【Redis 内存数据库】一

redies dict 字典

这是 Redis 最底层的结构,比如 1个DB 下面有 16个Dict

1. 使用接口方式, 基础实现是simple_dict ,sync_dict ,后续用户可以根据自己的需求进行自定义的实现属于自己的Dict , 在 forEach 方法 支持匿名函数方式

type Dict interface {
  Get(key string) (val interface {}, exists bool)
  // 回复上次 put 放入
  Put(key string, val interface{}) (result int)
  PutIfAbsent(key string, val interface {}) (result int)
  PutIfExists(key string, val interface{}) (result int)
  Remove(key string) (result int)
  ForEach(consumer Consumer) // 传入是方法, 返回 bool = true j继续遍历 
  Keys() []string
  RandomKeys(limit int) []string
  // 返回多个不重复的键
  RandomDistinctKeys(limit int) []string

// Consumer is used to traversal dict, if it returns false the traversal will be break
type Consumer func(key string, val interface{}) bool

package dict

// SimpleDict wraps a map, it is not thread safe
type SimpleDict struct {
	m map[string]interface{}

// MakeSimple makes a new map
func MakeSimple() *SimpleDict {
	return &SimpleDict{
		m: make(map[string]interface{}),

// Get returns the binding value and whether the key is exist
func (dict *SimpleDict) Get(key string) (val interface{}, exists bool) {
	val, ok := dict.m[key]
	return val, ok

// Len returns the number of dict
func (dict *SimpleDict) Len() int {
	if dict.m == nil {
		panic("m is nil")
	return len(dict.m)

// Put puts key value into dict and returns the number of new inserted key-value
func (dict *SimpleDict) Put(key string, val interface{}) (result int) {
	_, existed := dict.m[key]
	dict.m[key] = val
	if existed {
		return 0
	return 1

// PutIfAbsent puts value if the key is not exists and returns the number of updated key-value
func (dict *SimpleDict) PutIfAbsent(key string, val interface{}) (result int) {
	_, existed := dict.m[key]
	if existed {
		return 0
	dict.m[key] = val
	return 1

// PutIfExists puts value if the key is exist and returns the number of inserted key-value
func (dict *SimpleDict) PutIfExists(key string, val interface{}) (result int) {
	_, existed := dict.m[key]
	if existed {
		dict.m[key] = val
		return 1
	return 0

// Remove removes the key and return the number of deleted key-value
func (dict *SimpleDict) Remove(key string) (result int) {
	_, existed := dict.m[key]
	delete(dict.m, key)
	if existed {
		return 1
	return 0

// Keys returns all keys in dict
func (dict *SimpleDict) Keys() []string {
	result := make([]string, len(dict.m))
	i := 0
	for k := range dict.m {
		result[i] = k
	return result

// ForEach traversal the dict
func (dict *SimpleDict) ForEach(consumer Consumer) {
	for k, v := range dict.m {
		if !consumer(k, v) {

// RandomKeys randomly returns keys of the given number, may contain duplicated key
func (dict *SimpleDict) RandomKeys(limit int) []string {
	result := make([]string, limit)
	for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
		for k := range dict.m {
			result[i] = k
	return result

// RandomDistinctKeys randomly returns keys of the given number, won't contain duplicated key
func (dict *SimpleDict) RandomDistinctKeys(limit int) []string {
	size := limit
	if size > len(dict.m) {
		size = len(dict.m)
	result := make([]string, size)
	i := 0
	for k := range dict.m {
		if i == limit {
		result[i] = k
	return result

// Clear removes all keys in dict
func (dict *SimpleDict) Clear() {
	*dict = *MakeSimple()

Redis 的 DB 实现
  1. 针对其中 Command 的实现, ping, set ,Get 有具体的实现方法, 采用策略模式形式, 不同的方法 有自己的 Executor 执行器
// 指令与结构体之间的关系
var cmdTable = make(map[string]*command)

type command struct {
	executor ExecFunc
	arity    int // allow number of args, arity < 0 means len(args) >= -arity

// RegisterCommand registers a new command
// arity means allowed number of cmdArgs, arity < 0 means len(args) >= -arity.
// for example: the arity of `get` is 2, `mget` is -2
func RegisterCommand(name string, executor ExecFunc, arity int) {
	name = strings.ToLower(name)
	cmdTable[name] = &command{
		executor: executor,
		arity:    arity,

// Package database is a memory database with redis compatible interface
package database

import (

// DB stores data and execute user's commands
type DB struct {
	index int
	// key -> DataEntity
	data dict.Dict // 底层的实现可以进行切换

// ExecFunc is interface for command executor, redis 的 指令实现, 所有的实现 协程这种形式
// args don't include cmd line
type ExecFunc func(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply

// CmdLine is alias for [][]byte, represents a command line
type CmdLine = [][]byte

// makeDB create DB instance
func makeDB() *DB {
	db := &DB{
		data: dict.MakeSyncDict(), // 使用的 sync 的 dict
	return db

// Exec executes command within one database
func (db *DB) Exec(c resp.Connection, cmdLine [][]byte) resp.Reply {

	cmdName := strings.ToLower(string(cmdLine[0]))
	cmd, ok := cmdTable[cmdName]
	if !ok {
		return reply.MakeErrReply("ERR unknown command '" + cmdName + "'")
	if !validateArity(cmd.arity, cmdLine) {
		return reply.MakeArgNumErrReply(cmdName)
	fun := cmd.executor
	return fun(db, cmdLine[1:])

func validateArity(arity int, cmdArgs [][]byte) bool {
	argNum := len(cmdArgs)
	if arity >= 0 {
		return argNum == arity
	return argNum >= -arity

/* ---- data Access ----- */

// GetEntity returns DataEntity bind to given key
func (db *DB) GetEntity(key string) (*database.DataEntity, bool) {

	raw, ok := db.data.Get(key)
	if !ok {
		return nil, false
	entity, _ := raw.(*database.DataEntity)
	return entity, true

// PutEntity a DataEntity into DB
func (db *DB) PutEntity(key string, entity *database.DataEntity) int {
	return db.data.Put(key, entity)

// PutIfExists edit an existing DataEntity
func (db *DB) PutIfExists(key string, entity *database.DataEntity) int {
	return db.data.PutIfExists(key, entity)

// PutIfAbsent insert an DataEntity only if the key not exists
func (db *DB) PutIfAbsent(key string, entity *database.DataEntity) int {
	return db.data.PutIfAbsent(key, entity)

// Remove the given key from db
func (db *DB) Remove(key string) {

// Removes the given keys from db
func (db *DB) Removes(keys ...string) (deleted int) {
	deleted = 0
	for _, key := range keys {
		_, exists := db.data.Get(key)
		if exists {
	return deleted

// Flush clean database
func (db *DB) Flush() {


// Ping Executor
func Ping(db *DB, args [][]byte) resp.Reply {
    if len(args) == 0 {
        return &reply.PongReply{}
    } else if len(args) == 1 {
        return reply.MakeStatusReply(string(args[0]))
    } else {
        return reply.MakeErrReply("ERR wrong number of arguments for 'ping' command")
// 初始化 方法
func init() {
    RegisterCommand("ping", Ping, -1)

Redis 持久化 Aof

AOF 则以协议文本的方式,将所有对数据库进行过写入的命令(及其参数)记录到 AOF 文件,以此达到记录数据库状态的目的.

package aof

import (
	databaseface "go-redis/interface/database"

// CmdLine is alias for [][]byte, represents a command line
type CmdLine = [][]byte

const (
	aofQueueSize = 1 << 16

type payload struct {
	cmdLine CmdLine
	dbIndex int

// AofHandler receive msgs from channel and write to AOF file
type AofHandler struct {
	db          databaseface.Database
	aofChan     chan *payload
	aofFile     *os.File
	aofFilename string
	currentDB   int

// NewAOFHandler creates a new aof.AofHandler
func NewAOFHandler(db databaseface.Database) (*AofHandler, error) {
	handler := &AofHandler{}
	handler.aofFilename = config.Properties.AppendFilename
	handler.db = db
	// init Load Aof to Memory
	aofFile, err := os.OpenFile(handler.aofFilename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0600)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	handler.aofFile = aofFile
	handler.aofChan = make(chan *payload, aofQueueSize)
	go func() {
	return handler, nil

func (handler *AofHandler) AddAof(dbIndex int, cmdLine CmdLine) {
	if config.Properties.AppendOnly && handler.aofChan != nil {
		handler.aofChan <- &payload{
			cmdLine: cmdLine,
			dbIndex: dbIndex,

// LoadAof read aof file 数据回放的功能
func (handler *AofHandler) LoadAof() {
	file, err := os.Open(handler.aofFilename)
	if err != nil {

	defer func(file *os.File) {
		err := file.Close()
		if err != nil {

	ch := parser.ParseStream(file)
	fakeConn := &connection.Connection{} // only used for save dbIndex
	// LoadAof recover data
	for p := range ch {
		if p.Err != nil {
			if p.Err == io.EOF {
			logger.Error("parse error: " + p.Err.Error())
		if p.Data == nil {
			logger.Error("empty payload")
		r, ok := p.Data.(*reply.MultiBulkReply)
		if !ok {
			logger.Error("require multi bulk reply")
		ret := handler.db.Exec(fakeConn, r.Args)
		if reply.IsErrorReply(ret) {
			logger.Error("exec err", err)

// handleAof listen aof channel and write into file aof 异步形式的落盘
func (handler *AofHandler) handleAof() {
	handler.currentDB = 0
	for p := range handler.aofChan {
		if p.dbIndex != handler.currentDB {
			// select db
			data := reply.MakeMultiBulkReply(utils.ToCmdLine("SELECT", strconv.Itoa(p.dbIndex))).ToBytes()
			_, err := handler.aofFile.Write(data)
			if err != nil {
				continue // skip this command
			handler.currentDB = p.dbIndex
		data := reply.MakeMultiBulkReply(p.cmdLine).ToBytes()
		_, err := handler.aofFile.Write(data)
		if err != nil {





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