







In the rapid development of the Internet today, all areas of our life are involved in the application of computers, including recruitment information management system network application, recruitment information management system in foreign countries has been a very common way, but the domestic online management system may still be in its infancy. The recruitment information management system has the choice of recruitment information management function. Recruitment information management system using Java technology, based on springboot framework, mysql database development, realize the home page, personal center, user management, enterprise management, type of work management, recruitment management, information management, interview for Jane invited message management, job information management, community management, system management, and other content, The system has good compatibility and adaptability, provides users with more recruitment information, but also provides a good platform, so as to improve the core competitiveness of the system.

This paper first introduces the design background and research purpose, then introduces the system related technology, focuses on the system function analysis and detailed design, and finally summarizes the development experience of the system.

Key words: Java technology; Recruitment information management system; mysql

package com.controller;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import com.utils.ValidatorUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.mapper.EntityWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.mapper.Wrapper;
import com.annotation.IgnoreAuth;

import com.entity.YonghuEntity;
import com.entity.view.YonghuView;

import com.service.YonghuService;
import com.service.TokenService;
import com.utils.PageUtils;
import com.utils.R;
import com.utils.MD5Util;
import com.utils.MPUtil;
import com.utils.CommonUtil;
import java.io.IOException;

 * 用户
 * 后端接口
 * @author 
 * @email 
 * @date 2022-05-06 09:58:27
public class YonghuController {
    private YonghuService yonghuService;

	private TokenService tokenService;
	 * 登录
	@RequestMapping(value = "/login")
	public R login(String username, String password, String captcha, HttpServletRequest request) {
		YonghuEntity user = yonghuService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>().eq("zhanghao", username));
		if(user==null || !user.getMima().equals(password)) {
			return R.error("账号或密码不正确");
		String token = tokenService.generateToken(user.getId(), username,"yonghu",  "用户" );
		return R.ok().put("token", token);
     * 注册
    public R register(@RequestBody YonghuEntity yonghu){
    	YonghuEntity user = yonghuService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>().eq("zhanghao", yonghu.getZhanghao()));
		if(user!=null) {
			return R.error("注册用户已存在");
		Long uId = new Date().getTime();
        return R.ok();

	 * 退出
	public R logout(HttpServletRequest request) {
		return R.ok("退出成功");
     * 获取用户的session用户信息
    public R getCurrUser(HttpServletRequest request){
    	Long id = (Long)request.getSession().getAttribute("userId");
        YonghuEntity user = yonghuService.selectById(id);
        return R.ok().put("data", user);
     * 密码重置
	@RequestMapping(value = "/resetPass")
    public R resetPass(String username, HttpServletRequest request){
    	YonghuEntity user = yonghuService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>().eq("zhanghao", username));
    	if(user==null) {
    		return R.error("账号不存在");
        return R.ok("密码已重置为:123456");

     * 后端列表
    public R page(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> params,YonghuEntity yonghu,
		HttpServletRequest request){
        EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity> ew = new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>();
		PageUtils page = yonghuService.queryPage(params, MPUtil.sort(MPUtil.between(MPUtil.likeOrEq(ew, yonghu), params), params));

        return R.ok().put("data", page);
     * 前端列表
    public R list(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> params,YonghuEntity yonghu, 
		HttpServletRequest request){
        EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity> ew = new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>();
		PageUtils page = yonghuService.queryPage(params, MPUtil.sort(MPUtil.between(MPUtil.likeOrEq(ew, yonghu), params), params));
        return R.ok().put("data", page);

     * 列表
    public R list( YonghuEntity yonghu){
       	EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity> ew = new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>();
      	ew.allEq(MPUtil.allEQMapPre( yonghu, "yonghu")); 
        return R.ok().put("data", yonghuService.selectListView(ew));

     * 查询
    public R query(YonghuEntity yonghu){
        EntityWrapper< YonghuEntity> ew = new EntityWrapper< YonghuEntity>();
 		ew.allEq(MPUtil.allEQMapPre( yonghu, "yonghu")); 
		YonghuView yonghuView =  yonghuService.selectView(ew);
		return R.ok("查询用户成功").put("data", yonghuView);
     * 后端详情
    public R info(@PathVariable("id") Long id){
        YonghuEntity yonghu = yonghuService.selectById(id);
        return R.ok().put("data", yonghu);

     * 前端详情
    public R detail(@PathVariable("id") Long id){
        YonghuEntity yonghu = yonghuService.selectById(id);
        return R.ok().put("data", yonghu);

     * 后端保存
    public R save(@RequestBody YonghuEntity yonghu, HttpServletRequest request){
    	yonghu.setId(new Date().getTime()+new Double(Math.floor(Math.random()*1000)).longValue());
    	YonghuEntity user = yonghuService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>().eq("zhanghao", yonghu.getZhanghao()));
		if(user!=null) {
			return R.error("用户已存在");
		yonghu.setId(new Date().getTime());
        return R.ok();
     * 前端保存
    public R add(@RequestBody YonghuEntity yonghu, HttpServletRequest request){
    	yonghu.setId(new Date().getTime()+new Double(Math.floor(Math.random()*1000)).longValue());
    	YonghuEntity user = yonghuService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>().eq("zhanghao", yonghu.getZhanghao()));
		if(user!=null) {
			return R.error("用户已存在");
		yonghu.setId(new Date().getTime());
        return R.ok();

     * 修改
    public R update(@RequestBody YonghuEntity yonghu, HttpServletRequest request){
        return R.ok();

     * 删除
    public R delete(@RequestBody Long[] ids){
        return R.ok();
     * 提醒接口
	public R remindCount(@PathVariable("columnName") String columnName, HttpServletRequest request, 
						 @PathVariable("type") String type,@RequestParam Map<String, Object> map) {
		map.put("column", columnName);
		map.put("type", type);
		if(type.equals("2")) {
			SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
			Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
			Date remindStartDate = null;
			Date remindEndDate = null;
			if(map.get("remindstart")!=null) {
				Integer remindStart = Integer.parseInt(map.get("remindstart").toString());
				c.setTime(new Date()); 
				remindStartDate = c.getTime();
				map.put("remindstart", sdf.format(remindStartDate));
			if(map.get("remindend")!=null) {
				Integer remindEnd = Integer.parseInt(map.get("remindend").toString());
				c.setTime(new Date());
				remindEndDate = c.getTime();
				map.put("remindend", sdf.format(remindEndDate));
		Wrapper<YonghuEntity> wrapper = new EntityWrapper<YonghuEntity>();
		if(map.get("remindstart")!=null) {
			wrapper.ge(columnName, map.get("remindstart"));
		if(map.get("remindend")!=null) {
			wrapper.le(columnName, map.get("remindend"));

		int count = yonghuService.selectCount(wrapper);
		return R.ok().put("count", count);

package com.controller;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import com.annotation.IgnoreAuth;
import com.baidu.aip.face.AipFace;
import com.baidu.aip.face.MatchRequest;
import com.baidu.aip.util.Base64Util;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.mapper.EntityWrapper;
import com.entity.ConfigEntity;
import com.service.CommonService;
import com.service.ConfigService;
import com.utils.BaiduUtil;
import com.utils.FileUtil;
import com.utils.R;
 * 通用接口
public class CommonController{
	private CommonService commonService;

    private static AipFace client = null;
    private ConfigService configService;    
	 * 获取table表中的column列表(联动接口)
	 * @param table
	 * @param column
	 * @return
	public R getOption(@PathVariable("tableName") String tableName, @PathVariable("columnName") String columnName,String level,String parent) {
		Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		params.put("table", tableName);
		params.put("column", columnName);
		if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(level)) {
			params.put("level", level);
		if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(parent)) {
			params.put("parent", parent);
		List<String> data = commonService.getOption(params);
		return R.ok().put("data", data);
	 * 根据table中的column获取单条记录
	 * @param table
	 * @param column
	 * @return
	public R getFollowByOption(@PathVariable("tableName") String tableName, @PathVariable("columnName") String columnName, @RequestParam String columnValue) {
		Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		params.put("table", tableName);
		params.put("column", columnName);
		params.put("columnValue", columnValue);
		Map<String, Object> result = commonService.getFollowByOption(params);
		return R.ok().put("data", result);
	 * 修改table表的sfsh状态
	 * @param table
	 * @param map
	 * @return
	public R sh(@PathVariable("tableName") String tableName, @RequestBody Map<String, Object> map) {
		map.put("table", tableName);
		return R.ok();
	 * 获取需要提醒的记录数
	 * @param tableName
	 * @param columnName
	 * @param type 1:数字 2:日期
	 * @param map
	 * @return
	public R remindCount(@PathVariable("tableName") String tableName, @PathVariable("columnName") String columnName, 
						 @PathVariable("type") String type,@RequestParam Map<String, Object> map) {
		map.put("table", tableName);
		map.put("column", columnName);
		map.put("type", type);
		if(type.equals("2")) {
			SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
			Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
			Date remindStartDate = null;
			Date remindEndDate = null;
			if(map.get("remindstart")!=null) {
				Integer remindStart = Integer.parseInt(map.get("remindstart").toString());
				c.setTime(new Date()); 
				remindStartDate = c.getTime();
				map.put("remindstart", sdf.format(remindStartDate));
			if(map.get("remindend")!=null) {
				Integer remindEnd = Integer.parseInt(map.get("remindend").toString());
				c.setTime(new Date());
				remindEndDate = c.getTime();
				map.put("remindend", sdf.format(remindEndDate));
		int count = commonService.remindCount(map);
		return R.ok().put("count", count);
	 * 单列求和
	public R cal(@PathVariable("tableName") String tableName, @PathVariable("columnName") String columnName) {
		Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		params.put("table", tableName);
		params.put("column", columnName);
		Map<String, Object> result = commonService.selectCal(params);
		return R.ok().put("data", result);
	 * 分组统计
	public R group(@PathVariable("tableName") String tableName, @PathVariable("columnName") String columnName) {
		Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		params.put("table", tableName);
		params.put("column", columnName);
		List<Map<String, Object>> result = commonService.selectGroup(params);
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
		for(Map<String, Object> m : result) {
			for(String k : m.keySet()) {
				if(m.get(k) instanceof Date) {
					m.put(k, sdf.format((Date)m.get(k)));
		return R.ok().put("data", result);
	 * (按值统计)
	public R value(@PathVariable("tableName") String tableName, @PathVariable("yColumnName") String yColumnName, @PathVariable("xColumnName") String xColumnName) {
		Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		params.put("table", tableName);
		params.put("xColumn", xColumnName);
		params.put("yColumn", yColumnName);
		List<Map<String, Object>> result = commonService.selectValue(params);
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
		for(Map<String, Object> m : result) {
			for(String k : m.keySet()) {
				if(m.get(k) instanceof Date) {
					m.put(k, sdf.format((Date)m.get(k)));
		return R.ok().put("data", result);

 	 * (按值统计)时间统计类型
	public R valueDay(@PathVariable("tableName") String tableName, @PathVariable("yColumnName") String yColumnName, @PathVariable("xColumnName") String xColumnName, @PathVariable("timeStatType") String timeStatType) {
		Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		params.put("table", tableName);
		params.put("xColumn", xColumnName);
		params.put("yColumn", yColumnName);
		params.put("timeStatType", timeStatType);
		List<Map<String, Object>> result = commonService.selectTimeStatValue(params);
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
		for(Map<String, Object> m : result) {
			for(String k : m.keySet()) {
				if(m.get(k) instanceof Date) {
					m.put(k, sdf.format((Date)m.get(k)));
		return R.ok().put("data", result);
     * 人脸比对
     * @param face1 人脸1
     * @param face2 人脸2
     * @return
    public R matchFace(String face1, String face2,HttpServletRequest request) {
        if(client==null) {
            /*String AppID = configService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<ConfigEntity>().eq("name", "AppID")).getValue();*/
            String APIKey = configService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<ConfigEntity>().eq("name", "APIKey")).getValue();
            String SecretKey = configService.selectOne(new EntityWrapper<ConfigEntity>().eq("name", "SecretKey")).getValue();
            String token = BaiduUtil.getAuth(APIKey, SecretKey);
            if(token==null) {
                return R.error("请在配置管理中正确配置APIKey和SecretKey");
            client = new AipFace(null, APIKey, SecretKey);
        JSONObject res = null;
        try {
            File file1 = new File(request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/upload")+"/"+face1);
            File file2 = new File(request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/upload")+"/"+face2);
            String img1 = Base64Util.encode(FileUtil.FileToByte(file1));
            String img2 = Base64Util.encode(FileUtil.FileToByte(file2));
            MatchRequest req1 = new MatchRequest(img1, "BASE64");
            MatchRequest req2 = new MatchRequest(img2, "BASE64");
            ArrayList<MatchRequest> requests = new ArrayList<MatchRequest>();
            res = client.match(requests);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            return R.error("文件不存在");
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return R.ok().put("data", com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject.parse(res.get("result").toString()));

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目 录 前 言 1 第1章 绪 论 2 § 1.1 课题背景和意义 2 § 1.2 目前国内就业网站的现状 2 § 1.3 系统总体要求 2 § 1.4 开发工具介绍 3 § 1.4.1 JSP 3 § 1.4.2 Dreamweaver 4 § 1.4.3 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 4 § 1.4.4 Tomcat 4 第2章 系统需求分析 5 § 2.1 目的和背景 5 § 2.1.1目的 5 § 2.1.2 开发背景 5 § 2.2 系统概述 5 § 2.3 系统的功能性需求 5 § 2.3.1系统总体流程图 5 § 2.3.2 招聘信息的发布与管理系统功能需求 6 § 2.3.3 数据描述 7 § 2.3.4 系统的准确性和及时性 8 § 2.4 系统的非功能性需求 8 § 2.4.1 用户界面需求 8 § 2.4.2 运行需求 8 第3章 系统方案设计 9 § 3.1 系统总体设计 9 § 3.2 系统模块 9 § 3.2.1 系统模块划分 9 § 3.2.2 功能模块描述 9 § 3.3 系统方案论证 10 § 3.3.1 技术分析 10 § 3.3.2 功能分析 10 § 3.3.3 经济分析 11 第4章 系统实现 12 § 4.1 概论 12 § 4.2 首页的设计 12 § 4.3 企业注册登陆的实现 13 § 4.3.1 实现注册 13 § 4.3.2 实现登陆 15 § 4.4 管理基本信息的实现 17 § 4.5管理招聘信息的实现 19 § 4.5.1 实现发布招聘信息 19 § 4.5.2 实现修改招聘信息 20 § 4.5.3 实现删除招聘 22 § 4.6 管理邮件的实现 23 § 4.6.1 实现发送邮件 23 § 4.6.2 实现读取、回复、删除邮件 24 § 4.7 管理人才信息的实现 27 § 4.7.1 实现查询人才信息 27 § 4.7.2 实现管理收藏夹 28 § 4.8 管理员管理会员信息的实现 30 第5章 系统的测试 31 § 5.1 测试的目的 31 § 5.2 测试的环境 31 § 5.3 测试的内容 31 § 5.3.1 对企业注册登陆功能的测试 31 § 5.3.2 对管理基本信息功能的测试 33 § 5.3.3 对管理招聘信息功能的测试 33 § 5.3.4 对管理邮件功能的测试 34 § 5.3.5 对管理人才信息功能的测试 35 § 5.3.6 对管理员管理会员信息功能的测试 35 § 5.4 测试总结 36 总 结 37 参考文献 38 附 录 39 致  谢 41


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