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原创 【LeetCode-easy-13-Roman to Integer】-python
PROBLEMGiven a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.EXAMPLEInput:IVOutput:4题目解析这道题主要需要搞清楚罗马数字和阿拉伯数字的转换规则,每个字母代表多少以及排列顺序对数字大小的影响等,搞清楚这些,只要按照...
2018-03-04 23:12:34 166
原创 【LeetCode-easy-9-Palindrome Number】-python
PROBLEMDetermine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space.EXAMPLEInput:12321 Output:True题目解析判断一个数字是否为回文数字,要求不能使用额外的空间。解题思路根据回文数字的特性,前后移动比较至中间,一样即为True,否则为False。我的代码少用了一个判断,所以循环上...
2018-03-04 22:55:52 181
原创 【LeetCode-easy-7-Reverse Integer】-python
PROBLEMGiven a 32-bit signed integer, reverse digits of an integer.EXAMPLESInput: 123Output: 321Input: -123Output: -321Input: 120Output: 21题目解析题目是将一个32位整数倒转,这在python里实现非常容易实现,使用数组的倒转即可。需要注意的有两点,①倒...
2018-03-04 22:34:05 200
原创 【LeetCode-easy-1-Two Sum】-python
PROBLEMGiven an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the ...
2018-03-04 21:28:54 204
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