Pointers on C——11 Dynamic Memory Allocation.5

11.6 Memory Allocation Examples

A common use for dynamic memory allocation is obtaining space for arrays whose sizes are not known until run time. Program 11.2 reads a list of integers, sorts them into ascending sequence, and prints the list.

动态内存分配一个常见的用途就是为那些长度在运行时才知的数组分配内存空间。程序1 1. 2 读取一列整数,并按升序排列它们,最后打印这个列表。


** Read, sort, and print a list of integer values.


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>


** Function called by 'qsort' to compare integer values



compare_integers( void const *a, void const *b )


register int const *pa = a;

register int const *pb = b;

return *pa > *pb ? 1 : *pa < *pb ? -1 : 0;





int *array;

int n_values;

int i;


** See how many numbers there will be.


printf( "How many values are there? " );

if( scanf( "%d", &n_values ) != 1 || n_values <= 0 ){

printf( "Illegal number of values.\n" );




** Get memory to store them.


array = malloc( n_values * sizeof( int ) );

if( array == NULL ){

printf( "Can't get memory for that many values.\n" );




** Read the numbers.


for( i = 0; i < n_values; i += 1 ){

printf( "? " );

if( scanf( "%d", array + i ) != 1 ){

printf( "Error reading value #%d\n", i );





** Sort the values.


qsort( array, n_values, sizeof( int ), compare_integers );


** Print them out.


for( i = 0; i < n_values; i += 1 )

printf( "%d\n", array[i] );


** Free the memory and exit.


free( array );



Program 11.2 Sort a list of integers sort.c

Memory to hold the list is dynamically allocated so that when you are writing the program you donʹt have to guess how many values the user might wish to sort.The only limit on the number of values that can be sorted is the amount of dynamic memory available to the program. When small lists are sorted, though, only as much memory as is actually needed is allocated, so memory is not wasted.


Now consider a program that reads strings. If you donʹt know the length of the longest string in advance you cannot use an ordinary array as a buffer. Instead, use dynamically allocated memory. When you find an input line that doesnʹt fit, reallocate a larger buffer and read the remainder of the line into it. The implementation of this technique is left as a programming exercise.



** Make a copy of a string in dynamically allocated memory. Note:

** caller is responsible for checking whether the memory was

** allocated! This allows the caller to respond to an error in

** any way they wish.


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

char *

strdup( char const *string )


char *new_string;


** Ask for enough memory to hold the string and its

** terminating NUL byte.


new_string = malloc( strlen( string ) + 1 );


** If we got the memory, copy the string.


if( new_string != NULL )

strcpy( new_string, string );

return new_string;


Program 11.3 Duplicate a string strdup.c

The input is read into this buffer, one line at a time. The length of the string is determined, and then memory is allocated to hold it. Finally, the string is copied into the new memory so the buffer can be used to read the next line.


The function in Program 11.3, called strdup, returns a copy of its input string in dynamically allocated memory. The function first tries to obtain enough memory to hold the copy. The additional byte beyond the string length is needed to hold the NUL byte that terminates the string. If the memory was successfully allocated, the string is copied into the new memory. Finally, a pointer to the new memory is returned.

程序1 1.3中名叫strdup 的函数返回一个输入字符串的拷贝,该拷贝存储于一块动态分配的内存中。函数首先试图获得足够的内存来存储这个拷贝。内存的容量应该比字符串的长度多一个字节,以便存储字符串结尾的NUL 字节。如果内存成功分配,字符串就被复制到这块新内存。最后,函数返回一个指向这块内存的指针。

Notice that new_string will be NULL if the allocation failed for some reason, so a NULL pointer would be returned in this case.

注意,如果由于某些原因导致内存分配失败, new_string的值将为NULL 。在这种情况下,函数将返回一个NULL 指针。

This function is very handy. It is so useful, in fact, that many environments include it as part of the library even though the Standard does not mention it.


Our final example illustrates how you can use dynamic memory allocation to eliminate wasted memory with variant records. Program 11.4 is a modification of the inventory system example from Chapter 10. Program 11.4a contains the declarations for the inventory records.

我们的最后一个例子说明了你可以怎样使用动态内存分配来消除使用变体记录造成的内存空间浪费。程序1 1.4 是第10 章存货系统例子的修改版本。程序1 1.4a 包含了存货记录的声明。

As before, the inventory system must handle two types of records, those for parts and those for subassemblies. The first structure holds the information specific to a part (only a portion of this structure is shown), and the second holds information about subassemblies. The last declaration is for the inventory record. It contains some common data needed for both subassemblies and parts and a variant portion.

和以前一样,存货系统必须处理两种类型的记录,分别用于零件和装配件。第1 个结构保存零件的专用信息(这里只显示这个结构的一部分),第2 个结构保存装配件的专用信息。最后一个声明用于存货记录,它包含了零件和装配件的一些共有信息以及一个变体部分。

Because the different fields in the variant part are different sizes (in fact, the subassembly record is variable size), the union contains pointers to structures rather than the structures. Dynamic allocation lets the program create an inventory record that is the correct size for the item being stored, so there is no wasted memory.


Program 11.4b is a function that creates an inventory record for a subassembly.This task depends on the number of different parts the subassembly contains, so this value is passed as an argument.

程序1 1.4b 是一个函数,它为每个装配件创建一条存货记录。这个任务取决于装配件所包含的不同零件的数目,所以这个值是作为参数传递给函数的。

This function allocates three things: the inventory record, the subassembly structure, and the array of parts in the subassembly structure. If any of these allocations fails, any memory that was already obtained is freed and a NULL pointer is returned. Otherwise, the type and info.subassy->n_parts fields are initialized and a pointer to the record is returned.

这个函数为三样东西分配内存:存货记录、装配件结构和装配件结构中的零件数组。如果这些分配中的任何一个失败,所有已经分配的内存将被释放,函数返回一个NULL 指针。否则, type 和info.subassy->n_parts 字段被初始化,函数返回一个指向该记录的指针。

Obtaining memory for an inventory record to store a part is a little easier than for a subassembly because only two allocations are needed. This function is therefore not illustrated here.



** Declarations for the inventory record.


** Structure that contains information about a part.


typedef struct {

int cost;

int supplier;

/* etc. */

} Partinfo;


** Structure to hold information about a subassembly.


typedef struct {

int n_parts;


char partno[10];

short quan;

} *part;

} Subassyinfo;


** Structure for an inventory record, which is a variant record.


typedef struct {

char partno[10];

int quan;

enum { PART, SUBASSY } type;

union {

Partinfo *part;

Subassyinfo *subassy;

} info;

} Invrec;

Program 11.4a Inventory system declarations inventor.h


** Function to create a SUBASSEMBLY inventory record.


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include "inventor.h"

Invrec *

create_subassy_record( int n_parts )


Invrec *new_rec;


** Try to get memory for the Invrec portion.


new_rec = malloc( sizeof( Invrec ) );

if( new_rec != NULL ){


** That worked; now get the SUBASSYINFO portion.


new_rec->info.subassy =

malloc( sizeof( Subassyinfo ) );

if( new_rec->info.subassy != NULL ){


** Get an array big enough for the parts.


new_rec->info.subassy->part = malloc(

n_parts * sizeof( struct SUBASSYPART ) );

if( new_rec->info.subassy->part != NULL ){


** Got the memory; fill in the fields

** whose values we know and return.


new_rec->type = SUBASSY;

new_rec->info.subassy->n_parts =


return new_rec;



** Out of memory: free what we've got so far.


free( new_rec->info.subassy );


free( new_rec );


return NULL;


Program 11.4b Dynamic creation of a variant record invcreat.c

Program 11.4c contains the last part of this example: a function that destroys inventory records. This function works for either type of inventory record. It uses a switch statement to determine the type of record it was given and then frees all dynamically allocated fields in the record. Finally, the record is deleted.

程序1 1.4c 包含了这个例子的最后部分:一个用于销毁存货记录的函数。这个函数对两种类型的存货记录都适用。它使用一条switch 语句判断传递给它的记录的类型并释放所有动态分配给这个记录的所有字段的内存。最后,这个记录便被删除。

A common mistake made in situations like this one is to free the record before freeing the memory pointed to by fields in the record. After the record has been freed,you may no longer safely access any of the fields that it contains.



** Function to discard an inventory record.


#include <stdlib.h>

#include "inventor.h"


discard_inventory_record( Invrec *record )



** Delete the variant parts of the record


switch( record->type ){


free( record->info.subassy->part );

free( record->info.subassy );


case PART:

free( record->info.part );




** Delete the main part of the record


free( record );


Program 11.4c Destruction of a variant record invdelet.c

Although it is a little less obvious, the following code fragment is a slightly more efficient implementation of Program 11.4c.

下面的代码段尽管看上去不是非常的一目了然,但它的效率比程序1 1.4c 稍有提高。

if( record->typ == SUBASSY )

free( record->info.subassy->part );

free( record->info.part );

free( record );

This code does not distinguish between subassemblies and parts when freeing the variant part of the record. Either member of the union can be used, as free does not care which type of pointer it gets.


上一章  Pointers on C——11 Dynamic Memory Allocation.4

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