




var data =from b in imgDt.AsEnumerable()from a in wsDt.AsEnumerable()where a.Field(“img01”) == StringPlus.Trim(b.Field(“img01”))&& a.Field(“img02”) == StringPlus.Trim(b.Field(“img02”))&& a.Field(“img03”) == (string.IsNullOrEmpty(b.Field(“img03”)) ? “” : StringPlus.Trim(b.Field(“img03”)))&& a.Field(“img04”) == (string.IsNullOrEmpty(b.Field(“img04”)) ? “” : StringPlus.Trim(b.Field(“img04”)))&& a.Field(“img10”) != b.Field(“img10”)select new{img01 = a.Field(“img01”),img02 = a.Field(“img02”),img03 = a.Field(“img03”),img04 = a.Field(“img04”),img09 = a.Field(“img09”),img10_1 = a.Field(“img10”),img10_2 = b.Field(“img10”),differ = a.Field(“img10”) - b.Field(“img10”)};				var result = (from d in wsDt.AsEnumerable() select new{  img01 = d.Field<string>("img01"),  img02 = d.Field<string>("img02")}).Union( from w in imgDt.AsEnumerable()select new{ img01 = w.Field<string>("img01"),  img02 = w.Field<string>("img02") });		                       


   //把DataTable 轉換成JSON格式數據
    public static string ToJson(DataTable dt)
        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json) || json.Equals("null"))
            return "[]";
        return json.Replace("<", "<");
	public static DataTable JsonToDataTable(string json)
        JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        jss.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
        ArrayList arrList = jss.Deserialize<ArrayList>(json);

        DataTable dtJson = new DataTable();
        if (arrList != null && arrList.Count > 0)
            foreach (Dictionary<string, object> item in arrList)
                if (dtJson.Columns.Count == 0)
                    foreach (string key in item.Keys)
                DataRow row = dtJson.NewRow();
                foreach (var curr in item.Keys)
                    row[curr] = item[curr];
        return dtJson;


	public static string GetClientIP(bool skipproxy)
        string result = null;
        foreach (var head in new[] { "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_FROM", "REMOTE_ADDR" })
            if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null)
                string temp = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables[head];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
                    result = temp;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
            if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null)
                result = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
            string stringHostName = Dns.GetHostName();
            IPHostEntry ipHostEntries = Dns.GetHostEntry(stringHostName);
            IPAddress[] arrIpAddress = ipHostEntries.AddressList;
            if (arrIpAddress.Length >= 2)
                result = arrIpAddress[arrIpAddress.Length - 2].ToString();
            else if (arrIpAddress.Length > 0)
                result = arrIpAddress[0].ToString();
                arrIpAddress = Dns.GetHostAddresses(stringHostName);
                if (arrIpAddress.Length >= 0)
                    result = arrIpAddress[0].ToString();
                    result = "";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
            result = result.Split(',')[0].Trim();
        if (result == "::1")
            return "";
            return result;



    // 把表转换成JSON格式数据    public static string ToJson(DataTable dt)    {        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented);        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json) || json.Equals("null"))        {            return "[]";        }        return json.Replace("<", "<");    }    //使用IContractResolver序列化,【属性名】实现【驼峰命名法】    public static string ToJosnResolver(DataTable dt)    {        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings        {            ContractResolver = new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()        });        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json) || json.Equals("null"))        {            return "[]";        }        return json;    }    //json转Datatable	public static DataTable JsonToDataTable(string json)    {        JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();        jss.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;        ArrayList arrList = jss.Deserialize<ArrayList>(json);        DataTable dtJson = new DataTable();        if (arrList != null && arrList.Count > 0)        {            foreach (Dictionary<string, object> item in arrList)            {                if (dtJson.Columns.Count == 0)                {                    //表頭                    foreach (string key in item.Keys)                    {                        dtJson.Columns.Add(key);                    }                }                DataRow row = dtJson.NewRow();                foreach (var curr in item.Keys)                {                    row[curr] = item[curr];                }                dtJson.Rows.Add(row);            }        }        return dtJson;    }


    //以UTF8編碼方式將【字符串】轉化為【字節數組】    public static byte[] TextToBytes(string str)    {        return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);    }    // 以UTF8編碼方式將【字節數組】轉化為【字符串】    public static string BytesToText(byte[] binaryBytes)    {        return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(binaryBytes);    }


    // 把stream转换成byte[]    public static byte[] StreamToBytes(Stream stream)    {        byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length];        stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);        // 设置当前流的位置为流的开始        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);        return bytes;    }    //将byte[]转成Stream    public static Stream BytesToStream(byte[] bytes)    {        return new MemoryStream(bytes);    }


	 // 将字典类型序列化为json字符串    public static string SerializeDictionaryToJsonString<TKey, TValue>(Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dict)    {        if (dict.Count == 0)  return "";        return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dict);    }    //将json字符串反序列化为字典类型    public static Dictionary<TKey, TValue> DeserializeStringToDictionary<TKey, TValue>(string jsonStr)    {        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonStr))   return new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>();        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<TKey, TValue>>(jsonStr);    }    //調用實例    Dictionary<string, string> rtnData = DeserializeStringToDictionary<string, string>(jsonStr);


	// 繁体转简体    public static string Big5ToGB(string strRows)    {        strRows = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.StrConv(strRows, Microsoft.VisualBasic.VbStrConv.SimplifiedChinese, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("zh-CN").LCID);        strRows = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312").GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strRows)));        return strRows;    }    //简体转繁体    public static string GBToBig(string strRows)    {        strRows = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.StrConv(strRows, Microsoft.VisualBasic.VbStrConv.TraditionalChinese, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("zh-CN").LCID);        strRows = Encoding.GetEncoding("Big5").GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding("Big5"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strRows)));        return strRows;    }

c# 文件操作

	/// <summary>    /// 压缩文件    /// </summary>    /// <param name="streams">文件流字典</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream CompressFiles(Dictionary<string, Stream> streams)    {        byte[] buffer = new byte[6500];        MemoryStream returnStream = new MemoryStream();        MemoryStream compressStream = new MemoryStream();        using (ZipOutputStream zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(compressStream))        {            zipStream.SetLevel(9);            foreach (var item in streams)            {                string filename = item.Key;                using (var streamInput = item.Value)                {                    ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(filename);                    ze.IsUnicodeText = true;                    zipStream.PutNextEntry(ze);                    while (true)                    {                        var readCount = streamInput.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);                        if (readCount > 0)                        {                            zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, readCount);                        }                        else                        {                            break;                        }                    }                    zipStream.Flush();                }            }            zipStream.Finish();            compressStream.Position = 0;            compressStream.CopyTo(returnStream);//加上这个名是因为using后 compressStream已关闭,所以在沒有关闭之前把数据Copy到另一个对象上进行返回        }        returnStream.Position = 0;        return returnStream;    }



    public static string GetMD5String(string str)    {        MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();        byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);        byte[] md5data = md5.ComputeHash(data);        md5.Clear();        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();        for (int i = 0; i < md5data.Length - 1; i++)        {            builder.Append(md5data[i].ToString("X2"));        }        return builder.ToString();    }


	/// <summary>    /// Base64加密    /// </summary>    /// <param name="codeType">CODE类型</param>    /// <param name="code">要加密的字串</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string EncodeBase64(string codeType, string code)    {        string encode = "";        byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding(codeType).GetBytes(code);        try        {            encode = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);        }        catch        {            encode = code;        }        return encode;    }    /// <summary>    /// Base64解密    /// </summary>    /// <param name="codeType">CODE类型</param>    /// <param name="code">要解密的字串</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string DecodeBase64(string codeType, string code)    {        string decode = "";        byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(code);        try        {            decode = Encoding.GetEncoding(codeType).GetString(bytes);        }        catch        {            decode = code;        }        return decode;    }


	/// <summary>    /// DES加密    /// </summary>    /// <param name="str">要進行DES加密的字串</param>    /// <param name="key">密鋝</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string DesEncrypt(this string str, string key)    {        DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();        byte[] inputByteArray;        inputByteArray = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);        des.Key = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(key, "md5").Substring(0, 8));        des.IV = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(key, "md5").Substring(0, 8));        System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();        CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);        cs.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);        cs.FlushFinalBlock();        StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();        foreach (byte b in ms.ToArray())        {            ret.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", b);        }        return ret.ToString().UrlParamEncode();    }    /// <summary>    /// DES解密    /// </summary>    /// <param name="str">要進行DES解密的字串</param>    /// <param name="key">密鋝</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string DesDecrypt(this string str, string key)    {        str = str.UrlParamDecode();        DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();        int len;        len = str.Length / 2;        byte[] inputByteArray = new byte[len];        int x, i;        for (x = 0; x < len; x++)        {            i = Convert.ToInt32(str.Substring(x * 2, 2), 16);            inputByteArray[x] = (byte)i;        }        des.Key = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(key, "md5").Substring(0, 8));        des.IV = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(key, "md5").Substring(0, 8));        System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();        CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);        cs.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);        cs.FlushFinalBlock();        return Encoding.Default.GetString(ms.ToArray());    }		    實例:Encrypt(conStr, "ljm");


	/// <summary>    /// DES加密算法    /// </summary>    /// <param name="encryptString">要加密的字符串</param>    /// <param name="sKey">加密碼Key</param>    /// <returns>正確返回加密后的結果,錯誤返回原字符串</returns>    public static string ToDESEncrypt(string encryptString, string sKey)    {        try        {            //加密碼Key必須8位 不夠補齊,長了截取            if (sKey.Length < 8)            {                int length = sKey.Length;                for (int i = 0; i < 8 - length; i++)                {                    sKey += i;                }            }            else            {                sKey = sKey.Substring(0, 8);            }            byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sKey);            byte[] keyIV = keyBytes;            byte[] inputByteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptString);            DESCryptoServiceProvider desProvider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();            // Java默認的是ECB模式,PKCS5padding; C#默認的是CBC模式,PKCS7padding            desProvider.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;            desProvider.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();            CryptoStream crypStream = new CryptoStream(memStream, desProvider.CreateEncryptor(keyBytes, keyIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);            crypStream.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);            crypStream.FlushFinalBlock();            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();            foreach (byte num in memStream.ToArray())            {                builder.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", num);            }            memStream.Close();            return builder.ToString();        }        catch (Exception)        {            return encryptString;        }    }    /// <summary>    /// DES解密算法    /// </summary>    /// <param name="decryptString">要解密的字符串</param>    /// <param name="sKey">加密Key</param>    /// <returns>正確返回解密后的結果,錯發返回原字符串</returns>    public static string ToDESDecrypt(string decryptString, string sKey)    {        //加密碼Key必須8位 不夠補齊,長了截取        if (sKey.Length < 8)        {            int length = sKey.Length;            for (int i = 0; i < 8 - length; i++)            {                sKey += i;            }        }        else        {            sKey = sKey.Substring(0, 8);        }        byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sKey);        byte[] keyIV = keyBytes;        byte[] inputByteArry = new byte[decryptString.Length / 2];        int num2 = 0;        try        {            for (int i = 0; i < (decryptString.Length / 2); i++)            {                num2 = Convert.ToInt32(decryptString.Substring(i * 2, 2), 0x10);                inputByteArry[i] = (byte)num2;            }        }        catch        {            Console.Write("i = " + num2);        }        DESCryptoServiceProvider desProvider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();        // java 使用CCB模式,PKCS5Padding;         // C#默認的是CBC模式,PKCS7Padding, PKCS5Padding, PKCS7padding格式        desProvider.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;        desProvider.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;        MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();        CryptoStream crypStream = new CryptoStream(memStream, desProvider.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, keyIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);        crypStream.Write(inputByteArry, 0, inputByteArry.Length);        crypStream.FlushFinalBlock();        return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memStream.ToArray());    }


public class XmlHelper{    #region 反序列化    /// <summary>     /// 反序列化     /// </summary>     /// <param name="type">类型</param>     /// <param name="xml">XML字符串</param>     /// <returns></returns>     public static object Deserialize(Type type, string xml)    {        try        {            using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(xml))            {                XmlSerializer xmldes = new XmlSerializer(type);                return xmldes.Deserialize(sr);            }        }        catch (Exception)        {            return null;        }    }    /// <summary>     /// 反序列化     /// </summary>     /// <param name="type"></param>     /// <param name="xml"></param>     /// <returns></returns>     public static object Deserialize(Type type, Stream stream)    {        XmlSerializer xmldes = new XmlSerializer(type);        return xmldes.Deserialize(stream);    }    #endregion    #region 序列化XML文件    /// <summary>     /// 序列化XML文件     /// </summary>     /// <param name="type">类型</param>     /// <param name="obj">对象</param>     /// <returns></returns>     public static string Serializer(Type type, object obj)    {        MemoryStream Stream = new MemoryStream();        XmlSerializer xml = new XmlSerializer(type);        try        {            xml.Serialize(Stream, obj);        }        catch (InvalidOperationException)        {            throw;        }        Stream.Position = 0;        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Stream);        string str = sr.ReadToEnd();        return str;    }    #endregion    #region 将XML转换为DATATABLE    /// <summary>     /// 将XML转换为DATATABLE     /// </summary>     /// <param name="FileURL"></param>     /// <returns></returns>     public static DataTable XmlAnalysisArray()    {        try        {            string FileURL = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Client"].ToString();            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            ds.ReadXml(FileURL);            return ds.Tables[0];        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString());            return null;        }    }    /// <summary>      /// 将XML转换为DATATABLE     /// </summary>     /// <param name="FileURL"></param>     /// <returns></returns>     public static DataTable XmlAnalysisArray(string FileURL)    {        try        {            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            ds.ReadXml(FileURL);            return ds.Tables[0];        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString());            return null;        }    }    #endregion    #region 获取对应XML节点的值    /// <summary>     /// 摘要:获取对应XML节点的值     /// </summary>     /// <param name="stringRoot">XML节点的标记</param>     /// <returns>返回获取对应XML节点的值</returns>     public static string XmlAnalysis(string stringRoot, string xml)    {        if (stringRoot.Equals("") == false)        {            try            {                XmlDocument XmlLoad = new XmlDocument();                XmlLoad.LoadXml(xml);                return XmlLoad.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(stringRoot).InnerXml.Trim();            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                throw new Exception(ex.Message);            }        }        return "";    }    #endregion    /// <summary>    /// XML转换成DataSet    /// </summary>    /// <param name="xmlStr"></param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static DataTable XmlStrConvertToDataTable(string xmlStr)    {        StringReader xmlReader = null;        try        {            xmlReader = new StringReader(xmlStr);            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            ds.ReadXml(xmlReader);            return ds.Tables[0];        }        catch (Exception)        {            return null;        }        finally        {            if (xmlReader != null)            {                xmlReader.Close();            }        }    }    public static string ConvertDataTableToXML(DataTable xmlDS)    {        MemoryStream stream = null;        XmlTextWriter writer = null;        try        {            stream = new MemoryStream();            writer = new XmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.Default);            xmlDS.WriteXml(writer);            int count = (int)stream.Length;            byte[] arr = new byte[count];            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);            stream.Read(arr, 0, count);            UTF8Encoding utf = new UTF8Encoding();            return utf.GetString(arr).Trim();        }        catch        {            return String.Empty;        }        finally        {            if (writer != null)                writer.Close();        }    }    public static DataSet ConvertXMLToDataSet(string xmlData)    {        StringReader stream = null; XmlTextReader reader = null; try        {            DataSet xmlDS = new DataSet();            stream = new StringReader(xmlData);            reader = new XmlTextReader(stream);            xmlDS.ReadXml(reader);            return xmlDS;        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            string strTest = ex.Message;            return null;        }        finally        {            if (reader != null)                reader.Close();        }    }    public static string ConvertDataTableToXml(DataTable dt)    {        if (dt == null) return null;        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)        {            sb.Append("<");            sb.Append(dt.TableName);            sb.Append(">");            for (int row = 0; row < dt.Columns.Count; row++)            {                sb.Append("<");                sb.Append(dt.Columns[row].ColumnName.ToUpper());                sb.Append(">");                sb.Append(dt.Rows[i][dt.Columns[row].ColumnName].ToString().Replace("&", "&amp;").Replace("'", "&apos;").Replace("\"", "&quot;").Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;").Replace("00:00:00", ""));                sb.Append("</");                sb.Append(dt.Columns[row].ColumnName.ToUpper());                sb.Append(">");            }            sb.Append("</");            sb.Append(dt.TableName);            sb.Append(">");        }        return sb.ToString();    }    /// <summary>    /// XML文件中特殊字符轉義    /// </summary>    /// <param name="xml"></param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string ReplaceXmlCode(string xml)    {        if (StringPlus.IsNullOrDBNull(xml))        {            return xml;        }        else        {            return xml.Trim().Replace("&", "&amp;").Replace("'", "&apos;").Replace("\"", "&quot;").Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;").Replace("00:00:00", "");        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 把XML字串转换成实体    /// </summary>    /// <typeparam name="T">实体类名</typeparam>    /// <param name="xml">XML字串</param>    /// <param name="model">实体</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static T XmlToModel<T>(string xml)    {        StringReader xmlReader = new StringReader(xml);        XmlSerializer xmlSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));        return (T)xmlSer.Deserialize(xmlReader);    }    /// <summary>    /// 把实体转换成XML字串    /// </summary>    /// <typeparam name="T">实体类名</typeparam>    /// <param name="model">实体</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string ModelToXml<T>(T model)    {        MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();        XmlSerializer xmlSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));        xmlSer.Serialize(stream, model);        stream.Position = 0;        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream);        return sr.ReadToEnd();    }    public static DataTable XmlToTable(string xml)    {        StringReader xmlReader = null;        try        {            xmlReader = new StringReader(xml);            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            ds.ReadXml(xmlReader);            return ds.Tables[0];        }        catch (Exception)        {            return null;        }        finally        {            if (xmlReader != null)            {                xmlReader.Close();            }        }    }}


public class AsposeExcel{    /// <summary>    /// 導出方法    /// </summary>    /// <param name="dt"></param>    /// <param name="filePath"></param>    /// <param name="Mytitle"></param>    /// <param name="MyIndex"></param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream ExportExcel(DataTable dt, string filePath, bool Mytitle = true, int[] MyIndex = null)    {        //初始化        Workbook book = new Workbook(FileFormatType.Xlsx);        Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[0];        sheet.Name = dt.TableName;        if (MyIndex == null)        {            MyIndex = new int[dt.Columns.Count];            for (int c = 0; c < dt.Columns.Count; c++)            {                MyIndex[c] = c;            }        }        //添加样式        Style headStyle = SetHeadCellStyle();        Style bodyStyle = SetBodyCellStyle();        if (Mytitle == true)        {            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++)            {                Cell cell1;                if (dt.Columns.Count == 1)                {                    sheet.Cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, dt.Columns.Count);                    cell1 = sheet.Cells[0, 0];                    cell1.PutValue(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName);                }                else                {                    cell1 = sheet.Cells[0, i];                    cell1.PutValue(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName); //添加标题                }                cell1.SetStyle(headStyle);                sheet.Cells.SetRowHeight(0, 18);            }                        //给第一行之后添加数据            for (int r = 0; r < dt.Rows.Count; r++)            {                var index = 0; //当前位置                for (int c = 0; c < dt.Columns.Count; c++)                {                    if (MyIndex.Contains(c))                    {                        sheet.Cells[r + 1, c - index].PutValue(dt.Rows[r][c]); //添加内容                        sheet.Cells[r + 1, c - index].SetStyle(bodyStyle);                    }                    else                    {                        index = index + 1; //不存在 位置+1                    }                }                sheet.Cells.SetRowHeight(r + 1, 18);            }        }        else        {            //没有标题 直接添加数据            for (int r = 0; r < dt.Rows.Count; r++)            {                var index = 0;                for (int c = 0; c < dt.Columns.Count; c++)                {                    if (MyIndex.Contains(c))                    {                        sheet.Cells[r, c - index].PutValue(dt.Rows[r][c]);                        sheet.Cells[r, c - index].SetStyle(bodyStyle);                    }                    else                    {                        index = index + 1; //不存在 位置+1                    }                }                sheet.Cells.SetRowHeight(r + 1, 18);            }        }        sheet.AutoFitColumns();        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream() ;//book.SaveToStream()        book.Save(ms, new OoxmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Xlsx));        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// DataSet->Excel【每一個Table生成一個Sheet】    /// </summary>    /// <param name="ds"></param>    /// <param name="filePath"></param>    /// <param name="Mytitle"></param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream ExportExcel(DataSet ds, string filePath, bool Mytitle = true)    {        //初始化        Workbook book = new Workbook(FileFormatType.Xlsx);        for (int d = 0; d < ds.Tables.Count; d++)        {            Worksheet sheet = null;            if (d == 0)            {                sheet = book.Worksheets[d];                sheet.Name = ds.Tables[d].TableName;            }            else            {                sheet = book.Worksheets.Add(ds.Tables[d].TableName.Trim());            }            int[] MyIndex = new int[ds.Tables[d].Columns.Count];            for (int c = 0; c < ds.Tables[d].Columns.Count; c++)            {                MyIndex[c] = c;            }            //添加样式            Style headStyle = SetHeadCellStyle();            Style bodyStyle = SetBodyCellStyle();            if (Mytitle == true)            {                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[d].Columns.Count; i++)                {                    Cell cell1;                    if (ds.Tables[d].Columns.Count == 1)                    {                        sheet.Cells.Merge(0, 0, 1, ds.Tables[d].Columns.Count);                        cell1 = sheet.Cells[0, 0];                        cell1.PutValue(ds.Tables[d].Columns[i].ColumnName);                    }                    else                    {                        cell1 = sheet.Cells[0, i];                        cell1.PutValue(ds.Tables[d].Columns[i].ColumnName); //添加标题                    }                    cell1.SetStyle(headStyle);                    sheet.Cells.SetRowHeight(0, 18);                }                //给第一行之后添加数据                for (int r = 0; r < ds.Tables[d].Rows.Count; r++)                {                    var index = 0; //当前位置                    for (int c = 0; c < ds.Tables[d].Columns.Count; c++)                    {                        if (MyIndex.Contains(c))                        {                            sheet.Cells[r + 1, c - index].PutValue(ds.Tables[d].Rows[r][c].ToString()); //添加内容                            sheet.Cells[r + 1, c - index].SetStyle(bodyStyle);                        }                        else                        {                            index = index + 1; //不存在 位置+1                        }                    }                    sheet.Cells.SetRowHeight(r + 1, 18);                }            }            else            {                //没有标题 直接添加数据                for (int r = 0; r < ds.Tables[d].Rows.Count; r++)                {                    var index = 0;                    for (int c = 0; c < ds.Tables[d].Columns.Count; c++)                    {                        if (MyIndex.Contains(c))                        {                            sheet.Cells[r, c - index].PutValue(ds.Tables[d].Rows[r][c].ToString());                            sheet.Cells[r, c - index].SetStyle(bodyStyle);                        }                        else                        {                            index = index + 1; //不存在 位置+1                        }                    }                    sheet.Cells.SetRowHeight(r + 1, 18);                }            }            sheet.AutoFitColumns();        }        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();//book.SaveToStream()        book.Save(ms, new OoxmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Xlsx));        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 輸出到瀏覽器下載    /// </summary>    /// <param name="ms"></param>    /// <param name="fileName"></param>    public static void OutputClient(MemoryStream ms, string fileName)    {        HttpContext.Current.Response.Buffer = true;        HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear();        HttpContext.Current.Response.ClearHeaders();        HttpContext.Current.Response.ClearContent();        HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";        string downFile = Path.GetFileName(fileName);//这里也可以随便取名        string EncodeFileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(downFile, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);//防止中文出现乱码        HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + EncodeFileName + ";");        HttpContext.Current.Response.Charset = "UTF-8";        HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8");        HttpContext.Current.Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray());        HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["CompareCookie"].Value = HttpContext.Current.Request["timeCookie"];//前臺必須傳入代號為【timeCookie】的Cookies        HttpContext.Current.Response.Flush();        // HttpContext.Current.Response.End();    }    /// <summary>    /// 設定表頭格式    /// </summary>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Style SetHeadCellStyle()    {        Style style = new Aspose.Cells.Style();        style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid;        style.Font.Name = "SimHei"; //字体        style.Font.Size = 12; //大小        style.Font.IsBold = true; //加粗        //設置單元格上下左右邊框線        style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;        style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;        style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;        style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;        //文字水平和垂直對齊方式        style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;        style.VerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;        //背景顏色        style.ForegroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(193, 216, 240);        return style;    }    /// <summary>    /// 設定表體格式    /// </summary>    /// <param name="workbook"></param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Style SetBodyCellStyle()    {        Style style = new Aspose.Cells.Style();        style.Font.Name = "新細明體"; //字体        style.Font.Size = 11; //大小        //設置單元格上下左右邊框線        style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;        style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;        style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;        style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin;        //文字水平和垂直對齊方式        style.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;        style.VerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center;        return style;    }        }


  string filePath = "/sendlog/downLoad/" + fileName;  MemoryStream ms = (MemoryStream)AsposeExcel.ExportExcel(rtnDt.Item1, filePath);  AsposeExcel.OutputClient(ms, fileName);


调用示例string filePath = "/sendlog/downLoad/" + fileName;MemoryStream ms = (MemoryStream)NPOIExcelHelper.RenderDataTableToExcelForStyle(excelDt, true, 18, true, null, null, false);NPOIExcelHelper.ExportHSSFWorkbookByWeb(context, ms, fileName);public class NPOIExcelCommon{    public static IWorkbook GetWorkbook(string fullname)    {        FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fullname, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);        byte[] bytes = new byte[fileStream.Length];        fileStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);        fileStream.Close();        fileStream = null;        Stream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);        if (fullname.EndsWith(".xlsx"))        {            return new HSSFWorkbook(stream);        }        else        {            return new HSSFWorkbook(stream);        }    }        /// <summary>    /// 获取存储格位置    /// </summary>    /// <param name="row">行索引</param>    /// <param name="col">列索引</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string GetCellPosition(int row, int col)    {        col = Convert.ToInt32('A') + col;        row = row + 1;        return ((char)col) + row.ToString();    }

    #region 資料形態转換    public static void WriteSteamToFile(MemoryStream ms, string FileName)    {        FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);        byte[] data = ms.ToArray();        fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);        fs.Flush();        fs.Close();        data = null;        ms = null;        fs = null;    }    public static void WriteSteamToFile(byte[] data, string FileName)    {        FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);        fs.Write(data, 0, data.Length);        fs.Flush();        fs.Close();        data = null;        fs = null;    }    public static Stream WorkBookToStream(HSSFWorkbook InputWorkBook)    {        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        InputWorkBook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        ms.Position = 0;        return ms;    }    public static HSSFWorkbook StreamToWorkBook(Stream InputStream)    {        HSSFWorkbook WorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputStream);        return WorkBook;    }    public static HSSFWorkbook MemoryStreamToWorkBook(MemoryStream InputStream)    {        HSSFWorkbook WorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputStream as Stream);        return WorkBook;    }    public static MemoryStream WorkBookToMemoryStream(HSSFWorkbook InputStream)    {        MemoryStream file = new MemoryStream();        InputStream.Write(file);        return file;    }    public static Stream FileToStream(string FileName)    {        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(FileName);        if (fi.Exists == true)        {            FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);            return fs;        }        else return null;    }    public static Stream MemoryStreamToStream(MemoryStream ms)    {        return ms as Stream;    }    #endregion    #region DataTable 与 Excel 的资料转换    public static Stream RenderDataTableToExcelForStyle(DataTable sourceTable, bool haveGridLine, int rowheight, bool HasHeader, List<CellRangeAddress> rangelist, Dictionary<int, int> colwidth, bool isFormula = false)    {        IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();         NpoiMemoryStream ms = new NpoiMemoryStream();        ms.AllowClose = false;        XSSFRow headerRow = null;        XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet();        short sRowHeight = Convert.ToInt16(rowheight * 20);        ICellStyle headStyle = SetHeadCellStyle(workbook);        ICellStyle cellStyle = SetBodyCellStyle(workbook);        IFont font = workbook.CreateFont();        font.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        if (HasHeader)        {            headerRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0);            headerRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in sourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (haveGridLine)                {                    newcell.CellStyle = headStyle;                }                newcell.SetCellValue(column.ColumnName);            }        }        // handling value.        int rowIndex = HasHeader ? 1 : 0;        foreach (DataRow row in sourceTable.Rows)        {            XSSFRow dataRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            dataRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in sourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (row[column].ToString().StartsWith("{{F}}"))                {                    //公式單元格                    string content = row[column].ToString().Replace("{{F}}", "");                    newcell.CellFormula = content.Replace("{ROWINDEX}", (rowIndex + 1).ToString());                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = cellStyle;                    }                }                else                {                    double cellcontent = 0;                    if (double.TryParse(row[column].ToString(), out cellcontent))                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(cellcontent);                    }                    else                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(row[column].ToString().Trim());                    }                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = cellStyle;                    }                }            }            rowIndex++;        }        if (rangelist != null && rangelist.Count > 0)        {            foreach (CellRangeAddress range in rangelist)            {                if (HasHeader)                {                    range.FirstRow++;                    range.LastRow++;                }                sheet.AddMergedRegion(range);            }        }        if (colwidth != null && colwidth.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colwidth)            {                sheet.SetColumnWidth(item.Key, item.Value * 256);            }        }        else        {            for (int i = 0; i < sourceTable.Columns.Count; i++)            {                sheet.AutoSizeColumn(i);//自適應列寬            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        ms.Position = 0;        sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = isFormula;        sheet = null;        if (HasHeader)        {            headerRow = null;        }        workbook = null;        return ms;    }    public static Stream RenderDataTableToExcelForStyle(DataTable sourceTable, bool haveGridLine, int rowheight, bool HasHeader, List<CellRangeAddress> rangelist, Dictionary<int, int> colwidth, List<int> colorRowIndex, bool isFormula = false)    {        IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();        NpoiMemoryStream ms = new NpoiMemoryStream();        ms.AllowClose = false;        XSSFRow headerRow = null;        XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet();        short sRowHeight = Convert.ToInt16(rowheight * 20);        //表頭樣式        ICellStyle headStyle = SetHeadCellStyle(workbook);        //單元格樣式        ICellStyle cellStyle = SetBodyCellStyle(workbook);        //指定RowIndex樣式        ICellStyle colorStyle = SetColorCellStyle(workbook);        IFont font = workbook.CreateFont();        font.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        if (HasHeader)        {            headerRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0);            headerRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in sourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (haveGridLine)                {                    newcell.CellStyle = headStyle;                }                newcell.SetCellValue(column.ColumnName);            }        }        // handling value.        int rowIndex = HasHeader ? 1 : 0;        foreach (DataRow row in sourceTable.Rows)        {            XSSFRow dataRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            dataRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in sourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (row[column].ToString().StartsWith("{{F}}"))                {                    //公式單元格                    string content = row[column].ToString().Replace("{{F}}", "");                    newcell.CellFormula = content.Replace("{ROWINDEX}", (rowIndex + 1).ToString());                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = cellStyle;                    }                }                else                {                    double cellcontent = 0;                    if (double.TryParse(row[column].ToString(), out cellcontent))                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(cellcontent);                    }                    else                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(row[column].ToString().Trim());                    }                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        if (colorRowIndex.Contains(rowIndex))                        {                            newcell.CellStyle = colorStyle;                        }                        else                        {                            newcell.CellStyle = cellStyle;                        }                    }                }            }            rowIndex++;        }        if (rangelist != null && rangelist.Count > 0)        {            foreach (CellRangeAddress range in rangelist)            {                if (HasHeader)                {                    range.FirstRow++;                    range.LastRow++;                }                sheet.AddMergedRegion(range);            }        }        if (colwidth != null && colwidth.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colwidth)            {                sheet.SetColumnWidth(item.Key, item.Value * 256);            }        }        else        {            for (int i = 0; i < sourceTable.Columns.Count; i++)            {                sheet.AutoSizeColumn(i);//自适应列宽            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        ms.Position = 0;        sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = isFormula;        sheet = null;        if (HasHeader)        {            headerRow = null;        }        workbook = null;        return ms;    }    public static Stream RenderDataTableToExcelFor112Form(DataSet SourceDataSet, bool haveGridLine, int rowheight, bool HasHeader, List<CellRangeAddress> rangelist, Dictionary<int, int> colwidth, bool isFormula = false)    {        IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();        NpoiMemoryStream ms = new NpoiMemoryStream();        ms.AllowClose = false;        XSSFRow headerRow = null;        ICellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;        IDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        style.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("0");        foreach (DataTable SourceTable in SourceDataSet.Tables)        {            XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(SourceTable.TableName);            short sRowHeight = Convert.ToInt16(rowheight * 20);            if (HasHeader)            {                headerRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0);                headerRow.Height = sRowHeight;                foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)                {                    ICell newcell = headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                    newcell.SetCellValue(column.ColumnName);                }            }            int rowIndex = HasHeader ? 1 : 0;            foreach (DataRow row in SourceTable.Rows)            {                XSSFRow dataRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);                dataRow.Height = sRowHeight;                foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)                {                    ICell newcell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                    if (row[column].ToString().StartsWith("{{F}}"))                    {                        //公式單元格                        string content = row[column].ToString().Replace("{{F}}", "");                        newcell.CellFormula = content.Replace("{ROWINDEX}", (rowIndex + 1).ToString());                        if (haveGridLine)                        {                            newcell.CellStyle = style;                        }                    }                    else                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(row[column].ToString());                        if (haveGridLine)                        {                            newcell.CellStyle = style;                        }                    }                }                rowIndex++;            }            if (rangelist != null && rangelist.Count > 0)            {                foreach (CellRangeAddress range in rangelist)                {                    if (HasHeader)                    {                        range.FirstRow++;                        range.LastRow++;                    }                    sheet.AddMergedRegion(range);                }            }            if (colwidth != null && colwidth.Count > 0)            {                foreach (var item in colwidth)                {                    sheet.SetColumnWidth(item.Key, item.Value * 256);                }            }            else            {                for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++)                {                    sheet.AutoSizeColumn(i);//自适应列宽                }            }            sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = isFormula;            sheet = null;            if (HasHeader)            {                headerRow = null;            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        ms.Position = 0;        workbook = null;        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 将DataTable转成Workbook(自定资料形态)输出.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="SourceTable">The source table.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static HSSFWorkbook RenderDataTableToWorkBook(DataTable SourceTable)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet();        HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0);        // handling header.        foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)            headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName);        // handling value.        int rowIndex = 1;        foreach (DataRow row in SourceTable.Rows)        {            HSSFRow dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)            {                dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(row[column].ToString());            }            rowIndex++;        }        return workbook;    }    /// <summary>    /// 从位元流读取资料到DataTable.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="ExcelFileStream">The excel file stream.</param>    /// <param name="SheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="HeaderRowIndex">Index of the header row.</param>    /// <param name="HaveHeader">if set to <c>true</c> [have header].</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static DataTable RenderDataTableFromExcel(Stream ExcelFileStream, string SheetName, int HeaderRowIndex, bool HaveHeader)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(ExcelFileStream);        HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheet(SheetName);        DataTable table = new DataTable();        HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(HeaderRowIndex);        int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;        for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i < cellCount; i++)        {            string ColumnName = (HaveHeader == true) ? headerRow.GetCell(i).StringCellValue : "f" + i.ToString();            DataColumn column = new DataColumn(ColumnName);            table.Columns.Add(column);        }        int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum;        int RowStart = (HaveHeader == true) ? sheet.FirstRowNum + 1 : sheet.FirstRowNum;        for (int i = RowStart; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++)        {            HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);            DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow();            for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j < cellCount; j++)                dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).ToString();        }        ExcelFileStream.Close();        workbook = null;        sheet = null;        return table;    }    /// <summary>    /// 从位元流读取资料到DataTable.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="ExcelFileStream">The excel file stream.</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="HeaderRowIndex">Index of the header row.</param>    /// <param name="HaveHeader">if set to <c>true</c> [have header].</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static DataTable RenderDataTableFromExcel(Stream ExcelFileStream, int SheetIndex, int HeaderRowIndex, bool HaveHeader)    {        XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(ExcelFileStream);        XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(SheetIndex);        DataTable table = new DataTable();        XSSFRow headerRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(HeaderRowIndex);        int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;        for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i < cellCount; i++)        {            string ColumnName = (HaveHeader == true) ? headerRow.GetCell(i).StringCellValue : "f" + i.ToString();            DataColumn column = new DataColumn(ColumnName);            table.Columns.Add(column);        }        int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum;        int RowStart = (HaveHeader == true) ? sheet.FirstRowNum + 1 : sheet.FirstRowNum;        for (int i = RowStart; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++)        {            XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);            DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow();            if (row.FirstCellNum > -1)            {                for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j < cellCount; j++)                {                    if (row.GetCell(j) != null)                        dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).ToString();                }                table.Rows.Add(dataRow);            }        }        ExcelFileStream.Close();        workbook = null;        sheet = null;        return table;    }    #endregion    #region 字串阵列与Excel资料格式转换    /// <summary>    /// 建立datatable    /// </summary>    /// <param name="ColumnName">栏位名用逗号分隔</param>    /// <param name="value">dat阵列</param>    /// <returns>DataTable</returns>    public static DataTable CreateDataTable(string ColumnName, string[,] value)    {        /* 输入实例        string cname = " name , sex ";        string[,] aaz = new string[4, 2];        for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++)            for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)                aaz[q, r] = "1";        dataGridView1.DataSource = NewMediaTest1.Model.Utility.DataSetUtil.CreateDataTable(cname, aaz);        */        int i, j;        DataTable ResultTable = new DataTable();        string[] sep = new string[] { "," };        string[] TempColName = ColumnName.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);        DataColumn[] CName = new DataColumn[TempColName.Length];        for (i = 0; i < TempColName.Length; i++)        {            DataColumn c1 = new DataColumn(TempColName[i].ToString().Trim(), typeof(object));            ResultTable.Columns.Add(c1);        }        if (value != null)        {            for (i = 0; i < value.GetLength(0); i++)            {                DataRow newrow = ResultTable.NewRow();                for (j = 0; j < TempColName.Length; j++)                {                    newrow[j] = string.Copy(value[i, j].ToString());                }                ResultTable.Rows.Add(newrow);            }        }        return ResultTable;    }    /// <summary>    /// Creates the string array.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="dt">The dt.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string[,] CreateStringArray(DataTable dt)    {        int ColumnNum = dt.Columns.Count;        int RowNum = dt.Rows.Count;        string[,] result = new string[RowNum, ColumnNum];        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)        {            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)            {                result[i, j] = string.Copy(dt.Rows[i][j].ToString());            }        }        return result;    }    /// <summary>    /// 将阵列输出成WorkBook(自定资料形态).    /// </summary>    /// <param name="ColumnName">Name of the column.</param>    /// <param name="SourceTable">The source table.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static HSSFWorkbook RenderArrayToWorkBook(string ColumnName, string[,] SourceTable)    {        DataTable dt = CreateDataTable(ColumnName, SourceTable);        return RenderDataTableToWorkBook(dt);    }    /// <summary>    /// 将位元流资料输出成阵列.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="ExcelFileStream">The excel file stream.</param>    /// <param name="SheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="HeaderRowIndex">Index of the header row.</param>    /// <param name="HaveHeader">if set to <c>true</c> [have header].</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string[,] RenderArrayFromExcel(Stream ExcelFileStream, string SheetName, int HeaderRowIndex, bool HaveHeader)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(ExcelFileStream);        HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheet(SheetName);        DataTable table = new DataTable();        HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(HeaderRowIndex);        int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;        for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i < cellCount; i++)        {            DataColumn column = new DataColumn(headerRow.GetCell(i).StringCellValue);            table.Columns.Add(column);        }        int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum;        int RowStart = (HaveHeader == true) ? sheet.FirstRowNum + 1 : sheet.FirstRowNum;        for (int i = RowStart; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++)        {            HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);            DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow();            for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j < cellCount; j++)                dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).ToString();        }        ExcelFileStream.Close();        workbook = null;        sheet = null;        return CreateStringArray(table);    }    /// <summary>    /// 将位元流资料输出成阵列.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="ExcelFileStream">The excel file stream.</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="HeaderRowIndex">Index of the header row.</param>    /// <param name="HaveHeader">if set to <c>true</c> [have header].</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string[,] RenderArrayFromExcel(Stream ExcelFileStream, int SheetIndex, int HeaderRowIndex, bool HaveHeader)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(ExcelFileStream);        HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(SheetIndex);        DataTable table = new DataTable();        HSSFRow headerRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(HeaderRowIndex);        int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;        for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i < cellCount; i++)        {            DataColumn column = new DataColumn(headerRow.GetCell(i).StringCellValue);            table.Columns.Add(column);        }        int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum;        int RowStart = (HaveHeader == true) ? sheet.FirstRowNum + 1 : sheet.FirstRowNum;        for (int i = RowStart; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++)        {            HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);            DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow();            for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j < cellCount; j++)            {                if (row.GetCell(j) != null)                    dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).ToString();            }            table.Rows.Add(dataRow);        }        ExcelFileStream.Close();        workbook = null;        sheet = null;        return CreateStringArray(table);    }    #endregion    #region 设定字体形态    public static HSSFCellStyle SetCellStyle(HSSFWorkbook workbook, HSSFFont InputFont)    {        HSSFCellStyle style1 = (HSSFCellStyle)(workbook.CreateCellStyle());        style1.SetFont(InputFont);        return style1;    }    /// <summary>    /// 设定字体颜色大小到位元流.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <param name="FontName">Name of the font.</param>    /// <param name="FontSize">Size of the font.</param>    /// <param name="IsAllSheet">if set to <c>true</c> [is all sheet].</param>    /// <param name="SheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream ApplyStyleToFile(Stream InputStream, string FontName, short FontSize, bool IsAllSheet, params string[] SheetName)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputStream);        HSSFFont font = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont();        HSSFCellStyle Style = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle();        font.FontHeightInPoints = FontSize;        font.FontName = FontName;        Style.SetFont(font);        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        int i;        if (IsAllSheet == true)        {            for (i = 0; i < workbook.NumberOfSheets; i++)            {                HSSFSheet Sheets = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(0);                for (int k = Sheets.FirstRowNum; k <= Sheets.LastRowNum; k++)                {                    HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)Sheets.GetRow(k);                    for (int l = row.FirstCellNum; l < row.LastCellNum; l++)                    {                        HSSFCell Cell = (HSSFCell)row.GetCell(l);                        Cell.CellStyle = Style;                    }                }            }        }        else        {            for (i = 0; i < SheetName.Length; i++)            {                HSSFSheet Sheets = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheet(SheetName[i]);                for (int k = Sheets.FirstRowNum; k <= Sheets.LastRowNum; k++)                {                    HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)Sheets.GetRow(k);                    for (int l = row.FirstCellNum; l < row.LastCellNum; l++)                    {                        HSSFCell Cell = (HSSFCell)row.GetCell(l);                        Cell.CellStyle = Style;                    }                }            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 设定字体颜色大小到位元流.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <param name="FontName">Name of the font.</param>    /// <param name="FontSize">Size of the font.</param>    /// <param name="IsAllSheet">if set to <c>true</c> [is all sheet].</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream ApplyStyleToFile(Stream InputStream, string FontName, short FontSize, bool IsAllSheet, params int[] SheetIndex)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputStream);        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        HSSFFont font = (HSSFFont)workbook.CreateFont();        HSSFCellStyle Style = (HSSFCellStyle)workbook.CreateCellStyle();        font.FontHeightInPoints = FontSize;        font.FontName = FontName;        Style.SetFont(font);        int i;        if (IsAllSheet == true)        {            for (i = 0; i < workbook.NumberOfSheets; i++)            {                HSSFSheet Sheets = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(0);                for (int k = Sheets.FirstRowNum; k <= Sheets.LastRowNum; k++)                {                    HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)Sheets.GetRow(k);                    for (int l = row.FirstCellNum; l < row.LastCellNum; l++)                    {                        HSSFCell Cell = (HSSFCell)row.GetCell(l);                        Cell.CellStyle = Style;                    }                }            }        }        else        {            for (i = 0; i < SheetIndex.Length; i++)            {                HSSFSheet Sheets = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(SheetIndex[i]);                for (int k = Sheets.FirstRowNum; k <= Sheets.LastRowNum; k++)                {                    HSSFRow row = (HSSFRow)Sheets.GetRow(k);                    for (int l = row.FirstCellNum; l < row.LastCellNum; l++)                    {                        HSSFCell Cell = (HSSFCell)row.GetCell(l);                        Cell.CellStyle = Style;                    }                }            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 设定字体颜色大小到位档案.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <param name="FontName">Name of the font.</param>    /// <param name="FontSize">Size of the font.</param>    /// <param name="IsAllSheet">if set to <c>true</c> [is all sheet].</param>    /// <param name="SheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>    public static void ApplyStyleToFile(string FileName, Stream InputStream, string FontName, short FontSize, bool IsAllSheet, params string[] SheetName)    {        MemoryStream ms = ApplyStyleToFile(InputStream, FontName, FontSize, IsAllSheet, SheetName) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    /// <summary>    /// 设定字体颜色大小到位档案.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <param name="FontName">Name of the font.</param>    /// <param name="FontSize">Size of the font.</param>    /// <param name="IsAllSheet">if set to <c>true</c> [is all sheet].</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    public static void ApplyStyleToFile(string FileName, Stream InputStream, string FontName, short FontSize, bool IsAllSheet, params int[] SheetIndex)    {        MemoryStream ms = ApplyStyleToFile(InputStream, FontName, FontSize, IsAllSheet, SheetIndex) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    #endregion    #region 设定单元格样式    /// <summary>    /// 设定表頭格式    /// </summary>    /// <param name="workbook"></param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static ICellStyle SetHeadCellStyle(IWorkbook workbook)    {        ICellStyle cellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        //设置单元格上下左右边框线        cellStyle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        //文字水平和垂直对齐方式        cellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;        cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        //边框颜色        cellStyle.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Brown.Index;        cellStyle.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Brown.Index;        cellStyle.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Brown.Index;        cellStyle.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Brown.Index;        //背景顏色        cellStyle.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.LightGreen.Index;        cellStyle.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.Maroon.Index;        //填充顏色【与背景顏色配套使用】,默认为:FillPattern.NoFill        cellStyle.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        //设置单元格字体        IFont fontcolorblue = workbook.CreateFont();        fontcolorblue.Color = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Blue.Index;        fontcolorblue.IsBold = false;        //fontcolorblue.FontName = "微软正黑体";        //fontcolorblue.FontName = "SimHei";        cellStyle.SetFont(fontcolorblue);        return cellStyle;    }    /// <summary>    /// 设定表体格式    /// </summary>    /// <param name="workbook"></param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static ICellStyle SetBodyCellStyle(IWorkbook workbook)    {        ICellStyle cellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        //设置单元格上下左右边框线        cellStyle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        //文字水平和垂直对齐方式        cellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;        cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        //边框颜色        cellStyle.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Black.Index;        cellStyle.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Black.Index;        cellStyle.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Black.Index;        cellStyle.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Black.Index;        //设置单元格字体        IFont fontcolorblue = workbook.CreateFont();        fontcolorblue.Color = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Black.Index;        fontcolorblue.IsBold = false;        cellStyle.SetFont(fontcolorblue);        //设置时间格式        IDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        cellStyle.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("@");        return cellStyle;    }    /// <summary>    /// 设定表头格式    /// </summary>    /// <param name="workbook"></param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static ICellStyle SetColorCellStyle(IWorkbook workbook)    {        ICellStyle cellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        //设置单元格上下左右边框线        cellStyle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        cellStyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        //文字水平和垂直对齐方式        cellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;        cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        //边框颜色        cellStyle.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Brown.Index;        cellStyle.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Brown.Index;        cellStyle.LeftBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Brown.Index;        cellStyle.RightBorderColor = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Brown.Index;        //背景顏色        cellStyle.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.Yellow.Index;        cellStyle.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.Maroon.Index;        //填填充顏色【与背景顏色配套使用】,默认为:FillPattern.NoFill        cellStyle.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        //设置单元格字体        IFont fontcolorblue = workbook.CreateFont();        fontcolorblue.Color = HSSFColor.OliveGreen.Blue.Index;        fontcolorblue.IsBold = false;        cellStyle.SetFont(fontcolorblue);        return cellStyle;    }    #endregion    #region 设定格线    /// <summary>    /// 定格线到位元流.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="InputSteam">The input steam.</param>    /// <param name="haveGridLine">if set to <c>true</c> [have grid line].</param>    /// <param name="SheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream SetGridLine(Stream InputSteam, bool haveGridLine, params string[] SheetName)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputSteam);        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        if (SheetName == null)        {            for (int i = 0; i < workbook.NumberOfSheets; i++)            {                HSSFSheet s1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(i);                s1.DisplayGridlines = haveGridLine;            }        }        else        {            foreach (string TempSheet in SheetName)            {                HSSFSheet s1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheet(TempSheet);                s1.DisplayGridlines = haveGridLine;            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 定格线到位元流.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="InputSteam">The input steam.</param>    /// <param name="haveGridLine">if set to <c>true</c> [have grid line].</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream SetGridLine(Stream InputSteam, bool haveGridLine, params int[] SheetIndex)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputSteam);        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        if (SheetIndex == null)        {            for (int i = 0; i < workbook.NumberOfSheets; i++)            {                HSSFSheet s1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(i);                s1.DisplayGridlines = haveGridLine;            }        }        else        {            foreach (int TempSheet in SheetIndex)            {                HSSFSheet s1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(TempSheet);                s1.DisplayGridlines = haveGridLine;            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 定格线到档案.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="InputSteam">The input steam.</param>    /// <param name="haveGridLine">if set to <c>true</c> [have grid line].</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    public static void SetGridLine(string FileName, Stream InputSteam, bool haveGridLine, params int[] SheetIndex)    {        MemoryStream ms = SetGridLine(InputSteam, haveGridLine, SheetIndex) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    /// <summary>    /// 定格线到档案.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="InputSteam">The input steam.</param>    /// <param name="haveGridLine">if set to <c>true</c> [have grid line].</param>    /// <param name="SheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>    public static void SetGridLine(string FileName, Stream InputSteam, bool haveGridLine, params string[] SheetName)    {        MemoryStream ms = SetGridLine(InputSteam, haveGridLine, SheetName) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    #endregion    #region 撷取字串从excel档案    /// <summary>    /// 从位元流将資料转成字串輸出    /// </summary>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string ExtractStringFromFileStream(Stream InputStream)    {        HSSFWorkbook HBook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputStream);        ExcelExtractor extractor = new ExcelExtractor(HBook);        return extractor.Text;    }    /// <summary>    /// 从档案将資料转成字串輸出    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static string ExtractStringFromFileStream(string FileName)    {        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(FileName);        if (fi.Exists == true)        {            using (FileStream fs = fi.Open(FileMode.Open))            {                HSSFWorkbook HBook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs);                ExcelExtractor extractor = new ExcelExtractor(HBook);                return extractor.Text;            }        }        else return null;    }    #endregion    #region 设定群組    /// <summary>    /// 设定群組到位元流.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="SheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="IsRow">if set to <c>true</c> [is row].</param>    /// <param name="From">From.</param>    /// <param name="End">The end.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream CreateGroup(string SheetName, bool IsRow, int From, int End)    {        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();        HSSFSheet sh = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet(SheetName);        for (int i = 0; i <= End; i++)        {            sh.CreateRow(i);        }        if (IsRow == true)            sh.GroupRow(From, End);        else            sh.GroupColumn((short)From, (short)End);        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 建立群組到档案.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="SheetName">Name of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="IsRow">if set to <c>true</c> [is row].</param>    /// <param name="From">From.</param>    /// <param name="End">The end.</param>    public static void CreateGroup(string FileName, string SheetName, bool IsRow, int From, int End)    {        MemoryStream ms = CreateGroup(SheetName, IsRow, From, End) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    #endregion    #region 合并储存格    /// <summary>    /// 合并储存格于位元流.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="RowFrom">The row from.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnFrom">The column from.</param>    /// <param name="RowTo">The row to.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnTo">The column to.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream MergeCell(Stream InputStream, int SheetIndex, int RowFrom, int ColumnFrom, int RowTo, int ColumnTo)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputStream);        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        HSSFSheet sheet1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(SheetIndex);        sheet1.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(RowFrom, RowTo, ColumnFrom, ColumnTo));        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 合并储存格于档案.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="RowFrom">The row from.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnFrom">The column from.</param>    /// <param name="RowTo">The row to.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnTo">The column to.</param>    public static void MergeCell(string FileName, Stream InputStream, int SheetIndex, int RowFrom, int ColumnFrom, int RowTo, int ColumnTo)    {        MemoryStream ms = MergeCell(InputStream, SheetIndex, RowFrom, ColumnFrom, RowTo, ColumnTo) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    /// <summary>    /// 建立新位元流並合并储存格.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="RowFrom">The row from.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnFrom">The column from.</param>    /// <param name="RowTo">The row to.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnTo">The column to.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream MergeCell(int RowFrom, int ColumnFrom, int RowTo, int ColumnTo)    {        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        HSSFSheet sheet1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet();        sheet1.AddMergedRegion(new Region(RowFrom, ColumnFrom, RowTo, ColumnTo));        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 建立新档案並合并储存格.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="RowFrom">The row from.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnFrom">The column from.</param>    /// <param name="RowTo">The row to.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnTo">The column to.</param>    public static void MergeCell(string FileName, int RowFrom, int ColumnFrom, int RowTo, int ColumnTo)    {        MemoryStream ms = MergeCell(RowFrom, ColumnFrom, RowTo, ColumnTo) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    #endregion    #region 通过模板导出Excel    /// <summary>    ///  数据导出.xls -wps    /// </summary>    /// <param name="localFilePath">模板路径</param>    /// <param name="dtSource">数据源 data</param>    /// <param name="downLoadName">下载名称</param>    public static void ExportXlsByModel(string localFilePath, DataTable dtSource, string downLoadName, int rowIndex, int rowheight, List<CellRangeAddress> rangelist, bool isFormula = false, bool haveGridLine = true)    {        if (!File.Exists(localFilePath))            new AccessViolationException("模板不存在");        FileStream file = new FileStream(localFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);        if (null == file)        {            throw new Exception("模板文件打开失败");        }        IWorkbook workbook = null;        bool is2003 = localFilePath.EndsWith(".xls");        if (is2003)        {            workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file);        }        else        {            workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);        }        file.Close();        file = null;        ISheet sheet = null;        if (is2003)        {            sheet = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(0);        }        else        {            sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(0);        }        short sRowHeight = Convert.ToInt16(rowheight * 20);        ICellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        IFont font = workbook.CreateFont();        font.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        foreach (DataRow row in dtSource.Rows)        {            IRow dataRow = null;            if (is2003)            {                dataRow = (HSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            }            else            {                dataRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            }            dataRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in dtSource.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (row[column].ToString().StartsWith("{{F}}"))                {                    //公式單元格                    string content = row[column].ToString().Replace("{{F}}", "");                    newcell.CellFormula = content.Replace("{ROWINDEX}", (rowIndex + 1).ToString());                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }                else                {                    double cellcontent = 0;                    if (double.TryParse(row[column].ToString(), out cellcontent))                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(cellcontent);                    }                    else                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(row[column].ToString());                    }                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }            }            rowIndex++;        }        if (rangelist != null && rangelist.Count > 0)        {            foreach (CellRangeAddress range in rangelist)            {                sheet.AddMergedRegion(range);            }        }        if (is2003)        {            ExportHSSFWorkbookByWeb((HSSFWorkbook)workbook, null, downLoadName);        }        else        {            ExportHSSFWorkbookByWeb(null, (XSSFWorkbook)workbook, downLoadName);        }    }    #endregion    #region NPOI-下载数据    /// <summary>    /// 将指定的HSSFWorkbook输出到流    /// </summary>    /// <param name="workbook"></param>    /// <param name="strFileName">文件名</param>    public static void ExportHSSFWorkbookByWeb(HSSFWorkbook hssWorkbook = null, XSSFWorkbook xssWorkbook = null, string strFileName = null)    {        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())        {            if (hssWorkbook == null)                xssWorkbook.Write(ms);            else                hssWorkbook.Write(ms);            ms.Flush();            ms.Position = 0;            HttpContext curContext = HttpContext.Current;            // 设置编码和附件格式            curContext.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";            curContext.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8");            curContext.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";            long fileSize = ms.Length;            curContext.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fileSize.ToString());            curContext.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strFileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8));            curContext.Response.BinaryWrite(ms.GetBuffer());            curContext.Response.End();        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 将Excel数据直接输出前台保存【异步下载】    /// 頁面调用方式:window.open(href);    /// </summary>    /// <param name="context"></param>    /// <param name="ms"></param>    /// <param name="fileName">文件名称</param>    /// <param name="cookieinfo">前台传入的Cookies信息</param>    public static void ExportHSSFWorkbookByWeb(HttpContext context, MemoryStream ms, string fileName)    {        context.Response.Buffer = true;        context.Response.Clear();        context.Response.ContentType = "application/download";        string downFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName);//这里也可以随便取名        string EncodeFileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(downFile, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);//防止中文出现乱码        context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + EncodeFileName + ";");        context.Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray());//返回文件数据给客户端下载        context.Response.Cookies["CompareCookie"].Value = context.Request["timeCookie"];//前台必须传入代号为【timeCookie】的Cookies        context.Response.Flush();    }    #endregion    #region 设定储存格公式    /// <summary>    /// 设定储存格公式于位元流.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="Formula">The formula.</param>    /// <param name="RowIndex">Index of the row.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnIndex">Index of the column.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream SetFormula(Stream InputStream, int SheetIndex, string Formula, int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex)    {        //here, we must insert at least one sheet to the workbook. otherwise, Excel will say 'data lost in file'        //So we insert three sheet just like what Excel does        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(InputStream);        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        HSSFSheet sheet1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(SheetIndex);        sheet1.CreateRow(RowIndex).CreateCell(ColumnIndex).SetCellFormula(Formula);        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 设定储存格公式于档案.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="InputStream">The input stream.</param>    /// <param name="SheetIndex">Index of the sheet.</param>    /// <param name="Formula">The formula.</param>    /// <param name="RowIndex">Index of the row.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnIndex">Index of the column.</param>    public static void SetFormula(string FileName, Stream InputStream, int SheetIndex, string Formula, int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex)    {        MemoryStream ms = SetFormula(InputStream, SheetIndex, Formula, RowIndex, ColumnIndex) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    /// <summary>    /// 建立新位元流并设定储存格公式.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="Formula">The formula.</param>    /// <param name="RowIndex">Index of the row.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnIndex">Index of the column.</param>    /// <returns></returns>    public static Stream SetFormula(string Formula, int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex)    {        //here, we must insert at least one sheet to the workbook. otherwise, Excel will say 'data lost in file'        //So we insert three sheet just like what Excel does        HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();        HSSFSheet sheet1 = (HSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet();        sheet1.CreateRow(RowIndex).CreateCell(ColumnIndex).SetCellFormula(Formula);        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 建立新档案並设定储存格公式.    /// </summary>    /// <param name="FileName">Name of the file.</param>    /// <param name="Formula">The formula.</param>    /// <param name="RowIndex">Index of the row.</param>    /// <param name="ColumnIndex">Index of the column.</param>    public static void SetFormula(string FileName, string Formula, int RowIndex, int ColumnIndex)    {        MemoryStream ms = SetFormula(Formula, RowIndex, ColumnIndex) as MemoryStream;        WriteSteamToFile(ms, FileName);    }    #endregion    public static Stream RenderDataTableToExcelForStylefont(DataTable SourceTable, bool haveGridLine, int startcoloums, int rowheight, bool HasHeader, List<CellRangeAddress> rangelist, Dictionary<int, int> colwidth, Dictionary<int, int> colfont = null, Dictionary<int, int> colper = null, bool isqianfenwei = false, bool isFormula = false)    {        IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();        NpoiMemoryStream ms = new NpoiMemoryStream();        ms.AllowClose = false;        XSSFRow headerRow = null;        XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet();        short sRowHeight = Convert.ToInt16(rowheight * 20);        ICellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        IDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        style.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("#,##0");//        IFont fontfont = workbook.CreateFont();        fontfont.FontName = "Calibri";        style.SetFont(fontfont);        ICellStyle stylefont = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        stylefont.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefont.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefont.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefont.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefont.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        IFont font = workbook.CreateFont();        font.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        stylefont.SetFont(font);        ICellStyle stylecolor = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        stylecolor.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylecolor.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylecolor.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylecolor.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylecolor.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        IFont fontcolor = workbook.CreateFont();        fontcolor.Color = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontColor.Red;        stylecolor.SetFont(fontcolor);        IDataFormat formatcolor = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        stylecolor.DataFormat = formatcolor.GetFormat("#,##0");        ICellStyle styleper = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        styleper.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleper.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleper.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleper.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleper.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        IDataFormat dataformat = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        styleper.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat("0%");        if (HasHeader)        {            headerRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0);            headerRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (haveGridLine)                {                    newcell.CellStyle = style;                }                newcell.SetCellValue(column.ColumnName);            }        }

        int rowIndex = HasHeader ? 1 : 0;        foreach (DataRow row in SourceTable.Rows)        {            XSSFRow dataRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            dataRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (row[column].ToString().StartsWith("{{F}}"))                {                    string content = row[column].ToString().Replace("{{F}}", "");                    newcell.CellFormula = content.Replace("{ROWINDEX}", (rowIndex + 1).ToString());                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }                else                {                    double cellcontent = 0;                    if (double.TryParse(row[column].ToString(), out cellcontent))                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(cellcontent);                    }                    else                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(row[column].ToString());                    }                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }            }            rowIndex++;        }        if (rangelist != null && rangelist.Count > 0)        {            foreach (CellRangeAddress range in rangelist)            {                if (HasHeader)                {                    range.FirstRow++;                    range.LastRow++;                }                sheet.AddMergedRegion(range);            }        }        if (colwidth != null && colwidth.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colwidth)            {                sheet.SetColumnWidth(item.Key, item.Value * 256);            }        }        else        {            for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++)            {                sheet.AutoSizeColumn(i);            }        }        if (colfont != null && colfont.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colfont)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(item.Key);                ICell cell = row.GetCell(item.Value);                cell.CellStyle = stylefont;            }        }        if (colper != null && colper.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colper)            {                for (int i = 1; i < SourceTable.Rows.Count; i++)                {                    XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);                    ICell cell = row.GetCell(item.Key);                    cell.CellStyle = styleper;                }            }        }        for (int i = 1; i < SourceTable.Rows.Count; i++)        {            for (int j = startcoloums; j < SourceTable.Columns.Count; j++)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);                ICell cell = row.GetCell(j);                string cellcell = row.GetCell(j).ToString();                decimal ii = cellcell == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(cellcell);                if (ii < 0)                {                    cell.CellStyle = stylecolor;                }            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        ms.Position = 0;        sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = isFormula;        sheet = null;        if (HasHeader)        {            headerRow = null;        }        workbook = null;        return ms;    }    public static Stream RenderDataTableToExcelForStylefontYS(DataTable SourceTable, bool haveGridLine, int startrow, int startcoloum, int rowheight, int btlength, bool HasHeader, List<CellRangeAddress> rangelist, Dictionary<int, int> colwidth, Dictionary<int, int> leftfontcolum, List<int> fontrow, List<int> backcolorrow, bool isFormula = false, List<int> startcloums = null, List<int> interval = null)    {        IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();        NpoiMemoryStream ms = new NpoiMemoryStream();        ms.AllowClose = false;        XSSFRow headerRow = null;        XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.CreateSheet();        short sRowHeight = Convert.ToInt16(rowheight * 20);        ICellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        style.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("#,##0");//        IFont fontfont = workbook.CreateFont();        fontfont.FontName = "Calibri";        style.SetFont(fontfont);                ICellStyle stylefscolor = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        stylefscolor.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefscolor.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefscolor.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefscolor.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefscolor.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        stylefscolor.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IFont fontcolor = workbook.CreateFont();        fontcolor.Color = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontColor.Red;        fontcolor.FontName = "Calibri";        stylefscolor.SetFont(fontcolor);        IDataFormat formatcolor = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        stylefscolor.DataFormat = formatcolor.GetFormat("#,##0");//                ICellStyle style_leftfontcolum = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style_leftfontcolum.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_leftfontcolum.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_leftfontcolum.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_leftfontcolum.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_leftfontcolum.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style_leftfontcolum.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;        IFont font_leftfontcolum = workbook.CreateFont();        font_leftfontcolum.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        font_leftfontcolum.FontName = "Calibri";        style_leftfontcolum.SetFont(font_leftfontcolum);        //表头加粗        ICellStyle style_fontrow = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style_fontrow.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_fontrow.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_fontrow.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_fontrow.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        IFont font_fontrow = workbook.CreateFont();        font_fontrow.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        style_fontrow.SetFont(font_fontrow);        //背景色行(整數)        ICellStyle style_backcolorrow = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style_backcolorrow.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrow.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrow.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrow.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrow.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style_backcolorrow.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IFont font_backcolorrow = workbook.CreateFont();        font_backcolorrow.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        style_backcolorrow.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.LightGreen.Index;        style_backcolorrow.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        style_backcolorrow.SetFont(font_backcolorrow);        IDataFormat backcolorrowz = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        style_backcolorrow.DataFormat = backcolorrowz.GetFormat("#,##0");        //背景色行(kuaijikemu)        ICellStyle style_backcolorrowkm = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style_backcolorrowkm.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrowkm.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrowkm.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrowkm.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrowkm.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style_backcolorrowkm.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;        IFont font_backcolorrowkm = workbook.CreateFont();        font_backcolorrowkm.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        style_backcolorrowkm.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.LightGreen.Index;        style_backcolorrowkm.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        style_backcolorrowkm.SetFont(font_backcolorrowkm);        //背景色行(負數)        ICellStyle style_backcolorrowfs = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style_backcolorrowfs.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrowfs.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrowfs.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrowfs.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_backcolorrowfs.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style_backcolorrowfs.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IFont font_backcolorrowfs = workbook.CreateFont();        font_backcolorrowfs.Color = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontColor.Red;        font_backcolorrowfs.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        style_backcolorrowfs.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.LightGreen.Index;        style_backcolorrowfs.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        style_backcolorrowfs.SetFont(font_backcolorrowfs);        IDataFormat backcolorrowf = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        style_backcolorrowfs.DataFormat = backcolorrowf.GetFormat("#,##0");                //百分比        ICellStyle perstyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        perstyle.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstyle.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstyle.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstyle.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        perstyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IDataFormat performat = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        perstyle.DataFormat = performat.GetFormat("0%");        //百分比加粗        ICellStyle perstylefont = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        perstylefont.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstylefont.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstylefont.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstylefont.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstylefont.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        perstylefont.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IDataFormat performatfont = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        IFont font_perfontrow = workbook.CreateFont();        font_perfontrow.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        perstylefont.SetFont(font_perfontrow);        perstylefont.DataFormat = performatfont.GetFormat("0%");                //百分比加粗        ICellStyle perstylefontbk = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        perstylefontbk.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstylefontbk.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstylefontbk.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstylefontbk.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        perstylefontbk.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        perstylefontbk.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IDataFormat performatfontbk = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        IFont font_perfontrowbk = workbook.CreateFont();        font_perfontrowbk.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        perstylefontbk.SetFont(font_perfontrowbk);        perstylefontbk.DataFormat = performatfontbk.GetFormat("0%");        perstylefontbk.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.LightGreen.Index;        perstylefontbk.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        if (HasHeader)        {            headerRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(0);            headerRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (haveGridLine)                {                    newcell.CellStyle = style;                }                newcell.SetCellValue(column.ColumnName);            }        }

        int rowIndex = HasHeader ? 1 : 0;        foreach (DataRow row in SourceTable.Rows)        {            XSSFRow dataRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            dataRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (row[column].ToString().StartsWith("{{F}}"))                {                    string content = row[column].ToString().Replace("{{F}}", "");                    newcell.CellFormula = content.Replace("{ROWINDEX}", (rowIndex + 1).ToString());                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }                else                {                    double cellcontent = 0;                    if (double.TryParse(row[column].ToString(), out cellcontent))                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(cellcontent);                    }                    else                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(row[column].ToString());                    }                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }            }            rowIndex++;        }        if (rangelist != null && rangelist.Count > 0)        {            foreach (CellRangeAddress range in rangelist)            {                if (HasHeader)                {                    range.FirstRow++;                    range.LastRow++;                }                sheet.AddMergedRegion(range);            }        }        //整行加粗        if (fontrow != null && fontrow.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in fontrow)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(item);                for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++)                {                    ICell cell = row.GetCell(i);                    cell.CellStyle = style_fontrow;                }            }        }        //设置百分比        if (startcloums != null && interval != null)        {            for (int i = startrow; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++)            {                foreach (var startcolum in startcloums)                {                    for (int m = Convert.ToInt32(startcolum.ToString()); m < SourceTable.Columns.Count + 1; m = m + Convert.ToInt32(interval[0].ToString()))                    {                        if (i == m)                        {                            for (int j = startrow; j < SourceTable.Rows.Count + 1; j++)                            {                                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(j);                                ICell cell = row.GetCell(m);                                if (fontrow != null && fontrow.Count > 0)                                {                                    foreach (var item in fontrow)                                    {                                        if (item == j)                                        {                                            cell.CellStyle = perstylefont;                                        }                                        else                                        {                                            cell.CellStyle = perstyle;                                        }                                    }                                }                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }

​ if (leftfontcolum != null && leftfontcolum.Count > 0)
​ {
​ for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Rows.Count + btlength; i++)
​ {
​ XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);
​ foreach (var item in leftfontcolum)
​ {
​ ICell cell = row.GetCell(item.Key);
​ cell.CellStyle = style_leftfontcolum;
​ }
​ }
​ }

​ //负数变红
​ for (int i = startrow; i < SourceTable.Rows.Count + btlength; i++)
​ {
​ XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);
​ for (int j = 0; j < SourceTable.Columns.Count; j++)
​ {
​ ICell cell = row.GetCell(j);
​ string cellcell = row.GetCell(j).ToString();

                if (cellcell.StartsWith("-"))                {                    cell.CellStyle = stylefscolor;                }            }        }        //背景色        if (backcolorrow != null && backcolorrow.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in backcolorrow)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(item);                for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++)                {                    ICell cell = row.GetCell(i);                    string cellcell = row.GetCell(i).ToString();                    if (i < startcoloum)                    {                        cell.CellStyle = style_backcolorrowkm;                    }                    else                    {                        if (cellcell.StartsWith("-"))                        {                            cell.CellStyle = style_backcolorrowfs;                        }                        else                        {                            cell.CellStyle = style_backcolorrow;                        }                    }                }            }        }        if (backcolorrow != null && backcolorrow.Count > 0)        {            if (startcloums != null && interval != null)            {                foreach (var itemrow in backcolorrow)                {                    XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(itemrow);                    foreach (var startcolum in startcloums)                    {                        for (int m = Convert.ToInt32(startcolum.ToString()); m < SourceTable.Columns.Count + 1; m = m + Convert.ToInt32(interval[0].ToString()))                        {                            ICell cell = row.GetCell(m);                            cell.CellStyle = perstylefontbk;                        }                    }                }            }        }        //列宽        if (colwidth != null && colwidth.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colwidth)            {                sheet.SetColumnWidth(item.Key, item.Value * 256);            }            for (int j = startcoloum; j < SourceTable.Columns.Count; j++)            {                sheet.SetColumnWidth(j, 5000);            }        }        else        {            for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++)            {                sheet.AutoSizeColumn(i);            }        }

        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        ms.Position = 0;        sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = isFormula;        sheet = null;        if (HasHeader)        {            headerRow = null;        }        workbook = null;        return ms;    }    /// <summary>    /// 模板导出    /// </summary>    /// <param name="localFilePath">模板</param>    /// <param name="SourceTable">数据来源</param>    /// <param name="downLoadName">导出后命名</param>    /// <param name="haveGridLine">是否要加边框</param>    /// <param name="startrow">起始行</param>    /// <param name="rowheight"></param>    /// <param name="HasHeader"></param>    /// <param name="rangelist">合并单元格</param>    /// <param name="colwidth">列宽</param>    /// <param name="colbold">是否加粗</param>    /// <param name="colper">百分比</param>    /// <param name="rowbold">按行加粗</param>    /// <param name="rowcolor">按行加颜色</param>    /// <param name="numformat">数字单元格格式</param>    /// <param name="satrtcolums">起始列</param>    /// <param name="centerCol">居中的列</param>    /// <param name="leftCol">居左的列</param>    /// <param name="percentformat">百分比格式</param>    /// <param name="specialCells">特殊栏位的值</param>    public static void ExportDataTableToExcelForTemplete(string localFilePath, DataTable SourceTable, string downLoadName, bool haveGridLine, int startrow, int satrtcolums, int rowheight, bool HasHeader, List<CellRangeAddress> rangelist, Dictionary<int, int> colwidth, Dictionary<int, int> colbold = null, List<int> colper = null, List<int> rowbold = null, Dictionary<int, int> rowcolor = null, List<int> centerCol = null, List<int> leftCol = null, string numformat = "0", string percentformat = "0%", List<Tuple<int, int, string>> specialCells = null)    {        if (!File.Exists(localFilePath))            new AccessViolationException("模板不存在");        FileStream file = new FileStream(localFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);        if (null == file)        {            throw new Exception("模板文件打开失败");        }        XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);        file.Close();        file = null;        XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(0);        short sRowHeight = Convert.ToInt16(rowheight * 20);        //靠右        ICellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numformat))        {            style.DataFormat = format.GetFormat(numformat);        }        IFont fontfont = workbook.CreateFont();        fontfont.FontName = "Calibri";        fontfont.FontHeightInPoints = 10;        style.SetFont(fontfont);        //靠左        ICellStyle styleleft = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        styleleft.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleleft.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleleft.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleleft.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleleft.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        styleleft.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;        IDataFormat formatc = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numformat))        {            style.DataFormat = format.GetFormat(numformat);        }        IFont fontfontc = workbook.CreateFont();        fontfontc.FontName = "Calibri";        fontfontc.FontHeightInPoints = 10;        styleleft.SetFont(fontfontc);        //靠中        ICellStyle stylecenter = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        stylecenter.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylecenter.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylecenter.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylecenter.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylecenter.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        stylecenter.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;        IDataFormat formatcen = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        IFont formatcen1 = workbook.CreateFont();        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numformat))        {            stylecenter.DataFormat = format.GetFormat(numformat);        }        formatcen1.FontName = "Calibri";        formatcen1.FontHeightInPoints = 10;        stylecenter.SetFont(fontfontc);        ICellStyle stylefont = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        stylefont.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefont.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefont.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefont.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylefont.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        stylefont.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;        IFont font = workbook.CreateFont();        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numformat))        {            stylefont.DataFormat = format.GetFormat(numformat);        }        font.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;//加粗        font.FontHeightInPoints = 10;        stylefont.SetFont(font);        ICellStyle bstylefont = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        bstylefont.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        bstylefont.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        bstylefont.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        bstylefont.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        bstylefont.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        bstylefont.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numformat))        {            bstylefont.DataFormat = format.GetFormat(numformat);        }        IFont bfont = workbook.CreateFont();        bfont.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;//加粗        bfont.FontHeightInPoints = 10;        bstylefont.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.LightGreen.Index;        bstylefont.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        bstylefont.SetFont(bfont);        ICellStyle styleper = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        styleper.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleper.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleper.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleper.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        styleper.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        styleper.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numformat))        {            styleper.DataFormat = format.GetFormat(numformat);        }        IDataFormat dataformat = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        styleper.DataFormat = dataformat.GetFormat(percentformat);//百分位        IFont fontfontper = workbook.CreateFont();        fontfontper.FontHeightInPoints = 10;        fontfontper.FontName = "Calibri";        styleper.SetFont(fontfontper);        ICellStyle stylebackcolor = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        stylebackcolor.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylebackcolor.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylebackcolor.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylebackcolor.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        stylebackcolor.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        stylebackcolor.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        stylebackcolor.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.LightGreen.Index;        stylebackcolor.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numformat))        {            stylebackcolor.DataFormat = format.GetFormat(numformat);        }        IDataFormat formatbackcolor = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        IFont fontback = workbook.CreateFont();        fontback.FontHeightInPoints = 10;        fontback.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;//加粗        stylebackcolor.SetFont(fontback);        ICellStyle xstylebackcolor = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        xstylebackcolor.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        xstylebackcolor.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        xstylebackcolor.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        xstylebackcolor.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        xstylebackcolor.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        xstylebackcolor.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        xstylebackcolor.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.LightGreen.Index;        xstylebackcolor.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(numformat))        {            xstylebackcolor.DataFormat = format.GetFormat(numformat);        }        IDataFormat xformatbackcolor = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        IFont xfontback = workbook.CreateFont();        xfontback.FontHeightInPoints = 10;        xfontback.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;        xfontback.Color = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontColor.Red;        xstylebackcolor.SetFont(xfontback);        int rowIndex = startrow;        foreach (DataRow row in SourceTable.Rows)        {            XSSFRow dataRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            dataRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (row[column].ToString().StartsWith("{{F}}"))                {                    //公式單元格                    string content = row[column].ToString().Replace("{{F}}", "");                    newcell.CellFormula = content.Replace("{ROWINDEX}", (rowIndex + 1).ToString());                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }                else                {                    double cellcontent = 0;                    if (double.TryParse(row[column].ToString(), out cellcontent))                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(cellcontent);                    }                    else                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(row[column].ToString());                    }                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                    if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime))                    {                        DateTime celldate;                        if (DateTime.TryParse(row[column].ToString(), out celldate))                        {                            newcell.SetCellValue(celldate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"));                        }                    }                }            }            rowIndex++;        }        if ((leftCol != null && leftCol.Count > 0) || (centerCol != null && centerCol.Count > 0))        {            for (var i = startrow; i < SourceTable.Rows.Count + startrow; i++)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);                if (leftCol != null)                {                    foreach (var item in leftCol)                    {                        ICell cell = row.GetCell(item);                        cell.CellStyle = styleleft;                    }                }                if (centerCol != null)                {                    foreach (var item in centerCol)                    {                        ICell cell = row.GetCell(item);                        cell.CellStyle = stylecenter;                    }                }            }        }        //合并单元格        if (rangelist != null && rangelist.Count > 0)//        {            foreach (CellRangeAddress range in rangelist)            {                sheet.AddMergedRegion(range);            }        }        //设置列宽        if (colwidth != null && colwidth.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colwidth)            {                sheet.SetColumnWidth(item.Key, item.Value * 256);            }        }        if (colbold != null && colbold.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colbold)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(item.Key);                ICell cell = row.GetCell(item.Value);                cell.CellStyle = stylefont;            }        }        if (rowcolor != null && rowcolor.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in rowcolor)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(item.Key);                ICell cell = row.GetCell(item.Value);                cell.CellStyle = bstylefont;            }        }        if (colper != null && colper.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colper)            {                for (int i = startrow; i < SourceTable.Rows.Count + startrow; i++)                {                    XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);                    ICell cell = row.GetCell(item);                    string cellcell = row.GetCell(item).ToString();                    cell.CellStyle = styleper;                }            }        }        if (rowbold != null && rowbold.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var i in rowbold)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);                for (int j = 0; j < SourceTable.Columns.Count; j++)                {                    ICell cell = row.GetCell(j);                    if (j > 0)                    {                        string cellcell = row.GetCell(j).ToString();                        if (cellcell.StartsWith("-"))                        {                            cell.CellStyle = xstylebackcolor;                        }                        else                        {                            cell.CellStyle = stylebackcolor;                        }                    }                }            }        }        if (specialCells != null)        {            foreach (Tuple<int, int, string> item in specialCells)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(item.Item1);                ICell cell = row.GetCell(item.Item2);                cell.SetCellValue(item.Item3);            }        }        ExportHSSFWorkbookByWeb(null, workbook, downLoadName);    }    public static Stream ExportDataTableToExcelForStyleYS(string localFilePath, DataTable SourceTable, string downLoadName, int startrow, int starcolum, int localfilelength, Dictionary<int, int> leftfont, bool haveGridLine, int rowIndex, int rowheight, List<CellRangeAddress> rangelist, Dictionary<int, int> colwidth)    {        if (!File.Exists(localFilePath))            new AccessViolationException("模板不存在");        FileStream file = new FileStream(localFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);        if (null == file)        {            throw new Exception("模板文件打開失敗");        }        NpoiMemoryStream ms = new NpoiMemoryStream();        ms.AllowClose = false;        XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);        file.Close();        file = null;        XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet)workbook.GetSheetAt(0);        short sRowHeight = Convert.ToInt16(rowheight * 20);        ICellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;        IDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        style.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("#,##0");//        IFont fontfont = workbook.CreateFont();        fontfont.FontName = "Calibri";        style.SetFont(fontfont);

        //會計科目靠左加粗        ICellStyle style_leftfont = workbook.CreateCellStyle();        style_leftfont.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_leftfont.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_leftfont.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_leftfont.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;        style_leftfont.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;        style_leftfont.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;        IDataFormat formatc = workbook.CreateDataFormat();        style_leftfont.DataFormat = formatc.GetFormat("#,##0");//        IFont font_leftfont = workbook.CreateFont();        font_leftfont.Boldweight = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;//加粗        font_leftfont.FontName = "Calibri";        style_leftfont.SetFont(font_leftfont);

        foreach (DataRow row in SourceTable.Rows)        {            XSSFRow dataRow = (XSSFRow)sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex);            dataRow.Height = sRowHeight;            foreach (DataColumn column in SourceTable.Columns)            {                ICell newcell = dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal);                if (row[column].ToString().StartsWith("{{F}}"))                {                    //公式單元格                    string content = row[column].ToString().Replace("{{F}}", "");                    newcell.CellFormula = content.Replace("{ROWINDEX}", (rowIndex + 1).ToString());                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }                else                {                    double cellcontent = 0;                    if (double.TryParse(row[column].ToString(), out cellcontent))                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(cellcontent);                    }                    else                    {                        newcell.SetCellValue(row[column].ToString());                    }                    if (haveGridLine)                    {                        newcell.CellStyle = style;                    }                }            }            rowIndex++;        }        if (rangelist != null && rangelist.Count > 0)//        {            foreach (CellRangeAddress range in rangelist)            {                sheet.AddMergedRegion(range);            }        }        if (colwidth != null && colwidth.Count > 0)        {            foreach (var item in colwidth)            {                sheet.SetColumnWidth(item.Key, item.Value * 256);            }        }        if (leftfont != null && leftfont.Count > 0)        {            for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Rows.Count + localfilelength; i++)            {                XSSFRow row = (XSSFRow)sheet.GetRow(i);                foreach (var item in leftfont)                {                    ICell cell = row.GetCell(item.Key);                    cell.CellStyle = style_leftfont;                }            }        }        workbook.Write(ms);        ms.Flush();        ms.Position = 0;        sheet = null;        workbook = null;        return ms;    }}public class NpoiMemoryStream : MemoryStream{    public NpoiMemoryStream()    {        AllowClose = true;    }    public bool AllowClose { get; set; }    public override void Close()    {        if (AllowClose)        {            base.Close();        }    }}


using IBM.Data.Informix;using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Data.Odbc;using System.Reflection;using System.Security.Cryptography;using System.Text;namespace DbHelper{    public abstract class DbHelperOra    {        public DbHelperOra(){}        public static string connectionString = GetConStr();        #region 连接字符串        public static string GetConStr()        {            // <add key="ConStringEncrypt" value="true" />            // 数据库连接字符串,(如果采用加密方式,上面一项要设置为true;加密工具,可在官方下载,            //如果使用明文这样server=;database=.....,上面则设置为false。            //<add key = "ConnectionString" value="8BD905D1B935DF2ABF5D546EA0CC7FE654D89FE4185E"/>            string _connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];            string ConStringEncrypt = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConStringEncrypt"];            if (ConStringEncrypt == "true" && _connectionString != null)            {                return Decrypt(_connectionString, "ljm");            }            return null;        }        public static string Decrypt(string Text, string sKey)        {            DESCryptoServiceProvider des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();            int len;            len = Text.Length / 2;            byte[] inputByteArray = new byte[len];            int x, i;            for (x = 0; x < len; x++)            {                i = Convert.ToInt32(Text.Substring(x * 2, 2), 16);                inputByteArray[x] = (byte)i;            }            des.Key = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(sKey, "md5").Substring(0, 8));            des.IV = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(sKey, "md5").Substring(0, 8));            System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();            CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, des.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write);            cs.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);            cs.FlushFinalBlock();            return Encoding.Default.GetString(ms.ToArray());        }         #endregion        /// <summary>        /// 功能描述:打开数据库        /// </summary>        /// <returns></returns>        public static OracleConnection Openconn()        {            OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString);            if (conn.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Closed)) { conn.Open(); }            return conn;        }        #region 建立SQL語句的時候判斷是否可以加入SQL語句        /// <summary>        /// 验证是否有效的字段        /// </summary>        public static bool IsValid(PropertyInfo pi)        {            string _flag = string.Empty;            object[] laAttributes = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SqlBuildAttribute), false);            if (laAttributes != null && laAttributes.Length > 0)            {                _flag = ((SqlBuildAttribute)laAttributes[0]).Flag;            }            //如果SQL標志不為空,且屬性的SQL特性值與SQL標志不一樣,則自動跳過            if (_flag == "NULL")            {                return false;            }            return true;        }        #endregion        #region 公用方法        public static int GetMaxID(string FieldName, string TableName)        {            string strsql = "select max(" + FieldName + ")+1 from " + TableName;            object obj = GetSingle(strsql);            if (obj == null)            {                return 1;            }            else            {                return int.Parse(obj.ToString());            }        }        public static bool Exists(string strSql)        {            object obj = GetSingle(strSql);            int cmdresult;            if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))            {                cmdresult = 0;            }            else            {                cmdresult = int.Parse(obj.ToString());            }            if (cmdresult == 0)            {                return false;            }            else            {                return true;            }        }        public static bool Exists(string strSql, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            object obj = GetSingle(strSql, cmdParms);            int cmdresult;            if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))            {                cmdresult = 0;            }            else            {                cmdresult = int.Parse(obj.ToString());            }            if (cmdresult == 0)            {                return false;            }            else            {                return true;            }        }        public static bool Exists(OracleTransaction trans, string strSql, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            object obj = GetSingle(trans, strSql, cmdParms);            int cmdresult;            if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))            {                cmdresult = 0;            }            else            {                cmdresult = int.Parse(obj.ToString());            }            if (cmdresult == 0)            {                return false;            }            else            {                return true;            }        }        #endregion        #region  执行简单SQL语句        /// <summary>        /// 执行SQL语句,返回影响的记录数        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">SQL语句</param>        /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>        public static int ExecuteSql(string SQLString)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(SQLString, connection))                {                    try                    {                        connection.Open();                        int rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                        return rows;                    }                    catch (OracleException E)                    {                        connection.Close();                        throw new Exception(E.Message);                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 執行SQL語句,返回影響的記錄數        /// </summary>        /// <param name="tran">事務對象</param>        /// <param name="SQLString">SQL語句</param>        /// <param name="oParams">參數列表</param>        /// <returns>返回影響的行數</returns>        public static int ExecuteSql(OracleTransaction tran, string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] oParams)        {            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();            cmd.Transaction = tran;            cmd.Connection = tran.Connection;            cmd.CommandText = SQLString;            if (oParams != null)            {                cmd.Parameters.AddRange(oParams);            }            return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行多条SQL语句,实现数据库事务。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLStringList">多条SQL语句</param>		        public static void ExecuteSqlTran(ArrayList SQLStringList)        {            using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                conn.Open();                OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();                cmd.Connection = conn;                OracleTransaction tx = conn.BeginTransaction();                cmd.Transaction = tx;                try                {                    for (int n = 0; n < SQLStringList.Count; n++)                    {                        string strsql = SQLStringList[n].ToString();                        if (strsql.Trim().Length > 1)                        {                            cmd.CommandText = strsql;                            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                        }                    }                    tx.Commit();                }                catch (OracleException E)                {                    tx.Rollback();                    throw new Exception(E.Message);                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行带一个存储过程参数的的SQL语句。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">SQL语句</param>        /// <param name="content">参数内容,比如一个字段是格式复杂的文章,有特殊符号,可以通过这个方式添加</param>        /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>        public static int ExecuteSql(string SQLString, string content)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(SQLString, connection);                OracleParameter myParameter = new OracleParameter("@content", OracleDbType.NVarchar2);                myParameter.Value = content;                cmd.Parameters.Add(myParameter);                try                {                    connection.Open();                    int rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                    return rows;                }                catch (OracleException E)                {                    throw new Exception(E.Message);                }                finally                {                    cmd.Dispose();                    connection.Close();                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 向数据库里插入图像格式的字段(和上面情况类似的另一种实例)        /// </summary>        /// <param name="strSQL">SQL语句</param>        /// <param name="fs">图像字节,数据库的字段类型为image的情况</param>        /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>        public static int ExecuteSqlInsertImg(string strSQL, byte[] fs)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(strSQL, connection);                OracleParameter myParameter = new OracleParameter("@fs", OracleDbType.LongRaw);                myParameter.Value = fs;                cmd.Parameters.Add(myParameter);                try                {                    connection.Open();                    int rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                    return rows;                }                catch (OracleException E)                {                    throw new Exception(E.Message);                }                finally                {                    cmd.Dispose();                    connection.Close();                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行查询语句,返回OracleDataReader ( 注意:调用该方法后,一定要对SqlDataReader进行Close )        /// </summary>        /// <param name="strSQL">查询语句</param>        /// <returns>OracleDataReader</returns>        public static OracleDataReader ExecuteReader(string strSQL)        {            OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString);            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(strSQL, connection);            try            {                connection.Open();                OracleDataReader myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);                return myReader;            }            catch (OracleException e)            {                throw new Exception(e.Message);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行查询语句,返回DataSet        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">查询语句</param>        /// <returns>DataSet</returns>        public static DataSet Query(string SQLString)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                DataSet ds = new DataSet();                try                {                    connection.Open();                    OracleDataAdapter command = new OracleDataAdapter(SQLString, connection);                    command.Fill(ds, "ds");                }                catch (OracleException ex)                {                    throw new Exception(ex.Message);                }                return ds;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 擴展方法(傳入數據庫連接字符串查詢)        /// </summary>        /// <param name="connStr"></param>        /// <param name="SQLString"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static DataSet Query(string connStr, string SQLString)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connStr))            {                DataSet ds = new DataSet();                try                {                    connection.Open();                    OracleDataAdapter command = new OracleDataAdapter(SQLString, connection);                    command.Fill(ds, "ds");                }                catch (OracleException ex)                {                    throw new Exception(ex.Message);                }                return ds;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行查询语句,返回DataSet        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">查询语句</param>        /// <returns>DataSet</returns>        public static DataSet Query(string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();                PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, SQLString, cmdParms);                using (OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd))                {                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();                    try                    {                        da.Fill(ds, "ds");                        cmd.Parameters.Clear();                    }                    catch (OracleException ex)                    {                        throw new Exception(ex.Message);                    }                    return ds;                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 擴展方法(傳入數據庫連接字符串查詢)        /// </summary>        /// <param name="connStr"></param>        /// <param name="SQLString"></param>        /// <param name="cmdParms"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static DataSet Query(string connStr, string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connStr))            {                OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();                PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, SQLString, cmdParms);                using (OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd))                {                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();                    try                    {                        da.Fill(ds, "ds");                        cmd.Parameters.Clear();                    }                    catch (OracleException ex)                    {                        throw new Exception(ex.Message);                    }                    return ds;                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 擴展方法(事務查詢)        /// </summary>        /// <param name="connStr"></param>        /// <param name="SQLString"></param>        /// <param name="cmdParms"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static DataSet Query(OracleTransaction trans, string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();            cmd.Transaction = trans;            cmd.Connection = trans.Connection;            cmd.CommandText = SQLString;            cmd.Parameters.AddRange(cmdParms);            using (OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd))            {                try                {                    da.Fill(ds, "ds");                    cmd.Parameters.Clear();                }                catch (OracleException ex)                {                    throw new Exception(ex.Message);                }                return ds;            }        }        #endregion        #region 执行带参数的SQL语句        /// <summary>        /// 执行SQL语句,返回影响的记录数        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">SQL语句</param>        /// <returns>影响的记录数</returns>        public static int ExecuteSql(string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand())                {                    try                    {                        PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, SQLString, cmdParms);                        int rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                        cmd.Parameters.Clear();                        return rows;                    }                    catch (OracleException E)                    {                        throw new Exception(E.Message);                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行多条SQL语句,实现数据库事务。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLStringList">SQL语句的哈希表(key为sql语句,value是该语句的OracleParameter[])</param>        public static void ExecuteSqlTran(Hashtable SQLStringList)        {            using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                conn.Open();                using (OracleTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction())                {                    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();                    try                    {                        foreach (DictionaryEntry myDE in SQLStringList)                        {                            string cmdText = myDE.Key.ToString();                            OracleParameter[] cmdParms = (OracleParameter[])myDE.Value;                            PrepareCommand(cmd, conn, trans, cmdText, cmdParms);                            int val = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                            cmd.Parameters.Clear();                        }                        trans.Commit();                    }                    catch                    {                        trans.Rollback();                        throw;                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行一条计算查询结果语句,返回查询结果(object)。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">计算查询结果语句</param>        /// <returns>查询结果(object)</returns>        public static object GetSingle(string SQLString)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(SQLString, connection))                {                    try                    {                        connection.Open();                        object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                        if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))                        {                            return null;                        }                        else                        {                            return obj;                        }                    }                    catch (OracleException e)                    {                        connection.Close();                        throw new Exception(e.Message);                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行一条计算查询结果语句,返回查询结果(object)。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">计算查询结果语句</param>        /// <returns>查询结果(object)</returns>        public static object GetSingle(string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand())                {                    try                    {                        PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, SQLString, cmdParms);                        object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                        cmd.Parameters.Clear();                        if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))                        {                            return null;                        }                        else                        {                            return obj;                        }                    }                    catch (OracleException e)                    {                        throw new Exception(e.Message);                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行一条计算查询结果语句,返回查询结果(object)。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">计算查询结果语句</param>        /// <returns>查询结果(object)</returns>        public static object GetSingle(string connStr, string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParams)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connStr))            {                using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand())                {                    try                    {                        PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, SQLString, cmdParams);                        object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                        cmd.Parameters.Clear();                        if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))                        {                            return null;                        }                        else                        {                            return obj;                        }                    }                    catch (OracleException e)                    {                        throw new Exception(e.Message);                    }                }            }        }        public static object GetSingle(OracleTransaction trans, string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParams)        {            using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(SQLString, trans.Connection))            {                cmd.Parameters.AddRange(cmdParams);                object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                if (obj != DBNull.Value)                {                    return obj;                }                else                {                    return null;                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行查询语句,返回OracleDataReader ( 注意:调用该方法后,一定要对SqlDataReader进行Close )        /// </summary>        /// <param name="strSQL">查询语句</param>        /// <returns>OracleDataReader</returns>        public static OracleDataReader ExecuteReader(string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString);            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();            try            {                PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, SQLString, cmdParms);                OracleDataReader myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);                cmd.Parameters.Clear();                return myReader;            }            catch (OracleException e)            {                throw new Exception(e.Message);            }        }        private static void PrepareCommand(OracleCommand cmd, OracleConnection conn, OracleTransaction trans, string cmdText, OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)                conn.Open();            cmd.Connection = conn;            cmd.CommandText = cmdText;            if (trans != null)                cmd.Transaction = trans;            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;//cmdType;            if (cmdParms != null)            {                foreach (OracleParameter parm in cmdParms)                    cmd.Parameters.Add(parm);            }        }        #endregion        #region 查詢COUNT        public static int Count(string connectionString, string SQLString)        {            object obj = GetSingle(connectionString, SQLString);            if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value)            {                return Convert.ToInt32(obj);            }            return 0;        }        public static int Count(string connectionString, string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            object obj = GetSingle(connectionString, SQLString, cmdParms);            if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value)            {                return Convert.ToInt32(obj);            }            return 0;        }        public static int Count(OracleTransaction trans, string SQLString, params OracleParameter[] cmdParms)        {            object obj = GetSingle(trans, SQLString, cmdParms);            if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value)            {                return Convert.ToInt32(obj);            }            return 0;        }        #endregion        #region 存储过程操作        /// <summary>        /// 执行存储过程,返回影响的行数		        /// </summary>        /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>        /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>        /// <param name="rowsAffected">影响的行数</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static int RunProcedure(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, out int rowsAffected)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                int result;                connection.Open();                OracleCommand command = BuildIntCommand(connection, storedProcName, parameters);                rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();                result = (int)command.Parameters["ReturnValue"].Value;                //Connection.Close();                return result;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行存储过程 返回SqlDataReader ( 注意:调用该方法后,一定要对SqlDataReader进行Close )        /// </summary>        /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>        /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>        /// <returns>OracleDataReader</returns>        public static OracleDataReader RunProcedure(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)        {            OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString);            OracleDataReader returnReader;            connection.Open();            OracleCommand command = BuildQueryCommand(connection, storedProcName, parameters);            command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;            returnReader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);            return returnReader;        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行存储过程        /// </summary>        /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>        /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>        /// <param name="tableName">DataSet结果中的表名</param>        /// <returns>DataSet</returns>        public static DataSet RunProcedure(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, string tableName)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();                connection.Open();                OracleDataAdapter sqlDA = new OracleDataAdapter();                sqlDA.SelectCommand = BuildQueryCommand(connection, storedProcName, parameters);                sqlDA.Fill(dataSet, tableName);                connection.Close();                return dataSet;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 執行存儲過程        /// </summary>        /// <param name="storedProcName">存儲過程名稱</param>        /// <param name="parameters">存儲過程參數</param>        /// <param name="outparam">存儲過程輸出參數的字段名(單個)</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static string RunProcedureT(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, string outparam)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                connection.Open();                OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(storedProcName, connection);                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;                foreach (OracleParameter parameter in parameters)                {                    command.Parameters.Add(parameter);                }                command.ExecuteNonQuery();                connection.Close();                return command.Parameters[outparam].Value.ToString();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 執行存儲過程        /// </summary>        /// <param name="storedProcName">存儲過程名稱</param>        /// <param name="parameters">存儲過程參數</param>        /// <param name="outparam">存儲過程輸出參數的字段名(單個)</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static string[] RunProcedureT(string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, string[] outparam)        {            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                connection.Open();                OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(storedProcName, connection);                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;                foreach (OracleParameter parameter in parameters)                {                    command.Parameters.Add(parameter);                }                command.ExecuteNonQuery();                connection.Close();                List<string> returnstringList = new List<string>();                for (int i = 0; i < outparam.Length; i++)                {                    returnstringList.Add(command.Parameters[outparam[i]].Value.ToString());                }                return returnstringList.ToArray();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 執行存儲過程        /// </summary>        /// <param name="storedProcName">存儲過程名稱</param>        /// <param name="parameters">存儲過程參數</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static void RunProcedureT(OracleTransaction trans, string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)        {            OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(storedProcName, trans.Connection);            command.Transaction = trans;            command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;            foreach (OracleParameter parameter in parameters)            {                command.Parameters.Add(parameter);            }            command.ExecuteNonQuery();        }        /// <summary>        /// 构建 OracleCommand 对象(用来返回一个结果集,而不是一个整数值)        /// </summary>        /// <param name="connection">数据库连接</param>        /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>        /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>        /// <returns>OracleCommand</returns>        private static OracleCommand BuildQueryCommand(OracleConnection connection, string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)        {            OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(storedProcName, connection);            command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;            foreach (OracleParameter parameter in parameters)            {                command.Parameters.Add(parameter);            }            return command;        }        /// <summary>        /// 创建 OracleCommand 对象实例(用来返回一个整数值)	        /// </summary>        /// <param name="storedProcName">存储过程名</param>        /// <param name="parameters">存储过程参数</param>        /// <returns>OracleCommand 对象实例</returns>        private static OracleCommand BuildIntCommand(OracleConnection connection, string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters)        {            OracleCommand command = BuildQueryCommand(connection, storedProcName, parameters);            command.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("ReturnValue",                OracleDbType.Int32, 4, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue,                false, 0, 0, string.Empty, DataRowVersion.Default, null));            return command;        }        #endregion        #region        public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(string connectionString, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params OracleParameter[] commandParameters)        {            if (connectionString == null || connectionString.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");            // Create & open a SqlConnection, and dispose of it after we are done            using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))            {                connection.Open();                // Call the overload that takes a connection in place of the connection string                return ExecuteDataset(connection, commandType, commandText, commandParameters);            }        }        public static DataSet ExecuteDataset(OracleConnection connection, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params OracleParameter[] commandParameters)        {            if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");            // Create a command and prepare it for execution            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();            bool mustCloseConnection = false;            PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, (OracleTransaction)null, commandType, commandText, commandParameters, out mustCloseConnection);            // Create the DataAdapter & DataSet            using (OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd))            {                DataSet ds = new DataSet();                // Fill the DataSet using default values for DataTable names, etc                da.Fill(ds);                // Detach the SqlParameters from the command object, so they can be used again                cmd.Parameters.Clear();                if (mustCloseConnection)                    connection.Close();                // Return the dataset                return ds;            }        }        private static void PrepareCommand(OracleCommand command, OracleConnection connection, OracleTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, OracleParameter[] commandParameters, out bool mustCloseConnection)        {            if (command == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("command");            if (commandText == null || commandText.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("commandText");            // If the provided connection is not open, we will open it            if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)            {                mustCloseConnection = true;                connection.Open();            }            else            {                mustCloseConnection = false;            }            // Associate the connection with the command            command.Connection = connection;            // Set the command text (stored procedure name or SQL statement)            command.CommandText = commandText;            // If we were provided a transaction, assign it            if (transaction != null)            {                if (transaction.Connection == null) throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked or commited, please provide an open transaction.", "transaction");                command.Transaction = transaction;            }            // Set the command type            command.CommandType = commandType;            // Attach the command parameters if they are provided            if (commandParameters != null)            {                AttachParameters(command, commandParameters);            }            return;        }        private static void AttachParameters(OracleCommand command, OracleParameter[] commandParameters)        {            if (command == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("command");            if (commandParameters != null)            {                foreach (OracleParameter p in commandParameters)                {                    if (p != null)                    {                        // Check for derived output value with no value assigned                        if ((p.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput ||                            p.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) &&                            (p.Value == null))                        {                            p.Value = DBNull.Value;                        }                        command.Parameters.Add(p);                    }                }            }        }        #endregion        /// <summary>        /// 构造插入SQL语句        /// </summary>        /// <typeparam name="T">实体类型</typeparam>        /// <param name="model">实体</param>        /// <param name="dbtype">数据库类型</param>        /// <param name="table_name">表名</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static BuildSqlResult buildInsertSQL<T>(T model, string table_name, BuildDbType dbtype)            where T : class        {            if (model == null) return null;            string strSQL_pre = "insert into " + table_name + "(";            string strSQL_last = " values(";            int _index = 0;            BuildSqlResult bsr = new BuildSqlResult();            switch (dbtype)            {                case BuildDbType.Oracle:                    bsr.oraParams = new List<OracleParameter>();                    break;                case BuildDbType.Informix:                    bsr.odbcParams = new List<OdbcParameter>();                    break;                case BuildDbType.IfxAdo:                    bsr.ifxParams = new List<IfxParameter>();                    break;            }            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in typeof(T).GetProperties())            {                //集合属性不能加入                if ((pi.PropertyType.Name != typeof(List<>).Name) && (pi.Name != "ROWID") && IsValid(pi))                {                    object value = pi.GetValue(model, null);                    if (value != null)                    {                        if (_index > 0)                        {                            strSQL_pre += ",";                            strSQL_last += ",";                        }                        else                        {                            _index++;                        }                        strSQL_pre += pi.Name;                        if (dbtype.Equals(BuildDbType.Oracle))                        {                            strSQL_last += ":" + pi.Name;                            bsr.oraParams.Add(new OracleParameter(":" + pi.Name, value));                        }                        else if (dbtype.Equals(BuildDbType.Informix))                        {                            strSQL_last += "?";                            bsr.odbcParams.Add(new OdbcParameter(_index.ToString(), value));                        }                        else if (dbtype.Equals(BuildDbType.IfxAdo))                        {                            strSQL_last += "?";                            bsr.ifxParams.Add(new IfxParameter(_index.ToString(), value));                        }                    }                }            }            strSQL_pre += ")";            strSQL_last += ")";            bsr.SQL = strSQL_pre + strSQL_last;            return bsr;        }        /// <summary>        /// 构造更新SQL语句        /// </summary>        /// <typeparam name="T">实体类型</typeparam>        /// <param name="model">实体</param>        /// <param name="dbtype">数据库类型</param>        /// <param name="table_name">表名</param>        /// <param name="keyFields">條件字段</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static BuildSqlResult buildUpdateSQL<T>(T model, string table_name, BuildDbType dbtype, List<string> keyFields)            where T : class        {            if (model == null) return null;            BuildSqlResult bsr = new BuildSqlResult();            object objParams = null;            switch (dbtype)            {                case BuildDbType.Informix:                    bsr.odbcParams = new List<OdbcParameter>();                    objParams = new List<OdbcParameter>();                    break;                case BuildDbType.Oracle:                    bsr.oraParams = new List<OracleParameter>();                    objParams = new List<OracleParameter>();                    break;                case BuildDbType.IfxAdo:                    bsr.ifxParams = new List<IfxParameter>();                    objParams = new List<IfxParameter>();                    break;            }            bsr.SQL = "update " + table_name + " set ";            string conditionSQL = string.Empty;            int _index = 0;            int _keyCount = 0;            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in typeof(T).GetProperties())            {                //集合属性不能加入                if (pi.PropertyType.Name != typeof(List<>).Name && IsValid(pi))                {                    object value = pi.GetValue(model, null);                    if (value != null)                    {                        if (!keyFields.Contains(pi.Name.ToUpper()))                        {                            if (_index > 0)                            {                                bsr.SQL += ",";                            }                            else                            {                                bsr.SQL += " ";                                _index++;                            }                            switch (dbtype)                            {                                case BuildDbType.Informix:                                    bsr.SQL += pi.Name + " = ? ";                                    bsr.odbcParams.Add(new OdbcParameter(_index.ToString(), value));                                    break;                                case BuildDbType.Oracle:                                    bsr.SQL += pi.Name + "=:" + pi.Name;                                    bsr.oraParams.Add(new OracleParameter(":" + pi.Name, value));                                    break;                                case BuildDbType.IfxAdo:                                    bsr.SQL += pi.Name + " = ? ";                                    bsr.ifxParams.Add(new IfxParameter(_index.ToString(), value));                                    break;                            }                        }                        else                        {                            _keyCount++;                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditionSQL))                            {                                conditionSQL += " WHERE ";                            }                            else                            {                                conditionSQL += " AND ";                            }                            switch (dbtype)                            {                                case BuildDbType.Informix:                                    conditionSQL += pi.Name + " = ? ";                                    (objParams as List<OdbcParameter>).Add(new OdbcParameter(_index.ToString(), value));                                    break;                                case BuildDbType.Oracle:                                    conditionSQL += pi.Name + "=:" + pi.Name;                                    (objParams as List<OracleParameter>).Add(new OracleParameter(":" + pi.Name, value));                                    break;                                case BuildDbType.IfxAdo:                                    conditionSQL += pi.Name + " = ? ";                                    (objParams as List<IfxParameter>).Add(new IfxParameter(_index.ToString(), value));                                    break;                            }                        }                    }                }            }            if (_keyCount != keyFields.Count)            {                throw new Exception("【keyFields】条件值与参数不匹配!");            }            bsr.SQL += conditionSQL;            switch (dbtype)            {                case BuildDbType.Informix:                    bsr.odbcParams.AddRange(objParams as List<OdbcParameter>);                    break;                case BuildDbType.Oracle:                    bsr.oraParams.AddRange(objParams as List<OracleParameter>);                    break;                case BuildDbType.IfxAdo:                    bsr.ifxParams.AddRange(objParams as List<IfxParameter>);                    break;            }            return bsr;        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 数据库类型    /// </summary>    public enum BuildDbType    {        Oracle = 1,        Informix = 2,        IfxAdo = 3    }    /// <summary>    /// 構建SQL時的返回結果    /// </summary>    public class BuildSqlResult    {        /// <summary>        /// SQL語句        /// </summary>        public string SQL { set; get; }        /// <summary>        /// Oracle參數列表        /// </summary>        public List<OracleParameter> oraParams { set; get; }        /// <summary>        /// ODBC參數列表        /// </summary>        public List<OdbcParameter> odbcParams { set; get; }        /// <summary>        /// Informix Ado參數列表        /// </summary>        public List<IfxParameter> ifxParams { set; get; }    }    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)]    public class SqlBuildAttribute : Attribute    {        private string _flag;        /// <summary>        /// SQL语句建立标志        /// </summary>        public string Flag        {            get { return _flag; }            set { _flag = value; }        }        public SqlBuildAttribute() { }        public SqlBuildAttribute(string flag)        {            this._flag = flag;        }    }}


using IBM.Data.Informix;using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Linq;using System.Reflection;namespace DbHelper{    public abstract class IfxDbHelper    {        public static readonly string ConnectionStringLocalTransaction = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnStr"];        //Create a hashtable for the parameter cached        private static Hashtable parmCache = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());        /// <summary>        /// 执行查询语句,返回DataSet        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">查询语句</param>        /// <returns>DataSet</returns>        public static DataSet Query(string connectionString, string SQLString)        {            using (IfxConnection connection = new IfxConnection(connectionString))            {                DataSet ds = new DataSet();                try                {                    connection.Open();                    IfxDataAdapter command = new IfxDataAdapter(SQLString, connection);                    command.Fill(ds, "ds");                }                catch (IfxException ex)                {                    throw new Exception(ex.Message);                }                finally                {                    if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)                    {                        connection.Close();                    }                }                return ds;            }        }        public static DataSet Query(string connectionString, string SQLString, params IfxParameter[] cmdParms)        {            using (IfxConnection connection = new IfxConnection(connectionString))            {                IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();                PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, SQLString, cmdParms);                using (IfxDataAdapter da = new IfxDataAdapter(cmd))                {                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();                    try                    {                        da.Fill(ds, "ds");                        cmd.Parameters.Clear();                    }                    catch (IfxException ex)                    {                        throw new Exception(ex.Message);                    }                    finally                    {                        if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)                        {                            connection.Close();                        }                    }                    return ds;                }            }        }        public static DataSet Query(IfxTransaction tran, string SQLString, params IfxParameter[] cmdParams)        {            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            cmd.Transaction = tran;            cmd.Connection = tran.Connection;            cmd.CommandText = SQLString;            cmd.Parameters.AddRange(cmdParams);            using (IfxDataAdapter da = new IfxDataAdapter(cmd))            {                try                {                    da.Fill(ds);                }                catch (Exception)                {                    throw;                }            }            return ds;        }        public static List<T> Query<T>(string connStr, string strSQL, params IfxParameter[] cmdParams) where T : new()        {            using (IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(connStr))            {                conn.Open();                IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(strSQL, conn);                PrepareCommand(cmd, conn, null, strSQL, cmdParams);                List<T> modelList = new List<T>();                Type tType = typeof(T);                PropertyInfo[] piList = tType.GetProperties();                using (IfxDataReader odr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))                {                    DataTable dt = odr.GetSchemaTable();                    IEnumerable<string> columns = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(p => p.Field<string>("ColumnName"));                    while (odr.Read())                    {                        T model = new T();                        foreach (PropertyInfo pi in piList)                        {                            if (columns.Contains(pi.Name.ToLower()))                            {                                if (pi != null && odr[pi.Name] != null && odr[pi.Name] != DBNull.Value)                                {                                    object objvalue = odr[pi.Name];                                    if (pi.PropertyType.FullName.IndexOf("System.Decimal") > -1)                                    {                                        if (objvalue == null || objvalue.ToString() == "")                                        {                                            objvalue = null;                                        }                                        else                                        {                                            objvalue = Convert.ToDecimal(objvalue);                                        }                                    }                                    if (pi.PropertyType.FullName.IndexOf("System.DateTime") > 0)                                    {                                        if (objvalue == null || objvalue.ToString() == "")                                        {                                            objvalue = null;                                        }                                        else                                        {                                            objvalue = Convert.ToDateTime(objvalue);                                        }                                    }                                    if (objvalue != null)                                    {                                        if (pi.PropertyType.IsGenericType && pi.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))                                        {                                            pi.SetValue(model, Convert.ChangeType(objvalue, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pi.PropertyType)), null);                                        }                                        else                                        {                                            pi.SetValue(model, objvalue, null);                                        }                                    }                                }                            }                        }                        modelList.Add(model);                    }                }                return modelList;            }        }        public static DataTable Query1(string connStr, string strSQL, params IfxParameter[] cmdParams)        {            using (IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(connStr))            {                IfxDataReader odr = null;                DataTable dt = null;                try                {                    conn.Open();                    IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(strSQL, conn);                    PrepareCommand(cmd, conn, null, strSQL, cmdParams);                    odr = cmd.ExecuteReader();                    dt = new DataTable();                    for (int i = 0; i < odr.FieldCount; i++)                    {                        dt.Columns.Add(odr.GetName(i));                    }                    while (odr.Read())                    {                        DataRow row = dt.NewRow();                        for (int i = 0; i < odr.FieldCount; i++)                        {                            row[i] = odr.GetValue(i);                        }                        dt.Rows.Add(row);                    }                }                catch (Exception)                {                }                finally                {                    if (!odr.IsClosed)                    {                        odr.Close();                        odr.Dispose();                    }                    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)                    {                        conn.Close();                        conn.Dispose();                    }                }                return dt;            }        }        private static void PrepareCommand(IfxCommand cmd, IfxConnection conn, IfxTransaction trans, string cmdText, IfxParameter[] cmdParms)        {            if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)                conn.Open();            cmd.Connection = conn;            cmd.CommandText = cmdText;            if (trans != null)                cmd.Transaction = trans;            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;//cmdType;            cmd.CommandTimeout = 3600;//延長數據庫的連接時間。            if (cmdParms != null)            {                foreach (IfxParameter parameter in cmdParms)                {                    if ((parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput || parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input) &&                        (parameter.Value == null))                    {                        parameter.Value = DBNull.Value;                    }                    cmd.Parameters.Add(parameter);                }            }        }        public static bool Exists(string connectionString, string strOdbc)        {            object obj = IfxDbHelper.GetSingle(connectionString, strOdbc);            int cmdresult;            if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))            {                cmdresult = 0;            }            else            {                cmdresult = int.Parse(obj.ToString());            }            if (cmdresult == 0)            {                return false;            }            else            {                return true;            }        }                public static bool Exists(string connectionString, string strSQL, params IfxParameter[] cmdParms)        {            object obj = IfxDbHelper.GetSingle(connectionString, strSQL, cmdParms);            int cmdresult;            if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))            {                cmdresult = 0;            }            else            {                cmdresult = int.Parse(obj.ToString());            }            if (cmdresult == 0)            {                return false;            }            else            {                return true;            }        }        public static bool Exists(IfxTransaction trans, string strSQL, params IfxParameter[] cmdParms)        {            object obj = IfxDbHelper.GetSingle(trans, strSQL, cmdParms);            int cmdresult;            if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))            {                cmdresult = 0;            }            else            {                cmdresult = int.Parse(obj.ToString());            }            if (cmdresult == 0)            {                return false;            }            else            {                return true;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Execute a database query which does not include a select        /// </summary>        /// <param name="connString">Connection string to database</param>        /// <param name="cmdType">Command type either stored procedure or SQL</param>        /// <param name="cmdText">Acutall SQL Command</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">Parameters to bind to the command</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string connectionString, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, params IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            // Create a new ODBC command            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            //Create a connection            using (IfxConnection connection = new IfxConnection(connectionString))            {                //Prepare the command                PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, cmdType, cmdText, commandParameters);                //Execute the command                int val = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                connection.Close();                cmd.Parameters.Clear();                return val;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Execute an IfxCommand (that returns no resultset) against an existing database transaction         /// using the provided parameters.        /// </summary>        /// <remarks>        /// e.g.:          ///  int result = ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders", new IfxParameter(":prodid", 24));        /// </remarks>        /// <param name="trans">an existing database transaction</param>        /// <param name="commandType">the CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>        /// <param name="commandText">the stored procedure name or PL/SQL command</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">an array of OdbcParamters used to execute the command</param>        /// <returns>an int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>        public static int ExecuteNonQuery(IfxTransaction trans, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, params IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            PrepareCommand(cmd, trans.Connection, trans, cmdType, cmdText, commandParameters);            int val = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            cmd.Parameters.Clear();            return val;        }        /// <summary>        /// Execute an IfxCommand (that returns no resultset) against an existing database connection         /// using the provided parameters.        /// </summary>        /// <remarks>        /// e.g.:          ///  int result = ExecuteNonQuery(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders", new IfxParameter(":prodid", 24));        /// </remarks>        /// <param name="conn">an existing database connection</param>        /// <param name="commandType">the CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>        /// <param name="commandText">the stored procedure name or PL/SQL command</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">an array of OdbcParamters used to execute the command</param>        /// <returns>an int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>        public static int ExecuteNonQuery(IfxConnection connection, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, params IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, cmdType, cmdText, commandParameters);            int val = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            cmd.Parameters.Clear();            return val;        }        /// <summary>        /// Execute an IfxCommand (that returns no resultset) against an existing database connection         /// using the provided parameters.        /// </summary>        /// <remarks>        /// e.g.:          ///  int result = ExecuteNonQuery(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders", new IfxParameter(":prodid", 24));        /// </remarks>        /// <param name="conn">an existing database connection</param>        /// <param name="commandText">the stored procedure name or PL/SQL command</param>        /// <returns>an int representing the number of rows affected by the command</returns>        public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string connectionString, string cmdText)        {            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            IfxConnection connection = new IfxConnection(connectionString);            PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, CommandType.Text, cmdText, null);            int val = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            cmd.Parameters.Clear();            return val;        }        /// <summary>        /// Execute a select query that will return a result set        /// </summary>        /// <param name="connectionString">Connection string</param>        /// <param name="cmdType">the CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>        /// <param name="cmdText">the stored procedure name or PL/SQL command</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">an array of OdbcParamters used to execute the command</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static IfxDataReader ExecuteReader(string connectionString, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, params IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(connectionString);            try            {                //Prepare the command to execute                PrepareCommand(cmd, conn, null, cmdType, cmdText, commandParameters);                IfxDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);                cmd.Parameters.Clear();                return rdr;            }            catch            {                conn.Close();                throw;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Execute an IfxCommand that returns the first column of the first record against the database specified in the connection string         /// using the provided parameters.        /// </summary>        /// <remarks>        /// e.g.:          ///  Object obj = ExecuteScalar(connString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders", new IfxParameter(":prodid", 24));        /// </remarks>        /// <param name="connectionString">a valid connection string for a SqlConnection</param>        /// <param name="commandType">the CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>        /// <param name="commandText">the stored procedure name or PL/SQL command</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">an array of OdbcParamters used to execute the command</param>        /// <returns>An object that should be converted to the expected type using Convert.To{Type}</returns>        public static object ExecuteScalar(string connectionString, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, params IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            using (IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(connectionString))            {                PrepareCommand(cmd, conn, null, cmdType, cmdText, commandParameters);                object val = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                cmd.Parameters.Clear();                return val;            }        }        ///	<summary>        ///	Execute	a IfxCommand (that returns a 1x1 resultset)	against	the	specified SqlTransaction        ///	using the provided parameters.        ///	</summary>        ///	<param name="transaction">A	valid SqlTransaction</param>        ///	<param name="commandType">The CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>        ///	<param name="commandText">The stored procedure name	or PL/SQL command</param>        ///	<param name="commandParameters">An array of	OdbcParamters used to execute the command</param>        ///	<returns>An	object containing the value	in the 1x1 resultset generated by the command</returns>        public static object ExecuteScalar(IfxTransaction transaction, CommandType commandType, string commandText, params IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            if (transaction == null)                throw new ArgumentNullException("transaction");            if (transaction != null && transaction.Connection == null)                throw new ArgumentException("The transaction was rollbacked	or commited, please	provide	an open	transaction.", "transaction");            // Create a	command	and	prepare	it for execution            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            PrepareCommand(cmd, transaction.Connection, transaction, commandType, commandText, commandParameters);            // Execute the command & return	the	results            object retval = cmd.ExecuteScalar();            // Detach the SqlParameters	from the command object, so	they can be	used again            cmd.Parameters.Clear();            return retval;        }        /// <summary>        /// Execute an IfxCommand that returns the first column of the first record against an existing database connection         /// using the provided parameters.        /// </summary>        /// <remarks>        /// e.g.:          ///  Object obj = ExecuteScalar(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "PublishOrders", new IfxParameter(":prodid", 24));        /// </remarks>        /// <param name="conn">an existing database connection</param>        /// <param name="commandType">the CommandType (stored procedure, text, etc.)</param>        /// <param name="commandText">the stored procedure name or PL/SQL command</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">an array of OdbcParamters used to execute the command</param>        /// <returns>An object that should be converted to the expected type using Convert.To{Type}</returns>        public static object ExecuteScalar(IfxConnection connectionString, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, params IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();            PrepareCommand(cmd, connectionString, null, cmdType, cmdText, commandParameters);            object val = cmd.ExecuteScalar();            cmd.Parameters.Clear();            return val;        }        /// <summary>        /// Add a set of parameters to the cached        /// </summary>        /// <param name="cacheKey">Key value to look up the parameters</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">Actual parameters to cached</param>        public static void CacheParameters(string cacheKey, params IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            parmCache[cacheKey] = commandParameters;        }        /// <summary>        /// Fetch parameters from the cache        /// </summary>        /// <param name="cacheKey">Key to look up the parameters</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static IfxParameter[] GetCachedParameters(string cacheKey)        {            IfxParameter[] cachedParms = (IfxParameter[])parmCache[cacheKey];            if (cachedParms == null)                return null;            // If the parameters are in the cache            IfxParameter[] clonedParms = new IfxParameter[cachedParms.Length];            // return a copy of the parameters            for (int i = 0, j = cachedParms.Length; i < j; i++)                clonedParms[i] = (IfxParameter)((ICloneable)cachedParms[i]).Clone();            return clonedParms;        }        /// <summary>        /// Internal function to prepare a command for execution by the database        /// </summary>        /// <param name="cmd">Existing command object</param>        /// <param name="conn">Database connection object</param>        /// <param name="trans">Optional transaction object</param>        /// <param name="cmdType">Command type, e.g. stored procedure</param>        /// <param name="cmdText">Command test</param>        /// <param name="commandParameters">Parameters for the command</param>        private static void PrepareCommand(IfxCommand cmd, IfxConnection conn, IfxTransaction trans, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, IfxParameter[] commandParameters)        {            //Open the connection if required            if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)                conn.Open();            //Set up the command            cmd.Connection = conn;            cmd.CommandText = cmdText;            cmd.CommandType = cmdType;            //Bind it to the transaction if it exists            if (trans != null)                cmd.Transaction = trans;            // Bind the parameters passed in            if (commandParameters != null)            {                foreach (IfxParameter parm in commandParameters)                    cmd.Parameters.Add(parm);            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Converter to use boolean data type with Odbc        /// </summary>        /// <param name="value">Value to convert</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static string OraBit(bool value)        {            if (value)                return "Y";            else                return "N";        }        /// <summary>        /// Converter to use boolean data type with Odbc        /// </summary>        /// <param name="value">Value to convert</param>        /// <returns></returns>        public static bool OraBool(string value)        {            if (value.Equals("Y"))                return true;            else                return false;        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行多条SQL语句,实现数据库事务。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLStringList">多条SQL语句</param>		        public static bool ExecuteSqlTran(string conStr, List<CommandInfo> cmdList)        {            using (IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(conStr))            {                conn.Open();                IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();                cmd.Connection = conn;                IfxTransaction tx = conn.BeginTransaction();                cmd.Transaction = tx;                try                {                    foreach (CommandInfo c in cmdList)                    {                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.CommandText))                        {                            PrepareCommand(cmd, conn, tx, CommandType.Text, c.CommandText, (IfxParameter[])c.Parameters);                            if (c.EffentNextType == EffentNextType.WhenHaveContine || c.EffentNextType == EffentNextType.WhenNoHaveContine)                            {                                if (c.CommandText.ToLower().IndexOf("count(") == -1)                                {                                    tx.Rollback();                                    throw new Exception("Odbc:违背要求" + c.CommandText + "必须符合select count(..的格式");                                    //return false;                                }                                object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                                bool isHave = false;                                if (obj == null && obj == DBNull.Value)                                {                                    isHave = false;                                }                                isHave = Convert.ToInt32(obj) > 0;                                if (c.EffentNextType == EffentNextType.WhenHaveContine && !isHave)                                {                                    tx.Rollback();                                    throw new Exception("Odbc:违背要求" + c.CommandText + "返回值必须大于0");                                    //return false;                                }                                if (c.EffentNextType == EffentNextType.WhenNoHaveContine && isHave)                                {                                    tx.Rollback();                                    throw new Exception("Odbc:违背要求" + c.CommandText + "返回值必须等于0");                                    //eturn false;                                }                                continue;                            }                            int res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                            if (c.EffentNextType == EffentNextType.ExcuteEffectRows && res == 0)                            {                                tx.Rollback();                                throw new Exception("Odbc:违背要求" + c.CommandText + "必须有影像行");                                // return false;                            }                        }                    }                    tx.Commit();                    return true;                }                catch (IfxException E)                {                    tx.Rollback();                    throw E;                }                finally                {                    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)                    {                        conn.Close();                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行多条SQL语句,实现数据库事务。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLStringList">多条SQL语句</param>		        public static void ExecuteSqlTran(string connStr, List<String> SQLStringList)        {            using (IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(connStr))            {                conn.Open();                IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand();                cmd.Connection = conn;                IfxTransaction tx = conn.BeginTransaction();                cmd.Transaction = tx;                try                {                    foreach (string sql in SQLStringList)                    {                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))                        {                            cmd.CommandText = sql;                            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                        }                    }                    tx.Commit();                }                catch (IfxException E)                {                    tx.Rollback();                    throw new Exception(E.Message);                }                finally                {                    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)                    {                        conn.Close();                    }                }            }        }        public static int Count(string connectionString, string SQLString)        {            object obj = GetSingle(connectionString, SQLString);            if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value)            {                return Convert.ToInt32(obj);            }            return 0;        }        public static int Count(string connectionString, string SQLString, IfxParameter[] cmdParms)        {            object obj = GetSingle(connectionString, SQLString, cmdParms);            if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value)            {                return Convert.ToInt32(obj);            }            return 0;        }        public static int Count(IfxTransaction trans, string SQLString, IfxParameter[] cmdParms)        {            object obj = GetSingle(trans, SQLString, cmdParms);            if (obj != null && obj != DBNull.Value)            {                return Convert.ToInt32(obj);            }            return 0;        }        /// <summary>        /// 执行一条计算查询结果语句,返回查询结果(object)。        /// </summary>        /// <param name="SQLString">计算查询结果语句</param>        /// <returns>查询结果(object)</returns>        public static object GetSingle(string connectionString, string SQLString)        {            using (IfxConnection connection = new IfxConnection(connectionString))            {                using (IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(SQLString, connection))                {                    try                    {                        connection.Open();                        object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                        if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))                        {                            return null;                        }                        else                        {                            return obj;                        }                    }                    catch (IfxException ex)                    {                        throw new Exception(ex.Message);                    }                    finally                    {                        if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)                        {                            connection.Close();                        }                    }                }            }        }        public static object GetSingle(string connectionString, string SQLString, IfxParameter[] cmdParms)        {            using (IfxConnection connection = new IfxConnection(connectionString))            {                using (IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand())                {                    try                    {                        PrepareCommand(cmd, connection, null, SQLString, cmdParms);                        object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                        cmd.Parameters.Clear();                        if ((Object.Equals(obj, null)) || (Object.Equals(obj, System.DBNull.Value)))                        {                            return null;                        }                        else                        {                            return obj;                        }                    }                    catch (IfxException e)                    {                        throw new Exception(e.Message);                    }                }            }        }        public static object GetSingle(IfxTransaction trans, string SQLString, IfxParameter[] cmdParams)        {            using (IfxCommand cmd = new IfxCommand(SQLString, trans.Connection, trans))            {                cmd.Parameters.AddRange(cmdParams);                object obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar();                if (obj != DBNull.Value)                {                    return obj;                }                else                {                    return null;                }            }        }        //called a stored procedure        public static IfxDataReader callStoredProcedure(string connectionString, string procedureName, params IfxParameter[] cmdParms)        {            // Create a connection            IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(connectionString);            conn.Open();            IfxCommand spCmd = new IfxCommand(procedureName, conn);            //set command type             spCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;            //add params            //spCmd.Parameters.AddRange(cmdParms);            if (cmdParms != null)            {                foreach (IfxParameter parm in cmdParms)                    spCmd.Parameters.Add(parm);            }            IfxDataReader testDataReader;            try            {                testDataReader = spCmd.ExecuteReader();                testDataReader.Close();            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                throw new Exception(ex.Message);            }            // Close the connection            conn.Close();            return testDataReader;        }    }    public class CommandInfo    {        public object ShareObject = null;        public object OriginalData = null;        event EventHandler _solicitationEvent;        public event EventHandler SolicitationEvent        {            add            {                _solicitationEvent += value;            }            remove            {                _solicitationEvent -= value;            }        }        public void OnSolicitationEvent()        {            if (_solicitationEvent != null)            {                _solicitationEvent(this, new EventArgs());            }        }        public string CommandText;        public System.Data.Common.DbParameter[] Parameters;        public EffentNextType EffentNextType = EffentNextType.None;        public CommandInfo()        {        }        public CommandInfo(string sqlText, SqlParameter[] para)        {            this.CommandText = sqlText;            this.Parameters = para;        }        public CommandInfo(string sqlText, SqlParameter[] para, EffentNextType type)        {            this.CommandText = sqlText;            this.Parameters = para;            this.EffentNextType = type;        }    }    public enum EffentNextType    {        /// <summary>        /// 對其它語句無任何影響        /// </summary>        None,        /// <summary>        /// 當前語句必須為“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...”格式,如果存在則繼續執行,不存在回滾事務        /// </summary>        WhenHaveContine,        /// <summary>        /// 當前語句必須為“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...”格式,如果存在則繼續執行,不存在回滾事務        /// </summary>        WhenNoHaveContine,        /// <summary>        /// 當前語句影響到的行數必須大于0,否則回滾事務        /// </summary>        ExcuteEffectRows,        /// <summary>        /// 引發事件--當前語句必須為“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...”格式, 如果不存在則繼續執行,存在回滾事務        /// </summary>        SolicitationEvent    }}



public string GetToken(dynamic si){    try    {        var str = si.userInfo.Value;        string userStr = StringPlus.ToDESDecrypt(str, "mcebg.bi");        dynamic user =  JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(userStr);                SysWsUserBll userBll = new SysWsUserBll();        SYS_WS_USERS model = userBll.GetModel(user.userId.Value, user.password.Value);        if (model == null)        {            throw new Exception("【" + user.userId.Value + "】不存在,請與IT確認!");        }        if (model.USERPWD != user.password.Value)        {            throw new Exception("【" + user.password.Value + "】密碼不正確,請與IT確認!");        }        string token = StringPlus.ToDESEncrypt(str, user.password.Value);        msg = token;    }    catch (Exception ex)    {        msg = ex.Message;    }    return msg;}
public class ApiAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute{    public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)    {        var attributes = actionContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<AllowAnonymousAttribute>().OfType<AllowAnonymousAttribute>();        bool isAnonymous = attributes.Any(a => a is AllowAnonymousAttribute);        if (isAnonymous)        {            base.IsAuthorized(actionContext);            return;        }        //url获取token          var content = actionContext.Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"] as HttpContextBase;        //var token = content.Request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization").FirstOrDefault();        var token = actionContext.Request.Headers.Authorization.Parameter;        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))        {            if (PassAuthor(token))            {                base.IsAuthorized(actionContext);            }            else            {                HandleUnauthorizedRequest(actionContext);            }        }        else        {            HandleUnauthorizedRequest(actionContext);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 身份验签    /// </summary>    /// <returns></returns>    private bool PassAuthor(string token)    {        string userStr = StringPlus.ToDESDecrypt(token, "mcebg.bi");        dynamic user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(userStr);        SysWsUserBll userBll = new SysWsUserBll();        SYS_WS_USERS model = userBll.GetModel(user.userId.Value, user.password.Value);        if (model == null)        {            return false;        }        else        {            return true;        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 验证不通过 返回401    /// </summary>    /// <param name="actionContext"></param>    protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(HttpActionContext actionContext)    {        var response = actionContext.Response = actionContext.Response ?? new HttpResponseMessage();        response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;        response.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic");        response.Content = new StringContent("身份验签不通过", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");        //throw new HttpResponseException(response);    }}
public static string ToDESDecrypt(string decryptString, string sKey){    //加密碼Key必須8位 不夠補齊,長了截取    if (sKey.Length < 8)    {        int length = sKey.Length;        for (int i = 0; i < 8 - length; i++)        {            sKey += i;        }    }    else    {        sKey = sKey.Substring(0, 8);    }    byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sKey);    byte[] keyIV = keyBytes;    byte[] inputByteArry = new byte[decryptString.Length / 2];    int num2 = 0;    try    {        for (int i = 0; i < (decryptString.Length / 2); i++)        {            num2 = Convert.ToInt32(decryptString.Substring(i * 2, 2), 0x10);            inputByteArry[i] = (byte)num2;        }    }    catch    {        Console.Write("i = " + num2);    }    DESCryptoServiceProvider desProvider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();    // java 使用CCB模式,PKCS5Padding;     // C#默認的是CBC模式,PKCS7Padding, PKCS5Padding, PKCS7padding格式    desProvider.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;    desProvider.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;    MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();    CryptoStream crypStream = new CryptoStream(memStream, desProvider.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, keyIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);    crypStream.Write(inputByteArry, 0, inputByteArry.Length);    crypStream.FlushFinalBlock();    return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memStream.ToArray());}
public static string ToDESEncrypt(string encryptString, string sKey){    try    {        //加密碼Key必須8位 不夠補齊,長了截取        if (sKey.Length < 8)        {            int length = sKey.Length;            for (int i = 0; i < 8 - length; i++)            {                sKey += i;            }        }        else        {            sKey = sKey.Substring(0, 8);        }        byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sKey);        byte[] keyIV = keyBytes;        byte[] inputByteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptString);        DESCryptoServiceProvider desProvider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();        // Java默認的是ECB模式,PKCS5padding; C#默認的是CBC模式,PKCS7padding        desProvider.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;        desProvider.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;        MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();        CryptoStream crypStream = new CryptoStream(memStream, desProvider.CreateEncryptor(keyBytes, keyIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);        crypStream.Write(inputByteArray, 0, inputByteArray.Length);        crypStream.FlushFinalBlock();        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();        foreach (byte num in memStream.ToArray())        {            builder.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", num);        }        memStream.Close();        return builder.ToString();    }    catch (Exception ee)    {        return encryptString;    }}


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){    Hashtable headDt = new Hashtable();    headDt["USERID"] = "F1639711";//利潤中心代碼    headDt["USERPWD"] = "1111";//年月版本     string userInfo_json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(headDt);    string token = GetToken("F1680474", "123456", "mcebg.bi");    HttpPostClient("http://localhost:63114/api/SysWsUser/QueryData", token, userInfo_json);}public static string HttpPostClient(string url, string token, string jsonStr){    try    {        byte[] buf = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetBytes(jsonStr);        HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);        myRequest.Method = "POST";        myRequest.ContentType = "application/json";        myRequest.Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";        myRequest.Headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + token; //API請求需帶Token           myRequest.Timeout = 300000;        //寫入請求內容        Stream newStream = myRequest.GetRequestStream();        newStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);        newStream.Close();        HttpWebResponse myResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse();        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(myResponse.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);        string rtnData = reader.ReadToEnd(); //返回结果        reader.Close();        myResponse.Close();        return rtnData;    }    catch (Exception ex)    {        throw new Exception(ex.Message);    }}/// <summary>/// 獲取接口令牌/// </summary>/// <param name="passKEY">加密KEY值</param>/// <returns></returns>public static string GetToken(string userID, string userPwd, string passKEY){    try    {        //請求Token的用戶信息        Hashtable userHash = new Hashtable();        userHash["userId"] = userID;//API帳號        userHash["password"] = userPwd;//API密碼        userHash["applyTime"] = DateTime.UtcNow;//請求時間 10分鐘有效期  ERP API處理請求時會檢查時間                string userInfo_json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userHash);        //請求Token的用戶信息加密處理 用戶請求Token信息加密的sKey申請API帳號時會告知        string strUserInfo = StringHelper.ToDESEncrypt(userInfo_json, passKEY);        //加密后再包裝成json格式{"userInfo":"xxxxxxx"}        Hashtable ht_request = new Hashtable();        ht_request["userInfo"] = strUserInfo;        string req_json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ht_request);        byte[] buf = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetBytes(req_json);        //獲取Token POST請求        string url = "http://localhost:63114/api/SysWsUser/GetToken";        HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);        myRequest.Method = "POST";        myRequest.ContentLength = buf.Length;        myRequest.ContentType = "application/json";        myRequest.Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";        //寫入請求內容        Stream newStream = myRequest.GetRequestStream();        newStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);        newStream.Close();        //取得請求響應內容        HttpWebResponse myResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse();        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(myResponse.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);        string ReturnData = reader.ReadToEnd();        reader.Close();        myResponse.Close();        //JSON格式字符串轉換成正常字符串,得到加密后的Token        string result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(ReturnData);        //對有加密處理的Token做解密處理,解密的sKey為API密碼        return StringHelper.ToDESDecrypt(result, userHash["password"].ToString());    }    catch (Exception ex)    {        return ex.Message;    }}


private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){    WebAPM.WebAPM ws = new WebAPM.WebAPM();    WebAPM.TPSoap tpsoap = new WebAPM.TPSoap();    tpsoap.UserID = "****";    tpsoap.UserPWD = "***";    ws.TPSoapValue = tpsoap;    WebAPM.ServiceIn si = new WebAPM.ServiceIn();    string xmlCode = @"<dbPlant>11111</dbPlant>                        <PMI_FILE>                            <PMI03>1111</PMI03>                            <PMI04>備注說明</PMI04>                        </PMI_FILE>                        <PMJ_FILE>                            <PMJ03>123456</PMJ03>                            <PMJ05>RMB</PMJ05>                            <PMJ07>1.234</PMJ07>                            <PMJ09>2019/04/01 </PMJ09>                            <PMJ11>100 </PMJ11>                            <PMJ13>2019/12/31 </PMJ13>                        </PMJ_FILE> ";    string attachXml = @"<Attach>                        <fileName>{0}</fileName>                        <fileByte><![CDATA[{1}]]></fileByte>                        </Attach>";    StringBuilder attachXmls = new StringBuilder();    //第一個附件    FileStream fs = new FileStream("D:\\temp\\2dfa8ceb66a840b996ecca4175279227.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);    byte[] fileByte1 = StreamToBytes(fs);    fs.Close();    fs = null;    string fileStr = Convert.ToBase64String(fileByte1);    attachXmls.AppendFormat(attachXml, "2dfa8ceb66a840b996ecca4175279227.pdf", fileStr);    //第二個附件    //fs = new FileStream("D:\\temp\\2dfa8ceb66a840b996ecca4175279227.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);    //fileByte1 = StreamToBytes(fs);    //fs.Close();    //fs = null;    //fileStr = Convert.ToBase64String(fileByte1);    //attachXmls.AppendFormat(attachXml, "2dfa8ceb66a840b996ecca4175279227.pdf", fileStr);    //合并XML文件    xmlCode += attachXmls.ToString();    si.Content = StringHelper.EncodeBase64("UTF-8", "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><root>" + xmlCode + "</root>");    WebAPM.ServiceOut so = ws.AddCP(si);    if (so.Status == "Y")    {        string rtnXML = StringHelper.DecodeBase64("UTF-8", so.Message);    }}




  • 文件 - >新建 - >项目
  • Visual C# - >Web - >ASP.NET Web应用程序(.NET Framework)
  • 在下一个对话框中,如果选择Web API,这样它就会为项目准备所有基本的初始文件;如果选择Empty,记得勾选下面的MVC和Web API。
  • 右键单击“Controllers”,选择Add,然后选择Controller。在给定的对话框中,如果选择具有读/写操作的Web API 2 Controller,它将为控制器准备所有适当的CRUD操作;如果选择Web API 2 Controller-空白,它将建立一个空白的api控制器。



config.Routes.MapHttpRoute(   name: "DefaultApi",    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional },    constraints: new { id = @"\d*" });config.Routes.MapHttpRoute(    name: "ActionApi",    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });



private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){     Hashtable headDt = new Hashtable();     headDt["USERID"] = "111";//利潤中心代碼     headDt["USERPWD"] = "1111";//年月版本      var jsonSet = new JsonSerializerSettings();       string userInfo_json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(headDt, jsonSet);     HttpPostClient("http://localhost:63114/api/SysWsUser/QueryData", "1233", userInfo_json); } public static string HttpPostClient(string url, string token, string jsonStr) {     byte[] buf = Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetBytes(jsonStr);     HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);     myRequest.Method = "POST";     myRequest.ContentType = "application/json";     myRequest.Accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";     myRequest.Headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + token; //API請求需帶Token     myRequest.Timeout = 300000;         //寫入請求內容     Stream newStream = myRequest.GetRequestStream();     newStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);     newStream.Close();     HttpWebResponse myResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse();     StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(myResponse.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);     string rtnData = reader.ReadToEnd(); //返回结果     reader.Close();     myResponse.Close();     return rtnData; }



[HttpPost]public string QueryData(dynamic si)//[FromBody]SYS_WS_USERS ws{    HttpContextBase context = (HttpContextBase)Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"];//获取传统的context    HttpRequestBase request = context.Request;    var b = context.Request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization").FirstOrDefault();    byte[] bdate = new byte[context.Request.InputStream.Length];    context.Request.InputStream.Read(bdate, 0, bdate.Length);    var req = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(bdate);    req = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode(req);    var sjsonstr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(req);    var a = sjsonstr.USERID;    return msg;}
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