

Palabos用户文档 的第八章和第九章

(一)Setting Up A Problem


Attributing dynamics objects

When constructing a new block-lattice, you must decide what type of collision is going to be executed on each of its cells, by assigning them a dynamics object. To avoid bugs related to cells without dynamics objects, the constructor of a block-lattice assigns a default-alue for the dynamics to all cells, the so-called background dynamics:

// Construct a new block-lattice with a background-dynamics of type BGK.
MultiBlockLattice3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> lattice( nx, ny, nz, new BGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>(omega) );

After this, the dynamics of each cell can be redefined in order to adjust the behavior of the cells locally. The background dynamics differs from usual dynamics objects in an important way. To obtain memory savings, the constructor of the block-lattice creates only one instance of the dynamics object, and all cells refer to the same instance. If you modify a dynamics object on one cell, it changes everywhere. As an example, consider the relaxation parameter omega, which is stored in the dynamics, not in the cell. A function call like


would affect the value of the relaxation parameter on each cell of the lattice. Note that this particular behavior of the background dynamics, having several cells referring to the same object, cannot be reproduced by other means than constructing a new block-lattice. All other functions which override the background-dynamics on given cells with a new dynamics object are defined in such a way as to create an independent copy of the dynamics object for each cell.
If the reference semantics of the background dynamics is contrary to your needs, you can re-define all dynamics objects right after constructing a block-lattice, to guarantee that all cells have an independent copy:

// Override background-dynamics to guarantee and independent per-cell
// copy of the dynamics object.
defineDynamics( lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), new BGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR> );

There exist different variants of the function defineDynamics which you can use to adjust the dynamics of a group of cells (their syntax can be found in the Appendix Operations on the block-lattice):

  • One-cell version: Assign a new dynamics to just one cell.
    Example: tutorial/tutorial2/tutorial2_3.cpp.
  • BoxXD version: Assign a new dynamics to all cells within a rectangular domain.
    Example: showCases/multiComponent2d/rayleighTaylor2D.cpp, or the 3d example.
  • DotListXD version: Assign a new dynamics to several cells, listed individually in a dot-list structure.
    Example: codesByTopic/dotList/cylinder2d.cpp
  • Domain-functional version: Provide an analytical function which indicates the coordinates of cells which get a new dynamics object.
    Example: showCases/cylinder2d/cylinder2d.cpp
  • Bool-mask version: Specify the location of cells which get a new dynamics object through a Boolean mask, represented through a scalar-field.
    Example: codesByTopic/io/loadGeometry.cpp

Initial values of density and velocity

It is quite common to assign an initial value of velocity and density to a lattice by initializing all cells to an equilibrium distribution with the chosen density and velocity value. While this approach is not sufficient for time-dependent benchmark problems which depend critically on the initial state, it is most often sufficient to get a simulation started with reasonable initial values. The function initializeAtEquilibrium (see Appendix Operations on the blocklattice) is provided to initialize the cells within a rectangular-shaped domain at an equilibrium distribution. It comes in two flavors: one with a constant density and velocity within the domain (see the example examples/showCases/cavity2d or 3d), and one with a space-dependent value of these macroscopic values, specified through a userdefined function (see the example examples/showCases/poiseuille).
To initialize cells in a different way, it is simplest to apply a custom operator to the cells with the help of one-cell functionals and indexed one-cell functionals introduced in Section Convenience wrappers for local operations.




// 以BGK动力学类作为背景动力学构造一个新的块格。
MultiBlockLattice3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> lattice( nx, ny, nz, new BGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>(omega) );




// 覆盖背景动态以保证每个单元都有动态对象的独立副本。
defineDynamics( lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), new BGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR> );


  • One-cell版本:将一个新的动态分配给一个细胞。
  • BoxXD版本:将一个新的动态分配给矩形域中的所有单元格。
    例子:showCases/multiComponent2d/rayleighTaylor2D.cpp或 3d 案例
  • DotListXD版本:将一个新的动态分配给几个单元,以点列表结构单独列出。
  • Domain-functional版本:提供一个分析功能,指出细胞的坐标,得到一个新的动态对象。
  • Bool-mask版本:指定单元格的位置,这些单元格通过一个布尔掩码得到一个新的动态对象,通过一个标量场表示。




(二)Defining Boundary Condition



The library Palabos currently implements a bunch of different boundary conditions for straight, grid-aligned boundaries. For general boundaries, the available options include stair-cased walls through bounce-back nodes, and higherorder accurate curved boundaries.
IMPORTANT: Curved boundaries are available as of version 1.0, and are part of a fully-featured parallel stack, including parallel voxelization and I/O extensions. Curved boundaries are not yet documented. You can however find a full-featured example in showCases/aneurysm.

Grid-aligned boundaries

The class OnLatticeBoundaryConditionXD
Some of the implemented boundary conditions are local (and are therefore implemented as dynamics classes), some are non-local (and are therefore implemented as data processors), and some have both local and nonlocal components. To offer a uniform interface to the various possibilities, Palabos offers the interface OnLatticeBoundaryConditionXD which is responsible for instantiating dynamics objects, adding data processors, or both, depending on the chosen boundary condition. The following line for example is used to chose a Zou/He boundary condition:

OnLatticeBoundaryCondition3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>* boundaryCondition = createZouHeBoundaryCondition3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>();

The four possibilities currently offered are (see for details):

Regularized BCcreateLocalBoundaryConditionXD
Skordos BCcreateInterpBoundaryConditionXD
Zou/He BCcreateZouHeBoundaryConditionXD
Inamuro BCcreateInamuroBoundaryConditionXD

With each of these boundary conditions, it is possible to implement velocity Dirichlet boundaries (all velocity components have an imposed value) and pressure boundaries (the pressure is imposed, and the tangential velocity components are zero). Furthermore, various types of Neumann boundary conditions are proposed. In these case, a zero-gradient for a given variable is imposed with first-order accuracy by copying the value of this variable from a neighboring cell.

Boundaries on a regular block domain
The usage of these boundary conditions is somewhat tricky, because Palabos needs to know if a given wall is a straight wall or a corner (2D), or a flat wall, an edge or a corner (3D), and it needs to know the wall orientation. To simplify this, all OnLatticeBoundaryConditionXD objects have a method setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries and a method setPressureConditionOnBlockBoundaries, to set up boundaries which are located on a rectangular domain. If all nodes on the boundary of a given 2D box boundaryBox implement a Dirichlet condition, use the following command:

Box2D boundaryBox(x0,x1, y0,y1);
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, boundaryBox, locationOfBoundaryNodes );

The first argument indicates the boxed shape on which the boundary is located, and the second argument specifies on which node a velocity condition is to be instantiated. If all boundary nodes are located on the exterior bounding box of the lattice, the above command simply becomes:

boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries(lattice, locationOfBoundaryNodes);

Finally, if simply all nodes of the exterior bounding box shall implement a velocity condition, this simplifies to:


Now, suppose that the upper and lower walls, including corners, in a nx -by- ny lattice implement a free-slip condition (zero-gradient for tangential velocity components), the left wall a Dirichlet condition, and the right wall and outflow condition (zero-gradient for all velocity components). This is achieved by adding one more parameter to the function call:

Box2D inlet(0, 0, 2, ny-2);
Box2D outlet(nx-1, nx-1, 2, ny-2);
Box2D bottomWall(0, nx-1, 0, 0);
Box2D topWall(0, nx-1, ny-1, ny-1);
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, inlet );
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, outlet, boundary::outflow );
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, bottomWall, boundary::freeslip );
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, topWall, boundary::freeslip );

Remember that if the boundary is not located on the outer bounds of the lattice, you must use an additional Box3D argument to say where the boundaries are located, additionally to saying which boundary is going to be added. This is necessary, because Palabos needs to know the orientation and the nature (flat wall, corner, etc.) of the boundary nodes.

Zero-gradient conditions
The optional arguments like boundary::outflow are of type boundary::BcType, and can have the following values for velocity boundaries:

object valuesexplain
boundary::dirichlet (default value)Dirichlet condition: imposed velocity value
boundary::outflow or boundary::neumannZero-gradient for all velocity components
boundary::freeslipZero-gradient for tangential velocity components, zero value for the others
boundary::normalOutflowZero-gradient for normal velocity components, zero value for the others

For pressure boundaries, you have the following choice:

object valuesexplain
boundary::dirichlet (default value)Dirichlet condition: imposed pressure value, zero value for the tangential velocity components
boundary::neumannZero-gradient for the pressure, zero value for the tangential velocity components

Boundary conditions cannot be overriden
It is not possible to override the type of a boundary. Once a boundary node is a Dirichlet velocity node, it stays a Dirichlet velocity node. The result of re-defining it as, say, a pressure boundary node, is undefined. Therefore, boundary conditions must be defined carefully, and piece-wise, as shown in the example above. On the other hand, the value imposed on the boundary (i.e. the velocity value on a Dirichlet velocity boundary) can be changed as often as needed.

Setting the velocity or pressure value on Dirichlet boundaries
A constant velocity value is imposed with the function setBoundaryVelocity. The following line sets the velocity values to zero on all nodes of a 2D domain which have previously been defined to be Dirichlet velocity nodes:

setBoundaryVelocity(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), Array<T,2>(0.,0.) );

On all other nodes, this command has no effect. To set a constant pressure value (or equivalently, density value), use the command setBoundaryDensity:

setBoundaryDensity(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), 1. );

A non-constant, space dependent velocity resp. pressure profile can be defined by replacing the velocity resp. pressure argument by either a function or by a function object (an instance of a class which overrides the function call operator) which yields a value of the velocity resp. density as a function of space position. An example is provided in the file examples/showCases/poiseuille/poiseuille.cpp.

Interior and exterior boundaries
Sometimes, the boundary is not located on the surface of a regular, block-shaped domain. In this case, the functions like setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries are useless, and the boundary must be manually constructed. As an example, here’s how to construct manually a free-slip condition along the top-wall, including the corner nodes:

// The automatic creation of a top-wall ...
Box2D topWall(0, nx-1, ny-1, ny-1);
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, topWall, boundary::freeslip );

// ... can be replaced by a manual construction as follows:
Box2D topLid(1, nx-2, ny-1, ny-1);
boundaryCondition->addVelocityBoundary1P( topLid, lattice, boundary::freeslip );
boundaryCondition->addExternalVelocityCornerNP( 0, ny-1, lattice, boundary::freeslip );
boundaryCondition->addExternalVelocityCornerPP( nx-1, ny-1, lattice, boundary::freeslip );

A distinction is made between external and internal corners, depending on whether the corner is convex or concave. On the following example geometry, you’ll find five external and one internal corner:
the picture of boundary direction
The extensions like 1P, NP, and PP at the end of the methods of the boundary-condition object are used to indicate the orientation of the wall normal, pointing outside the fluid domain, as shown on the figure above. On a straight wall, the code 1P means: “the wall normal points into positive y-direction”. Likewise, the inlet would be labeled with the code 0N as in “negative x-direction”. On a corner, the code NP means “negative x-direction and positive y-direction”. It is important to mention that this wall normal is purely geometrical and does not depend on whether a given wall has the function of an inlet or an outlet. In both cases, the wall normal points away from the fluid, into the non-fluid area.
In 3D, you’ll use the following function for plane walls:


where the direction D can be 0 for x, 1 for y, or 2 for z, and the orientation O has the value P for positive and N for negative. Edges can be internal or external. For example:


where the first digit of the code indicates the axis to which the edge is parallel, and the two subsequent digits indicate the orientation of the edge inside the plane normal to the edge, in the same way as the corner nodes in 2D. The axes are counted periodically: 0NP means x-plane, negative y-value, and positive z-value, whereas 1PN means y-plane, positive z-value, and negative x-value. Finally, 3D corners are constructed in the same way as in 2D, through a function call like the following:


Periodic boundaries

The concept of periodicity in Palabos is different from the approach chosen for the other types of boundary conditions. Periodicity can only be implemented on opposite, outer boundaries of an atomic-block or a multi-block. This behavior works also if the multi-block has a sparse memory implementation. In this case, all fluid nodes which are in contact with an outer boundary of the multi-block can be periodic, if the corresponding node on the opposite wall is a fluid node.
In the case of an atomic-block (remember that this case is uninteresting, because you should always work with multiblocks anyway), periodicity is simply a property of the streaming operator. It has no effect for scalar-fields and tensor-fields. In the case of a multi-block however, periodicity can also affect scalar-fields and tensor-fields. Being periodic in this case means that if you define a non-local data processor which accesses nearest neighbor nodes, the value of these neighbor nodes is determined by periodicity along an outer boundary of the multi-block.
By default, all blocks are non-periodic: as mentioned previously, the behavior of outer boundary nodes defaults to one of the versions of bounce-back algorithm. To turn on periodicity along, say, the x-direction, write a command like

lattice.periodicity().toggle(0, true); // Periodic block-lattice.
scalarField.periodicity().toggle(0, true); // Periodic scalar-field.

You can also define all boundaries to be periodic through a single command:


Please note that the periodicity or non-periodicity of a block should be defined as soon as possible after the creation of the block, because Palabos needs to know if boundaries are periodic or not when adding or executing data processors.
As a last remark, you should be aware that boundaries of Neumann type (outflow, free-slip, adiabatic thermal wall, etc.) should never be defined to be periodic. This wouldn’t make sense anyway, and it leads to an undefined behavior (aka program crash).


In Palabos, all outer boundaries of a lattice which are not periodic automatically implement a version of the bounceback boundary algorithm, according to the following algorithm. In pre-collision state, all unknown populations are assigned the post-collision value on the same node at the end of the previous iteration, from the opposite location. We will call this algorithm Bounce-Back 1.
A bounce-back condition can also be used elsewhere in the domain, by explicitly assigning a dynamics object of type BounceBack<T,Descriptor> to chosen cells. On these newly assigned nodes, the collision step is replaced by a bounce-back procedure, during which each population is replaced by the population corresponding to the opposite direction. Such a node can not be considered any more as a fluid node. Computing velocity-moments of the populations on a bounce-back node yields for example arbitrary results, because some of the populations (those which are not incoming from the fluid) have arbitrary values. Consequently, you cannot compute macroscopic quantities like density and velocity on these nodes. Instead, these nodes should be considered as pure algorithmic entities which have the purpose to re-inject into the fluid all populations that leave the domain. Consider fluid nodes adjacent to this type of bounce-back cells. If you think about it, you’ll realize that these nodes behave exactly as if they were cells of type Bounce-Back 1, with a small difference: unknown populations at time t get the post-collision value from opposite populations from time t-2 (and not time t-1 as in Bounce-Back 1. We will refer to this version of bounce-back as Bounce-Back 2.
The effect of both versions of bounce-back is to produce a no-slip wall located half-way between nodes. In the case of Bounce-Back 1, this is half a cell-width beyond the bounce-back fluid cell, whereas in the case of Bounce-Back 2 it is half-way between the last fluid cell and the non-fluid bounce-back node. Obviously, Bounce-Back 2 wastes numerical precision over Bounce-Back 1 by leaping over a time step, and therefore leads to a lower-order accuracy in time of the numerical method. Furthermore, both versions of bounce-back represent the wall location through a staircase approximation, which is low-order accurate (“Order-h”) in space. On the other hand, Bounce-Back 2 offers a huge advantage: its implementation is independent of the wall orientation. If you decide that a node is a bounce-back node, you simply say so; no need to know if it is a corner, a left wall, or a right wall. Constructing a geometry is then as easy as filling areas with bounce-back nodes. In many cases, this ease of use makes up, to a large extent, for the low-order accuracy of the wall representation. When setting up a new simulation, it is always good to try Bounce-Back 2 as a first attempt, as the quality of the obtained results is often surprising. In highly complex geometry such as porous media, bounce-back is often even considered superior to other approaches.

Bounce-back domain from analytical description
The Rule 0 in Palabos can be stated often enough: don’t write loops over space in end-user code. This also true, of course, when assigning bounce-back dynamics to lattice cells. To guarantee reasonable performance, this is task is performed inside a data processor, or even better, by using the wrapper function defineDynamics. This process is illustrated in the example program examples/codesByTopic/bounceBack/instantiateCylinder.cpp. First, a class is written which defines the location of the bounce-back nodes as a function of the cell coordinates iX and iY. In the present case, the nodes are located inside a 2D circular domain:

template<typename T>
class CylinderShapeDomain2D : public DomainFunctional2D {
	CylinderShapeDomain2D(plint cx_, plint cy_, plint radius) 
						: cx(cx_), cy(cy_), radiusSqr(util::sqr(radius)) { }
	// The function-call operator is overridden to specify the location
	// of bounce-back nodes.
	virtual bool operator() (plint iX, plint iY) const {
		return util::sqr(iX-cx) + util::sqr(iY-cy) <= radiusSqr;
	virtual CylinderShapeDomain2D<T>* clone() const {
		return new CylinderShapeDomain2D<T>(*this);
	plint cx, cy;
	plint radiusSqr;

An instance of this class is then provided as an argument to defineDynamics:

defineDynamics( lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(),
				new CylinderShapeDomain2D<T>(cx, cy, radius),
				new BounceBack<T,DESCRIPTOR> );

The second argument is of type Box2D, and it can be used to improve the efficiency of this function call: the bounce-back nodes are attributed on cells on the intersection between this box and the domain specified by the domain-functional.
If your domain is specified as the union of a collection of simpler domains, you can use defineDynamics iteratively on each of the simpler domains. If the domain is the intersection or any other geometric operation of simpler domains, you’ll need to play with boolean operators inside the definition of your domain-functional.

Bounce-back domain from boolean mask
In this section, it is assumed that the geometry of the domain is prescribed from an external source. This is for example the case when you simulate a porous media and possess data from a scan of the porous material in question. This easiest approach consists in storing this data as an ASCII file which distinguishes fluid nodes from solid nodes by zeros and ones, separated with spaces, tabs, or newline characters. The file represents the content of a regular array and stores only raw data, no information on the matrix dimensions. The data layout must be the same as in Palabos: an increment of the z-coordinate represents a continuous progress in the file (in 3D), followed by the y-coordinate, and then the x-coordinate. This data is simply flushed from the file into a scalar-field. The following code is taken from the example examples/codesByTopic/io/loadGeometry.cpp:

MultiScalarField2D<T> boolMask(nx, ny);
plb_ifstream ifile("geometry.dat");
ifile >> boolMask;

Note that currently, no error-checking is implemented for such I/O operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the dimensions of the scalar-field correspond to the size of the data in the geometry file. As a next step, the bounce-back nodes are instantiated using one of the versions of the function defineDynamics:

defineDynamics(lattice, boolMask, new BounceBack<T,DESCRIPTOR>, true);

This function is currently only defined for multi-blocks using the same data type (T in this case), which explains why the scalar-field boolMask is of type T and not bool, as one could have expected. The scalar-field is not bool, as one could have expected, but the real type T.






OnLatticeBoundaryCondition3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>* boundaryCondition = createZouHeBoundaryCondition3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>();


Regularized BCcreateLocalBoundaryConditionXD
Skordos BCcreateInterpBoundaryConditionXD
Zou/He BCcreateZouHeBoundaryConditionXD
Inamuro BCcreateInamuroBoundaryConditionXD



Box2D boundaryBox(x0,x1, y0,y1);
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, boundaryBox, locationOfBoundaryNodes );


boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries(lattice, locationOfBoundaryNodes);




Box2D inlet(0, 0, 2, ny-2);
Box2D outlet(nx-1, nx-1, 2, ny-2);
Box2D bottomWall(0, nx-1, 0, 0);
Box2D topWall(0, nx-1, ny-1, ny-1);
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, inlet );
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, outlet, boundary::outflow );
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, bottomWall, boundary::freeslip );
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, topWall, boundary::freeslip );


The optional arguments like boundary::outflow are of type boundary::BcType, and can have the following values for velocity boundaries:

object valuesexplain
boundary::dirichlet (default value)Dirichlet 条件: 实施速度值
boundary::outflow or boundary::neumann所有速度分量零梯度


object valuesexplain
boundary::dirichlet (default value)Dirichlet 条件: 施加压力值,切向速度分量为零



setBoundaryVelocity(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), Array<T,2>(0.,0.) );


setBoundaryDensity(lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(), 1. );

A non-constant, space dependent velocity pressure profile can be defined by replacing the velocity resp. pressure argument by either a function or by a function object (an instance of a class which overrides the function call operator) which yields a value of the velocity resp. density as a function of space position. An example is provided in the file examples/showCases/poiseuille/poiseuille.cpp.
一个非恒定的,依赖于空间的速度分布和压力分布可以分别通过替换速度分布和压力分布来确定。一个函数或一个函数对象(一个覆盖函数调用操作符的类的实例)的压力参数,该参数分别产生速度和的值作为空间位置的函数。示例在examples/showCases/poiseuille/poiseuile .cpp文件中提供。


// The automatic creation of a top-wall ...
Box2D topWall(0, nx-1, ny-1, ny-1);
boundaryCondition->setVelocityConditionOnBlockBoundaries ( lattice, topWall, boundary::freeslip );

// ... can be replaced by a manual construction as follows:
Box2D topLid(1, nx-2, ny-1, ny-1);
boundaryCondition->addVelocityBoundary1P( topLid, lattice, boundary::freeslip );
boundaryCondition->addExternalVelocityCornerNP( 0, ny-1, lattice, boundary::freeslip );
boundaryCondition->addExternalVelocityCornerPP( nx-1, ny-1, lattice, boundary::freeslip );

the picture of boundary direction







lattice.periodicity().toggle(0, true); // Periodic block-lattice.
scalarField.periodicity().toggle(0, true); // Periodic scalar-field.





在Palabos中,晶格中所有非周期的外边界都会根据下面的算法自动实现一个版本的反弹边界算法。在碰撞前状态下,所有未知种群在前一次迭代结束时,从相反的位置在同一节点上分配碰撞后值。我们称这个算法为Bounce-Back 1。
通过显式地将类型为BounceBack<T,Descriptor> 分配给所选的单元格,还可以在域中的其他地方使用反弹条件。在这些新分配的节点上,碰撞步骤将被一个反弹过程替换,在此过程中,每个种群将被对应于相反方向的种群替换。这样的节点不能再被认为是流动节点。例如,在回弹节点上计算种群的速度矩可以得到任意的结果,因为有些种群(那些不是来自流体的种群)具有任意的值。因此,你不能在这些节点上计算像密度和速度这样的宏观量。相反,这些节点应该被视为纯粹的算法实体,其目的是将所有离开域的种群重新注入流体。考虑与这种弹回单元相邻的流体节点。如果你仔细想想,你会发现这些节点的行为与Bounce-Back 1类型的单元完全一样,只是有一点不同:t时刻的未知种群从t-2时刻的相反种群获得碰撞后的值(而不是像弹回1那样从t-1时刻获得碰撞后的值)。我们将把这个版本的反弹称为Bounce-Back 2。
这两个版本的弹回的效果是产生一个位于中间的无滑动的墙节点。在Bounce-Back 1的情况下,这是反弹流体单元的一半宽度,而在Bounce-Back 2的情况下,这是在最后一个流体单元和非流体反弹节点之间的一半宽度。很明显,由于跨越了时间步长,Bounce-Back 2比Bounce-Back 1浪费了数值精度,因此导致数值方法在时间上的低阶精度。此外,这两个版本的反弹代表了通过楼梯近似值的墙壁位置,这是低阶精度(“Order-h”)在空间。另一方面,Bounce-Back 2提供了一个巨大的优势:它的实现独立于墙的方向。如果您确定某个节点是回跳节点,可以简单的这样说;不需要知道它是一个角落,左边的墙,还是右边的墙。然后,构造一个几何图形就像用反弹节点填充区域一样简单。在许多情况下,这种易用性在很大程度上弥补了墙壁表示的低阶精度。在设置新的模拟时,最好先尝试一下Bounce-Back 2,因为得到的结果的质量常常令人惊讶。在高度复杂的几何结构中,如多孔介质,反弹甚至常常被认为优于其他方法。


template<typename T>
class CylinderShapeDomain2D : public DomainFunctional2D {
	CylinderShapeDomain2D(plint cx_, plint cy_, plint radius) 
						: cx(cx_), cy(cy_), radiusSqr(util::sqr(radius)) { }
	// 函数调用操作重写被指定反弹节点的位置。
	virtual bool operator() (plint iX, plint iY) const {
		return util::sqr(iX-cx) + util::sqr(iY-cy) <= radiusSqr;
	virtual CylinderShapeDomain2D<T>* clone() const {
		return new CylinderShapeDomain2D<T>(*this);
	plint cx, cy;
	plint radiusSqr;


defineDynamics( lattice, lattice.getBoundingBox(),
				new CylinderShapeDomain2D<T>(cx, cy, radius),
				new BounceBack<T,DESCRIPTOR> );


在本节中,假设定义域的几何形状是由外部源规定的。例如,当您模拟多孔介质并拥有所述多孔材料的扫描数据时,就会出现这种情况。这种最简单的方法是将数据存储为ASCII文件,该文件通过0和1区分流动节点和实体节点,用空格、制表符或换行符分隔。该文件表示常规数组的内容,只存储原始数据,不存储关于矩阵维的信息。数据布局必须与Palabos相同:z坐标的增量表示文件中的连续进度(在3D中),接着是y坐标,然后是x坐标。这些数据只是从文件中刷新到一个标量字段中。下面的代码摘自例子 examples/codesByTopic/io/loadGeometry.cpp:

MultiScalarField2D<T> boolMask(nx, ny);
plb_ifstream ifile("geometry.dat");
ifile >> boolMask;


defineDynamics(lattice, boolMask, new BounceBack<T,DESCRIPTOR>, true);




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