
tcpmux	1/tcp	0.001995	# TCP Port Service Multiplexer [rfc-1078]
tcpmux	1/udp	0.001236	# TCP Port Service Multiplexer
compressnet	2/tcp	0.000013	# Management Utility
compressnet	2/udp	0.001845	# Management Utility
compressnet	3/tcp	0.001242	# Compression Process
compressnet	3/udp	0.001532	# Compression Process
rje	5/udp	0.000593	# Remote Job Entry
echo	7/sctp	0	
echo	7/tcp	0.004855	
echo	7/udp	0.024679	
discard	9/sctp	0	# sink null
discard	9/tcp	0.003764	# sink null
discard	9/udp	0.015733	# sink null
systat	11/tcp	0.000075	# Active Users
systat	11/udp	0.000577	# Active Users
daytime	13/tcp	0.003927	
daytime	13/udp	0.004827	
netstat	15/tcp	0.000038	
qotd	17/tcp	0.002346	# Quote of the Day
qotd	17/udp	0.009209	# Quote of the Day
msp	18/udp	0.00061	# Message Send Protocol
chargen	19/tcp	0.002559	# ttytst source Character Generator
chargen	19/udp	0.015865	# ttytst source Character Generator
ftp-data	20/sctp	0	# File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp-data	20/tcp	0.001079	# File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp-data	20/udp	0.001878	# File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp	21/sctp	0	# File Transfer [Control]
ftp	21/tcp	0.197667	# File Transfer [Control]
ftp	21/udp	0.004844	# File Transfer [Control]
ssh	22/sctp	0	# Secure Shell Login
ssh	22/tcp	0.182286	# Secure Shell Login
ssh	22/udp	0.003905	# Secure Shell Login
telnet	23/tcp	0.221265	
telnet	23/udp	0.006211	
priv-mail	24/tcp	0.001154	# any private mail system
priv-mail	24/udp	0.000329	# any private mail system
smtp	25/tcp	0.131314	# Simple Mail Transfer
smtp	25/udp	0.001285	# Simple Mail Transfer
rsftp	26/tcp	0.007991	# RSFTP
nsw-fe	27/tcp	0.000138	# NSW User System FE
nsw-fe	27/udp	0.000395	# NSW User System FE
msg-icp	29/tcp	0.000025	# MSG ICP
msg-icp	29/udp	0.00056	# MSG ICP
msg-auth	31/tcp	0.000025	# MSG Authentication
msg-auth	31/udp	0.000939	# MSG Authentication
dsp	33/tcp	0.001016	# Display Support Protocol
dsp	33/udp	0.00056	# Display Support Protocol
priv-print	35/tcp	0.000038	# any private printer server
priv-print	35/udp	0.000708	# any private printer server
time	37/tcp	0.003161	# timserver
time	37/udp	0.006458	# timserver
rap	38/tcp	0.000025	# Route Access Protocol
rap	38/udp	0.002043	# Route Access Protocol
rlp	39/udp	0.000478	# Resource Location Protocol
graphics	41/udp	0.000445	
nameserver	42/tcp	0.000803	# Host Name Server
nameserver	42/udp	0.005288	# Host Name Server
whois	43/tcp	0.000314	# nicname
whois	43/udp	0.000313	# nicname
mpm-flags	44/tcp	0.000025	# MPM FLAGS Protocol
mpm-flags	44/udp	0.000659	# MPM FLAGS Protocol
mpm	45/tcp	0.00005	# Message Processing Module [recv]
mpm	45/udp	0.000741	# Message Processing Module [recv]
mpm-snd	46/udp	0.000494	# MPM [default send]
ni-ftp	47/tcp	0.000075	# NI FTP
ni-ftp	47/udp	0.001071	# NI FTP
auditd	48/tcp	0.000013	# Digital Audit Daemon
auditd	48/udp	0.000708	# Digital Audit Daemon
tacacs	49/tcp	0.000665	# Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
tacacs	49/udp	0.01402	# Login Host Protocol (TACACS)
re-mail-ck	50/tcp	0.00005	# Remote Mail Checking Protocol
re-mail-ck	50/udp	0.000428	# Remote Mail Checking Protocol
la-maint	51/tcp	0.000038	# IMP Logical Address Maintenance
la-maint	51/udp	0.00028	# IMP Logical Address Maintenance
xns-time	52/tcp	0.000063	# XNS Time Protocol
xns-time	52/udp	0.000362	# XNS Time Protocol
domain	53/tcp	0.048463	# Domain Name Server
domain	53/udp	0.213496	# Domain Name Server
xns-ch	54/tcp	0.000013	# XNS Clearinghouse
xns-ch	54/udp	0.000659	# XNS Clearinghouse
isi-gl	55/tcp	0.000125	# ISI Graphics Language
isi-gl	55/udp	0.000478	# ISI Graphics Language
xns-auth	56/tcp	0.000013	# XNS Authentication
xns-auth	56/udp	0.001285	# XNS Authentication
priv-term	57/tcp	0.000125	# any private terminal access
priv-term	57/udp	0.000774	# any private terminal access
xns-mail	58/tcp	0.000025	# XNS Mail
xns-mail	58/udp	0.000428	# XNS Mail
priv-file	59/tcp	0.000088	# any private file service
priv-file	59/udp	0.000478	# any private file service
ni-mail	61/udp	0.000461	# NI MAIL
acas	62/udp	0.000264	# ACA Services
via-ftp	63/udp	0.000445	# VIA Systems - FTP & whois++
covia	64/udp	0.000593	# Communications Integrator (CI)
tacacs-ds	65/tcp	0.000013	# TACACS-Database Service
tacacs-ds	65/udp	0.000741	# TACACS-Database Service
sqlnet	66/tcp	0.000075	# Oracle SQL*NET
sqlnet	66/udp	0.000544	# Oracle SQL*NET
dhcps	67/tcp	0.000013	# DHCP/Bootstrap Protocol Server
dhcps	67/udp	0.22801	# DHCP/Bootstrap Protocol Server
dhcpc	68/tcp	0.000063	# DHCP/Bootstrap Protocol Client
dhcpc	68/udp	0.140118	# DHCP/Bootstrap Protocol Client
tftp	69/tcp	0.000038	# Trivial File Transfer
tftp	69/udp	0.102835	# Trivial File Transfer
gopher	70/tcp	0.000226	
gopher	70/udp	0.000544	
netrjs-1	71/tcp	0.000025	# Remote Job Service
netrjs-1	71/udp	0.00056	# Remote Job Service
netrjs-2	72/tcp	0.000013	# Remote Job Service
netrjs-2	72/udp	0.000494	# Remote Job Service
netrjs-3	73/tcp	0.000025	# Remote Job Service
netrjs-3	73/udp	0.000428	# Remote Job Service
netrjs-4	74/tcp	0.000025	# Remote Job Service
netrjs-4	74/udp	0.000478	# Remote Job Service
priv-dial	75/tcp	0.000063	# any private dial out service
priv-dial	75/udp	0.000577	# any private dial out service
deos	76/tcp	0.000063	# Distributed External Object Store
deos	76/udp	0.000675	# Distributed External Object Store
priv-rje	77/tcp	0.000113	# any private RJE service, netrjs
priv-rje	77/udp	0.000741	# any private RJE service, netjrs
vettcp	78/udp	0.000626	
finger	79/tcp	0.006022	
finger	79/udp	0.000956	
http	80/sctp	0	# World Wide Web HTTP
http	80/tcp	0.484143	# World Wide Web HTTP
http	80/udp	0.035767	# World Wide Web HTTP
hosts2-ns	81/tcp	0.012056	# HOSTS2 Name Server
hosts2-ns	81/udp	0.001005	# HOSTS2 Name Server
xfer	82/tcp	0.002923	# XFER Utility
xfer	82/udp	0.000659	# XFER Utility
mit-ml-dev	83/tcp	0.000539	# MIT ML Device
mit-ml-dev	83/udp	0.001203	# MIT ML Device
ctf	84/tcp	0.000276	# Common Trace Facility
ctf	84/udp	0.00061	# Common Trace Facility
mit-ml-dev	85/tcp	0.00069	# MIT ML Device
mit-ml-dev	85/udp	0.00061	# MIT ML Device
mfcobol	86/tcp	0.000138	# Micro Focus Cobol
mfcobol	86/udp	0.000824	# Micro Focus Cobol
priv-term-l	87/tcp	0.000125	# any private terminal link, ttylink
kerberos-sec	88/tcp	0.006072	# Kerberos (v5)
kerberos-sec	88/udp	0.013476	# Kerberos (v5)
su-mit-tg	89/tcp	0.000376	# SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
su-mit-tg	89/udp	0.000494	# SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
dnsix	90/tcp	0.000652	# DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
dnsix	90/udp	0.000511	# DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
mit-dov	91/tcp	0.000063	# MIT Dover Spooler
mit-dov	91/udp	0.000478	# MIT Dover Spooler
npp	92/tcp	0.00005	# Network Printing Protocol
npp	92/udp	0.000478	# Network Printing Protocol
dcp	93/tcp	0.000025	# Device Control Protocol
dcp	93/udp	0.000774	# Device Control Protocol
objcall	94/tcp	0.000025	# Tivoli Object Dispatcher
objcall	94/udp	0.000428	# Tivoli Object Dispatcher
supdup	95/tcp	0.000025	# BSD supdupd(8)
supdup	95/udp	0.000379	
dixie	96/tcp	0.000013	# DIXIE Protocol Specification
dixie	96/udp	0.000939	# DIXIE Protocol Specification
swift-rvf	97/tcp	0.000038	# Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
swift-rvf	97/udp	0.000362	# Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol
linuxconf	98/tcp	0.000088	
tacnews	98/udp	0.00056	# TAC News
metagram	99/tcp	0.000326	# Metagram Relay
metagram	99/udp	0.000972	# Metagram Relay
newacct	100/tcp	0.002133	# [unauthorized use]
hostname	101/tcp	0.000063	# hostnames NIC Host Name Server
hostname	101/udp	0.00056	# hostnames NIC Host Name Server
iso-tsap	102/tcp	0.000138	# tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0
iso-tsap	102/udp	0.000544	# tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0
gppitnp	103/tcp	0.000038	# Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net, or x400 ISO Email
gppitnp	103/udp	0.000527	# Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
acr-nema	104/tcp	0.000063	# ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
acr-nema	104/udp	0.000643	# ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
csnet-ns	105/udp	0.000478	# Mailbox Name Nameserver
pop3pw	106/tcp	0.005934	# Eudora compatible PW changer
3com-tsmux	106/udp	0.000544	
rtelnet	107/udp	0.000478	# Remote Telnet Service
snagas	108/tcp	0.000013	# SNA Gateway Access Server
snagas	108/udp	0.000494	# SNA Gateway Access Server
pop2	109/tcp	0.000188	# PostOffice V.2
pop2	109/udp	0.000461	# PostOffice V.2
pop3	110/tcp	0.077142	# PostOffice V.3
pop3	110/udp	0.001104	# PostOffice V.3
rpcbind	111/tcp	0.030034	# portmapper, rpcbind
rpcbind	111/udp	0.093988	# portmapper, rpcbind
mcidas	112/tcp	0.00005	# McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
mcidas	112/udp	0.002208	# McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
ident	113/tcp	0.01237	# ident, tap, Authentication Service
auth	113/udp	0.003031	# ident, tap, Authentication Service
audionews	114/tcp	0.000025	# Audio News Multicast
audionews	114/udp	0.000362	# Audio News Multicast
sftp	115/tcp	0.000025	# Simple File Transfer Protocol
sftp	115/udp	0.000346	# Simple File Transfer Protocol
ansanotify	116/tcp	0.000013	# ANSA REX Notify
ansanotify	116/udp	0.000445	# ANSA REX Notify
uucp-path	117/tcp	0.000013	# UUCP Path Service
uucp-path	117/udp	0.000527	# UUCP Path Service
sqlserv	118/tcp	0.000025	# SQL Services
sqlserv	118/udp	0.000791	# SQL Services
nntp	119/tcp	0.003262	# Network News Transfer Protocol
nntp	119/udp	0.000428	# Network News Transfer Protocol
cfdptkt	120/tcp	0.000025	
cfdptkt	120/udp	0.010181	
erpc	121/udp	0.000675	# Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
smakynet	122/tcp	0.000063	
smakynet	122/udp	0.000428	
ntp	123/tcp	0.000138	# Network Time Protocol
ntp	123/udp	0.330879	# Network Time Protocol
ansatrader	124/tcp	0.000013	# ANSA REX Trader
ansatrader	124/udp	0.00061	# ANSA REX Trader
locus-map	125/tcp	0.000176	# Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
locus-map	125/udp	0.000478	# Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
unitary	126/udp	0.00061	# Unisys Unitary Login
locus-con	127/tcp	0.000113	# Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
locus-con	127/udp	0.000412	# Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
gss-xlicen	128/tcp	0.000013	# GSS X License Verification
gss-xlicen	128/udp	0.000494	# GSS X License Verification
pwdgen	129/tcp	0.000025	# Password Generator Protocol
pwdgen	129/udp	0.000412	# Password Generator Protocol
cisco-fna	130/tcp	0.000013	# cisco FNATIVE
cisco-fna	130/udp	0.000774	# cisco FNATIVE
cisco-tna	131/udp	0.00056	# cisco TNATIVE
cisco-sys	132/tcp	0.000013	# cisco SYSMAINT
cisco-sys	132/udp	0.000923	# cisco SYSMAINT
statsrv	133/tcp	0.000025	# Statistics Service
statsrv	133/udp	0.000758	# Statistics Service
ingres-net	134/udp	0.001203	# INGRES-NET Service
msrpc	135/tcp	0.047798	# Microsoft RPC services
msrpc	135/udp	0.244452	# Microsoft RPC services
profile	136/tcp	0.000025	# PROFILE Naming System
profile	136/udp	0.051862	# PROFILE Naming System
netbios-ns	137/tcp	0.000038	# NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-ns	137/udp	0.365163	# NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-dgm	138/tcp	0.000025	# NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-dgm	138/udp	0.29783	# NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn	139/tcp	0.050809	# NETBIOS Session Service
netbios-ssn	139/udp	0.193726	# NETBIOS Session Service
emfis-data	140/udp	0.000692	# EMFIS Data Service
emfis-cntl	141/tcp	0.000013	# EMFIS Control Service
emfis-cntl	141/udp	0.000428	# EMFIS Control Service
bl-idm	142/tcp	0.000013	# Britton-Lee IDM
bl-idm	142/udp	0.000428	# Britton-Lee IDM
imap	143/tcp	0.05042	# Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
imap	143/udp	0.000659	# Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
news	144/tcp	0.004981	# NewS window system
news	144/udp	0.000346	# NewS window system
uaac	145/udp	0.001153	# UAAC Protocol
iso-tp0	146/tcp	0.000577	
iso-tp0	146/udp	0.00089	
iso-ip	147/udp	0.000511	
cronus	148/tcp	0.000013	# CRONUS-SUPPORT
cronus	148/udp	0.000445	# CRONUS-SUPPORT
aed-512	149/tcp	0.000013	# AED 512 Emulation Service
aed-512	149/udp	0.000445	# AED 512 Emulation Service
sql-net	150/tcp	0.000013	
sql-net	150/udp	0.00084	
hems	151/tcp	0.000013	
hems	151/udp	0.000412	
bftp	152/udp	0.000988	# Background File Transfer Program
sgmp	153/udp	0.000346	
netsc-prod	154/udp	0.000379	
netsc-dev	155/udp	0.000659	
sqlsrv	156/udp	0.000461	# SQL Service
knet-cmp	157/tcp	0.000113	# KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
knet-cmp	157/udp	0.000247	# KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
pcmail-srv	158/tcp	0.000063	# PCMail Server
pcmail-srv	158/udp	0.010148	# PCMail Server
nss-routing	159/udp	0.000329	
sgmp-traps	160/udp	0.000824	
snmp	161/tcp	0.00079	
snmp	161/udp	0.433467	# Simple Net Mgmt Proto
snmptrap	162/tcp	0.000013	# snmp-trap
snmptrap	162/udp	0.103346	# snmp-trap
cmip-man	163/tcp	0.00059	# CMIP/TCP Manager
cmip-man	163/udp	0.00084	# CMIP/TCP Manager
smip-agent	164/udp	0.000626	# CMIP/TCP Agent
xns-courier	165/udp	0.000379	# Xerox
s-net	166/udp	0.000461	# Sirius Systems
namp	167/udp	0.000395	
rsvd	168/tcp	0.000013	
rsvd	168/udp	0.000412	
send	169/udp	0.000494	
print-srv	170/udp	0.001071	# Network PostScript
multiplex	171/udp	0.000412	# Network Innovations Multiplex
cl-1	172/udp	0.000494	# Network Innovations CL/1
xyplex-mux	173/tcp	0.000013	
xyplex-mux	173/udp	0.000329	
mailq	174/tcp	0.000013	
mailq	174/udp	0.000379	
vmnet	175/udp	0.000379	
genrad-mux	176/tcp	0.000025	
genrad-mux	176/udp	0.000313	
xdmcp	177/tcp	0.000025	# X Display Mgr. Control Proto
xdmcp	177/udp	0.018551	# X Display Manager Control Protocol
nextstep	178/udp	0.000346	# NextStep Window Server
bgp	179/sctp	0	# Border Gateway Protocol
bgp	179/tcp	0.010538	# Border Gateway Protocol
bgp	179/udp	0.000494	# Border Gateway Protocol
ris	180/tcp	0.000038	# Intergraph
ris	180/udp	0.000478	# Intergraph
unify	181/tcp	0.000025	
unify	181/udp	0.000181	
audit	182/tcp	0.000038	# Unisys Audit SITP
audit	182/udp	0.000297	# Unisys Audit SITP
ocbinder	183/udp	0.00056	
ocserver	184/tcp	0.000013	
ocserver	184/udp	0.000461	
remote-kis	185/tcp	0.000013	
remote-kis	185/udp	0.000428	
kis	186/udp	0.00028	# KIS Protocol
aci	187/udp	0.000395	# Application Communication Interface
mumps	188/udp	0.000527	# Plus Five's MUMPS
qft	189/tcp	0.000013	# Queued File Transport
qft	189/udp	0.000461	# Queued File Transport
gacp	190/tcp	0.000013	# Gateway Access Control Protocol
cacp	190/udp	0.000428	# Gateway Access Control Protocol
prospero	191/tcp	0.000013	# Prospero Directory Service
prospero	191/udp	0.000857	# Prospero Directory Service
osu-nms	192/tcp	0.000013	# OSU Network Monitoring System
osu-nms	192/udp	0.004168	# OSU Network Monitoring System
srmp	193/tcp	0.000025	# Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
srmp	193/udp	0.000412	# Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol
irc	194/tcp	0.000038	# Internet Relay Chat
irc	194/udp	0.000643	# Internet Relay Chat Protocol
dn6-nlm-aud	195/udp	0.000395	# DNSIX Network Level Module Audit
dn6-smm-red	196/tcp	0.000025	# DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
dn6-smm-red	196/udp	0.000428	# DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir
dls	197/udp	0.000659	# Directory Location Service
dls-mon	198/udp	0.001252	# Directory Location Service Monitor
smux	199/tcp	0.015945	# SNMP Unix Multiplexer
smux	199/udp	0.004152	
src	200/tcp	0.000025	# IBM System Resource Controller
src	200/udp	0.000626	# IBM System Resource Controller
at-rtmp	201/tcp	0.000038	# AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
at-rtmp	201/udp	0.000988	# AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
at-nbp	202/tcp	0.000025	# AppleTalk Name Binding
at-nbp	202/udp	0.000445	# AppleTalk Name Binding
at-3	203/udp	0.000461	# AppleTalk Unused
at-echo	204/tcp	0.000025	# AppleTalk Echo
at-echo	204/udp	0.000412	# AppleTalk Echo
at-5	205/tcp	0.000013	# AppleTalk Unused
at-5	205/udp	0.00089	# AppleTalk Unused
at-zis	206/tcp	0.000025	# AppleTalk Zone Information
at-zis	206/udp	0.000956	# AppleTalk Zone Information
at-7	207/udp	0.001351	# AppleTalk Unused
at-8	208/udp	0.000511	# AppleTalk Unused
tam	209/tcp	0.000013	# Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol
tam	209/udp	0.000395	# Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol
z39.50	210/tcp	0.000125	# wais, ANSI Z39.50
z39.50	210/udp	0.000511	# wais, ANSI Z39.50
914c-g	211/tcp	0.000427	# Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
914c-g	211/udp	0.000329	# Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal
anet	212/tcp	0.000364	# ATEXSSTR
anet	212/udp	0.000329	# ATEXSSTR
ipx	213/tcp	0.000038	
ipx	213/udp	0.000478	
vmpwscs	214/tcp	0.000038	
vmpwscs	214/udp	0.000445	
softpc	215/udp	0.000412	# Insignia Solutions
atls	216/tcp	0.000013	# Access Technology License Server
atls	216/udp	0.000461	# Access Technology License Server
dbase	217/tcp	0.000013	# dBASE Unix
dbase	217/udp	0.001993	# dBASE Unix
mpp	218/udp	0.000593	# Netix Message Posting Protocol
uarps	219/tcp	0.000063	# Unisys ARPs
uarps	219/udp	0.000395	# Unisys ARPs
imap3	220/tcp	0.000113	# Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
imap3	220/udp	0.000445	# Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3
fln-spx	221/tcp	0.00005	# Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
fln-spx	221/udp	0.000577	# Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth
rsh-spx	222/tcp	0.000941	# Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
rsh-spx	222/udp	0.000774	# Berkeley rshd with SPX auth
cdc	223/tcp	0.000125	# Certificate Distribution Center
cdc	223/udp	0.000346	# Certificate Distribution Center
masqdialer	224/tcp	0.000025	
direct	242/udp	0.000362	
sur-meas	243/udp	0.000494	# Survey Measurement
dayna	244/udp	0.000461	
link	245/udp	0.000626	
dsp3270	246/udp	0.000593	# Display Systems Protocol
subntbcst_tftp	247/udp	0.000412	
bhfhs	248/tcp	0.000013	
bhfhs	248/udp	0.000511	
fw1-secureremote	256/tcp	0.000163	# also "rap"
rap	256/udp	0.000692	
fw1-mc-fwmodule	257/tcp	0.0001	# FW1 management console for communication w/modules and also secure electronic transaction (set) port
set	257/udp	0.000511	# secure electronic transaction
fw1-mc-gui	258/tcp	0.000013	# also yak winsock personal chat
yak-chat	258/udp	0.000494	# yak winsock personal chat
esro-gen	259/tcp	0.000201	# efficient short remote operations
firewall1-rdp	259/udp	0.00084	# Firewall 1 proprietary RDP protocol http://www.inside-security.de/fw1_rdp_poc.html
openport	260/tcp	0.000025	
openport	260/udp	0.000362	
nsiiops	261/tcp	0.000025	# iiop name service over tls/ssl
nsiiops	261/udp	0.000659	# iiop name service over tls/ssl
arcisdms	262/tcp	0.000038	
arcisdms	262/udp	0.000577	
hdap	263/udp	0.000544	
bgmp	264/tcp	0.001029	
fw1-or-bgmp	264/udp	0.000461	# FW1 secureremote alternate
maybe-fw1	265/tcp	0.000013	
td-service	267/tcp	0.000013	# Tobit David Service Layer
td-replica	268/tcp	0.00005	# Tobit David Replica
http-mgmt	280/tcp	0.001844	
http-mgmt	280/udp	0.000379	
personal-link	281/udp	0.000544	
cableport-ax	282/udp	0.000494	# cable port a/x
corerjd	284/tcp	0.000013	
novastorbakcup	308/tcp	0.000025	# novastor backup
novastorbakcup	308/udp	0.000329	# novastor backup
entrusttime	309/udp	0.000527	
bhmds	310/udp	0.000445	
asip-webadmin	311/tcp	0.001857	# appleshare ip webadmin
asip-webadmin	311/udp	0.000494	# appleshare ip webadmin
vslmp	312/udp	0.000593	
magenta-logic	313/udp	0.000297	
opalis-robot	314/udp	0.00084	
dpsi	315/tcp	0.000025	
dpsi	315/udp	0.000379	
decauth	316/tcp	0.000013	
decauth	316/udp	0.000461	
zannet	317/udp	0.000346	
pip	321/udp	0.000593	
rtsps	322/tcp	0.000013	# RTSPS
texar	333/tcp	0.000113	# Texar Security Port
texar	333/udp	0.00033	# Texar Security Port
pdap	344/udp	0.000445	# Prospero Data Access Protocol
pawserv	345/udp	0.000428	# Perf Analysis Workbench
zserv	346/tcp	0.000013	# Zebra server
zserv	346/udp	0.000428	# Zebra server
fatserv	347/udp	0.000708	# Fatmen Server
csi-sgwp	348/udp	0.000511	# Cabletron Management Protocol
mftp	349/udp	0.000297	
matip-type-a	350/tcp	0.000025	# MATIP Type A
matip-type-a	350/udp	0.000379	
matip-type-b	351/tcp	0.000013	# MATIP Type B or bhoetty also safetp
matip-type-b	351/udp	0.000313	# MATIP Type B or bhoetty
dtag-ste-sb	352/tcp	0.000013	# DTAG, or bhoedap4
dtag-ste-sb	352/udp	0.000593	# DTAG, or bhoedap4
ndsauth	353/tcp	0.00005	
ndsauth	353/udp	0.000264	
bh611	354/udp	0.00056	
datex-asn	355/tcp	0.000025	
datex-asn	355/udp	0.000774	
cloanto-net-1	356/udp	0.00061	
bhevent	357/udp	0.000478	
shrinkwrap	358/tcp	0.000013	
shrinkwrap	358/udp	0.000445	
tenebris_nts	359/udp	0.000494	# Tenebris Network Trace Service
scoi2odialog	360/tcp	0.000013	
scoi2odialog	360/udp	0.00056	
semantix	361/tcp	0.000013	
semantix	361/udp	0.000346	
srssend	362/tcp	0.000025	# SRS Send
srssend	362/udp	0.000445	# SRS Send
rsvp_tunnel	363/udp	0.002125	
aurora-cmgr	364/tcp	0.000013	
aurora-cmgr	364/udp	0.000395	
dtk	365/udp	0.000395	# Deception Tool Kit (www.all.net)
odmr	366/tcp	0.000715	
odmr	366/udp	0.000478	
mortgageware	367/udp	0.000445	
qbikgdp	368/udp	0.000264	
rpc2portmap	369/tcp	0.000013	
rpc2portmap	369/udp	0.000725	
codaauth2	370/tcp	0.000013	
codaauth2	370/udp	0.001038	
clearcase	371/udp	0.000593	
ulistserv	372/udp	0.000593	# Unix Listserv
legent-1	373/tcp	0.000013	# Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
legent-1	373/udp	0.000395	# Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
legent-2	374/udp	0.00061	# Legent Corporation (now Computer Associates Intl.)
hassle	375/udp	0.000544	
nip	376/udp	0.00112	# Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto
tnETOS	377/udp	0.000725	# NEC Corporation
dsETOS	378/udp	0.000544	# NEC Corporation
is99c	379/udp	0.000395	# TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client
is99s	380/tcp	0.000013	# TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
is99s	380/udp	0.000494	# TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server
hp-collector	381/udp	0.000577	# hp performance data collector
hp-managed-node	382/udp	0.000346	# hp performance data managed node
hp-alarm-mgr	383/tcp	0.000013	# hp performance data alarm manager
hp-alarm-mgr	383/udp	0.000362	# hp performance data alarm manager
arns	384/udp	0.000412	# A Remote Network Server System
ibm-app	385/udp	0.000692	# IBM Application
asa	386/udp	0.000741	# ASA Message Router Object Def.
aurp	387/udp	0.001285	# Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.
unidata-ldm	388/tcp	0.000088	# Unidata LDM Version 4
unidata-ldm	388/udp	0.000329	# Unidata LDM Version 4
ldap	389/tcp	0.004717	# Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
ldap	389/udp	0.0043	# Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
uis	390/udp	0.000478	
synotics-relay	391/tcp	0.000013	# SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
synotics-relay	391/udp	0.000988	# SynOptics SNMP Relay Port
synotics-broker	392/tcp	0.000013	# SynOptics Port Broker Port
synotics-broker	392/udp	0.00028	# SynOptics Port Broker Port
dis	393/udp	0.001302	# Data Interpretation System
embl-ndt	394/udp	0.000461	# EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
netcp	395/udp	0.000428	# NETscout Control Protocol
netware-ip	396/udp	0.000379	# Novell Netware over IP
mptn	397/tcp	0.000025	# Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
mptn	397/udp	0.000511	# Multi Protocol Trans. Net.
kryptolan	398/udp	0.000659	
iso-tsap-c2	399/tcp	0.000025	# ISO-TSAP Class 2
iso-tsap-c2	399/udp	0.000395	# ISO-TSAP Class 2
work-sol	400/tcp	0.000075	# Workstation Solutions
work-sol	400/udp	0.000643	# Workstation Solutions
ups	401/tcp	0.000025	# Uninterruptible Power Supply
ups	401/udp	0.00056	# Uninterruptible Power Supply
genie	402/tcp	0.000038	# Genie Protocol
genie	402/udp	0.00173	# Genie Protocol
decap	403/tcp	0.000025	
decap	403/udp	0.001021	
nced	404/tcp	0.000025	
nced	404/udp	0.000478	
ncld	405/udp	0.000379	
imsp	406/tcp	0.000163	# Interactive Mail Support Protocol
imsp	406/udp	0.00056	# Interactive Mail Support Protocol
timbuktu	407/tcp	0.001129	
timbuktu	407/udp	0.005305	
prm-sm	408/tcp	0.000013	# Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
prm-sm	408/udp	0.000445	# Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.
prm-nm	409/udp	0.000461	# Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.
decladebug	410/tcp	0.000025	# DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
decladebug	410/udp	0.000494	# DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol
rmt	411/tcp	0.000088	# Remote MT Protocol
rmt	411/udp	0.00056	# Remote MT Protocol
synoptics-trap	412/tcp	0.000025	# Trap Convention Port
synoptics-trap	412/udp	0.000511	# Trap Convention Port
smsp	413/tcp	0.000013	
smsp	413/udp	0.000395	
infoseek	414/tcp	0.000013	
infoseek	414/udp	0.000346	
bnet	415/tcp	0.000025	
bnet	415/udp	0.000445	
silverplatter	416/tcp	0.000201	
silverplatter	416/udp	0.000675	
onmux	417/tcp	0.000226	# Meeting maker
onmux	417/udp	0.000774	# Meeting maker
hyper-g	418/tcp	0.000025	
hyper-g	418/udp	0.000544	
ariel1	419/tcp	0.000138	
ariel1	419/udp	0.000544	
smpte	420/tcp	0.000013	
smpte	420/udp	0.000511	
ariel2	421/udp	0.000428	
ariel3	422/tcp	0.000025	
ariel3	422/udp	0.000346	
opc-job-start	423/tcp	0.000013	# IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
opc-job-start	423/udp	0.000329	# IBM Operations Planning and Control Start
opc-job-track	424/udp	0.00061	# IBM Operations Planning and Control Track
icad-el	425/tcp	0.000326	
icad-el	425/udp	0.000428	
smartsdp	426/udp	0.001104	
svrloc	427/tcp	0.005382	# Server Location
svrloc	427/udp	0.01827	# Server Location
ocs_cmu	428/tcp	0.000013	
ocs_cmu	428/udp	0.000329	
ocs_amu	429/udp	0.000428	
utmpsd	430/udp	0.000362	
utmpcd	431/udp	0.000461	
iasd	432/tcp	0.000013	
iasd	432/udp	0.000577	
nnsp	433/udp	0.000445	
mobileip-agent	434/tcp	0.000013	
mobileip-agent	434/udp	0.002257	
mobilip-mn	435/tcp	0.000013	
mobilip-mn	435/udp	0.000511	
dna-cml	436/udp	0.000379	
comscm	437/tcp	0.000025	
comscm	437/udp	0.000741	
dsfgw	438/tcp	0.000013	
dsfgw	438/udp	0.000725	
dasp	439/tcp	0.000013	
dasp	439/udp	0.000412	
sgcp	440/tcp	0.000063	
sgcp	440/udp	0.000807	
decvms-sysmgt	441/tcp	0.000138	
decvms-sysmgt	441/udp	0.000395	
cvc_hostd	442/tcp	0.000138	
cvc_hostd	442/udp	0.000774	
https	443/sctp	0	
https	443/tcp	0.208669	# secure http (SSL)
https	443/udp	0.01084	
snpp	444/tcp	0.004466	# Simple Network Paging Protocol
snpp	444/udp	0.000873	# Simple Network Paging Protocol
microsoft-ds	445/tcp	0.056944	# SMB directly over IP
microsoft-ds	445/udp	0.253118	
ddm-rdb	446/tcp	0.000075	
ddm-rdb	446/udp	0.000461	
ddm-dfm	447/tcp	0.000138	
ddm-dfm	447/udp	0.000675	
ddm-ssl	448/tcp	0.00005	# ddm-byte
ddm-ssl	448/udp	0.000511	# ddm-byte
as-servermap	449/tcp	0.000063	# AS Server Mapper
as-servermap	449/udp	0.000675	# AS Server Mapper
tserver	450/tcp	0.00005	
tserver	450/udp	0.000692	
sfs-smp-net	451/tcp	0.000013	# Cray Network Semaphore server
sfs-smp-net	451/udp	0.000774	# Cray Network Semaphore server
sfs-config	452/tcp	0.000013	# Cray SFS config server
sfs-config	452/udp	0.000297	# Cray SFS config server
creativeserver	453/tcp	0.000025	
creativeserver	453/udp	0.00028	
contentserver	454/tcp	0.000038	
contentserver	454/udp	0.000329	
creativepartnr	455/udp	0.000758	
macon	456/tcp	0.00005	
macon	456/udp	0.000494	
scohelp	457/tcp	0.000013	
scohelp	457/udp	0.00061	
appleqtc	458/tcp	0.000314	# apple quick time
appleqtc	458/udp	0.000725	# apple quick time
ampr-rcmd	459/udp	0.000362	
skronk	460/tcp	0.000013	
skronk	460/udp	0.00061	
datasurfsrv	461/udp	0.000379	
datasurfsrvsec	462/tcp	0.000025	
datasurfsrvsec	462/udp	0.00056	
alpes	463/udp	0.000494	
kpasswd5	464/tcp	0.001192	# Kerberos (v5)
kpasswd5	464/udp	0.0043	# Kerberos (v5)
smtps	465/tcp	0.013888	# smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp)
smtps	465/udp	0.000527	# smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp)
digital-vrc	466/tcp	0.000025	
digital-vrc	466/udp	0.000297	
mylex-mapd	467/udp	0.000445	
photuris	468/udp	0.00056	
rcp	469/udp	0.000692	# Radio Control Protocol
scx-proxy	470/tcp	0.000013	
scx-proxy	470/udp	0.000395	
mondex	471/udp	0.000478	
ljk-login	472/tcp	0.000013	
ljk-login	472/udp	0.000758	
hybrid-pop	473/tcp	0.000013	
hybrid-pop	473/udp	0.000445	
tn-tl-w2	474/udp	0.000214	
tcpnethaspsrv	475/tcp	0.000138	
tcpnethaspsrv	475/udp	0.000643	
tn-tl-fd1	476/udp	0.000346	
ss7ns	477/udp	0.000626	
spsc	478/udp	0.00061	
iafserver	479/tcp	0.000013	
iafserver	479/udp	0.000675	
loadsrv	480/tcp	0.000013	
iafdbase	480/udp	0.000461	
dvs	481/tcp	0.000176	
ph	481/udp	0.000445	
xlog	482/udp	0.000577	
ulpnet	483/udp	0.000461	
integra-sme	484/udp	0.001186	# Integra Software Management Environment
powerburst	485/tcp	0.000013	# Air Soft Power Burst
powerburst	485/udp	0.000725	# Air Soft Power Burst
sstats	486/tcp	0.000025	
avian	486/udp	0.000379	
saft	487/tcp	0.000013	# saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
saft	487/udp	0.000428	# saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
gss-http	488/udp	0.000643	
nest-protocol	489/udp	0.000544	
micom-pfs	490/udp	0.000577	
go-login	491/tcp	0.00005	
go-login	491/udp	0.000297	
ticf-1	492/tcp	0.00005	# Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
ticf-1	492/udp	0.00061	# Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
ticf-2	493/tcp	0.000025	# Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
ticf-2	493/udp	0.00056	# Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
pov-ray	494/udp	0.000478	
intecourier	495/udp	0.000362	
pim-rp-disc	496/tcp	0.000013	
pim-rp-disc	496/udp	0.001153	
retrospect	497/tcp	0.001179	
retrospect	497/udp	0.017348	
siam	498/udp	0.000461	
iso-ill	499/udp	0.000511	# ISO ILL Protocol
isakmp	500/tcp	0.001129	
isakmp	500/udp	0.163742	
stmf	501/tcp	0.000063	
stmf	501/udp	0.001186	
mbap	502/tcp	0.000151	# Modbus Application Protocol
mbap	502/udp	0.001318	# Modbus Application Protocol
intrinsa	503/udp	0.000708	
citadel	504/udp	0.000758	
mailbox-lm	505/tcp	0.000038	
mailbox-lm	505/udp	0.000807	
ohimsrv	506/udp	0.000577	
crs	507/tcp	0.00005	
crs	507/udp	0.000593	
xvttp	508/udp	0.000461	
snare	509/tcp	0.000075	
snare	509/udp	0.000643	
fcp	510/tcp	0.000063	# FirstClass Protocol
fcp	510/udp	0.000923	# FirstClass Protocol
passgo	511/tcp	0.000038	
passgo	511/udp	0.00061	
exec	512/tcp	0.000841	# BSD rexecd(8)
biff	512/udp	0.002142	# comsat
login	513/tcp	0.005595	# BSD rlogind(8)
who	513/udp	0.002323	# BSD rwhod(8)
shell	514/tcp	0.011078	# BSD rshd(8)
syslog	514/udp	0.119804	# BSD syslogd(8)
printer	515/tcp	0.007214	# spooler (lpd)
printer	515/udp	0.011022	# spooler (lpd)
videotex	516/tcp	0.000013	
videotex	516/udp	0.000807	
talk	517/udp	0.004794	# BSD talkd(8)
ntalk	518/tcp	0.000013	# (talkd)
ntalk	518/udp	0.022208	# (talkd)
utime	519/udp	0.00056	# unixtime
route	520/udp	0.139376	# router routed -- RIP
ripng	521/udp	0.000708	
ulp	522/tcp	0.000013	
ulp	522/udp	0.000511	
ibm-db2	523/tcp	0.000113	
ibm-db2	523/udp	0.000461	
ncp	524/tcp	0.000213	
ncp	524/udp	0.000873	
timed	525/tcp	0.000063	# timeserver
timed	525/udp	0.00089	# timeserver
tempo	526/tcp	0.000013	# newdate
tempo	526/udp	0.000346	# newdate
stx	527/udp	0.000362	# Stock IXChange
custix	528/tcp	0.000013	# Customer IXChange
custix	528/udp	0.000329	# Customer IXChange
irc	529/udp	0.000544	
courier	530/tcp	0.000013	# rpc
courier	530/udp	0.000873	# rpc
conference	531/udp	0.000824	# chat
netnews	532/udp	0.000758	# readnews
netwall	533/tcp	0.000013	# for emergency broadcasts
netwall	533/udp	0.000461	# for emergency broadcasts
mm-admin	534/udp	0.000379	# MegaMedia Admin
iiop	535/tcp	0.000013	
iiop	535/udp	0.000329	
opalis-rdv	536/tcp	0.000025	
opalis-rdv	536/udp	0.000428	
nmsp	537/udp	0.000774	# Networked Media Streaming Protocol
gdomap	538/tcp	0.000063	
gdomap	538/udp	0.000461	
apertus-ldp	539/udp	0.002274	# Apertus Technologies Load Determination
uucp	540/tcp	0.000138	# uucpd
uucp	540/udp	0.000791	# uucpd
uucp-rlogin	541/tcp	0.000489	
uucp-rlogin	541/udp	0.000807	
commerce	542/tcp	0.000013	
commerce	542/udp	0.000675	
klogin	543/tcp	0.005282	# Kerberos (v4/v5)
klogin	543/udp	0.00061	# Kerberos (v4/v5)
kshell	544/tcp	0.005269	# krcmd Kerberos (v4/v5)
kshell	544/udp	0.000527	# krcmd Kerberos (v4/v5)
ekshell	545/tcp	0.000276	# Kerberos encrypted remote shell -kfall
appleqtcsrvr	545/udp	0.000478	
dhcpv6-client	546/udp	0.00084	# DHCPv6 Client
dhcpv6-server	547/udp	0.000807	# DHCPv6 Server
afp	548/tcp	0.012395	# AFP over TCP
afp	548/udp	0.000774	# AFP over UDP
idfp	549/udp	0.000461	
new-rwho	550/udp	0.00117	# new-who
cybercash	551/udp	0.000774	
deviceshare	552/tcp	0.000013	
deviceshare	552/udp	0.00084	
pirp	553/tcp	0.000038	
pirp	553/udp	0.000593	
rtsp	554/tcp	0.008104	# Real Time Stream Control Protocol
rtsp	554/udp	0.000593	# Real Time Stream Control Protocol
dsf	555/tcp	0.000238	
dsf	555/udp	0.000329	
remotefs	556/tcp	0.000125	# rfs, rfs_server, Brunhoff remote filesystem
remotefs	556/udp	0.000428	# rfs, rfs_server, Brunhoff remote filesystem
openvms-sysipc	557/tcp	0.000113	
openvms-sysipc	557/udp	0.000461	
sdnskmp	558/udp	0.000461	
teedtap	559/udp	0.001433	
rmonitor	560/tcp	0.000038	# rmonitord
rmonitor	560/udp	0.000626	# rmonitord
monitor	561/tcp	0.000038	
monitor	561/udp	0.000544	
chshell	562/udp	0.000346	# chcmd
snews	563/tcp	0.000916	
snews	563/udp	0.000675	
9pfs	564/tcp	0.000013	# plan 9 file service
9pfs	564/udp	0.000527	# plan 9 file service
whoami	565/udp	0.000445	
banyan-rpc	567/udp	0.000544	
ms-shuttle	568/tcp	0.000025	# Microsoft shuttle
ms-shuttle	568/udp	0.000824	# Microsoft shuttle
ms-rome	569/tcp	0.000013	# Microsoft rome
ms-rome	569/udp	0.000758	# Microsoft rome
meter	570/tcp	0.000013	# demon
meter	570/udp	0.000461	# demon
umeter	571/tcp	0.000013	# udemon
umeter	571/udp	0.000692	# udemon
sonar	572/tcp	0.000013	
sonar	572/udp	0.000297	
banyan-vip	573/udp	0.000939	
ftp-agent	574/udp	0.000428	# FTP Software Agent System
vemmi	575/udp	0.000379	
ipcd	576/udp	0.000346	
vnas	577/tcp	0.000063	
vnas	577/udp	0.000972	
ipdd	578/tcp	0.000075	
ipdd	578/udp	0.000527	
decbsrv	579/udp	0.000544	
sntp-heartbeat	580/udp	0.000428	
bdp	581/udp	0.000395	# Bundle Discovery Protocol
scc-security	582/tcp	0.000013	
scc-security	582/udp	0.00028	
philips-vc	583/tcp	0.000013	# Philips Video-Conferencing
philips-vc	583/udp	0.000544	# Philips Video-Conferencing
keyserver	584/udp	0.001005	
imap4-ssl	585/udp	0.000412	# use 993 instead)
password-chg	586/udp	0.000758	
submission	587/tcp	0.019721	
submission	587/udp	0.000692	
cal	588/udp	0.000544	
eyelink	589/udp	0.000461	
tns-cml	590/udp	0.000577	
http-alt	591/tcp	0.000075	# FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate
http-alt	591/udp	0.000527	# FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate
eudora-set	592/udp	0.000626	
http-rpc-epmap	593/tcp	0.001242	# HTTP RPC Ep Map
http-rpc-epmap	593/udp	0.022933	# HTTP RPC Ep Map
tpip	594/udp	0.000873	
cab-protocol	595/udp	0.000445	
smsd	596/tcp	0.000013	
smsd	596/udp	0.000544	
ptcnameservice	597/udp	0.000214	# PTC Name Service
sco-websrvrmg3	598/tcp	0.000013	# SCO Web Server Manager 3
sco-websrvrmg3	598/udp	0.000626	# SCO Web Server Manager 3
acp	599/tcp	0.000013	# Aeolon Core Protocol
acp	599/udp	0.000412	# Aeolon Core Protocol
ipcserver	600/tcp	0.0001	# Sun IPC server
ipcserver	600/udp	0.000741	# Sun IPC server
syslog-conn	601/tcp	0.000025	# Reliable Syslog Service
syslog-conn	601/udp	0.00033	# Reliable Syslog Service
xmlrpc-beep	602/tcp	0.0001	# XML-RPC over BEEP
mnotes	603/tcp	0.000063	# CommonTime Mnotes PDA Synchronization
idxp	603/udp	0.000991	# IDXP
tunnel	604/tcp	0.000025	# TUNNEL
soap-beep	605/tcp	0.00005	# SOAP over BEEP
soap-beep	605/udp	0.000661	# SOAP over BEEP
urm	606/tcp	0.000088	# Cray Unified Resource Manager
urm	606/udp	0.000494	# Cray Unified Resource Manager
nqs	607/tcp	0.000025	
nqs	607/udp	0.000758	
sift-uft	608/tcp	0.000025	# Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
sift-uft	608/udp	0.000544	# Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer
npmp-trap	609/tcp	0.00005	
npmp-trap	609/udp	0.000379	
npmp-local	610/tcp	0.000113	
npmp-local	610/udp	0.000741	
npmp-gui	611/tcp	0.000038	
npmp-gui	611/udp	0.000577	
hmmp-ind	612/tcp	0.000013	# HMMP Indication
hmmp-op	613/tcp	0.000013	# HMMP Operation
hmmp-op	613/udp	0.00033	# HMMP Operation
sshell	614/tcp	0.000013	# SSLshell
sshell	614/udp	0.00033	# SSLshell
sco-inetmgr	615/tcp	0.000063	# Internet Configuration Manager
sco-inetmgr	615/udp	0.00033	# Internet Configuration Manager
sco-sysmgr	616/tcp	0.000289	# SCO System Administration Server
sco-sysmgr	616/udp	0.00033	# SCO System Administration Server
sco-dtmgr	617/tcp	0.000226	# SCO Desktop Administration Server or Arkeia (www.arkeia.com) backup software
sco-dtmgr	617/udp	0.001302	# SCO Desktop Administration Server
dei-icda	618/tcp	0.000013	# DEI-ICDA
compaq-evm	619/tcp	0.000025	# Compaq EVM
compaq-evm	619/udp	0.000991	# Compaq EVM
sco-websrvrmgr	620/tcp	0.000063	# SCO WebServer Manager
sco-websrvrmgr	620/udp	0.000991	# SCO WebServer Manager
escp-ip	621/tcp	0.000088	# ESCP
escp-ip	621/udp	0.000661	# ESCP
collaborator	622/tcp	0.000038	# Collaborator
oob-ws-http	623/tcp	0.000151	# DMTF out-of-band web services management protocol
asf-rmcp	623/udp	0.007929	# ASF Remote Management and Control
cryptoadmin	624/tcp	0.000038	# Crypto Admin
apple-xsrvr-admin	625/tcp	0.001869	# Apple Mac Xserver admin
apple-imap-admin	626/tcp	0.000025	# Apple IMAP mail admin
serialnumberd	626/udp	0.021473	# Mac OS X Server serial number (licensing) daemon
passgo-tivoli	627/tcp	0.00005	# PassGo Tivoli
qmqp	628/tcp	0.000038	# Qmail Quick Mail Queueing
qmqp	628/udp	0.000661	# QMQP
3com-amp3	629/tcp	0.000063	# 3Com AMP3
rda	630/tcp	0.00005	# RDA
rda	630/udp	0.00033	# RDA
ipp	631/tcp	0.00616	# Internet Printing Protocol -- for one implementation see http://www.cups.org (Common UNIX Printing System)
ipp	631/udp	0.450281	# Internet Printing Protocol
bmpp	632/tcp	0.00005	
bmpp	632/udp	0.000661	
servstat	633/tcp	0.000038	# Service Status update (Sterling Software)
ginad	634/tcp	0.000063	
ginad	634/udp	0.000692	
rlzdbase	635/tcp	0.000075	# RLZ DBase
mount	635/udp	0.000511	# NFS Mount Service
ldapssl	636/tcp	0.002083	# LDAP over SSL
ldaps	636/udp	0.000661	# ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap)
lanserver	637/tcp	0.000038	
lanserver	637/udp	0.000428	
mcns-sec	638/tcp	0.00005	
msdp	639/tcp	0.000151	# MSDP
msdp	639/udp	0.001321	# MSDP
entrust-sps	640/tcp	0.00005	
pcnfs	640/udp	0.00089	# PC-NFS DOS Authentication
repcmd	641/tcp	0.000088	
repcmd	641/udp	0.000661	
esro-emsdp	642/tcp	0.000075	# ESRO-EMSDP V1.3
sanity	643/tcp	0.000013	# SANity
sanity	643/udp	0.001982	# SANity
dwr	644/tcp	0.000038	
dwr	644/udp	0.000991	
pssc	645/tcp	0.000025	# PSSC
ldp	646/tcp	0.006549	# Label Distribution
dhcp-failover	647/tcp	0.00005	# DHCP Failover
rrp	648/tcp	0.000577	# Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
rrp	648/udp	0.00033	# Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP)
cadview-3d	649/tcp	0.000063	# Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
cadview-3d	649/udp	0.00033	# Cadview-3d - streaming 3d models over the internet
bwnfs	650/udp	0.000544	# BW-NFS DOS Authentication
ieee-mms	651/tcp	0.00005	# IEEE MMS
hello-port	652/tcp	0.000013	# HELLO_PORT
hello-port	652/udp	0.00033	# HELLO_PORT
repscmd	653/tcp	0.000063	# RepCmd
repscmd	653/udp	0.000661	# RepCmd
aodv	654/tcp	0.000038	# AODV
tinc	655/tcp	0.0001	# TINC
tinc	655/udp	0.00033	# TINC
spmp	656/tcp	0.000038	# SPMP
rmc	657/tcp	0.000113	# RMC
rmc	657/udp	0.001321	# RMC
tenfold	658/tcp	0.00005	# TenFold
mac-srvr-admin	660/tcp	0.0001	# MacOS Server Admin
mac-srvr-admin	660/udp	0.000577	# MacOS Server Admin
hap	661/tcp	0.00005	# HAP
pftp	662/tcp	0.000013	# PFTP
pftp	662/udp	0.00033	# PFTP
purenoise	663/tcp	0.00005	# PureNoise
secure-aux-bus	664/tcp	0.000063	
secure-aux-bus	664/udp	0.003634	
sun-dr	665/tcp	0.000063	# Sun DR
doom	666/tcp	0.000289	# Id Software Doom
doom	666/udp	0.000956	# doom Id Software
disclose	667/tcp	0.000238	# campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
disclose	667/udp	0.00033	# campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies
mecomm	668/tcp	0.000213	# MeComm
meregister	669/tcp	0.000088	# MeRegister
vacdsm-sws	670/tcp	0.000038	# VACDSM-SWS
vpps-qua	672/tcp	0.000025	# VPPS-QUA
vpps-qua	672/udp	0.000991	# VPPS-QUA
cimplex	673/tcp	0.00005	# CIMPLEX
acap	674/tcp	0.000113	# ACAP server of Communigate (www.stalker.com)
acap	674/udp	0.000661	# ACAP
dctp	675/tcp	0.000038	# DCTP
dctp	675/udp	0.00033	# DCTP
vpps-via	676/tcp	0.000038	# VPPS Via
vpp	677/tcp	0.000025	# Virtual Presence Protocol
ggf-ncp	678/tcp	0.000075	# GNU Generation Foundation NCP
mrm	679/udp	0.00033	# MRM
entrust-aaas	680/tcp	0.000038	
entrust-aaas	680/udp	0.000661	
entrust-aams	681/tcp	0.000038	
entrust-aams	681/udp	0.000991	
xfr	682/tcp	0.000063	# XFR
xfr	682/udp	0.002643	# XFR
corba-iiop	683/tcp	0.000176	
corba-iiop	683/udp	0.003304	
corba-iiop-ssl	684/tcp	0.000113	# CORBA IIOP SSL
corba-iiop-ssl	684/udp	0.002313	# CORBA IIOP SSL
mdc-portmapper	685/tcp	0.000038	# MDC Port Mapper
mdc-portmapper	685/udp	0.002973	# MDC Port Mapper
hcp-wismar	686/tcp	0.000025	# Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
hcp-wismar	686/udp	0.002973	# Hardware Control Protocol Wismar
asipregistry	687/tcp	0.000188	
asipregistry	687/udp	0.001982	
realm-rusd	688/tcp	0.000025	# ApplianceWare managment protocol
realm-rusd	688/udp	0.001982	# ApplianceWare managment protocol
nmap	689/tcp	0.000038	# NMAP
nmap	689/udp	0.001321	# NMAP
vatp	690/tcp	0.000088	# Velazquez Application Transfer Protocol
vatp	690/udp	0.00033	# Velazquez Application Transfer Protocol
resvc	691/tcp	0.000376	# The Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Routing Service
msexch-routing	691/udp	0.00033	# MS Exchange Routing
hyperwave-isp	692/tcp	0.000038	# Hyperwave-ISP
ha-cluster	694/tcp	0.000038	
ha-cluster	694/udp	0.000661	
ieee-mms-ssl	695/tcp	0.000063	# IEEE-MMS-SSL
rushd	696/tcp	0.00005	# RUSHD
rushd	696/udp	0.00033	# RUSHD
uuidgen	697/tcp	0.000025	# UUIDGEN
uuidgen	697/udp	0.00033	# UUIDGEN
olsr	698/tcp	0.000025	# OLSR
accessnetwork	699/tcp	0.000025	# Access Network
epp	700/tcp	0.000289	# Extensible Provisioning Protocol
epp	700/udp	0.00033	# Extensible Provisioning Protocol
lmp	701/tcp	0.000151	# Link Management Protocol (LMP)
lmp	701/udp	0.00033	# Link Management Protocol (LMP)
iris-beep	702/tcp	0.00005	# IRIS over BEEP
elcsd	704/tcp	0.000038	# errlog copy/server daemon
elcsd	704/udp	0.000923	# errlog copy/server daemon
agentx	705/tcp	0.000414	# AgentX
agentx	705/udp	0.000661	# AgentX
silc	706/tcp	0.000075	# Secure Internet Live Conferencing -- http://silcnet.org
silc	706/udp	0.00033	# SILC
borland-dsj	707/tcp	0.000063	# Borland DSJ
entrustmanager	709/tcp	0.000125	# EntrustManager - NorTel DES auth network see 389/tcp
entrustmanager	709/udp	0.000741	# EntrustManager - NorTel DES auth network see 389/tcp
entrust-ash	710/tcp	0.000151	# Entrust Administration Service Handler
entrust-ash	710/udp	0.00033	# Entrust Administration Service Handler
cisco-tdp	711/tcp	0.000401	# Cisco TDP
cisco-tdp	711/udp	0.00033	# Cisco TDP
tbrpf	712/tcp	0.000025	# TBRPF
iris-xpc	713/tcp	0.000125	# IRIS over XPC
iris-xpcs	714/tcp	0.000226	# IRIS over XPCS
iris-xpcs	714/udp	0.00033	# IRIS over XPCS
iris-lwz	715/tcp	0.000088	# IRIS-LWZ
iris-lwz	715/udp	0.00033	# IRIS-LWZ
pana	716/udp	0.00033	# PANA Messages
omfs	723/tcp	0.000038	# OpenMosix File System
netviewdm1	729/tcp	0.0001	# IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
netviewdm1	729/udp	0.000857	# IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client
netviewdm2	730/tcp	0.0001	# IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
netviewdm2	730/udp	0.000758	# IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp
netviewdm3	731/tcp	0.0001	# IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp
netviewdm3	731/udp	0.000741	# IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp
sometimes-rpc2	737/udp	0.00056	# Rusersd on my OpenBSD box
netcp	740/tcp	0.000088	# NETscout Control Protocol
netcp	740/udp	0.000873	# NETscout Control Protocol
netgw	741/tcp	0.00005	
netgw	741/udp	0.000428	
netrcs	742/tcp	0.000013	# Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
netrcs	742/udp	0.000956	# Network based Rev. Cont. Sys.
flexlm	744/tcp	0.000013	# Flexible License Manager
flexlm	744/udp	0.000659	# Flexible License Manager
fujitsu-dev	747/tcp	0.000025	# Fujitsu Device Control
fujitsu-dev	747/udp	0.000791	# Fujitsu Device Control
ris-cm	748/tcp	0.000113	# Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
ris-cm	748/udp	0.00112	# Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager
kerberos-adm	749/tcp	0.000326	# Kerberos 5 admin/changepw
kerberos-adm	749/udp	0.000939	# Kerberos 5 admin/changepw
kerberos	750/tcp	0.000063	# kdc Kerberos (v4)
kerberos	750/udp	0.001269	# kdc Kerberos (v4)
kerberos_master	751/tcp	0.000038	# Kerberos `kadmin' (v4)
kerberos_master	751/udp	0.000923	# Kerberos `kadmin' (v4)
qrh	752/tcp	0.000013	
qrh	752/udp	0.000725	
rrh	753/tcp	0.000013	
rrh	753/udp	0.000675	
krb_prop	754/tcp	0.000088	# kerberos/v5 server propagation
tell	754/udp	0.00033	# send
nlogin	758/tcp	0.000088	
nlogin	758/udp	0.000708	
con	759/tcp	0.000025	
con	759/udp	0.000972	
krbupdate	760/tcp	0.00005	# kreg Kerberos (v4) registration
ns	760/udp	0.001153	
kpasswd	761/tcp	0.00005	# kpwd Kerberos (v4) "passwd"
rxe	761/udp	0.000956	
quotad	762/tcp	0.000075	
quotad	762/udp	0.000626	
cycleserv	763/tcp	0.000025	
cycleserv	763/udp	0.000741	
omserv	764/tcp	0.000025	
omserv	764/udp	0.001351	
webster	765/tcp	0.000213	
webster	765/udp	0.000659	
phonebook	767/tcp	0.000013	# phone
phonebook	767/udp	0.002257	# phone
vid	769/tcp	0.000075	
vid	769/udp	0.001252	
cadlock	770/tcp	0.000038	
cadlock	770/udp	0.001269	
rtip	771/tcp	0.000063	
rtip	771/udp	0.001219	
cycleserv2	772/udp	0.001796	
submit	773/tcp	0.000013	
notify	773/udp	0.001713	
rpasswd	774/tcp	0.000025	
acmaint_dbd	774/udp	0.001664	
entomb	775/tcp	0.000013	
acmaint_transd	775/udp	0.001993	
wpages	776/tcp	0.000025	
wpages	776/udp	0.002043	
multiling-http	777/tcp	0.000226	# Multiling HTTP
multiling-http	777/udp	0.000661	# Multiling HTTP
wpgs	780/tcp	0.000151	
wpgs	780/udp	0.002718	
hp-collector	781/tcp	0.000013	# hp performance data collector
hp-collector	781/udp	0.002636	# hp performance data collector
hp-managed-node	782/tcp	0.0001	# hp performance data managed node
hp-managed-node	782/udp	0.002933	# hp performance data managed node
spamassassin	783/tcp	0.000163	# Apache SpamAssassin spamd
concert	786/tcp	0.0001	
concert	786/udp	0.0029	
qsc	787/tcp	0.001455	
controlit	799/tcp	0.000038	# Remotely possible
mdbs_daemon	800/tcp	0.000427	
mdbs_daemon	800/udp	0.004333	
device	801/tcp	0.000238	
device	801/udp	0.000939	
ccproxy-http	808/tcp	0.002296	# CCProxy HTTP/Gopher/FTP (over HTTP) proxy
fcp-udp	810/tcp	0.000063	# FCP
fcp-udp	810/udp	0.000661	# FCP Datagram
itm-mcell-s	828/tcp	0.000063	
itm-mcell-s	828/udp	0.00033	
pkix-3-ca-ra	829/tcp	0.000125	# PKIX-3 CA/RA
pkix-3-ca-ra	829/udp	0.001982	# PKIX-3 CA/RA
netconf-ssh	830/tcp	0.000075	# NETCONF over SSH
netconf-beep	831/tcp	0.00005	# NETCONF over BEEP
netconf-beep	831/udp	0.000661	# NETCONF over BEEP
netconfsoaphttp	832/tcp	0.000038	# NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
netconfsoapbeep	833/tcp	0.000063	# NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
netconfsoapbeep	833/udp	0.000661	# NETCONF for SOAP over BEEP
dhcp-failover2	847/tcp	0.000063	# dhcp-failover 2
dhcp-failover2	847/udp	0.00033	# dhcp-failover 2
gdoi	848/tcp	0.000025	# GDOI
gdoi	848/udp	0.00033	# GDOI
iscsi	860/tcp	0.000063	# iSCSI
owamp-control	861/tcp	0.000063	# OWAMP-Control
owamp-control	861/udp	0.00033	# OWAMP-Control
twamp-control	862/tcp	0.0001	# Two-way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Control
supfilesrv	871/tcp	0.000025	# SUP server
rsync	873/tcp	0.0034	# Rsync server ( http://rsync.samba.org )
rsync	873/udp	0.000661	
iclcnet-locate	886/tcp	0.000038	# ICL coNETion locate server
iclcnet-locate	886/udp	0.00033	# ICL coNETion locate server
iclcnet_svinfo	887/tcp	0.000025	# ICL coNETion server info
iclcnet_svinfo	887/udp	0.000991	# ICL coNETion server info
accessbuilder	888/tcp	0.000928	# or Audio CD Database
accessbuilder	888/udp	0.000923	
sun-manageconsole	898/tcp	0.000339	# Solaris Management Console Java listener (Solaris 8 & 9)
omginitialrefs	900/tcp	0.000452	# OMG Initial Refs
omginitialrefs	900/udp	0.000661	# OMG Initial Refs
samba-swat	901/tcp	0.000552	# Samba SWAT tool.  Also used by ISS RealSecure.
smpnameres	901/udp	0.00033	# SMPNAMERES
iss-realsecure	902/tcp	0.001468	# ISS RealSecure Sensor
ideafarm-door	902/udp	0.001982	# self documenting Door: send 0x00 for info
iss-console-mgr	903/tcp	0.000176	# ISS Console Manager
ideafarm-panic	903/udp	0.001652	# self documenting Panic Door: send 0x00 for info
kink	910/tcp	0.000013	# Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
kink	910/udp	0.00033	# Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Keys (KINK)
xact-backup	911/tcp	0.000188	
apex-mesh	912/tcp	0.000527	# APEX relay-relay service
apex-edge	913/tcp	0.000151	# APEX endpoint-relay service
oftep-rpc	950/tcp	0.00005	# Often RPC.statd (on Redhat Linux)
rndc	953/tcp	0.000138	# RNDC is used by BIND 9 (& probably other NS)
securenetpro-sensor	975/tcp	0.000038	
ftps-data	989/tcp	0.000063	# ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
ftps-data	989/udp	0.006277	# ftp protocol, data, over TLS/SSL
ftps	990/tcp	0.00557	# ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
ftps	990/udp	0.004625	# ftp protocol, control, over TLS/SSL
nas	991/tcp	0.000038	# Netnews Administration System
telnets	992/tcp	0.000903	# telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
imaps	993/tcp	0.027199	# imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL
imaps	993/udp	0.000661	# imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL
ircs	994/tcp	0.000038	# irc protocol over TLS/SSL
pop3s	995/tcp	0.029921	# POP3 protocol over TLS/SSL
pop3s	995/udp	0.000991	# pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL (was spop3)
xtreelic	996/tcp	0.0001	# XTREE License Server
vsinet	996/udp	0.073362	
maitrd	997/tcp	0.000038	
maitrd	997/udp	0.073247	
busboy	998/tcp	0.0001	
puparp	998/udp	0.073395	
garcon	999/tcp	0.000966	
applix	999/udp	0.07323	# Applix ac
cadlock	1000/tcp	0.003149	
ock	1000/udp	0.002142	
windows-icfw	1002/tcp	0.00069	# Windows Internet Connection Firewall or Internet Locator Server for NetMeeting.
ufsd	1008/tcp	0.000125	# ufsd
ufsd	1008/udp	0.00402	
surf	1010/tcp	0.000188	
surf	1010/udp	0.000661	
sometimes-rpc1	1012/udp	0.001993	# This is rstatd on my openBSD box
exp1	1021/tcp	0.000301	# RFC3692-style Experiment 1 (*)    [RFC4727]
exp1	1021/udp	0.003634	# RFC3692-style Experiment 1 (*)    [RFC4727]
exp2	1022/tcp	0.001217	# RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*)    [RFC4727]
exp2	1022/udp	0.007929	# RFC3692-style Experiment 2 (*)    [RFC4727]
netvenuechat	1023/tcp	0.000953	# Nortel NetVenue Notification, Chat, Intercom
kdm	1024/tcp	0.002722	# K Display Manager (KDE version of xdm)
NFS-or-IIS	1025/tcp	0.022406	# IIS, NFS, or listener RFS remote_file_sharing
blackjack	1025/udp	0.041813	# network blackjack
LSA-or-nterm	1026/tcp	0.010237	# nterm remote_login network_terminal
win-rpc	1026/udp	0.024777	# Commonly used to send MS Messenger spam
IIS	1027/tcp	0.006724	
ms-lsa	1028/udp	0.013443	
ms-lsa	1029/tcp	0.003801	
solid-mux	1029/udp	0.014536	# Solid Mux Server
iad1	1030/tcp	0.00286	# BBN IAD
iad1	1030/udp	0.008007	# BBN IAD
iad2	1031/tcp	0.002221	# BBN IAD
iad2	1031/udp	0.006639	# BBN IAD
iad3	1032/tcp	0.001719	# BBN IAD
iad3	1032/udp	0.006705	# BBN IAD
netinfo	1033/tcp	0.001342	# Netinfo is apparently on many OS X boxes.
netinfo-local	1033/udp	0.003964	# local netinfo port
zincite-a	1034/tcp	0.001064	# Zincite.A backdoor
activesync-notify	1034/udp	0.005173	# Windows Mobile device ActiveSync Notifications
multidropper	1035/tcp	0.001216	# A Multidropper Adware, or PhoneFree
mxxrlogin	1035/udp	0.001982	# MX-XR RPC
nsstp	1036/tcp	0.001216	# Nebula Secure Segment Transfer Protocol
nsstp	1036/udp	0.004295	# Nebula Secure Segment Transfer Protocol
ams	1037/tcp	0.001216	# AMS
ams	1037/udp	0.002313	# AMS
mtqp	1038/tcp	0.002053	# Message Tracking Query Protocol
mtqp	1038/udp	0.004295	# Message Tracking Query Protocol
sbl	1039/tcp	0.002129	# Streamlined Blackhole
sbl	1039/udp	0.004295	# Streamlined Blackhole
netsaint	1040/tcp	0.001342	# Netsaint status daemon
netarx	1040/udp	0.001982	# Netarx Netcare
danf-ak2	1041/tcp	0.002433	# AK2 Product
danf-ak2	1041/udp	0.004625	# AK2 Product
afrog	1042/tcp	0.000988	# Subnet Roaming
afrog	1042/udp	0.001982	# Subnet Roaming
boinc	1043/tcp	0.000841	# BOINC Client Control or Microsoft IIS
boinc	1043/udp	0.003493	# BOINC Client Control
dcutility	1044/tcp	0.002205	# Dev Consortium Utility
dcutility	1044/udp	0.003304	# Dev Consortium Utility
fpitp	1045/tcp	0.00038	# Fingerprint Image Transfer Protocol
fpitp	1045/udp	0.004625	# Fingerprint Image Transfer Protocol
wfremotertm	1046/tcp	0.00038	# WebFilter Remote Monitor
wfremotertm	1046/udp	0.001652	# WebFilter Remote Monitor
neod1	1047/tcp	0.00076	# Sun's NEO Object Request Broker
neod1	1047/udp	0.002973	# Sun's NEO Object Request Broker
neod2	1048/tcp	0.002357	# Sun's NEO Object Request Broker
neod2	1048/udp	0.002313	# Sun's NEO Object Request Broker
td-postman	1049/tcp	0.002357	# Tobit David Postman VPMN
td-postman	1049/udp	0.003304	# Tobit David Postman VPMN
java-or-OTGfileshare	1050/tcp	0.001669	# J2EE nameserver, also OTG, also called Disk/Application extender. Could also be MiniCommand backdoor OTGlicenseserv
cma	1050/udp	0.001652	# CORBA Management Agent
optima-vnet	1051/tcp	0.00076	
optima-vnet	1051/udp	0.001321	
ddt	1052/tcp	0.00076	# Dynamic DNS tools
ddt	1052/udp	0.000991	# Dynamic DNS tools
remote-as	1053/tcp	0.002357	# Remote Assistant (RA)
remote-as	1053/udp	0.001652	# Remote Assistant (RA)
brvread	1054/tcp	0.002357	# BRVREAD
brvread	1054/udp	0.002643	# BRVREAD
ansyslmd	1055/tcp	0.00076	
ansyslmd	1055/udp	0.001652	
vfo	1056/tcp	0.002357	# VFO
vfo	1056/udp	0.002973	# VFO
startron	1057/tcp	0.00038	# STARTRON
startron	1057/udp	0.001652	# STARTRON
nim	1058/tcp	0.00138	
nim	1058/udp	0.001466	
nimreg	1059/tcp	0.001342	
nimreg	1059/udp	0.001647	
polestar	1060/tcp	0.00076	
polestar	1060/udp	0.001652	
kiosk	1061/tcp	0.00038	# KIOSK
kiosk	1061/udp	0.000991	# KIOSK
veracity	1062/tcp	0.00076	
veracity	1062/udp	0.000991	
kyoceranetdev	1063/tcp	0.00038	# KyoceraNetDev
kyoceranetdev	1063/udp	0.000661	# KyoceraNetDev
jstel	1064/tcp	0.002357	# JSTEL
jstel	1064/udp	0.001982	# JSTEL
syscomlan	1065/tcp	0.002357	# SYSCOMLAN
syscomlan	1065/udp	0.002313	# SYSCOMLAN
fpo-fns	1066/tcp	0.001901	
fpo-fns	1066/udp	0.002643	
instl_boots	1067/tcp	0.000728	# Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
instl_boots	1067/udp	0.001516	# Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv.
instl_bootc	1068/tcp	0.000941	# Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
instl_bootc	1068/udp	0.004778	# Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli.
cognex-insight	1069/tcp	0.001901	
cognex-insight	1069/udp	0.001982	
gmrupdateserv	1070/tcp	0.00038	# GMRUpdateSERV
gmrupdateserv	1070/udp	0.001321	# GMRUpdateSERV
bsquare-voip	1071/tcp	0.002205	# BSQUARE-VOIP
bsquare-voip	1071/udp	0.00033	# BSQUARE-VOIP
cardax	1072/tcp	0.00038	# CARDAX
cardax	1072/udp	0.001321	# CARDAX
bridgecontrol	1073/tcp	0.00038	# Bridge Control
warmspotMgmt	1074/tcp	0.001216	# Warmspot Management Protocol
warmspotMgmt	1074/udp	0.000661	# Warmspot Management Protocol
rdrmshc	1075/tcp	0.00038	# RDRMSHC
rdrmshc	1075/udp	0.00033	# RDRMSHC
sns_credit	1076/tcp	0.000213	# Shared Network Services (SNS) for Canadian credit card authorizations
dab-sti-c	1076/udp	0.000661	# DAB STI-C
imgames	1077/tcp	0.00038	# IMGames
imgames	1077/udp	0.000661	# IMGames
avocent-proxy	1078/tcp	0.00038	# Avocent Proxy Protocol
avocent-proxy	1078/udp	0.000661	# Avocent Proxy Protocol
asprovatalk	1079/tcp	0.00038	# ASPROVATalk
asprovatalk	1079/udp	0.000661	# ASPROVATalk
socks	1080/tcp	0.001518	
socks	1080/udp	0.002685	
pvuniwien	1081/tcp	0.00038	# PVUNIWIEN
pvuniwien	1081/udp	0.001652	# PVUNIWIEN
amt-esd-prot	1082/tcp	0.00038	# AMT-ESD-PROT
amt-esd-prot	1082/udp	0.00033	# AMT-ESD-PROT
ansoft-lm-1	1083/tcp	0.000427	# Anasoft License Manager
ansoft-lm-1	1083/udp	0.001236	# Anasoft License Manager
ansoft-lm-2	1084/tcp	0.000263	# Anasoft License Manager
ansoft-lm-2	1084/udp	0.000626	# Anasoft License Manager
webobjects	1085/tcp	0.00038	# Web Objects
webobjects	1085/udp	0.000661	# Web Objects
cplscrambler-lg	1086/tcp	0.000456	# CPL Scrambler Logging
cplscrambler-lg	1086/udp	0.00033	# CPL Scrambler Logging
cplscrambler-in	1087/tcp	0.000304	# CPL Scrambler Internal
cplscrambler-in	1087/udp	0.001321	# CPL Scrambler Internal
cplscrambler-al	1088/tcp	0.000456	# CPL Scrambler Alarm Log
cplscrambler-al	1088/udp	0.001321	# CPL Scrambler Alarm Log
ff-annunc	1089/tcp	0.000304	# FF Annunciation
ff-annunc	1089/udp	0.000661	# FF Annunciation
ff-fms	1090/tcp	0.000228	# FF Fieldbus Message Specification
ff-fms	1090/udp	0.002313	# FF Fieldbus Message Specification
ff-sm	1091/tcp	0.000228	# FF System Management
obrpd	1092/tcp	0.000152	# Open Business Reporting Protocol
obrpd	1092/udp	0.00033	# Open Business Reporting Protocol
proofd	1093/tcp	0.00038	# PROOFD
proofd	1093/udp	0.00033	# PROOFD
rootd	1094/tcp	0.00038	# ROOTD
rootd	1094/udp	0.00033	# ROOTD
nicelink	1095/tcp	0.000152	# NICELink
nicelink	1095/udp	0.000661	# NICELink
cnrprotocol	1096/tcp	0.00038	# Common Name Resolution Protocol
sunclustermgr	1097/tcp	0.000456	# Sun Cluster Manager
rmiactivation	1098/tcp	0.00038	# RMI Activation
rmiactivation	1098/udp	0.000991	# RMI Activation
rmiregistry	1099/tcp	0.00038	# RMI Registry
rmiregistry	1099/udp	0.000661	# RMI Registry
mctp	1100/tcp	0.00038	# MCTP
mctp	1100/udp	0.001652	# MCTP
pt2-discover	1101/tcp	0.000076	# PT2-DISCOVER
pt2-discover	1101/udp	0.001321	# PT2-DISCOVER
adobeserver-1	1102/tcp	0.000152	# ADOBE SERVER 1
adobeserver-1	1102/udp	0.000661	# ADOBE SERVER 1
xaudio	1103/tcp	0.000151	# Xaserver
adobeserver-2	1103/udp	0.000661	# ADOBE SERVER 2
xrl	1104/tcp	0.00038	# XRL
xrl	1104/udp	0.00033	# XRL
ftranhc	1105/tcp	0.000152	# FTRANHC
ftranhc	1105/udp	0.001652	# FTRANHC
isoipsigport-1	1106/tcp	0.00038	# ISOIPSIGPORT-1
isoipsigport-1	1106/udp	0.000661	# ISOIPSIGPORT-1
isoipsigport-2	1107/tcp	0.00038	# ISOIPSIGPORT-2
isoipsigport-2	1107/udp	0.00033	# ISOIPSIGPORT-2
ratio-adp	1108/tcp	0.00038	
ratio-adp	1108/udp	0.00033	
kpop	1109/tcp	0.000151	# Pop with Kerberos
nfsd-status	1110/tcp	0.005809	# Cluster status info
nfsd-keepalive	1110/udp	0.000939	# Client status info
lmsocialserver	1111/tcp	0.00114	# LM Social Server
msql	1112/tcp	0.000276	# mini-sql server
icp	1112/udp	0.00033	# Intelligent Communication Protocol
ltp-deepspace	1113/tcp	0.000152	# Licklider Transmission Protocol
ltp-deepspace	1113/udp	0.000991	# Licklider Transmission Protocol
mini-sql	1114/tcp	0.000228	# Mini SQL
mini-sql	1114/udp	0.00033	# Mini SQL
ardus-cntl	1116/tcp	0.000076	# ARDUS Control
ardus-cntl	1116/udp	0.000661	# ARDUS Control
ardus-mtrns	1117/tcp	0.000228	# ARDUS Multicast Transfer
ardus-mtrns	1117/udp	0.00033	# ARDUS Multicast Transfer
sacred	1118/tcp	0.000076	# SACRED
bnetgame	1119/tcp	0.000228	# Battle.net Chat/Game Protocol
bnetgame	1119/udp	0.00033	# Battle.net Chat/Game Protocol
bnetfile	1120/udp	0.00033	# Battle.net File Transfer Protocol
rmpp	1121/tcp	0.000152	# Datalode RMPP
availant-mgr	1122/tcp	0.000228	
availant-mgr	1122/udp	0.000661	
murray	1123/tcp	0.000152	# Murray
hpvmmcontrol	1124/tcp	0.000304	# HP VMM Control
hpvmmcontrol	1124/udp	0.001652	# HP VMM Control
hpvmmagent	1125/tcp	0.000076	# HP VMM Agent
hpvmmagent	1125/udp	0.00033	# HP VMM Agent
hpvmmdata	1126/tcp	0.000152	# HP VMM Agent
supfiledbg	1127/tcp	0.000088	# SUP debugging
saphostctrl	1128/tcp	0.000076	# SAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTP
saphostctrls	1129/udp	0.00033	# SAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTPS
casp	1130/tcp	0.000152	# CAC App Service Protocol
casp	1130/udp	0.00033	# CAC App Service Protocol
caspssl	1131/tcp	0.000228	# CAC App Service Protocol Encripted
caspssl	1131/udp	0.00033	# CAC App Service Protocol Encripted
kvm-via-ip	1132/tcp	0.000152	# KVM-via-IP Management Service
dfn	1133/udp	0.00033	# Data Flow Network
aplx	1134/tcp	0.000076	# MicroAPL APLX
omnivision	1135/tcp	0.000076	# OmniVision Communication Service
hhb-gateway	1136/tcp	0.000076	# HHB Gateway Control
hhb-gateway	1136/udp	0.00033	# HHB Gateway Control
trim	1137/tcp	0.000152	# TRIM Workgroup Service
trim	1137/udp	0.00033	# TRIM Workgroup Service
encrypted_admin	1138/tcp	0.000228	# encrypted admin requests
cce3x	1139/tcp	0.000063	# ClearCommerce Engine 3.x ( www.clearcommerce.com)
evm	1139/udp	0.000661	# Enterprise Virtual Manager
mxomss	1141/tcp	0.000152	# User Message Service
imyx	1143/tcp	0.000076	# Infomatryx Exchange
imyx	1143/udp	0.000661	# Infomatryx Exchange
fuscript	1144/tcp	0.000076	# Fusion Script
fuscript	1144/udp	0.00033	# Fusion Script
x9-icue	1145/tcp	0.000152	# X9 iCue Show Control
x9-icue	1145/udp	0.00033	# X9 iCue Show Control
audit-transfer	1146/udp	0.00033	# audit transfer
capioverlan	1147/tcp	0.000152	# CAPIoverLAN
capioverlan	1147/udp	0.00033	# CAPIoverLAN
elfiq-repl	1148/tcp	0.00038	# Elfiq Replication Service
elfiq-repl	1148/udp	0.000661	# Elfiq Replication Service
bvtsonar	1149/tcp	0.000152	# BVT Sonar Service
bvtsonar	1149/udp	0.00033	# BVT Sonar Service
blaze	1150/tcp	0.000076	# Blaze File Server
unizensus	1151/tcp	0.000228	# Unizensus Login Server
unizensus	1151/udp	0.00033	# Unizensus Login Server
winpoplanmess	1152/tcp	0.000304	# Winpopup LAN Messenger
c1222-acse	1153/tcp	0.000076	# ANSI C12.22 Port
resacommunity	1154/tcp	0.000152	# Community Service
nfa	1155/udp	0.00089	# Network File Access
iascontrol-oms	1156/tcp	0.000076	# iasControl OMS
iascontrol	1157/tcp	0.000076	# Oracle iASControl
lsnr	1158/tcp	0.000138	# Oracle DB listener
dbcontrol-oms	1158/udp	0.00033	# dbControl OMS
oracle-oms	1159/tcp	0.000076	# Oracle OMS
health-trap	1162/tcp	0.000076	# Health Trap
health-trap	1162/udp	0.00033	# Health Trap
sddp	1163/tcp	0.000152	# SmartDialer Data Protocol
sddp	1163/udp	0.000991	# SmartDialer Data Protocol
qsm-proxy	1164/tcp	0.000152	# QSM Proxy Service
qsm-proxy	1164/udp	0.00033	# QSM Proxy Service
qsm-gui	1165/tcp	0.000152	# QSM GUI Service
qsm-remote	1166/tcp	0.000152	# QSM RemoteExec
qsm-remote	1166/udp	0.00033	# QSM RemoteExec
cisco-ipsla	1167/sctp	0	# Cisco IP SLAs Control Protocol
cisco-ipsla	1167/tcp	0.000076	# Cisco IP SLAs Control Protocol
cisco-ipsla	1167/udp	0.000593	# Cisco IP SLAs Control Protocol
vchat	1168/tcp	0.000076	# VChat Conference Service
vchat	1168/udp	0.00033	# VChat Conference Service
tripwire	1169/tcp	0.00038	# TRIPWIRE
tripwire	1169/udp	0.00033	# TRIPWIRE
atc-lm	1170/udp	0.00033	# AT+C License Manager
d-cinema-rrp	1173/tcp	0.000076	# D-Cinema Request-Response
d-cinema-rrp	1173/udp	0.00033	# D-Cinema Request-Response
fnet-remote-ui	1174/tcp	0.000152	# FlashNet Remote Admin
dossier	1175/tcp	0.000228	# Dossier Server
dossier	1175/udp	0.000661	# Dossier Server
indigo-server	1176/tcp	0.000076	# Indigo Home Server
skkserv	1178/tcp	0.00005	# SKK (kanji input)
b2n	1179/tcp	0.000076	# Backup To Neighbor
mc-client	1180/tcp	0.000076	# Millicent Client Proxy
accelenet	1182/tcp	0.000076	# AcceleNet Control
llsurfup-http	1183/tcp	0.000304	# LL Surfup HTTP
llsurfup-https	1184/tcp	0.000076	# LL Surfup HTTPS
catchpole	1185/tcp	0.000152	# Catchpole port
catchpole	1185/udp	0.00033	# Catchpole port
mysql-cluster	1186/tcp	0.000304	# MySQL Cluster Manager
alias	1187/tcp	0.000152	# Alias Service
hp-webadmin	1188/tcp	0.000076	# HP Web Admin
hp-webadmin	1188/udp	0.00033	# HP Web Admin
unet	1189/udp	0.00033	# Unet Connection
commlinx-avl	1190/tcp	0.000076	# CommLinx GPS / AVL System
gpfs	1191/tcp	0.000076	# General Parallel File System
gpfs	1191/udp	0.000661	# General Parallel File System
caids-sensor	1192/tcp	0.000152	# caids sensors channel
fiveacross	1193/udp	0.00033	# Five Across Server
openvpn	1194/tcp	0.000076	# OpenVPN
openvpn	1194/udp	0.00033	# OpenVPN
rsf-1	1195/tcp	0.000076	# RSF-1 clustering
netmagic	1196/tcp	0.000076	# Network Magic
cajo-discovery	1198/tcp	0.000152	# cajo reference discovery
cajo-discovery	1198/udp	0.00033	# cajo reference discovery
dmidi	1199/tcp	0.000228	# DMIDI
scol	1200/tcp	0.000076	# SCOL
scol	1200/udp	0.001321	# SCOL
nucleus-sand	1201/tcp	0.000228	# Nucleus Sand Database Server
ssslic-mgr	1203/udp	0.000661	# License Validation
ssslog-mgr	1204/tcp	0.000076	# Log Request Listener
anthony-data	1206/udp	0.000661	# Anthony Data
metasage	1207/tcp	0.000076	# MetaSage
metasage	1207/udp	0.00033	# MetaSage
seagull-ais	1208/tcp	0.000076	# SEAGULL AIS
ipcd3	1209/tcp	0.000076	# IPCD3
eoss	1210/tcp	0.000076	# EOSS
groove-dpp	1211/tcp	0.000076	# Groove DPP
lupa	1212/tcp	0.000125	
lupa	1212/udp	0.000544	
mpc-lifenet	1213/tcp	0.000152	# MPC LIFENET
fasttrack	1214/tcp	0.00005	# Kazaa File Sharing
fasttrack	1214/udp	0.001796	# Kazaa File Sharing
scanstat-1	1215/tcp	0.000076	# scanSTAT 1.0
scanstat-1	1215/udp	0.000661	# scanSTAT 1.0
etebac5	1216/tcp	0.000152	# ETEBAC 5
etebac5	1216/udp	0.00033	# ETEBAC 5
hpss-ndapi	1217/tcp	0.000152	# HPSS NonDCE Gateway
aeroflight-ads	1218/tcp	0.001064	# AeroFlight ADs
quicktime	1220/tcp	0.000151	# Apple Darwin and QuickTime Streaming Administration Servers
sweetware-apps	1221/tcp	0.000076	# SweetWARE Apps
nerv	1222/tcp	0.000138	# SNI R&D network
nerv	1222/udp	0.000346	# SNI R&D network
tgp	1223/tcp	0.000076	# TrulyGlobal Protocol
vpnz	1224/udp	0.00033	# VPNz
slinkysearch	1225/udp	0.00033	# SLINKYSEARCH
stgxfws	1226/udp	0.00033	# STGXFWS
dns2go	1227/udp	0.00033	# DNS2Go
florence	1228/tcp	0.000076	# FLORENCE
zented	1229/tcp	0.000076	# ZENworks Tiered Electronic Distribution
zented	1229/udp	0.00033	# ZENworks Tiered Electronic Distribution
menandmice-lpm	1231/udp	0.00033	
univ-appserver	1233/tcp	0.000152	# Universal App Server
univ-appserver	1233/udp	0.00033	# Universal App Server
hotline	1234/tcp	0.001217	
search-agent	1234/udp	0.001652	# Infoseek Search Agent
bvcontrol	1236/tcp	0.000152	
tsdos390	1237/udp	0.000991	
nmsd	1239/tcp	0.000076	# NMSD
instantia	1240/tcp	0.000076	# Instantia
nessus	1241/tcp	0.000113	# Nessus or remote message server
nessus	1241/udp	0.00033	
serialgateway	1243/tcp	0.000076	# SerialGateway
isbconference1	1244/tcp	0.000152	
visionpyramid	1247/tcp	0.000304	# VisionPyramid
hermes	1248/tcp	0.000477	
hermes	1248/udp	0.000412	
mesavistaco	1249/tcp	0.000076	# Mesa Vista Co
mesavistaco	1249/udp	0.00033	# Mesa Vista Co
swldy-sias	1250/tcp	0.000076	
servergraph	1251/tcp	0.000076	
servergraph	1251/udp	0.000661	
q55-pcc	1253/udp	0.00033	
de-cache-query	1255/udp	0.00033	
de-server	1256/udp	0.000661	
shockwave2	1257/udp	0.000661	# Shockwave 2
opennl-voice	1259/tcp	0.000152	# Open Network Library Voice
opennl-voice	1259/udp	0.00033	# Open Network Library Voice
ibm-ssd	1260/udp	0.00033	
mpshrsv	1261/tcp	0.000076	
qnts-orb	1262/tcp	0.000076	# QNTS-ORB
prat	1264/tcp	0.000076	# PRAT
prat	1264/udp	0.00033	# PRAT
propel-msgsys	1268/tcp	0.000076	# PROPEL-MSGSYS
watilapp	1269/udp	0.00033	# WATiLaPP
ssserver	1270/tcp	0.000138	# Sun StorEdge Configuration Service
excw	1271/tcp	0.000228	# eXcW
cspmlockmgr	1272/tcp	0.00038	# CSPMLockMgr
ivmanager	1276/tcp	0.000076	
miva-mqs	1277/tcp	0.000152	# mqs
dellwebadmin-2	1279/tcp	0.000076	# Dell Web Admin 2
dellwebadmin-2	1279/udp	0.00033	# Dell Web Admin 2
emperion	1282/tcp	0.000076	# Emperion
netuitive	1286/udp	0.000991	
routematch	1287/tcp	0.000152	# RouteMatch Com
routematch	1287/udp	0.000991	# RouteMatch Com
winjaserver	1290/tcp	0.000076	# WinJaServer
seagulllms	1291/tcp	0.000076	# SEAGULLLMS
seagulllms	1291/udp	0.00033	# SEAGULLLMS
cmmdriver	1294/udp	0.00033	# CMMdriver
ehtp	1295/udp	0.00033	# End-by-Hop Transmission Protocol
dproxy	1296/tcp	0.000304	
sdproxy	1297/tcp	0.000076	
sdproxy	1297/udp	0.00033	
hp-sci	1299/tcp	0.000076	
hp-sci	1299/udp	0.00033	
h323hostcallsc	1300/tcp	0.000152	# H323 Host Call Secure
h323hostcallsc	1300/udp	0.00033	# H323 Host Call Secure
ci3-software-1	1301/tcp	0.000152	# CI3-Software-1
ci3-software-1	1301/udp	0.00033	# CI3-Software-1
ci3-software-2	1302/tcp	0.000076	# CI3-Software-2
ci3-software-2	1302/udp	0.000661	# CI3-Software-2
sftsrv	1303/tcp	0.000076	
pe-mike	1305/tcp	0.000076	
re-conn-proto	1306/tcp	0.000076	# RE-Conn-Proto
pacmand	1307/tcp	0.000076	# Pacmand
odsi	1308/tcp	0.000076	# Optical Domain Service Interconnect (ODSI)
jtag-server	1309/tcp	0.000152	# JTAG server
husky	1310/tcp	0.00038	# Husky
husky	1310/udp	0.00033	# Husky
rxmon	1311/tcp	0.00076	
pdps	1314/tcp	0.000076	# Photoscript Distributed Printing System
pdps	1314/udp	0.00033	# Photoscript Distributed Printing System
els	1315/tcp	0.000076	# E.L.S., Event Listener Service
els	1315/udp	0.00033	# E.L.S., Event Listener Service
exbit-escp	1316/tcp	0.000076	# Exbit-ESCP
vrts-ipcserver	1317/tcp	0.000076	
vrts-ipcserver	1317/udp	0.00033	
krb5gatekeeper	1318/tcp	0.000076	
amx-icsp	1319/tcp	0.000076	# AMX-ICSP
pip	1321/tcp	0.000076	# PIP
novation	1322/tcp	0.000152	# Novation
delta-mcp	1324/tcp	0.000076	
dx-instrument	1325/udp	0.00033	# DX-Instrument
ultrex	1327/tcp	0.000076	# Ultrex
ultrex	1327/udp	0.00033	# Ultrex
ewall	1328/tcp	0.000152	# EWALL
streetperfect	1330/tcp	0.000076	# StreetPerfect
intersan	1331/tcp	0.000076	
writesrv	1334/tcp	0.000304	
writesrv	1334/udp	0.000991	
ischat	1336/tcp	0.000076	# Instant Service Chat
ischat	1336/udp	0.00033	# Instant Service Chat
waste	1337/tcp	0.000088	# Nullsoft WASTE encrypted P2P app
menandmice-dns	1337/udp	0.000661	# menandmice DNS
wmc-log-svc	1338/udp	0.00033	# WMC-log-svr
kjtsiteserver	1339/tcp	0.000076	
naap	1340/tcp	0.000076	# NAAP
esbroker	1342/udp	0.00033	# ESBroker
icap	1344/udp	0.00033	# ICAP
vpjp	1345/udp	0.000991	# VPJP
alta-ana-lm	1346/tcp	0.00005	# Alta Analytics License Manager
alta-ana-lm	1346/udp	0.001928	# Alta Analytics License Manager
bbn-mmc	1347/tcp	0.000151	# multi media conferencing
bbn-mmc	1347/udp	0.000692	# multi media conferencing
bbn-mmx	1348/tcp	0.000038	# multi media conferencing
bbn-mmx	1348/udp	0.000988	# multi media conferencing
sbook	1349/tcp	0.00005	# Registration Network Protocol
sbook	1349/udp	0.000873	# Registration Network Protocol
editbench	1350/tcp	0.000113	# Registration Network Protocol
editbench	1350/udp	0.000577	# Registration Network Protocol
equationbuilder	1351/tcp	0.000113	# Digital Tool Works (MIT)
equationbuilder	1351/udp	0.000544	# Digital Tool Works (MIT)
lotusnotes	1352/tcp	0.001154	# Lotus Note
lotusnotes	1352/udp	0.00061	# Lotus Note
relief	1353/tcp	0.0001	# Relief Consulting
relief	1353/udp	0.000708	# Relief Consulting
rightbrain	1354/tcp	0.000038	# RightBrain Software
rightbrain	1354/udp	0.000544	# RightBrain Software
intuitive-edge	1355/tcp	0.000025	# Intuitive Edge
intuitive-edge	1355/udp	0.000527	# Intuitive Edge
cuillamartin	1356/tcp	0.00005	# CuillaMartin Company
cuillamartin	1356/udp	0.000461	# CuillaMartin Company
pegboard	1357/tcp	0.0001	# Electronic PegBoard
pegboard	1357/udp	0.000708	# Electronic PegBoard
connlcli	1358/tcp	0.000063	
connlcli	1358/udp	0.000577	
ftsrv	1359/tcp	0.000063	
ftsrv	1359/udp	0.000824	
mimer	1360/tcp	0.000013	
mimer	1360/udp	0.000478	
linx	1361/tcp	0.000013	
linx	1361/udp	0.00061	
timeflies	1362/tcp	0.000025	
timeflies	1362/udp	0.000494	
ndm-requester	1363/tcp	0.000013	# Network DataMover Requester
ndm-requester	1363/udp	0.000494	# Network DataMover Requester
ndm-server	1364/tcp	0.000063	# Network DataMover Server
ndm-server	1364/udp	0.000824	# Network DataMover Server
adapt-sna	1365/tcp	0.000025	# Network Software Associates
adapt-sna	1365/udp	0.000643	# Network Software Associates
netware-csp	1366/tcp	0.000063	# Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform
netware-csp	1366/udp	0.000923	# Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform
dcs	1367/tcp	0.000013	
dcs	1367/udp	0.00056	
screencast	1368/tcp	0.000025	
screencast	1368/udp	0.000379	
gv-us	1369/tcp	0.000038	# GlobalView to Unix Shell
gv-us	1369/udp	0.000461	# GlobalView to Unix Shell
us-gv	1370/tcp	0.00005	# Unix Shell to GlobalView
us-gv	1370/udp	0.000725	# Unix Shell to GlobalView
fc-cli	1371/tcp	0.000013	# Fujitsu Config Protocol
fc-cli	1371/udp	0.000692	# Fujitsu Config Protocol
fc-ser	1372/tcp	0.000038	# Fujitsu Config Protocol
fc-ser	1372/udp	0.000708	# Fujitsu Config Protocol
chromagrafx	1373/tcp	0.000038	
chromagrafx	1373/udp	0.000428	
molly	1374/tcp	0.000013	# EPI Software Systems
molly	1374/udp	0.000461	# EPI Software Systems
bytex	1375/udp	0.000494	
ibm-pps	1376/tcp	0.000025	# IBM Person to Person Software
ibm-pps	1376/udp	0.000577	# IBM Person to Person Software
cichlid	1377/udp	0.000593	# Cichlid License Manager
elan	1378/udp	0.00056	# Elan License Manager
dbreporter	1379/tcp	0.000038	# Integrity Solutions
dbreporter	1379/udp	0.00056	# Integrity Solutions
telesis-licman	1380/udp	0.00061	# Telesis Network License Manager
apple-licman	1381/tcp	0.000038	# Apple Network License Manager
apple-licman	1381/udp	0.00056	# Apple Network License Manager
gwha	1383/tcp	0.000013	# GW Hannaway Network License Manager
gwha	1383/udp	0.000659	# GW Hannaway Network License Manager
os-licman	1384/tcp	0.00005	# Objective Solutions License Manager
os-licman	1384/udp	0.000428	# Objective Solutions License Manager
atex_elmd	1385/tcp	0.00005	# Atex Publishing License Manager
atex_elmd	1385/udp	0.00028	# Atex Publishing License Manager
checksum	1386/tcp	0.000025	# CheckSum License Manager
checksum	1386/udp	0.000511	# CheckSum License Manager
cadsi-lm	1387/tcp	0.000038	# Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM
cadsi-lm	1387/udp	0.000577	# Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM
objective-dbc	1388/tcp	0.00005	# Objective Solutions DataBase Cache
objective-dbc	1388/udp	0.000741	# Objective Solutions DataBase Cache
iclpv-dm	1389/tcp	0.00005	# Document Manager
iclpv-dm	1389/udp	0.000923	# Document Manager
iclpv-sc	1390/tcp	0.000025	# Storage Controller
iclpv-sc	1390/udp	0.000511	# Storage Controller
iclpv-sas	1391/tcp	0.000013	# Storage Access Server
iclpv-sas	1391/udp	0.000659	# Storage Access Server
iclpv-pm	1392/udp	0.000659	# Print Manager
iclpv-nls	1393/tcp	0.000025	# Network Log Server
iclpv-nls	1393/udp	0.000725	# Network Log Server
iclpv-nlc	1394/tcp	0.000025	# Network Log Client
iclpv-nlc	1394/udp	0.000445	# Network Log Client
iclpv-wsm	1395/tcp	0.000013	# PC Workstation Manager software
iclpv-wsm	1395/udp	0.000675	# PC Workstation Manager software
dvl-activemail	1396/tcp	0.000013	# DVL Active Mail
dvl-activemail	1396/udp	0.000577	# DVL Active Mail
audio-activmail	1397/tcp	0.000025	# Audio Active Mail
audio-activmail	1397/udp	0.000527	# Audio Active Mail
video-activmail	1398/tcp	0.000025	# Video Active Mail
video-activmail	1398/udp	0.000774	# Video Active Mail
cadkey-licman	1399/tcp	0.00005	# Cadkey License Manager
cadkey-licman	1399/udp	0.000643	# Cadkey License Manager
cadkey-tablet	1400/tcp	0.00005	# Cadkey Tablet Daemon
cadkey-tablet	1400/udp	0.001219	# Cadkey Tablet Daemon
goldleaf-licman	1401/tcp	0.000038	# Goldleaf License Manager
goldleaf-licman	1401/udp	0.000494	# Goldleaf License Manager
prm-sm-np	1402/tcp	0.00005	# Prospero Resource Manager
prm-sm-np	1402/udp	0.000659	# Prospero Resource Manager
prm-nm-np	1403/tcp	0.000038	# Prospero Resource Manager
prm-nm-np	1403/udp	0.000527	# Prospero Resource Manager
igi-lm	1404/tcp	0.00005	# Infinite Graphics License Manager
igi-lm	1404/udp	0.000494	# Infinite Graphics License Manager
ibm-res	1405/tcp	0.000038	# IBM Remote Execution Starter
ibm-res	1405/udp	0.000445	# IBM Remote Execution Starter
netlabs-lm	1406/udp	0.000643	# NetLabs License Manager
dbsa-lm	1407/tcp	0.000013	# DBSA License Manager
dbsa-lm	1407/udp	0.000478	# DBSA License Manager
sophia-lm	1408/tcp	0.000013	# Sophia License Manager
sophia-lm	1408/udp	0.000478	# Sophia License Manager
here-lm	1409/tcp	0.000025	# Here License Manager
here-lm	1409/udp	0.000395	# Here License Manager
hiq	1410/tcp	0.000025	# HiQ License Manager
hiq	1410/udp	0.000643	# HiQ License Manager
af	1411/tcp	0.000013	# AudioFile
af	1411/udp	0.000544	# AudioFile
innosys	1412/tcp	0.000038	
innosys	1412/udp	0.00089	
innosys-acl	1413/tcp	0.000088	
innosys-acl	1413/udp	0.000577	
ibm-mqseries	1414/tcp	0.000088	# IBM MQSeries
ibm-mqseries	1414/udp	0.000988	# IBM MQSeries
dbstar	1415/udp	0.000659	
novell-lu6.2	1416/tcp	0.000013	# Novell LU6.2
novell-lu6.2	1416/udp	0.000577	# Novell LU6.2
timbuktu-srv1	1417/tcp	0.000201	# Timbuktu Service 1 Port
timbuktu-srv1	1417/udp	0.00061	# Timbuktu Service 1 Port
timbuktu-srv2	1418/tcp	0.000013	# Timbuktu Service 2 Port
timbuktu-srv2	1418/udp	0.000478	# Timbuktu Service 2 Port
timbuktu-srv3	1419/tcp	0.000013	# Timbuktu Service 3 Port
timbuktu-srv3	1419/udp	0.004267	# Timbuktu Service 3 Port
timbuktu-srv4	1420/tcp	0.000063	# Timbuktu Service 4 Port
timbuktu-srv4	1420/udp	0.000741	# Timbuktu Service 4 Port
gandalf-lm	1421/udp	0.000577	# Gandalf License Manager
autodesk-lm	1422/tcp	0.000025	# Autodesk License Manager
autodesk-lm	1422/udp	0.000906	# Autodesk License Manager
essbase	1423/tcp	0.000013	# Essbase Arbor Software
essbase	1423/udp	0.000544	# Essbase Arbor Software
hybrid	1424/tcp	0.000025	# Hybrid Encryption Protocol
hybrid	1424/udp	0.000527	# Hybrid Encryption Protocol
zion-lm	1425/udp	0.000511	# Zion Software License Manager
sas-1	1426/tcp	0.000025	# Satellite-data Acquisition System 1
sas-1	1426/udp	0.000445	# Satellite-data Acquisition System 1
mloadd	1427/tcp	0.000013	# mloadd monitoring tool
mloadd	1427/udp	0.000659	# mloadd monitoring tool
informatik-lm	1428/udp	0.000659	# Informatik License Manager
nms	1429/tcp	0.000013	# Hypercom NMS
nms	1429/udp	0.000593	# Hypercom NMS
tpdu	1430/tcp	0.000013	# Hypercom TPDU
tpdu	1430/udp	0.000478	# Hypercom TPDU
rgtp	1431/udp	0.000461	# Reverse Gossip Transport
blueberry-lm	1432/tcp	0.000025	# Blueberry Software License Manager
blueberry-lm	1432/udp	0.00084	# Blueberry Software License Manager
ms-sql-s	1433/tcp	0.007929	# Microsoft-SQL-Server
ms-sql-s	1433/udp	0.036821	# Microsoft-SQL-Server
ms-sql-m	1434/tcp	0.000201	# Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
ms-sql-m	1434/udp	0.293184	# Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
ibm-cics	1435/tcp	0.000038	
ibm-cics	1435/udp	0.000774	
sas-2	1436/tcp	0.000025	# Satellite-data Acquisition System 2
sas-2	1436/udp	0.000478	# Satellite-data Acquisition System 2
tabula	1437/tcp	0.000025	
tabula	1437/udp	0.00061	
eicon-server	1438/tcp	0.000025	# Eicon Security Agent/Server
eicon-server	1438/udp	0.000758	# Eicon Security Agent/Server
eicon-x25	1439/tcp	0.000025	# Eicon X25/SNA Gateway
eicon-x25	1439/udp	0.000297	# Eicon X25/SNA Gateway
eicon-slp	1440/tcp	0.000013	# Eicon Service Location Protocol
eicon-slp	1440/udp	0.000725	# Eicon Service Location Protocol
cadis-1	1441/tcp	0.000075	# Cadis License Management
cadis-1	1441/udp	0.000857	# Cadis License Management
cadis-2	1442/tcp	0.000025	# Cadis License Management
cadis-2	1442/udp	0.000346	# Cadis License Management
ies-lm	1443/tcp	0.000238	# Integrated Engineering Software
ies-lm	1443/udp	0.000395	# Integrated Engineering Software
marcam-lm	1444/tcp	0.000075	# Marcam License Management
marcam-lm	1444/udp	0.000379	# Marcam License Management
proxima-lm	1445/tcp	0.00005	# Proxima License Manager
proxima-lm	1445/udp	0.000692	# Proxima License Manager
ora-lm	1446/tcp	0.000025	# Optical Research Associates License Manager
ora-lm	1446/udp	0.000478	# Optical Research Associates License Manager
apri-lm	1447/udp	0.000478	# Applied Parallel Research LM
oc-lm	1448/tcp	0.000013	# OpenConnect License Manager
oc-lm	1448/udp	0.000626	# OpenConnect License Manager
peport	1449/tcp	0.000013	
peport	1449/udp	0.000379	
dwf	1450/udp	0.000478	# Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility
infoman	1451/tcp	0.000013	# IBM Information Management
infoman	1451/udp	0.000461	# IBM Information Management
gtegsc-lm	1452/udp	0.000445	# GTE Government Systems License Man
genie-lm	1453/tcp	0.000013	# Genie License Manager
genie-lm	1453/udp	0.000692	# Genie License Manager
interhdl_elmd	1454/tcp	0.000025	# interHDL License Manager
interhdl_elmd	1454/udp	0.000379	# interHDL License Manager
esl-lm	1455/tcp	0.000176	# ESL License Manager
esl-lm	1455/udp	0.001417	# ESL License Manager
dca	1456/tcp	0.000025	
dca	1456/udp	0.000511	
valisys-lm	1457/tcp	0.000013	# Valisys License Manager
valisys-lm	1457/udp	0.001334	# Valisys License Manager
nrcabq-lm	1458/tcp	0.000013	# Nichols Research Corp.
nrcabq-lm	1458/udp	0.000643	# Nichols Research Corp.
proshare1	1459/tcp	0.000013	# Proshare Notebook Application
proshare1	1459/udp	0.00061	# Proshare Notebook Application
proshare2	1460/udp	0.00061	# Proshare Notebook Application
ibm_wrless_lan	1461/tcp	0.000188	# IBM Wireless LAN
ibm_wrless_lan	1461/udp	0.000643	# IBM Wireless LAN
world-lm	1462/tcp	0.000013	# World License Manager
world-lm	1462/udp	0.000445	# World License Manager
nucleus	1463/udp	0.000297	
msl_lmd	1464/tcp	0.000013	# MSL License Manager
msl_lmd	1464/udp	0.000362	# MSL License Manager
pipes	1465/tcp	0.00005	# Pipes Platform
pipes	1465/udp	0.000741	
oceansoft-lm	1466/tcp	0.000038	# Ocean Software License Manager
oceansoft-lm	1466/udp	0.000395	# Ocean Software License Manager
csdmbase	1467/tcp	0.000038	
csdmbase	1467/udp	0.000873	
csdm	1468/udp	0.000577	
aal-lm	1469/tcp	0.000013	# Active Analysis Limited License Manager
aal-lm	1469/udp	0.000873	# Active Analysis Limited License Manager
uaiact	1470/tcp	0.000013	# Universal Analytics
uaiact	1470/udp	0.000362	# Universal Analytics
csdmbase	1471/udp	0.000445	
csdm	1472/tcp	0.000025	
csdm	1472/udp	0.000379	
openmath	1473/tcp	0.000013	
openmath	1473/udp	0.00056	
telefinder	1474/tcp	0.00005	
telefinder	1474/udp	0.000461	
taligent-lm	1475/tcp	0.000038	# Taligent License Manager
taligent-lm	1475/udp	0.000461	# Taligent License Manager
clvm-cfg	1476/tcp	0.000038	
clvm-cfg	1476/udp	0.000692	
ms-sna-server	1477/udp	0.000527	
ms-sna-base	1478/udp	0.000577	
dberegister	1479/tcp	0.000025	
dberegister	1479/udp	0.000511	
pacerforum	1480/tcp	0.000013	
pacerforum	1480/udp	0.000527	
airs	1481/udp	0.000758	
miteksys-lm	1482/tcp	0.000013	# Miteksys License Manager
miteksys-lm	1482/udp	0.000708	# Miteksys License Manager
afs	1483/tcp	0.000025	# AFS License Manager
afs	1483/udp	0.000956	# AFS License Manager
confluent	1484/tcp	0.00005	# Confluent License Manager
confluent	1484/udp	0.001549	# Confluent License Manager
lansource	1485/udp	0.002323	
nms_topo_serv	1486/tcp	0.000038	
nms_topo_serv	1486/udp	0.000626	
localinfosrvr	1487/udp	0.000428	
docstor	1488/tcp	0.000013	
docstor	1488/udp	0.000544	
dmdocbroker	1489/udp	0.000428	
insitu-conf	1490/udp	0.000577	
anynetgateway	1491/tcp	0.000013	
anynetgateway	1491/udp	0.000972	
stone-design-1	1492/tcp	0.000075	
stone-design-1	1492/udp	0.000478	
netmap_lm	1493/tcp	0.000025	
netmap_lm	1493/udp	0.000395	
citrix-ica	1494/tcp	0.001255	
citrix-ica	1494/udp	0.000494	
cvc	1495/tcp	0.000075	
cvc	1495/udp	0.000527	
liberty-lm	1496/tcp	0.000038	
liberty-lm	1496/udp	0.000412	
rfx-lm	1497/tcp	0.000038	
rfx-lm	1497/udp	0.000329	
watcom-sql	1498/tcp	0.000025	
watcom-sql	1498/udp	0.000758	
fhc	1499/tcp	0.000025	# Federico Heinz Consultora
fhc	1499/udp	0.000461	# Federico Heinz Consultora
vlsi-lm	1500/tcp	0.000627	# VLSI License Manager
vlsi-lm	1500/udp	0.000461	# VLSI License Manager
sas-3	1501/tcp	0.000602	# Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
sas-3	1501/udp	0.000725	# Satellite-data Acquisition System 3
shivadiscovery	1502/tcp	0.000013	# Shiva
shivadiscovery	1502/udp	0.000626	# Shiva
imtc-mcs	1503/tcp	0.00064	# Databeam
imtc-mcs	1503/udp	0.000675	# Databeam
evb-elm	1504/udp	0.000428	# EVB Software Engineering License Manager
funkproxy	1505/tcp	0.000013	# Funk Software, Inc.
funkproxy	1505/udp	0.000675	# Funk Software, Inc.
utcd	1506/udp	0.000544	# Universal Time daemon (utcd)
symplex	1507/tcp	0.000075	
symplex	1507/udp	0.00084	
diagmond	1508/tcp	0.000013	
diagmond	1508/udp	0.000478	
robcad-lm	1509/tcp	0.000013	# Robcad, Ltd. License Manager
robcad-lm	1509/udp	0.000593	# Robcad, Ltd. License Manager
mvx-lm	1510/tcp	0.000025	# Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
mvx-lm	1510/udp	0.000511	# Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man.
3l-l1	1511/tcp	0.000025	
3l-l1	1511/udp	0.000577	
wins	1512/udp	0.000791	# Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service
fujitsu-dtc	1513/tcp	0.000025	# Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
fujitsu-dtc	1513/udp	0.000807	# Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
fujitsu-dtcns	1514/udp	0.00112	# Fujitsu Systems Business of America, Inc
ifor-protocol	1515/tcp	0.000038	
ifor-protocol	1515/udp	0.000758	
vpad	1516/tcp	0.000113	# Virtual Places Audio data
vpad	1516/udp	0.000593	# Virtual Places Audio data
vpac	1517/tcp	0.00005	# Virtual Places Audio control
vpac	1517/udp	0.000428	# Virtual Places Audio control
vpvd	1518/tcp	0.000013	# Virtual Places Video data
vpvd	1518/udp	0.000758	# Virtual Places Video data
vpvc	1519/tcp	0.000025	# Virtual Places Video control
vpvc	1519/udp	0.000593	# Virtual Places Video control
atm-zip-office	1520/udp	0.000428	# atm zip office
oracle	1521/tcp	0.001568	# Oracle Database
ncube-lm	1521/udp	0.000873	# nCube License Manager
rna-lm	1522/tcp	0.0001	# Ricardo North America License Manager
rna-lm	1522/udp	0.000461	# Ricardo North America License Manager
cichild-lm	1523/tcp	0.00005	
cichild-lm	1523/udp	0.00061	
ingreslock	1524/tcp	0.000276	# ingres
ingreslock	1524/udp	0.001647	# ingres
orasrv	1525/tcp	0.000088	# oracle or Prospero Directory Service non-priv
oracle	1525/udp	0.000461	
pdap-np	1526/tcp	0.000113	# Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
pdap-np	1526/udp	0.000478	# Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv
tlisrv	1527/tcp	0.000038	# oracle
tlisrv	1527/udp	0.000758	# oracle
mciautoreg	1528/tcp	0.000025	
mciautoreg	1528/udp	0.000445	
support	1529/tcp	0.000025	# prmsd gnatsd
coauthor	1529/udp	0.000544	# oracle
rap-service	1530/udp	0.000675	
rap-listen	1531/tcp	0.000025	
rap-listen	1531/udp	0.000857	
miroconnect	1532/tcp	0.000013	
miroconnect	1532/udp	0.000708	
virtual-places	1533/tcp	0.000238	# Virtual Places Software
virtual-places	1533/udp	0.000428	# Virtual Places Software
micromuse-lm	1534/udp	0.000461	
ampr-info	1535/tcp	0.000038	
ampr-info	1535/udp	0.00061	
ampr-inter	1536/udp	0.000593	
sdsc-lm	1537/tcp	0.000025	
sdsc-lm	1537/udp	0.000807	
3ds-lm	1538/tcp	0.000025	
3ds-lm	1538/udp	0.000346	
intellistor-lm	1539/tcp	0.000038	# Intellistor License Manager
intellistor-lm	1539/udp	0.000412	# Intellistor License Manager
rds	1540/tcp	0.000013	
rds	1540/udp	0.000428	
rds2	1541/tcp	0.000013	
rds2	1541/udp	0.000395	
gridgen-elmd	1542/tcp	0.000013	
gridgen-elmd	1542/udp	0.000461	
simba-cs	1543/tcp	0.000013	
simba-cs	1543/udp	0.000461	
aspeclmd	1544/tcp	0.000025	
aspeclmd	1544/udp	0.000511	
vistium-share	1545/tcp	0.000025	
vistium-share	1545/udp	0.000544	
abbaccuray	1546/udp	0.00056	
laplink	1547/tcp	0.000113	
laplink	1547/udp	0.000544	
axon-lm	1548/tcp	0.000025	# Axon License Manager
axon-lm	1548/udp	0.000708	# Axon License Manager
shivahose	1549/tcp	0.000025	# Shiva Hose
shivasound	1549/udp	0.00061	# Shiva Sound
3m-image-lm	1550/tcp	0.000125	# Image Storage license manager 3M Company
3m-image-lm	1550/udp	0.000362	# Image Storage license manager 3M Company
hecmtl-db	1551/tcp	0.00005	
hecmtl-db	1551/udp	0.000675	
pciarray	1552/tcp	0.00005	
pciarray	1552/udp	0.000478	
livelan	1555/udp	0.00033	
veritas_pbx	1556/tcp	0.000152	# VERITAS Private Branch Exchange
xingmpeg	1558/tcp	0.000076	
web2host	1559/tcp	0.000076	
web2host	1559/udp	0.00033	
asci-val	1560/tcp	0.000076	# ASCI-RemoteSHADOW
winddlb	1565/tcp	0.000076	# WinDD
corelvideo	1566/tcp	0.000076	# CORELVIDEO
ets	1569/tcp	0.000076	
chip-lm	1572/udp	0.00033	# Chipcom License Manager
moldflow-lm	1576/udp	0.00033	# Moldflow License Manager
ioc-sea-lm	1579/udp	0.00033	
tn-tl-r1	1580/tcp	0.000304	
simbaexpress	1583/tcp	0.000152	
tn-tl-fd2	1584/tcp	0.000076	
intv	1585/udp	0.000661	
pra_elmd	1587/udp	0.00033	
vqp	1589/udp	0.00033	# VQP
commonspace	1592/tcp	0.000076	
sixtrak	1594/tcp	0.000152	
radio-bc	1596/udp	0.00033	
orbplus-iiop	1597/udp	0.00033	
picknfs	1598/tcp	0.000076	
simbaservices	1599/udp	0.00033	
issd	1600/tcp	0.000263	
issd	1600/udp	0.000807	
slp	1605/tcp	0.000076	# Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol)
slp	1605/udp	0.00033	# Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol)
slm-api	1606/udp	0.00033	# Salutation Manager (SLM-API)
stt	1607/tcp	0.000076	
smart-lm	1608/udp	0.00033	# Smart Corp. License Manager
taurus-wh	1610/udp	0.00033	
netbill-auth	1615/tcp	0.000076	# NetBill Authorization Server
netbill-prod	1616/udp	0.00033	# NetBill Product Server
skytelnet	1618/udp	0.00033	
faxportwinport	1620/tcp	0.000076	
faxportwinport	1620/udp	0.000661	
softdataphone	1621/udp	0.00033	
ontime	1622/tcp	0.000076	
ontime	1622/udp	0.000991	
jaleosnd	1623/udp	0.00033	
shockwave	1626/udp	0.00033	# Shockwave
lontalk-norm	1628/udp	0.00033	# LonTalk normal
visitview	1631/udp	0.00033	# Visit view
pammratc	1632/tcp	0.000076	# PAMMRATC
pammrpc	1633/udp	0.00033	# PAMMRPC
edb-server1	1635/tcp	0.000076	# EDB Server 1
ismc	1638/tcp	0.000076	# ISP shared management control
cert-initiator	1639/udp	0.00033	
cert-responder	1640/udp	0.00033	
invision	1641/tcp	0.000152	# InVision
sightline	1645/tcp	0.000076	# SightLine
radius	1645/udp	0.02318	# radius authentication
radacct	1646/udp	0.023196	# radius accounting
rsap	1647/udp	0.00033	
nkd	1650/tcp	0.000038	
nkd	1650/udp	0.000774	
shiva_confsrvr	1651/tcp	0.00005	
shiva_confsrvr	1651/udp	0.000593	
xnmp	1652/tcp	0.000063	
xnmp	1652/udp	0.000593	
sixnetudr	1658/tcp	0.000152	
netview-aix-1	1661/tcp	0.000025	
netview-aix-1	1661/udp	0.000445	
netview-aix-2	1662/tcp	0.000025	
netview-aix-2	1662/udp	0.000807	
netview-aix-3	1663/tcp	0.000063	
netview-aix-3	1663/udp	0.000527	
netview-aix-4	1664/tcp	0.000038	
netview-aix-4	1664/udp	0.000939	
netview-aix-5	1665/udp	0.000362	
netview-aix-6	1666/tcp	0.000577	
netview-aix-6	1666/udp	0.001186	
netview-aix-7	1667/tcp	0.000025	
netview-aix-7	1667/udp	0.000445	
netview-aix-8	1668/tcp	0.000038	
netview-aix-8	1668/udp	0.000428	
netview-aix-9	1669/udp	0.000412	
netview-aix-10	1670/tcp	0.000013	
netview-aix-10	1670/udp	0.000675	
netview-aix-11	1671/tcp	0.000013	
netview-aix-11	1671/udp	0.000659	
netview-aix-12	1672/tcp	0.000013	
netview-aix-12	1672/udp	0.000824	
groupwise	1677/tcp	0.000076	
groupwise	1677/udp	0.00033	
prolink	1678/udp	0.00033	
CarbonCopy	1680/tcp	0.000063	
microcom-sbp	1680/udp	0.00033	
ncpm-hip	1683/tcp	0.000076	
n2nremote	1685/udp	0.000661	
nsjtp-ctrl	1687/tcp	0.00038	
nsjtp-ctrl	1687/udp	0.00033	
nsjtp-data	1688/tcp	0.000152	
nsjtp-data	1688/udp	0.00033	
empire-empuma	1691/tcp	0.000076	
rrimwm	1694/tcp	0.000076	
rrilwm	1695/udp	0.000661	
rrifmm	1696/udp	0.00033	
rsvp-encap-2	1699/tcp	0.000076	# RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2
rsvp-encap-2	1699/udp	0.00033	# RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2
mps-raft	1700/tcp	0.000836	
l2f	1701/tcp	0.000076	
L2TP	1701/udp	0.076163	
hb-engine	1703/tcp	0.000076	
vdmplay	1707/tcp	0.000076	
gat-lmd	1708/tcp	0.000076	
centra	1709/tcp	0.000076	
pptconference	1711/tcp	0.000076	
pptconference	1711/udp	0.00033	
registrar	1712/tcp	0.000076	# resource monitoring service
registrar	1712/udp	0.00033	# resource monitoring service
conferencetalk	1713/tcp	0.000076	# ConferenceTalk
houdini-lm	1715/tcp	0.000076	
fj-hdnet	1717/tcp	0.000912	
h323gatedisc	1718/tcp	0.00038	
h225gatedisc	1718/udp	0.012554	# H.225 gatekeeper discovery
h323gatestat	1719/tcp	0.000152	
h323gatestat	1719/udp	0.0185	# H.323 Gatestat
h323q931	1720/tcp	0.014277	# Interactive media
caicci	1721/tcp	0.000152	
hks-lm	1722/tcp	0.000076	# HKS License Manager
pptp	1723/tcp	0.032468	# Point-to-point tunnelling protocol
csbphonemaster	1724/udp	0.00033	
iberiagames	1726/udp	0.00033	# IBERIAGAMES
citynl	1729/udp	0.00033	# CityNL License Management
roketz	1730/tcp	0.000076	
roketz	1730/udp	0.00033	
siipat	1733/udp	0.00033	# SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission
privatechat	1735/tcp	0.000076	# PrivateChat
street-stream	1736/tcp	0.000076	
gamegen1	1738/udp	0.000661	# GameGen1
encore	1740/udp	0.00033	
cinegrfx-lm	1743/udp	0.00033	# Cinema Graphics License Manager
remote-winsock	1745/tcp	0.000076	
sslp	1750/tcp	0.000076	# Simple Socket Library's PortMaster
lofr-lm	1752/tcp	0.000076	# Leap of Faith Research License Manager
wms	1755/tcp	0.00335	# Windows media service
ms-streaming	1755/udp	0.000661	
landesk-rc	1761/tcp	0.001756	# LANDesk Remote Control
cft-0	1761/udp	0.002313	
landesk-rc	1762/tcp	0.000038	# LANDesk Remote Control
landesk-rc	1763/tcp	0.000025	# LANDesk Remote Control
cft-5	1766/udp	0.00033	
cft-6	1767/udp	0.00033	
kmscontrol	1773/udp	0.00033	# KMSControl
pharmasoft	1779/udp	0.00033	
hp-hcip	1782/tcp	0.000304	
hp-hcip	1782/udp	0.004625	
funk-logger	1786/udp	0.00033	
ea1	1791/tcp	0.000076	# EA1
ibm-dt-2	1792/tcp	0.000076	
ibm-dt-2	1792/udp	0.000661	
vocaltec-admin	1796/udp	0.00033	# Vocaltec Server Administration
netrisk	1799/tcp	0.000076	# NETRISK
ansys-lm	1800/tcp	0.000076	# ANSYS-License manager
ansys-lm	1800/udp	0.00033	# ANSYS-License manager
msmq	1801/tcp	0.002585	# Microsoft Message Queuing
hp-hcip-gwy	1803/udp	0.000661	# HP-HCIP-GWY
enl	1804/udp	0.001652	# ENL
enl-name	1805/tcp	0.000152	# ENL-Name
musiconline	1806/tcp	0.000076	# Musiconline
fhsp	1807/tcp	0.000076	# Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol
oracle-vp2	1808/tcp	0.000076	# Oracle-VP2
scientia-sdb	1811/tcp	0.000076	# Scientia-SDB
radius	1812/sctp	0	# RADIUS authentication protocol (RFC 2138)
radius	1812/tcp	0.000152	# RADIUS
radius	1812/udp	0.053839	# RADIUS authentication protocol (RFC 2138)
radacct	1813/sctp	0	# RADIUS accounting protocol (RFC 2139)
radacct	1813/udp	0.010429	# RADIUS accounting protocol (RFC 2139)
tdp-suite	1814/udp	0.00033	# TDP Suite
mmpft	1815/udp	0.00033	# MMPFT
etftp	1818/udp	0.00033	# Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol
es-elmd	1822/udp	0.00033	
unisys-lm	1823/tcp	0.000076	# Unisys Natural Language License Manager
metrics-pas	1824/udp	0.00033	
direcpc-video	1825/tcp	0.000076	# DirecPC Video
ardt	1826/udp	0.00033	# ARDT
pcm	1827/tcp	0.000025	# PCM Agent (AutoSecure Policy Compliance Manager
asi	1827/udp	0.00033	# ASI
ardusuni	1834/udp	0.000661	# ARDUS Unicast
ardusmul	1835/tcp	0.000076	# ARDUS Multicast
ardusmul	1835/udp	0.00033	# ARDUS Multicast
netopia-vo1	1839/tcp	0.000152	
netopia-vo2	1840/tcp	0.00038	
netopia-vo2	1840/udp	0.00033	
netopia-vo3	1841/udp	0.00033	
fiorano-msgsvc	1856/udp	0.00033	# Fiorano MsgSvc
privateark	1858/tcp	0.000076	# PrivateArk
lecroy-vicp	1861/tcp	0.000076	# LeCroy VICP
lecroy-vicp	1861/udp	0.000661	# LeCroy VICP
mysql-cm-agent	1862/tcp	0.000228	# MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
mysql-cm-agent	1862/udp	0.000991	# MySQL Cluster Manager Agent
msnp	1863/tcp	0.000684	# MSN Messenger
paradym-31	1864/tcp	0.000684	
canocentral0	1871/tcp	0.000076	# Cano Central 0
canocentral0	1871/udp	0.00033	# Cano Central 0
fjmpjps	1873/udp	0.00033	# Fjmpjps
westell-stats	1875/tcp	0.000152	# westell stats
westell-stats	1875/udp	0.00033	# westell stats
ibm-mqisdp	1883/udp	0.00033	# IBM MQSeries SCADA
idmaps	1884/udp	0.000661	# Internet Distance Map Svc
vrtstrapserver	1885/udp	0.003304	# Veritas Trap Server
leoip	1886/udp	0.002973	# Leonardo over IP
ncconfig	1888/udp	0.00033	# NC Config Port
childkey-notif	1891/udp	0.00033	# ChildKey Notification
cymtec-port	1898/udp	0.00033	# Cymtec secure management
upnp	1900/tcp	0.003977	# Universal PnP
upnp	1900/udp	0.136543	# Universal PnP
fjicl-tep-a	1901/tcp	0.000076	# Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A
fjicl-tep-a	1901/udp	0.001982	# Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A
tpmd	1906/udp	0.00033	# TPortMapperReq
global-wlink	1909/udp	0.000661	# Global World Link
mtp	1911/tcp	0.000076	# Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol
rhp-iibp	1912/tcp	0.000076	
rhp-iibp	1912/udp	0.00033	
elm-momentum	1914/tcp	0.000152	# Elm-Momentum
can-nds	1918/tcp	0.000076	# IBM Tivole Directory Service - NDS
noadmin	1921/udp	0.000661	# NoAdmin
tapestry	1922/udp	0.00033	# Tapestry
xiip	1924/tcp	0.000076	# XIIP
videte-cipc	1927/tcp	0.000076	# Videte CIPC Port
amdsched	1931/udp	0.00033	# AMD SCHED
rtmp	1935/tcp	0.001179	# Macromedia FlasComm Server
sentinelsrm	1947/tcp	0.00038	# SentinelSRM
sentinelsrm	1947/udp	0.00033	# SentinelSRM
ismaeasdaqtest	1950/udp	0.00033	# ISMA Easdaq Test
abr-api	1954/tcp	0.000076	# ABR-API (diskbridge)
unix-status	1957/udp	0.00033	
dxadmind	1958/tcp	0.000076	# CA Administration Daemon
dxadmind	1958/udp	0.00033	# CA Administration Daemon
simp-all	1959/udp	0.00033	# SIMP Channel
biap-mp	1962/udp	0.00033	# BIAP-MP
slush	1966/udp	0.00033	# Slush
lipsinc	1968/udp	0.00033	# LIPSinc
netop-school	1971/tcp	0.000152	# NetOp School
intersys-cache	1972/tcp	0.000152	# Cache
dlsrap	1973/tcp	0.000076	# Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol
drp	1974/tcp	0.000152	# DRP
tcoflashagent	1975/tcp	0.000076	# TCO Flash Agent
tcoregagent	1976/tcp	0.000076	# TCO Reg Agent
p2pq	1981/tcp	0.000076	# p2pQ
p2pq	1981/udp	0.00033	# p2pQ
bigbrother	1984/tcp	0.000201	# Big Brother monitoring server - www.bb4.com
bb	1984/udp	0.00033	# BB
licensedaemon	1986/tcp	0.000025	# cisco license management
licensedaemon	1986/udp	0.000544	# cisco license management
tr-rsrb-p1	1987/tcp	0.000013	# cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
tr-rsrb-p1	1987/udp	0.000675	# cisco RSRB Priority 1 port
tr-rsrb-p2	1988/tcp	0.00005	# cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
tr-rsrb-p2	1988/udp	0.000428	# cisco RSRB Priority 2 port
tr-rsrb-p3	1989/tcp	0.000075	# cisco RSRB Priority 3 port
tr-rsrb-p3	1989/udp	0.000313	# cisco RSRB Priority 3 port
stun-p1	1990/tcp	0.000025	# cisco STUN Priority 1 port
stun-p1	1990/udp	0.000494	# cisco STUN Priority 1 port
stun-p2	1991/tcp	0.00005	# cisco STUN Priority 2 port
stun-p2	1991/udp	0.000428	# cisco STUN Priority 2 port
stun-p3	1992/tcp	0.000025	# cisco STUN Priority 3 port
stun-p3	1992/udp	0.000478	# cisco STUN Priority 3 port
snmp-tcp-port	1993/tcp	0.000013	# cisco SNMP TCP port
snmp-tcp-port	1993/udp	0.001779	# cisco SNMP TCP port
stun-port	1994/tcp	0.000025	# cisco serial tunnel port
stun-port	1994/udp	0.000313	# cisco serial tunnel port
perf-port	1995/tcp	0.000038	# cisco perf port
perf-port	1995/udp	0.000577	# cisco perf port
tr-rsrb-port	1996/tcp	0.000038	# cisco Remote SRB port
tr-rsrb-port	1996/udp	0.000626	# cisco Remote SRB port
gdp-port	1997/tcp	0.000038	# cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
gdp-port	1997/udp	0.000494	# cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol
x25-svc-port	1998/tcp	0.001731	# cisco X.25 service (XOT)
x25-svc-port	1998/udp	0.00061	# cisco X.25 service (XOT)
tcp-id-port	1999/tcp	0.000364	# cisco identification port
tcp-id-port	1999/udp	0.000923	# cisco identification port
cisco-sccp	2000/tcp	0.010112	# cisco SCCP (Skinny Client Control Protocol)
cisco-sccp	2000/udp	0.011697	# cisco SCCP (Skinny Client Control Protocol)
dc	2001/tcp	0.007339	# or nfr20 web queries
wizard	2001/udp	0.001186	# curry
globe	2002/tcp	0.001744	
globe	2002/udp	0.00374	
finger	2003/tcp	0.001179	# GNU finger (cfingerd)
mailbox	2004/tcp	0.001016	
emce	2004/udp	0.000988	# CCWS mm conf
deslogin	2005/tcp	0.001731	# encrypted symmetric telnet/login
oracle	2005/udp	0.000494	
invokator	2006/tcp	0.001066	
raid-cc	2006/udp	0.000675	# raid
dectalk	2007/tcp	0.000878	
raid-am	2007/udp	0.000593	
conf	2008/tcp	0.000903	
terminaldb	2008/udp	0.000593	
news	2009/tcp	0.000841	
whosockami	2009/udp	0.000511	
search	2010/tcp	0.000803	# Or nfr411
pipe_server	2010/udp	0.00056	# Also used by NFR
raid-cc	2011/tcp	0.000113	# raid
servserv	2011/udp	0.000445	
ttyinfo	2012/tcp	0.000151	
raid-ac	2012/udp	0.000873	
raid-am	2013/tcp	0.000176	
raid-cd	2013/udp	0.000659	
troff	2014/tcp	0.00005	
raid-sf	2014/udp	0.000478	
cypress	2015/tcp	0.000038	
raid-cs	2015/udp	0.000362	
bootserver	2016/tcp	0.000013	
bootserver	2016/udp	0.000379	
bootclient	2017/udp	0.000346	
terminaldb	2018/tcp	0.00005	
rellpack	2018/udp	0.000972	
whosockami	2019/tcp	0.000013	
about	2019/udp	0.000791	
xinupageserver	2020/tcp	0.000364	
xinupageserver	2020/udp	0.000577	
servexec	2021/tcp	0.000289	
xinuexpansion1	2021/udp	0.000478	
down	2022/tcp	0.000226	
xinuexpansion2	2022/udp	0.000593	
xinuexpansion3	2023/tcp	0.000025	
xinuexpansion3	2023/udp	0.000231	
xinuexpansion4	2024/tcp	0.00005	
xinuexpansion4	2024/udp	0.000511	
ellpack	2025/tcp	0.0001	
xribs	2025/udp	0.000494	
scrabble	2026/tcp	0.000038	
scrabble	2026/udp	0.000824	
shadowserver	2027/tcp	0.000025	
shadowserver	2027/udp	0.000395	
submitserver	2028/tcp	0.000013	
submitserver	2028/udp	0.000445	
device2	2030/tcp	0.000514	
device2	2030/udp	0.000412	
mobrien-chat	2031/tcp	0.000076	
blackboard	2032/udp	0.00084	
glogger	2033/tcp	0.000339	
glogger	2033/udp	0.00056	
scoremgr	2034/tcp	0.000238	
scoremgr	2034/udp	0.000544	
imsldoc	2035/tcp	0.000188	
imsldoc	2035/udp	0.000527	
e-dpnet	2036/udp	0.00033	# Ethernet WS DP network
objectmanager	2038/tcp	0.000201	
objectmanager	2038/udp	0.000626	
lam	2040/tcp	0.000276	
lam	2040/udp	0.000725	
interbase	2041/tcp	0.000213	
interbase	2041/udp	0.000428	
isis	2042/tcp	0.000163	
isis	2042/udp	0.000379	
isis-bcast	2043/tcp	0.000176	
isis-bcast	2043/udp	0.000494	
rimsl	2044/tcp	0.000138	
rimsl	2044/udp	0.00056	
cdfunc	2045/tcp	0.000163	
cdfunc	2045/udp	0.000857	
sdfunc	2046/tcp	0.000188	
sdfunc	2046/udp	0.000511	
dls	2047/tcp	0.000176	
dls	2047/udp	0.000478	
dls-monitor	2048/tcp	0.000263	
dls-monitor	2048/udp	0.021549	
nfs	2049/sctp	0	# Network File System
nfs	2049/tcp	0.00611	# networked file system
nfs	2049/udp	0.044531	# networked file system
epnsdp	2051/udp	0.002643	# EPNSDP
knetd	2053/tcp	0.000025	
lot105-ds-upd	2053/udp	0.000991	# Lot105 DSuper Updates
weblogin	2054/udp	0.000661	# Weblogin Port
iop	2055/udp	0.000661	# Iliad-Odyssey Protocol
newwavesearch	2058/udp	0.000661	# NewWaveSearchables RMI
bmc-messaging	2059/udp	0.00033	# BMC Messaging Service
teleniumdaemon	2060/udp	0.000661	# Telenium Daemon IF
netmount	2061/udp	0.000661	# NetMount
icg-swp	2062/tcp	0.000076	# ICG SWP Port
icg-swp	2062/udp	0.000661	# ICG SWP Port
dnet-keyproxy	2064/tcp	0.000038	# A closed-source client for solving the RSA cryptographic challenge. This is the keyblock proxy port.
dlsrpn	2065/tcp	0.000815	# Data Link Switch Read Port Number
dlsrpn	2065/udp	0.000511	# Data Link Switch Read Port Number
dlswpn	2067/tcp	0.000113	# Data Link Switch Write Port Number
dlswpn	2067/udp	0.001005	# Data Link Switch Write Port Number
avocentkvm	2068/tcp	0.000201	# Avocent KVM Server
event-port	2069/tcp	0.000076	# HTTP Event Port
ah-esp-encap	2070/tcp	0.000076	# AH and ESP Encapsulated in UDP packet
ah-esp-encap	2070/udp	0.00033	# AH and ESP Encapsulated in UDP packet
newlixengine	2075/udp	0.00033	# Newlix ServerWare Engine
newlixconfig	2076/udp	0.00033	# Newlix JSPConfig
tsrmagt	2077/udp	0.00033	# Old Tivoli Storage Manager
tpcsrvr	2078/udp	0.000661	# IBM Total Productivity Center Server
autodesk-nlm	2080/tcp	0.000076	# Autodesk NLM (FLEXlm)
autodesk-nlm	2080/udp	0.00033	# Autodesk NLM (FLEXlm)
kme-trap-port	2081/tcp	0.000076	# KME PRINTER TRAP PORT
infowave	2082/tcp	0.000076	# Infowave Mobility Server
infowave	2082/udp	0.00033	# Infowave Mobiltiy Server
radsec	2083/tcp	0.000076	# Secure Radius Service
radsec	2083/udp	0.000661	# Secure Radius Service
gnunet	2086/tcp	0.000076	# GNUnet
gnunet	2086/udp	0.00033	# GNUnet
eli	2087/tcp	0.000076	# ELI - Event Logging Integration
nbx-cc	2093/udp	0.00033	# NBX CC
nbx-ser	2095/tcp	0.000076	# NBX SER
nbx-dir	2096/tcp	0.000076	# NBX DIR
h2250-annex-g	2099/tcp	0.000152	# H.225.0 Annex G
amiganetfs	2100/tcp	0.00038	# Amiga Network Filesystem
rtcm-sc104	2101/tcp	0.000076	
rtcm-sc104	2101/udp	0.000991	
zephyr-srv	2102/udp	0.00033	# Zephyr server
zephyr-clt	2103/tcp	0.002661	# Zephyr serv-hm connection
zephyr-clt	2103/udp	0.000758	# Zephyr serv-hm connection
zephyr-hm	2104/tcp	0.000076	# Zephyr hostmanager
zephyr-hm	2104/udp	0.000478	# Zephyr hostmanager
eklogin	2105/tcp	0.00212	# Kerberos (v4) encrypted rlogin
eklogin	2105/udp	0.000544	# Kerberos (v4) encrypted rlogin
ekshell	2106/tcp	0.000238	# Kerberos (v4) encrypted rshell
ekshell	2106/udp	0.000972	# Kerberos (v4) encrypted rshell
msmq-mgmt	2107/tcp	0.002737	# Microsoft Message Queuing (IANA calls this bintec-admin)
rkinit	2108/tcp	0.000013	# Kerberos (v4) remote initialization
rkinit	2108/udp	0.000593	# Kerberos (v4) remote initialization
kx	2111/tcp	0.000263	# X over kerberos
dsatp	2111/udp	0.00033	# DSATP
kip	2112/tcp	0.000088	# IP over kerberos
kdm	2115/tcp	0.000076	# Key Distribution Manager
gsigatekeeper	2119/tcp	0.00038	# GSIGATEKEEPER
gsigatekeeper	2119/udp	0.00033	# GSIGATEKEEPER
kauth	2120/tcp	0.00005	# Remote kauth
ccproxy-ftp	2121/tcp	0.005834	# CCProxy FTP Proxy
scientia-ssdb	2121/udp	0.000661	# SCIENTIA-SSDB
gtp-control	2123/udp	0.000661	# GTP-Control Plane (3GPP)
elatelink	2124/tcp	0.000076	# ELATELINK
pktcable-cops	2126/tcp	0.000304	# PktCable-COPS
pktcable-cops	2126/udp	0.00033	# PktCable-COPS
index-pc-wb	2127/udp	0.00033	# INDEX-PC-WB
cs-live	2129/udp	0.000661	# cs-live.com
avantageb2b	2131/udp	0.00033	# Avantageb2b
avenue	2134/tcp	0.000076	# AVENUE
gris	2135/tcp	0.00038	# Grid Resource Information Server
appworxsrv	2136/udp	0.00033	# APPWORXSRV
unbind-cluster	2138/udp	0.00033	# UNBIND-CLUSTER
ias-reg	2140/udp	0.000661	# IAS-REG
tdmoip	2142/tcp	0.000076	# TDM OVER IP
lv-ffx	2144/tcp	0.00038	# Live Vault Fast Object Transfer
lv-ffx	2144/udp	0.00033	# Live Vault Fast Object Transfer
veritas-ucl	2148/tcp	0.000076	# Veritas Universal Communication Layer
veritas-ucl	2148/udp	0.005946	# Veritas Universal Communication Layer
dynamic3d	2150/tcp	0.000076	# DYNAMIC3D
touchnetplus	2158/udp	0.000661	# TouchNetPlus Service
apc-2160	2160/tcp	0.00038	# APC 2160
apc-2160	2160/udp	0.001982	# APC 2160
apc-agent	2161/tcp	0.001521	# American Power Conversion
apc-2161	2161/udp	0.001321	# APC 2161
navisphere	2162/udp	0.00033	# Navisphere
ddns-v3	2164/udp	0.000991	# Dynamic DNS Version 3
easy-soft-mux	2168/udp	0.000661	# easy-soft Multiplexer
brain	2169/udp	0.00033	# Backbone for Academic Information Notification (BRAIN)
eyetv	2170/tcp	0.000152	# EyeTV Server Port
eyetv	2170/udp	0.00033	# EyeTV Server Port
vmrdp	2179/tcp	0.000304	# Microsoft RDP for virtual machines
cgn-stat	2182/udp	0.00033	# CGN status
onbase-dds	2185/udp	0.00033	# OnBase Distributed Disk Services
ssmc	2187/tcp	0.000076	# Sepehr System Management Control
tivoconnect	2190/tcp	0.00038	# TiVoConnect Beacon
tvbus	2191/tcp	0.000304	# TvBus Messaging
tvbus	2191/udp	0.00033	# TvBus Messaging
mnp-exchange	2197/tcp	0.000076	# MNP data exchange
ici	2200/tcp	0.000152	# ICI
ici	2200/udp	0.00033	# ICI
ats	2201/tcp	0.0001	# Advanced Training System Program
ats	2201/udp	0.000577	# Advanced Training System Program
b2-runtime	2203/tcp	0.000076	# b2 Runtime Protocol
rpi	2214/udp	0.00033	# RDQ Protocol Interface
ipcore	2215/udp	0.000661	# IPCore.co.za GPRS
gotodevice	2217/udp	0.00033	# GoToDevice Device Management
rockwell-csp1	2221/udp	0.00033	# Rockwell CSP1
EtherNetIP-1	2222/tcp	0.000608	# EtherNet/IP I/O
msantipiracy	2222/udp	0.047902	# Microsoft Office OS X antipiracy network monitor
rockwell-csp2	2223/udp	0.010902	# Rockwell CSP2
efi-mg	2224/tcp	0.000076	# Easy Flexible Internet/Multiplayer Games
rcip-itu	2225/sctp	0	# Resource Connection Initiation Protocol
di-drm	2226/udp	0.00033	# Digital Instinct DRM
ivs-video	2232/tcp	0.000151	# IVS Video default
ivs-video	2232/udp	0.000626	# IVS Video default
optech-port1-lm	2237/udp	0.00033	# Optech Port1 License Manager
imagequery	2239/udp	0.00033	# Image Query
recipe	2240/udp	0.00033	# RECIPe
ivsd	2241/tcp	0.000151	# IVS Daemon
ivsd	2241/udp	0.000659	# IVS Daemon
nmsserver	2244/udp	0.00033	# NMS Server
hao	2245/udp	0.00033	# HaO
pc-mta-addrmap	2246/udp	0.00033	# PacketCable MTA Addr Map
antidotemgrsvr	2247/udp	0.00033	# Antidote Deployment Manager Service
rfmp	2249/udp	0.00033	# RISO File Manager Protocol
remote-collab	2250/tcp	0.000076	
dif-port	2251/tcp	0.000304	# Distributed Framework Port
dif-port	2251/udp	0.00033	# Distributed Framework Port
dtv-chan-req	2253/tcp	0.000076	# DTV Channel Request
rcts	2258/udp	0.00033	# Rotorcraft Communications Test System
apc-2260	2260/tcp	0.00038	# APC 2260
comotionmaster	2261/tcp	0.000076	# CoMotion Master Server
comotionback	2262/tcp	0.000076	# CoMotion Backup Server
comotionback	2262/udp	0.00033	# CoMotion Backup Server
apx500api-1	2264/udp	0.00033	# Audio Precision Apx500 API Port 1
apx500api-2	2265/tcp	0.000076	# Audio Precision Apx500 API Port 2
apx500api-2	2265/udp	0.00033	# Audio Precision Apx500 API Port 2
mfserver	2266/udp	0.00033	# M-files Server
mikey	2269/tcp	0.000076	# MIKEY
mikey	2269/udp	0.00033	# MIKEY
starschool	2270/tcp	0.000076	# starSchool
starschool	2270/udp	0.00033	# starSchool
mmcals	2271/tcp	0.000076	# Secure Meeting Maker Scheduling
mysql-im	2273/udp	0.00033	# MySQL Instance Manager
xmquery	2279/udp	0.00033	
lnvpoller	2280/tcp	0.000076	# LNVPOLLER
lnvstatus	2283/udp	0.00033	# LNVSTATUS
netml	2288/tcp	0.000152	# NETML
eapsp	2291/tcp	0.000076	# EPSON Advanced Printer Share Protocol
mib-streaming	2292/tcp	0.000076	# Sonus Element Management Services
mib-streaming	2292/udp	0.00033	# Sonus Element Management Services
cvmmon	2300/tcp	0.000076	# CVMMON
compaqdiag	2301/tcp	0.001242	# Compaq remote diagnostic/management
cpq-wbem	2301/udp	0.00033	# Compaq HTTP
binderysupport	2302/tcp	0.000076	# Bindery Support
binderysupport	2302/udp	0.000661	# Bindery Support
attachmate-uts	2304/tcp	0.000076	# Attachmate UTS
pehelp	2307/tcp	0.00005	
pehelp	2307/udp	0.000659	
wanscaler	2312/tcp	0.000076	# WANScaler Communication Service
iapp	2313/tcp	0.000076	# IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol)
attachmate-g32	2317/udp	0.00033	# Attachmate G32
infolibria	2319/udp	0.00033	# InfoLibria
siebel-ns	2320/udp	0.00033	# Siebel NS
3d-nfsd	2323/tcp	0.000228	
cosmocall	2324/udp	0.00033	# Cosmocall
ansysli	2325/tcp	0.000076	# ANSYS Licensing Interconnect
idcp	2326/tcp	0.000076	# IDCP
idcp	2326/udp	0.00033	# IDCP
xingcsm	2327/udp	0.00033	
netrix-sftm	2328/udp	0.00033	# Netrix SFTM
tscchat	2330/tcp	0.000076	# TSCCHAT
tscchat	2330/udp	0.00033	# TSCCHAT
rcc-host	2332/udp	0.00033	# RCC Host
ace-client	2334/udp	0.00033	# ACE Client Auth
ace-proxy	2335/tcp	0.000076	# ACE Proxy
ace-proxy	2335/udp	0.00033	# ACE Proxy
wrs_registry	2340/tcp	0.000076	# WRS Registry
wrs_registry	2340/udp	0.00033	# WRS Registry
manage-exec	2342/udp	0.00033	# Seagate Manage Exec
nati-logos	2343/udp	0.001652	# nati logos
dbm	2345/udp	0.001321	
pslserver	2352/udp	0.00033	
nexstorindltd	2360/udp	0.00033	# NexstorIndLtd
digiman	2362/udp	0.001321	
oi-2000	2364/udp	0.00033	# OI-2000
qip-login	2366/tcp	0.000152	
opentable	2368/udp	0.000661	# OpenTable
worldwire	2371/tcp	0.000076	# Compaq WorldWire Port
worldwire	2371/udp	0.00033	# Compaq WorldWire Port
lanmessenger	2372/tcp	0.000076	# LanMessenger
lanmessenger	2372/udp	0.00033	# LanMessenger
docker	2375/tcp	0.000076	# docker.com
docker	2376/tcp	0.000076	# docker.com
compaq-https	2381/tcp	0.00038	# Compaq HTTPS
ms-olap3	2382/tcp	0.000152	
ms-olap3	2382/udp	0.000661	# Microsoft OLAP
ms-olap4	2383/tcp	0.001369	# MS OLAP 4
virtualtape	2386/udp	0.00033	# Virtual Tape
vsamredirector	2387/udp	0.000661	# VSAM Redirector
3com-net-mgmt	2391/tcp	0.000076	# 3COM Net Management
tacticalauth	2392/udp	0.00033	# Tactical Auth
ms-olap1	2393/tcp	0.000228	# SQL Server Downlevel OLAP Client Support
ms-olap2	2394/tcp	0.000228	# SQL Server Downlevel OLAP Client Support
lan900_remote	2395/udp	0.00033	# LAN900 Remote
orbiter	2398/udp	0.000661	# Orbiter
fmpro-fdal	2399/tcp	0.00038	# FileMaker, Inc. - Data Access Layer
cvspserver	2401/tcp	0.00148	# CVS network server
cvspserver	2401/udp	0.000544	# CVS network server
jediserver	2406/udp	0.00033	# JediServer
cdn	2412/udp	0.00033	# CDN
composit-server	2417/udp	0.00033	# Composit Server
cas	2418/tcp	0.000076	
cas	2418/udp	0.00033	
fjitsuappmgr	2425/tcp	0.000076	# Fujitsu App Manager
mgcp-gateway	2427/sctp	0	
ft-role	2429/udp	0.00033	# FT-ROLE
venus	2430/tcp	0.00005	
venus	2430/udp	0.000478	
venus-se	2431/tcp	0.000025	
venus-se	2431/udp	0.00084	
codasrv	2432/tcp	0.000025	
codasrv	2432/udp	0.00056	
codasrv-se	2433/tcp	0.000125	
codasrv-se	2433/udp	0.000395	
optilogic	2435/tcp	0.000076	# OptiLogic
topx	2436/tcp	0.000076	# TOP/X
msp	2438/tcp	0.000076	# MSP
sybasedbsynch	2439/tcp	0.000076	# SybaseDBSynch
dtn1	2445/udp	0.00033	# DTN1
ratl	2449/tcp	0.000076	# RATL
altav-remmgt	2456/tcp	0.000076	
rapido-ip	2457/udp	0.00033	# Rapido_IP
lsi-raid-mgmt	2463/tcp	0.000076	# LSI RAID Management
lsi-raid-mgmt	2463/udp	0.00033	# LSI RAID Management
c3	2472/tcp	0.000076	# C3
vitalanalysis	2474/udp	0.00033	# Vital Analysis
pns	2487/udp	0.00033	# Policy Notice Service
tsilb	2489/udp	0.00033	# TSILB
groove	2492/tcp	0.00038	# GROOVE
groove	2492/udp	0.00033	# GROOVE
bmc-ar	2494/udp	0.00033	# BMC AR
dirgis	2496/udp	0.000661	# DIRGIS
rtsserv	2500/tcp	0.000464	# Resource Tracking system server
rtsserv	2500/udp	0.000511	# Resource Tracking system server
rtsclient	2501/tcp	0.000151	# Resource Tracking system client
rtsclient	2501/udp	0.000461	# Resource Tracking system client
nms-dpnss	2503/udp	0.00033	# NMS-DPNSS
ppcontrol	2505/tcp	0.000076	# PowerPlay Control
ppcontrol	2505/udp	0.00033	# PowerPlay Control
fjmpss	2509/udp	0.00033	
fjappmgrbulk	2510/udp	0.00033	
citrixima	2512/udp	0.00033	# Citrix IMA
facsys-router	2515/udp	0.00033	# Facsys Router
call-sig-trans	2517/udp	0.000661	# H.323 Annex E call signaling transport
windb	2522/tcp	0.000304	# WinDb
optiwave-lm	2524/udp	0.00033	# Optiwave License Management
ms-v-worlds	2525/tcp	0.000456	# MS V-Worlds
iqserver	2527/udp	0.00033	# IQ Server
ncr_ccl	2528/udp	0.000661	# NCR CCL
ito-e-gui	2531/tcp	0.000076	# ITO-E GUI
ovtopmd	2532/tcp	0.000076	# OVTOPMD
snifferserver	2533/udp	0.00033	# SnifferServer
vnwk-prapi	2538/udp	0.00033	
vsiadmin	2539/udp	0.00033	# VSI Admin
udrawgraph	2542/udp	0.00033	# uDraw(Graph)
reftek	2543/udp	0.00033	# REFTEK
vytalvaultbrtp	2546/udp	0.00033	
ads	2550/tcp	0.000076	# ADS
isg-uda-server	2551/tcp	0.000076	# ISG UDA Server
call-logging	2552/udp	0.00033	# Call Logging
compaq-wcp	2555/udp	0.00033	# Compaq WCP
nicetec-mgmt	2557/tcp	0.000152	
pclemultimedia	2558/tcp	0.000076	# PCLE Multi Media
lstp	2559/udp	0.00033	# LSTP
hp-3000-telnet	2564/tcp	0.000013	# HP 3000 NS/VT block mode telnet
clp	2567/tcp	0.000076	# Cisco Line Protocol
tributary	2580/tcp	0.000076	# Tributary
argis-ds	2582/udp	0.00033	# ARGIS DS
mon	2583/tcp	0.000076	# MON
cyaserv	2584/tcp	0.000076	
quartus-tcl	2589/udp	0.00033	# quartus tcl
netrek	2592/udp	0.00033	
citriximaclient	2598/tcp	0.000076	# Citrix MA Client
zebrasrv	2600/tcp	0.000088	# zebra service
hpstgmgr	2600/udp	0.00033	# HPSTGMGR
zebra	2601/tcp	0.002032	# zebra vty
ripd	2602/tcp	0.00079	# RIPd vty
servicemeter	2603/udp	0.00033	# Service Meter
ospfd	2604/tcp	0.000765	# OSPFd vty
bgpd	2605/tcp	0.000514	# BGPd vty
netmon	2606/tcp	0.000076	# Dell Netmon
connection	2607/tcp	0.00038	# Dell Connection
wag-service	2608/tcp	0.000228	# Wag Service
qpasa-agent	2612/udp	0.00033	# Qpasa Agent
smntubootstrap	2613/udp	0.00033	# SMNTUBootstrap
firepower	2615/udp	0.00033	
priority-e-com	2618/udp	0.00033	# Priority E-Com
metricadbc	2622/tcp	0.000076	# MetricaDBC
lmdp	2623/tcp	0.000076	# LMDP
blwnkl-port	2625/udp	0.00033	# Blwnkl Port
webster	2627/tcp	0.000025	# Network dictionary
webster	2627/udp	0.000692	
dict	2628/tcp	0.000125	# Dictionary service (RFC2229)
sitaraserver	2629/udp	0.00033	# Sitara Server
sitaradir	2631/tcp	0.000076	# Sitara Dir
pk-electronics	2634/udp	0.00033	# PK Electronics
backburner	2635/udp	0.00033	# Back Burner
sybase	2638/tcp	0.000251	# Sybase database
sybaseanywhere	2638/udp	0.00033	# Sybase Anywhere
hdl-srv	2641/udp	0.00033	# HDL Server
travsoft-ipx-t	2644/tcp	0.000076	# Travsoft IPX Tunnel
and-lm	2646/udp	0.00033	# AND License Manager
vpsipport	2649/udp	0.00033	# VPSIPPORT
sns-dispatcher	2657/udp	0.00033	# SNS Dispatcher
bintec-capi	2662/udp	0.00033	# BinTec-CAPI
patrol-mq-gm	2664/udp	0.00033	# Patrol for MQ GM
extensis	2666/udp	0.00033	
alarm-clock-s	2667/udp	0.00033	# Alarm Clock Server
firstcall42	2673/udp	0.00033	# First Call 42
gadgetgate1way	2677/udp	0.00033	# Gadget Gate 1 Way
gadgetgate2way	2678/udp	0.00033	# Gadget Gate 2 Way
itinternet	2691/tcp	0.000076	# ITInternet ISM Server
admins-lms	2692/udp	0.00033	# Admins LMS
vspread	2695/udp	0.00033	# VSPREAD
tqdata	2700/tcp	0.000076	
sms-rcinfo	2701/tcp	0.000836	
sms-xfer	2702/tcp	0.00076	
sms-remctrl	2704/udp	0.00033	# SMS REMCTRL
sds-admin	2705/udp	0.00033	# SDS Admin
ncdmirroring	2706/tcp	0.000076	# NCD Mirroring
banyan-net	2708/udp	0.00033	# Banyan-Net
supermon	2709/udp	0.00033	# Supermon
sso-service	2710/tcp	0.000152	# SSO Service
sso-control	2711/tcp	0.000076	# SSO Control
aocp	2712/tcp	0.000076	# Axapta Object Communication Protocol
pn-requester	2717/tcp	0.003345	# PN REQUESTER
pn-requester2	2718/tcp	0.00038	# PN REQUESTER 2
scan-change	2719/udp	0.00033	# Scan & Change
wkars	2720/udp	0.00033	
watchdog-nt	2723/tcp	0.000076	# WatchDog NT Protocol
msolap-ptp2	2725/tcp	0.000228	# SQL Analysis Server
tams	2726/udp	0.00033	# TAMS
sqdr	2728/tcp	0.000076	# SQDR
ccs-software	2734/tcp	0.000076	# CCS Software
ccs-software	2734/udp	0.00033	# CCS Software
srp-feedback	2737/udp	0.00033	# SRP Feedback
tn-timing	2739/udp	0.00033	# TN Timing
fjippol-cnsl	2749/udp	0.00033	
qip-audup	2765/udp	0.00033	
listen	2766/tcp	0.000013	# System V listener port
uadtc	2767/udp	0.00033	# UADTC
vergencecm	2771/udp	0.00033	# Vergence CM
rbakcup1	2773/udp	0.00033	# RBackup Remote Backup
ridgeway2	2777/udp	0.00033	# Ridgeway Systems & Software
whosells	2781/udp	0.00033	
www-dev	2784/udp	0.000395	# world wide web - development
media-agent	2789/udp	0.00033	# Media Agent
mtport-regist	2791/udp	0.00033	# MT Port Registrator
esp-encap	2797/udp	0.00033	
acc-raid	2800/tcp	0.000152	# ACC RAID
igcp	2801/udp	0.00033	# IGCP
btprjctrl	2803/udp	0.00033	
dvr-esm	2804/tcp	0.000076	# March Networks Digital Video Recorders and Enterprise Service Manager products
dvr-esm	2804/udp	0.00033	# March Networks Digital Video Recorders and Enterprise Service Manager products
cspuni	2806/tcp	0.000076	
corbaloc	2809/tcp	0.000439	# Corba
gsiftp	2811/tcp	0.00038	# GSI FTP
atmtcp	2812/tcp	0.000076	# commonly Monit httpd - http://mmonit.com/monit/documentation/monit.html#monit_httpd
llm-pass	2813/udp	0.00033	
fc-faultnotify	2819/udp	0.000661	# FC Fault Notification
vrts-at-port	2821/udp	0.000661	# VERITAS Authentication Service
cqg-netlan-1	2824/udp	0.00033	# CQG Net/Lan 1
slc-systemlog	2826/udp	0.00033	# slc systemlog
silkp3	2831/udp	0.00033	
repliweb	2837/udp	0.00033	# Repliweb
aimpp-port-req	2847/tcp	0.000076	# AIMPP Port Req
aimpp-port-req	2847/udp	0.00033	# AIMPP Port Req
metaconsole	2850/tcp	0.000076	# MetaConsole
msrp	2855/udp	0.00033	# MSRP
dialpad-voice1	2860/udp	0.00033	# Dialpad Voice 1
sonardata	2863/udp	0.000991	# Sonar Data
astromed-main	2864/udp	0.00033	# main 5001 cmd
pit-vpn	2865/udp	0.00033	
icslap	2869/tcp	0.002129	# Universal Plug and Play Device Host, SSDP Discovery Service
icslap	2869/udp	0.00033	# ICSLAP
dxmessagebase1	2874/udp	0.00033	# DX Message Base Transport Protocol
dxmessagebase2	2875/tcp	0.00038	# DX Message Base Transport Protocol
bluelance	2877/udp	0.00033	# BLUELANCE
aap	2878/udp	0.00033	# AAP
synapse	2880/udp	0.00033	# Synapse Transport
ndsp	2881/udp	0.00033	# NDSP
ndtp	2882/tcp	0.000076	# NDTP
ndnp	2883/udp	0.00033	# NDNP
flashmsg	2884/udp	0.00033	# Flash Msg
topflow	2885/udp	0.00033	# TopFlow
spcsdlobby	2888/tcp	0.000076	# SPCSDLOBBY
rsom	2889/tcp	0.000076	# RSOM
rsom	2889/udp	0.00033	# RSOM
appliance-cfg	2898/tcp	0.000076	# APPLIANCE-CFG
appliance-cfg	2898/udp	0.00033	# APPLIANCE-CFG
allstorcns	2901/tcp	0.000076	# ALLSTORCNS
allstorcns	2901/udp	0.00033	# ALLSTORCNS
netaspi	2902/tcp	0.000076	# NET ASPI
extensisportfolio	2903/tcp	0.0001	# Portfolio Server by Extensis Product Group
suitcase	2903/udp	0.00033	# SUITCASE
m2ua	2904/sctp	0	# SIGTRAN M2UA
m2ua	2904/udp	0.00033	# SIGTRAN M2UA
m3ua	2905/sctp	0	# SIGTRAN M3UA
mao	2908/tcp	0.000076	
mao	2908/udp	0.000661	
funk-dialout	2909/tcp	0.000228	# Funk Dialout
funk-dialout	2909/udp	0.00033	# Funk Dialout
tdaccess	2910/tcp	0.000152	# TDAccess
tdaccess	2910/udp	0.00033	# TDAccess
elvin_server	2916/udp	0.00033	# Elvin Server
roboer	2919/udp	0.00033	# roboER
roboeda	2920/tcp	0.000152	# roboEDA
redstone-cpss	2928/udp	0.00033	# REDSTONE-CPSS
amx-weblinx	2930/tcp	0.000076	# AMX-WEBLINX
incp	2932/udp	0.00033	# INCP
sm-pas-3	2940/udp	0.00033	# SM-PAS-3
megaco-h248	2944/sctp	0	# Megaco H-248 (Text)
megaco-h248	2944/udp	0.00033	# Megaco H-248 (Text)
h248-binary	2945/sctp	0	# Megaco H-248 (Binary)
wap-push	2948/udp	0.000791	# Windows Mobile devices often have this
esip	2950/udp	0.00033	# ESIP
ottp	2951/udp	0.00033	# OTTP
ovrimosdbman	2956/udp	0.00033	# OVRIMOSDBMAN
jmact5	2957/tcp	0.000076	# JAMCT5
jmact6	2958/tcp	0.000076	# JAMCT6
bullant-srap	2964/udp	0.00033	# BULLANT SRAP
symantec-av	2967/tcp	0.002357	# Symantec AntiVirus (rtvscan.exe)
symantec-av	2967/udp	0.006425	# Symantec AntiVirus (rtvscan.exe)
enpp	2968/tcp	0.000152	# ENPP
essp	2969/udp	0.00033	# ESSP
index-net	2970/udp	0.00033	# INDEX-NET
pmsm-webrctl	2972/udp	0.00033	# PMSM Webrctl
svnetworks	2973/tcp	0.000076	# SV Networks
svnetworks	2973/udp	0.000991	# SV Networks
hpidsadmin	2984/tcp	0.000076	# HPIDSADMIN
identify	2987/tcp	0.000076	
identify	2987/udp	0.00033	
hippad	2988/tcp	0.000076	# HIPPA Reporting Protocol
wkstn-mon	2991/tcp	0.000076	# WKSTN-MON
veritas-vis2	2994/udp	0.00033	# VERITAS VIS2
vsixml	2996/udp	0.00033	
rebol	2997/tcp	0.000076	# REBOL
iss-realsec	2998/tcp	0.000351	# ISS RealSecure IDS Remote Console Admin port
ppp	3000/tcp	0.004115	# User-level ppp daemon, or chili!soft asp
nessus	3001/tcp	0.003124	# Nessus Security Scanner (www.nessus.org) Daemon or chili!soft asp
exlm-agent	3002/tcp	0.000076	# EXLM Agent
exlm-agent	3002/udp	0.000661	# EXLM Agent
cgms	3003/tcp	0.000228	# CGMS
cgms	3003/udp	0.00033	# CGMS
deslogin	3005/tcp	0.000477	# encrypted symmetric telnet/login
geniuslm	3005/udp	0.00033	# Genius License Manager
deslogind	3006/tcp	0.000263	
lotusmtap	3007/tcp	0.000152	# Lotus Mail Tracking Agent Protocol
trusted-web	3011/tcp	0.000304	# Trusted Web
gilatskysurfer	3013/tcp	0.000152	# Gilat Sky Surfer
broker_service	3014/tcp	0.000076	# Broker Service
event_listener	3017/tcp	0.00038	# Event Listener
magicnotes	3023/tcp	0.000076	
slnp	3025/tcp	0.000125	# SLNP (Simple Library Network Protocol) by Sisis Informationssysteme GmbH
arepa-cas	3030/tcp	0.000304	# Arepa Cas
arepa-cas	3030/udp	0.00033	# Arepa Cas
eppc	3031/tcp	0.00038	# Remote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
hagel-dump	3036/udp	0.00033	# Hagel DUMP
slnp	3045/tcp	0.000063	# SLNP (Simple Library Network Protocol) by Sisis Informationssysteme GmbH
di-ase	3046/udp	0.00033	
pctrader	3048/udp	0.000661	# Sierra Net PC Trader
cfs	3049/tcp	0.000063	# cryptographic file system (nfs) (proposed)
cfs	3049/udp	0.000675	# cryptographic file system (nfs)
gds_db	3050/tcp	0.000152	
gds_db	3050/udp	0.00033	
powerchute	3052/tcp	0.000966	
apc-3052	3052/udp	0.003304	# APC 3052
amt-cnf-prot	3054/udp	0.000661	# AMT CNF PROT
goahead-fldup	3057/tcp	0.000076	# GoAhead FldUp
interserver	3060/udp	0.00033	
cautcpd	3061/udp	0.00033	
ncacn-ip-tcp	3062/tcp	0.000076	
ncadg-ip-udp	3063/tcp	0.000076	
dnet-tstproxy	3064/tcp	0.000063	# distributed.net (a closed source crypto-cracking project) proxy test port
netattachsdmp	3066/udp	0.00033	# NETATTACHSDMP
fjhpjp	3067/udp	0.00033	# FJHPJP
csd-mgmt-port	3071/tcp	0.00038	# ContinuStor Manager Port
orbix-locator	3075/udp	0.00033	# Orbix 2000 Locator
orbix-config	3076/udp	0.00033	# Orbix 2000 Config
orbix-loc-ssl	3077/tcp	0.000304	# Orbix 2000 Locator SSL
stm_pproc	3080/tcp	0.000076	
sj3	3086/tcp	0.00005	# SJ3 (kanji input)
ptk-alink	3089/tcp	0.000076	# ParaTek Agent Linking
rapidmq-reg	3094/udp	0.000661	# Jiiva RapidMQ Registry
itu-bicc-stc	3097/sctp	0	# ITU-T Q.1902.1/Q.2150.3
chmd	3099/udp	0.00033	# CHIPSY Machine Daemon
slslavemon	3102/tcp	0.000076	# SoftlinK Slave Mon Port
slslavemon	3102/udp	0.00033	# SoftlinK Slave Mon Port
autocuesmi	3103/tcp	0.000076	# Autocue SMI Protocol
autocuetime	3104/udp	0.00033	# Autocue Time Service
sim-control	3110/udp	0.00033	# simulator control port
cs-auth-svr	3113/udp	0.00033	# CS-Authenticate Svr Port
pkagent	3118/tcp	0.000076	# PKAgent
d2000kernel	3119/tcp	0.000152	# D2000 Kernel Port
squid-http	3128/tcp	0.004516	
squid-ipc	3130/udp	0.006656	
netbookmark	3131/udp	0.00033	# Net Book Mark
vmodem	3141/tcp	0.000038	
vmodem	3141/udp	0.00056	
bears-02	3146/tcp	0.000076	
rfio	3147/udp	0.00033	# RFIO
nm-game-admin	3148/udp	0.00033	# NetMike Game Administrator
indura	3156/udp	0.00033	# Indura Collector
tip-app-server	3160/udp	0.00033	# TIP Application Server
sflm	3162/tcp	0.000152	# SFLM
sflm	3162/udp	0.000661	# SFLM
newgenpay	3165/udp	0.00033	# Newgenpay Engine Service
nowcontact	3167/tcp	0.000076	# Now Contact Public Server
poweronnud	3168/tcp	0.000228	# Now Up-to-Date Public Server
serverview-as	3169/udp	0.00033	# SERVERVIEW-AS
serverview-asn	3170/udp	0.00033	# SERVERVIEW-ASN
serverview-icc	3173/udp	0.00033	# SERVERVIEW-ICC
h2gf-w-2m	3179/udp	0.00033	# H2GF W.2m Handover prot.
csvr-proxy	3190/tcp	0.000076	# ConServR Proxy
tick-port	3200/tcp	0.000076	# Press-sense Tick Port
cpq-tasksmart	3201/udp	0.00033	# CPQ-TaskSmart
netwatcher-mon	3203/udp	0.00033	# Network Watcher Monitor
flamenco-proxy	3210/tcp	0.000076	# Flamenco Networks Proxy
avsecuremgmt	3211/tcp	0.00038	# Avocent Secure Management
surveyinst	3212/udp	0.00033	# Survey Instrument
xnm-ssl	3220/tcp	0.000076	# XML NM over SSL
xnm-clear-text	3221/tcp	0.000228	# XML NM over TCP
dwmsgserver	3228/udp	0.00033	# DiamondWave MSG Server
whisker	3233/udp	0.000661	# WhiskerControl main port
mdap-port	3235/udp	0.000661	# MDAP Port
triomotion	3240/tcp	0.000076	# Trio Motion Control Port
vieo-fe	3245/udp	0.00033	# VIEO Fabric Executive
kademlia	3246/udp	0.000857	# Kademlia P2P (mlnet)
pda-sys	3254/udp	0.00033	# PDA System
cpqrpm-agent	3256/udp	0.00033	# Compaq RPM Agent Port
iscsi	3260/tcp	0.001064	# iSCSI
winshadow	3261/tcp	0.000304	# winShadow
ecolor-imager	3263/tcp	0.000076	# E-Color Enterprise Imager
ecolor-imager	3263/udp	0.00033	# E-Color Enterprise Imager
ccmail	3264/tcp	0.000038	# cc:mail/lotus
ccmail	3264/udp	0.000395	# cc:mail/lotus
altav-tunnel	3265/udp	0.00033	# Altav Tunnel
globalcatLDAP	3268/tcp	0.001229	# Global Catalog LDAP
globalcatLDAPssl	3269/tcp	0.001142	# Global Catalog LDAP over ssl
user-manager	3272/udp	0.00033	# Fujitsu User Manager
sxmp	3273/udp	0.00033	# Simple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol
lkcmserver	3278/udp	0.00033	# LKCM Server
admind	3279/udp	0.00033	
vs-server	3280/tcp	0.000076	# VS Server
sysopt	3281/tcp	0.000076	# SYSOPT
netassistant	3283/tcp	0.00076	# Apple Remote Desktop Net Assistant reporting feature
netassistant	3283/udp	0.066072	# Apple Remote Desktop Net Assistant reporting feature
enpc	3289/udp	0.00033	# ENPC
sah-lm	3291/tcp	0.000076	# S A Holditch & Associates - LM
sah-lm	3291/udp	0.00033	# S A Holditch & Associates - LM
meetingmaker	3292/tcp	0.000038	# Meeting maker time management software
cart-o-rama	3292/udp	0.00033	# Cart O Rama
fg-fps	3293/udp	0.00033	
rib-slm	3296/udp	0.001321	# Rib License Manager
saprouter	3299/tcp	0.000125	# SAProuter
opsession-srvr	3304/tcp	0.000152	# OP Session Server
opsession-srvr	3304/udp	0.000661	# OP Session Server
mysql	3306/tcp	0.04539	# mySQL
opsession-prxy	3307/tcp	0.000152	# OP Session Proxy
dyna-access	3310/tcp	0.000076	# Dyna Access
mcns-tel-ret	3311/tcp	0.000076	# MCNS Tel Ret
cdid	3315/udp	0.00033	# CDID
sdt-lmd	3319/tcp	0.000076	# SDT License Manager
vnsstr	3321/udp	0.00033	# VNSSTR
active-net	3322/tcp	0.000228	# Active Networks
active-net	3323/tcp	0.00038	# Active Networks
active-net	3324/tcp	0.000228	# Active Networks
active-net	3325/tcp	0.00038	# Active Networks
mcs-messaging	3331/udp	0.00033	# MCS Messaging
dec-notes	3333/tcp	0.00079	# DEC Notes
dec-notes	3333/udp	0.00089	# DEC Notes
directv-web	3334/tcp	0.000076	# Direct TV Webcasting
directv-web	3334/udp	0.00033	# Direct TV Webcasting
directv-soft	3335/udp	0.00033	# Direct TV Software Updates
directv-catlg	3337/udp	0.00033	# Direct TV Data Catalog
anet-l	3339/udp	0.00033	# OMF data l
ms-cluster-net	3343/udp	0.001321	# MS Cluster Net
btrieve	3351/tcp	0.00038	# Btrieve port
suitjd	3354/udp	0.00033	# SUITJD
dj-ilm	3362/tcp	0.000076	# DJ ILM
dj-ilm	3362/udp	0.00033	# DJ ILM
nati-vi-server	3363/tcp	0.000076	# NATI Vi Server
nati-vi-server	3363/udp	0.00033	# NATI Vi Server
creativeserver	3364/udp	0.000661	# Creative Server
contentserver	3365/tcp	0.000076	# Content Server
creativepartnr	3366/udp	0.00033	# Creative Partner
satvid-datalnk	3367/tcp	0.00038	# Satellite Video Data Link
satvid-datalnk	3368/tcp	0.000076	# Satellite Video Data Link
satvid-datalnk	3368/udp	0.00033	# Satellite Video Data Link
satvid-datalnk	3369/tcp	0.000304	# Satellite Video Data Link
satvid-datalnk	3370/tcp	0.000304	# Satellite Video Data Link
satvid-datalnk	3371/tcp	0.000304	# Satellite Video Data Link
msdtc	3372/tcp	0.000339	# MS distributed transaction coordinator
tip2	3372/udp	0.000661	# TIP 2
cluster-disc	3374/tcp	0.000076	# Cluster Disc
cdbroker	3376/tcp	0.000152	# CD Broker
sns-channels	3380/udp	0.00033	# SNS Channels
geneous	3381/udp	0.00033	# Geneous
esp-lm	3383/udp	0.00033	# Enterprise Software Products License Manager
hp-clic	3384/udp	0.00033	# Hardware Management
gprs-sig	3386/udp	0.00033	# GPRS SIG
cbserver	3388/tcp	0.000076	# CB Server
cbserver	3388/udp	0.00033	# CB Server
ms-wbt-server	3389/tcp	0.083904	# Microsoft Remote Display Protocol (aka ms-term-serv, microsoft-rdp)
ms-wbt-server	3389/udp	0.004955	# Microsoft Remote Display Protocol (aka ms-term-serv, microsoft-rdp)
dsc	3390/tcp	0.000228	# Distributed Service Coordinator
savant	3391/udp	0.00033	# SAVANT
efi-lm	3392/udp	0.00033	# EFI License Management
printer_agent	3396/tcp	0.000076	# Printer Agent
printer_agent	3396/udp	0.000661	# Printer Agent
saposs	3397/tcp	0.000038	# SAP Oss
sapcomm	3398/tcp	0.000063	# SAPcomm
sapeps	3399/tcp	0.0001	# SAP EPS
csms	3399/udp	0.00033	# CSMS
csms2	3400/tcp	0.000152	# CSMS2
squid-snmp	3401/udp	0.002241	# Squid proxy SNMP port
nokia-ann-ch2	3406/udp	0.00033	# Nokia Announcement ch 2
BESApi	3408/udp	0.00033	# BES Api Port
networklenss	3410/tcp	0.000152	# NetworkLens SSL Event
wip-port	3414/tcp	0.000076	# BroadCloud WIP Port
bcinameservice	3415/tcp	0.000076	# BCI Name Service
softaudit	3419/tcp	0.000076	# Isogon SoftAudit
bmap	3421/tcp	0.000013	# Bull Apprise portmapper
bmap	3421/udp	0.000643	# Bull Apprise portmapper
rusb-sys-port	3422/udp	0.00033	# Remote USB System Port
xtrm	3423/udp	0.00033	# xTrade Reliable Messaging
agps-port	3425/tcp	0.000076	# AGPS Access Port
twcss	3428/udp	0.00033	# 2Wire CSS
gcsp	3429/udp	0.00033	# GCSP user port
ssdispatch	3430/tcp	0.000076	# Scott Studios Dispatch
hri-port	3439/tcp	0.000076	# HRI Interface Port
ans-console	3440/udp	0.00033	# Net Steward Mgmt Console
connect-server	3442/udp	0.00033	# OC Connect Server
ov-nnm-websrv	3443/tcp	0.000076	# OpenView Network Node Manager WEB Server
denali-server	3444/udp	0.00033	# Denali Server
3comfaxrpc	3446/udp	0.00033	# 3Com FAX RPC port
hotu-chat	3449/udp	0.00033	# HotU Chat
asam	3451/udp	0.000661	# ASAM Services
pscupd	3453/udp	0.000661	# PSC Update Port
prsvp	3455/udp	0.000527	# RSVP Port
vat	3456/tcp	0.0001	# VAT default data
IISrpc-or-vat	3456/udp	0.036607	# also VAT default data
vat-control	3457/tcp	0.000025	# VAT default control
vat-control	3457/udp	0.001433	# VAT default control
edm-std-notify	3462/udp	0.00033	# EDM STD Notify
rcst	3467/udp	0.00033	# RCST
ttntspauto	3474/udp	0.00033	# TSP Automation
nppmp	3476/tcp	0.000532	# NVIDIA Mgmt Protocol
ecomm	3477/udp	0.000661	# eComm link port
twrpc	3479/tcp	0.000076	# 2Wire RPC
plethora	3480/udp	0.00033	# Secure Virtual Workspace
vulture	3482/udp	0.00033	# Vulture Monitoring System
slim-devices	3483/tcp	0.000076	# Slim Devices Protocol
celatalk	3485/tcp	0.000076	# CelaTalk
ifsf-hb-port	3486/tcp	0.000076	# IFSF Heartbeat Port
ifsf-hb-port	3486/udp	0.00033	# IFSF Heartbeat Port
ltcudp	3487/udp	0.00033	# LISA UDP Transfer Channel
nut	3493/tcp	0.000304	# Network UPS Tools
seclayer-tcp	3495/udp	0.000661	# securitylayer over tcp
ipether232port	3497/tcp	0.000076	# ipEther232Port
sccip-media	3499/udp	0.00033	# SccIP Media
lsp-ping	3503/tcp	0.000076	# MPLS LSP-echo Port
lsp-ping	3503/udp	0.00033	# MPLS LSP-echo Port
ccmcomm	3505/tcp	0.000076	# CCM communications port
ccmcomm	3505/udp	0.000661	# CCM communications port
apc-3506	3506/tcp	0.000076	# APC 3506
apc-3506	3506/udp	0.00033	# APC 3506
nesh-broker	3507/udp	0.00033	# Nesh Broker Port
webmail-2	3511/tcp	0.000076	# WebMail/2
arcpd	3513/tcp	0.000076	# Adaptec Remote Protocol
arcpd	3513/udp	0.00033	# Adaptec Remote Protocol
must-p2p	3514/tcp	0.000152	# MUST Peer to Peer
must-backplane	3515/tcp	0.000076	# MUST Backplane
802-11-iapp	3517/tcp	0.000228	# IEEE 802.11 WLANs WG IAPP
802-11-iapp	3517/udp	0.00033	# IEEE 802.11 WLANs WG IAPP
nvmsgd	3519/tcp	0.000076	# Netvion Messenger Port
galileo	3519/udp	0.000661	# Netvion Galileo Port
galileolog	3520/tcp	0.000076	# Netvion Galileo Log Port
nssocketport	3522/udp	0.00033	# DO over NSSocketPort
starquiz-port	3526/tcp	0.000076	# starQuiz Port
beserver-msg-q	3527/tcp	0.000228	# VERITAS Backup Exec Server
beserver-msg-q	3527/udp	0.000991	# VERITAS Backup Exec Server
gf	3530/tcp	0.000076	# Grid Friendly
peerenabler	3531/tcp	0.000025	# P2PNetworking/PeerEnabler protocol
peerenabler	3531/udp	0.00089	# P2PNetworking/PeerEnabler protocol
raven-rmp	3532/tcp	0.000076	# Raven Remote Management Control
ni-visa-remote	3537/udp	0.00033	# Remote NI-VISA port
ibm-diradm	3538/udp	0.00033	# IBM Directory Server
teredo	3544/udp	0.000661	# Teredo Port
apcupsd	3551/tcp	0.00038	# Apcupsd Information Port
razor	3555/udp	0.00033	# Vipul's Razor
m2pa	3565/sctp	0	# M2PA
mbg-ctrl	3569/udp	0.000991	# Meinberg Control Service
megardsvr-port	3571/udp	0.00033	# MegaRAID Server Port
tag-ups-1	3573/udp	0.00033	# Advantage Group UPS Suite
dmaf-caster	3574/udp	0.000991	# DMAF Caster
ccm-port	3575/udp	0.00033	# Coalsere CCM Port
config-port	3577/tcp	0.000076	# Configuration Port
nati-svrloc	3580/tcp	0.00038	# NATI-ServiceLocator
emprise-lsc	3586/tcp	0.000076	# License Server Console
gtrack-server	3591/udp	0.00033	# LOCANIS G-TRACK Server
mediaspace	3594/udp	0.00033	# MediaSpace
shareapp	3595/udp	0.00033	# ShareApp
quasar-server	3599/tcp	0.000076	# Quasar Accounting Server
trap-daemon	3600/tcp	0.000076	# text relay-answer
infiniswitchcl	3602/tcp	0.000076	# InfiniSwitch Mgr Client
int-rcv-cntrl	3603/tcp	0.000076	# Integrated Rcvr Control
int-rcv-cntrl	3603/udp	0.00033	# Integrated Rcvr Control
comcam-io	3605/udp	0.00033	# ComCam IO Port
splitlock	3606/udp	0.00033	# Splitlock Server
cpdi-pidas-cm	3609/udp	0.00033	# CPDI PIDAS Connection Mon
hp-dataprotect	3612/udp	0.00033	# HP Data Protector
sigma-port	3614/udp	0.00033	# Invensys Sigma Port
aairnet-2	3619/udp	0.00033	# AAIR-Network 2
ep-pcp	3620/udp	0.00033	# EPSON Projector Control Port
ep-nsp	3621/tcp	0.000076	# EPSON Network Screen Port
ff-lr-port	3622/tcp	0.000076	# FF LAN Redundancy Port
dist-upgrade	3624/udp	0.00033	# Distributed Upgrade Port
cs-services	3631/udp	0.000661	# C&S Web Services Port
distccd	3632/tcp	0.0001	# Distributed compiler daemon
servistaitsm	3636/tcp	0.000076	# SerVistaITSM
scservp	3637/tcp	0.000076	# Customer Service Port
audiojuggler	3643/udp	0.00033	# AudioJuggler
nmmp	3649/udp	0.00033	# Nishioka Miyuki Msg Protocol
prismiq-plugin	3650/udp	0.00033	# PRISMIQ VOD plug-in
vxcrnbuport	3652/tcp	0.000076	# VxCR NBU Default Port
tsp	3653/tcp	0.000076	# Tunnel Setup Protocol
tsp	3653/udp	0.00033	# Tunnel Setup Protocol
abatjss	3656/tcp	0.000076	# ActiveBatch Job Scheduler
ps-ams	3658/tcp	0.000076	# PlayStation AMS (Secure)
apple-sasl	3659/tcp	0.00038	# Apple SASL
apple-sasl	3659/udp	0.006277	# Apple SASL
dtp	3663/tcp	0.000076	# DIRECWAY Tunnel Protocol
ups-engine	3664/udp	0.001652	# UPS Engine Port
ent-engine	3665/udp	0.00033	# Enterprise Engine Port
dell-rm-port	3668/udp	0.00033	# Dell Remote Management
casanswmgmt	3669/tcp	0.000076	# CA SAN Switch Management
casanswmgmt	3669/udp	0.00033	# CA SAN Switch Management
smile	3670/tcp	0.000076	# SMILE TCP/UDP Interface
smile	3670/udp	0.00033	# SMILE TCP/UDP Interface
efcp	3671/udp	0.00033	# e Field Control (EIBnet)
lispworks-orb	3672/tcp	0.000076	# LispWorks ORB
lispworks-orb	3672/udp	0.00033	# LispWorks ORB
npds-tracker	3680/tcp	0.000076	# NPDS Tracker
bts-x73	3681/tcp	0.000076	# BTS X73 Port
bmc-ea	3683/tcp	0.000076	# BMC EDV/EA
bmc-ea	3683/udp	0.00033	# BMC EDV/EA
faxstfx-port	3684/tcp	0.000152	# FAXstfX
rendezvous	3689/tcp	0.002283	# Rendezvous Zeroconf (used by Apple/iTunes)
daap	3689/udp	0.00033	# Digital Audio Access Protocol
svn	3690/tcp	0.001597	# Subversion
intelsync	3692/udp	0.00033	# Brimstone IntelSync
nw-license	3697/tcp	0.000152	# NavisWorks License System
nw-license	3697/udp	0.00033	# NavisWorks Licnese System
sagectlpanel	3698/udp	0.00033	# SAGECTLPANEL
lrs-paging	3700/tcp	0.000152	# LRS NetPage
lrs-paging	3700/udp	0.00033	# LRS NetPage
ws-discovery	3702/udp	0.001982	# Web Service Discovery
adobeserver-3	3703/tcp	0.002357	# Adobe Server 3
adobeserver-3	3703/udp	0.00958	# Adobe Server 3
ca-idms	3709/udp	0.00033	# CA-IDMS Server
portgate-auth	3710/udp	0.00033	# PortGate Authentication
sentinel-ent	3712/tcp	0.000076	# Sentinel Enterprise
na-er-tip	3725/udp	0.00033	# Netia NA-ER Port
e-woa	3728/tcp	0.000076	# Ericsson Web on Air
smap	3731/tcp	0.000152	# Service Manager
synel-data	3734/udp	0.00033	# Synel Data Collection Port
xpanel	3737/tcp	0.000304	# XPanel Daemon
cst-port	3742/tcp	0.000076	# CST - Configuration & Service Tracker
sasg	3744/udp	0.00033	# SASG
cimtrak	3749/tcp	0.000076	# CimTrak
gprs-cube	3751/udp	0.00033	# CommLinx GPRS Cube
rtraceroute	3765/tcp	0.000076	# Remote Traceroute
haipe-otnk	3769/udp	0.00033	# HAIPE Network Keying
paging-port	3771/udp	0.00033	# RTP Paging Port
zicom	3774/udp	0.00033	# ZICOM
dvcprov-port	3776/udp	0.00033	# Device Provisioning Port
bim-pem	3783/udp	0.00033	# Impact Mgr./PEM Gateway
bfd-control	3784/tcp	0.00038	# BFD Control Protocol
bfd-control	3784/udp	0.000661	# BFD Control Protocol
fintrx	3787/tcp	0.000076	# Fintrx
isrp-port	3788/tcp	0.000076	# SPACEWAY Routing port
isrp-port	3788/udp	0.00033	# SPACEWAY Routing port
quickbooksrds	3790/tcp	0.000076	# QuickBooks RDS
sitewatch	3792/tcp	0.000152	# e-Watch Corporation SiteWatch
dcsoftware	3793/tcp	0.000076	# DataCore Software
myblast	3795/tcp	0.000076	# myBLAST Mekentosj port
spw-dialer	3796/tcp	0.000076	# Spaceway Dialer
spw-dialer	3796/udp	0.00033	# Spaceway Dialer
minilock	3798/tcp	0.000076	# Minilock
radius-dynauth	3799/tcp	0.000076	# RADIUS Dynamic Authorization
radius-dynauth	3799/udp	0.00033	# RADIUS Dynamic Authorization
pwgpsi	3800/tcp	0.000228	# Print Services Interface
ibm-mgr	3801/tcp	0.00038	# ibm manager service
soniqsync	3803/tcp	0.000076	# SoniqSync
wsmlb	3806/tcp	0.000076	# Remote System Manager
sun-as-iiops-ca	3808/tcp	0.000152	# Sun App Svr-IIOPClntAuth
apocd	3809/tcp	0.000228	# Java Desktop System Configuration Agent
wlanauth	3810/tcp	0.000076	# WLAN AS server
amp	3811/tcp	0.000076	# AMP
neto-wol-server	3812/tcp	0.000076	# netO WOL Server
rap-ip	3813/tcp	0.000076	# Rhapsody Interface Protocol
rap-ip	3813/udp	0.00033	# Rhapsody Interface Protocol
neto-dcs	3814/tcp	0.000228	# netO DCS
lansurveyorxml	3815/udp	0.00033	# LANsurveyor XML
tapeware	3817/tcp	0.000076	# Yosemite Tech Tapeware
scp	3820/tcp	0.000152	# Siemens AuD SCP
acp-conduit	3823/tcp	0.000076	# Compute Pool Conduit
acp-policy	3824/tcp	0.000152	# Compute Pool Policy
ffserver	3825/tcp	0.000076	# Antera FlowFusion Process Simulation
wormux	3826/tcp	0.000228	# Wormux server
netmpi	3827/tcp	0.00038	# Netadmin Systems MPI service
neteh	3828/tcp	0.000304	# Netadmin Systems Event Handler
cernsysmgmtagt	3830/tcp	0.000076	# Cerner System Management Agent
dvapps	3831/tcp	0.000076	# Docsvault Application Service
mkm-discovery	3837/tcp	0.000076	# MARKEM Auto-Discovery
mkm-discovery	3837/udp	0.00033	# MARKEM Auto-Discovery
amx-rms	3839/tcp	0.000076	# AMX Resource Management Suite
zfirm-shiprush3	3841/udp	0.00033	# Z-Firm ShipRush v3
nhci	3842/tcp	0.000076	# NHCI status port
an-pcp	3846/tcp	0.000152	# Astare Network PCP
msfw-control	3847/tcp	0.000076	# MS Firewall Control
item	3848/tcp	0.000152	# IT Environmental Monitor
item	3848/udp	0.00033	# IT Environmental Monitor
spw-dnspreload	3849/tcp	0.000152	# SPACEWAY DNS Preload
qtms-bootstrap	3850/tcp	0.000076	# QTMS Bootstrap Protocol
qtms-bootstrap	3850/udp	0.00033	# QTMS Bootstrap Protocol
spectraport	3851/tcp	0.000304	# SpectraTalk Port
sse-app-config	3852/tcp	0.000152	# SSE App Configuration
sscan	3853/tcp	0.000152	# SONY scanning protocol
informer	3856/tcp	0.000076	# INFORMER
nav-port	3859/tcp	0.000152	# Navini Port
sasp	3860/tcp	0.000076	# Server/Application State Protocol (SASP)
asap-sctp	3863/sctp	0	# RSerPool ASAP (SCTP)
asap-tcp	3863/tcp	0.000152	# RSerPool ASAP (TCP)
asap-sctp-tls	3864/sctp	0	# RSerPool ASAP/TLS (SCTP)
diameter	3868/sctp	0	# DIAMETER
diameter	3868/tcp	0.000076	# DIAMETER
ovsam-mgmt	3869/tcp	0.000228	# hp OVSAM MgmtServer Disco
ovsam-mgmt	3869/udp	0.00033	# hp OVSAM MgmtServer Disco
ovsam-d-agent	3870/tcp	0.000152	# hp OVSAM HostAgent Disco
ovsam-d-agent	3870/udp	0.00033	# hp OVSAM HostAgent Disco
avocent-adsap	3871/tcp	0.000304	# Avocent DS Authorization
oem-agent	3872/tcp	0.000152	# OEM Agent
oem-agent	3872/udp	0.00033	# OEM Agent
dl_agent	3876/tcp	0.000076	# DirectoryLockdown Agent
fotogcad	3878/tcp	0.000228	# FotoG CAD interface
appss-lm	3879/tcp	0.000076	# appss license manager
igrs	3880/tcp	0.000304	# IGRS
msdts1	3882/tcp	0.000076	# DTS Service Port
msdts1	3882/udp	0.00033	# DTS Service Port
softrack-meter	3884/udp	0.00033	# SofTrack Metering
topflow-ssl	3885/udp	0.00033	# TopFlow SSL
ciphire-serv	3888/tcp	0.000152	# Ciphire Services
dandv-tester	3889/tcp	0.000228	# D and V Tester Control Port
ndsconnect	3890/tcp	0.000076	# Niche Data Server Connect
sdo-ssh	3897/tcp	0.000076	# Simple Distributed Objects over SSH
itv-control	3899/tcp	0.000076	# ITV Port
udt_os	3900/tcp	0.00005	# Unidata UDT OS
udt_os	3900/udp	0.000264	# Unidata UDT OS
nimsh	3901/tcp	0.000076	# NIM Service Handler
nimaux	3902/tcp	0.000076	# NIMsh Auxiliary Port
omnilink-port	3904/tcp	0.000076	# Arnet Omnilink Port
omnilink-port	3904/udp	0.00033	# Arnet Omnilink Port
mupdate	3905/tcp	0.000228	# Mailbox Update (MUPDATE) protocol
topovista-data	3906/tcp	0.000076	# TopoVista elevation data
imoguia-port	3907/tcp	0.000152	# Imoguia Port
imoguia-port	3907/udp	0.00033	# Imoguia Port
hppronetman	3908/tcp	0.000076	# HP Procurve NetManagement
surfcontrolcpa	3909/tcp	0.000076	# SurfControl CPA
prnrequest	3910/udp	0.000661	# Printer Request Port
prnstatus	3911/tcp	0.000076	# Printer Status Port
listcrt-port	3913/tcp	0.000076	# ListCREATOR Port
listcrt-port-2	3914/tcp	0.000228	# ListCREATOR Port 2
agcat	3915/tcp	0.000076	# Auto-Graphics Cataloging
wysdmc	3916/tcp	0.000152	# WysDM Controller
pktcablemmcops	3918/tcp	0.000304	# PacketCableMultimediaCOPS
hyperip	3919/tcp	0.000076	# HyperIP
exasoftport1	3920/tcp	0.000228	# Exasoft IP Port
sor-update	3922/tcp	0.000076	# Soronti Update Port
symb-sb-port	3923/tcp	0.000076	# Symbian Service Broker
netboot-pxe	3928/tcp	0.000076	# PXE NetBoot Manager
smauth-port	3929/tcp	0.000152	# AMS Port
syam-webserver	3930/tcp	0.000076	# Syam Web Server Port
msr-plugin-port	3931/tcp	0.000152	# MSR Plugin Port
sdp-portmapper	3935/tcp	0.000076	# SDP Port Mapper Protocol
mailprox	3936/tcp	0.000076	# Mailprox
dvbservdsc	3937/tcp	0.000076	# DVB Service Discovery
xecp-node	3940/tcp	0.000076	# XeCP Node Service
homeportal-web	3941/tcp	0.000152	# Home Portal Web Server
tig	3943/tcp	0.000076	# TetraNode Ip Gateway
sops	3944/tcp	0.000152	# S-Ops Management
sops	3944/udp	0.00033	# S-Ops Management
emcads	3945/tcp	0.000228	# EMCADS Server Port
backupedge	3946/tcp	0.000076	# BackupEDGE Server
ccp	3947/udp	0.000661	# Connect and Control Protocol for Consumer, Commercial, and Industrial Electronic Devices
apdap	3948/tcp	0.000076	# Anton Paar Device Administration Protocol
drip	3949/tcp	0.000076	# Dynamic Routing Information Protocol
namemunge	3950/udp	0.00033	# Name Munging
i3-sessionmgr	3952/tcp	0.000076	# I3 Session Manager
xmlink-connect	3953/udp	0.00033	# Eydeas XMLink Connect
p2pcommunity	3955/udp	0.00033	# p2pCommunity
gvcp	3956/tcp	0.000076	# GigE Vision Control
mqe-broker	3957/tcp	0.000152	# MQEnterprise Broker
proaxess	3961/tcp	0.000076	# ProAxess Server
sbi-agent	3962/tcp	0.000076	# SBI Agent Protocol
thrp	3963/tcp	0.000152	# Teran Hybrid Routing Protocol
sasggprs	3964/tcp	0.000076	# SASG GPRS
ppsms	3967/tcp	0.000076	# PPS Message Service
ianywhere-dbns	3968/tcp	0.000152	# iAnywhere DBNS
landmarks	3969/tcp	0.000152	# Landmark Messages
lanrevagent	3970/udp	0.00033	# LANrev Agent
lanrevserver	3971/tcp	0.000228	# LANrev Server
lanrevserver	3971/udp	0.00033	# LANrev Server
iconp	3972/tcp	0.000152	# ict-control Protocol
citysearch	3974/udp	0.00033	# Remote Applicant Tracking Service
airshot	3975/tcp	0.000076	# Air Shot
opswagent	3976/udp	0.00033	# Opsware Agent
secure-cfg-svr	3978/udp	0.000661	# Secured Configuration Server
smwan	3979/tcp	0.000076	# Smith Micro Wide Area Network Service
acms	3980/tcp	0.000076	# Aircraft Cabin Management System
starfish	3981/tcp	0.000152	# Starfish System Admin
eis	3982/tcp	0.000076	# ESRI Image Server
eisp	3983/tcp	0.000076	# ESRI Image Service
mapper-nodemgr	3984/tcp	0.000013	# MAPPER network node manager
mapper-nodemgr	3984/udp	0.000527	# MAPPER network node manager
mapper-mapethd	3985/tcp	0.000075	# MAPPER TCP/IP server
mapper-mapethd	3985/udp	0.000758	# MAPPER TCP/IP server
mapper-ws_ethd	3986/tcp	0.003977	# MAPPER workstation server
mapper-ws_ethd	3986/udp	0.000544	# MAPPER workstation server
dcs-config	3988/udp	0.00033	# DCS Configuration Port
bv-queryengine	3989/tcp	0.000076	# BindView-Query Engine
bv-is	3990/tcp	0.000152	# BindView-IS
bv-smcsrv	3991/tcp	0.000076	# BindView-SMCServer
bv-ds	3992/tcp	0.000076	# BindView-DirectoryServer
bv-ds	3992/udp	0.00033	# BindView-DirectoryServer
bv-agent	3993/tcp	0.000152	# BindView-Agent
iss-mgmt-ssl	3995/tcp	0.000304	# ISS Management Svcs SSL
abcsoftware	3996/tcp	0.000076	# abcsoftware-01
remoteanything	3996/udp	0.000478	# neoworx remote-anything slave daemon
agentsease-db	3997/tcp	0.000076	# aes_db
remoteanything	3997/udp	0.000544	# neoworx remote-anything master daemon
dnx	3998/tcp	0.00038	# Distributed Nagios Executor Service
remoteanything	3998/udp	0.00061	# neoworx remote-anything reserved
remoteanything	3999/tcp	0.000088	# neoworx remote-anything slave file browser
nvcnet	3999/udp	0.00033	# Norman distributes scanning service
remoteanything	4000/tcp	0.001794	# neoworx remote-anything slave remote control
icq	4000/udp	0.006392	# AOL ICQ instant messaging clent-server communication
newoak	4001/tcp	0.002129	# NewOak
mlchat-proxy	4002/tcp	0.000765	# mlnet - MLChat P2P chat proxy
pxc-spvr-ft	4002/udp	0.00033	
pxc-splr-ft	4003/tcp	0.00038	
pxc-roid	4004/tcp	0.000228	
pxc-pin	4005/tcp	0.000228	
pxc-pin	4005/udp	0.00033	
pxc-spvr	4006/tcp	0.000304	
pxc-spvr	4006/udp	0.00033	
pxc-splr	4007/tcp	0.000076	
netcheque	4008/tcp	0.000075	# NetCheque accounting
netcheque	4008/udp	0.001367	# NetCheque accounting
chimera-hwm	4009/tcp	0.000152	# Chimera HWM
samsung-unidex	4010/tcp	0.000076	# Samsung Unidex
samsung-unidex	4010/udp	0.00033	# Samsung Unidex
pda-gate	4012/udp	0.00033	# PDA Gate
talarian-mcast1	4015/udp	0.00033	# Talarian Mcast
talarian-mcast2	4016/tcp	0.000076	# Talarian Mcast
talarian-mcast2	4016/udp	0.00033	# Talarian Mcast
talarian-mcast3	4017/udp	0.00033	# Talarian Mcast
trap	4020/tcp	0.000076	# TRAP Port
nexus-portal	4021/udp	0.00033	# Nexus Portal
dnox	4022/tcp	0.000076	# DNOX
tnp1-port	4024/tcp	0.000076	# TNP1 User Port
partimage	4025/tcp	0.000076	# Partition Image Port
as-debug	4026/udp	0.00033	# Graphical Debug Server
ip-qsig	4029/tcp	0.000076	# IP Q signaling protocol
jdmn-port	4030/udp	0.00033	# Accell/JSP Daemon Port
sanavigator	4033/udp	0.00033	# SANavigator Peer Port
wap-push-http	4035/tcp	0.000076	# WAP Push OTA-HTTP port
wap-push-https	4036/tcp	0.000076	# WAP Push OTA-HTTP secure
fazzt-admin	4039/tcp	0.000076	# Fazzt Administration
fazzt-admin	4039/udp	0.000991	# Fazzt Administration
yo-main	4040/tcp	0.000152	# Yo.net main service
ldxp	4042/udp	0.00033	# LDXP
lockd	4045/tcp	0.001468	
lockd	4045/udp	0.006656	# NFS lock daemon/manager
acp-proto	4046/udp	0.000661	# Accounting Protocol
ctp-state	4047/udp	0.000991	# Context Transfer Protocol
wafs	4049/udp	0.000661	# Wide Area File Services
cppdp	4051/udp	0.00033	# Cisco Peer to Peer Distribution Protocol
lms	4056/tcp	0.000076	# Location Message Service
kingfisher	4058/tcp	0.000076	# Kingfisher protocol
ice-location	4061/udp	0.000661	# Ice Location Service (TCP)
avanti_cdp	4065/tcp	0.000076	# Avanti Common Data
idp	4067/udp	0.00033	# Information Distribution Protocol
minger	4069/udp	0.00033	# Minger Email Address Validation Service
aibkup	4071/udp	0.00033	# Automatically Incremental Backup
iRAPP	4073/udp	0.00033	# iRAPP Server Protocol
ascomalarm	4077/udp	0.00033	# Ascom IP Alarming
santools	4079/udp	0.00033	# SANtools Diagnostic Server
lorica-in	4080/tcp	0.000152	# Lorica inside facing
lorica-in-sec	4081/udp	0.00033	# Lorica inside facing (SSL)
lorica-out	4082/udp	0.00033	# Lorica outside facing
applusservice	4087/tcp	0.000076	# APplus Service
omasgport	4090/tcp	0.000076	# OMA BCAST Service Guide
pvxpluscs	4093/udp	0.00033	# Pvx Plus CS Host
bre	4096/tcp	0.000152	# BRE (Bridge Relay Element)
bre	4096/udp	0.00033	# BRE (Bridge Relay Element)
patrolview	4097/udp	0.00033	# Patrol View
igo-incognito	4100/tcp	0.000076	# IGo Incognito Data Port
brlp-0	4101/tcp	0.000076	# Braille protocol
brlp-2	4103/udp	0.00033	# Braille protocol
izm	4109/udp	0.00033	# Instantiated Zero-control Messaging
xgrid	4111/tcp	0.000304	# Xgrid
apple-vpns-rp	4112/tcp	0.000076	# Apple VPN Server Reporting Protocol
apple-vpns-rp	4112/udp	0.00033	# Apple VPN Server Reporting Protocol
aipn-reg	4113/tcp	0.000076	# AIPN LS Registration
netscript	4118/tcp	0.000076	# Netadmin Systems NETscript service
assuria-slm	4119/tcp	0.000076	# Assuria Log Manager
e-builder	4121/tcp	0.000076	# e-Builder Application Communication
rww	4125/tcp	0.000188	# Microsoft Remote Web Workplace on Small Business Server
ddrepl	4126/tcp	0.00038	# Data Domain Replication Service
unikeypro	4127/udp	0.00033	# NetUniKeyServer
nufw	4128/udp	0.00033	# NuFW decision delegation protocol
nuauth	4129/tcp	0.00038	# NuFW authentication protocol
nuts_dem	4132/tcp	0.000025	# NUTS Daemon
nuts_dem	4132/udp	0.000692	# NUTS Daemon
nuts_bootp	4133/tcp	0.000013	# NUTS Bootp Server
nuts_bootp	4133/udp	0.000692	# NUTS Bootp Server
cl-db-attach	4135/tcp	0.000076	# Classic Line Database Server Attach
cl-db-attach	4135/udp	0.00033	# Classic Line Database Server Attach
cedros_fds	4140/udp	0.00033	# Cedros Fraud Detection System
oirtgsvc	4141/tcp	0.000076	# Workflow Server
oidsr	4143/tcp	0.000152	# Document Replication
wincim	4144/tcp	0.000025	# pc windows compuserve.com protocol
vrxpservman	4147/tcp	0.000152	# Multum Service Manager
stat-scanner	4157/udp	0.00033	# STAT Scanner Control
stat-cc	4158/tcp	0.000076	# STAT Command Center
stat-cc	4158/udp	0.00033	# STAT Command Center
nss	4159/udp	0.00033	# Network Security Service
jini-discovery	4160/udp	0.00033	# Jini Discovery
omscontact	4161/tcp	0.000076	# OMS Contact
silverpeakcomm	4164/tcp	0.000152	# Silver Peak Communication Protocol
silverpeakcomm	4164/udp	0.00033	# Silver Peak Communication Protocol
altcp	4165/udp	0.00033	# ArcLink over Ethernet
joost	4166/udp	0.00033	# Joost Peer to Peer Protocol
MaxumSP	4179/udp	0.00033	# Maxum Services
sieve	4190/tcp	0.000076	# ManageSieve Protocol
dsmipv6	4191/udp	0.00033	# Dual Stack MIPv6 NAT Traversal
azeti	4192/tcp	0.000076	# Azeti Agent Service
eims-admin	4199/tcp	0.000063	# Eudora Internet Mail Service (EIMS) admin
vrml-multi-use	4200/tcp	0.000152	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4200/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4202/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4206/tcp	0.000076	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4207/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4208/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4220/tcp	0.000076	# VRML Multi User Systems
xtell	4224/tcp	0.000226	# Xtell messenging server
vrml-multi-use	4224/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4225/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4232/udp	0.000661	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4234/tcp	0.000076	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4242/tcp	0.000456	# VRML Multi User Systems or CrashPlan http://support.code42.com/CrashPlan/Latest/Configuring/Network#Networking_FAQs
vrml-multi-use	4243/tcp	0.000076	# VRML Multi User Systems or CrashPlan http://support.code42.com/CrashPlan/Latest/Configuring/Network#Networking_FAQs
vrml-multi-use	4247/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4252/tcp	0.000152	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4260/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4262/tcp	0.000076	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4262/udp	0.000661	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4274/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4279/tcp	0.000228	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4279/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4282/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4285/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4293/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4294/tcp	0.000076	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4297/tcp	0.000076	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4298/tcp	0.000076	# VRML Multi User Systems
vrml-multi-use	4299/udp	0.00033	# VRML Multi User Systems
corelccam	4300/tcp	0.000076	# Corel CCam
d-data	4301/udp	0.00033	# Diagnostic Data
d-data-control	4302/tcp	0.000076	# Diagnostic Data Control
compx-lockview	4308/udp	0.00033	# CompX-LockView
rwhois	4321/tcp	0.000276	# Remote Who Is
rwhois	4321/udp	0.001021	# Remote Who Is
geognosisman	4325/tcp	0.000076	# Cadcorp GeognoSIS Manager Service
jaxer-manager	4328/tcp	0.000076	# Jaxer Manager Command Protocol
jaxer-manager	4328/udp	0.00033	# Jaxer Manager Command Protocol
msql	4333/tcp	0.000113	# mini-sql server
lisp-data	4341/udp	0.00033	# LISP Data Packets
lisp-cons	4342/tcp	0.000076	# LISP-CONS Control
unicall	4343/tcp	0.000201	
unicall	4343/udp	0.000511	
vinainstall	4344/udp	0.00033	# VinaInstall
qsnet-trans	4354/udp	0.00033	# QSNet Transmitter
qsnet-workst	4355/tcp	0.000076	# QSNet Workstation
qsnet-workst	4355/udp	0.00033	# QSNet Workstation
qsnet-assist	4356/tcp	0.000076	# QSNet Assistant
qsnet-cond	4357/tcp	0.000076	# QSNet Conductor
qsnet-cond	4357/udp	0.00033	# QSNet Conductor
qsnet-nucl	4358/tcp	0.000076	# QSNet Nucleus
qsnet-nucl	4358/udp	0.00033	# QSNet Nucleus
omabcastltkm	4359/udp	0.00033	# OMA BCAST Long-Term Key Messages
nacnl	4361/udp	0.000661	# NavCom Discovery and Control Port
epmd	4369/tcp	0.000076	# Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
epmd	4369/udp	0.00033	# Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
elpro_tunnel	4370/udp	0.00033	# ELPRO V2 Protocol Tunnel
psi-ptt	4374/tcp	0.000076	# PSI Push-to-Talk Protocol
tolteces	4375/tcp	0.000076	# Toltec EasyShare
bip	4376/tcp	0.000076	# BioAPI Interworking
cp-spxdpy	4378/udp	0.000661	# Cambridge Pixel SPx Display
apwi-disc	4394/udp	0.00033	# American Printware Discovery
ds-srvr	4401/tcp	0.000076	# ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Service
ds-srvr	4401/udp	0.000661	# ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Service
ds-admin	4404/udp	0.000661	# ASIGRA Televaulting DS-System Monitoring/Management
nacagent	4407/tcp	0.000076	# Network Access Control Agent
rsqlserver	4430/tcp	0.000152	# REAL SQL Server
rsqlserver	4430/udp	0.00033	# REAL SQL Server
saris	4442/tcp	0.000076	# Saris
pharos	4443/tcp	0.00076	
krb524	4444/tcp	0.001041	# Kerberos 5 to 4 ticket xlator
krb524	4444/udp	0.016343	
upnotifyp	4445/tcp	0.000228	# UPNOTIFYP
n1-fwp	4446/tcp	0.000304	# N1-FWP
n1-rmgmt	4447/tcp	0.000076	# N1-RMGMT
n1-rmgmt	4447/udp	0.000661	# N1-RMGMT
privatewire	4449/tcp	0.00038	# PrivateWire
nssagentmgr	4454/tcp	0.000076	# NSS Agent Manager
proxy-plus	4480/tcp	0.000038	# Proxy+ HTTP proxy port
sae-urn	4500/tcp	0.000038	
nat-t-ike	4500/udp	0.124467	# IKE Nat Traversal negotiation (RFC3947)
ehs-ssl	4536/udp	0.000661	# Event Heap Server SSL
wssauthsvc	4537/udp	0.00033	# WSS Security Service
worldscores	4545/tcp	0.000076	# WorldScores
aegate	4549/udp	0.00033	# Aegate PMR Service
gds-adppiw-db	4550/tcp	0.000228	# Perman I Interbase Server
ieee-mih	4551/udp	0.00033	# MIH Services
menandmice-mon	4552/udp	0.00033	# Men and Mice Monitoring
msfrs	4554/udp	0.00033	# MS FRS Replication
rsip	4555/tcp	0.000152	# RSIP Port
fax	4557/tcp	0.00005	# FlexFax FAX transmission service
hylafax	4559/tcp	0.000151	# HylaFAX client-server protocol
tram	4567/tcp	0.000228	# TRAM
ipt-anri-anri	4593/udp	0.000661	# IPT (ANRI-ANRI)
ias-neighbor	4596/udp	0.00033	# IAS-Neighbor (ANRI-ANRI)
a17-an-an	4599/tcp	0.000076	# A17 (AN-AN)
piranha1	4600/tcp	0.000152	# Piranha1
piranha2	4601/tcp	0.000076	# Piranha2
mtsserver	4602/tcp	0.000076	# EAX MTS Server
playsta2-app	4658/tcp	0.000152	# PlayStation2 App Port
playsta2-lob	4659/udp	0.00033	# PlayStation2 Lobby Port
mosmig	4660/tcp	0.00005	# OpenMOSix MIGrates local processes
edonkey	4662/tcp	0.000828	# eDonkey file sharing (Donkey)
noteit	4663/udp	0.00033	# Note It! Message Service
contclientms	4665/tcp	0.000076	# Container Client Message Service
edonkey	4666/udp	0.00145	# eDonkey file sharing (Donkey)
rfa	4672/tcp	0.000013	# remote file access server
rfa	4672/udp	0.006227	# remote file access server
cxws	4673/udp	0.00033	# CXWS Operations
nst	4687/tcp	0.000076	# Network Scanner Tool FTP
altovacentral	4689/tcp	0.000076	# Altova DatabaseCentral
mtn	4691/udp	0.000991	# monotone Netsync Protocol
conspiracy	4692/udp	0.000661	# Conspiracy messaging
netxms-agent	4700/tcp	0.000076	# NetXMS Agent
netxms-mgmt	4701/udp	0.00033	# NetXMS Management
netxms-sync	4702/udp	0.00033	# NetXMS Server Synchronization
pulseaudio	4713/tcp	0.000076	# Pulse Audio UNIX sound framework
a26-fap-fgw	4726/udp	0.00033	# A26 (FAP-FGW)
ipfix	4739/sctp	0	# IP Flow Info Export
ipfixs	4740/sctp	0	# IP Flow Info Export over DTLS
lumimgrd	4741/udp	0.00033	# Luminizer Manager
openhpid	4743/udp	0.00033	# openhpi HPI service
fmp	4745/tcp	0.000076	# Funambol Mobile Push
fmp	4745/udp	0.00033	# Funambol Mobile Push
snap	4752/udp	0.00033	# Simple Network Audio Protocol
bfd-multi-ctl	4784/udp	0.00033	# BFD Multihop Control
iims	4800/tcp	0.000076	# Icona Instant Messenging System
iims	4800/udp	0.00033	# Icona Instant Messenging System
iwec	4801/udp	0.00033	# Icona Web Embedded Chat
squid-htcp	4827/udp	0.000923	# Squid proxy HTCP port
varadero-1	4838/udp	0.00033	# Varadero-1
varadero-2	4839/udp	0.00033	# Varadero-2
opcua-udp	4840/udp	0.00033	# OPC UA TCP Protocol
gw-log	4844/udp	0.00033	# nCode ICE-flow Library LogServer
contamac_icm	4846/udp	0.00033	# Contamac ICM Service
appserv-http	4848/tcp	0.000228	# App Server - Admin HTTP
derby-repli	4851/udp	0.00033	# Apache Derby Replication
phrelay	4868/udp	0.00033	# Photon Relay
hivestor	4884/udp	0.00033	# HiveStor Distributed File System
radmin	4899/tcp	0.003337	# Radmin (www.radmin.com) remote PC control software
hfcs	4900/tcp	0.000228	# HyperFileSQL Client/Server Database Engine
lutap	4912/tcp	0.000076	# Technicolor LUT Access Protocol
eq-office-4940	4940/udp	0.00033	# Equitrac Office
eq-office-4941	4941/udp	0.00033	# Equitrac Office
munin	4949/tcp	0.000152	# Munin Graphing Framework
maybe-veritas	4987/tcp	0.000013	
vrt	4991/udp	0.00033	# VITA Radio Transport
maybe-veritas	4998/tcp	0.000226	
hfcs-manager	4999/tcp	0.000076	# HyperFileSQL Client/Server Database Engine Manager
upnp	5000/tcp	0.006423	# Universal PnP, also Free Internet Chess Server
upnp	5000/udp	0.008913	# also complex-main
commplex-link	5001/tcp	0.003023	
commplex-link	5001/udp	0.007018	
rfe	5002/tcp	0.000765	# Radio Free Ethernet
rfe	5002/udp	0.002504	# Radio Free Ethernet
filemaker	5003/tcp	0.001756	# Filemaker Server - http://www.filemaker.com/ti/104289.html
filemaker	5003/udp	0.002356	# Filemaker Server - http://www.filemaker.com/ti/104289.html
avt-profile-1	5004/tcp	0.000532	# RTP media data [RFC 3551][RFC 4571]
avt-profile-1	5004/udp	0.00033	# RTP media data [RFC 3551]
avt-profile-2	5005/tcp	0.000076	# RTP control protocol [RFC 3551][RFC 4571]
avt-profile-2	5005/udp	0.00033	# RTP control protocol [RFC 3551]
airport-admin	5009/tcp	0.004416	# Apple AirPort WAP Administration
telelpathstart	5010/tcp	0.000138	
telelpathstart	5010/udp	0.001582	
telelpathattack	5011/tcp	0.000088	
telelpathattack	5011/udp	0.00112	
nsp	5012/tcp	0.000076	# NetOnTap Service
nsp	5012/udp	0.00033	# NetOnTap Service
fmpro-v6	5013/tcp	0.000076	# FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport
fmpro-v6	5013/udp	0.00033	# FileMaker, Inc. - Proprietary transport
fmwp	5015/tcp	0.000076	# FileMaker, Inc. - Web publishing
zenginkyo-1	5020/tcp	0.000076	
zenginkyo-2	5021/tcp	0.000076	
zenginkyo-2	5021/udp	0.00033	
htuilsrv	5023/tcp	0.000076	# Htuil Server for PLD2
scpi-raw	5025/udp	0.00033	# SCPI-RAW
surfpass	5030/tcp	0.00038	# SurfPass
asnaacceler8db	5042/udp	0.00033	
swxadmin	5043/udp	0.00033	# ShopWorX Administration
mmcc	5050/tcp	0.002584	# multimedia conference control tool
mmcc	5050/udp	0.002636	# multimedia conference control tool
ida-agent	5051/tcp	0.003649	# Symantec Intruder Alert
ita-agent	5051/udp	0.00033	# ITA Agent
ita-manager	5052/tcp	0.000076	# ITA Manager
rlm	5053/tcp	0.000076	# RLM License Server
rlm-admin	5054/tcp	0.000304	# RLM administrative interface
unot	5055/tcp	0.000076	# UNOT
unot	5055/udp	0.00033	# UNOT
intecom-ps1	5056/udp	0.00033	# Intecom Pointspan 1
sds	5059/udp	0.00033	# SIP Directory Services
sip	5060/sctp	0	# Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
sip	5060/tcp	0.010613	# Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
sip	5060/udp	0.04435	# Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
sip-tls	5061/sctp	0	# SIP-TLS
sip-tls	5061/tcp	0.000228	# SIP-TLS
sip-tls	5061/udp	0.00033	# SIP-TLS
csrpc	5063/tcp	0.000152	# centrify secure RPC
stanag-5066	5066/tcp	0.000076	# STANAG-5066-SUBNET-INTF
i-net-2000-npr	5069/udp	0.00033	# I/Net 2000-NPR
vtsas	5070/tcp	0.000076	# VersaTrans Server Agent Service
powerschool	5071/udp	0.00033	# PowerSchool
alesquery	5074/tcp	0.000152	# ALES Query
onscreen	5080/tcp	0.000228	# OnScreen Data Collection Service
sdl-ets	5081/tcp	0.000152	# SDL - Ent Trans Server
sdl-ets	5081/udp	0.00033	# SDL - Ent Trans Server
qcp	5082/udp	0.000661	# Qpur Communication Protocol
car	5090/sctp	0	# Candidate AR
cxtp	5091/sctp	0	# Context Transfer Protocol
sentinel-lm	5093/udp	0.003304	# Sentinel LM
hart-ip	5094/udp	0.00033	# HART-IP
admd	5100/tcp	0.000778	# (chili!soft asp admin port) or Yahoo pager
socalia	5100/udp	0.00033	# Socalia service mux
admdog	5101/tcp	0.005156	# (chili!soft asp)
admeng	5102/tcp	0.000602	# (chili!soft asp)
taep-as-svc	5111/tcp	0.000076	# TAEP AS service
ev-services	5114/tcp	0.000076	# Enterprise Vault Services
emb-proj-cmd	5116/udp	0.00033	# EPSON Projecter Image Transfer
nbt-pc	5133/tcp	0.000076	# Policy Commander
ctsd	5137/tcp	0.000076	# MyCTS server port
rmonitor_secure	5145/tcp	0.00005	
rmonitor_secure	5145/udp	0.00061	
esri_sde	5151/tcp	0.000152	# ESRI SDE Instance
sde-discovery	5152/tcp	0.000076	# ESRI SDE Instance Discovery
sde-discovery	5152/udp	0.00033	# ESRI SDE Instance Discovery
winpcs	5166/udp	0.00033	# WinPCS Service Connection
scte30	5168/udp	0.000661	# SCTE30 Connection
aol	5190/tcp	0.00419	# America-Online.  Also can be used by ICQ
aol	5190/udp	0.000692	# America-Online.
aol-1	5191/tcp	0.00005	# AmericaOnline1
aol-1	5191/udp	0.000593	# AmericaOnline1
aol-2	5192/udp	0.000494	# AmericaOnline2
aol-3	5193/tcp	0.000013	# AmericaOnline3
aol-3	5193/udp	0.000511	# AmericaOnline3
targus-getdata	5200/tcp	0.000304	# TARGUS GetData
targus-getdata1	5201/tcp	0.000076	# TARGUS GetData 1
targus-getdata2	5202/tcp	0.000076	# TARGUS GetData 2
3exmp	5221/tcp	0.000228	# 3eTI Extensible Management Protocol for OAMP
xmpp-client	5222/tcp	0.00038	# XMPP Client Connection
hpvirtgrp	5223/tcp	0.000152	# HP Virtual Machine Group Management
hp-server	5225/tcp	0.00076	# HP Server
hp-server	5225/udp	0.00033	# HP Server
hp-status	5226/tcp	0.00076	# HP Status
perfd	5227/udp	0.00033	# HP System Performance Metric Service
sgi-dgl	5232/tcp	0.00005	# SGI Distributed Graphics
eenet	5234/tcp	0.000076	# EEnet communications
eenet	5234/udp	0.00033	# EEnet communications
galaxy-network	5235/tcp	0.000076	# Galaxy Network Service
padl2sim	5236/udp	0.000577	
downtools-disc	5245/udp	0.00033	# DownTools Discovery Protocol
capwap-control	5246/udp	0.00033	# CAPWAP Control Protocol
soagateway	5250/tcp	0.000076	# soaGateway
movaz-ssc	5252/tcp	0.000076	# Movaz SSC
3com-njack-1	5264/udp	0.00033	# 3Com Network Jack Port 1
xmpp-server	5269/tcp	0.00038	# XMPP Server Connection
xmpp-server	5269/udp	0.00033	# XMPP Server Connection
cuelink-disc	5271/udp	0.00033	# StageSoft CueLink discovery
pk	5272/udp	0.00033	# PK
xmpp-bosh	5280/tcp	0.000304	# Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH)
presence	5298/tcp	0.000304	# XMPP Link-Local Messaging
hacl-hb	5300/tcp	0.00005	# HA cluster heartbeat
hacl-hb	5300/udp	0.000412	# HA cluster heartbeat
hacl-gs	5301/tcp	0.000025	# HA cluster general services
hacl-gs	5301/udp	0.000511	# HA cluster general services
hacl-cfg	5302/tcp	0.000025	# HA cluster configuration
hacl-cfg	5302/udp	0.000511	# HA cluster configuration
hacl-probe	5303/tcp	0.000013	# HA cluster probing
hacl-probe	5303/udp	0.000395	# HA cluster probing
hacl-local	5304/udp	0.000692	
hacl-test	5305/udp	0.000412	
cfengine	5308/tcp	0.000075	
cfengine	5308/udp	0.001021	
jprinter	5309/udp	0.00033	# J Printer
kfserver	5343/udp	0.00033	# Sculptor Database Server
nat-pmp	5351/udp	0.003304	
dns-llq	5352/udp	0.00033	# DNS Long-Lived Queries
mdns	5353/tcp	0.000152	# Multicast DNS
zeroconf	5353/udp	0.100166	# Mac OS X Bonjour/Zeroconf port
mdnsresponder	5354/udp	0.000661	# Multicast DNS Responder IPC
llmnr	5355/udp	0.006938	# LLMNR
wsdapi	5357/tcp	0.005474	# Web Services for Devices
wsdapi	5357/udp	0.000661	# Web Services for Devices
elektron-admin	5398/udp	0.00033	# Elektron Administration
pcduo-old	5400/tcp	0.00005	# RemCon PC-Duo - old port
excerpt	5400/udp	0.00033	# Excerpt Search
pcduo	5405/tcp	0.000314	# RemCon PC-Duo - new port
foresyte-sec	5408/udp	0.00033	# Foresyte-Sec
statusd	5414/tcp	0.00038	# StatusD
virtualuser	5423/tcp	0.000076	# VIRTUALUSER
virtualuser	5423/udp	0.00033	# VIRTUALUSER
beyond-remote	5424/udp	0.00033	# Beyond Remote
omid	5428/udp	0.000527	# OpenMosix Info Dissemination
park-agent	5431/tcp	0.000684	
postgresql	5432/tcp	0.00409	# PostgreSQL database server
pyrrho	5433/tcp	0.000076	# Pyrrho DBMS
sceanics	5435/udp	0.000661	# SCEANICS situation and action notification
spss	5443/udp	0.00033	# Pearson HTTPS
connect-proxy	5490/tcp	0.000013	# Many HTTP CONNECT proxies
hotline	5500/tcp	0.00069	# Hotline file sharing client/server
securid	5500/udp	0.003295	# SecurID
fcp-addr-srvr2	5501/tcp	0.000152	
fcp-srvr-inst1	5502/tcp	0.000076	
secureidprop	5510/tcp	0.000339	# ACE/Server services
sdlog	5520/tcp	0.000125	# ACE/Server services
sdserv	5530/tcp	0.000038	# ACE/Server services
sdxauthd	5540/udp	0.000445	# ACE/Server services
sdadmind	5550/tcp	0.000853	# ACE/Server services
sgi-eventmond	5553/tcp	0.000076	# SGI Eventmond Port
sgi-esphttp	5554/tcp	0.000076	# SGI ESP HTTP
freeciv	5555/tcp	0.001305	
rplay	5555/udp	0.001615	
farenet	5557/tcp	0.000076	# Sandlab FARENET
isqlplus	5560/tcp	0.000238	# Oracle web enabled SQL interface (version 10g+)
westec-connect	5566/tcp	0.000608	# Westec Connect
tmosms0	5580/tcp	0.000076	# T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 0
tmosms0	5580/udp	0.00033	# T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 0
tmosms1	5581/tcp	0.000076	# T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 1
tmo-icon-sync	5583/udp	0.00033	# T-Mobile SMS Protocol Message 2
symantec-sfdb	5629/udp	0.000661	# Symantec Storage Foundation for Database
precise-comm	5630/udp	0.00033	# PreciseCommunication
pcanywheredata	5631/tcp	0.006248	
pcanywherestat	5632/tcp	0.000075	
pcanywherestat	5632/udp	0.007694	
beorl	5633/tcp	0.00038	# BE Operations Request Listener
beorl	5633/udp	0.00033	# BE Operations Request Listener
xprtld	5634/udp	0.00033	# SF Message Service
nrpe	5666/tcp	0.006614	# Nagios NRPE
amqp	5672/sctp	0	# AMQP
amqp	5672/tcp	0.000076	# AMQP
v5ua	5675/sctp	0	# V5UA application port
rrac	5678/tcp	0.000228	# Remote Replication Agent Connection
activesync	5679/tcp	0.00059	# Microsoft ActiveSync PDY synchronization
canna	5680/tcp	0.000151	# Canna (Japanese Input)
brightcore	5682/udp	0.00033	# BrightCore control & data transfer exchange
qmvideo	5689/udp	0.00033	# QM video network management protocol
proshareaudio	5713/tcp	0.000013	# proshare conf audio
proshareaudio	5713/udp	0.000511	# proshare conf audio
prosharevideo	5714/tcp	0.000013	# proshare conf video
prosharevideo	5714/udp	0.000297	# proshare conf video
prosharedata	5715/udp	0.000395	# proshare conf data
prosharerequest	5716/udp	0.000445	# proshare conf request
prosharenotify	5717/tcp	0.000013	# proshare conf notify
prosharenotify	5717/udp	0.000593	# proshare conf notify
dpm	5718/tcp	0.00038	# DPM Communication Server
dpm	5718/udp	0.00033	# DPM Communication Server
dtpt	5721/tcp	0.000076	# Desktop Passthru Service
msdfsr	5722/tcp	0.000076	# Microsoft DFS Replication Service
omhs	5723/tcp	0.000076	# Operations Manager - Health Service
unieng	5730/tcp	0.000228	# Steltor's calendar access
spramsd	5770/udp	0.00033	# x509solutions Secure Data
xtreamx	5793/udp	0.00033	# XtreamX Supervised Peer message
spdp	5794/udp	0.00033	# Simple Peered Discovery Protocol
vnc-http	5800/tcp	0.005947	# Virtual Network Computer HTTP Access, display 0
vnc-http-1	5801/tcp	0.000841	# Virtual Network Computer HTTP Access, display 1
vnc-http-2	5802/tcp	0.000276	# Virtual Network Computer HTTP Access, display 2
vnc-http-3	5803/tcp	0.000125	# Virtual Network Computer HTTP Access, display 3
spt-automation	5814/tcp	0.000076	# Support Automation
wherehoo	5859/tcp	0.000304	# WHEREHOO
vnc	5900/tcp	0.02356	# Virtual Network Computer display 0
rfb	5900/udp	0.000661	# Remote Framebuffer
vnc-1	5901/tcp	0.002145	# Virtual Network Computer display 1
vnc-2	5902/tcp	0.000715	# Virtual Network Computer display 2
vnc-3	5903/tcp	0.000326	# Virtual Network Computer display 3
cm	5910/tcp	0.00038	# Context Management
cpdlc	5911/tcp	0.00038	# Controller Pilot Data Link Communication
fis	5912/tcp	0.000076	# Flight Information Services
teamviewer	5938/tcp	0.000152	# teamviewer - http://www.teamviewer.com/en/help/334-Which-ports-are-used-by-TeamViewer.aspx
indy	5963/tcp	0.000304	# Indy Application Server
mppolicy-v5	5968/tcp	0.000152	
mppolicy-mgr	5969/tcp	0.000076	
ncd-pref-tcp	5977/tcp	0.000075	# NCD preferences tcp port
ncd-diag-tcp	5978/tcp	0.00005	# NCD diagnostic tcp port
wsman	5985/tcp	0.000076	# WBEM WS-Management HTTP
wsmans	5986/tcp	0.000076	# WBEM WS-Management HTTP over TLS/SSL
wbem-rmi	5987/tcp	0.00038	# WBEM RMI
wbem-http	5988/tcp	0.00038	# WBEM CIM-XML (HTTP)
wbem-https	5989/tcp	0.00038	# WBEM CIM-XML (HTTPS)
ncd-pref	5997/tcp	0.000025	# NCD preferences telnet port
ncd-diag	5998/tcp	0.000163	# NCD diagnostic telnet port
ncd-conf	5999/tcp	0.000213	# NCD configuration telnet port
X11	6000/tcp	0.005683	# X Window server
X11	6000/udp	0.003304	
X11:1	6001/tcp	0.01173	# X Window server
X11:1	6001/udp	0.004625	
X11:2	6002/tcp	0.001518	# X Window server
X11:2	6002/udp	0.001652	
X11:3	6003/tcp	0.000351	# X Window server
X11:4	6004/tcp	0.002597	# X Window server
X11:4	6004/udp	0.002973	
X11:5	6005/tcp	0.000602	# X Window server
X11:6	6006/tcp	0.000188	# X Window server
X11:7	6007/tcp	0.000238	# X Window server
X11:8	6008/tcp	0.000125	# X Window server
X11:9	6009/tcp	0.000201	# X Window server
x11	6010/tcp	0.000076	# X Window System
x11	6015/tcp	0.000076	# X Window System
xmail-ctrl	6017/tcp	0.000088	# XMail CTRL server
x11	6017/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6020/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6021/tcp	0.000076	# X Window System
x11	6022/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6025/tcp	0.000228	# X Window System
x11	6026/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6030/tcp	0.000076	# X Window System
x11	6030/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6033/udp	0.000661	# X Window System
x11	6038/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6042/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6048/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
arcserve	6050/tcp	0.0001	# ARCserve agent
x11	6050/udp	0.001652	# X Window System
x11	6051/tcp	0.000152	# X Window System
x11	6052/tcp	0.000076	# X Window System
x11	6055/tcp	0.000076	# X Window System
x11	6057/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
X11:59	6059/tcp	0.00076	# X Window server
x11	6060/tcp	0.000152	# X Window System
x11	6061/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6062/tcp	0.000076	# X Window System
x11	6062/udp	0.00033	# X Window System
x11	6063/tcp	0.000076	# X Window System
winpharaoh	6065/tcp	0.000076	# WinPharaoh
gsmp	6068/tcp	0.000152	# GSMP
diagnose-proc	6072/udp	0.00033	# DIAGNOSE-PROC
konspire2b	6085/tcp	0.000076	# konspire2b p2p network
pdtp	6086/udp	0.00033	# PDTP P2P
synchronet-db	6100/tcp	0.000228	# SynchroNet-db
synchronet-db	6100/udp	0.00033	# SynchroNet-db
backupexec	6101/tcp	0.000452	# Backup Exec UNIX and 95/98/ME Aent
RETS-or-BackupExec	6103/tcp	0.000125	# Backup Exec Agent Accelerator and Remote Agent also sql server and cisco works blue
dbdb	6104/udp	0.00033	# DBDB
isdninfo	6105/tcp	0.000075	
primaserver	6105/udp	0.000661	# Prima Server
isdninfo	6106/tcp	0.000314	# i4lmond
softcm	6110/tcp	0.000063	# HP SoftBench CM
softcm	6110/udp	0.000824	# HP SoftBench CM
spc	6111/tcp	0.000025	# HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
spc	6111/udp	0.001203	# HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
dtspc	6112/tcp	0.001656	# CDE subprocess control
dayliteserver	6113/tcp	0.000076	# Daylite Server
xic	6115/tcp	0.000076	# Xic IPC Service
bex-webadmin	6122/udp	0.00033	# Backup Express Web Server
backup-express	6123/tcp	0.00038	# Backup Express
backup-express	6123/udp	0.00033	# Backup Express
meta-corp	6141/tcp	0.000013	# Meta Corporation License Manager
meta-corp	6141/udp	0.000577	# Meta Corporation License Manager
aspentec-lm	6142/tcp	0.000025	# Aspen Technology License Manager
aspentec-lm	6142/udp	0.000527	# Aspen Technology License Manager
watershed-lm	6143/tcp	0.000038	# Watershed License Manager
watershed-lm	6143/udp	0.000643	# Watershed License Manager
statsci1-lm	6144/udp	0.000923	# StatSci License Manager - 1
statsci2-lm	6145/tcp	0.000025	# StatSci License Manager - 2
statsci2-lm	6145/udp	0.000807	# StatSci License Manager - 2
lonewolf-lm	6146/tcp	0.000025	# Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
lonewolf-lm	6146/udp	0.001071	# Lone Wolf Systems License Manager
montage-lm	6147/tcp	0.000025	# Montage License Manager
montage-lm	6147/udp	0.000774	# Montage License Manager
ricardo-lm	6148/udp	0.000643	# Ricardo North America License Manager
patrol-ism	6161/tcp	0.000076	# PATROL Internet Srv Mgr
radmind	6222/tcp	0.000151	# Radmind protocol
jeol-nsddp-3	6243/udp	0.00033	# JEOL Network Services Dynamic Discovery Protocol 3
jeol-nsddp-4	6244/udp	0.00033	# JEOL Network Services Dynamic Discovery Protocol 4
tl1-raw-ssl	6251/tcp	0.000076	# TL1 Raw Over SSL/TLS
ufmp	6306/udp	0.00033	# Unified Fabric Management Protocol
repsvc	6320/udp	0.00033	# Double-Take Replication Service
gnutella	6346/tcp	0.000226	# Gnutella file sharing protocol
gnutella	6346/udp	0.004893	# Gnutella file sharing protocol
gnutella2	6347/tcp	0.00005	# Gnutella2 file sharing protocol
gnutella2	6347/udp	0.002142	# Gnutella2 file sharing protocol
adap	6350/tcp	0.000076	# App Discovery and Access Protocol
clariion-evr01	6389/tcp	0.00038	
crystalreports	6400/tcp	0.000025	# Seagate Crystal Reports
crystalenterprise	6401/tcp	0.00005	# Seagate Crystal Enterprise
boe-pagesvr	6405/udp	0.00033	# Business Objects Enterprise internal server
boe-processsvr	6406/udp	0.00033	# Business Objects Enterprise internal server
sge_qmaster	6444/udp	0.00033	# Grid Engine Qmaster Service
mysql-proxy	6446/udp	0.00033	# MySQL Proxy
servicetags	6481/tcp	0.000152	# Service Tags
sun-sr-jmx	6488/udp	0.00033	# Service Registry Default JMX Domain
boks	6500/tcp	0.000152	# BoKS Master
boks	6500/udp	0.00033	# BoKS Master
netop-rc	6502/tcp	0.000314	# NetOp Remote Control (by Danware Data A/S)
netop-rc	6502/udp	0.000741	# NetOp Remote Control (by Danware Data A/S)
boks_clntd	6503/tcp	0.000076	# BoKS Clntd
boks_clntd	6503/udp	0.000991	# BoKS Clntd
mcer-port	6510/tcp	0.000228	# MCER Port
mythtv	6543/tcp	0.001167	
mythtv	6544/tcp	0.000025	
powerchuteplus	6547/tcp	0.000251	
powerchuteplus	6548/tcp	0.000013	
powerchuteplus	6549/udp	0.000511	
fg-sysupdate	6550/tcp	0.000152	
fg-sysupdate	6550/udp	0.00033	
xdsxdm	6558/udp	0.000478	
sane-port	6566/tcp	0.000228	# SANE Control Port
esp	6567/tcp	0.000228	# eSilo Storage Protocol
affiliate	6579/tcp	0.000076	# Affiliate
parsec-master	6580/tcp	0.00038	# Parsec Masterserver
joaJewelSuite	6583/udp	0.00033	# JOA Jewel Suite
analogx	6588/tcp	0.000038	# AnalogX HTTP proxy port
mshvlm	6600/tcp	0.000152	# Microsoft Hyper-V Live Migration
nexgen	6627/udp	0.000661	# Allied Electronics NeXGen
afesc-mc	6628/tcp	0.000076	# AFE Stock Channel M/C
radmind	6662/tcp	0.0001	# Radmind protocol (deprecated)
irc	6665/tcp	0.00005	# Internet Relay Chat
irc	6666/tcp	0.001179	# internet relay chat server
ircu	6666/udp	0.00033	# IRCU
irc	6667/tcp	0.000652	# Internet Relay Chat
irc	6668/tcp	0.000176	# Internet Relay Chat
irc	6669/tcp	0.000176	# Internet Relay Chat
irc	6670/tcp	0.000088	# Internet Relay Chat
tsa	6689/tcp	0.000228	# Tofino Security Appliance
babel	6697/udp	0.00033	# Babel Routing Protocol
napster	6699/tcp	0.000251	# Napster File (MP3) sharing  software
carracho	6700/tcp	0.000025	# Carracho file sharing
carracho	6701/tcp	0.000038	# Carracho file sharing
e-design-web	6703/udp	0.00033	# e-Design web
frc-hp	6704/sctp	0	# ForCES HP (High Priority) channel
frc-mp	6705/sctp	0	# ForCES MP (Medium Priority) channel
frc-lp	6706/sctp	0	# ForCES LP (Low priority) channel
bmc-perf-agent	6767/udp	0.00033	# BMC PERFORM AGENT
smc-http	6788/tcp	0.00038	# SMC-HTTP
ibm-db2-admin	6789/tcp	0.00076	# IBM DB2
smc-https	6789/udp	0.00033	# SMC-HTTPS
netmo-http	6842/udp	0.00033	# Netmo HTTP
iccrushmore	6850/udp	0.00033	# ICCRUSHMORE
bittorrent-tracker	6881/tcp	0.00064	# BitTorrent tracker
muse	6888/tcp	0.000076	# MUSE
jetstream	6901/tcp	0.00038	# Novell Jetstream messaging protocol
jmact3	6961/udp	0.000661	# JMACT3
acmsoda	6969/tcp	0.000389	
acmsoda	6969/udp	0.001104	
iatp-highpri	6998/udp	0.00033	# IATP-highPri
afs3-fileserver	7000/tcp	0.001995	# file server itself, msdos
afs3-fileserver	7000/udp	0.002339	# file server itself
afs3-callback	7001/tcp	0.000891	# callbacks to cache managers
afs3-callback	7001/udp	0.001005	# callbacks to cache managers
afs3-prserver	7002/tcp	0.000351	# users & groups database
afs3-prserver	7002/udp	0.00056	# users & groups database
afs3-vlserver	7003/tcp	0.000125	# volume location database
afs3-vlserver	7003/udp	0.00061	# volume location database
afs3-kaserver	7004/tcp	0.000201	# AFS/Kerberos authentication service
afs3-kaserver	7004/udp	0.000445	# AFS/Kerberos authentication service
afs3-volser	7005/tcp	0.000075	# volume managment server
afs3-volser	7005/udp	0.000972	# volume managment server
afs3-errors	7006/tcp	0.000025	# error interpretation service
afs3-errors	7006/udp	0.000494	# error interpretation service
afs3-bos	7007/tcp	0.000314	# basic overseer process
afs3-bos	7007/udp	0.00061	# basic overseer process
afs3-update	7008/tcp	0.000025	# server-to-server updater
afs3-update	7008/udp	0.000708	# server-to-server updater
afs3-rmtsys	7009/tcp	0.000038	# remote cache manager service
afs3-rmtsys	7009/udp	0.001021	# remote cache manager service
ups-onlinet	7010/tcp	0.000113	# onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
ups-onlinet	7010/udp	0.000643	# onlinet uninterruptable power supplies
talon-engine	7012/udp	0.000661	# Talon Engine
vmsvc	7024/tcp	0.000152	# Vormetric service
vmsvc-2	7025/tcp	0.000228	# Vormetric Service II
realserver	7070/tcp	0.004328	
iwg1	7071/tcp	0.000076	# IWGADTS Aircraft Housekeeping Message
empowerid	7080/tcp	0.000152	# EmpowerID Communication
empowerid	7080/udp	0.00033	# EmpowerID Communication
lazy-ptop	7099/tcp	0.000076	
font-service	7100/tcp	0.000928	# X Font Service
font-service	7100/udp	0.00117	# X Font Service
elcn	7101/tcp	0.000076	# Embedded Light Control Network
virprot-lm	7121/tcp	0.000076	# Virtual Prototypes License Manager
fodms	7200/tcp	0.000439	# FODMS FLIP
fodms	7200/udp	0.000346	# FODMS FLIP
dlip	7201/tcp	0.000188	
dlip	7201/udp	0.000527	
watchme-7272	7272/tcp	0.000152	# WatchMe Monitoring 7272
openmanage	7273/tcp	0.00005	# Dell OpenManage
oma-rlp-s	7274/udp	0.000661	# OMA Roaming Location SEC
oma-ulp	7275/udp	0.00033	# OMA UserPlane Location
oma-dcdocbs	7278/tcp	0.000152	# OMA Dynamic Content Delivery over CBS
oma-dcdocbs	7278/udp	0.00033	# OMA Dynamic Content Delivery over CBS
itactionserver2	7281/tcp	0.000152	# ITACTIONSERVER 2
swx	7300/tcp	0.000076	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7301/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7303/udp	0.000661	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7305/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7307/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7309/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7310/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7314/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7316/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7318/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7320/tcp	0.000076	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7325/tcp	0.000076	# The Swiss Exchange
icb	7326/tcp	0.000013	# Internet Citizen's Band
swx	7329/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7336/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7338/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7345/tcp	0.000076	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7345/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7346/udp	0.00033	# The Swiss Exchange
swx	7354/udp	0.000661	# The Swiss Exchange
rtps-discovery	7400/tcp	0.000076	# RTPS Discovery
rtps-dd-mt	7402/tcp	0.000304	# RTPS Data-Distribution Meta-Traffic
ionixnetmon	7410/udp	0.00033	# Ionix Network Monitor
oveadmgr	7427/udp	0.00033	# OpenView DM Event Agent Manager
oracleas-https	7443/tcp	0.000304	# Oracle Application Server HTTPS
pythonds	7464/tcp	0.000013	# Python Documentation Server
silhouette	7500/tcp	0.000076	# Silhouette User
silhouette	7500/udp	0.00033	# Silhouette User
ovbus	7501/tcp	0.000076	# HP OpenView Bus Daemon
qaz	7597/tcp	0.00005	# Quaz trojan worm
simco	7626/sctp	0	# SImple Middlebox COnfiguration (SIMCO)
soap-http	7627/tcp	0.00038	# SOAP Service Port
zen-pawn	7628/tcp	0.000076	# Primary Agent Work Notification
pmdfmgt	7633/udp	0.00033	# PMDF Management
hddtemp	7634/tcp	0.000025	# A cross-platform hard disk temperature monitoring daemon
cucme-1	7648/udp	0.000923	# cucme live video/audio server
cucme-2	7649/udp	0.000379	# cucme live video/audio server
cucme-3	7650/udp	0.000395	# cucme live video/audio server
cucme-4	7651/udp	0.000988	# cucme live video/audio server
imqbrokerd	7676/tcp	0.000228	# iMQ Broker Rendezvous
sun-user-https	7677/udp	0.000991	# Sun App Server - HTTPS
pando-pub	7680/udp	0.00033	# Pando Media Public Distribution
klio	7697/udp	0.00033	# KLIO communications
medimageportal	7720/udp	0.00033	# MedImage Portal
nitrogen	7725/tcp	0.000152	# Nitrogen Service
nitrogen	7725/udp	0.00033	# Nitrogen Service
trident-data	7727/udp	0.00033	# Trident Systems Data
aiagent	7738/udp	0.00033	# HP Enterprise Discovery Agent
scriptview	7741/tcp	0.00038	# ScriptView Network
scriptview	7741/udp	0.00033	# ScriptView Network
raqmon-pdu	7744/tcp	0.000152	# RAQMON PDU
prgp	7747/udp	0.00033	# Put/Run/Get Protocol
cbt	7777/tcp	0.00038	
interwise	7778/tcp	0.00038	# Interwise
interwise	7778/udp	0.00033	# Interwise
vstat	7779/udp	0.00033	# VSTAT
popup-reminders	7787/udp	0.00033	# Popup Reminders Receive
office-tools	7789/tcp	0.000076	# Office Tools Pro Receive
altbsdp	7799/udp	0.00033	# Alternate BSDP Service
asr	7800/tcp	0.000228	# Apple Software Restore
ssp-client	7801/udp	0.00033	# Secure Server Protocol - client
apc-7846	7846/udp	0.000991	# APC 7846
ubroker	7887/udp	0.00033	# Universal Broker
mevent	7900/tcp	0.000152	# Multicast Event
qo-secure	7913/tcp	0.000152	# QuickObjects secure port
t2-brm	7933/udp	0.00033	# Tier 2 Business Rules Manager
nsrexecd	7937/tcp	0.001455	# Legato NetWorker
lgtomapper	7938/tcp	0.001229	# Legato portmapper
quest-vista	7980/udp	0.00033	# Quest Vista
irdmi2	7999/tcp	0.000228	# iRDMI2
http-alt	8000/tcp	0.00971	# A common alternative http port
irdmi	8000/udp	0.001652	# iRDMI
vcom-tunnel	8001/tcp	0.000532	# VCOM Tunnel
vcom-tunnel	8001/udp	0.001982	# VCOM Tunnel
teradataordbms	8002/tcp	0.001216	# Teradata ORDBMS
mcreport	8003/tcp	0.000076	# Mulberry Connect Reporting Service
mxi	8005/tcp	0.000076	# MXI Generation II for z/OS
ajp12	8007/tcp	0.000477	# Apache JServ Protocol 1.x
http	8008/tcp	0.006843	# IBM HTTP server
http-alt	8008/udp	0.00033	# HTTP Alternate
ajp13	8009/tcp	0.004642	# Apache JServ Protocol 1.3
xmpp	8010/tcp	0.002129	# XMPP File Transfer
qbdb	8019/tcp	0.000152	# QB DB Dynamic Port
ftp-proxy	8021/tcp	0.000627	# Common FTP proxy port
oa-system	8022/tcp	0.000228	
ca-audit-da	8025/tcp	0.000076	# CA Audit Distribution Agent
ca-audit-ds	8026/udp	0.00033	# CA Audit Distribution Server
ampify	8040/udp	0.000661	# Ampify Messaging Protocol
fs-agent	8042/tcp	0.000228	# FireScope Agent
senomix01	8052/tcp	0.000076	# Senomix Timesheets Server
slnp	8076/tcp	0.00005	# SLNP (Simple Library Network Protocol) by Sisis Informationssysteme GmbH
http-proxy	8080/tcp	0.042052	# Common HTTP proxy/second web server port
blackice-icecap	8081/tcp	0.006147	# ICECap user console
blackice-alerts	8082/tcp	0.000878	# BlackIce Alerts sent to this port
us-srv	8083/tcp	0.000532	# Utilistor (Server)
d-s-n	8086/tcp	0.00038	# Distributed SCADA Networking Rendezvous Port
simplifymedia	8087/tcp	0.00038	# Simplify Media SPP Protocol
radan-http	8088/tcp	0.000608	# Radan HTTP
sac	8097/tcp	0.000152	# SAC Port Id
xprint-server	8100/tcp	0.000304	# Xprint Server
mtl8000-matrix	8115/udp	0.00033	# MTL8000 Matrix
cp-cluster	8116/tcp	0.000076	# Check Point Clustering
privoxy	8118/tcp	0.000138	# Privoxy, www.privoxy.org
polipo	8123/tcp	0.000038	# Polipo open source web proxy cache
vmware-fdm	8182/udp	0.00033	# VMware Fault Domain Manager
sophos	8192/tcp	0.00076	# Sophos Remote Management System
sophos	8193/tcp	0.00076	# Sophos Remote Management System
sophos	8193/udp	0.002973	# Sophos Remote Management System
sophos	8194/tcp	0.00076	# Sophos Remote Management System
vvr-data	8199/udp	0.00033	# VVR DATA
trivnet1	8200/tcp	0.000228	# TRIVNET
trivnet2	8201/tcp	0.000076	# TRIVNET
trivnet2	8201/udp	0.000661	# TRIVNET
lm-sserver	8207/udp	0.000991	# LM SServer
blp3	8292/tcp	0.000228	# Bloomberg professional
blp3	8292/udp	0.00033	# Bloomberg professional
hiperscan-id	8293/tcp	0.000152	# Hiperscan Identification Service
blp4	8294/tcp	0.000152	# Bloomberg intelligent client
tmi	8300/tcp	0.000228	# Transport Management Interface
tnp	8321/udp	0.00033	# Thin(ium) Network Protocol
bitcoin	8333/tcp	0.00038	# Bitcoin crypto currency - https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_Bitcoin
m2mservices	8383/tcp	0.000228	# M2m Services
cvd	8400/tcp	0.00038	
sabarsd	8401/tcp	0.000076	
abarsd	8402/tcp	0.00038	
abarsd	8402/udp	0.000661	
admind	8403/tcp	0.000076	
admind	8403/udp	0.00033	
cybro-a-bus	8442/udp	0.00033	# CyBro A-bus Protocol
https-alt	8443/tcp	0.009986	# Common alternative https port
cisco-avp	8470/tcp	0.000076	# Cisco Address Validation Protocol
pim-port	8471/sctp	0	# PIM over Reliable Transport
pim-port	8471/tcp	0.000076	# PIM over Reliable Transport
pim-port	8471/udp	0.00033	# PIM over Reliable Transport
otv	8472/tcp	0.000076	# Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV)
vp2p	8473/udp	0.00033	# Virtual Point to Point
noteshare	8474/tcp	0.000076	# AquaMinds NoteShare
fmtp	8500/tcp	0.000304	# Flight Message Transfer Protocol
asterix	8600/tcp	0.00038	# Surveillance Data
canon-bjnp1	8611/udp	0.00033	# Canon BJNP Port 1
canon-bjnp2	8612/udp	0.00033	# Canon BJNP Port 2
canon-bjnp3	8613/udp	0.00033	# Canon BJNP Port 3
canon-bjnp4	8614/udp	0.00033	# Canon BJNP Port 4
sun-as-jmxrmi	8686/tcp	0.000152	# Sun App Server - JMX/RMI
ultraseek-http	8765/tcp	0.000152	# Ultraseek HTTP
apple-iphoto	8770/tcp	0.000025	# Apple iPhoto sharing
sunwebadmin	8800/tcp	0.000228	# Sun Web Server Admin Service
dxspider	8873/tcp	0.00038	# dxspider linking protocol
cddbp-alt	8880/tcp	0.000076	# CDDBP
sun-answerbook	8888/tcp	0.016522	# Sun Answerbook HTTP server.  Or gnump3d streaming music server
ddi-tcp-2	8889/tcp	0.000152	# Desktop Data TCP 1
seosload	8892/tcp	0.000038	# From the new Computer Associates eTrust ACX
ospf-lite	8899/tcp	0.000608	
ospf-lite	8899/udp	0.00033	
jmb-cds1	8900/tcp	0.000076	# JMB-CDS 1
jmb-cds1	8900/udp	0.001321	# JMB-CDS 1
jmb-cds2	8901/udp	0.00033	# JMB-CDS 2
manyone-http	8910/udp	0.00033	
cumulus-admin	8954/tcp	0.000076	# Cumulus Admin Port
bctp	8999/tcp	0.000076	# Brodos Crypto Trade Protocol
cslistener	9000/tcp	0.002129	# CSlistener
cslistener	9000/udp	0.001652	# CSlistener
tor-orport	9001/tcp	0.001216	# Tor ORPort
etlservicemgr	9001/udp	0.001652	# ETL Service Manager
dynamid	9002/tcp	0.00038	# DynamID authentication
dynamid	9002/udp	0.000661	# DynamID authentication
pichat	9009/tcp	0.000456	# Pichat Server
sdr	9010/tcp	0.00038	# Secure Data Replicator Protocol
tambora	9020/tcp	0.000076	# TAMBORA
tambora	9020/udp	0.001982	# TAMBORA
panagolin-ident	9021/tcp	0.000076	# Pangolin Identification
paragent	9022/tcp	0.000076	# PrivateArk Remote Agent
tor-trans	9040/tcp	0.000301	# Tor TransPort, www.torproject.org
tor-socks	9050/tcp	0.000703	# Tor SocksPort, www.torproject.org
tor-control	9051/tcp	0.000025	# Tor ControlPort, www.torproject.org
glrpc	9080/tcp	0.00038	# Groove GLRPC
glrpc	9080/udp	0.00033	# Groove GLRPC
lcs-ap	9082/sctp	0	# LCS Application Protocol
aurora	9084/sctp	0	# IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer
aurora	9084/tcp	0.000076	# IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer
ibm-rsyscon	9085/udp	0.00033	# IBM Remote System Console
net2display	9086/udp	0.00033	# Vesa Net2Display
sqlexec	9088/udp	0.00033	# IBM Informix SQL Interface
sqlexec-ssl	9089/udp	0.00033	# IBM Informix SQL Interface - Encrypted
zeus-admin	9090/tcp	0.002747	# Zeus admin server
xmltec-xmlmail	9091/tcp	0.000304	
xmltec-xmlmail	9091/udp	0.00033	
jetdirect	9100/tcp	0.003287	# HP JetDirect card
jetdirect	9101/tcp	0.000602	# HP JetDirect card
bacula-dir	9101/udp	0.00033	# Bacula Director
jetdirect	9102/tcp	0.002133	# HP JetDirect card. Also used (and officially registered for) Bacula File Daemon (an open source backup system)
jetdirect	9103/tcp	0.000188	# HP JetDirect card
bacula-sd	9103/udp	0.002313	# Bacula Storage Daemon
jetdirect	9104/tcp	0.00005	# HP JetDirect card
jetdirect	9105/tcp	0.000038	# HP JetDirect card
jetdirect	9106/tcp	0.000038	# HP JetDirect card
jetdirect	9107/tcp	0.000038	# HP JetDirect card
DragonIDSConsole	9111/tcp	0.000251	# Dragon IDS Console
dddp	9131/tcp	0.000076	# Dynamic Device Discovery
dddp	9131/udp	0.00033	# Dynamic Device Discovery
ms-sql2000	9152/tcp	0.000125	
apani1	9160/tcp	0.000076	
apani2	9161/tcp	0.000076	
apani5	9164/udp	0.00033	
sun-as-jpda	9191/tcp	0.000152	# Sun AppSvr JPDA
wap-wsp	9200/tcp	0.000228	# WAP connectionless session services
wap-wsp	9200/udp	0.007268	# WAP connectionless session services
wap-wsp-s	9202/tcp	0.000076	# WAP secure connectionless session service
wap-vcard-s	9206/udp	0.000661	# WAP vCard Secure
wap-vcal-s	9207/tcp	0.000532	# WAP vCal Secure
wap-vcal-s	9207/udp	0.00033	# WAP vCal Secure
oma-mlp	9210/tcp	0.000076	# OMA Mobile Location Protocol
oma-mlp-s	9211/tcp	0.000076	# OMA Mobile Location Protocol Secure
oma-mlp-s	9211/udp	0.00033	# OMA Mobile Location Protocol Secure
ipdcesgbs	9214/udp	0.00033	# IPDC ESG BootstrapService
teamcoherence	9222/udp	0.00033	# QSC Team Coherence
n2h2server	9285/udp	0.00033	# N2H2 Filter Service Port
cumulus	9287/tcp	0.000076	# Cumulus
vrace	9300/tcp	0.000076	# Virtual Racing Service
vrace	9300/udp	0.00033	# Virtual Racing Service
litecoin	9333/tcp	0.000076	# Litecoin crypto currency - https://litecoin.info/Litecoin.conf
mpidcmgr	9343/tcp	0.000076	# MpIdcMgr
fjinvmgr	9396/udp	0.00033	
mpidcagt	9397/udp	0.00033	# MpIdcAgt
sec-t4net-srv	9400/tcp	0.000076	# Samsung Twain for Network Server
git	9418/tcp	0.000228	# Git revision control system
tungsten-https	9443/tcp	0.000152	# WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS
wso2esb-console	9444/tcp	0.000152	# WSO2 ESB Administration Console HTTPS
ismserver	9500/tcp	0.00038	
man	9535/tcp	0.00079	
man	9535/udp	0.00056	
ldgateway	9592/tcp	0.000076	# LANDesk Gateway
cba8	9593/tcp	0.00076	# LANDesk Management Agent (cba8)
cba8	9593/udp	0.00033	# LANDesk Management Agent (cba8)
msgsys	9594/tcp	0.00076	# Message System
pds	9595/tcp	0.00076	# Ping Discovery System
pds	9595/udp	0.000991	# Ping Discovery System
vscp	9598/udp	0.00033	# Very Simple Ctrl Protocol
robix	9599/udp	0.000661	# Robix
micromuse-ncpw	9600/tcp	0.000152	# MICROMUSE-NCPW
erunbook_agent	9616/tcp	0.000076	# eRunbook Agent
condor	9618/tcp	0.00038	# Condor Collector Service
odbcpathway	9628/tcp	0.000076	# ODBC Pathway Service
xmms2	9667/tcp	0.000076	# Cross-platform Music Multiplexing System
client-wakeup	9694/tcp	0.000076	# T-Mobile Client Wakeup Message
ccnx	9695/udp	0.000661	# Content Centric Networking
board-roar	9700/tcp	0.000076	# Board M.I.T. Service
board-voip	9750/udp	0.000661	# Board M.I.T. Synchronous Collaboration
davsrcs	9802/udp	0.00033	# WebDAV Source TLS/SSL
sapv1	9875/tcp	0.000076	# Session Announcement v1
sd	9876/tcp	0.000602	# Session Director
sd	9876/udp	0.004498	# Session Director
monkeycom	9898/tcp	0.000228	# MonkeyCom
sctp-tunneling	9899/sctp	0	# SCTP Tunneling (misconfiguration)
iua	9900/sctp	0	# IUA
iua	9900/tcp	0.00038	# IUA
enrp-sctp	9901/sctp	0	# ENRP server channel
enrp-sctp-tls	9902/sctp	0	# ENRP/TLS server channel
domaintime	9909/tcp	0.000076	
sype-transport	9911/tcp	0.000076	# SYPECom Transport Protocol
nping-echo	9929/tcp	0.000163	# Nping echo server mode - http://nmap.org/book/nping-man-echo-mode.html - The port frequency is made up to keep it (barely) in top 1000 TCP
apc-9950	9950/tcp	0.000076	# APC 9950
apc-9950	9950/udp	0.002643	# APC 9950
apc-9952	9952/udp	0.00033	# APC 9952
nsesrvr	9988/tcp	0.000152	# Software Essentials Secure HTTP server
osm-appsrvr	9990/tcp	0.000076	# OSM Applet Server
issa	9991/tcp	0.000063	# ISS System Scanner Agent
issc	9992/tcp	0.000138	# ISS System Scanner Console
palace-4	9995/tcp	0.000076	# Palace-4
distinct32	9998/tcp	0.000304	# Distinct32
distinct32	9998/udp	0.00033	# Distinct32
abyss	9999/tcp	0.004441	# Abyss web server remote web management interface
distinct	9999/udp	0.00033	
snet-sensor-mgmt	10000/tcp	0.011692	# SecureNet Pro Sensor https management server or apple airport admin
ndmp	10000/udp	0.007598	# Network Data Management Protocol
scp-config	10001/tcp	0.001292	# SCP Configuration
documentum	10002/tcp	0.00038	# EMC-Documentum Content Server Product
documentum_s	10003/tcp	0.000228	# EMC-Documentum Content Server Product
emcrmirccd	10004/tcp	0.000304	# EMC Replication Manager Client
stel	10005/tcp	0.000151	# Secure telnet
mvs-capacity	10007/tcp	0.000076	# MVS Capacity
mvs-capacity	10007/udp	0.000661	# MVS Capacity
octopus	10008/tcp	0.000152	# Octopus Multiplexer
swdtp-sv	10009/tcp	0.000228	# Systemwalker Desktop Patrol
rxapi	10010/tcp	0.002889	# ooRexx rxapi services
amanda	10080/udp	0.005585	# Amanda Backup Util
famdc	10081/udp	0.000991	# FAM Archive Server
amandaidx	10082/tcp	0.000213	# Amanda indexing
amidxtape	10083/tcp	0.000125	# Amanda tape indexing
ezmeeting-2	10101/tcp	0.000076	# eZmeeting
nmea-0183	10110/udp	0.00033	# NMEA-0183 Navigational Data
netiq-qcheck	10114/udp	0.00033	# NetIQ Qcheck
netiq-endpt	10115/tcp	0.000076	# NetIQ Endpoint
qb-db-server	10160/tcp	0.000152	# QB Database Server
snmpdtls-trap	10162/udp	0.00033	# SNMP-Trap-DTLS
axis-wimp-port	10260/udp	0.00033	# Axis WIMP Port
MOS-lower	10540/udp	0.00033	# MOS Media Object Metadata Port
MOS-soap	10543/udp	0.00033	# MOS SOAP Default Port
nmc-disc	10810/udp	0.00033	# Nuance Mobile Care Discovery
helix	10860/udp	0.00033	# Helix Client/Server
rmiaux	10990/udp	0.00033	# Auxiliary RMI Port
irisa	11000/tcp	0.000076	# IRISA
metasys	11001/tcp	0.000076	# Metasys
vce	11111/tcp	0.000228	# Viral Computing Environment (VCE)
suncacao-jmxmp	11162/udp	0.00033	# sun cacao JMX-remoting access point
pksd	11371/tcp	0.000038	# PGP Public Key Server
h323callsigalt	11720/udp	0.000661	# h323 Call Signal Alternate
sysinfo-sp	11967/tcp	0.00038	# SysInfo Service Protocol
wmereceiving	11997/sctp	0	# WorldMailExpress
wmedistribution	11998/sctp	0	# WorldMailExpress
wmereporting	11999/sctp	0	# WorldMailExpress
cce4x	12000/tcp	0.000427	# ClearCommerce Engine 4.x (www.clearcommerce.com)
entextxid	12000/udp	0.000661	# IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange
entextnetwk	12001/tcp	0.000076	# IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority
entextnetwk	12001/udp	0.000661	# IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority
entexthigh	12002/tcp	0.000076	# IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority
entexthigh	12002/udp	0.000661	# IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority
entextmed	12003/udp	0.000991	# IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority
entextlow	12004/udp	0.000661	# IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority
dbisamserver1	12005/tcp	0.000076	# DBISAM Database Server - Regular
dbisamserver2	12006/tcp	0.000152	# DBISAM Database Server - Admin
accuracer	12007/udp	0.00033	# Accuracer Database System ? Server
nupaper-ss	12121/tcp	0.000076	# NuPaper Session Service
warehouse-sss	12321/udp	0.000661	# Warehouse Monitoring Syst SSS
netbus	12345/tcp	0.000527	# NetBus backdoor trojan or Trend Micro Office Scan
netbus	12346/tcp	0.000088	# NetBus backdoor trojan
i-zipqd	13160/udp	0.00033	# I-ZIPQD
bcslogc	13216/udp	0.00033	# Black Crow Software application logging
netbackup	13701/tcp	0.000013	# vmd           server
netbackup	13713/tcp	0.000025	# tl4d          server
netbackup	13714/tcp	0.000013	# tsdd          server
netbackup	13715/tcp	0.000013	# tshd          server
netbackup	13718/tcp	0.000013	# lmfcd         server
netbackup	13720/tcp	0.000038	# bprd          server
netbackup	13721/tcp	0.000013	# bpdbm         server
netbackup	13722/tcp	0.000314	# bpjava-msvc   client
bpjava-msvc	13722/udp	0.00033	# BP Java MSVC Protocol
vnetd	13724/tcp	0.000152	# Veritas Network Utility
netbackup	13782/tcp	0.000728	# bpcd          client
netbackup	13783/tcp	0.000389	# vopied        client
scotty-ft	14000/tcp	0.00038	# SCOTTY High-Speed Filetransfer
sua	14001/sctp	0	# SUA
sua	14001/tcp	0.000076	# SUA
sage-best-com2	14034/udp	0.00033	# sage Best! Config Server 2
bo2k	14141/tcp	0.000038	# Back Orifice 2K BoPeep mouse/keyboard input
hde-lcesrvr-2	14937/udp	0.000661	
hydap	15000/tcp	0.001064	# Hypack Hydrographic Software Packages Data Acquisition
bo2k	15151/tcp	0.000013	# Back Orifice 2K BoPeep video output
3link	15363/udp	0.00033	# 3Link Negotiation
bex-xr	15660/tcp	0.00038	# Backup Express Restore Server
fmsas	16000/tcp	0.000228	# Administration Server Access
fmsascon	16001/tcp	0.00038	# Administration Server Connector
osxwebadmin	16080/tcp	0.000251	# Apple OS X WebAdmin
sun-sea-port	16161/tcp	0.000076	# Solaris SEA Port
netserialext2	16361/udp	0.00033	# Network Serial Extension Ports Two
overnet	16444/tcp	0.000025	# Overnet file sharing
overnet	16444/udp	0.000726	# Overnet file sharing
newbay-snc-mc	16900/tcp	0.000076	# Newbay Mobile Client Update Service
amt-soap-http	16992/tcp	0.00076	# Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTP
amt-soap-https	16993/tcp	0.00076	# Intel(R) AMT SOAP/HTTPS
isode-dua	17007/tcp	0.000013	
isode-dua	17007/udp	0.000591	
wdbrpc	17185/udp	0.013395	# vxWorks WDB remote debugging ONCRPC
chipper	17219/udp	0.001307	# Chipper
ssh-mgmt	17235/udp	0.000654	# SSH Tectia Manager
kuang2	17300/tcp	0.000013	# Kuang2 backdoor
db-lsp	17500/tcp	0.000076	# Dropbox LanSync Protocol
zep	17754/udp	0.001307	# Encap. ZigBee Packets
zigbee-ip	17755/udp	0.000654	# ZigBee IP Transport Service
zigbee-ips	17756/udp	0.000654	# ZigBee IP Transport Secure Service
biimenu	18000/tcp	0.000138	# Beckman Instruments, Inc.
biimenu	18000/udp	0.000541	# Beckman Instruments, Inc.
opsec-cvp	18181/tcp	0.000025	# Check Point OPSEC
opsec-ufp	18182/tcp	0.000038	# Check Point OPSEC
opsec-ufp	18182/udp	0.000654	# OPSEC UFP
opsec-sam	18183/tcp	0.000025	# Check Point OPSEC
opsec-sam	18183/udp	0.000654	# OPSEC SAM
opsec-lea	18184/tcp	0.000038	# Check Point OPSEC
opsec-ela	18187/tcp	0.000013	# Check Point OPSEC
gv-pf	18262/udp	0.000654	# GV NetConfig Service
bitcoin	18333/tcp	0.000076	# Bitcoin crypto currency - https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_Bitcoin
ique	18769/udp	0.000654	# IQue Protocol
apc-necmp	18888/udp	0.001307	# APCNECMP
gkrellm	19150/tcp	0.000013	# GKrellM remote system activity meter daemon
keysrvr	19283/tcp	0.000304	# Key Server for SASSAFRAS
keysrvr	19283/udp	0.004575	# Key Server for SASSAFRAS
keyshadow	19315/tcp	0.000304	# Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS
keyshadow	19315/udp	0.001307	# Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS
litecoin	19333/tcp	0.000076	# Litecoin crypto currency testnet - https://litecoin.info/Litecoin.conf
fxuptp	19539/udp	0.000654	# FXUPTP
jcp	19541/udp	0.001307	# JCP Client
dnp	20000/tcp	0.00038	# DNP
microsan	20001/tcp	0.000076	# MicroSAN
commtact-http	20002/tcp	0.000152	# Commtact HTTP
commtact-https	20003/udp	0.001307	# Commtact HTTPS
btx	20005/tcp	0.000401	# xcept4 (Interacts with German Telekom's CEPT videotext service)
openwebnet	20005/udp	0.000654	# OpenWebNet protocol for electric network
bakbonenetvault	20031/udp	0.02549	# BakBone NetVault primary communications port
nburn_id	20034/udp	0.000654	# NetBurner ID Port
mountd	20048/udp	0.000654	# NFS mount protocol
nfsrdma	20049/sctp	0	# Network File System (NFS) over RDMA
ipulse-ics	20222/tcp	0.00038	# iPulse-ICS
ipulse-ics	20222/udp	0.000654	# iPulse-ICS
irtrans	21000/udp	0.001307	# IRTrans Control
memcachedb	21201/tcp	0.000076	
tvpm	21800/udp	0.001307	# TVNC Pro Multiplexing
netspeak-cs	21847/udp	0.001307	# NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services
dcap	22125/tcp	0.000076	# dCache Access Protocol
gsidcap	22128/tcp	0.000076	# GSI dCache Access Protocol
wnn6	22273/tcp	0.000075	# Wnn6 (Japanese input)
WibuKey	22347/udp	0.000654	# WibuKey Standard WkLan
CodeMeter	22350/tcp	0.000076	# CodeMeter Standard
CodeMeter	22350/udp	0.000654	# CodeMeter Standard
hpnpd	22370/udp	0.000726	# Hewlett-Packard Network Printer daemon
vocaltec-wconf	22555/tcp	0.000076	# Vocaltec Web Conference
inovaport1	23000/udp	0.000654	# Inova LightLink Server Type 1
novar-dbase	23400/udp	0.000654	# Novar Data
filesphere	24242/udp	0.001307	# fileSphere
binkp	24554/tcp	0.000076	# BINKP
flashfiler	24677/udp	0.000654	# FlashFiler
tcc-http	24680/udp	0.000654	# TCC User HTTP Service
icl-twobase1	25000/tcp	0.000076	
icl-twobase2	25001/tcp	0.000076	
icl-twobase4	25003/udp	0.001961	
minecraft	25565/tcp	0.000076	# A video game - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minecraft
vocaltec-hos	25793/udp	0.000654	# Vocaltec Address Server
quake	26000/udp	0.00049	# Quake game server
wnn6_DS	26208/tcp	0.000025	# Wnn6 (Dserver)
hexen2	26900/udp	0.001166	# Hexen 2 game server
flexlm0	27000/tcp	0.00064	# FlexLM license manager additional ports
flexlm1	27001/tcp	0.000075	# FlexLM license manager additional ports
flexlm2	27002/tcp	0.000013	# FlexLM license manager additional ports
flex-lm	27002/udp	0.001307	# FLEX LM (1-10)
flexlm3	27003/tcp	0.000013	# FlexLM license manager additional ports
flex-lm	27003/udp	0.000654	# FLEX LM (1-10)
flexlm5	27005/tcp	0.000013	# FlexLM license manager additional ports
flexlm7	27007/tcp	0.000013	# FlexLM license manager additional ports
flex-lm	27007/udp	0.001307	# FLEX LM (1-10)
flexlm9	27009/tcp	0.000013	# FlexLM license manager additional ports
flexlm10	27010/tcp	0.000063	# FlexLM license manager additional ports
halflife	27015/udp	0.002432	# Half-life game server
mongod	27017/tcp	0.000076	# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/default-mongodb-port/
mongod	27018/tcp	0.000076	# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/default-mongodb-port/
mongod	27019/tcp	0.000076	# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/default-mongodb-port/
quake3	27960/udp	0.000726	# Quake 3 Arena Server
mongod	28017/tcp	0.000076	# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/default-mongodb-port/
heretic2	28910/udp	0.000524	# Heretic 2 game server
pago-services1	30001/tcp	0.000076	# Pago Services 1
kingdomsonline	30260/udp	0.001307	# Kingdoms Online (CraigAvenue)
Trinoo_Register	31335/udp	0.001706	# Trinoo distributed attack tool Bcast Daemon registration port
Elite	31337/tcp	0.000163	# Sometimes interesting stuff can be found here
BackOrifice	31337/udp	0.011469	# cDc Back Orifice remote admin tool
boinc	31416/tcp	0.000075	# BOINC Client Control
apm-link	32483/udp	0.000654	# Access Point Manager Link
filenet-powsrm	32767/tcp	0.000076	# FileNet BPM WS-ReliableMessaging Client
filenet-tms	32768/tcp	0.009199	# Filenet TMS
omad	32768/udp	0.044407	# OpenMosix Autodiscovery Daemon
filenet-rpc	32769/tcp	0.00076	# Filenet RPC
filenet-rpc	32769/udp	0.007768	# Filenet RPC
sometimes-rpc3	32770/tcp	0.000903	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box
sometimes-rpc4	32770/udp	0.006745	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box
sometimes-rpc5	32771/tcp	0.001367	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (rusersd)
sometimes-rpc6	32771/udp	0.00849	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (rusersd)
sometimes-rpc7	32772/tcp	0.000891	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (status)
sometimes-rpc8	32772/udp	0.005352	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (status)
sometimes-rpc9	32773/tcp	0.000602	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (rquotad)
sometimes-rpc10	32773/udp	0.003238	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (rquotad)
sometimes-rpc11	32774/tcp	0.000602	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (rusersd)
sometimes-rpc12	32774/udp	0.002819	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (rusersd)
sometimes-rpc13	32775/tcp	0.000427	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (status)
sometimes-rpc14	32775/udp	0.002668	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (status)
sometimes-rpc15	32776/tcp	0.000364	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (sprayd)
sometimes-rpc16	32776/udp	0.002013	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (sprayd)
sometimes-rpc17	32777/tcp	0.000301	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (walld)
sometimes-rpc18	32777/udp	0.002282	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (walld)
sometimes-rpc19	32778/tcp	0.000289	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (rstatd)
sometimes-rpc20	32778/udp	0.001577	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box (rstatd)
sometimes-rpc21	32779/tcp	0.000301	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box
sometimes-rpc22	32779/udp	0.002584	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box
sometimes-rpc23	32780/tcp	0.000263	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box
sometimes-rpc24	32780/udp	0.001812	# Sometimes an RPC port on my Solaris box
sometimes-rpc25	32786/tcp	0.000075	# Sometimes an RPC port (mountd)
sometimes-rpc26	32786/udp	0.001191	# Sometimes an RPC port
sometimes-rpc27	32787/tcp	0.000075	# Sometimes an RPC port dmispd (DMI Service Provider)
sometimes-rpc28	32787/udp	0.000956	# Sometimes an RPC port
idmgratm	32896/udp	0.000518	# Attachmate ID Manager
s1-control	36412/sctp	0	# S1-Control Plane (3GPP)
x2-control	36422/sctp	0	# X2-Control Plane (3GPP)
unisys-eportal	37654/udp	0.001036	# Unisys ClearPath ePortal
landesk-cba	38037/tcp	0.000088	
landesk-cba	38037/udp	0.002869	
fairview	38202/udp	0.000518	# Fairview Message Service
landesk-cba	38292/tcp	0.000276	
landesk-cba	38293/udp	0.00297	
sygatefw	39213/udp	0.004446	# Sygate Firewall management port version 3.0 build 521 and above
safetynetp	40000/tcp	0.000152	# SafetyNET p
crestron-cip	41794/tcp	0.000076	# Crestron Control Port
crestron-ctp	41795/tcp	0.000076	# Crestron Terminal Port
candp	42508/udp	0.002071	# Computer Associates network discovery protocol
caerpc	42510/tcp	0.000988	# CA eTrust RPC
reachout	43188/tcp	0.000013	
tinyfw	44334/tcp	0.000088	# tiny personal firewall admin port
coldfusion-auth	44442/tcp	0.000163	# ColdFusion Advanced Security/Siteminder Authentication Port (by Allaire/Netegrity)
coldfusion-auth	44443/tcp	0.000201	# ColdFusion Advanced Security/Siteminder Authentication Port (by Allaire/Netegrity)
EtherNetIP-2	44818/udp	0.000518	# EtherNet/IP messaging
ciscopop	45000/udp	0.000839	# Cisco Postoffice Protocol for Cisco Secure IDS
mediabox	46999/udp	0.000518	# MediaBox Server
dbbrowse	47557/tcp	0.000038	# Databeam Corporation
dbbrowse	47557/udp	0.001158	# Databeam Corporation
directplaysrvr	47624/tcp	0.000076	# Direct Play Server
directplaysrvr	47624/udp	0.002071	# Direct Play Server
ap	47806/tcp	0.000076	# ALC Protocol
ap	47806/udp	0.000518	# ALC Protocol
bacnet	47808/udp	0.001554	# Building Automation and Control Networks
nimhub	48002/udp	0.000518	# Nimbus Hub
isnetserv	48128/udp	0.000518	# Image Systems Network Services
com-bardac-dw	48556/udp	0.001036	
iqobject	48619/tcp	0.000076	
compaqdiag	49400/tcp	0.000276	# Compaq Web-based management
ibm-db2	50000/tcp	0.001317	# (also Internet/Intranet Input Method Server Framework?)
iiimsf	50002/tcp	0.000351	# Internet/Intranet Input Method Server Framework
bo2k	54320/tcp	0.000075	# Back Orifice 2K Default Port
bo2k	54321/udp	0.002246	# Back Orifice 2K Default Port
iphone-sync	62078/tcp	0.000304	# Apparently used by iPhone while syncing - http://code.google.com/p/iphone-elite/source/browse/wiki/Port_62078.wiki
murmur	64738/udp	0.000502	# Murmur is the server-side software for Mumble open source voice chat software
pcanywhere	65301/tcp	0.000025	




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


