

Palabos用户文档 的第六章

(一)The BlockXD data structures


The fundamental data structures which hold the variables of a simulation are of type Block2D for 2D simulations, and of type Block3D for simulation (in the following, we use the generic name BlockXD to keep the discussion short, although there exists no type BlockXD in Palabos). From the standpoint of a user, a BlockXD construct represents a regular 2D or 3D array (or matrix) of data. Behind the scenes, they are sometimes really implemented as regular arrays and sometimes as more complicated constructs, which allows for example memory savings through sparse memory implementations, or parallel program executions based on a data-parallel model.
The BlockXD structures are specializes for different areas of application. One type of specializations is used to specify the type of data stored in the blocks. To store the particle populations of a lattice Boltzmann simulation, and potentially other variables such as external forces, you’ll use a specialization in which the name Block is replaced by BlockLattice. To store a spatially extended scalar variable, the data type to use is a variant of the ScalarFieldXD, whereas vector- or tensor-valued fields are stored in a TensorFieldXD or similar. A second type of specialization is applied to specify the nature of the underlying data structure. The AtomicBlockXD data structure stands essentially for a regular data array, whereas the MultiBlockXD is a complex construct in which the space corresponding to a BlockXD is partially or entirely covered by smaller blocks of type AtomicBlockXD. The MultiBlockXD and the AtomicBlockXD have practically the same user interface, and you are urged to systematically use the more general MultiBlockXD in end-user applications. It is almost as efficient as the AtomicBlockXD for regular problems, it can be used to represent irregular domains, and it is automatically parallelizable.

The following figure illustrates the C++ inheritance hierarchy between the various specializations of the BlockXD :

The figure shows, as an example, a few functions implemented at each level of the inheritance hierarchy. For example, all blocks of type “block-lattice” have a method collideAndStream(), no matter if they are implemented as a multi-block or an atomic-block. In the same way, all multi-blocks have a method getComponent(), no matter if they are of type block-lattice, scalar-field, or tensor-field. The situation shown on this figure is referred to as “multiple inheritance”, because end-user classes inherit from BlockXD in two ways: once through the atomic- vs. multi-block path, and once through the block-lattice vs. scalar- vs. tensor-field path. Note that multiple inheritance is often considered as bad practice because it can lead to error-prone code; in the present case however, we’ve had positive experiences so far with the inheritance diagram shown above, because it is easy to use and represents the two facets of a BlockXD in a natural way.






以下为声明对象的一个语法,Nx,Ny分别为计算域的尺寸,堆区新建了一个BGKdynamics类,并将指针作为实参交给lattice对象。<T, DESCRIPTOR>为模板参数,将在下一节予以介绍。

MultiBlockLattice2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> lattice(Nx, Ny, new BGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>);


(二) Lattice descriptors


All BlockXD constructs are templatized with respect to the underlying data type. In practice, this feature is used to switch between single-precision and double-precision arithmetics by changing just one word in the end-user program:

// Construct a 100x100 scalar-field with double-precision floating point values.
MultiScalarField2D<double> a(100,100);
// Construct a 100x100 scalar-field with single-precision floating point values.
MultiScalarField2D<float> b(100,100);

Block-lattices additionally have a template parameter, the lattice descriptor, which specifies a few topological properties of the lattice (the number of particle populations, the discrete velocities, the weights of the directions, and other lattice constants). It is therefore easy to try out different lattices in an application:

// Construct a 100x100 block-lattice using the D3Q19 structure.
MultiBlockLattice2D<double, D3Q19Descriptor> lattice1(100,100);
// Construct a 100x100 block-lattice using the D3Q27 structure.
MultiBlockLattice2D<double, D3Q27Descriptor> lattice2(100,100);

It is also easy to write a new lattice descriptor (this is currently not documented, but you can check out the files in the directory src/latticeBoltzmann/nearestNeighborLattices2D.h to see how it works). This is extremely useful, because it means that you don’t need to re-write the lengthy code parts for the implementation of a BlockLatticeXD when you switch to a new type of lattice. This argument is part of a general concept described in the section Non-intrusive program development with Palabos.



// 构建一个 100x100 的双精度浮点值的标量场
MultiScalarField2D<double> a(100,100);
// 构建一个 100x100 的单精度浮点值的标量场
MultiScalarField2D<float> b(100,100);


// 构建一个 100x100 块格结构使用 D3Q19 描述符
MultiBlockLattice2D<double, D3Q19Descriptor> lattice1(100,100);
// 构建一个 100x100 块格结构使用 D3Q27 描述符
MultiBlockLattice2D<double, D3Q27Descriptor> lattice2(100,100);




(三)The dynamics classes


During a time iteration of a lattice Boltzmann simulation, all cells of a block-lattice perform a local collision step, followed by a streaming step. The streaming step is hardcoded and can be influenced only by defining the discrete velocities in a lattice descriptor. The collision step on the other hand can be fully customized and can be different from one cell to another. In this way, the nature of the physics simulated on the lattice can be adjusted locally, and specific areas such as the boundaries can get an individual treatment.
Each cell of a block-lattice holds, additionally to the variables of the simulation, a pointer to an object of type Dynamics.
To learn how to define a new dynamics class, it is easiest to look at one of the classes defined in Palabos. For example, the BGK dynamics is defined in the file src/basicDynamics/isoThermalDynamics.hh. A good example for composite dynamics (a class which modifies the behavior of another, existing dynamics class) is the Smagorinsky dynamics, defined in src/complexDynamics/smagorinskyDynamics.hh.
For the implementation of the collision, the dynamics object gets a reference to a single cell; the collision step is therefore necessarily local. Non-local ingredients of a simulation are implemented with data processors, as shown in the next section.
Like the block-lattice, a dynamics object is dependent on two template parameters, one for the floating-point representation, and one for the lattice descriptor. By using the information provided in the lattice descriptor, the collision step should be written in a generic, lattice-independent way. There is obviously an efficiency trade-off in writing the algorithms in a generic way, because it is possible to formulate optimizations for specific lattices which the compiler fails to find. This problem can be circumvented by using template specializations for a given lattice. As an example, take again the implementation of the class BGKdynamics. The implementation of collision step refers to a generic object dynamicsTemplates, which is defined in the file src/latticeBoltzmann/dynamicsTemplates.h. Efficient specializations of this class for various 2D and 3D lattices are found in the files dynamicsTemplates2D.h and dynamicsTemplates3D.h.


要了解如何定义一个新的动态类,最简单的方法是查看Palabos中定义的类之一。例如,BGK动态在src/basicDynamics/isoThermalDynamics.hh文件中定义。复合动力学(修改另一个现有动力学类的行为的类)的一个很好的例子是Smagorinsky dynamics,它在src/complexDynamics/smagorinskyDynamics.hh中定义。



(四)Data processors


Data processors define an operation to be performed on the entire domain, or on parts of a block. On a block-lattice, they are used to implement all operation which cannot be formulated in terms of dynamics objects. These consist most notably of non-local operations, such as the evaluation of finite difference stencils for the implementation of boundary conditions. On scalar-fields and tensor-fields, data processors provide the only (sufficiently efficient and parallelizable) way to perform an operation on a spatially extended domain.
Furthermore, data processors have the ability to exchange information between several blocks, either of the same type or of different type (example: coupling between a block-lattice and scalar-field). This is for example used for the implementation of physical couplings (multi-component fluids, thermal fluids with Boussinesq approximation), for the setup of initial conditions (initialization of the velocity from the values in a vector-field), or the execution of classical array-based operations (element-wise addition of two scalar-fields).
Finally, data processors are used to perform reduction operations, on the entire block or on sub-domains. Examples range from the computation of the average kinetic energy in a simulation to the computation of the drag force acting on an obstacle.
Two different point of views are adopted for the definition and for the application of a data processor. At the application level, the user specifies an area (which can be rectangular or irregular) of a given block, on which to execute the data processor. If the block has internally a multi-block structure, the data processor is subdivided into several more specific data processors, one for each atomic-block inside the multi-block which intersects with the specified area. At the execution level, a data processor therefore always acts on an atomic-block, on an area which was previously determined by intersecting the original area with the domain of the atomic-block.
It should be mentioned that while the raw data processors are somewhat awkward to use, you are likely to never be in contact with them. Instead, Palabos offers a simplified interface through so-called data processing functionals, which hide technical details and let you concentrate on the essential parts. The rest of the user guides concentrates exclusively on these functionals, which will be called data processors for short.
In the end, it is quite easy to define new data processors. All you need to do is write a function which receives an atomic-block and the coordinates of a sub-domain as parameters, and executes an algorithm on this sub-domain. All complex operations, like the sub-division of the operations in presence of a multi-block, or the parallelization of the code, are automatic.
An educative example of a data processor is found in the example file examples/codeByTopics/couplings. It shows how to initialize a block-lattice with a velocity from a vector field by writing a data processor for block-lattice vs. 2D tensor-field coupling.
More definitions of data-processors acting on block-lattices can be found in the files src/simulationSetup/latticeInitializerXD.h and .hh, and data-processors acting on scalar- or tensor-fields are defined in the files src/simulationSetup/dataFieldInitializerXD.h and .hh. Examples for the evaluation of reduction operations are provided in the files src/core/dataAnalysisXD.h and .hh.
All these data-processors are wrapped up in convenience functions, which are summarized in the Appendix: partial function/class reference.


在src/simulationSetup/latticeInitializerXD.h和.hh文件中可以找到更多作用于块格的数据处理器的定义,而作用于标量或张量字段的数据处理器定义在src/simulationSetup/dataFieldInitializerXD.h和.hh文件中。src/core/ dataAnalysisx.h和.hh文件中提供了评估还原操作的示例。
所有这些数据处理器都封装在方便的函数中,这些函数在手册文档附录:partial function/class reference部分中进行了总结。




以上四种,为Palabos中最基础的数据吧类型,其中改写Descriptor,Dynamics class,Data processors为高阶,通过改写这三个,可以做出Palabos中不存在的模型以及边界条件,新手不推荐改写,还是在了解的基础上,尽可能的调用原有类来实现自己的模拟计算目的。

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palabos是一个用于计算流体力学和多相流模拟的高性能库。在palabos中,3维Shan-Chen模型是一种用于模拟多相流的模型。 Shan-Chen模型基于Lattice Boltzmann方法,被广泛应用于液体-气体界面的动力学模拟。该模型使用连续格子表示流体颗粒的分布,并使用分布函数描述流体的动力学行为。 在3维Shan-Chen模型中,流场被划分为格子,每个格子代表一个离散的流体微元。模型中存在两种类型的流体颗粒:沉积颗粒和溶解颗粒。沉积颗粒用于模拟固体颗粒或界面的存在,而溶解颗粒用于描述流体的动力学行为。 在模型中,流体的运动由Boltzmann方程描述,该方程通过格子上的速度和分布函数来刻画。通过碰撞和流动过程,分布函数在流场中传播,并在每次迭代中更新。 在3维Shan-Chen模型中,沉积颗粒和溶解颗粒之间通过相互作用力进行耦合。这种耦合通过引入一个由溶解颗粒和沉积颗粒之间的相互作用导致的力来实现。这种相互作用力可以模拟沉积颗粒对流体的影响,例如表面张力效应和局部的凝聚或蒸发现象。 通过调整模型中的参数,可以模拟不同的多相流体现象,如液滴形成、液体表面张力、颗粒悬浮等。3维Shan-Chen模型在模拟复杂多相流体行为方面具有很大的潜力,可应用于化工、材料科学、生物医学等领域的研究和工程实践中。


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