
















I was caught in a heavy rain!

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原创 CSDN 新版,心疼 1s 我的空分类

听说新版的 csdn 空分类不显示,怎么办呢? 心疼1s,然后默默的填满它。

2018-01-31 10:28:34 308

原创 CodeChef STRMRG String Merging (dp)

Description All submissions for this problem are available. Read problems statements in Mandarin chinese, Russian and Vietnamese as well. For a string S, let’s define a function F(S) as

2018-01-28 17:43:40 251

原创 Codeforces 814 C. An impassioned circulation of affection (dp)

Description Nadeko’s birthday is approaching! As she decorated the room for the party, a long garland of Dianthus-shaped paper pieces was placed on a prominent part of the wall. Brother Koyomi wil

2018-01-28 17:23:17 224

原创 FZU 2216 The Longest Straight (尺取法)

Description ZB is playing a card game where the goal is to make straights. Each card in the deck has a number between 1 and M(including 1 and M). A straight is a sequence of cards with consecutive

2018-01-27 22:47:05 250

原创 FZU 2219 StarCraft (哈夫曼树)

Description ZB loves playing StarCraft and he likes Zerg most! One day, when ZB was playing SC2, he came up with an idea: He wants to change the queen’s ability, the queen’s new ability

2018-01-27 22:20:48 359

原创 Codeforces 914 C. Travelling Salesman and Special Numbers (dp)

Description The Travelling Salesman spends a lot of time travelling so he tends to get bored. To pass time, he likes to perform operations on numbers. One such operation is to take a positive inte

2018-01-25 12:23:46 471

原创 Codeforces 916 C. Jamie and Interesting Graph (构造)

Description Jamie has recently found undirected weighted graphs with the following properties very interesting: The graph is connected and contains exactly n vertices and m edges. All ed

2018-01-20 11:33:38 617

原创 Codeforces 913 C. Party Lemonade (思维)

Description A New Year party is not a New Year party without lemonade! As usual, you are expecting a lot of guests, and buying lemonade has already become a pleasant necessity. Your favorite sto

2018-01-10 12:01:33 532

原创 Codeforces 560 E. Gerald and Giant Chess (dp,组合数学)

Description Giant chess is quite common in Geraldion. We will not delve into the rules of the game, we’ll just say that the game takes place on an h × w field, and it is painted in two colors, but no

2017-12-02 18:52:02 370

原创 2017 ICPC 西安/青岛 站


2017-11-22 16:05:20 440

原创 计蒜客 ACM-ICPC 2017 Warmup Contest 12

因为等了很久计蒜客上都没有更新,所以目前找不到题目,只能凭借记忆写写咯~全场不在状态抱着不仔细检查直接交让评测机来judge心情的我,最后居然取得了 rk2 ,一定是高手都没有来参加的缘故。 A. Abandoned Animal题意给定一些商品可以在第几家店买的,然后输入购买商品的顺序,问购买序列是否唯一(要求第几家序号不下降)。若唯一,输出 unique ,不唯一输出 ambiguous ,不存

2017-11-19 12:42:46 708

原创 Codeforces 892 B. Wrath (递推)

Description Hands that shed innocent blood! There are n guilty people in a line, the i-th of them holds a claw with length Li. The bell rings and every person kills some of people in front of hi

2017-11-18 11:45:18 1105

原创 Codeforces 892 C. Pride (枚举)

Description You have an array a with length n, you can perform operations. Each operation is like this: choose two adjacent elements from a, say x and y, and replace one of them with gcd(x, y), where

2017-11-18 11:17:52 922

原创 Codeforces 892 D. Gluttony (思维)

Description You are given an array a with n distinct integers. Construct an array b by permuting a such that for every non-empty subset of indices S = {x1, x2, …, xk} (1 ≤ xi ≤ n, 0 < k < n) the sums

2017-11-18 10:17:53 643

原创 Codeforces 890 D. Boxes And Balls (哈夫曼)

Description Ivan has n different boxes. The first of them contains some balls of n different colors. Ivan wants to play a strange game. He wants to distribute the balls into boxes in such a way

2017-11-17 20:06:30 523

原创 Codeforces 890 D. Restoration of string (技巧)

Description A substring of some string is called the most frequent, if the number of its occurrences is not less than number of occurrences of any other substring. You are given a set of strings

2017-11-17 15:26:38 594

原创 Codeforces 890 C. Petya and Catacombs (贪心)

Description A very brave explorer Petya once decided to explore Paris catacombs. Since Petya is not really experienced, his exploration is just walking through the catacombs. Catacombs consist o

2017-11-17 12:07:04 918

原创 51nod 1350 斐波那契表示 (数学)

Description 每一个正整数都可以表示为若干个斐波那契数的和,一个整数可能存在多种不同的表示方法,例如:14 = 13 + 1 = 8 + 5 + 1,其中13 + 1是最短的表示(只用了2个斐波那契数)。定义F(n) = n的最短表示中的数字个数,F(14) = 2,F(100) = 3(100 = 3 + 8 + 89),F(16) = 2(16 = 8 + 8 = 13 + 3)。

2017-11-11 13:41:41 491

原创 FZU 2214 Knapsack problem (超大容量背包)

Description Given a set of n items, each with a weight w[i] and a value v[i], determine a way to choose the items into a knapsack so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit B and

2017-11-03 20:19:28 430

原创 51nod 1829 函数 (斯特林数)

Description 想知道f:A->B这个函数(其中|A|=n, |B|=m)的所有映射关系要使B的每个元素都要被A的一个元素覆盖到。 数字可能很大你只要输出方案数模1,000,000,007即可。 Input 一共一行两个数,n和m。(1<=n,m<=1,000,000) Output 一共一行包含一个方案数。 Input示例2 2 Output示例2 思路原题

2017-11-02 21:54:13 657

原创 51nod 1836 战忽局的手段 (期望)

Description 众所周知,有一个神秘的组织——战忽局,在暗中保护着我们。在局中任职的官员都有着极强的忽悠技巧,不只能用预言,还能用往事忽悠人。如今某外星间谍已经获得了战忽局曾经参与的n次事件的资料,局座发现了这件事,于是决定再次用忽悠来保证战忽局的安全。局座将发表m次演讲,每一天他都会从n事件中等概率地挑选一件混淆众人,由于局座每天很忙,不能把之前将的事件都记录下来,因此他可能会重复选择

2017-11-02 19:05:23 311

原创 ZOJ 3987 Numbers (贪心)

Description DreamGrid has a nonnegative integer nn. He would like to divide nn into mm nonnegative integers a1,a2,…,ama_1, a_2, \dots, a_m and minimizes their bitwise or (i.e. n=a1+a2+⋯+amn=a_1 + a_2

2017-11-02 14:54:02 1146

原创 Codeforces 122 D. Lucky Transformation (规律)

Description Petya loves lucky numbers. Everybody knows that lucky numbers are positive integers whose decimal representation contains only the lucky digits 4 and 7. For example, numbers 47, 744, 4 ar

2017-10-31 14:58:08 578

原创 Codeforces 122 C. Lucky Sum(分块)

Description Petya loves lucky numbers. Everybody knows that lucky numbers are positive integers whose decimal representation contains only the lucky digits 4 and 7. For example, numbers 47, 744, 4 ar

2017-10-31 14:39:11 386

原创 HDU 1754 I Hate It (线段树,模板)

Description 很多学校流行一种比较的习惯。老师们很喜欢询问,从某某到某某当中,分数最高的是多少。 这让很多学生很反感。 不管你喜不喜欢,现在需要你做的是,就是按照老师的要求,写一个程序,模拟老师的询问。当然,老师有时候需要更新某位同学的成绩。 Input 本题目包含多组测试,请处理到文件结束。 在每个测试的第一行,有两个正整数 N 和 M ( 0Ou

2017-10-31 12:19:04 390

原创 Codeforces 877 B. Nikita and string (技巧)

Description One day Nikita found the string containing letters “a” and “b” only. Nikita thinks that string is beautiful if it can be cut into 3 strings (possibly empty) without changing the orde

2017-10-26 12:39:48 666

原创 Codeforces 877 D. Olya and Energy Drinks (bfs)

Description Olya loves energy drinks. She loves them so much that her room is full of empty cans from energy drinks. Formally, her room can be represented as a field of n × m cells, each cell of

2017-10-26 12:17:26 710

原创 Codeforces 876 E. National Property (2-SAT)

Description You all know that the Library of Bookland is the largest library in the world. There are dozens of thousands of books in the library. Some long and uninteresting story was removed…

2017-10-19 21:05:08 1908

原创 HDU 5972 Regular Number (bitset)

Description Using regular expression to define a numeric string is a very common thing. Generally, use the shape as follows: (0|9|7) (5|6) (2) (4|5) Above regular expression matches 4 digit

2017-10-14 21:23:41 371

原创 HDU 5988 Coding Contest (最小费用流)

Description A coding contest will be held in this university, in a huge playground. The whole playground would be divided into N blocks, and there would be M directed paths linking these blocks. The

2017-10-14 10:58:21 325

原创 HDU 3826 Squarefree number (素数)

Description In mathematics, a squarefree number is one which is divisible by no perfect squares, except 1. For example, 10 is square-free but 18 is not, as it is divisible by 9 = 3^2. Now you need to

2017-10-09 18:15:08 515

原创 Codeforces 869 C. The Intriguing Obsession (组合数学)

Description With hands joined, go everywhere at a speed faster than our thoughts! This time, the Fire Sisters — Karen and Tsukihi — is heading for somewhere they’ve never reached — water-surrounded i

2017-10-07 15:47:52 1119

原创 51nod 1693 水群 (spfa)

Description 总所周知,水群是一件很浪费时间的事,但是其实在水群这件事中,也可以找到一些有意思的东西。 比如现在,bx2k就在研究怎样水表情的问题。 首先,bx2k在对话框中输入了一个表情��,接下来,他可以进行三种操作。 第一种,是全选复制,把所有表情全选然后复制到剪贴板中。 第二种,是粘贴,把剪贴板中的表情粘贴到对话框中。 第三种,

2017-10-06 15:50:31 586

原创 Codeforces 868 D. Huge Strings (二分+随机+SAM)

Description You are given n strings s1, s2, …, sn consisting of characters 0 and 1. m operations are performed, on each of them you concatenate two existing strings into a new one. On the i-th operat

2017-10-06 10:05:50 787

原创 Codeforces 868 C. Qualification Rounds (技巧)

Description Snark and Philip are preparing the problemset for the upcoming pre-qualification round for semi-quarter-finals. They have a bank of n problems, and they want to select any non-empty subse

2017-10-05 21:30:11 884 3

原创 51nod 1055 最长等差数列

Description N个不同的正整数,找出由这些数组成的最长的等差数列。 例如:1 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 等差子数列包括(仅包括两项的不列举) 1 3 5 1 5 9 13 3 6 9 12 3 8 13 5 9 13 6 8 10 12 14 其中6 8 10 12 14最长,长

2017-10-04 22:11:42 285

原创 FZU 1759 Super A^B mod C (欧拉函数,降幂公式)

Description Given A,B,C, You should quickly calculate the result of A^B mod C. (1<=A,C<=1000000000,1<=B<=10^1000000). Input There are multiply testcases. Each testcase, there is one line contains

2017-10-04 12:02:23 398

原创 Codeforces 861 C. Did you mean... (模拟)

Description Beroffice text editor has a wide range of features that help working with text. One of the features is an automatic search for typos and suggestions of how to fix them. Beroffice wor

2017-10-03 21:32:17 685

原创 Codeforces 861 D. Polycarp's phone book (trie)

Description There are n phone numbers in Polycarp’s contacts on his phone. Each number is a 9-digit integer, starting with a digit different from 0. All the numbers are distinct. There is the la

2017-10-03 21:20:31 452

原创 POJ 3368 Frequent values (RMQ)

Description You are given a sequence of n integers a1 , a2 , … , an in non-decreasing order. In addition to that, you are given several queries consisting of indices i and j (1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n). For each

2017-10-03 12:46:22 933

Spig 网站浮动小人 (javascript)

采用 Javascript 开发的网站前端浮动小人,具体效果可以见:https://www.dreamwings.cn 小人支持右键秘密链接,支持自动根据时间问候(早上好、中午好之类),支持自动间隔一段时间展示 hihokito 精美句子。


OICQ 聊天室(Java 课程设计)

大二第一学期的 Java 课程设计,支持用户注册,单人聊天,多人聊天,支持好友列表,支持个人信息修改,数据库使用 mysql,采用 Java 开发。


Little Giant (C++ 课程设计)

一款使用 cocos-2dx 开发的 io 类休闲游戏,仿“弓箭手大作战”,C++ 课程设计。(可在 win10 应用商店下载开玩) ---------------------------------------------------- 游戏名称: 进击的小巨人 游戏类型: 休闲类 3D 游戏 运行环境: Windows 7及以上、Linux、Android 4.0及以上、IOS、Windows 10 mobile 游戏引擎: Cocos2d-x 3.10


Flow blog(数据库课程设计)

一款使用 Python django 开发的简易 CMS 内容管理系统 标记:大二 - 数据库课程设计 --- 这是一款简约、高效的博客系统,你可以利用它发表自己的文章,每一篇文章都必须要有一个分类,这是你应该创建的,不过文章的标签属性可以有多个。同时,游客可以对公开的文章进行评论,当然,你也可以回复他。 你可以创建自己的页面,这会在首页显示,不过遗憾的是,当页面太多的时候首页看起来会很奇怪,不过关于这一点我们会在以后修复它。 博客支持多用户同时注册并管理,不过新建用户的时候需要管理员的授权,管理员可以授予用户相应的管理权限,而用户则可以在满足权限的情况下把它授予给其他人。为了管理方便,我们引入了组的概念,对组进行授权相当于我们对组内的所有用户进行授权。


Codeforces Edu Hacking

使用 C# + WPF 开发 --- 还在发愁打了那么多场比赛都没有进入首页么? 还在为了前 5 的 hacker 名额阅读千份代码么? 是的,你没有看错! 这是一个 Edu & Div.3 轮 Open hacking 错误代码自动查找器! 你只需要提前构造好某些题的叉点数据,填入它,OK!一切就是这么的方便! 注:仅适用于 Edu 以及 Div.3 轮比赛赛后 hack,不支持 Div.1/2 赛时 hack。 适用人群:想进入首页 Hack 榜的选手


HDU 自动 AC 机(Python)

一款 HDU OJ 的自动刷题工具,搜索来源可选用 百度搜索 / 必应搜索,支持并行以及串行查找,祝早日刷上航电首页哦~ 使用 Python 编写,执行之前你需要在同目录下创建文件 aclog.txt ,然后粘贴进你目前已经 AC 的题目,然后在代码执行过程中便不会去再查找这些题了。


黑白棋 (Reversi)







动态效果,黑客帝国 #include <windows.h> #define ID_TIMER 1 #define STRMAXLEN 25 //一个显示列的最大长度 #define STRMINLEN 8 //一个显示列的最小长度 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) ; typedef struct tagCharChain //整个当作屏幕的一个显示列,这是个双向列表 { struct tagCharChain *prev; //链表的前个元素 TCHAR ch; //一个显示列中的一个字符 struct tagCharChain *next; //链表的后个元素 } CharChain, *pCharChain; typedef struct tagCharColumn { CharChain *head, *current, *point; int x, y, iStrLen; //显示列的开始显示的x,y坐标,iStrLen是这个列的长度 int iStopTimes, iMustStopTimes; //已经停滞的次数和必须停滞的次数,必须停滞的次数是随机的 } CharColumn, *pCharColumn; /***********************/ ..................... ...................



EasyX 是 Visual C++ 平台的绘图库(静态 LIB),用以在 Visual C++ 中模拟 Turbo C 的绘图库头文件 ,并实现对 32 位和 64 位 Windows 的支持,解决了Turbo C 由于使用 16 位的 BGI 绘图库不支持 Windows 的问题。同时,EasyX 针对 Windows 的特点,在色彩范围、分辨率、鼠标、批量绘图等方面做了相应的函数扩展。


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