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原创 Java Note 3

Static Constructor public class Demo{ static int sint = 100; // static block 1 static{ sint = 10; } // static block 2 static{

2022-09-10 00:44:24 112 1

原创 Java Note 11

Concurrent contains parallel Switch back and forth among tasks on the same processor Run parallel on multiple processors (Parallel) Both means concurrent Keyword volatile means this variable is “Easy to change”, like the code below package com.tony; publi

2020-11-27 16:44:58 153 2

原创 Java Note 10

Chapter 17 Files, Streams and Object Serialization method skip() public long skip(long n) throws IOException We can't do seek but we can do read and skip Create Stream => I/O => Close Stream package com.tony; ​ import java.io.BufferedReader; i

2020-11-20 16:30:16 111

原创 Java Note 2

Object is a kind of structure. But primitive and reference, they are just somehow, values. public static void main(String[] args]){ List list = new ArrayList(); list.add("abc"); // list.add(Object e), means only an object can be added to a list .

2020-11-19 14:37:22 86

原创 A glimpse of DL

Chapter 6. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks Linear Threshold Unit LTU Accept inputs => multiply weight => weighted sum => step function => output Multiple LTU will have multiple outputs and create an output layer This solves linea

2020-11-16 16:32:22 162

原创 Java Note 9

Some Swing components JLabel JButton JRadioButton JTextField JTextArea JScrollPane JScrollPane(Component View, int vsbPolicy, int hsbPolicy) JTextField jTextField; JScrollPane jScrollPane = new JScrollPane(jTextField,ScrollPaneConstants.VER

2020-11-16 12:21:08 149

原创 Java Note 8

Chapter 11 Exception Handling In order to make our code robust, we would do Exception handling Traditional ones use throws throws throws and make exception handling code mixed with program code That's why we use SEH: try -- catch -- finally Under class

2020-11-06 16:37:58 141 2

原创 Java Note 1

Java是C系列的 早起另一种为pascal A to B to C to C++ 面向过程 to 面向对象 有了cpp 混合语言 为了做一个类似嵌入式系统的语言 实现跨平台 产生了一个cpp based language 也就是Java J2EE java 1.2 有一说一 我已经晕了 语法相对cpp简单一些 System.out.println("Hello World"); System CLASS out OBJECT println METHOD java1.8/jre/lib/rt.jar

2020-11-05 01:15:39 372

原创 Java Note 7

Interface: single method Comparable multi method Comparator marked interface Serializable Cloneable Interface contains constants and methods Something like: interface I1{ int size=0; void f(); } If a class achieves an interface, you nee

2020-11-05 00:45:42 72

原创 Java Note 6

Java Note 6 Finalizer: Using F-Queue to do GC F-Queue is a kind of data structure, stores the objects that have finalize() By orderly calling finalize() method achieves cleanup finalize() will only be called once during the lifetime of the object package c

2020-10-28 19:48:46 141 1



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