Chapter 4 - Functions and Program Structure(四)

​4.7 Register Variables

A register declaration advises the compiler that the variable in question will be heavily used. The idea is that register variables are to be placed in machine registers, which may result in smaller and faster programs. But compilers are free to ignore the advice.

register 声明告诉编译器,它所声明的变量在程序中使用频率较高。其思想是,将register 变量放在机器的寄存器中,这样可以使程序更小、执行速度更快。但编译器可以忽略此选项。

The register declaration looks like

register int x;

register char c;

and so on. The register declaration can only be applied to automatic variables and to the formal parameters of a function. In this later case, it looks like


f(register unsigned m, register long n)


register int i;



In practice, there are restrictions on register variables, reflecting the realities of underlying hardware. Only a few variables in each function may be kept in registers, and only certain types are allowed. Excess register declarations are harmless, however, since the word register is ignored for excess or disallowed declarations. And it is not possible to take the address of a register variable (a topic covered in Chapter 5), regardless of whether the variable is actually placed in a register. The specific restrictions on number and types of register variables vary from machine to machine.


4.8 Block Structure

C is not a block-structured language in the sense of Pascal or similar languages, because functions may not be defined within other functions. On the other hand, variables can be defined in a block-structured fashion within a function. Declarations of variables (including initializations) may follow the left brace that introduces any compound statement, not just the one that begins a function. Variables declared in this way hide any identically named variables in outer blocks, and remain in existence until the matching right brace. For example, in


if (n > 0) {

int i; /* declare a new i */

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)



the scope of the variable i is the ``true'' branch of the if; this i is unrelated to any i outside the block. An automatic variable declared and initialized in a block is initialized each time the block is entered.

变量i 的作用域是if 语句的“真”分支,这个i 与该程序块外声明的i 无关。每次进入程序块时,在程序块内声明以及初始化的自动变量都将被初始化。静态变量只在第一次进入程序块时被初始化一次。

Automatic variables, including formal parameters, also hide external variables and functions of the same name. Given the declarations


int x;

int y;

f(double x)


double y;


then within the function f, occurrences of x refer to the parameter, which is a double; outside f, they refer to the external int. The same is true of the variable y.

函数f 内的变量x 引用的是函数的参数,类型为double;面在函数f 外,xint 类型的外部变量。这段代码中的变量y也是如此。

As a matter of style, it's best to avoid variable names that conceal names in an outer scope; the potential for confusion and error is too great.


4.9 Initialization

Initialization has been mentioned in passing many times so far, but always peripherally to some other topic. This section summarizes some of the rules, now that we have discussed the various storage classes.


In the absence of explicit initialization, external and static variables are guaranteed to be initialized to zero; automatic and register variables have undefined (i.e., garbage) initial values.


Scalar variables may be initialized when they are defined, by following the name with an equals sign and an expression:


int x = 1;

char squota = '\'';

long day = 1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L; /* milliseconds/day */

For external and static variables, the initializer must be a constant expression; the initialization is done once, conceptionally before the program begins execution. For automatic and register variables, the initializer is not restricted to being a constant: it may be any expression involving previously defined values, even function calls. For example, the initialization of the binary search program in Section 3.3 could be written as


int binsearch(int x, int v[], int n)


int low = 0;

int high = n - 1;

int mid;



instead of

int low, high, mid;

low = 0;

high = n - 1;

In effect, initialization of automatic variables are just shorthand for assignment statements. Which form to prefer is largely a matter of taste. We have generally used explicit assignments, because initializers in declarations are harder to see and further away from the point of use.


An array may be initialized by following its declaration with a list of initializers enclosed in braces and separated by commas. For example, to initialize an array days with the number of days in each month:


int days[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }

When the size of the array is omitted, the compiler will compute the length by counting the initializers, of which there are 12 in this case.


If there are fewer initializers for an array than the specified size, the others will be zero for external, static and automatic variables. It is an error to have too many initializers. There is no way to specify repetition of an initializer, nor to initialize an element in the middle of an array without supplying all the preceding values as well.


Character arrays are a special case of initialization; a string may be used instead of the braces and commas notation:


char pattern = "ould";

is a shorthand for the longer but equivalent

char pattern[] = { 'o', 'u', 'l', 'd', '\0' };

In this case, the array size is five (four characters plus the terminating '\0').

这种情况下,数组的长度是54 个字符加上一个字符串结束符'\0')。

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