0.5。

2022-11-23 17:30:27 490

原创 CentOS安装MySQL 8.0.27

目录下载mysql安装包通过工具xftp上传mysql安装包通过工具xshell解压mysql安装包添加mysql用户组初始化mysql配置信息启动mysql修改默认账号root的密码使用Navicat Premium连接数据库下载mysql安装包mysql下载链接:MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server通过工具xftp上传mysql安装包通过工具xshell解压mysql安装包tar -xvf

2021-11-26 17:34:26 1969 3

原创 CentOS安装Git 2.34.1

目录下载git安装包通过工具xftp上传git安装包通过工具xshell解压git安装包安装git所需的依赖包初始化git配置信息查看git版本信息下载git安装包git下载链接:Git通过工具xftp上传git安装包通过工具xshell解压git安装包tar -zxvf /data/git/git-2.34.1.tar.gz -C /data/git安装git所需的依赖包cd /data/git/git-2.34.1yu..

2021-11-26 14:49:29 838

原创 CentOS安装Nginx 1.18.0

目录下载nginx安装包通过工具xftp上传nginx安装包通过工具xshell解压nginx安装包安装nginx所需的依赖包添加nginx用户组初始化nginx配置信息启动nginx下载nginx安装包nginx下载链接:nginx: download通过工具xftp上传nginx安装包通过工具xshell解压nginx安装包tar -zxvf /data/nginx/nginx-1.18.0.tar.gz -C /data/ngin...

2021-11-26 12:31:58 594

原创 CentOS安装Tomcat 10.0.13

目录下载tomcat安装包通过工具xftp上传tomcat安装包通过工具xshell解压tomcat安装包启动tomcat服务下载tomcat安装包tomcat下载链接:Apache Tomcat® - Apache Tomcat 10 Software Downloads通过工具xftp上传tomcat安装包通过工具xshell解压tomcat安装包tar -zxvf /data/tomcat/apache-tomcat-10.0.13.tar.gz -C

2021-11-26 09:14:48 606

原创 CentOS安装Maven 3.8.4

目录下载maven安装包通过工具xftp上传maven安装包通过工具xshell解压maven安装包查询maven版本信息配置linux环境变量下载maven安装包maven下载链接:Index of /dist/maven/maven-3/3.8.4/binaries通过工具xftp上传maven安装包通过工具xshell解压maven安装包tar zxvf /data/maven/apache-maven-3.8.4-bin.tar.gz -C /d

2021-11-25 09:34:48 896

原创 Centos常用命令行

目录备份压缩tar命令格式tar.z备份压缩tar命令格式tar.ztar zxvf <文件压缩包路径> -C <文件解压路径>

2021-11-23 22:13:38 793

原创 CentOS安装JDK 17

目录下载jdk安装包通过工具Xftp上传jdk安装包通过工具Xshell解压jdk安装包查询jdk版本信息配置linux环境变量下载jdk安装包jdk链接:Java Downloads | Oracle通过工具Xftp上传jdk安装包通过工具Xshell解压jdk安装包tar zxvf /data/java/jdk-17_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz -C /data/java查询jdk版本信息/da...

2021-11-23 15:42:32 4666

原创 springboot后台服务搭建(八 整合security + oauth2)

总览:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22037575/article/details/86687765本文概要:springboot2.x 整合 security + oauth2码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/springboot-radmin/008/目录1.pom导入依赖2.全局配置...

2019-02-22 11:09:47 1155

原创 springboot后台服务搭建(七 整合security)

总览:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22037575/article/details/86687765本文概要:springboot2.x 整合 security码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/springboot-radmin/007/目录1.新建用户表和用户角色关联表2.pom导入依赖...

2019-02-21 18:58:03 444

原创 springboot后台服务搭建(六 整合lombok)

总览:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22037575/article/details/86687765本文概要:springboot2.x 整合 lombok码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/springboot-radmin/006/目录1.pom导入依赖2.idea安装 lombok插件...

2019-01-30 15:52:14 260

原创 springboot后台服务搭建(五 整合swagger)

总览:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22037575/article/details/86687765本文概要:springboot2.x 整合 swagger码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/springboot-radmin/005/目录1.pom导入依赖2.全局配置3.应用4.访问...

2019-01-30 15:16:09 607

原创 springboot后台服务搭建(四 整合druid)

总览:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22037575/article/details/86687765本文概要:springboot2.x 整合 druid码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/springboot-radmin/004/目录1.pom导入依赖2.全局配置3.访问1.pom导...

2019-01-30 11:31:29 472

原创 springboot后台服务搭建(三 整合mysql、spring-data-jpa)

总览:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22037575/article/details/86687765本文概要:springboot2.x 整合 mysql、spring-data-jpa码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/springboot-radmin/003/目录1.新建数据库与用户角色表...

2019-01-30 09:37:20 597

原创 springboot后台服务搭建(二 整合thymeleaf)

总览:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22037575/article/details/86687765本文概要:springboot2.x 整合 thymeleaf码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/springboot-radmin/002/目录1.导入依赖包2.全局配置3.访问4.页面...

2019-01-29 16:30:38 319

原创 后台服务搭建 总览

脚手架项目地址码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/falsework springboot后台服务搭建 目录IntelliJ IDEA 安装与破解一 项目新建与部署二 整合thymeleaf三 整合mysql、spring-data-jpa四 整合druid五 整合swagger六 整合lombo...

2019-01-29 15:34:57 615

原创 springboot后台服务搭建(一 项目新建与部署)

总览:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_22037575/article/details/86687765本文概要:使用 idea搭建基于springboot2.x的restful后台服务,实现项目新建到war包部署到外置tomcat码云:https://gitee.com/RichterGit/csdn/tree/master/springboot-radmin/001/...

2019-01-29 14:56:39 2373 4

原创 IntelliJ IDEA 安装与破解

IDEA 全称 IntelliJ IDEA,IDEA是JetBrains公司的产品,JetBrains是一家位于捷克的布拉格的软件开发公司。Jetbrains下的WebStorm、PhpStorm等亦可使用该方法进行破解使用JetBrains 官网地址:https://www.jetbrains.com/IDEA 下载地址:https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/...

2018-06-26 16:29:11 588 4

信息系统项目管理师教程 第3版 pdf

信息系项目管理师教程 第3版.pdf 注:内容清晰,附带完整目录 一份高度清晰无目录 一份稍微模糊带目录


系统架构设计师教程 第4版.pdf

系统架构设计师教程 第4版.pdf 注:内容清晰,附带完整目录


软件设计师教程 第4版.pdf

软件设计师教程 第4版.pdf 注:内容清晰,附带完整目录


butterknife 8.0.0

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler @Bind becomes @BindView and @BindViews (one view and multiple views, respectively). Calls to bind now return an Unbinder instance which can be used to null references. This replaces the unbind API and adds support for being able to clear listeners. New: @BindArray binds String, CharSequence, and int arrays and TypeArray to fields. New: @BindBitmap binds Bitmap instances from resources to fields. @BindDrawable now supports a tint field which accepts a theme attribute. The runtime and compiler are now split into two artifacts. compile 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.0.0' apt 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.0.0' New: apply overloads which accept a single view and arrays of views. ProGuard rules now ship inside of the library and are included automatically. @Optional annotation is back to mark methods as being optional.


butterknife 8.2.0

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin New: Support for library projects. Requires application of a Butter Knife Gradle plugin. See README for details. New: Generated code now emits R references instead of raw integer IDs. Fix: @OnPageChange listener binding now uses the 'add'/'remove' methods on ViewPager instead of 'set'.


butterknife 8.8.0

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin New: Processor option butterknife.debuggable controls whether debug information is generated. When specified as false, checks for required views being non-null are elided and casts are no longer guarded with user-friendly error messages. This reduces the amount of generated code for release builds at the expense of less friendly exceptions when something breaks. Deprecate the findById methods. Compile against API 26 and use the normal findViewById for the same functionality. Fix: Correct @BindFont code generation on pre-API 26 builds to pass a Context (not a Resources) to ResourceCompat.


butterknife 7.0.1

butterknife butterknife-parent butterknife-sample Fix: Correct ClassCastException which occurred when @Nullable array bindings had missing views.


butterknife 8.0.1

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler Fix: ProGuard rules now prevent obfuscation of only types which reference ButterKnife annotations. Eliminate some of the generated machinery when referenced from final types.


butterknife 8.1.0

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler New: Change the structure of generated view binders to optimize for performance and generated code. This should result in faster binding (not that it's slow) and a reduction of methods. Fix: Call the correct method on TextView to unbind @OnTextChanged uses. Fix: Properly handle package names which contain uppercase letters.


butterknife 8.2.1

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin Fix: Do not emit android.R imports in generated code. Fix: Ensure the processor does not crash when scanning for R classes. This can occur when used in a Kotlin project.


butterknife 8.3.0

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin New: Support for Jack compiler in application projects. Fix: Generate ~20% less code and ~40% less methods. Fix: Allow @BindView to reference types which are generated by other annotation processors. Experimental: The generated view binding class can now be used directly. This allows ProGuard shrinking, optimization, and obfuscation to work without any rules being needed. For a class Test, the binding class will be named Test_ViewBinding. Calling its constructor will bind the instance passed in, and the create object is also the implementation of Unbinder that can be used to unbind the views. Note: The API of this generated code is subject to backwards-incompatible changes until v9.0.


butterknife 8.4.0

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin New: @BindFloat annotation for dimensions whose format is of type 'float'. See the annotation for more information. Generated constructors are now annotated with @UiThread and non-final, base classes unbind() methods are annotated with @CallSuper.


butterknife 8.5.1

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin Fix: Tweak bundled ProGuard rules to only retain the two-argument constructor accessed via reflection.


butterknife 8.6.0

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin Plugin was ported to Kotlin and updated to support future Android Gradle plugin versions. Fix: Properly handle multiple library modules using Butter Knife and defining the same ID. Fix: Use the same classloader of the binding target to load the generated view binding class.


butterknife 8.7.0

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin New: @BindFont annotation binds Typeface instances with an optional style. Requires support libraries 26.0.0-beta1 or newer. New: @BindAnim annotation binds Animation instances. New: Generate R2 constants for animation, layout, menu, plurals, styles, and styleables. Fix: Properly catch and re-throw type cast exceptions when method binding arguments do not match.


butterknife 8.8.1

butterknife butterknife-annotations butterknife-compiler butterknife-gradle-plugin Fix: Properly emit casts for single-bound view subtypes when butterknife.debuggable is set to false.






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