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原创 更新 macOS Ventura ssh堡垒机报错:no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss


2023-04-17 10:26:55 247

原创 hive表直接select * 可以查出结果,但是join查询的字段中文变乱码

hive表直接select * 可以查出结果,但是join查询的字段中文变乱码的解决办法和原因

2023-01-12 17:12:13 347

原创 The basic of Java-Extends,Encapsulation,Abstract,Object,Singleton,Static(Day04)

1. We cannot create local variables in 'static' method, since local variables are existed in stack, and they will be destroyed when the method are down, conversely, 'static' stored in method area.2.

2021-08-19 11:09:08 132

原创 The advance of Java -- Set, LinkedList, Map(Day03)

1. Comparable:A class implements Comparable, which means it own rule of comparison, like TreeSet. It need the elements we put must implements comparable interface and remember add generics.2. Com

2021-08-19 11:08:57 101

原创 The advance of Java -- Set, LinkedList, Map(Day03)

1. Comparable:A class implements Comparable, which means it own rule of comparison, like TreeSet. It need the elements we put must implements comparable interface and remember add generics.2. Com

2021-08-19 11:08:46 97

原创 The advance of Java -- Genericity, Exception, IO(Day04)

1. Genericity:①: only T typepublic class Dog { X str; int age; void test(){ System.out.println(str); }}public static void main(String[] args) { Dog s = new Dog<>(); s.str = "pd"; s.

2021-08-19 11:08:36 69

原创 The advance of Java -- IO, Thread(Day05)

1. IO①Serialize: When we need to transfer a oject from a computer to another computer's disk, we use serialize. ObjectOutputStream oosDog d = new Dog("H",12,"sssssssssss"); try ( ObjectOutpu

2021-08-19 11:08:22 84

原创 The advance of Java -- IO, Thread(Day05)

1. IO①Serialize: When we need to transfer a oject from a computer to another computer's disk, we use serialize. ObjectOutputStream oosDog d = new Dog("H",12,"sssssssssss"); try ( ObjectOutpu

2021-08-19 11:08:08 85

原创 The advance of Java -- JDBC(Day09)

JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)①JDBC only define interface, the detailed realization is responsible for database company. So we only need to call interface.

2021-08-19 11:07:52 53

原创 Hadoop(day01) -- Tomcat(Linux), Jdk(Linux) (), JVM

(First: VMWARE-LINUX(CENTOS/6.5/6.6))一.Jdk:1.Delete old jdk:2.add tomcat.tar.jar.gz:3.tar and mv:4.configure environment variables:(the bottom line)export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java

2021-08-19 11:07:38 77

原创 Hadoop(Day12) -- Hadoop-HA

一.Cluster Design IP HostnameNamenodeDatanodeZOOKEEPERHIVEHBASE192.168.16.100 name1 Y N Y NY192.168.16.101 name2 Y N Y NY1

2021-08-19 11:06:52 111

原创 解决SonarQube安装问题

无论你安装的什么版本,一定一定首先要看官方文档。1.比如我是7.6,官方说要创建一个空的schema和sonarqube用户,结果我创了个sonar用户,死活起不来,最后根据官方文档,终于成功了。2.如果MySQL的my.ini文件以前加了 innodb_force_recovery = 1 类似的一定要删掉,删掉重启mySQL也能继续跑,否则你在错误日志中能看到如下信息3.也是最...

2019-03-19 00:12:15 387

原创 解决mysql Server1067问题

1.查看my,ini设置的datadir: F:\mysql-5.6\data下的.err文件2.找到错误报告如图3.根据日志和提示知道是innoDB的问题,于是在my.ini下增加innodb_force_recovery = 1即可...

2019-03-18 05:47:04 140

原创 ElasticSearch

一.Overviewhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elasticsearch二.Installation#We need an none-root user:useradd bigdataecho 123456 | passwd --stdin bigdata#Add bigdata into sudoersecho "bigdata ALL = (root) NOP...

2018-04-02 20:37:38 181

原创 Spark(day10) -- MLlib(2)

一.Principle of decision tree classification algorithm.1)OverviewDecision tree is a widely used classification algorithm.Compared with bayesian algorithm, the advantage of decision tree is that the con...

2018-03-28 22:01:18 221

原创 Spark(day09) -- MLlib(1)

一.Overviewhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_learning二.Arithmetic (1)Linear Regression(2)K-Nearest NeighborIn essence, KNN algorithm USES distance to measure the similarity between samples.The algo...

2018-03-27 21:57:53 280

原创 Spark(day08) -- SpqrkSql

一.Introductionhttp://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-programming-guide.html二.Syntax1.Create RDD2.Create case class(like table's schema)3.Associate RDD with case class.4.rdd.toDF一.DSL style synt...

2018-03-26 21:11:45 281

原创 Spark(day07) -- SparkStreaming

一.Introductionhttp://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/streaming-programming-guide.html*Important jar:commons-lang3-3.3.2.jarscala-library-2.10.5.jarspark-streaming-flume-sink_2.10-1.6.1.jarspark-streaming...

2018-03-26 20:50:28 187

原创 Spark(day06) -- logstash,kafka

一.The message storage of kafka and Pro-Con Model·Consumer manage to consume offset·Each consumer has their own group·There is queue model in group-Each consumer consume different partiition-In this wa...

2018-03-23 20:55:53 228

原创 Spark(day05) -- Kafka(1)

一.Why Spark need a message queue?• The answer is easy,resolving the coupling problem with other system.• How to gain input data? – spark do not have receiver– and pull data from data source can contro...

2018-03-21 20:51:43 120

转载 spark on yarn和mapreduce on yarn区别

    Apache Spark的高性能一定程度上取决于它采用的异步并发模型(这里指server/driver端采用的模型),这与Hadoop 2.0(包括YARN和MapReduce)是一致的。Hadoop 2.0自己实现了类似Actor的异步并发模型,实现方式是epoll+状态机,而Apache Spark则直接采用了开源软件Akka,该软件实现了 Actor模型,性能非常高。尽管二者在ser...

2018-03-21 19:02:56 261

原创 Spark(day04) -- Pratices

1.SparkTA:import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}object SparkTA { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf=new SparkConf().setAppName("SparkTA").setMaster("local[2]") val...

2018-03-17 21:21:15 230

原创 Spark(day03) -- Installation,RDD(WC)

一.Introductionhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Spark二.Installation &amp;&amp; Test1.tar -xzvf spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz2.mv spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6 spark-1.6.13.vi /etc/profile4, vi slaves5,...

2018-03-14 20:49:14 187

原创 Spark(day02) -- Scala

1.WordCountobject ScalaWC { //定义一个list val lines =List("hello tom hello bob hello jerry","hello tom hello bob hello jj") //压平并切分 val word =lines.flatMap(_.split(" ")) //单词作为key 1作为value v...

2018-03-13 19:28:43 157

原创 Spark(day01) -- Scala

一.Introductionhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scala_(programming_language)二.Data Type三.Example1.functional orientationobject HelloScala extends App{ //yield 关键字 生成新数组 val z=for (i &lt;- 1 to 3...

2018-03-10 21:17:29 203

原创 Hadoop总结杂文

*标题后数字对应Hadoop权威指南第4版页数一. Hadoop-Ha规避机制(49)1. 撤销namenode访问共享存储目录的权限2. 通过远程管理命令屏蔽相应的网络端口3. STONITH(shot the other node in the head):通过一个特定的供电单元对相应主机进行断电操作 二. 通过distcp并行复制(76)用来处理复制大文件默认情况下开启20个map,每个文件...

2018-03-06 20:24:30 240

原创 Hadoop(Day12) -- Hadoop-HA

一.Cluster Design      IP            Hostname Namenode Datanode ZOOKEEPER HIVE HBASE192.168.16.100     name1    Y   N    Y   N  Y192.168.16.101     name2    Y   N    Y   N  Y192.1

2018-02-07 10:54:07 465

原创 Hadopp(Day13) -- Sqoop,Flume,Azkaban

一.Sqoop1.Prefacehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sqoop2.Installation①transfer tar under path: /usr/local/②tar xzvf xxxx③vi /etc/profilesource /etc/profile3.Practice①Command Exapmlesqoop import --connect ...

2018-02-03 22:11:32 158

原创 BIgData(dayo03) -- MongoDB,MongoCluster

一.Prefacehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MongoDB二.Installation(1)Win7:1.Adrress: https://www.mongodb.com/download-center#community. mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.4.3-signed.msi

2018-01-31 20:18:36 231

原创 Hadoop(Day11) -- Hbase,Eclipse

一.Preface:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_HBase二.Installation1.Transfer jar under /usr/local2.Tar -xzvf jar3.mv xxx hbase4.vi /etc/profilesource /etc/profi

2018-01-24 21:44:51 256

原创 Hadoop(Day10) -- Eclipse+Hive,DbVisualizer

一.Eclipse + Hive:HIveJdbcClient.java:package com.bsr.hive;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.PreparedStatement;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.s

2018-01-23 21:13:49 186

原创 Hadoop(Day09) -- Hive

一.Preface:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Hive二.Installation:1.Transfer tar.gz under /usr/local2.tar xzvf 3.vi /etc/profile4.source /etc/profile5.mysql -uroot -prootCREATE USER 'hive' IDENTIFIED ...

2018-01-22 21:56:06 278

原创 Hadoop(Day08) -- MapReduce(Day03), Eclipse

一.MapReduce:1.CombinerDemo.java:package com.bsr.bigdata.mapreduce;import java.net.URI; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.a

2018-01-16 21:59:34 200

原创 Hadoop(Day07) -- MapReduce(Day 02), Eclipse

一.Version:1.MapReduce(v1.0):2.MapReduce(v2.0):二.Code:Example: 1.Counting the data of phone (partition):FlowBean.java:package com.bsr.bigdata.mapreduce.part_pd;import ja

2018-01-15 20:00:21 187

原创 Hadoop(Day06) -- MapReduce, Eclipse

一.IntroductionMapReduce Introduction(Wiki)二.Eclipse + MapReduce1.Setting2.Code:WordcountMapper.java:package com.bsr.bigdata.mapreduce;import java.io.IOException;import org.

2018-01-12 09:38:59 264

原创 Hadoop(Day05) -- Win10, HDFS, Eclipse

一.Installation:1.Unzip hadoop2.Copy one and put it under C:\3.Unzip hadoop.dll and winutils.exe and put them under C:\hadoop\bin4.Copy hadoop.dll under C:\Windows\System32\5.Alter hadoop-env

2018-01-10 21:04:17 217

原创 Hadoop(Day04) -- ZooKeeper

一.IntroductionApache ZooKeeper is a software project of the Apache Software Foundation. It is essentially a distributed hierarchical key-value store, which is used to provide a distributed c

2018-01-09 20:37:11 212

原创 Hadoop(Day03) -- Introduction, Installation

一.Preface1.What is mass data processing:There is a large amount of data, different data complexity, different size of individual data files, different sources of data, and mainly storage intensive

2018-01-08 20:44:46 222

原创 Big Data(day02) -- Architecture, V pattern, Wireless transmission, Design pattern

一.Architecture View1.Logical View -- User2.Development View -- Developer Engineering3.Physical View -- OPS Engineering4.Process View -- Senior member or Architect二.Wireless transmission

2018-01-05 15:30:46 299

原创 Redis(Day02) -- Cluster, Data type, JRedis

一.Setting:1.mkdir -p /redis_c/8000 /redis_c/8001 /redis_c/8002 /redis_c/8003 /redis_c/8004 /redis_c/80052.vi redis-ha.sh#!/bin/bashfor i in `ls /redis_c/`docd /redis_c/$iecho "po

2018-01-05 09:57:48 636


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