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原创 接口interface配合多态宏观概念(2)USB例

package day18.t3.usb;public class TestUsbinterface { public static void main(String[] args) { Computer computer = new Computer(); Fan Myfan = new Fan(); Lamp myLamp =new Lamp(); computer.on(myLamp); ...

2020-08-20 17:58:51 172

原创 接口interface配合多态使用(1)

package day17.t2.interfaces;public class TestBasiinterface { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(Mylnterface.A); System.out.println(Mylnterface.B); System.out.println...

2020-08-14 20:28:25 194

原创 java时间(currentTimeMillis)

package day15.t1.Convert;public class TestcurrentTimeMillis { public static void main(String[] args) { //1970-1-1 0.00 System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis()); //毫秒 System.o...

2020-08-01 16:36:29 928

原创 多态的应用(3)

package day15.t1.Convert;public class TestGetAllDog { public static void main(String[] args) { Animal [] as = new Animal[4]; as[0]= new Dog("luck"); as[1]= new Cat("xoapjia"); as[2]= new Dog("xiaohei"); as...

2020-08-01 10:16:55 136

原创 多态的应用(2)

package day14.t1.polumorphic;public class TestApplyPolymorphic { public static void main(String[] args) { Car car = new Car(); //自身类型引用指向自身类型 car.type ="小汽车"; car.speed = 120; car.price = 200000.00; car.brand = "BMW"; //私有属性 ...

2020-07-29 20:22:40 124

原创 多态的应用(1)

package day14.t1.polumorphic;public class TestApplyPolymorphic { public static void main(String[] args) { Car car = new Car(); //自身类型引用指向自身类型 car.type ="小汽车"; car.speed = 120; car.price = 200000.00; car.brand = "BMW"; //私有属性 ...

2020-07-29 09:28:17 147

原创 java-用户账号密码验证扩展功能(3)

package day12.bark;public class TestBank { public static void main(String[] args) { // 0.完成过开户的操作(卡号,密码,姓名,身份证号,电话号,余额) // 1.输入卡号输入密码 // 2.卡密的效验,成功展示菜单,失败重新输入 // 3.显示showMenu的菜单,完成业务编号的选择 // 4...

2020-07-22 19:35:03 307

原创 java-用户账号密码验证(2)

package day12.bark;public class TestBank { public static void main(String[] args) { // 0.完成过开户的操作(卡号,密码,姓名,身份证号,电话号,余额) // 1.输入卡号输入密码 // 2.卡密的效验,成功展示菜单,失败重新输入 // 3.显示showMenu的菜单,完成业务编号的选择 // 4...

2020-07-22 11:01:42 763

原创 java-用户账号密码验证

package day12.bark;public class User { // 卡号、密码、姓名、身份证号、电话号、余额 private String cardNo; // 卡号 private String password; // 密码 private String username; // 姓名 private String identityCard; // 身份证号 private String phone; // 电话 private...

2020-07-20 20:33:17 1181

原创 java-封装01

package day12.t1.encap;public class TestEncapsulation { public static void main(String[] args) { Student s1 = new Student(); s1.name="tom"; s1.setAge(22); //传参到setAge //s1.age =2000; s1.sex="male";...

2020-07-16 20:08:18 87

原创 java面向对象,方法重载

package day11;public class TestSchoo1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Student stu1 = new Student(); stu1.name = "tom"; stu1.age=20; stu1.sex='男'; stu1.score=99.0; Student stu2 = new Student...

2020-07-09 15:39:30 169

原创 java-数组扩容、增删改查

package javatext;public class arrar5 { static int[] nums = new int[5]; static int size = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { insert(0, 11); insert(1, 22); insert(2, 33); insert(3, 44); insert...

2020-06-05 20:35:58 176

原创 java-数组插入值原值后移

package javatext;public class arrar5 { static int nums[] = new int[5]; static int size = 3; //暂定三个有效值 public static void main(String[] args) { nums[0] = 11; nums[1] = 22; nums[2] = 33; print(); insert(4,...

2020-06-04 17:15:55 565

原创 java-扩容之Arrays.copyOf

package javatext;import java.util.Arrays;public class arrar5 { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] unms = new int[5]; //数组创建之后,长度不变 unms[0] = 11; unms[1] = 21; unms[2] = 31; unms[3] = 41; ...

2020-06-02 23:26:42 197

原创 java-扩容之arraycopy

package javatext;public class arrar5 { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] unms = new int[5]; //数组创建之后,长度不变 unms[0] = 11; unms[1] = 21; unms[2] = 31; unms[3] = 41; unms[4] = 51; ...

2020-06-02 21:30:38 164 1

原创 java数组的“扩容”

package javatext;public class array4 { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] unms = new int[5]; //数组创建之后,长度不变 unms[0] = 11; unms[1] = 21; unms[2] = 31; unms[3] = 41; unms[4] = 51; ...

2020-06-02 21:01:17 150

原创 java-数组的四种写法方法

package javatext;public class array2 { public static void main(String[] args) { //1 先声明,再分配空间 int [] array1; //定义数组的类型变量 array1 = new int[5]; //为数组分配存储空间 //2 声明并分配空间 int [] array2 = new int[...

2020-06-01 21:47:37 4460

原创 java-数组遍历输出

public class javatext4 { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] a = new int[5]; a[0] =10; a[1] =20; a[2] =30; a[3] =40; a[4] =50; for (int i = 0; ...

2020-05-31 21:58:27 750

原创 java-递归调用(01)

public class javatext3 { public static void main(String[] args) { int result = getSum(6); System.out.println(result); } public static int getSum(int n) { if(n == 1) { return 1; }else { retu...

2020-05-31 18:43:36 109

原创 java-形参及返回值类型的调用

public class javatext3 { public static void main(String[] args) { int result = add(10,20); System.out.println("result的函数 :" + result); double str= result + 30; System.out.println(str); } ...

2020-05-28 22:56:27 191

原创 java-for 打印菱形

package javatext;import java.util.Scanner;public class javatext { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int rows; do { System.out.println("请输入奇数"); rows = i...

2020-05-27 23:49:53 113

原创 java-for 一百文买一百只鸡

package javatext;public class javatext2 { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 1; i <= 33; i++) { //公鸡 for (int j = 1; j <= 50; j++) { int k = 100 -i - j; int to...

2020-05-27 22:59:28 527

原创 java-for用循环条件打印出等腰三角形

package javatext;import java.util.Scanner;public class javatext { public static void main(String[] args) { //打印等腰三角形 int rows = 5; for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++) { //打印五行 ...

2020-05-23 19:19:22 1890

原创 java-for循环打印九九乘法表

public class javatext { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) { System.out.print(j + "*" + i + "=" +(j*i) + "\t"); } ...

2020-05-23 12:45:08 326

原创 java-for循环递增传值

import java.util.Scanner;public class javatext { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); for (int i = 1; i <=3 ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) { //内层的条件,...

2020-05-22 23:39:02 1319

原创 java-for嵌套执行

public class javatext { public static void main(String[] args) { // 打印 3行五颗星 // 1.在一行中打印五颗星 /* for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { System.out.print("*"); } //打印三行...

2020-05-22 22:35:21 86

原创 java使用if else 做与电脑剪刀石头布例子

package javatext;import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect;import java.util.Random;import java.util.Scanner;public class javatext { public static void main(String[] args) { // 1剪刀 2石头 3布 Scanner input = new Scan...

2020-05-22 22:03:15 506

原创 java使用do while 的例子,先执行后判断

import java.util.Scanner;public class javatext { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); char answer; //记录老师的评语 do { System.out.println("抄写作业一次"); ...

2020-05-22 22:01:47 1464

原创 java计算税率例子

package javatext;import java.util.Scanner;public class javatext { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("请输入您的税前工资"); double slary = input.nextDouble(); ...

2020-05-22 22:00:42 2024

原创 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

在操作中遇见了java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError,刚刚开始是 因为我在复制文件直接套用导致,主要是因为没有改包名和路径名称。跟配置的路径一致导致java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError注意修改路径一致就可以能正常访问。<sql id="baseColumn">也要跟...

2019-12-18 19:44:48 292

原创 各主流游览器名称,内核


2018-12-03 11:40:14 142


销售部门销售业务员签订销售合同(参见公司合同审批流程)。所有的销售订单必须填写销售合同审批单(见表:PR-SA-01),进行各部门审批。总调室调度人员在接到销售合同审批单后,根据订单内容、存货情况、产品技术设计情况在【物料需求计划】模块增加存货档案并建立相关的产品结构;根据销售合同审批单上总调室增加的存货档案、产品结构情况财务部门项目核算人员在【总账】模块增加成本对象项目的项目目录; 2、 销售助理根据审批后的销售合同审批单在【销售管理】模块中录入销售订单(见表:PR-SA--02),录入完毕后检查无误后,销售助理在【销售管理】模块对销售订单进行审核; 3、 财务部门项目核算人员根据销售合同审批单在【总账】模块增加成本对象项目的项目目录,以便进行项目的统计核算; 4、 总调室调度人员根据审核后的销售订单在【物料需求计划】模块安排生产计划及采购计划;产品生产完毕后,总调室调度人员根据销售订单预发货日期进行组织发货。



-------------------------------------------------------- Almediadev Visual Component Library for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder Component: SmartEffects Author: Almediadev Email: support@almdev.com Internet: http://www.almdev.com -------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Almediadev, 2000-2016 All rights reserved -------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR ALMEDIADEV COMPONENTS =============================================== This software is protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty. Therefore, you must treat this software just like a book, except that you may copy it onto a computer to be used and you may make archive copies of the software for the sole purpose of backing up our software and protecting your investment from loss. The software may be moved from one computer to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used by more than one person at a time. ADDING USERS ============ You may add users by paying for a separate software package for each user you wish to add. You may also add users by purchasing a site-license, so long as the number of persons who are able to use the software at one time is not more than the number of authorized users specified in our package or license. TRANSFERRING THE SOFTWARE ========================= You may transfer all of your rights to use the software to another person, provided that you transfer to that person all of the software, diskettes (if applicable), and documentation provided in this package (including this statement), and transfer or destroy all copies in any form. Remember, once you transfer the software, you no longer have any right to use it, and the person to whom it is transferred may use it only in accordance with the copyright law, international treaty, and this statement. If you have purchased an upgrade version of the software, it constitutes a single product with the Almediadev software that you upgraded. For example, the upgrade and the software that you upgraded cannot both be available for use by two different people at the same time, and cannot be transferred separately, without written permission from Almediadev. Except as provided in this statement, you may not transfer, rent, lease, lend, copy, modify, translate, sublicense, time-share, or electronically transmit or receive the software, media, or documentation. LIMITED WARRANTY ================ The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of this limited warranty shall be limited to replacement of defective media or documentation and shall not include or extend to any claim for or right to recover any other damages, including but not limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the software or special, incidental or consequential damages, or other similar claims, even if Almediadev has been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will Almediadev liability for any damages to you or any other person ever exceed the lower of the list price or the actual price paid for the package or the license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. ALMEDIADEV SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ALL OTHER IMPLIED TERMS ARE EXCLUDED. Specifically, Almediadev makes no representation or warranty that the software or documentation are "error-free," or meet any user's particular standards, requirements, or needs. In all events, any implied warranty, representation, condition, or other term is limited to the electronic distribution file&#40;s&#41; and online documentation and is limited to the 60-day duration of the limited warranty. Almediadev is not responsible for, and does not make any representation, warranty, or condition concerning product, media, software, or documentation not manufactured or supplied by Almediadev, such as third-parties' programs that are designed using Almediadev software or which include Almediadev programs or files. GENERAL TERMS THAT APPLY TO COMPILED PROGRAMS ============================================= The license granted in this statement for you to create your own compiled programs and distribute your programs using the software in this package is subject to all of the following conditions: 1. You may not remove or alter any Almediadev' copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notice contained in any portion of Almediadev units, source code, or other files that bear such a notice. 2. Almediadev provides no warranty at all to any person, other than the Limited Warranty provided to the original purchaser of this package. 3. You will remain solely responsible to anyone receiving your programs for support, service, upgrades, or technical or other assistance, and such recipients will have no right to contact Almediadev for such services or assistance. 4. You will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Almediadev from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees, that arise or result from the use, reproduction, or distribution of your programs. 5. Your programs must be written using a licensed, registered copy of this Almediadev' product. 6. You may not use Almediadev' name, logo, or trademarks to market your programs, except to state that your program was written using this Almediadev' software. PROVISIONS FOR VISUAL COMPONENT LIBRARY CLASSES =============================================== Almediadev grants you a non-exclusive royalty-free right to compile, reproduce, and distribute any new software programs created using the components included in this package provided that you: (a) distribute the components only in compiled executable programs; (b) do not use any part of the source code of the components to build any other components for public distribution or commercial sale; (c) do not use any of the components as an object-oriented ancestor to build any other components (through inheritance) for public distribution or commercial sale.


GExperts 1.3.12 experimental twm 2018-12-22




需要控件两个 fastreport 6版本 NATIVEEXCEL 控件一个 fastreport导出PDF fastreport导出Excel



360游览器,谷歌游览器,火狐游览器,搜狗游览器,QQ游览器,猎豹游览器,还有保存功能。 这几个游览器都是完美兼容的



WELCOME TO KONOPKA SIGNATURE VCL CONTROLS VERSION 6 CONTENTS - Completing the Installation - What's New - Moving the Component Palettes Pages to Front - Uninstalling - Minimum system requirements COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION Once the installation program is complete you may begin using the compo





DevExpress VCL CHM Installation

DevExpress VCL CHM Installation



<div id="viddiv" width:100%; height:100%"> &lt;video id="livevideo" width="100%" height="100%" autoplay&gt;&lt;/video> </div> <div id="picdiv" <div id="picdivbuttons" <button <button again</button> <button <span id="resolution">WxH:</span> </div> <div id="picdivcanvas" <canvas id="takenpic"></canvas> </div> </div> [removed] var video = document.getElementById("livevideo"); var canvas = document.getElementById("takenpic"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); navigator.getMedia = ( navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia ); navigator.getMedia( {video: true}, function(stream) { video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream); }, function(err) { alert&#40;"No camera access!"&#41;; } ); video.addEventListener('click', takepic, false); function takepic() { var vw = video.videoWidth; var vh = video.videoHeight; document.getElementById("resolution")[removed] = ("Width x Height: " + vw + " x " + vh); canvas.width = vw; canvas.height = vh; context.drawImage(video, 0, 0); document.getElementById("picdiv").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("viddiv").style.display = "none"; } function upload() { var d = document.getElementById("takenpic").toDataURL("image/jpeg"); d = d.slice(d.indexOf(",") + 1); ajaxRequest(frmMain.hfrWebCamPic, "saveimg", ["img="+d]); } function tryagain() { document.getElementById("picdiv").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("viddiv").style.display = "block"; } function closeapp() { ajaxRequest(frmMain.hfrWebCamPic, "closeapp", []); } [removed]


sgcWebSockets 4.1.11

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing sgcWebSockets in Rad Studio 7 - XE8 - 10.2 Tokyo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Unzip the files included into a directory {$DIR} 2) Add the directory where the files are unzipped {$DIR} to the Rad Studio library path under Tools, Environment options, Directories a) All Rad Studio Versions: Add the directory {$DIR}\source to the library path b) For specific Rad Studio version Rad Studio 7 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD7 to the library path Rad Studio 2007 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2007 to the library path Rad Studio 2009 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2009 to the library path Rad Studio 2010 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2010 to the library path Rad Studio XE : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE to the library path Rad Studio XE2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE2\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio XE3 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE3\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio XE4 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE4\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio XE5 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE5\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio XE6 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE6\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio XE7 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE7\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio XE8 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE8\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio 10 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio 10.1 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_1\$(Platform) to the library path Rad Studio 10.2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_2\$(Platform) to the library path 3) Choose : File, Open and browse



Version 1.7 ----------- - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10.2 Tokyo now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10.1 Berlin now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10 Seattle now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE8 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE7 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE6 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE5 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE4 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE3 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE2 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 2010 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 2009 now supported. - ADD: New demo project FlexCADImport. - FIX: The height of the TFlexRegularPolygon object incorrectly changes with its rotation. - FIX: Added division by zero protect in method TFlexControl.MovePathSegment. - FIX: The background beyond docuemnt wasn't filled when TFlexPanel.DocClipping=True. - FIX: In "Windows ClearType" font rendering mode (OS Windows mode) the "garbage" pixels can appear from the right and from the bottom sides of the painted rectangle of the TFlexText object. - FIX: The result rectangle incorrectly calculated in the TFlexText.GetRefreshRect method. - FIX: Added FPaintCache.rcPaint cleanup in the TFlexPanel.WMPaint method. Now it is possible to define is the drawing take place via WMPaint or via the PaintTo direct call (if rcPaint contain non-empty rectangle then WMPaint in progress). - FIX: The TFlexPanel.FPaintCache field moved in the protected class section. Added rcPaint field in FPaintCache that represents drawing rectangle. - ADD: In the text prcise mode (TFlexText.Precise=True) takes into account the rotation angle (TFlexText.Angle). - FIX: Removed FG_NEWTEXTROTATE directive (the TFlexText Precise mode should be used instead). - FIX: The TFlexRegularPolygon object clones incorrectly drawed in case when TFlexRegularPolygon have alternative brush (gradient, texture). - ADD: Add TFlexPanel.InvalidateControl virtual method which calls from TFle



Chilkat. KEY密匙 FTSVX3.CB10599_0fyOiie43S3o


Devart_SQL_Server_Data_Access_Components_SDAC_for_Delphi_8.0.2_D6-XE10.2 26-Dec-02 打开小型查询的速度优化(2378) MSConnection.Options已添加(2454) 添加了有限的MSConnection.ConnectString支持(2356) 现在从服务器获取输出字符串和(var)字节参数 最大长度不依赖于设置Param.Size(2355) DBMonitor客户端实现已移至COM服务器 修复了复杂表名的错误 修复了DT编辑器中丢失数据的常见错误(D2137) 修复了DataModule中设计时MSConnection的错误(O2290) 修复MSTable错误的设计时编辑器(2433) 优化服务器游标的BLOB字段发布(2117) 修复ClientDataSet的主/明细关系的错误(O2423) 修复了OutOfMem(1979)的一些错误 2.30 30-Sep-02 Delphi 7支持 ftString和ftVarBytes类型的新内存管理模型。允许显着减少大型表提取时的内存使用量。由FlatBuffers数据集选项控制 在CachedUpdates模式下支持blob字段 2.05 09-Aug-02 DBMonitor支持 2.00 18-Jul-02 支持服务器游标 支持多个结果集的查询 性能提升 打开查询而不支持将所有行提取到客户端(FetchAll = False) 增加了单向支持 快速获取身份价值 StoredProc支持刷新 FullRefresh支持 执行更新和删除时检查旧行值 在从提交到回滚的打开事务的关闭连接上更改了行为 1.30 21-Mar-02 支持C ++ Builder 6 1.20 08-Nov-01 添加了TMSParam类来表示参数 添加了查询分析器和企业管理器集成 在刷新时加速获取身份值 1.00 26-Aug-01 SDAC的第一个版本



版本9.2中有什么新功能 完整的RAD Studio 10.2.3东京支持。 SFTP - 添加了新的强加密算法,修复了SSH连接问题。 为TLS 1.3做好准备 - 在官方TLS 1.3发布之后,组件将使用新协议。 实现了为SSL / TLS连接提供根证书的能力。新的SendRootCertificate属性已添加到所有客户端和服务器组件。 添加了使用唯一强加密算法的选项(禁用已知的弱加密算法,密码套件和SSL / TLS协议版本,包括RC4)。新的UseStrongCryptoAlgorithms属性在客户端和服务器组件中实现。 国际域名(IDN)支持被添加到URL解析器中,过时的WinInet函数被新代码替换。 CertificateStore - 添加了为给定证书加载证书链的功能。 HTTP PATCH命令已实现。 SoapMessage - 改进了消息签名和验证性能。XmlCrlfEncode和XmlCrlfDecode方法已被替换。 SMIME - 增加了新的强加密和签名算法。 SMIME - 新的Config属性允许您更改使用的加密算法和其他加密参数。通过更新版本的组件,您可以在验证和解密消息之前获取有关使用的加密算法,签名密钥长度和数字证书的信息。 更新的Encryptor组件允许您从受保护的文件中提取使用的加密算法,密钥长度和其他信息。添加了一组重载方法。 添加了IMAP4 UTF7名称编码。实现的功能允许您将国际邮箱名称与客户端和服务器组件一起使用。 IMAP4客户端 - 添加了对多个未标记的SEARCH响应的支持。 IMAP4客户端 - 从TclImap4MailBoxInfo类中删除了UnseenMessages属性。 更新的OAuth组件允许您在与OAUTH服务器协商时刷新授权令牌并指定自定义请求字段。 BounceChecker - 更新后的组件通过使用正则表达式语法从邮件中提取所有电子邮件地址,分析邮件内容,并指示邮件是否包含未送达报告。 重新命名和重新组织编码器组件的编码/解码方法,以改善界面和可用性。 下载程序,上传程序,MultiDownloader,MultiUploader,NewsChecker - URL_COMPONENTS结构已替换为TclUrlParser类,实现了完整的Unicode支持。 SSH引擎 - 实现了对全局请求处理的支持。



(****************************************************) (*                         *) (*     修改:爱吃猪头肉 & Flying Wang     *) (*      上面的版权声明请不要移除。      *) (*          2015-05-09          *) (*                         *) (****************************************************) 禁止发布到城通网盘。否则死全家。 源代码来源 2ccc (温馨提示:群共享 2015-01-25 日有 本群 群共享 的 搜索器下载 下载后,记得每次都点【更新】按钮) 将 FastReport Professtional 5.6.1 full source 内部的文件覆盖到你目前的 FastReport 安装目录下(如果没有安装,就找一个你喜欢的地方放)。 然后将 需要替换或覆盖的文件 覆盖到安装目录下。 1. 关闭开发工具。 2. 右键【以管理员身份运行】对应版本的 recompile.exe,没有管理员权限,一定出问题。 2.1 选择你对应的 IDE 版本。 2.2 选择 Enteprise 版本 2.3 选择 Recompile all packages 2.4 点 Compile 按钮。 2.5 选择 Change Language to: 你的语言. 2.6 点 Compile 按钮。 3. 打开开发工具。 4. FastReports 下的 LibD22 (这个是 XE8 的,请找你对应的版本) 要加入到 开发工具的 Library 路径中。 5. 菜单中选择 Component->Install Packages 6. 点击 add 按钮 选择到 FastReports 的目录 找到 LibD22(或者你对应的版本)选择所有 *.bpl 文件,然后打开。 7. 安装过程中,会有提示 XXX bpl 已经加载。这个不用管。 8. 点击 ok 完成安装。 本人修改的版本特点是 About 对话框中显示 版权标志®,而不是一个 ?。 注意:在 XE7或更新版本 上 BDE 已经不存在了,所以 BDE 相关的都编译失败。不影响其他的。 【注意】:如果您转换语言后,发现乱码或者无法换成指定语言,那么请到 其他文件\Fix By Flying Wang\Res\旧版本中文 frcc 目录下,找到 frcc.exe,将他替换到你的 Res 目录下,重新 Change Language 看看能不能正常。 低于 XE 的请自己测试。 未修改的旧版本 在 其他文件\OldFiles 目录中。 如果你编译 D7 等低版本的时候,提示 字符串格式错误,例如缺少引号、乱码等问题,一般是这个文件内的编码和你操作系统编码不一致造成的。 建议用 notepad++ 打开,修改文件的默认编码,原本的编码大致为 斯拉夫语 Windows-1251 或 斯拉夫语 OEM 855,将这个编码修改为 简体中文即可。保存的时候,一样不能带 BOM。



软件功能   fastreport5 源码是一款可以帮助您在网页设计上插入报表的工具,可以结合Visual Basic 编辑工具使用,方便您在web上添加报表、打印报表   在打印期间,可以使用fastreport5 模板将各种来源的数据合并在一起以完成打印作业。 可以将多个数据源连结到一个对象中。 在大多数情况下,模板上的对象均使用单个数据源来确定源的内容。   然而,有时您可能希望将来自两个或多个数据源的信息放入一个web、编码器或文本对象中。 通过将其他数据源附加到对象,您可以使用fastreport5将它们结合起来,以便将它们作为一个字符串输出(这有时称为“字符串连结”)。   名称: 显示数据源的名称(如果指定了数据源)。   打开fastreport5更改数据源名称向导,用于指定所选数据源的唯一名称。 通过命名数据源,您可以将所选数据源的内容与其他数据源共享或参考 VB 脚本中的数据源。   FastReport也可在IB_Objects下工作。IB_Objects是用于Interbase数据库管理系统(DBMS)的功能强大且使用广泛的库。   类型: 显示所选数据源的数据源类型。   打开更改数据源类型向导,用于指定将在所选数据源中打印的数据源。 软件特色   开发WEB应用系统通常都会遇到报表打印问题。简单应用可利用IE的页面打印功能,利用HTML标签控制格式来实现。 但复杂的业务型应用系统,报表不仅是组成应用的重要部分,还常常是相当复杂的。很多应用系统都要求提供。自定义报表的功能——即客户可以自行设计、修改报表。   在C/S结构系统中,报表问题有很多成熟的解决方法。如DELPHI开发工具不仅自带有报表控件,还可以利用第三方控件来实现快速灵活的报表制作和打印,其中有名的控件是FR-Software & A.Tzyganenko 的FastReport。FastReport提供了能与DELPHI无缝集成的从设计到打印的完整控件包,提供的设计界面友好灵活,对于开发可让用户自定义报表的C/S应用来说,是一种很好的解决方式。   FastReport是非常强大的报表控件,相比QuickReport,ReportBuilder更加灵活,又非常小巧,速度快。VCL版本支持Borland Delphi 2-6 and Borland C++Builder 1-6。CLX版本支持Delphi和Kylix。



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