Android 12 Java trace 生成过程分析


在分析一些Android问题,比如ANR或Watchdog冻屏时,需要拿到相关进程的Java trace,然后分析是哪出了问题。但是这个Java trace是怎么生成的呢?在Android中的Java进程一般都是运行在art虚拟机之上的,而要拿到相关进程的Java trace,则需要它来完成相关dump操作。根据代码实现也能说明这一点,在art里面运行了一个 SignalCatcher 线程,专门用来处理这个逻辑。

SignalCatcher 线程启动后,会循环等待 SIGQUIT (信号3)的发生,当收到SIGQUIT后,会触发art去执行dump操作。当完成dump后,会通过socket连接到tombstoned,将trace输出到指定路径(通常在/data/anr下),接下来进行下一轮等待。因为art将SIGQUIT进行了拦截处理用来输出trace,因此并不会像linux进程一样默认会退出。

Watchdog(4) Trace生成过程一文中,我们分析了发生Watchdog时抓Java trace的流程,从实现看是system_server发送了SIGQUIT到目标进程,然后触发SignalCatcher去进行dump,后者完成dump后会连接tombstoned去输出trace内容。本篇主要来讲SignalCatcher接收SIGQUIT,并产生Java trace生成的流程。


在一些有现场机器的时候,我们可能会再抓一个Java trace,看看最新的状态。如下命令是比较常见的,不过通常需要root权限:

  • debuggerd -j $pid
    输出指定进程的 java traces,可以重定向输出
  usage: debuggerd [-bj] PID

  -b, --backtrace    just a backtrace rather than a full tombstone
  -j                 collect java traces
  • kill -3 $pid
    直接发送 SIGQUIT , 在 /data/anr/ 生成trace


$ adb root
restarting adbd as root
$ adb shell pidof system_server
$ adb shell debuggerd -j 516 > system_server_trace.txt
$ adb shell kill -3 516
$ adb shell ls /data/anr
$ adb pull /data/anr/trace_02

trace 生成流程

从之前描述可知,SignalCatcher是生成Java trace的关键一环,我们首先来分析它。


在Android中,应用/system_server是由zygote进程启动的。在启动进程之后,会执行SpecializeCommon对进程进行专门化处理,而在此流程里会去启动 SignalCatcher。下面来看看这个流程:

/// @frameworks/base/core/jni/com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp
// Utility routine to specialize a zygote child process.
static void SpecializeCommon(JNIEnv* env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, jintArray gids, jint runtime_flags,
                             jobjectArray rlimits, jlong permitted_capabilities,
                             jlong effective_capabilities, jint mount_external,
                             jstring managed_se_info, jstring managed_nice_name,
                             bool is_system_server, bool is_child_zygote,
                             jstring managed_instruction_set, jstring managed_app_data_dir,
                             bool is_top_app, jobjectArray pkg_data_info_list,
                             jobjectArray allowlisted_data_info_list, bool mount_data_dirs,
                             bool mount_storage_dirs) {
    const char* process_name = is_system_server ? "system_server" : "zygote";
    auto fail_fn = std::bind(ZygoteFailure, env, process_name, managed_nice_name, _1);
    auto extract_fn = std::bind(ExtractJString, env, process_name, managed_nice_name, _1);
    SetGids(env, gids, is_child_zygote, fail_fn);
    SetRLimits(env, rlimits, fail_fn);
    if (setresgid(gid, gid, gid) == -1) {
        fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("setresgid(%d) failed: %s", gid, strerror(errno)));

    // Must be called when the new process still has CAP_SYS_ADMIN, in this case,
    // before changing uid from 0, which clears capabilities.  The other
    // alternative is to call prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1) afterward, but that
    // breaks SELinux domain transition (see b/71859146).  As the result,
    // privileged syscalls used below still need to be accessible in app process.
    SetUpSeccompFilter(uid, is_child_zygote);

    // Must be called before losing the permission to set scheduler policy.
    SetSchedulerPolicy(fail_fn, is_top_app);

    if (setresuid(uid, uid, uid) == -1) {
        fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("setresuid(%d) failed: %s", uid, strerror(errno)));
    // dumpable, 和抓 core dump 相关
    // The "dumpable" flag of a process, which controls core dump generation, is
    // overwritten by the value in /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable when the effective
    // user or group ID changes. See proc(5) for possible values. In most cases,
    // the value is 0, so core dumps are disabled for zygote children. However,
    // when running in a Chrome OS container, the value is already set to 2,
    // which allows the external crash reporter to collect all core dumps. Since
    // only system crashes are interested, core dump is disabled for app
    // processes. This also ensures compliance with CTS.
    int dumpable = prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE);
    if (dumpable == -1) {
        ALOGE("prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
        RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE) failed");

    if (dumpable == 2 && uid >= AID_APP) {
        if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0) == -1) {
            ALOGE("prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
            RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0) failed");

    // Set process properties to enable debugging if required.
    if ((runtime_flags & RuntimeFlags::DEBUG_ENABLE_JDWP) != 0) { // JDWP
    if ((runtime_flags & RuntimeFlags::PROFILE_FROM_SHELL) != 0) {
        // simpleperf needs the process to be dumpable to profile it.
        if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0) == -1) {
            ALOGE("prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE) failed: %s", strerror(errno));
            RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1) failed");

    HeapTaggingLevel heap_tagging_level;
    // ASAN
    bool forceEnableGwpAsan = false;
    switch (runtime_flags & RuntimeFlags::GWP_ASAN_LEVEL_MASK) {
        case RuntimeFlags::GWP_ASAN_LEVEL_NEVER:
        case RuntimeFlags::GWP_ASAN_LEVEL_ALWAYS:
            forceEnableGwpAsan = true;
        case RuntimeFlags::GWP_ASAN_LEVEL_LOTTERY:
            android_mallopt(M_INITIALIZE_GWP_ASAN, &forceEnableGwpAsan, sizeof(forceEnableGwpAsan));
    // Now that we've used the flag, clear it so that we don't pass unknown flags to the ART
    // runtime.
    runtime_flags &= ~RuntimeFlags::GWP_ASAN_LEVEL_MASK;
    SetCapabilities(permitted_capabilities, effective_capabilities, permitted_capabilities,
    const char* se_info_ptr = se_info.has_value() ? se_info.value().c_str() : nullptr;
    const char* nice_name_ptr = nice_name.has_value() ? nice_name.value().c_str() : nullptr;
    // selinux
    if (selinux_android_setcontext(uid, is_system_server, se_info_ptr, nice_name_ptr) == -1) {
        fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("selinux_android_setcontext(%d, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\") failed", uid,
                             is_system_server, se_info_ptr, nice_name_ptr));
    // 设置线程名
    // Make it easier to debug audit logs by setting the main thread's name to the
    // nice name rather than "app_process".
    if (nice_name.has_value()) {
    } else if (is_system_server) {

    // Unset the SIGCHLD handler, but keep ignoring SIGHUP (rationale in SetSignalHandlers).
    UnsetChldSignalHandler(); // Sets the SIGCHLD handler back to default behavior in zygote children.
    // 调用 Zygote 的 callPostForkChildHooks
    env->CallStaticVoidMethod(gZygoteClass, gCallPostForkChildHooks, runtime_flags,
                              is_system_server, is_child_zygote, managed_instruction_set);

    // Reset the process priority to the default value.


/// @frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/os/
// This function is called from native code in com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp
private static void callPostForkChildHooks(int runtimeFlags, boolean isSystemServer,
        boolean isZygote, String instructionSet) {
    ZygoteHooks.postForkChild(runtimeFlags, isSystemServer, isZygote, instructionSet);


/// @dalvik/system/
 * Called by the zygote in the child process after every fork.
 * @param runtimeFlags The runtime flags to apply to the child process.
 * @param isSystemServer Whether the child process is system server.
 * @param isChildZygote Whether the child process is a child zygote.
 * @param instructionSet The instruction set of the child, used to determine
 *                       whether to use a native bridge.
 * @hide
@SystemApi(client = MODULE_LIBRARIES)
@libcore.api.CorePlatformApi(status = libcore.api.CorePlatformApi.Status.STABLE)
public static void postForkChild(int runtimeFlags, boolean isSystemServer,
        boolean isChildZygote, String instructionSet) {
    // 进入 native 方法     
    nativePostForkChild(token, runtimeFlags, isSystemServer, isChildZygote, instructionSet);


    // Enable memory-mapped coverage if JaCoCo is in the boot classpath. system_server is
    // skipped due to being persistent and having its own coverage writing mechanism.
    if (!isSystemServer && enableMemoryMappedDataMethod != null) {
      try {
      } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

// Hook for all child processes post forking.
private static native void nativePostForkChild(long token, int runtimeFlags,
                                               boolean isSystemServer, boolean isZygote,
                                               String instructionSet);


/// @art/runtime/native/
static void ZygoteHooks_nativePostForkChild(JNIEnv* env,
                                            jlong token,
                                            jint runtime_flags,
                                            jboolean is_system_server,
                                            jboolean is_zygote,
                                            jstring instruction_set) {
  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
  if (instruction_set != nullptr && !is_system_server) {
    ScopedUtfChars isa_string(env, instruction_set);
    InstructionSet isa = GetInstructionSetFromString(isa_string.c_str());
    Runtime::NativeBridgeAction action = Runtime::NativeBridgeAction::kUnload;
    if (isa != InstructionSet::kNone && isa != kRuntimeISA) {
      action = Runtime::NativeBridgeAction::kInitialize;
    runtime->InitNonZygoteOrPostFork(env, is_system_server, is_zygote, action, isa_string.c_str());
  } else { // 调用 runtime 的 InitNonZygoteOrPostFork
        /*isa=*/ nullptr,


void Runtime::InitNonZygoteOrPostFork(JNIEnv* env, bool is_system_server,
    // This is true when we are initializing a child-zygote. It requires
    // native bridge initialization to be able to run guest native code in
    // doPreload().
    bool is_child_zygote, NativeBridgeAction action, const char* isa, bool profile_system_server) {
  // Create the thread pools.
  // Avoid creating the runtime thread pool for system server since it will not be used and would
  // waste memory.
  if (!is_system_server) {
    ScopedTrace timing("CreateThreadPool");
    constexpr size_t kStackSize = 64 * KB;
    constexpr size_t kMaxRuntimeWorkers = 4u;
    const size_t num_workers =
        std::min(static_cast<size_t>(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()), kMaxRuntimeWorkers);
    MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::runtime_thread_pool_lock_);
    CHECK(thread_pool_ == nullptr);
    thread_pool_.reset(new ThreadPool("Runtime", num_workers, /*create_peers=*/false, kStackSize));

  // Reset the gc performance data and metrics at zygote fork so that the events from
  // before fork aren't attributed to an app.
  StartSignalCatcher(); // 启动 SignalCatcher

  // Start the JDWP thread. If the command-line debugger flags specified "suspend=y",
  // this will pause the runtime (in the internal debugger implementation), so we probably want
  // this to come last.


/// @art/runtime/
void Runtime::StartSignalCatcher() {
  if (!is_zygote_) {
    signal_catcher_ = new SignalCatcher();
/// @art/runtime/
    : lock_("SignalCatcher lock"),
      cond_("SignalCatcher::cond_", lock_),
      thread_(nullptr) {
  // 创建 Signal Catcher 线程, 启动后调用 Run 函数
  // Create a raw pthread; its start routine will attach to the runtime.
  CHECK_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_create, (&pthread_, nullptr, &Run, this), "signal catcher thread");

  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
  MutexLock mu(self, lock_);
  while (thread_ == nullptr) { // 等待新线程创建并attach到runtime
/// @art/runtime/
void* SignalCatcher::Run(void* arg) {
  SignalCatcher* signal_catcher = reinterpret_cast<SignalCatcher*>(arg);
  CHECK(signal_catcher != nullptr);

  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
  CHECK(runtime->AttachCurrentThread("Signal Catcher", true, runtime->GetSystemThreadGroup(),
                                     !runtime->IsAotCompiler())); // attach到runtime

  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
  DCHECK_NE(self->GetState(), kRunnable);
    MutexLock mu(self, signal_catcher->lock_);
    signal_catcher->thread_ = self;

  // Set up mask with signals we want to handle.
  SignalSet signals;
  signals.Add(SIGQUIT); // 将 SIGQUIT 信号加入信号集

  while (true) {
    // 等待信号集的信号发生
    int signal_number = signal_catcher->WaitForSignal(self, signals);
    if (signal_catcher->ShouldHalt()) {
      return nullptr;

    switch (signal_number) {
    case SIGQUIT:
      signal_catcher->HandleSigQuit(); // 处理 quit 信号 3
    case SIGUSR1:
      LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected signal %d" << signal_number;

SignalCatcher处理 SIGQUIT

当 SignalCatcher 接收到信号 SIGQUIT 时,会去调用signal_catcher->HandleSigQuit执行dump操作


/// @art/runtime/
void SignalCatcher::HandleSigQuit() {
  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
  std::ostringstream os;
  os << "\n" << "----- pid " << getpid() << " at " << GetIsoDate() << " -----\n";

  DumpCmdLine(os);  // 输出 /proc/self/cmdline

  // Note: The strings "Build fingerprint:" and "ABI:" are chosen to match the format used by
  // debuggerd. This allows, for example, the stack tool to work.
  std::string fingerprint = runtime->GetFingerprint(); // 输出 fingerprint
  os << "Build fingerprint: '" << (fingerprint.empty() ? "unknown" : fingerprint) << "'\n";
  os << "ABI: '" << GetInstructionSetString(runtime->GetInstructionSet()) << "'\n";

  os << "Build type: " << (kIsDebugBuild ? "debug" : "optimized") << "\n";

  runtime->DumpForSigQuit(os); // runtime dump 操作

  if ((false)) {
    std::string maps;
    if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/self/maps", &maps)) {
      os << "/proc/self/maps:\n" << maps;
  os << "----- end " << getpid() << " -----\n";


static void DumpCmdLine(std::ostream& os) {
#if defined(__linux__)
  // Show the original command line, and the current command line too if it's changed.
  // On Android, /proc/self/cmdline will have been rewritten to something like "system_server".
  // Note: The string "Cmd line:" is chosen to match the format used by debuggerd.
  std::string current_cmd_line;
  if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/self/cmdline", &current_cmd_line)) {
    current_cmd_line.resize(current_cmd_line.find_last_not_of('\0') + 1);  // trim trailing '\0's
    std::replace(current_cmd_line.begin(), current_cmd_line.end(), '\0', ' ');

    os << "Cmd line: " << current_cmd_line << "\n"; // 输出 Cmd line
    const char* stashed_cmd_line = GetCmdLine();
    if (stashed_cmd_line != nullptr && current_cmd_line != stashed_cmd_line
            && strcmp(stashed_cmd_line, "<unset>") != 0) {
      os << "Original command line: " << stashed_cmd_line << "\n";
  os << "Cmd line: " << GetCmdLine() << "\n";

signal quit 时 dump runtime 内部的一些状态

/// @art/runtime/
void Runtime::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {
  if (GetJit() != nullptr) {
  } else {
    os << "Running non JIT\n";
  os << "\n";


  // Inform anyone else who is interested in SigQuit.
    ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
/// @art/runtime/
void ClassLinker::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {
  ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
  ReaderMutexLock mu(soa.Self(), *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
  os << "Zygote loaded classes=" << NumZygoteClasses() << " post zygote classes="
     << NumNonZygoteClasses() << "\n";
  ReaderMutexLock mu2(soa.Self(), *Locks::dex_lock_);
  os << "Dumping registered class loaders\n";
  size_t class_loader_index = 0;  // 打印 class loaders
  for (const ClassLoaderData& class_loader : class_loaders_) {
    ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> loader =
    if (loader != nullptr) {
      os << "#" << class_loader_index++ << " " << loader->GetClass()->PrettyDescriptor() << ": [";
      bool saw_one_dex_file = false;
      for (const DexCacheData& dex_cache : dex_caches_) {
        if (dex_cache.IsValid() && dex_cache.class_table == class_loader.class_table) {
          if (saw_one_dex_file) {
            os << ":";
          saw_one_dex_file = true;
          os << dex_cache.dex_file->GetLocation();
      os << "]";
      bool found_parent = false;
      if (loader->GetParent() != nullptr) {
        size_t parent_index = 0;
        for (const ClassLoaderData& class_loader2 : class_loaders_) {
          ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> loader2 = ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader>::DownCast(
          if (loader2 == loader->GetParent()) {
            os << ", parent #" << parent_index;
            found_parent = true;
        if (!found_parent) {
          os << ", unregistered parent of type "
             << loader->GetParent()->GetClass()->PrettyDescriptor();
      } else {
        os << ", no parent";
      os << "\n";
  os << "Done dumping class loaders\n";
  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
  os << "Classes initialized: " << runtime->GetStat(KIND_GLOBAL_CLASS_INIT_COUNT) << " in "
     << PrettyDuration(runtime->GetStat(KIND_GLOBAL_CLASS_INIT_TIME)) << "\n";
/// @art/runtime/
void InternTable::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) const {
  os << "Intern table: " << StrongSize() << " strong; " << WeakSize() << " weak\n";
/// @art/runtime/jni/
void JavaVMExt::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {
  os << "JNI: CheckJNI is " << (check_jni_ ? "on" : "off");
  if (force_copy_) {
    os << " (with forcecopy)";
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    ReaderMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jni_globals_lock_);
    os << "; globals=" << globals_.Capacity();
    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jni_weak_globals_lock_);
    if (weak_globals_.Capacity() > 0) {
      os << " (plus " << weak_globals_.Capacity() << " weak)";
  os << '\n';

    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jni_libraries_lock_);
    os << "Libraries: " << Dumpable<Libraries>(*libraries_) << " (" << libraries_->size() << ")\n";
/// @art/runtime/gc/
void Heap::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {
  os << "Heap: " << GetPercentFree() << "% free, " << PrettySize(GetBytesAllocated()) << "/"
     << PrettySize(GetTotalMemory()) << "; " << GetObjectsAllocated() << " objects\n";

打印gc 信息

void Heap::DumpGcPerformanceInfo(std::ostream& os) {
  // Dump cumulative timings.
  os << "Dumping cumulative Gc timings\n";
  uint64_t total_duration = 0;
  // Dump cumulative loggers for each GC type.
  uint64_t total_paused_time = 0;
  for (auto* collector : garbage_collectors_) {
    total_duration += collector->GetCumulativeTimings().GetTotalNs();
    total_paused_time += collector->GetTotalPausedTimeNs();
  if (total_duration != 0) {
    const double total_seconds = total_duration / 1.0e9;
    const double total_cpu_seconds = GetTotalGcCpuTime() / 1.0e9;
    os << "Total time spent in GC: " << PrettyDuration(total_duration) << "\n";
    os << "Mean GC size throughput: "
       << PrettySize(GetBytesFreedEver() / total_seconds) << "/s"
       << " per cpu-time: "
       << PrettySize(GetBytesFreedEver() / total_cpu_seconds) << "/s\n";
    os << "Mean GC object throughput: "
       << (GetObjectsFreedEver() / total_seconds) << " objects/s\n";
  uint64_t total_objects_allocated = GetObjectsAllocatedEver();
  os << "Total number of allocations " << total_objects_allocated << "\n";
  os << "Total bytes allocated " << PrettySize(GetBytesAllocatedEver()) << "\n";
  os << "Total bytes freed " << PrettySize(GetBytesFreedEver()) << "\n";
  os << "Free memory " << PrettySize(GetFreeMemory()) << "\n";
  os << "Free memory until GC " << PrettySize(GetFreeMemoryUntilGC()) << "\n";
  os << "Free memory until OOME " << PrettySize(GetFreeMemoryUntilOOME()) << "\n";
  os << "Total memory " << PrettySize(GetTotalMemory()) << "\n";
  os << "Max memory " << PrettySize(GetMaxMemory()) << "\n";
  if (HasZygoteSpace()) {
    os << "Zygote space size " << PrettySize(zygote_space_->Size()) << "\n";
  os << "Total mutator paused time: " << PrettyDuration(total_paused_time) << "\n";
  os << "Total time waiting for GC to complete: " << PrettyDuration(total_wait_time_) << "\n";
  os << "Total GC count: " << GetGcCount() << "\n";
  os << "Total GC time: " << PrettyDuration(GetGcTime()) << "\n";
  os << "Total blocking GC count: " << GetBlockingGcCount() << "\n";
  os << "Total blocking GC time: " << PrettyDuration(GetBlockingGcTime()) << "\n";

    MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *gc_complete_lock_);
    if (gc_count_rate_histogram_.SampleSize() > 0U) {
      os << "Histogram of GC count per " << NsToMs(kGcCountRateHistogramWindowDuration) << " ms: ";
      os << "\n";
    if (blocking_gc_count_rate_histogram_.SampleSize() > 0U) {
      os << "Histogram of blocking GC count per "
         << NsToMs(kGcCountRateHistogramWindowDuration) << " ms: ";
      os << "\n";

  if (kDumpRosAllocStatsOnSigQuit && rosalloc_space_ != nullptr) {

  os << "Native bytes total: " << GetNativeBytes()
     << " registered: " << native_bytes_registered_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) << "\n";

  os << "Total native bytes at last GC: "
     << old_native_bytes_allocated_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) << "\n";

/// @art/runtime/
void OatFileManager::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {
  ReaderMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::oat_file_manager_lock_);
  std::vector<const OatFile*> boot_oat_files = GetBootOatFiles();
  for (const std::unique_ptr<const OatFile>& oat_file : oat_files_) {
    if (ContainsElement(boot_oat_files, oat_file.get())) {
    // 打印 oat location
    os << oat_file->GetLocation() << ": " << oat_file->GetCompilerFilter() << "\n";


/// @art/runtime/jit/
void Jit::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {

void Jit::DumpInfo(std::ostream& os) {
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), lock_);


void JitCodeCache::Dump(std::ostream& os) {
  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::jit_lock_);
  os << "Current JIT code cache size (used / resident): "
     << GetCurrentRegion()->GetUsedMemoryForCode() / KB << "KB / "
     << GetCurrentRegion()->GetResidentMemoryForCode() / KB << "KB\n"
     << "Current JIT data cache size (used / resident): "
     << GetCurrentRegion()->GetUsedMemoryForData() / KB << "KB / "
     << GetCurrentRegion()->GetResidentMemoryForData() / KB << "KB\n";
  if (!Runtime::Current()->IsZygote()) {
    os << "Zygote JIT code cache size (at point of fork): "
       << shared_region_.GetUsedMemoryForCode() / KB << "KB / "
       << shared_region_.GetResidentMemoryForCode() / KB << "KB\n"
       << "Zygote JIT data cache size (at point of fork): "
       << shared_region_.GetUsedMemoryForData() / KB << "KB / "
       << shared_region_.GetResidentMemoryForData() / KB << "KB\n";
  os << "Current JIT mini-debug-info size: " << PrettySize(GetJitMiniDebugInfoMemUsage()) << "\n"
     << "Current JIT capacity: " << PrettySize(GetCurrentRegion()->GetCurrentCapacity()) << "\n"
     << "Current number of JIT JNI stub entries: " << jni_stubs_map_.size() << "\n"
     << "Current number of JIT code cache entries: " << method_code_map_.size() << "\n"
     << "Total number of JIT baseline compilations: " << number_of_baseline_compilations_ << "\n"
     << "Total number of JIT optimized compilations: " << number_of_optimized_compilations_ << "\n"
     << "Total number of JIT compilations for on stack replacement: "
        << number_of_osr_compilations_ << "\n"
     << "Total number of JIT code cache collections: " << number_of_collections_ << std::endl;
void Runtime::DumpDeoptimizations(std::ostream& os) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i <= static_cast<size_t>(DeoptimizationKind::kLast); ++i) {
    if (deoptimization_counts_[i] != 0) {
      os << "Number of "
         << GetDeoptimizationKindName(static_cast<DeoptimizationKind>(i))
         << " deoptimizations: "
         << deoptimization_counts_[i]
         << "\n";
void Dump(std::ostream& os) {
  if (kEnableTrackingAllocator) {
    os << "Dumping native memory usage\n";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kAllocatorTagCount; ++i) {
      uint64_t bytes_used = g_bytes_used[i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
      uint64_t max_bytes_used = g_max_bytes_used[i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
      uint64_t total_bytes_used = g_total_bytes_used[i].load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
      if (total_bytes_used != 0) {
        os << static_cast<AllocatorTag>(i) << " active=" << bytes_used << " max="
           << max_bytes_used << " total=" << total_bytes_used << "\n";
void ThreadList::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {
    ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
    // Only print if we have samples.
    if (suspend_all_historam_.SampleSize() > 0) { // 打印 suspend histogram
      Histogram<uint64_t>::CumulativeData data;
      suspend_all_historam_.PrintConfidenceIntervals(os, 0.99, data);  // Dump time to suspend.
  bool dump_native_stack = Runtime::Current()->GetDumpNativeStackOnSigQuit();
  Dump(os, dump_native_stack); // dump 虚拟机线程
  // dump 没有attach到VM的线程
  DumpUnattachedThreads(os, dump_native_stack && kDumpUnattachedThreadNativeStackForSigQuit);


void ThreadList::Dump(std::ostream& os, bool dump_native_stack) {
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::thread_list_lock_);
    os << "DALVIK THREADS (" << list_.size() << "):\n"; // 打印虚拟机线程数
  if (self != nullptr) {
    DumpCheckpoint checkpoint(&os, dump_native_stack);
    size_t threads_running_checkpoint;
      // Use SOA to prevent deadlocks if multiple threads are calling Dump() at the same time.
      ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
      // 通过checkpoint去dump线程信息
      threads_running_checkpoint = RunCheckpoint(&checkpoint); // 注意此处的参数是checkpoint
    if (threads_running_checkpoint != 0) { // 等待dump完成
  } else {
    DumpUnattachedThreads(os, dump_native_stack);


size_t ThreadList::RunCheckpoint(Closure* checkpoint_function, Closure* callback) {
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();

  std::vector<Thread*> suspended_count_modified_threads;
  size_t count = 0;
    // 向所有线程发起checkpoint请求,让相关线程执行checkpoint_function,
    // 若线程已经处于suspend状态,则主动调用checkpoint_function来dump
    // Call a checkpoint function for each thread, threads which are suspended get their checkpoint
    // manually called.
    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::thread_list_lock_);
    MutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_);
    count = list_.size();
    for (const auto& thread : list_) {
      if (thread != self) {
        bool requested_suspend = false;
        while (true) {
          // 对runable线程请求一个checkpoint,当线程执行Checkpoint函数时调用checkpoint_function->Run
          if (thread->RequestCheckpoint(checkpoint_function)) {
            // This thread will run its checkpoint some time in the near future.
            if (requested_suspend) { // 请求过suspend,移除计数防止进入suspend
              // The suspend request is now unnecessary.
              bool updated =
                  thread->ModifySuspendCount(self, -1, nullptr, SuspendReason::kInternal);
              requested_suspend = false;
          } else {
            // The thread is probably suspended, try to make sure that it stays suspended.
            if (thread->GetState() == kRunnable) {// 是runable,继续请求checkpoint
              // Spurious fail, try again.
            // 非 runable
            if (!requested_suspend) {// 还没请求 suspend
              bool updated = // 增加suspend计数,防止状态改变
                  thread->ModifySuspendCount(self, +1, nullptr, SuspendReason::kInternal);
              requested_suspend = true; // 标记已请求
              if (thread->IsSuspended()) { //已suspend则直接跳出
              // The thread raced us to become Runnable. Try to RequestCheckpoint() again.
            } else { // 请求过suspend,并进入suspend
              // The thread previously raced our suspend request to become Runnable but
              // since it is suspended again, it must honor that suspend request now.
        if (requested_suspend) { // 请求过suspend,已进入suspend,则加入suspend线程队列
    // Run the callback to be called inside this critical section.
    if (callback != nullptr) {

  // Run the checkpoint on ourself while we wait for threads to suspend.
  checkpoint_function->Run(self); // dump自身,此线程是 SignalCatcher

  // Run the checkpoint on the suspended threads.
  for (const auto& thread : suspended_count_modified_threads) { // 主动调用suspend线程的checkpoint方法去dump
    // We know for sure that the thread is suspended at this point.
    checkpoint_function->Run(thread); // 关键,会去dump线程
      MutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_); // 减少suspend计数
      bool updated = thread->ModifySuspendCount(self, -1, nullptr, SuspendReason::kInternal);

    // Imitate ResumeAll, threads may be waiting on Thread::resume_cond_ since we raised their
    // suspend count. Now the suspend_count_ is lowered so we must do the broadcast.
    MutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_);
    Thread::resume_cond_->Broadcast(self); // 通知等待在resume_cond_的线程可以resume

  return count;

####### ThreadState

/// @art/runtime/thread_state.h
// State stored in our C++ class Thread.
// When we refer to "a suspended state", or when function names mention "ToSuspended" or
// "FromSuspended", we mean any state other than kRunnable, i.e. any state in which the thread is
// guaranteed not to access the Java heap. The kSuspended state is merely one of these.
enum ThreadState {
  //                                   Java
  //                                   Thread.State   JDWP state
  kTerminated = 66,                 // TERMINATED     TS_ZOMBIE has returned, but Thread* still around
  kRunnable,                        // RUNNABLE       TS_RUNNING   runnable
  kTimedWaiting,                    // TIMED_WAITING  TS_WAIT      in Object.wait() with a timeout
  kSleeping,                        // TIMED_WAITING  TS_SLEEPING  in Thread.sleep()
  kBlocked,                         // BLOCKED        TS_MONITOR   blocked on a monitor
  kWaiting,                         // WAITING        TS_WAIT      in Object.wait()
  kWaitingForLockInflation,         // WAITING        TS_WAIT      blocked inflating a thin-lock
  kWaitingForTaskProcessor,         // WAITING        TS_WAIT      blocked waiting for taskProcessor
  kWaitingForGcToComplete,          // WAITING        TS_WAIT      blocked waiting for GC
  kWaitingForCheckPointsToRun,      // WAITING        TS_WAIT      GC waiting for checkpoints to run
  kWaitingPerformingGc,             // WAITING        TS_WAIT      performing GC
  kWaitingForDebuggerSend,          // WAITING        TS_WAIT      blocked waiting for events to be sent
  kWaitingForDebuggerToAttach,      // WAITING        TS_WAIT      blocked waiting for debugger to attach
  kWaitingInMainDebuggerLoop,       // WAITING        TS_WAIT      blocking/reading/processing debugger events
  kWaitingForDebuggerSuspension,    // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting for debugger suspend all
  kWaitingForJniOnLoad,             // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting for execution of dlopen and JNI on load code
  kWaitingForSignalCatcherOutput,   // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting for signal catcher IO to complete
  kWaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,  // WAITING        TS_WAIT      blocking/reading/processing signals
  kWaitingForDeoptimization,        // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting for deoptimization suspend all
  kWaitingForMethodTracingStart,    // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting for method tracing to start
  kWaitingForVisitObjects,          // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting for visiting objects
  kWaitingForGetObjectsAllocated,   // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting for getting the number of allocated objects
  kWaitingWeakGcRootRead,           // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting on the GC to read a weak root
  kWaitingForGcThreadFlip,          // WAITING        TS_WAIT      waiting on the GC thread flip (CC collector) to finish
  kNativeForAbort,                  // WAITING        TS_WAIT      checking other threads are not run on abort.
  kStarting,                        // NEW            TS_WAIT      native thread started, not yet ready to run managed code
  kNative,                          // RUNNABLE       TS_RUNNING   running in a JNI native method
  kSuspended,                       // RUNNABLE       TS_RUNNING   suspended by GC or debugger

用于请求checkpoint,设置一个 checkpoint function

/// art/runtime/
bool Thread::RequestCheckpoint(Closure* function) {
  union StateAndFlags old_state_and_flags;
  old_state_and_flags.as_int = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_int;
  if (old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state != kRunnable) { // 非 kRunnable 直接返回
    return false;  // Fail, thread is suspended and so can't run a checkpoint.

  // We must be runnable to request a checkpoint.
  DCHECK_EQ(old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state, kRunnable);
  union StateAndFlags new_state_and_flags;
  new_state_and_flags.as_int = old_state_and_flags.as_int;
  new_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags |= kCheckpointRequest; // 设置kCheckpointRequest flag
  bool success = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_atomic_int.CompareAndSetStrongSequentiallyConsistent(
      old_state_and_flags.as_int, new_state_and_flags.as_int);
  if (success) {
    // Succeeded setting checkpoint flag, now insert the actual checkpoint.
    if (tlsPtr_.checkpoint_function == nullptr) {  // 设置 checkpoint function
      tlsPtr_.checkpoint_function = function;
    } else {
    CHECK_EQ(ReadFlag(kCheckpointRequest), true);
    TriggerSuspend(); // Trigger a suspend check by making the suspend_trigger_ TLS value an invalid pointer
  return success;


void Run(Thread* thread) override {
  // Note thread and self may not be equal if thread was already suspended at the point of the
  // request.
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
  CHECK(self != nullptr);
  std::ostringstream local_os;
    ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
    thread->Dump(local_os, dump_native_stack_, backtrace_map_.get()); // 执行thread的Dump方法
    // Use the logging lock to ensure serialization when writing to the common ostream.
    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::logging_lock_);
    *os_ << local_os.str() << std::endl;
void WaitForThreadsToRunThroughCheckpoint(size_t threads_running_checkpoint) {
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
  ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kWaitingForCheckPointsToRun);
  // 等待所有线程完成dump,每个线程执行完 DumpCheckpoint->Run, barrier_会减一
  bool timed_out = barrier_.Increment(self, threads_running_checkpoint, kDumpWaitTimeout);
  if (timed_out) {
    // Avoid a recursive abort.
    LOG((kIsDebugBuild && (gAborting == 0)) ? ::android::base::FATAL : ::android::base::ERROR)
        << "Unexpected time out during dump checkpoint.";


// A closure used by Thread::Dump.
class DumpCheckpoint final : public Closure {
  DumpCheckpoint(std::ostream* os, bool dump_native_stack) // 构造函数,初始化了Barrier
      : os_(os),
        // Avoid verifying count in case a thread doesn't end up passing through the barrier.
        // This avoids a SIGABRT that would otherwise happen in the destructor.
        barrier_(0, /*verify_count_on_shutdown=*/false),
        // 创建 BacktraceMap, 后面 dump stacks会用到
        backtrace_map_(dump_native_stack ? BacktraceMap::Create(getpid()) : nullptr),
        dump_native_stack_(dump_native_stack) {
    if (backtrace_map_ != nullptr) {
      backtrace_map_->SetSuffixesToIgnore(std::vector<std::string> { "oat", "odex" });
  // 线程执行Checkpoint 回调时会被调用。之前列过,此处省略内容
  void Run(Thread* thread) override { ...  }
  // 等待所有线程执行完Checkpoint 或者超时。之前列过,此处省略内容
  void WaitForThreadsToRunThroughCheckpoint(size_t threads_running_checkpoint) {...  }

  // The common stream that will accumulate all the dumps.
  std::ostream* const os_;
  // The barrier to be passed through and for the requestor to wait upon.
  Barrier barrier_;
  // A backtrace map, so that all threads use a shared info and don't reacquire/parse separately.
  std::unique_ptr<BacktraceMap> backtrace_map_;
  // Whether we should dump the native stack.
  const bool dump_native_stack_;


  • SignalCatcher线程对其他所有runable线程发起Checkpoint请求,设置checkpoint_function,当相关线程执行Checkpoint代码时,回调checkpoint_function->Run函数,而实际上调用的是 DumpCheckpoint::Run函数,在此函数中执行dump操作
  • SignalCatcher主动调用DumpCheckpoint::Run函数dump自身
  • SignalCatcher对所有已处于suspend的线程主动调用DumpCheckpoint::Run函数,去dump相关线程的trace
  • 真正实现dump操作是在Thread::Dump
  • SignalCatcher等待所有线程dump完成,或超时

下面是我引用的一段对 CheckPoint 的解释,可以见参考的链接

提到CheckPoint必须要提到safe point;
比如:当正在执行java代码的线程A执行到safepoint时,会执行CheckSuspend函数,在发现当前线程有 checkpoint request时,会在这个点执行线程的CheckPoint函数;如果发现当前线程有suspend request时,会进行SuspendCheck,使得线程进入Suspend状态(暂停);
所以说,ART CheckPoint应该是safepoint的一个功能实现;


/// @art/runtime/
void Thread::Dump(std::ostream& os, bool dump_native_stack, BacktraceMap* backtrace_map,
                  bool force_dump_stack) const {
  DumpState(os); // dump线程状态
  DumpStack(os, dump_native_stack, backtrace_map, force_dump_stack);// dump线程调用栈


// DumpState 输出
  "main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
    | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x7130ac28 self=0xe19c0010
    | sysTid=516 nice=-2 cgrp=foreground sched=0/0 handle=0xeffb1478
    | state=S schedstat=( 2130008115 1535572157 4795 ) utm=150 stm=62 core=2 HZ=100
    | stack=0xff564000-0xff566000 stackSize=8192KB
    | held mutexes=
// DumpStack 输出
// 首先是 native stack 输出
    native: #00 pc 00000b99  [vdso] (__kernel_vsyscall+9)
    native: #01 pc 000cf2cb  /apex/ (__epoll_pwait+43)
    native: #02 pc 00088f9d  /apex/ (epoll_wait+45)
    native: #03 pc 0001a003  /system/lib/ (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+259)
    native: #04 pc 00019e96  /system/lib/ (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+118)
//  接着是 Java stack 输出    
    native: #05 pc 0010ef8b  /system/lib/ (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, long long, int)+59)
    at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method)

如何看呢? 执行流的调用顺序是从下往上看的,越下面的执行的越早。

####### Thread::DumpState

void Thread::DumpState(std::ostream& os) const {
  Thread::DumpState(os, this, GetTid());

void Thread::DumpState(std::ostream& os, const Thread* thread, pid_t tid) {
  std::string group_name;
  int priority;
  bool is_daemon = false;
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();

  // If flip_function is not null, it means we have run a checkpoint
  // before the thread wakes up to execute the flip function and the
  // thread roots haven't been forwarded.  So the following access to
  // the roots (opeer or methods in the frames) would be bad. Run it
  // here. TODO: clean up.
  if (thread != nullptr) {
    ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
    Thread* this_thread = const_cast<Thread*>(thread);
    Closure* flip_func = this_thread->GetFlipFunction();
    if (flip_func != nullptr) {

  // Don't do this if we are aborting since the GC may have all the threads suspended. This will
  // cause ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked to deadlock.
  if (gAborting == 0 && self != nullptr && thread != nullptr && thread->tlsPtr_.opeer != nullptr) {
    ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self);
    priority = jni::DecodeArtField(WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_priority)
    is_daemon = jni::DecodeArtField(WellKnownClasses::java_lang_Thread_daemon)

    ObjPtr<mirror::Object> thread_group =

    if (thread_group != nullptr) {
      ArtField* group_name_field =
      ObjPtr<mirror::String> group_name_string =
      group_name = (group_name_string != nullptr) ? group_name_string->ToModifiedUtf8() : "<null>";
  } else if (thread != nullptr) {
    priority = thread->GetNativePriority();
  } else {
    palette_status_t status = PaletteSchedGetPriority(tid, &priority);

  std::string scheduler_group_name(GetSchedulerGroupName(tid));
  if (scheduler_group_name.empty()) {
    scheduler_group_name = "default";

  if (thread != nullptr) {
    os << '"' << *thread-> << '"'; // 线程名
    if (is_daemon) {  // 是否守护线程
      os << " daemon";
    os << " prio=" << priority   // 优先级
       << " tid=" << thread->GetThreadId()  // 线程内部id
       << " " << thread->GetState(); // 线程的状态
    if (thread->IsStillStarting()) { // 启动中
      os << " (still starting up)";
    os << "\n";
  } else { // 没有attach到VM的线程
    os << '"' << ::art::GetThreadName(tid) << '"'
       << " prio=" << priority
       << " (not attached)\n";

  if (thread != nullptr) {
    auto suspend_log_fn = [&]() REQUIRES(Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_) {
      os << "  | group=\"" << group_name << "\""
         << " sCount=" << thread->tls32_.suspend_count  // 线程挂起数
         << " ucsCount=" << thread->tls32_.user_code_suspend_count // How much of 'suspend_count_' is by request of user code
         << " flags=" << thread->tls32_.state_and_flags.as_struct.flags // ThreadFlag 标记位,
         << " obj=" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(thread->tlsPtr_.opeer) //对应的Thread对象 Our managed peer (an instance of java.lang.Thread).
         << " self=" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(thread) << "\n"; // 线程的地址
    if (Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_->IsExclusiveHeld(self)) {
      Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(self);  // For annotalysis.
    } else {
      MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_);

  os << "  | sysTid=" << tid  // 系统线程id
     << " nice=" << getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, static_cast<id_t>(tid)) // 调度优先级
     << " cgrp=" << scheduler_group_name; // 调度组,如 foreground,从/proc/self/task/$tid/cgroup读取
  if (thread != nullptr) {
    int policy;
    sched_param sp;
#if !defined(__APPLE__)
    // b/36445592 Don't use pthread_getschedparam since pthread may have exited.
    policy = sched_getscheduler(tid);
    if (policy == -1) {
      PLOG(WARNING) << "sched_getscheduler(" << tid << ")";
    int sched_getparam_result = sched_getparam(tid, &sp);
    if (sched_getparam_result == -1) {
      PLOG(WARNING) << "sched_getparam(" << tid << ", &sp)";
      sp.sched_priority = -1;
    CHECK_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_getschedparam, (thread->tlsPtr_.pthread_self, &policy, &sp),
    os << " sched=" << policy << "/" << sp.sched_priority // 调度策略
       << " handle=" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(thread->tlsPtr_.pthread_self);
  os << "\n";

  // Grab the scheduler stats for this thread.
  std::string scheduler_stats;
  if (android::base::ReadFileToString(StringPrintf("/proc/self/task/%d/schedstat", tid),
      && !scheduler_stats.empty()) { // 读取调度状态
    scheduler_stats = android::base::Trim(scheduler_stats);  // Lose the trailing '\n'.
  } else {
    scheduler_stats = "0 0 0";

  char native_thread_state = '?';
  int utime = 0;
  int stime = 0;
  int task_cpu = 0;
  GetTaskStats(tid, &native_thread_state, &utime, &stime, &task_cpu);

  os << "  | state=" << native_thread_state
     << " schedstat=( " << scheduler_stats << " )" // Running时间  Runable时间 Switch次数
     << " utm=" << utime  // 用户态所执行的时间
     << " stm=" << stime  // 内核态所执行的时间
     << " core=" << task_cpu  // 运行在的核心
     << " HZ=" << sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) << "\n"; // 时钟频率
  if (thread != nullptr) {
    os << "  | stack=" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(thread->tlsPtr_.stack_begin) << "-"
        << reinterpret_cast<void*>(thread->tlsPtr_.stack_end) << " stackSize=" // 栈地址空间
        << PrettySize(thread->tlsPtr_.stack_size) << "\n"; // 栈大小
    // Dump the held mutexes.
    os << "  | held mutexes=";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kLockLevelCount; ++i) {
      if (i != kMonitorLock) {
        BaseMutex* mutex = thread->GetHeldMutex(static_cast<LockLevel>(i));
        if (mutex != nullptr) {
          os << " \"" << mutex->GetName() << "\"";
          if (mutex->IsReaderWriterMutex()) {
            ReaderWriterMutex* rw_mutex = down_cast<ReaderWriterMutex*>(mutex);
            if (rw_mutex->GetExclusiveOwnerTid() == tid) {
              os << "(exclusive held)"; // 独占锁
            } else {
              os << "(shared held)";  // 共享锁
    os << "\n";

ThreadFlag 和ThreadPriority 相关定义如下

enum ThreadFlag {
  kSuspendRequest   = 1,  // If set implies that suspend_count_ > 0 and the Thread should enter the
                          // safepoint handler.
  kCheckpointRequest = 2,  // Request that the thread do some checkpoint work and then continue.
  kEmptyCheckpointRequest = 4,  // Request that the thread do empty checkpoint and then continue.
  kActiveSuspendBarrier = 8,  // Register that at least 1 suspend barrier needs to be passed.

// Thread priorities. These must match the Thread.MIN_PRIORITY, --> Java Thread常量
// Thread.NORM_PRIORITY, and Thread.MAX_PRIORITY constants.
enum ThreadPriority {
  kMinThreadPriority = 1,
  kNormThreadPriority = 5,
  kMaxThreadPriority = 10,

GetSchedulerGroupName 获取线程 cgroup

/// @art/runtime/
static std::string GetSchedulerGroupName(pid_t tid) {
  // /proc/<pid>/cgroup looks like this:
  // 2:devices:/
  // 1:cpuacct,cpu:/
  // We want the third field from the line whose second field contains the "cpu" token.
  std::string cgroup_file;
  if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(StringPrintf("/proc/self/task/%d/cgroup", tid),
                                       &cgroup_file)) {
    return "";
  std::vector<std::string> cgroup_lines; // cgroup 有很多行输出
  Split(cgroup_file, '\n', &cgroup_lines); // 分成行
  for (size_t i = 0; i < cgroup_lines.size(); ++i) {
    std::vector<std::string> cgroup_fields;
    Split(cgroup_lines[i], ':', &cgroup_fields); // 每行根据:分成多个段
    std::vector<std::string> cgroups;
    Split(cgroup_fields[1], ',', &cgroups);// 第二段根据,分成cgroups
    for (size_t j = 0; j < cgroups.size(); ++j) {
      if (cgroups[j] == "cpu") { // 取出组是cpu的描述
        return cgroup_fields[2].substr(1);  // Skip the leading slash. 跳过/
  return "";

$ cat task/569/cgroup                                                                                      
2:cpu:/foreground     --->  取出的是这一行的 foreground

GetTaskStats 获取task 状态,从 /proc/self/task/$tid/stat 读取

/// @art/libartbase/base/
void GetTaskStats(pid_t tid, char* state, int* utime, int* stime, int* task_cpu) {
  *utime = *stime = *task_cpu = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
  // TODO: implement this.
  *state = 'S';
  std::string stats;
  // TODO: make this less Linux-specific.
  if (!ReadFileToString(StringPrintf("/proc/self/task/%d/stat", tid), &stats)) {
  // Skip the command, which may contain spaces.
  stats = stats.substr(stats.find(')') + 2);//S 290 290 0 0 -1 1077936448 77524 0 908 0 2489 1282 ...
  // Extract the three fields we care about.
  std::vector<std::string> fields;
  Split(stats, ' ', &fields); // 空格分割多段
  *state = fields[0][0]; // 第一段的第一个字母 S/R 之类
  *utime = strtoull(fields[11].c_str(), nullptr, 10);
  *stime = strtoull(fields[12].c_str(), nullptr, 10);
  *task_cpu = strtoull(fields[36].c_str(), nullptr, 10);

说完DumpState,下面看 DumpStack 实现

####### Thread::DumpStack

void Thread::DumpStack(std::ostream& os, bool dump_native_stack,
                       BacktraceMap* backtrace_map, bool force_dump_stack) const {
  // TODO: we call this code when dying but may not have suspended the thread ourself. The
  //       IsSuspended check is therefore racy with the use for dumping (normally we inhibit
  //       the race with the thread_suspend_count_lock_).
  bool dump_for_abort = (gAborting > 0);
  bool safe_to_dump = (this == Thread::Current() || IsSuspended());// 是当前线程或处于suspend状态
  if (!kIsDebugBuild) {
    // We always want to dump the stack for an abort, however, there is no point dumping another
    // thread's stack in debug builds where we'll hit the not suspended check in the stack walk.
    safe_to_dump = (safe_to_dump || dump_for_abort); // 针对 abort 情况处理
  if (safe_to_dump || force_dump_stack) {
    // If we're currently in native code, dump that stack before dumping the managed stack.
    if (dump_native_stack && (dump_for_abort || force_dump_stack || ShouldShowNativeStack(this))) {
      ArtMethod* method =
                           /*check_suspended=*/ !force_dump_stack,
                           /*abort_on_error=*/ !(dump_for_abort || force_dump_stack));
      DumpNativeStack(os, GetTid(), backtrace_map, "  native: ", method); // dump native stacks
                  /*check_suspended=*/ !force_dump_stack,
                  /*dump_locks=*/ !force_dump_stack); // dump java stack
  } else {
    os << "Not able to dump stack of thread that isn't suspended";

####### DumpNativeStack

/// @art/runtime/
void DumpNativeStack(std::ostream& os,pid_t tid, BacktraceMap* existing_map, const char* prefix,
                     ArtMethod* current_method, void* ucontext_ptr, bool skip_frames) {
  // Historical note: This was disabled when running under Valgrind (b/18119146).

  BacktraceMap* map = existing_map;
  std::unique_ptr<BacktraceMap> tmp_map;
  if (map == nullptr) {
    map = tmp_map.get();
  // 使用 unwind 解析backtrace
  std::unique_ptr<Backtrace> backtrace(Backtrace::Create(BACKTRACE_CURRENT_PROCESS, tid, map));
  if (!backtrace->Unwind(0, reinterpret_cast<ucontext*>(ucontext_ptr))) {
    os << prefix << "(backtrace::Unwind failed for thread " << tid
       << ": " <<  backtrace->GetErrorString(backtrace->GetError()) << ")" << std::endl;
  } else if (backtrace->NumFrames() == 0) {
    os << prefix << "(no native stack frames for thread " << tid << ")" << std::endl;

  // Check whether we have and should use addr2line.
  bool use_addr2line;
  if (kUseAddr2line) { // 判断是否使用 addr2line 解析将地址转换成文件名/行号对
    // Try to run it to see whether we have it. Push an argument so that it doesn't assume a.out
    // and print to stderr.
    use_addr2line = (gAborting > 0) && RunCommand(FindAddr2line() + " -h");
  } else {
    use_addr2line = false;

  std::unique_ptr<Addr2linePipe> addr2line_state;
  // 输出pc每一行
  for (Backtrace::const_iterator it = backtrace->begin();
       it != backtrace->end(); ++it) {
    // We produce output like this:
    // ]    #00 pc 000075bb8  /system/lib/ (unwind_backtrace_thread+536)
    // In order for parsing tools to continue to function, the stack dump
    // format must at least adhere to this format:
    // The parsers require a single space before and after pc, and two spaces
    // after the <RELATIVE_ADDR>. There can be any prefix data before the
    // #XX. <RELATIVE_ADDR> has to be a hex number but with no 0x prefix.
    os << prefix << StringPrintf("#%02zu pc ", it->num);
    bool try_addr2line = false;
    if (!BacktraceMap::IsValid(it->map)) {
      os << StringPrintf(Is64BitInstructionSet(kRuntimeISA) ? "%016" PRIx64 "  \?\?\?"
                                                            : "%08" PRIx64 "  \?\?\?",
    } else {
      os << StringPrintf(Is64BitInstructionSet(kRuntimeISA) ? "%016" PRIx64 "  "
                                                            : "%08" PRIx64 "  ",
                         it->rel_pc); // 输出 pc 值
      if (it-> {
        os << StringPrintf("<anonymous:%" PRIx64 ">", it->map.start);
      } else {
        os << it->;
      if (it->map.offset != 0) { // map offset
        os << StringPrintf(" (offset %" PRIx64 ")", it->map.offset);
      os << " (";
      if (!it->func_name.empty()) { // 函数名及offset
        os << it->func_name;
        if (it->func_offset != 0) {
          os << "+" << it->func_offset;
        // Functions found using the gdb jit interface will be in an empty
        // map that cannot be found using addr2line.
        if (!it-> {
          try_addr2line = true;
      } else if (current_method != nullptr &&
          Locks::mutator_lock_->IsSharedHeld(Thread::Current()) &&
          PcIsWithinQuickCode(current_method, it->pc)) {
        const void* start_of_code = current_method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
        os << current_method->JniLongName() << "+"  //jni 函数
           << (it->pc - reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(start_of_code));
      } else {
        os << "???";
      os << ")";
    os << std::endl;
    if (try_addr2line && use_addr2line) { // 使用 addr2line 解析
      Addr2line(it->, it->rel_pc, os, prefix, &addr2line_state);

  if (addr2line_state != nullptr) {
    Drain(0, prefix, &addr2line_state, os); // 读取addr2line 解析结果输出到os

####### Thread::DumpJavaStack

void Thread::DumpJavaStack(std::ostream& os, bool check_suspended, bool dump_locks) const {
  // If flip_function is not null, it means we have run a checkpoint
  // before the thread wakes up to execute the flip function and the
  // thread roots haven't been forwarded.  So the following access to
  // the roots (locks or methods in the frames) would be bad. Run it
  // here. TODO: clean up.
    Thread* this_thread = const_cast<Thread*>(this);
    Closure* flip_func = this_thread->GetFlipFunction();
    if (flip_func != nullptr) {

  // Dumping the Java stack involves the verifier for locks. The verifier operates under the
  // assumption that there is no exception pending on entry. Thus, stash any pending exception.
  // Thread::Current() instead of this in case a thread is dumping the stack of another suspended
  // thread.
  ScopedExceptionStorage ses(Thread::Current());

  std::unique_ptr<Context> context(Context::Create());
  // 通过StackDumpVisitor输出,继承体系 StackDumpVisitor -> MonitorObjectsStackVisitor -> StackVisitor
  StackDumpVisitor dumper(os, const_cast<Thread*>(this), context.get(),
                          !tls32_.throwing_OutOfMemoryError, check_suspended, dump_locks);
  dumper.WalkStack(); // 调用 StackVisitor的WalkStack

####### StackVisitor::WalkStack

/// @art/runtime/
void StackVisitor::WalkStack(bool include_transitions) {
  if (check_suspended_) {
    DCHECK(thread_ == Thread::Current() || thread_->IsSuspended());
  CHECK_EQ(cur_depth_, 0U);
  size_t inlined_frames_count = 0;

  for (const ManagedStack* current_fragment = thread_->GetManagedStack();
       current_fragment != nullptr; current_fragment = current_fragment->GetLink()) {// 遍历管理的stack
    cur_shadow_frame_ = current_fragment->GetTopShadowFrame();
    cur_quick_frame_ = current_fragment->GetTopQuickFrame();
    cur_quick_frame_pc_ = 0;
    DCHECK(cur_oat_quick_method_header_ == nullptr);
    if (cur_quick_frame_ != nullptr) {  // Handle quick stack frames.
      // Can't be both a shadow and a quick fragment.
      DCHECK(current_fragment->GetTopShadowFrame() == nullptr);
      ArtMethod* method = *cur_quick_frame_;
      DCHECK(method != nullptr);
      bool header_retrieved = false;
      if (method->IsNative()) {
        // We do not have a PC for the first frame, so we cannot simply use
        // ArtMethod::GetOatQuickMethodHeader() as we're unable to distinguish there
        // between GenericJNI frame and JIT-compiled JNI stub; the entrypoint may have
        // changed since the frame was entered. The top quick frame tag indicates
        // GenericJNI here, otherwise it's either AOT-compiled or JNI-compiled JNI stub.
        if (UNLIKELY(current_fragment->GetTopQuickFrameTag())) {
          // The generic JNI does not have any method header.
          cur_oat_quick_method_header_ = nullptr;
        } else {
          const void* existing_entry_point = method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
          CHECK(existing_entry_point != nullptr);
          Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
          ClassLinker* class_linker = runtime->GetClassLinker();
          // Check whether we can quickly get the header from the current entrypoint.
          if (!class_linker->IsQuickGenericJniStub(existing_entry_point) &&
              !class_linker->IsQuickResolutionStub(existing_entry_point) &&
              existing_entry_point != GetQuickInstrumentationEntryPoint()) {
            cur_oat_quick_method_header_ =
          } else {
            const void* code = method->GetOatMethodQuickCode(class_linker->GetImagePointerSize());
            if (code != nullptr) {
              cur_oat_quick_method_header_ = OatQuickMethodHeader::FromEntryPoint(code);
            } else {
              // This must be a JITted JNI stub frame.
              CHECK(runtime->GetJit() != nullptr);
              code = runtime->GetJit()->GetCodeCache()->GetJniStubCode(method);
              CHECK(code != nullptr) << method->PrettyMethod();
              cur_oat_quick_method_header_ = OatQuickMethodHeader::FromCodePointer(code);
        header_retrieved = true;
      while (method != nullptr) {
        if (!header_retrieved) {
          cur_oat_quick_method_header_ = method->GetOatQuickMethodHeader(cur_quick_frame_pc_);
        header_retrieved = false;  // Force header retrieval in next iteration.

        if ((walk_kind_ == StackWalkKind::kIncludeInlinedFrames)
            && (cur_oat_quick_method_header_ != nullptr)
            && cur_oat_quick_method_header_->IsOptimized()
            && !method->IsNative()  // JNI methods cannot have any inlined frames.
            && CodeInfo::HasInlineInfo(cur_oat_quick_method_header_->GetOptimizedCodeInfoPtr())) {
          DCHECK_NE(cur_quick_frame_pc_, 0u);
          CodeInfo* code_info = GetCurrentInlineInfo();
          StackMap* stack_map = GetCurrentStackMap();
          if (stack_map->IsValid() && stack_map->HasInlineInfo()) {
            DCHECK_EQ(current_inline_frames_.size(), 0u);
            for (current_inline_frames_ = code_info->GetInlineInfosOf(*stack_map);
                 current_inline_frames_.pop_back()) {
              bool should_continue = VisitFrame();
              if (UNLIKELY(!should_continue)) {

        bool should_continue = VisitFrame();
        if (UNLIKELY(!should_continue)) {

        QuickMethodFrameInfo frame_info = GetCurrentQuickFrameInfo();
        if (context_ != nullptr) {
          context_->FillCalleeSaves(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(cur_quick_frame_), frame_info);
        // Compute PC for next stack frame from return PC.
        size_t frame_size = frame_info.FrameSizeInBytes();
        uintptr_t return_pc_addr = GetReturnPcAddr();
        uintptr_t return_pc = *reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(return_pc_addr);

        if (UNLIKELY(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(GetQuickInstrumentationExitPc()) == return_pc)) {
          // While profiling, the return pc is restored from the side stack, except when walking
          // the stack for an exception where the side stack will be unwound in VisitFrame.
          const std::map<uintptr_t, instrumentation::InstrumentationStackFrame>&
              instrumentation_stack = *thread_->GetInstrumentationStack();
          auto it = instrumentation_stack.find(return_pc_addr);
          CHECK(it != instrumentation_stack.end());
          const instrumentation::InstrumentationStackFrame& instrumentation_frame = it->second;
          if (GetMethod() ==
              Runtime::Current()->GetCalleeSaveMethod(CalleeSaveType::kSaveAllCalleeSaves)) {
            // Skip runtime save all callee frames which are used to deliver exceptions.
          } else if (instrumentation_frame.interpreter_entry_) {
            ArtMethod* callee =
            CHECK_EQ(GetMethod(), callee) << "Expected: " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(callee)
                                          << " Found: " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(GetMethod());
          } else if (!instrumentation_frame.method_->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
            // Trampolines get replaced with their actual method in the stack,
            // so don't do the check below for runtime methods.
            // Instrumentation generally doesn't distinguish between a method's obsolete and
            // non-obsolete version.
                << "Expected: "
                << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(instrumentation_frame.method_->GetNonObsoleteMethod())
                << " Found: " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(GetMethod()->GetNonObsoleteMethod());
          return_pc = instrumentation_frame.return_pc_;

        cur_quick_frame_pc_ = return_pc;
        uint8_t* next_frame = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(cur_quick_frame_) + frame_size;
        cur_quick_frame_ = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod**>(next_frame);

        if (kDebugStackWalk) {
          LOG(INFO) << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(method) << "@" << method << " size=" << frame_size
              << std::boolalpha
              << " optimized=" << (cur_oat_quick_method_header_ != nullptr &&
              << " native=" << method->IsNative()
              << std::noboolalpha
              << " entrypoints=" << method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode()
              << "," << (method->IsNative() ? method->GetEntryPointFromJni() : nullptr)
              << " next=" << *cur_quick_frame_;

        if (kCount == CountTransitions::kYes || !method->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
        method = *cur_quick_frame_;
      // We reached a transition frame, it doesn't have a method header.
      cur_oat_quick_method_header_ = nullptr;
    } else if (cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr) {
      do {
        bool should_continue = VisitFrame();
        if (UNLIKELY(!should_continue)) {
        cur_shadow_frame_ = cur_shadow_frame_->GetLink();
      } while (cur_shadow_frame_ != nullptr);
    if (include_transitions) {
      bool should_continue = VisitFrame();
      if (!should_continue) {
    if (kCount == CountTransitions::kYes) {
  if (num_frames_ != 0) {
    CHECK_EQ(cur_depth_, num_frames_);

从之前的分析,继承体系 StackDumpVisitor -> MonitorObjectsStackVisitor -> StackVisitor

####### MonitorObjectsStackVisitor::VisitFrame
执行逻辑 StartMethod -> 打印ThreadState、locks -> EndMethod

/// @art/runtime/
bool MonitorObjectsStackVisitor::VisitFrame() {
  ArtMethod* m = GetMethod();// 获取当前frame的方法
  if (m->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
    return true;

  VisitMethodResult vmrEntry = StartMethod(m, frame_count); // 开始访问方法
  switch (vmrEntry) {
    case VisitMethodResult::kContinueMethod:
    case VisitMethodResult::kSkipMethod:
      return true;
    case VisitMethodResult::kEndStackWalk:
      return false;

  if (frame_count == 0) {
    // Top frame, check for blocked state.

    ObjPtr<mirror::Object> monitor_object;
    uint32_t lock_owner_tid;
    ThreadState state = Monitor::FetchState(GetThread(),
    switch (state) {
      case kWaiting:
      case kTimedWaiting: // 输出wait状态 - waiting on
        VisitWaitingObject(monitor_object, state);
      case kSleeping: // 输出sleep状态, - sleeping on

      case kBlocked:
      case kWaitingForLockInflation: // 输出block状态,如 - waiting to lock
        VisitBlockedOnObject(monitor_object, state, lock_owner_tid);


  if (dump_locks) { // 输出lock
    // Visit locks, but do not abort on errors. This could trigger a nested abort.
    // Skip visiting locks if dump_locks is false as it would cause a bad_mutexes_held in
    // RegTypeCache::RegTypeCache due to thread_list_lock.
    Monitor::VisitLocks(this, VisitLockedObject, this, false);


  VisitMethodResult vmrExit = EndMethod(m); // 结束访问方法
  switch (vmrExit) {
    case VisitMethodResult::kContinueMethod:
    case VisitMethodResult::kSkipMethod:
      return true;

    case VisitMethodResult::kEndStackWalk:
      return false;
  LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";

MonitorObjectsStackVisitor类的很多行为都是抽象的,它的实现是 StackDumpVisitor,下面直接把它的实现贴出

/// @art/runtime/
struct StackDumpVisitor : public MonitorObjectsStackVisitor {
  StackDumpVisitor(std::ostream& os_in, Thread* thread_in, Context* context, bool can_allocate,
                   bool check_suspended = true, bool dump_locks = true)
      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) : MonitorObjectsStackVisitor(thread_in,
                                   context, check_suspended, can_allocate && dump_locks),
        os(os_in), last_method(nullptr), last_line_number(0), repetition_count(0) {}

  virtual ~StackDumpVisitor() {
    if (frame_count == 0) {  // 没有frame时打印
      os << "  (no managed stack frames)\n";

  static constexpr size_t kMaxRepetition = 3u;

  // 访问方法,打印出在哪个方法行号 如 at
  VisitMethodResult StartMethod(ArtMethod* m, size_t frame_nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
      override REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    m = m->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(kRuntimePointerSize);
    ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache = m->GetDexCache();
    int line_number = -1;
    if (dex_cache != nullptr) {  // be tolerant of bad input
      const DexFile* dex_file = dex_cache->GetDexFile();
      line_number = annotations::GetLineNumFromPC(dex_file, m, GetDexPc(false)); /// 获取行号,
    if (line_number == last_line_number && last_method == m) { // 处理重复行
    } else {
      if (repetition_count >= kMaxRepetition) {
        os << "  ... repeated " << (repetition_count - kMaxRepetition) << " times\n";
      repetition_count = 0;
      last_line_number = line_number;
      last_method = m;

    if (repetition_count >= kMaxRepetition) {
      // Skip visiting=printing anything.
      return VisitMethodResult::kSkipMethod;

    os << "  at " << m->PrettyMethod(false); // 输出在哪个方法
    if (m->IsNative()) {
      os << "(Native method)";  // native 方法后面附加
    } else {
      const char* source_file(m->GetDeclaringClassSourceFile());
      os << "(" << (source_file != nullptr ? source_file : "unavailable")
                       << ":" << line_number << ")"; // 非native还会打印文件名 行号
    os << "\n";
    // Go and visit locks.
    return VisitMethodResult::kContinueMethod;

  VisitMethodResult EndMethod(ArtMethod* m ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) override {
    return VisitMethodResult::kContinueMethod; // 返回继续进行
  // 打印waiting状态 ,如 - waiting on <0x038f04bd> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
  void VisitWaitingObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, ThreadState state ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
      override REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    PrintObject(obj, "  - waiting on ", ThreadList::kInvalidThreadId);
  // 打印sleep状态,如 - sleeping on <0x08ac2fb9> (a java.lang.Object)
  void VisitSleepingObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj)
      override REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    PrintObject(obj, "  - sleeping on ", ThreadList::kInvalidThreadId);
  // 打印 blocked 状态
  void VisitBlockedOnObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, ThreadState state, uint32_t owner_tid)
      override REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    const char* msg;
    switch (state) {
      case kBlocked:  // 等锁状态,
        msg = "  - waiting to lock ";

      case kWaitingForLockInflation:
        msg = "  - waiting for lock inflation of ";

        LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
    PrintObject(obj, msg, owner_tid);
  // 打印持锁信息 如- locked <0x02e64d80> (a$ProcessCpuThread)
  void VisitLockedObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj)
      override REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    PrintObject(obj, "  - locked ", ThreadList::kInvalidThreadId);

  void PrintObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj,  // 输出object状态
                   const char* msg,
                   uint32_t owner_tid) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
    if (obj == nullptr) {
      os << msg << "an unknown object";
    } else {
      if ((obj->GetLockWord(true).GetState() == LockWord::kThinLocked) &&
          Locks::mutator_lock_->IsExclusiveHeld(Thread::Current())) {
        // Getting the identity hashcode here would result in lock inflation and suspension of the
        // current thread, which isn't safe if this is the only runnable thread.
        os << msg << StringPrintf("<@addr=0x%" PRIxPTR "> (a %s)",
      } else {
        // - waiting on <0x6008c468> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
        // Call PrettyTypeOf before IdentityHashCode since IdentityHashCode can cause thread
        // suspension and move pretty_object.
        const std::string pretty_type(obj->PrettyTypeOf());
        os << msg << StringPrintf("<0x%08x> (a %s)", obj->IdentityHashCode(), pretty_type.c_str());
    if (owner_tid != ThreadList::kInvalidThreadId) { // 打印持锁线程信息
      os << " held by thread " << owner_tid;
    os << "\n";

  std::ostream& os;
  ArtMethod* last_method;
  int last_line_number;
  size_t repetition_count;
/// @art/runtime/base/
void BaseMutex::DumpAll(std::ostream& os) { // 输出 Mutex 信息
  if (kLogLockContentions) {
    os << "Mutex logging:\n";
    ScopedAllMutexesLock mu(reinterpret_cast<const BaseMutex*>(-1));
    std::set<BaseMutex*>* all_mutexes = gAllMutexData->all_mutexes;
    if (all_mutexes == nullptr) {
      // No mutexes have been created yet during at startup.
    os << "(Contended)\n";
    for (const BaseMutex* mutex : *all_mutexes) {
      if (mutex->HasEverContended()) {
        os << "\n";
    os << "(Never contented)\n";
    for (const BaseMutex* mutex : *all_mutexes) {
      if (!mutex->HasEverContended()) {
        os << "\n";



/// @art/runtime/
void SignalCatcher::Output(const std::string& s) {
  ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(Thread::Current(), kWaitingForSignalCatcherOutput);
  palette_status_t status = PaletteWriteCrashThreadStacks(, s.size());// 写Stacks数据
  if (status == PALETTE_STATUS_OK) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Wrote stack traces to tombstoned";
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write stack traces to tombstoned";

/// @art/libartpalette/apex/
palette_status_t PaletteWriteCrashThreadStacks(/*in*/const char* stack, size_t stack_len) {
  PaletteWriteCrashThreadStacksMethod m =
  return m(stack, stack_len);

PaletteWriteCrashThreadStacksMethod 对应的实现,实际上是 PaletteWriteCrashThreadStacks,这中间涉及一些比较复杂的宏转换。



  • 连接tombstoned,获取一个可输出的fd
  • 将 stacks 内容写入fd,然后执行同步操作并关闭fd
  • 通知tombstoned完成dump
/// @system/libartpalette/
palette_status_t PaletteWriteCrashThreadStacks(/*in*/ const char* stacks, size_t stacks_len) {
    android::base::unique_fd tombstone_fd;
    android::base::unique_fd output_fd;
    // 连接 tombstoned 获取一个输出stacks的 output_fd, 此处type 是 kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace
    if (!tombstoned_connect(getpid(), &tombstone_fd, &output_fd, kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace)) {
        // Failure here could be due to file descriptor resource exhaustion
        // so write the stack trace message to the log in case it helps
        // debug that.
        LOG(INFO) << std::string_view(stacks, stacks_len);
        // tombstoned_connect() logs failure reason.

    palette_status_t status = PALETTE_STATUS_OK;
    if (!android::base::WriteFully(output_fd, stacks, stacks_len)) {// 将stacks写入output_fd
        PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write tombstoned output";
        TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ftruncate(output_fd, 0));

    if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fdatasync(output_fd)) == -1 && errno != EINVAL) {// 执行同步操作
        // Ignore EINVAL so we don't report failure if we just tried to flush a pipe
        // or socket.
        if (status == PALETTE_STATUS_OK) {
            PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fsync tombstoned output";
        TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ftruncate(output_fd, 0));

    if (close(output_fd.release()) == -1 && errno != EINTR) {// 关闭output_fd
        if (status == PALETTE_STATUS_OK) {
            PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to close tombstoned output";

    if (!tombstoned_notify_completion(tombstone_fd)) { // 通知tombstoned完成dump
        // tombstoned_notify_completion() logs failure.

    return status;


tombstoned_connect 通过socket连接 tombstoned

/// @system/core/debuggerd/tombstoned/tombstoned_client.cpp
bool tombstoned_connect(pid_t pid, unique_fd* tombstoned_socket, unique_fd* text_output_fd,
                        DebuggerdDumpType dump_type) {
  return tombstoned_connect(pid, tombstoned_socket, text_output_fd, nullptr, dump_type);

bool tombstoned_connect(pid_t pid, unique_fd* tombstoned_socket, unique_fd* text_output_fd,
                        unique_fd* proto_output_fd, DebuggerdDumpType dump_type) {
  unique_fd sockfd(
      socket_local_client((dump_type != kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace ? kTombstonedCrashSocketName
                                                                : kTombstonedJavaTraceSocketName),
  if (sockfd == -1) {
    async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "libc", "failed to connect to tombstoned: %s",
    return false;

  TombstonedCrashPacket packet = {};
  packet.packet_type = CrashPacketType::kDumpRequest; = pid;
  packet.packet.dump_request.dump_type = dump_type; // 发送dump请求
  if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(sockfd, &packet, sizeof(packet))) != sizeof(packet)) {
    async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "libc", "failed to write DumpRequest packet: %s",
    return false;

  unique_fd tmp_output_fd, tmp_proto_fd;
  ssize_t rc = -1;
  // 连接后获取一个输出的 fd
  if (dump_type == kDebuggerdTombstoneProto) {
    rc = ReceiveFileDescriptors(sockfd, &packet, sizeof(packet), &tmp_output_fd, &tmp_proto_fd);
  } else {
    rc = ReceiveFileDescriptors(sockfd, &packet, sizeof(packet), &tmp_output_fd);

  if (rc == -1) {
    async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "libc",
                          "failed to read response to DumpRequest packet: %s", strerror(errno));
    return false;
  } else if (rc != sizeof(packet)) {
        ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "libc",
        "received DumpRequest response packet of incorrect length (expected %zu, got %zd)",
        sizeof(packet), rc);
    return false;

  // Make the fd O_APPEND so that our output is guaranteed to be at the end of a file.
  // (This also makes selinux rules consistent, because selinux distinguishes between writing to
  // a regular fd, and writing to an fd with O_APPEND).
  int flags = fcntl(tmp_output_fd.get(), F_GETFL);
  if (fcntl(tmp_output_fd.get(), F_SETFL, flags | O_APPEND) != 0) {
    async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "libc", "failed to set output fd flags: %s",

  *tombstoned_socket = std::move(sockfd);
  *text_output_fd = std::move(tmp_output_fd);
  if (proto_output_fd) {
    *proto_output_fd = std::move(tmp_proto_fd);
  return true;
tombstoned处理请求 - perform_request

根据 Android 12 进程native crash流程分析 中,可以知道当tombstoned收到dump请求后,会执行如下操作

  • 可以发现,当pid已经注册了Intercept列表,如Watchdog(4) Trace生成过程分析过一种注册过程,则会返回注册时添加的fd,会在指定的路径或文件生成trace。
  • 否则,返回一个临时fd,最终会在 /data/anr/下生成一个 trace_xx 文件
/// @system/core/debuggerd/tombstoned/tombstoned.cpp
static void perform_request(std::unique_ptr<Crash> crash) {
  unique_fd output_fd;
  // 这种情况通常是注册了一个dump请求,在Watchdog(4) Trace生成过程分析过一种注册过程
  // 就是调用 AMS#dumpStackTraces 流程
  bool intercepted =
      intercept_manager->GetIntercept(crash->crash_pid, crash->crash_type, &output_fd);
  if (intercepted) {
    if (crash->crash_type == kDebuggerdTombstoneProto) {
      crash->output.proto = CrashArtifact::devnull();
  } else {
    // 这种情况 获取输出文件fd, kill -3 会在 /data/anr/下生成一个 trace_xx 文件
    if (auto o = CrashQueue::for_crash(crash.get())->get_output(crash->crash_type); o) {
      crash->output = std::move(*o);
    } else {
      LOG(ERROR) << "failed to get crash output for type " << crash->crash_type;
  // 写响应给client,即crash_dump
  TombstonedCrashPacket response = {.packet_type = CrashPacketType::kPerformDump};

  ssize_t rc = -1;
  if (crash->output.proto) {
    rc = SendFileDescriptors(crash->crash_socket_fd, &response, sizeof(response), output_fd.get(),
  } else { // 写回输出的tombstone fd
    rc = SendFileDescriptors(crash->crash_socket_fd, &response, sizeof(response), output_fd.get());


  if (rc == -1) {
    PLOG(WARNING) << "failed to send response to CrashRequest";
  } else if (rc != sizeof(response)) {
    PLOG(WARNING) << "crash socket write returned short";

  // TODO: Make this configurable by the interceptor?
  struct timeval timeout = {10 * android::base::HwTimeoutMultiplier(), 0};

  event_base* base = event_get_base(crash->crash_event);
  // 监听crash dump 完成。 收到请求回调 crash_completed_cb
  event_assign(crash->crash_event, base, crash->crash_socket_fd, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_READ,
               crash_completed_cb, crash.get());
  event_add(crash->crash_event, &timeout);

  // The crash is now owned by the event loop.






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