working experience in MST

1.我的精力是有限的-- 我不可能把每天所计划的和新产生的事情都处理完, 我也不可能把所有的事情都处理好,因此必须选择最有benefit的事情来做。
2.我的直觉判断是无序的-- 我最先想到的和最想做的事情一般不是最重要的,因此要理性的顺序来安排自己的计划。
3.家庭的环境是我变得呆滞-- 因此必须学会用随机应变来应对社会的挑战。
3.我的心情是脆弱的-- 外在的打击和自我的批判会让我变得一蹶不振,因此要获得别人和自我的肯定必须坚持以上条例。

Project management:
1. Use Agile to manage big project (eg. hold Agile meating in every month for monthly realease)
2. Use Jira to record daily tasks (issues, user questions), make sure daily task be assigned and splited.
3. Log work every day.
3. Hold weekly meeting to improve project management on Jira.

Team Leader responsibility:From
1. Router, to make sure every project would be splited and assigned timely.
2. Checker, to make sure the timeline and qulity of each assigned task.
3. Helper, to resolve each team member’s question and problem, build leadership. (Must stay on top of business and technology)
4. Telescope, watching on potential risk and solutions, make sure everything run smoothly.
5. At about 5:00Pm, review weekly plan and make plan for next day.

My current problem:
1. No enough work force
1. Use current resource effectively. Assign tasks according to work load, set priority to each task.
2. Apply for new resource. Collect information for how hard working of each team member.

How to contribute the team:
To ensure every team member know what we will do, how to do.
How to reach it:
1. Hold a standing meeting every morning.
2. To ensure my idea is right, make daily plan for next day and discuss with Eric in the afternoon; make weekly plan for next next week and discuss with Eric Friday.
3. To ensure every team member follow me,  speak out my idea my ideas decidedly.

Daily Tasks prioritys:
1. Check alert emails (Arrange resource to resolve problems if it’s very urgent).
2. Go thru other emails.
3. Check Jira tasks.
4. Review and arrange tasks to team member (including myself).
5. Do my tasks first thing first.

How to slove problem:
reslove problem more effectively--> get help from others--> let others agree what you will do-->  let others understand your request and discuss it together

How to make sure release quality?  What have you done for it? (think about it in every release)
1. QA
- Confirm requirement with stakeholders
- Code review
- Make QA plan for
-- Unit test
-- Integration test
-- System test
- Release check list
2. Backup plan
- Set up monitors
- Disaster recovery plan
- Update support document

How to avoid argument in obtianing information from team members?
1. Make a rule that she/he should reponse quackly if eh/ he 

# How to complete one task quickly
1. Make a plan for how to do it step by step
2. Concerns: Results orientation, No perfectionism, Focus on
3. If you write a document for a complex/abstract stuff,

# How to make daily work efficient
1.Make First Thing First plan at the beginning
2.Make a plan if the task is tricky or can't be done in one day.
3.The Work of Today Must Be Done Today

# How to handle email quickly.
1. Quickly view unread email , remark the follow-up ones and urgent ones.
2. Look into marked emails, resolve the urgent ones. firstly.
3. Follow up others.

How to assign task?
1. why we need to do the ?
2. Get agreement feetback.
3. set up check points, tack it continuelt in every few days.

How to resolve problem?
1. Sometime we could not reslove tricky problem at one time (could not find out the root case), but we can do some time to find out the root cause next times, or make it easier to fix the problem next times.

How to control Ta?
1. Beyond her in(eliminate dependency)   a.Familer with TSPuller notification. b Familer with performance data business. c. better English

How to assign tasks:
1. Tasks should be discussed, you and listener should reach an agreement about what he/she should do.
2. Task key points: what, who, when 
3. Task should be tracked easily, (you can use Ticket, Jira, Email)




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