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MIT OpenCourseWare


List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!


There is a lot of hidden treasure lying within university pages scattered across the internet. This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome CS courses which make their high-quality material i.e. assignments, lectures, notes, readings & examinations available online for free.

Table of Contents


  • Lecture Videos - Lecture Videos
  • Lecture Notes - Lecture Notes
  • Assignments - Assignments / Labs
  • Readings - Readings



  • CS 61C Great Ideas in Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) UC Berkeley Lecture VideosLecture Notes Assignments Readings
    • The subjects covered in this course include: C and assembly language programming, translation of high-level programs into machine language, computer organization, caches, performance measurement, parallelism, CPU design, warehouse-scale computing, and related topics.
    • Lecture Videos
    • Lecture Notes
    • Resources
    • Old Exams
  • CS 107 Computer Organization & Systems Stanford University Lecture Videos Assignments
    • CS107 is the third course in Stanford's introductory programming sequence. The course will work from the C programming language down to the microprocessor to de-mystify the machine. With a complete understanding of how computer systems execute programs and manipulate data, you will become a more effective programmer, especially in dealing with issues of debugging, performance, portability, and robustness.
    • Lecture Videos
    • Assignments
  • CS 140 Operating Systems Stanford University Assignments Lecture Notes
    • This class introduces the basic facilities provided in modern operating systems. The course divides into three major sections. The first part of the course discusses concurrency. The second part of the course addresses the problem of memory management. The third major part of the course concerns file systems.
    • Lecture Notes
    • Assignments
  • 6.004 Computation Structures MIT Assignments Lecture Notes Lecture Videos
    • Introduces architecture of digital systems, emphasizing structural principles common to a wide range of technologies. Multilevel implementation strategies; definition of new primitives (e.g., gates, instructions, procedures, processes) and their mechanization using lower-level elements. Analysis of potential concurrency; precedence constraints and performance measures; pipelined and multidimensional systems. Instruction set design issues; architectural support for contemporary software structures. 4 Engineering Design Points. 6.004 offers an introduction to the engineering of digital systems. Starting with MOS transistors, the course develops of series of building blocks logic gates, combinational and sequential circuits, finite-state machines, computers and finally complete systems. Both hardware and software mechanisms are explored through a series of design examples.
    • Youtube Playlist
    • Lecture Notes
    • Labs-Assignments
  • CS 162 Operating Systems and Systems Programming UC Berkeley Lecture Videos Lecture Notes Assignments Readings
    • The purpose of this course is to teach the design of operating systems and operating systems concepts that appear in other advanced systems. Topics we will cover include concepts of operating systems, systems programming, networked and distributed systems, and storage systems, including multiple-program systems (processes, interprocess communication, and synchronization), memory allocation (segmentation, paging), resource allocation and scheduling, file systems, basic networking (sockets, layering, APIs, reliability), transactions, security, and privacy.
  • CS 168 Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols UC Berkeley Lecture Notes Assignments
    • This course is an introduction to the Internet architecture. We will focus on the concepts and fundamental design principles that have contributed to the Internet's scalability and robustness and survey the various protocols and algorithms used within this architecture. Topics include layering, addressing, intradomain routing, interdomain routing, reliable delivery, congestion control, and the core protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP, IP, DNS, and HTTP) and network technologies (e.g., Ethernet, wireless).
    • Lecture Notes & Assignments
    • Discussion Notes
  • CS 179 GPU Programming Caltech Assignments Lecture Notes
    • This course will cover programming techniques for the GPU. The course will introduce NVIDIA's parallel computing language, CUDA. Beyond covering the CUDA programming model and syntax, the course will also discuss GPU architecture, high performance computing on GPUs, parallel algorithms, CUDA libraries, and applications of GPU computing.
    • Assignments
    • Lecture Notes
  • CS 186 Introduction to Database Systems UC Berkeley Lecture Videos Assignments Readings Lecture Notes
    • In the project assignments in CS186, you will write a basic database management system called SimpleDB. For this project, you will focus on implementing the core modules required to access stored data on disk; in future projects, you will add support for various query processing operators, as well as transactions, locking, and concurrent queries.
    • Lecture Videos
    • Lecture Notes
    • Projects
  • CS 241 Systems Programming (Spring 2016) Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Assignments Lecture Notes
    • System programming refers to writing code that tasks advantage of operating system support for programmers. This course is designed to introduce you to system programming. By the end of this course, you should be proficient at writing programs that take full advantage of operating system support. To be concrete, we need to fix an operating system and we need to choose a programming language for writing programs. We chose the C language running on a Linux/UNIX operating system (which implements the POSIX standard interface between the programmer and the OS).
    • Assignments
    • Labs
    • Github Page
    • Crowd Sourced Book
  • CS 425 Distributed Systems Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Assignments Readings
    • Brilliant set of lectures and reading material covering fundamental concepts in distributed systems such as Vector clocks, Consensus and Paxos. This is the 2016 version by Prof Indranil Gupta.
    • Lectures
    • Assignments
  • CS 452 Real-Time Programming University of Waterloo Assignments Lecture Notes
    • Write a real-time OS microkernel in C, and application code to operate a model train set in response to real-time sensor information. The communication with the train set runs at 2400 baud so it takes about 61 milliseconds to ask all of the sensors for data about the train's possible location. This makes it particularly challenging because a train can move about 3 centimeters in that time. One of the most challenging and time-consuming courses at the University of Waterloo.
    • Assignments
    • Lecture notes
  • CS 2043 Unix Tools & Scripting Cornell University Assignments Lecture NotesReadings
    • UNIX-like systems are increasingly being used on personal computers, mobile phones, web servers, and many other systems. They represent a wonderful family of programming environments useful both to computer scientists and to people in many other fields, such as computational biology and computational linguistics, in which data is naturally represented by strings. This course provides an intensive training to develop skills in Unix command line tools and scripting that enable the accomplishment and automation of large and challenging computing tasks. The syllabus takes students from shell basics and piping, to regular-expression processing tools, to shell scripting and Python.
    • Syllabus
    • Lectures
    • Assignments
  • CS 3410 Computer System Organization and Programming Cornell University Assignments Lecture NotesReadings
    • CS3410 provides an introduction to computer organization, systems programming and the hardware/software interface. Topics include instruction sets, computer arithmetic, datapath design, data formats, addressing modes, memory hierarchies including caches and virtual memory, I/O devices, bus-based I/O systems, and multicore architectures. Students learn assembly language programming and design a pipelined RISC processor.
    • Lectures
    • Assignments
  • CS 4410 Operating Systems Cornell University Lecture NotesReadings
    • CS 4410 covers systems programming and introductory operating system design and implementation. We will cover the basics of operating systems, namely structure, concurrency, scheduling, synchronization, memory management, filesystems, security and networking. The course is open to any undergraduate who has mastered the material in CS3410/ECE3140.
    • Syllabus
    • Lectures
  • CS 4414 Operating Systems University of Virginia Lecture Videos Assignments
    • A course (that) covers topics including: Analysis process communication and synchronization; resource management; virtual memory management algorithms; file systems; and networking and distributed systems. The primary goal of this course is to improve your ability to build scalable, robust and secure computing systems. It focuses on doing that by understanding what underlies the core abstractions of modern computer systems.
    • Syllabus
    • Lectures
  • CS 5412 Cloud Computing Cornell University Lecture Notes Readings
    • Taught by one of the stalwarts of this field, Prof Ken Birman, this course has a fantastic set of slides that one can go through. The Prof's book is also a gem and recommended as a must read in Google's tutorial on Distributed System Design
    • Slides
  • CSCE 3613 Operating Systems University of Arkansas (Fayetteville) Assignments Lecture NotesReadings - An introduction to operating systems including topics in system structures, process management, storage management, files, distributed systems, and case studies.
  • CSCI-UA.0202: Operating Systems (Undergrad) Operating Systems NYU Assignments Lecture Notes Readings
    • NYU's operating system course. It's a fundamental course focusing basic ideas of operating systems, including memory management, process shceduling, file system, ect. It also includes some recomended reading materials. What's more, there are a series of hands-on lab materials, helping you easily understand OS.
    • Assignments
    • Lectures
    • Old Exams
  • CSCI 360 Computer Architecture 3 CUNY Hunter College Assignments Lecture Notes
    • A course that covers cache design, buses, memory hierarchies, processor-peripheral interfaces, and multiprocessors, including GPUs.
  • CSCI 493.66 UNIX System Programming (formerly UNIX Tools) CUNY Hunter College Assignments Lecture Notes
    • A course that is mostly about writing programs against the UNIX API, covering all of the basic parts of the kernel interface and libraries, including files, processes, terminal control, signals, and threading.
  • CSCI 493.75 Parallel Computing CUNY Hunter College Assignments Lecture Notes
    • The course is an introduction to parallel algorithms and parallel programming in C and C++, using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the OpenMP application programming interface. It also includes a brief introduction to parallel architectures and interconnection networks. It is both theoretical and practical, including material on design methodology, performance analysis, and mathematical concepts, as well as details on programming using MPI and OpenMP.
  • Hack the Kernel Introduction to Operating Systems SUNY University at Buffalo, NY Lecture Videos Assignments Lecture Notes
    • This course is an introduction to operating system design and implementation. We study operating systems because they are examples of mature and elegant solutions to a difficult design problem: how to safely and efficiently share system resources and provide abstractions useful to applications.
    • For the processor, memory, and disks, we discuss how the operating system allocates each resource and explore the design and implementation of related abstractions. We also establish techniques for testing and improving system performance and introduce the idea of hardware virtualization. Programming assignments provide hands-on experience with implementing core operating system components in a realistic development environment. Course by Dr.Geoffrey Challen
    • Syllabus
    • Slides
    • Video lectures
    • Assignments
    • Old Exams
  • ECE 459 Programming for Performance University of Waterloo Lecture Notes Assignments
    • Learn techniques for profiling, rearchitecting, and implementing software systems that can handle industrial-sized inputs, and to design and build critical software infrastructure. Learn performance optimization through parallelization, multithreading, async I/O, vectorization and GPU programming, and distributed computing.
    • Lecture slides
  • PODC Principles of Distributed Computing ETH-Zurich Assignments Readings Lecture Notes
    • Explore essential algorithmic ideas and lower bound techniques, basically the "pearls" of distributed computing in an easy-to-read set of lecture notes, combined with complete exercises and solutions.
    • Book
    • Assignments and Solutions
  • SPAC Parallelism and Concurrency Univ of Washington Readings
    • Technically not a course nevertheless an awesome collection of materials used by Prof Dan Grossman to teach parallelism and concurrency concepts to sophomores at UWash
  • 6.824 Distributed Systems MIT Assignments Lecture Notes
    • MIT's graduate-level DS course with a focus on fault tolerance, replication, and consistency, all taught via awesome lab assignments in Golang!
    • Assignments - Just do git clone git://g.csail.mit.edu/6.824-golabs-2014 6.824
    • Readings
  • 6.828 Operating Systems MIT Assignments Lecture Notes
    • MIT's operating systems course focusing on the fundamentals of OS design including booting, memory management, environments, file systems, multitasking, and more. In a series of lab assignments, you will build JOS, an OS exokernel written in C.
    • Assignments
    • Lectures
    • Videos Note: These are student recorded cam videos of the 2011 course. The videos explain a lot of concepts required for the labs and assignments.
  • CSEP 552 Distributed Systems University of Washington Lecture Videos Assignments Lecture Notes
    • CSEP552 is a graduate course on distributed systems. Distributed systems have become central to many aspects of how computers are used, from web applications to e-commerce to content distribution. This course will cover abstractions and implementation techniques for the construction of distributed systems, including client server computing, the web, cloud computing, peer-to-peer systems, and distributed storage systems. Topics will include remote procedure call, maintaining consistency of distributed state, fault tolerance, high availability, and other topics. As we believe the best way to learn the material is to build it, there will be a series of hands-on programming projects.
    • Lectures of a previous session are available to watch.
  • 15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS) Carnegie-Mellon University Lecture Videos Assignments Lecture Notes
    • The ICS course provides a programmer's view of how computer systems execute programs, store information, and communicate. It enables students to become more effective programmers, especially in dealing with issues of performance, portability and robustness. It also serves as a foundation for courses on compilers, networks, operating systems, and computer architecture, where a deeper understanding of systems-level issues is required. Topics covered include: machine-level code and its generation by optimizing compilers, performance evaluation and optimization, computer arithmetic, memory organization and management, networking technology and protocols, and supporting concurrent computation.
    • This is the must-have course for everyone in CMU who wants to learn some computer science no matter what major are you in. Because it's CMU (The course number is as same as the zip code of CMU)!
    • Lecture Notes
    • Videos
    • Assignments
  • 15-319/619 Cloud Computing (ICS) Carnegie-Mellon University Lecture Videos Assignments
    • This project-based on-line course focuses on skill building across various aspects of cloud computing. We cover conceptual topics and provide hands-on experience through projects utilizing public cloud infrastructures (Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)). The adoption of cloud computing services continues to grow across a variety of organizations and in many domains. Simply, cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service over a network, whereby distributed resources and services are rented, rather than owned, by an end user as a utility.
    • For the projects, students will work with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, use them to rent and provision compute resources and then program and deploy applications that run on these resources. Students will develop and evaluate virtual machine (VM) and container scaling, elasticity and load balancing solutions. In addition, students will work with cloud storage systems and learn to develop different applications using batch, iterative and stream processing frameworks. 15-619 students will have to complete an extra project which entails designing and implementing a complete web-service solution for querying big data. For the extra project, the student teams are evaluated based on the cost and performance of their web service.
    • Lecture Notes
    • Videos
  • 15-418 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming Carnegie-Mellon University Lecture Videos Assignments Lecture Notes Readings
    • The goal of this course is to provide a deep understanding of the fundamental principles and engineering trade-offs involved in designing modern parallel computing systems as well as to teach parallel programming techniques necessary to effectively utilize these machines. Because writing good parallel programs requires an understanding of key machine performance characteristics, this course will cover both parallel hardware and software design.
    • Assignments
    • Lecture Notes
    • Lecture Videos
    • Readings
  • 15-440 Distributed Systems Carnegie-Mellon University Assignments Lecture Notes
    • Introduction to distributed systems with a focus on teaching concepts via projects implemented in the Go programming language.
    • Assignments
  • 15-721 Database Systems Carnegie-Mellon University Lecture Videos Assignments Readings
    • This course is a comprehensive study of the internals of modern database management systems. It will cover the core concepts and fundamentals of the components that are used in both high-performance transaction processing systems (OLTP) and large-scale analytical systems (OLAP). The class will stress both efficiency and correctness of the implementation of these ideas. All class projects will be in the context of a real in-memory, multi-core database system. The course is appropriate for graduate students in software systems and for advanced undergraduates with strong systems programming skills.
    • Assignments
    • Lecture Videos
    • Readings
  • 15-445/645 Database Systems Carnegie-Mellon University Lecture Videos Assignments Readings
  • 15-749 Engineering Distributed Systems Carnegie-Mellon University Readings
    • A project focused course on Distributed Systems with an awesome list of readings
    • Readings
  • 18-447 Introduction to Computer Architecture CMU Lecture Videos Assignments Readings
    • Very comprehensive material on Computer Architecture - definitely more than just "introduction". Online material is very user-friendly, even the recitation videos available online. This is the Spring'15 version by Prof. Onur Mutlu
    • Lectures and Recitation
    • Homeworks 7 HWs with answer set as well
    • Readings

Programming Languages / Compilers

  • CS 75 Principles of Compiler Design Swathmore College Lecture Videos Assignments Lecture Notes
  • CS 91 Introduction to Programming Languages Swathmore College Lecture Notes Assignments
    • Uses the Pyret programming language & PAPL book to understand the fundamentals of programming languages.
    • Labs
  • CIS 194 Introduction to Haskell Penn Engineering Assignments Lecture Notes
    • Explore the joys of functional programming, using Haskell as a vehicle. The aim of the course will be to allow you to use Haskell to easily and conveniently write practical programs.
    • Previous semester also available, with more exercises
  • CIS 198 Rust Programming UPenn Lecture Notes Assignments
    • This course covers what makes Rust so unique and applies it to practical systems programming problems. Topics covered include traits and generics; memory safety (move semantics, borrowing, and lifetimes); Rust’s rich macro system; closures; and concurrency.
    • Assignments
  • Clojure Functional Programming with Clojure University of Helsinki Assignments
    • The course is an introduction to functional programming with a dynamically typed language Clojure. We start with an introduction to Clojure; its syntax and development environment. Clojure has a good selection of data structures and we cover most of them. We also go through the basics of recursion and higher-order functions. The course material is in English.
    • Github Page
  • CMSC 430 Introduction to Compilers Univ of Maryland Assignments Lecture Notes
    • The goal of CMSC 430 is to arm students with the ability to design, implement, and extend a programming language. Throughout the course, students will design and implement several related languages, and will explore parsing, syntax querying, dataflow analysis, compilation to bytecode, type systems, and language interoperation.
    • Lecture Notes
    • Assignments
  • COS 326 Functional Programming Princeton University Assignments 




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