Contacts Provider

The Contacts Provider is a powerful and flexible Android component that manages the device's central repository of data about people. The Contacts Provider is the source of data you see in the device's contacts application, and you can also access its data in your own application and transfer data between the device and online services. The provider accommodates a wide range of data sources and tries to manage as much data as possible for each person, with the result that its organization is complex. Because of this, the provider's API includes an extensive set of contract classes and interfaces that facilitate both data retrieval and modification.

This guide describes the following:

  • The basic provider structure.
  • How to retrieve data from the provider.
  • How to modify data in the provider.
  • How to write a sync adapter for synchronizing data from your server to the Contacts Provider.

This guide assumes that you know the basics of Android content providers. To learn more about Android content providers, read theContent Provider Basics guide. The Sample Sync Adapter sample app is an example of using a sync adapter to transfer data between the Contacts Provider and a sample application hosted by Google Web Services.

Contacts Provider Organization

The Contacts Provider is an Android content provider component. It maintains three types of data about a person, each of which corresponds to a table offered by the provider, as illustrated in figure 1:

Figure 1. Contacts Provider table structure.

The three tables are commonly referred to by the names of their contract classes. The classes define constants for content URIs, column names, and column values used by the tables:

ContactsContract.Contacts table
Rows representing different people, based on aggregations of raw contact rows.
ContactsContract.RawContacts table
Rows containing a summary of a person's data, specific to a user account and type.
ContactsContract.Data table
Rows containing the details for raw contact, such as email addresses or phone numbers.

The other tables represented by contract classes in ContactsContract are auxiliary tables that the Contacts Provider uses to manage its operations or support specific functions in the device's contacts or telephony applications.

Raw contacts

A raw contact represents a person's data coming from a single account type and account name. Because the Contacts Provider allows more than one online service as the source of data for a person, the Contacts Provider allows multiple raw contacts for the same person. Multiple raw contacts also allow a user to combine a person's data from more than one account from the same account type.

Most of the data for a raw contact isn't stored in the ContactsContract.RawContacts table. Instead, it's stored in one or more rows in the ContactsContract.Data table. Each data row has a column Data.RAW_CONTACT_IDthat contains the RawContacts._ID value of its parent ContactsContract.RawContacts row.

Important raw contact columns

The important columns in the ContactsContract.RawContacts table are listed in table 1. Please read the notes that follow after the table:

Table 1. Important raw contact columns.

Column name Use Notes
ACCOUNT_NAME The account name for the account type that's the source of this raw contact. For example, the account name of a Google account is one of the device owner's Gmail addresses. See the next entry for ACCOUNT_TYPE for more information. The format of this name is specific to its account type. It is not necessarily an email address.
ACCOUNT_TYPE The account type that's the source of this raw contact. For example, the account type of a Google account is Always qualify your account type with a domain identifier for a domain you own or control. This will ensure that your account type is unique. An account type that offers contacts data usually has an associated sync adapter that synchronizes with the Contacts Provider.
DELETED The "deleted" flag for a raw contact. This flag allows the Contacts Provider to maintain the row internally until sync adapters are able to delete the row from their servers and then finally delete the row from the repository.

The following are important notes about the ContactsContract.RawContacts table:

  • A raw contact's name is not stored in its row in ContactsContract.RawContacts. Instead, it's stored in theContactsContract.Data table, in a ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName row. A raw contact has only one row of this type in the ContactsContract.Data table.
  • Caution: To use your own account data in a raw contact row, it must first be registered with theAccountManager. To do this, prompt users to add the account type and their account name to the list of accounts. If you don't do this, the Contacts Provider will automatically delete your raw contact row.

    For example, if you want your app to maintain contacts data for your web-based service with the domaincom.example.dataservice, and the user's account for your service, the user must first add the account "type" (com.example.dataservice) and account "name" ( before your app can add raw contact rows. You can explain this requirement to the user in documentation, or you can prompt the user to add the type and name, or both. Account types and account names are described in more detail in the next section.

Sources of raw contacts data

To understand how raw contacts work, consider the user "Emily Dickinson" who has the following three user accounts defined on her device:

  • Twitter account "belle_of_amherst"

This user has enabled Sync Contacts for all three of these accounts in the Accounts settings.

Suppose Emily Dickinson opens a browser window, logs into Gmail as, opens Contacts, and adds "Thomas Higginson". Later on, she logs into Gmail as and sends an email to "Thomas Higginson", which automatically adds him as a contact. She also follows "colonel_tom" (Thomas Higginson's Twitter ID) on Twitter.

The Contacts Provider creates three raw contacts as a result of this work:

  1. A raw contact for "Thomas Higginson" associated with The user account type is Google.
  2. A second raw contact for "Thomas Higginson" associated with The user account type is also Google. There is a second raw contact even though the name is identical to a previous name, because the person was added for a different user account.
  3. A third raw contact for "Thomas Higginson" associated with "belle_of_amherst". The user account type is Twitter.


As noted previously, the data for a raw contact is stored in a ContactsContract.Data row that is linked to the raw contact's _ID value. This allows a single raw contact to have multiple instances of the same type of data such as email addresses or phone numbers. For example, if "Thomas Higginson" for (the raw contact row for Thomas Higginson associated with the Google account has a home email address of and a work email address of, the Contacts Provider stores the two email address rows and links them both to the raw contact.

Notice that different types of data are stored in this single table. Display name, phone number, email, postal address, photo, and website detail rows are all found in the ContactsContract.Data table. To help manage this, the ContactsContract.Data table has some columns with descriptive names, and others with generic names. The contents of a descriptive-name column have the same meaning regardless of the type of data in the row, while the contents of a generic-name column have different meanings depending on the type of data.

Descriptive column names

Some examples of descriptive column names are:

The value of the  _ID column of the raw contact for this data.
The type of data stored in this row, expressed as a custom MIME type. The Contacts Provider uses the MIME types defined in the subclasses of  ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds. These MIME types are open source, and can be used by any application or sync adapter that works with the Contacts Provider.
If this type of data row can occur more than once for a raw contact, the  IS_PRIMARY column flags the data row that contains the primary data for the type. For example, if the user long-presses a phone number for a contact and selects  Set default, then the  ContactsContract.Data row containing that number has its  IS_PRIMARY column set to a non-zero value.

Generic column names

There are 15 generic columns named DATA1 through DATA15 that are generally available and an additional four generic columns SYNC1 through SYNC4 that should only be used by sync adapters. The generic column name constants always work, regardless of the type of data the row contains.

The DATA1 column is indexed. The Contacts Provider always uses this column for the data that the provider expects will be the most frequent target of a query. For example, in an email row, this column contains the actual email address.

By convention, the column DATA15 is reserved for storing Binary Large Object (BLOB) data such as photo thumbnails.

Type-specific column names

To facilitate working with the columns for a particular type of row, the Contacts Provider also provides type-specific column name constants, defined in subclasses of ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds. The constants simply give a different constant name to the same column name, which helps you access data in a row of a particular type.

For example, the ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email class defines type-specific column name constants for a ContactsContract.Data row that has the MIME type Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE. The class contains the constant ADDRESS for the email address column. The actual value of ADDRESS is "data1", which is the same as the column's generic name.

Caution: Don't add your own custom data to the ContactsContract.Data table using a row that has one of the provider's pre-defined MIME types. If you do, you may lose the data or cause the provider to malfunction. For example, you should not add a row with the MIME type Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE that contains a user name instead of an email address in the column DATA1. If you use your own custom MIME type for the row, then you are free to define your own type-specific column names and use the columns however you wish.

Figure 2 shows how descriptive columns and data columns appear in a ContactsContract.Data row, and how type-specific column names "overlay" the generic column names

How type-specific column names map to generic column names

Figure 2. Type-specific column names and generic column names.

Type-specific column name classes

Table 2 lists the most commonly-used type-specific column name classes:

Table 2. Type-specific column name classes

Mapping class Type of data Notes
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName The name data for the raw contact associated with this data row. A raw contact has only one of these rows.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo The main photo for the raw contact associated with this data row. A raw contact has only one of these rows.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email An email address for the raw contact associated with this data row. A raw contact can have multiple email addresses.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal A postal address for the raw contact associated with this data row. A raw contact can have multiple postal addresses.
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership An identifier that links the raw contact to one of the groups in the Contacts Provider. Groups are an optional feature of an account type and account name. They're described in more detail in the sectionContact groups.


The Contacts Provider combines the raw contact rows across all account types and account names to form acontact. This facilitates displaying and modifying all the data a user has collected for a person. The Contacts Provider manages the creation of new contact rows, and the aggregation of raw contacts with an existing contact row. Neither applications nor sync adapters are allowed to add contacts, and some columns in a contact row are read-only.

Note: If you try to add a contact to the Contacts Provider with an insert(), you'll get anUnsupportedOperationException exception. If you try to update a column that's listed as "read-only," the update is ignored.

The Contacts Provider creates a new contact in response to the addition of a new raw contact that doesn't match any existing contacts. The provider also does this if an existing raw contact's data changes in such a way that it no longer matches the contact to which it was previously attached. If an application or sync adapter creates a new raw contact that does match an existing contact, the new raw contact is aggregated to the existing contact.

The Contacts Provider links a contact row to its raw contact rows with the contact row's _ID column in theContacts table. The CONTACT_ID column of the raw contacts table ContactsContract.RawContacts contains_ID values for the contacts row associated with each raw contacts row.

The ContactsContract.Contacts table also has the column LOOKUP_KEY that is a "permanent" link to the contact row. Because the Contacts Provider maintains contacts automatically, it may change a contact row's_ID value in response to an aggregation or sync. Even If this happens, the content URI CONTENT_LOOKUP_URIcombined with contact's LOOKUP_KEY will still point to the contact row, so you can use LOOKUP_KEY to maintain links to "favorite" contacts, and so forth. This column has its own format that is unrelated to the format of the_ID column.

Figure 3 shows how the three main tables relate to each other.

Contacts provider main tables

Figure 3. Contacts, Raw Contacts, and Details table relationships.

Data From Sync Adapters

Users enter contacts data directly into the device, but data also flows into the Contacts Provider from web services via sync adapters, which automate the transfer of data between the device and services. Sync adapters run in the background under the control of the system, and they call ContentResolver methods to manage data.

In Android, the web service that a sync adapter works with is identified by an account type. Each sync adapter works with one account type, but it can support multiple account names for that type. Account types and account names are described briefly in the section Sources of raw contacts data. The following definitions offer more detail, and describe how account type and name relate to sync adapters and services.

Account type
Identifies a service in which the user has stored data. Most of the time, the user has to authenticate with the service. For example, Google Contacts is an account type, identified by the code This value corresponds to the account type used by  AccountManager.
Account name
Identifies a particular account or login for an account type. Google Contacts accounts are the same as Google accounts, which have an email address as an account name. Other services may use a single-word username or numeric id.

Account types don't have to be unique. A user can configure multiple Google Contacts accounts and download their data to the Contacts Provider; this may happen if the user has one set of personal contacts for a personal account name, and another set for work. Account names are usually unique. Together, they identify a specific data flow between the Contacts Provider and an external service.

If you want to transfer your service's data to the Contacts Provider, you need to write your own sync adapter. This is described in more detail in the section Contacts Provider Sync Adapters.

Figure 4 shows how the Contacts Provider fits into the flow of data about people. In the box marked "sync adapters," each adapter is labeled by its account type.

Flow of data about people

Figure 4. The Contacts Provider flow of data.

Required Permissions

Applications that want to access the Contacts Provider must request the following permissions:

Read access to one or more tables
READ_CONTACTS, specified in  AndroidManifest.xml with the  <uses-permission> element as  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS">.
Write access to one or more tables
WRITE_CONTACTS, specified in  AndroidManifest.xml with the  <uses-permission> element as  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS">.

These permissions do not extend to the user profile data. The user profile and its required permissions are discussed in the following section, The User Profile.

Remember that the user's contacts data is personal and sensitive. Users are concerned about their privacy, so they don't want applications collecting data about them or their contacts. If it's not obvious why you need permission to access their contacts data, they may give your application low ratings or simply refuse to install it.

The User Profile

The ContactsContract.Contacts table has a single row containing profile data for the device's user. This data describes the device's user rather than one of the user's contacts. The profile contacts row is linked to a raw contacts row for each system that uses a profile. Each profile raw contact row can have multiple data rows. Constants for accessing the user profile are available in the ContactsContract.Profile class.

Access to the user profile requires special permissions. In addition to the READ_CONTACTS and WRITE_CONTACTSpermissions needed to read and write, access to the user profile requires the android.Manifest.permission#READ_PROFILE and android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_PROFILE permissions for read and write access, respectively.

Remember that you should consider a user's profile to be sensitive. The permission android.Manifest.permission#READ_PROFILE allows you to access the device user's personally-identifying data. Make sure to tell the user why you need user profile access permissions in the description of your application.

To retrieve the contact row that contains the user's profile, call ContentResolver.query(). Set the content URI to CONTENT_URI and don't provide any selection criteria. You can also use this content URI as the base URI for retrieving raw contacts or data for the profile. For example, this snippet retrieves data for the profile:

// Sets the columns to retrieve for the user profile
mProjection = new String[]

// Retrieves the profile from the Contacts Provider
mProfileCursor =
                mProjection ,

Note: If you retrieve multiple contact rows, and you want to determine if one of them is the user profile, test the row's IS_USER_PROFILE column. This column is set to "1" if the contact is the user profile.

Contacts Provider Metadata

The Contacts Provider manages data that keeps track of the state of contacts data in the repository. This metadata about the repository is stored in various places, including the Raw Contacts, Data, and Contacts table rows, the ContactsContract.Settings table, and the ContactsContract.SyncState table. The following table shows the effect of each of these pieces of metadata:

Table 3. Metadata in the Contacts Provider

Table Column Values Meaning
ContactsContract.RawContacts DIRTY "0" - not changed since the last sync. Marks raw contacts that were changed on the device and have to be synced back to the server. The value is set automatically by the Contacts Provider when Android applications update a row.

Sync adapters that modify the raw contact or data tables should always append the stringCALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER to the content URI they use. This prevents the provider from marking rows as dirty. Otherwise, sync adapter modifications appear to be local modifications and are sent to the server, even though the server was the source of the modification.

"1" - changed since last sync, needs to be synced back to the server.
ContactsContract.RawContacts VERSION The version number of this row. The Contacts Provider automatically increments this value whenever the row or its related data changes.
ContactsContract.Data DATA_VERSION The version number of this row. The Contacts Provider automatically increments this value whenever the data row is changed.
ContactsContract.RawContacts SOURCE_ID A string value that uniquely identifies this raw contact to the account in which it was created. When a sync adapter creates a new raw contact, this column should be set to the server's unique ID for the raw contact. When an Android application creates a new raw contact, the application should leave this column empty. This signals the sync adapter that it should create a new raw contact on the server, and get a value for theSOURCE_ID.

In particular, the source id must be unique for each account type and should be stable across syncs:

  • Unique: Each raw contact for an account must have its own source id. If you don't enforce this, you'll cause problems in the contacts application. Notice that two raw contacts for the same account type may have the same source id. For example, the raw contact "Thomas Higginson" for the is allowed to have the same source id as the raw contact "Thomas Higginson" for the account
  • Stable: Source ids are a permanent part of the online service's data for the raw contact. For example, if the user clears Contacts Storage from the Apps settings and re-syncs, the restored raw contacts should have the same source ids as before. If you don't enforce this, shortcuts will stop working.
ContactsContract.Groups GROUP_VISIBLE "0" - Contacts in this group should not be visible in Android application UIs. This column is for compatibility with servers that allow a user to hide contacts in certain groups.
"1" - Contacts in this group are allowed to be visible in application UIs.
ContactsContract.Settings UNGROUPED_VISIBLE "0" - For this account and account type, contacts that don't belong to a group are invisible to Android application UIs. By default, contacts are invisible if none of their raw contacts belongs to a group (Group membership for a raw contact is indicated by one or moreContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembershiprows in the ContactsContract.Data table). By setting this flag in the ContactsContract.Settings table row for an account type and account, you can force contacts without groups to be visible. One use of this flag is to show contacts from servers that don't use groups.
"1" - For this account and account type, contacts that don't belong to a group are visible to application UIs.
ContactsContract.SyncState (all) Use this table to store metadata for your sync adapter. With this table you can store sync state and other sync-related data persistently on the device.

Contacts Provider Access

This section describes guidelines for accessing data from the Contacts Provider, focusing on the following:

  • Entity queries.
  • Batch modification.
  • Retrieval and modification with intents.
  • Data integrity.

Making modifications from a sync adapter is also covered in more detail in the section Contacts Provider Sync Adapters.

Querying entities

Because the Contacts Provider tables are organized in a hierarchy, it's often useful to retrieve a row and all of the "child" rows that are linked to it. For example, to display all the information for a person, you may want to retrieve all the ContactsContract.RawContacts rows for a single ContactsContract.Contacts row, or all theContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email rows for a single ContactsContract.RawContacts row. To facilitate this, the Contacts Provider offers entity constructs, which act like database joins between tables.

An entity is like a table composed of selected columns from a parent table and its child table. When you query an entity, you supply a projection and search criteria based on the columns available from the entity. The result is aCursor that contains contains one row for each child table row that was retrieved. For example, if you queryContactsContract.Contacts.Entity for a contact name and all theContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email rows for all the raw contacts for that name, you get back aCursor containing one row for each ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email row.

Entities simplify queries. Using an entity, you can retrieve all of the contacts data for a contact or raw contact at once, instead of having to query the parent table first to get an ID, and then having to query the child table with that ID. Also, the Contacts Provider processes a query against an entity in a single transaction, which ensures that the retrieved data is internally consistent.

Note: An entity usually doesn't contain all the columns of the parent and child table. If you attempt to work with a column name that isn't in the list of column name constants for the entity, you'll get an Exception.

The following snippet shows how to retrieve all the raw contact rows for a contact. The snippet is part of a larger application that has two activities, "main" and "detail". The main activity shows a list of contact rows; when the user select one, the activity sends its ID to the detail activity. The detail activity uses theContactsContract.Contacts.Entity to display all of the data rows from all of the raw contacts associated with the selected contact.

This snippet is taken from the "detail" activity:

     * Appends the entity path to the URI. In the case of the Contacts Provider, the
     * expected URI is content:// (# is the ID value).
    mContactUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(

    // Initializes the loader identified by LOADER_ID.
            LOADER_ID,  // The identifier of the loader to initialize
            null,       // Arguments for the loader (in this case, none)
            this);      // The context of the activity

    // Creates a new cursor adapter to attach to the list view
    mCursorAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(
            this,                        // the context of the activity
            R.layout.detail_list_item,   // the view item containing the detail widgets
            mCursor,                     // the backing cursor
            mFromColumns,                // the columns in the cursor that provide the data
            mToViews,                    // the views in the view item that display the data
            0);                          // flags

    // Sets the ListView's backing adapter.
public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {

     * Sets the columns to retrieve.
     * RAW_CONTACT_ID is included to identify the raw contact associated with the data row.
     * DATA1 contains the first column in the data row (usually the most important one).
     * MIMETYPE indicates the type of data in the data row.
    String[] projection =

     * Sorts the retrieved cursor by raw contact id, to keep all data rows for a single raw
     * contact collated together.
    String sortOrder =
            ContactsContract.Contacts.Entity.RAW_CONTACT_ID +
            " ASC";

     * Returns a new CursorLoader. The arguments are similar to
     * ContentResolver.query(), except for the Context argument, which supplies the location of
     * the ContentResolver to use.
    return new CursorLoader(
            getApplicationContext(),  // The activity's context
            mContactUri,              // The entity content URI for a single contact
            projection,               // The columns to retrieve
            null,                     // Retrieve all the raw contacts and their data rows.
            null,                     //
            sortOrder);               // Sort by the raw contact ID.

When the load is finished, LoaderManager invokes a callback to onLoadFinished(). One of the incoming arguments to this method is a Cursor with the results of the query. In your own app, you can get the data from this Cursor to display it or work with it further.

Batch modification

Whenever possible, you should insert, update, and delete data in the Contacts Provider in "batch mode", by creating an ArrayList of ContentProviderOperation objects and calling applyBatch(). Because the Contacts Provider performs all of the operations in an applyBatch() in a single transaction, your modifications will never leave the contacts repository in an inconsistent state. A batch modification also facilitates inserting a raw contact and its detail data at the same time.

Note: To modify a single raw contact, consider sending an intent to the device's contacts application rather than handling the modification in your app. Doing this is described in more detail in the section Retrieval and modification with intents.

Yield points

A batch modification containing a large number of operations can block other processes, resulting in a bad overall user experience. To organize all the modifications you want to perform in as few separate lists as possible, and at the same time prevent them from blocking the system, you should set yield points for one or more operations. A yield point is a ContentProviderOperation object that has its isYieldAllowed() value set to true. When the Contacts Provider encounters a yield point, it pauses its work to let other processes run and closes the current transaction. When the provider starts again, it continues with the next operation in theArrayList and starts a new transaction.

Yield points do result in more than one transaction per call to applyBatch(). Because of this, you should set a yield point for the last operation for a set of related rows. For example, you should set a yield point for the last operation in a set that adds a raw contact rows and its associated data rows, or the last operation for a set of rows related to a single contact.

Yield points are also a unit of atomic operation. All accesses between two yield points will either succeed or fail as a single unit. If you don't set any yield points, the smallest atomic operation is the entire batch of operations. If you do use yield points, you prevent operations from degrading system performance, while at the same time ensuring that a subset of operations is atomic.

Modification back references

When you're inserting a new raw contact row and its associated data rows as a set ofContentProviderOperation objects, you have to link the data rows to the raw contact row by inserting the raw contact's _ID value as the RAW_CONTACT_ID value. However, this value isn't available when you're creating theContentProviderOperation for the data row, because you haven't yet applied the ContentProviderOperationfor the raw contact row. To work around this, the ContentProviderOperation.Builder class has the methodwithValueBackReference(). This method allows you to insert or modify a column with the result of a previous operation.

The withValueBackReference() method has two arguments:

The key of a key-value pair. The value of this argument should be the name of a column in the table that you're modifying.
The 0-based index of a value in the array of  ContentProviderResult objects from  applyBatch(). As the batch operations are applied, the result of each operation is stored in an intermediate array of results. The previousResult value is the index of one of these results, which is retrieved and stored with the  keyvalue. This allows you to insert a new raw contact record and get back its  _ID value, then make a "back reference" to the value when you add a  ContactsContract.Data row.

The entire result array is created when you first call applyBatch(), with a size equal to the size of theArrayList of ContentProviderOperation objects you provide. However, all the elements in the result array are set to null, and if you try to do a back reference to a result for an operation that hasn't yet been applied, withValueBackReference() throws an Exception.

The following snippets show how to insert a new raw contact and data in batch. They includes code that establishes a yield point and uses a back reference. The snippets are an expanded version of thecreateContacEntry() method, which is part of the ContactAdder class in the Contact Manager sample application.

The first snippet retrieves contact data from the UI. At this point, the user has already selected the account for which the new raw contact should be added.

// Creates a contact entry from the current UI values, using the currently-selected account.
protected void createContactEntry() {
     * Gets values from the UI
    String name = mContactNameEditText.getText().toString();
    String phone = mContactPhoneEditText.getText().toString();
    String email = mContactEmailEditText.getText().toString();

    int phoneType = mContactPhoneTypes.get(

    int emailType = mContactEmailTypes.get(

The next snippet creates an operation to insert the raw contact row into the ContactsContract.RawContactstable:

     * Prepares the batch operation for inserting a new raw contact and its data. Even if
     * the Contacts Provider does not have any data for this person, you can't add a Contact,
     * only a raw contact. The Contacts Provider will then add a Contact automatically.

     // Creates a new array of ContentProviderOperation objects.
    ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops =
            new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>();

     * Creates a new raw contact with its account type (server type) and account name
     * (user's account). Remember that the display name is not stored in this row, but in a
     * StructuredName data row. No other data is required.
    ContentProviderOperation.Builder op =
            .withValue(ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE, mSelectedAccount.getType())
            .withValue(ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, mSelectedAccount.getName());

    // Builds the operation and adds it to the array of operations

Next, the code creates data rows for the display name, phone, and email rows.

Each operation builder object uses withValueBackReference() to get the RAW_CONTACT_ID. The reference points back to the ContentProviderResult object from the first operation, which adds the raw contact row and returns its new _ID value. As a result, each data row is automatically linked by its RAW_CONTACT_ID to the newContactsContract.RawContacts row to which it belongs.

The ContentProviderOperation.Builder object that adds the email row is flagged with withYieldAllowed(), which sets a yield point:

    // Creates the display name for the new raw contact, as a StructuredName data row.
    op =
             * withValueBackReference sets the value of the first argument to the value of
             * the ContentProviderResult indexed by the second argument. In this particular
             * call, the raw contact ID column of the StructuredName data row is set to the
             * value of the result returned by the first operation, which is the one that
             * actually adds the raw contact row.
            .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)

            // Sets the data row's MIME type to StructuredName

            // Sets the data row's display name to the name in the UI.
            .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName.DISPLAY_NAME, name);

    // Builds the operation and adds it to the array of operations

    // Inserts the specified phone number and type as a Phone data row
    op =
             * Sets the value of the raw contact id column to the new raw contact ID returned
             * by the first operation in the batch.
            .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)

            // Sets the data row's MIME type to Phone

            // Sets the phone number and type
            .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER, phone)
            .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.TYPE, phoneType);

    // Builds the operation and adds it to the array of operations

    // Inserts the specified email and type as a Phone data row
    op =
             * Sets the value of the raw contact id column to the new raw contact ID returned
             * by the first operation in the batch.
            .withValueBackReference(ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID, 0)

            // Sets the data row's MIME type to Email

            // Sets the email address and type
            .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ADDRESS, email)
            .withValue(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.TYPE, emailType);

     * Demonstrates a yield point. At the end of this insert, the batch operation's thread
     * will yield priority to other threads. Use after every set of operations that affect a
     * single contact, to avoid degrading performance.

    // Builds the operation and adds it to the array of operations

The last snippet shows the call to applyBatch() that inserts the new raw contact and data rows.

    // Ask the Contacts Provider to create a new contact
    Log.d(TAG,"Selected account: " + mSelectedAccount.getName() + " (" +
            mSelectedAccount.getType() + ")");
    Log.d(TAG,"Creating contact: " + name);

     * Applies the array of ContentProviderOperation objects in batch. The results are
     * discarded.
    try {

            getContentResolver().applyBatch(ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, ops);
    } catch (Exception e) {

            // Display a warning
            Context ctx = getApplicationContext();

            CharSequence txt = getString(R.string.contactCreationFailure);
            int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
            Toast toast = Toast.makeText(ctx, txt, duration);

            // Log exception
            Log.e(TAG, "Exception encountered while inserting contact: " + e);

Batch operations also allow you to implement optimistic concurrency control, a method of applying modification transactions without having to lock the underlying repository. To use this method, you apply the transaction and then check for other modifications that may have been made at the same time. If you find an inconsistent modification has occurred, you roll back your transaction and retry it.

Optimistic concurrency control is useful for a mobile device, where there's only one user at a time, and simultaneous accesses to a data repository are rare. Because locking isn't used, no time is wasted on setting locks or waiting for other transactions to release their locks.

To use optimistic concurrency control while updating a single ContactsContract.RawContacts row, follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve the raw contact's VERSION column along with the other data you retrieve.
  2. Create a ContentProviderOperation.Builder object suitable for enforcing a constraint, using the methodnewAssertQuery(Uri). For the content URI, use RawContacts.CONTENT_URI with the raw contact's _IDappended to it.
  3. For the ContentProviderOperation.Builder object, call withValue() to compare the VERSION column to the version number you just retrieved.
  4. For the same ContentProviderOperation.Builder, call withExpectedCount() to ensure that only one row is tested by this assertion.
  5. Call build() to create the ContentProviderOperation object, then add this object as the first object in theArrayList that you pass to applyBatch().
  6. Apply the batch transaction.

If the raw contact row is updated by another operation between the time you read the row and the time you attempt to modify it, the "assert" ContentProviderOperation will fail, and the entire batch of operations will be backed out. You can then choose to retry the batch or take some other action.

The following snippet demonstrates how to create an "assert" ContentProviderOperation after querying for a single raw contact using a CursorLoader:

 * The application uses CursorLoader to query the raw contacts table. The system calls this method
 * when the load is finished.
public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) {

    // Gets the raw contact's _ID and VERSION values
    mRawContactID = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(BaseColumns._ID));
    mVersion = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(SyncColumns.VERSION));


// Sets up a Uri for the assert operation
Uri rawContactUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, mRawContactID);

// Creates a builder for the assert operation
ContentProviderOperation.Builder assertOp = ContentProviderOperation.netAssertQuery(rawContactUri);

// Adds the assertions to the assert operation: checks the version and count of rows tested
assertOp.withValue(SyncColumns.VERSION, mVersion);

// Creates an ArrayList to hold the ContentProviderOperation objects
ArrayList ops = new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperationg>;


// You would add the rest of your batch operations to "ops" here


// Applies the batch. If the assert fails, an Exception is thrown
        ContentProviderResult[] results =
                getContentResolver().applyBatch(AUTHORITY, ops);

    } catch (OperationApplicationException e) {

        // Actions you want to take if the assert operation fails go here

Retrieval and modification with intents

Sending an intent to the device's contacts application allows you to access the Contacts Provider indirectly. The intent starts the device's contacts application UI, in which users can do contacts-related work. With this type of access, users can:

  • Pick a contact from a list and have it returned to your app for further work.
  • Edit an existing contact's data.
  • Insert a new raw contact for any of their accounts.
  • Delete a contact or contacts data.

If the user is inserting or updating data, you can collect the data first and send it as part of the intent.

When you use intents to access the Contacts Provider via the device's contacts application, you don't have to write your own UI or code for accessing the provider. You also don't have to request permission to read or write to the provider. The device's contacts application can delegate read permission for a contact to you, and because you're making modifications to the provider through another application, you don't have to have write permissions.

The general process of sending an intent to access a provider is described in detail in the Content Provider Basics guide in the section "Data access via intents." The action, MIME type, and data values you use for the available tasks are summarized in Table 4, while the extras values you can use with putExtra() are listed in the reference documentation for ContactsContract.Intents.Insert:

Table 4. Contacts Provider Intents.

Task Action Data MIME type Notes
Pick a contact from a list ACTION_PICK One of: Not used Displays a list of raw contacts or a list of data from a raw contact, depending on the content URI type you supply.

CallstartActivityForResult(), which returns the content URI of the selected row. The form of the URI is the table's content URI with the row'sLOOKUP_ID appended to it. The device's contacts app delegates read and write permissions to this content URI for the life of your activity. See the Content Provider Basics guide for more details.

Insert a new raw contact Insert.ACTION N/A RawContacts.CONTENT_TYPE, MIME type for a set of raw contacts. Displays the device's contacts application's Add Contact screen. The extras values you add to the intent are displayed. If sent withstartActivityForResult(), the content URI of the newly-added raw contact is passed back to your activity'sonActivityResult()callback method in theIntent argument, in the "data" field. To get the value, call getData().
Edit a contact ACTION_EDIT CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI for the contact. The editor activity will allow the user to edit any of the data associated with this contact. Contacts.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, a single contact. Displays the Edit Contact screen in the contacts application. The extras values you add to the intent are displayed. When the user clicks Done to save the edits, your activity returns to the foreground.
Display a picker that can also add data. ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT N/A CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE This intent always displays the contacts app's picker screen. The user can either pick a contact to edit, or add a new contact. Either the edit or the add screen appears, depending on the user's choice, and the extras data you pass in the intent is displayed. If your app displays contact data such as an email or phone number, use this intent to allow the user to add the data to an existing contact. contact,

Note: There's no need to send a name value in this intent's extras, because the user always picks an existing name or adds a new one. Moreover, if you send a name, and the user chooses to do an edit, the contacts app will display the name you send, overwriting the previous value. If the user doesn't notice this and saves the edit, the old value is lost.

The device's contacts app doesn't allow you to delete a raw contact or any of its data with an intent. Instead, to delete a raw contact, use ContentResolver.delete() or ContentProviderOperation.newDelete().

The following snippet shows how to construct and send an intent that inserts a new raw contact and data:

// Gets values from the UI
String name = mContactNameEditText.getText().toString();
String phone = mContactPhoneEditText.getText().toString();
String email = mContactEmailEditText.getText().toString();

String company = mCompanyName.getText().toString();
String jobtitle = mJobTitle.getText().toString();

// Creates a new intent for sending to the device's contacts application
Intent insertIntent = new Intent(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.ACTION);

// Sets the MIME type to the one expected by the insertion activity

// Sets the new contact name
insertIntent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.NAME, name);

// Sets the new company and job title
insertIntent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.COMPANY, company);
insertIntent.putExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.JOB_TITLE, jobtitle);

 * Demonstrates adding data rows as an array list associated with the DATA key

// Defines an array list to contain the ContentValues objects for each row
ArrayList<ContentValues> contactData = new ArrayList<ContentValues>();

 * Defines the raw contact row

// Sets up the row as a ContentValues object
ContentValues rawContactRow = new ContentValues();

// Adds the account type and name to the row
rawContactRow.put(ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE, mSelectedAccount.getType());
rawContactRow.put(ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, mSelectedAccount.getName());

// Adds the row to the array

 * Sets up the phone number data row

// Sets up the row as a ContentValues object
ContentValues phoneRow = new ContentValues();

// Specifies the MIME type for this data row (all data rows must be marked by their type)

// Adds the phone number and its type to the row
phoneRow.put(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER, phone);

// Adds the row to the array

 * Sets up the email data row

// Sets up the row as a ContentValues object
ContentValues emailRow = new ContentValues();

// Specifies the MIME type for this data row (all data rows must be marked by their type)

// Adds the email address and its type to the row
emailRow.put(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ADDRESS, email);

// Adds the row to the array

 * Adds the array to the intent's extras. It must be a parcelable object in order to
 * travel between processes. The device's contacts app expects its key to be
 * Intents.Insert.DATA
insertIntent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(ContactsContract.Intents.Insert.DATA, contactData);

// Send out the intent to start the device's contacts app in its add contact activity.

Data integrity

Because the contacts repository contains important and sensitive data that users expect to be correct and up-to-date, the Contacts Provider has well-defined rules for data integrity. It's your responsibility to conform to these rules when you modify contacts data. The important rules are listed here:

Always add a  ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName row for every ContactsContract.RawContacts row you add.
ContactsContract.RawContacts row without a  ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredNamerow in the  ContactsContract.Data table may cause problems during aggregation.
Always link new  ContactsContract.Data rows to their parent  ContactsContract.RawContacts row.
ContactsContract.Data row that isn't linked to a  ContactsContract.RawContacts won't be visible in the device's contacts application, and it might cause problems with sync adapters.
Change data only for those raw contacts that you own.
Remember that the Contacts Provider is usually managing data from several different account types/online services. You need to ensure that your application only modifies or deletes data for rows that belong to you, and that it only inserts data with an account type and name that you control.
Always use the constants defined in  ContactsContract and its subclasses for authorities, content URIs, URI paths, column names, MIME types, and  TYPE values.
Using these constants helps you to avoid errors. You'll also be notified with compiler warnings if any of the constants is deprecated.

Custom data rows

By creating and using your own custom MIME types, you can insert, edit, delete, and retrieve your own data rows in the ContactsContract.Data table. Your rows are limited to using the column defined inContactsContract.DataColumns, although you can map your own type-specific column names to the default column names. In the device's contacts application, the data for your rows is displayed but can't be edited or deleted, and users can't add additional data. To allow users to modify your custom data rows, you must provide an editor activity in your own application.

To display your custom data, provide a contacts.xml file containing a <ContactsAccountType> element and one or more of its <ContactsDataKind> child elements. This is described in more detail in the section<ContactsDataKind> element.

To learn more about custom MIME types, read the Creating a Content Provider guide.

Contacts Provider Sync Adapters

The Contacts Provider is specifically designed for handling synchronization of contacts data between a device and an online service. This allows users to download existing data to a new device and upload existing data to a new account. Synchronization also ensures that users have the latest data at hand, regardless of the source of additions and changes. Another advantage of synchronization is that it makes contacts data available even when the device is not connected to the network.

Although you can implement synchronization in a variety of ways, the Android system provides a plug-in synchronization framework that automates the following tasks:

  • Checking network availability.
  • Scheduling and executing synchronization, based on user preferences.
  • Restarting synchronizations that have stopped.

To use this framework, you supply a sync adapter plug-in. Each sync adapter is unique to a service and content provider, but can handle multiple account names for the same service. The framework also allows multiple sync adapters for the same service and provider.

Sync adapter classes and files

You implement a sync adapter as a subclass of AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter and install it as part of an Android application. The system learns about the sync adapter from elements in your application manifest, and from a special XML file pointed to by the manifest. The XML file defines the account type for the online service and the authority for the content provider, which together uniquely identify the adapter. The sync adapter does not become active until the user adds an account for the sync adapter's account type and enables synchronization for the content provider the sync adapter syncs with. At that point, the system starts managing the adapter, calling it as necessary to synchronize between the content provider and the server.

Note: Using an account type as part of the sync adapter's identification allows the system to detect and group together sync adapters that access different services from the same organization. For example, sync adapters for Google online services all have the same account type When users add a Google account to their devices, all of the installed sync adapters for Google services are listed together; each sync adapter listed syncs with a different content provider on the device.

Because most services require users to verify their identity before accessing data, the Android system offers an authentication framework that is similar to, and often used in conjunction with, the sync adapter framework. The authentication framework uses plug-in authenticators that are subclasses of AbstractAccountAuthenticator. An authenticator verifies the user's identity in the following steps:

  1. Collects the user's name, password or similar information (the user's credentials).
  2. Sends the credentials to the service
  3. Examines the service's reply.

If the service accepts the credentials, the authenticator can store the credentials for later use. Because of the plug-in authenticator framework, the AccountManager can provide access to any authtokens an authenticator supports and chooses to expose, such as OAuth2 authtokens.

Although authentication is not required, most contacts services use it. However, you're not required to use the Android authentication framework to do authentication.

Sync adapter implementation

To implement a sync adapter for the Contacts Provider, you start by creating an Android application that contains the following:

Service component that responds to requests from the system to bind to the sync adapter.
When the system wants to run a synchronization, it calls the service's  onBind() method to get an IBinder for the sync adapter. This allows the system to do cross-process calls to the adapter's methods.

In the Sample Sync Adapter sample app, the class name of this service

The actual sync adapter, implemented as a concrete subclass of  AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter.
This class does the work of downloading data from the server, uploading data from the device, and resolving conflicts. The main work of the adapter is done in the method  onPerformSync(). This class must be instantiated as a singleton.

In the Sample Sync Adapter sample app, the sync adapter is defined in the

A subclass of  Application.
This class acts as a factory for the sync adapter singleton. Use the  onCreate() method to instantiate the sync adapter, and provide a static "getter" method to return the singleton to the  onBind() method of the sync adapter's service.
Optional: A  Service component that responds to requests from the system for user authentication.
AccountManager starts this service to begin the authentication process. The service's  onCreate()method instantiates an authenticator object. When the system wants to authenticate a user account for the application's sync adapter, it calls the service's  onBind() method to get an  IBinder for the authenticator. This allows the system to do cross-process calls to the authenticator's methods..

In the Sample Sync Adapter sample app, the class name of this service

Optional: A concrete subclass of  AbstractAccountAuthenticator that handles requests for authentication.
This class provides methods that the  AccountManager invokes to authenticate the user's credentials with the server. The details of the authentication process vary widely, based on the server technology in use. You should refer to the documentation for your server software to learn more about authentication.

In the Sample Sync Adapter sample app, the authenticator is defined in the

XML files that define the sync adapter and authenticator to the system.
The sync adapter and authenticator service components described previously are defined in  <service>elements in the application manifest. These elements contain  <meta-data> child elements that provide specific data to the system:
  • The <meta-data> element for the sync adapter service points to the XML fileres/xml/syncadapter.xml. In turn, this file specifies a URI for the web service that will be synchronized with the Contacts Provider, and an account type for the web service.
  • Optional: The <meta-data> element for the authenticator points to the XML fileres/xml/authenticator.xml. In turn, this file specifies the account type that this authenticator supports, as well as UI resources that appear during the authentication process. The account type specified in this element must be the same as the account type specified for the sync adapter.

Social Stream Data

The android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems and android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotos tables manage incoming data from social networks. You can write a sync adapter that adds stream data from your own network to these tables, or you can read stream data from these tables and display it in your own application, or both. With these features, your social networking services and applications can be integrated into Android's social networking experience.

Social stream text

Stream items are always associated with a raw contact. The android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#RAW_CONTACT_ID links to the _ID value for the raw contact. The account type and account name of the raw contact are also stored in the stream item row.

Store the data from your stream in the following columns:

Required. The user's account type for the raw contact associated with this stream item. Remember to set this value when you insert a stream item.
Required. The user's account name for the raw contact associated with this stream item. Remember to set this value when you insert a stream item.
Identifier columns
Required. You must insert the following identifier columns when you insert a stream item:
  • android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#CONTACT_ID: The android.provider.BaseColumns#_ID value of the contact that this stream item is associated with.
  • android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#CONTACT_LOOKUP_KEY: The android.provider.ContactsContract.ContactsColumns#LOOKUP_KEY value of the contact this stream item is associated with.
  • android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#RAW_CONTACT_ID: The android.provider.BaseColumns#_ID value of the raw contact that this stream item is associated with.
Optional. Stores summary information that you can display at the beginning of a stream item.
The text of the stream item, either the content that was posted by the source of the item, or a description of some action that generated the stream item. This column can contain any formatting and embedded resource images that can be rendered by  fromHtml(). The provider may truncate or ellipsize long content, but it will try to avoid breaking tags.
A text string containing the time the stream item was inserted or updated, in the form of  millisecondssince epoch. Applications that insert or update stream items are responsible for maintaining this column; it is not automatically maintained by the Contacts Provider.

To display identifying information for your stream items, use the android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#RES_ICON, android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#RES_LABEL, and android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#RES_PACKAGE to link to resources in your application.

The android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems table also contains the columns android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#SYNC1 through android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#SYNC4 for the exclusive use of sync adapters.

Social stream photos

The android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotos table stores photos associated with a stream item. The table's android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotosColumns#STREAM_ITEM_ID column links to values in the _ID column of android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems table. Photo references are stored in the table in these columns:

android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotos#PHOTO column (a BLOB).
A binary representation of the photo, resized by the provider for storage and display. This column is available for backwards compatibility with previous versions of the Contacts Provider that used it for storing photos. However, in the current version you should not use this column to store photos. Instead, use either android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotosColumns#PHOTO_FILE_ID or android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotosColumns#PHOTO_URI (both of which are described in the following points) to store photos in a file. This column now contains a thumbnail of the photo, which is available for reading.
A numeric identifier of a photo for a raw contact. Append this value to the constant DisplayPhoto.CONTENT_URI to get a content URI pointing to a single photo file, and then call openAssetFileDescriptor() to get a handle to the photo file.
A content URI pointing directly to the photo file for the photo represented by this row. Call openAssetFileDescriptor() with this URI to get a handle to the photo file.

Using the social stream tables

These tables work the same as the other main tables in the Contacts Provider, except that:

  • These tables require additional access permissions. To read from them, your application must have the permission android.Manifest.permission#READ_SOCIAL_STREAM. To modify them, your application must have the permission android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_SOCIAL_STREAM.
  • For the android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems table, the number of rows stored for each raw contact is limited. Once this limit is reached, the Contacts Provider makes space for new stream item rows by automatically deleting the rows having the oldest android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#TIMESTAMP. To get the limit, issue a query to the content URI android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems#CONTENT_LIMIT_URI. You can leave all the arguments other than the content URI set to null. The query returns a Cursor containing a single row, with the single column android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems#MAX_ITEMS.

The class android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems.StreamItemPhotos defines a sub-table of android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotos containing the photo rows for a single stream item.

Social stream interactions

The social stream data managed by the Contacts Provider, in conjunction with the device's contacts application, offers a powerful way to connect your social networking system with existing contacts. The following features are available:

  • By syncing your social networking service to the Contacts Provider with a sync adapter, you can retrieve recent activity for a user's contacts and store it in the android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems and android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotos tables for later use.
  • Besides regular synchronization, you can trigger your sync adapter to retrieve additional data when the user selects a contact to view. This allows your sync adapter to retrieve high-resolution photos and the most recent stream items for the contact.
  • By registering a notification with the device's contacts application and the Contacts Provider, you can receivean intent when a contact is viewed, and at that point update the contact's status from your service. This approach may be faster and use less bandwidth than doing a full sync with a sync adapter.
  • Users can add a contact to your social networking service while looking at the contact in the device's contacts application. You enable this with the "invite contact" feature, which you enable with a combination of an activity that adds an existing contact to your network, and an XML file that provides the device's contacts application and the Contacts Provider with the details of your application.

Regular synchronization of stream items with the Contacts Provider is the same as other synchronizations. To learn more about synchronization, see the section Contacts Provider Sync Adapters. Registering notifications and inviting contacts are covered in the next two sections.

Registering to handle social networking views

To register your sync adapter to receive notifications when the user views a contact that's managed by your sync adapter:

  1. Create a file named contacts.xml in your project's res/xml/ directory. If you already have this file, you can skip this step.
  2. In this file, add the element <ContactsAccountType xmlns:android="">. If this element already exists, you can skip this step.
  3. To register a service that is notified when the user opens a contact's detail page in the device's contacts application, add the attribute viewContactNotifyService="serviceclass" to the element, whereserviceclass is the fully-qualified classname of the service that should receive the intent from the device's contacts application. For the notifier service, use a class that extends IntentService, to allow the service to receive intents. The data in the incoming intent contains the content URI of the raw contact the user clicked. From the notifier service, you can bind to and then call your sync adapter to update the data for the raw contact.

To register an activity to be called when the user clicks on a stream item or photo or both:

  1. Create a file named contacts.xml in your project's res/xml/ directory. If you already have this file, you can skip this step.
  2. In this file, add the element <ContactsAccountType xmlns:android="">. If this element already exists, you can skip this step.
  3. To register one of your activities to handle the user clicking on a stream item in the device's contacts application, add the attribute viewStreamItemActivity="activityclass" to the element, whereactivityclass is the fully-qualified classname of the activity that should receive the intent from the device's contacts application.
  4. To register one of your activities to handle the user clicking on a stream photo in the device's contacts application, add the attribute viewStreamItemPhotoActivity="activityclass" to the element, whereactivityclass is the fully-qualified classname of the activity that should receive the intent from the device's contacts application.

The <ContactsAccountType> element is described in more detail in the section <ContactsAccountType> element.

The incoming intent contains the content URI of the item or photo that the user clicked. To have separate activities for text items and for photos, use both attributes in the same file.

Interacting with your social networking service

Users don't have to leave the device's contacts application to invite a contact to your social networking site. Instead, you can have the device's contacts app send an intent for inviting the contact to one of your activities. To set this up:

  1. Create a file named contacts.xml in your project's res/xml/ directory. If you already have this file, you can skip this step.
  2. In this file, add the element <ContactsAccountType xmlns:android="">. If this element already exists, you can skip this step.
  3. Add the following attributes:
    • inviteContactActivity="activityclass"
    • inviteContactActionLabel="@string/invite_action_label"
    The activityclass value is the fully-qualified classname of the activity that should receive the intent. Theinvite_action_label value is a text string that's displayed in the Add Connection menu in the device's contacts application.

Note: ContactsSource is a deprecated tag name for ContactsAccountType.

contacts.xml reference

The file contacts.xml contains XML elements that control the interaction of your sync adapter and application with the contacts application and the Contacts Provider. These elements are described in the following sections.

<ContactsAccountType> element

The <ContactsAccountType> element controls the interaction of your application with the contacts application. It has the following syntax:


contained in:


can contain:



Declares Android components and UI labels that allow users to invite one of their contacts to a social network, notify users when one of their social networking streams is updated, and so forth.

Notice that the attribute prefix android: is not necessary for the attributes of <ContactsAccountType>.


The fully-qualified class name of the activity in your application that you want to activate when the user selects  Add connection from the device's contacts application.
A text string that is displayed for the activity specified in  inviteContactActivity, in the  Add connectionmenu. For example, you can use the string "Follow in my network". You can use a string resource identifier for this label.
The fully-qualified class name of a service in your application that should receive notifications when the user views a contact. This notification is sent by the device's contacts application; it allows your application to postpone data-intensive operations until they're needed. For example, your application can respond to this notification by reading in and displaying the contact's high-resolution photo and most recent social stream items. This feature is described in more detail in the section  Social stream interactions. You can see an example of the notification service in the file in the SampleSyncAdapter sample app.
The fully-qualified class name of an activity in your application that can display group information. When the user clicks the group label in the device's contacts application, the UI for this activity is displayed.
The label that the contacts application displays for a UI control that allows the user to look at groups in your application.

For example, if you install the Google+ application on your device and you sync Google+ with the contacts application, you'll see Google+ circles listed as groups in your contacts application's Groups tab. If you click on a Google+ circle, you'll see people in that circle listed as a "group". At the top of the display, you'll see a Google+ icon; if you click it, control switches to the Google+ app. The contacts application does this with the viewGroupActivity, using the Google+ icon as the value of viewGroupActionLabel.

A string resource identifier is allowed for this attribute.

The fully-qualified class name of an activity in your application that the device's contacts application launches when the user clicks a stream item for a raw contact.
The fully-qualified class name of an activity in your application that the device's contacts application launches when the user clicks a photo in the stream item for a raw contact.
<ContactsDataKind> element

The <ContactsDataKind> element controls the display of your application's custom data rows in the contacts application's UI. It has the following syntax:


contained in:



Use this element to have the contacts application display the contents of a custom data row as part of the details of a raw contact. Each <ContactsDataKind> child element of <ContactsAccountType> represents a type of custom data row that your sync adapter adds to the ContactsContract.Data table. Add one<ContactsDataKind> element for each custom MIME type you use. You don't have to add the element if you have a custom data row for which you don't want to display data.


The custom MIME type you've defined for one of your custom data row types in the ContactsContract.Data table. For example, the value could be a custom MIME type for a data row that records a contact's last known location.
An Android  drawable resource that the contacts application displays next to your data. Use this to indicate to the user that the data comes from your service.
The column name for the first of two values retrieved from the data row. The value is displayed as the first line of the entry for this data row. The first line is intended to be used as a summary of the data, but that is optional. See also  android:detailColumn.
The column name for the second of two values retrieved from the data row. The value is displayed as the second line of the entry for this data row. See also  android:summaryColumn.

Additional Contacts Provider Features

Besides the main features described in previous sections, the Contacts Provider offers these useful features for working with contacts data:

  • Contact groups
  • Photo features

Contact groups

The Contacts Provider can optionally label collections of related contacts with group data. If the server associated with a user account wants to maintain groups, the sync adapter for the account's account type should transfer groups data between the Contacts Provider and the server. When users add a new contact to the server and then put this contact in a new group, the sync adapter must add the new group to theContactsContract.Groups table. The group or groups a raw contact belongs to are stored in theContactsContract.Data table, using the ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership MIME type.

If you're designing a sync adapter that will add raw contact data from server to the Contacts Provider, and you aren't using groups, then you need to tell the Provider to make your data visible. In the code that is executed when a user adds an account to the device, update the ContactsContract.Settings row that the Contacts Provider adds for the account. In this row, set the value of the Settings.UNGROUPED_VISIBLE column to 1. When you do this, the Contacts Provider will always make your contacts data visible, even if you don't use groups.

Contact photos

The ContactsContract.Data table stores photos as rows with MIME type Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE. The row's CONTACT_ID column is linked to the _ID column of the raw contact to which it belongs. The classContactsContract.Contacts.Photo defines a sub-table of ContactsContract.Contacts containing photo information for a contact's primary photo, which is the primary photo of the contact's primary raw contact. Similarly, the class ContactsContract.RawContacts.DisplayPhoto defines a sub-table ofContactsContract.RawContacts containing photo information for a raw contact's primary photo.

The reference documentation for ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo andContactsContract.RawContacts.DisplayPhoto contain examples of retrieving photo information. There is no convenience class for retrieving the primary thumbnail for a raw contact, but you can send a query to theContactsContract.Data table, selecting on the raw contact's _ID, the Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, and theIS_PRIMARY column to find the raw contact's primary photo row.

Social stream data for a person may also include photos. These are stored in the android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotos table, which is described in more detail in the sectionSocial stream photos.



  • 其基本结构供应商。
  • 如何检索从提供的数据。
  • 如何修改提供的数据。
  • 如何写一个同步适配器从服务器到联系人提供商同步数据。

本指南假定您知道Android的内容提供商的基础知识。要了解更多关于Android的内容提供商,阅读 内容提供商基本指南。该 样品同步适配器 示例应用程序是使用同步适配器联系人提供和由谷歌Web服务托管的一个示例应用程序之间传输数据的一个例子。






合同类为代表的其他表ContactsContract 是联系人提供用于管理其操作或支持该设备的联系人或电话应用程序的特定功能辅助表。



最为原始接触的数据都没有存储在 ContactsContract.RawContacts表。相反,它存储在一个或多个行ContactsContract.Data表。每个数据行都有一个列 Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID包含RawContacts._ID其父价值ContactsContract.RawContacts一行。




列名 使用 笔记
用户名 帐户名称为帐户类型这是此生接触的来源。例如,谷歌帐户的帐户名是设备所有者的Gmail地址之一。请参阅下一个条目 ACCOUNT_TYPE获取更多信息。 这个名字的格式是具体到其帐户类型。它不一定是电子邮件地址。
帐户类型 帐户类型这是此生接触的来源。例如,谷歌帐户的帐户类型是。永远与你自己的域或控制域标识符合您的帐户类型。这将确保您的帐户类型是独一无二的。 通常提供的联系人数据的帐户类型具有与联系人同步提供相关的同步适配器。
DELETED “已删除”标志的原始接触。 此标志允许联系人提供商保持内部行,直到同步适配器能够从他们的服务器中删除的行,然后最终删除存储库中的行。

以下是有关重要事项 ContactsContract.RawContacts表:

  • 一个原始联系人的名称不存储在其行 ContactsContract.RawContacts。相反,它存储在ContactsContract.Data表,在一个 ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName行。一个原始联系人只有一行这种类型中的ContactsContract.Data表。
  • 注意:要在原始接触一行使用自己的帐户数据 ​​,必须首先将其与登记注册的AccountManager。要做到这一点,提示用户帐户类型和他们的帐户名称添加到帐户列表。如果你不这样做,联系人提供商将自动删除您的原始联系行。




  • Twitter帐户“belle_of_amherst”

该用户已启用同步联系人在所有这三个帐户的 帐户设置。

假设艾米莉狄金森打开浏览器窗口,登录到Gmail作为,打开联系人,并增加了“托马斯·希金森”。后来,她登录到Gmail作为 emilyd@gmail.com并发送电子邮件至“托马斯希金森”,它会自动添加他为联系人。她还遵循“colonel_tom”在Twitter(托马斯·希金森的Twitter ID)。


  1. 对于“托马斯·希金森”A原接触有关。用户帐户类型是谷歌。
  2. 对于“托马斯·希金森”第二生接触相关。用户帐户类型也是谷歌。有即使名称是相同的一个以前的名称,因为对于不同的用户帐户中加入人的第二生接触。
  3. 对于“托马斯·希金森”与“belle_of_amherst”有关的第三个原料接触。用户帐户类型是Twitter的。


如前面所指出的,对于一个原始联系人的数据存储在一个 ContactsContract.Data链接到原始接触的行 _ID值。这允许单个原料接触到具有相同的数据类型的多个实例,例如电子邮件地址或电话号码。例如,如果“托马斯·希金森”对于 (与谷歌帐户关联托马斯·希金森原料接触排有一个家庭的电子邮件地址 thigg@gmail.com和的工作电子邮件地址,联系人提供商存储两个电子邮件地址,行并将它们都链接到原始的接触。

注意,不同类型的数据被存储在该单个表。显示姓名,电话号码,电子邮件,邮寄地址,照片和网站的细节行中都发现 ContactsContract.Data表。为了帮助实现这一点, ContactsContract.Data表中有描述性的名字,并与通用名称等一些列。一个描述名称列的内容具有相同的含义而不管该行中的数据的类型,而通用名栏的内容具有取决于数据的类型不同的含义。



所述的值 _ID对这种数据的原始接触的柱。
类型存储在该行中的数据,表示为自定义的MIME类型。在联系人提供程序使用的子类中定义的MIME类型 ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds。这些MIME类型是开源的,并且可以通过与联系人提供商合作的任何应用程序或同步适配器一起使用。
如果这种类型的数据行的,就可能出现一次以上的原料接触时,  IS_PRIMARY列标志包含该类型的主数据中的数据行。例如,如果用户长时间按下一个电话号码供一个接触,并选择 设置默认,则 ContactsContract.Data含有该号码的行具有其 IS_PRIMARY列设置为非零值。


有15名为通用列DATA1通过 DATA15是通常可用,另外四个通用列SYNC1通过SYNC4只应由同步适配器配合使用。通用列名常量总是工作,无论行包含数据的类型。





例如,ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email类定义特定类型的列名常量的ContactsContract.Data具有MIME类型行 Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE。该类包含常量 地址的电子邮件地址列。的实际值 地址是“DATA1”,这是相同的列的总称。

注意:不要将自己的自定义数据添加到 ContactsContract.Data使用具有供应商的预定义的MIME类型之一行的表。如果你这样做,可能会丢失数据或导致供应出现故障。例如,你不应该MIME类型添加一行Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE包含用户名,而不是在列的电子邮件地址DATA1。如果您使用自己的自定义MIME类型的行,然后你可以自由定义自己的特定类型的列名,并按照自己的喜好使用的列。

图2显示了列和数据列如何描述出现在 ContactsContract.Data行,怎么特定类型的列名“叠加”的通用列名






映射类 数据类型 笔记
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName 与此数据列相关的原料相接触的名称的数据。 一个原始联系人只有这些行之一。
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Photo 主要的照片与此数据行相关的原料接触。 一个原始联系人只有这些行之一。
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email 的电子邮件地址与此数据行相关的原料接触。 的裸联系人可以有多个电子邮件地址。
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal 邮政地址与此数据行相关的原料接触。 的裸联系人可以有多个邮政地址。
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership 链接原始接触以在联系人提供的组中的一个的识别符。 组是一个帐户类型和帐户名的可选功能。他们更详细地一节所述联系人组



注意:如果您尝试添加联系人到联系人提供程序与 插件() ,你会得到一个UnsupportedOperationException异常例外。如果您尝试更新的列为列“只读”的更新将被忽略。

联系人提供商创建响应增加了一个新的原始联系人不匹配任何现有的接触一个新的联系人。提供者也确实本如果以这样的方式现有原始联系人的数据的变化,它不再接触的匹配其所先前连接。如果一个应用程序或同步适配器创建一个新的原料接触时 匹配现有的接触,新的原始联系人汇集到现有的联系人。

联系人提供链接的联系人行其原料接触行与该联系人行的 _ID联络 表。该CONTACT_ID原料接触表列ContactsContract.RawContacts包含_ID与每个原始联系人行相关联的联系人行值。

ContactsContract.Contacts表还具有列 LOOKUP_KEY这是一个“永久”链接到联系人行。由于联系人提供商自动保持接触,可能会更改联系人行的_ID响应聚合或同步值。即使发生这种情况,内容URI CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI接触的结合LOOKUP_KEY仍将指向接触行,所以你可以使用 LOOKUP_KEY 保有环节为“最爱”的接触,等等。该列有它自己的格式,无关的格式_ID列。






在Android中,一个同步适配器适用于由账户类型确定的Web服务。每个同步适配器一个帐户类型的作品,但它可以支持多个帐户名该类型。帐户类型和帐户名称中的部分进行了简要说明 原料的接触数据来源。以下定义提供更多的细节,描述了帐户类型和名称如何与同步适配器和服务。

标识该用户已经存储的数据的服务。大部分时间,用户的服务进行认证。例如,谷歌联系人是一个帐户类型,由代码标识。此值对应于由所使用的帐户类型  的AccountManager

帐户类型不必是唯一的。用户可以配置多个谷歌帐户的联系人及其数据下载到联系人供应商; 如果用户有一组用于个人帐户名个人联系人,和另一组的工作,这可能发生。账户名称通常是唯一的。在一起,它们识别联系人提供程序和外部服务之间的特定数据流。

如果你想你的服务的数据传输到联系人提供商,你需要编写自己的同步适配器。此进行更详细的部分中所述 联系人提供同步适配器






READ_CONTACTS,在指定  的AndroidManifest.xml与  <使用许可权>的元素  <使用许可权的android:NAME =“android.permission.READ_CONTACTS”>
WRITE_CONTACTS,在指定  的AndroidManifest.xml与  <使用许可权>的元素  <使用许可权的android:NAME =“android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS”>

这些权限不延伸到用户配置文件数据。用户配置文件和其所需的权限在下一节讨论 的用户配置文件




访问用户配置文件需要特殊的权限。除了 ​​READ_CONTACTS和 WRITE_CONTACTS读写所需的权限,访问用户配置文件需要读的android.Manifest.permission#READ_PROFILE和android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_PROFILE权限分别写访问。


要检索包含用户的个人资料的联系人行,调用ContentResolver.query() 。设置内容URI来 CONTENT_URI,不提供任何选择标准。您也可以使用此内容的URI的基础URI用于检索的配置文件的原始接触或数据。例如,该片段检索配置文件数据:


mProfileCursor = 
        getContentResolver ()查询

注意:如果您检索多个联系人行,并要确定是否其中之一就是用户配置文件,测试该行的 IS_USER_PROFILE列。这列被设置为“1”,如果接触是用户简档。


联系人提供商管理着跟踪接触数据状态的存储库中的数据。这是关于存储库的元数据存储在不同的地方,包括原始的联系人,数据和联系人表行的 ContactsContract.Settings表和 ContactsContract.SyncState表。下表显示了这些片元数据的效果:


ContactsContract.RawContacts “0” - 不是因为上次同步改变。 被改变的设备上,并有标记的原始接触可以同步回服务器。该值由联系人提供商时,Android应用程序更新行自动设置。


“1” - 从去年的同步变化,需要将同步回服务器。
ContactsContract.RawContacts 该行的版本号。 联系人提供商自动递增该值,每当行或其相关数据的变化。
ContactsContract.Data DATA_VERSION 该行的版本号。 联系人提供商自动递增这个值每当数据行被改变。
ContactsContract.RawContacts SOURCE_ID 一个字符串值,唯一标识此生联系,在其被创建的帐户。 当一个同步适配器创建一个新的原料接触,此栏应设置为服务器的唯一ID为原料的接触。当一个Android应用程序创建一个新的原始联系人,应用程序应该将此列留空。这标志着,它应该在服务器上创建一个新的原始接触,并获得了一个价值同步适配器SOURCE_ID


  • 独特之处:一个账户必须有它自己的源ID每个生接触。如果不执行这一点,你就会导致联系人应用程序的问题。请注意,对于同一帐户的两个原始接触类型可以有相同的源ID。例如,原始接触“托马斯·希金森”为帐户emily.dickinson@gmail.com允许具有相同的源ID为原料接触“托马斯·希金森”为账户
  • 稳定:源ID是在线服务的数据的原始接触的永久组成部分。例如,如果用户从应用程序的设置,并重新同步清除电话簿存储,恢复的原始接触应具有相同的源ID作为前。如果不强制执行此,快捷方式将停止工作。
ContactsContract.Groups GROUP_VISIBLE “0” - 这个群组的联络不应该在Android应用程序的用户界面可见。 此列与允许用户隐藏在某些群体的接触服务器的兼容性。
“1” - 这个群组的联络被允许在应用程序用户界面可见。
ContactsContract.Settings UNGROUPED_VISIBLE “0” - 对于这个帐户和帐户类型,不属于一组联系人是不可见的Andr​​oid应用程序的用户界面。 默认情况下,如果没有其原始触点属于一个组(组成员资格的原接触是通过一个或更多个指示的接触是不可见的ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership行中ContactsContract.Data表)。通过设置在该标志ContactsContract.Settings表行一个帐户类型和帐户,您可以强制联系人没有组是可见的。一个使用此标志是表现出与不使用组服务器联系。
“1” - 对于此帐户和帐户类型,即不属于一组联系人是应用的用户界面中可见。
ContactsContract.SyncState (所有) 使用此表来存储元数据的同步适配器。 有了这个表,你可在设备上持久保存同步状态和其它同步相关的数据。



  • 实体的查询。
  • 批量修改。
  • 检索和修改与意图。
  • 数据的完整性。

从同步适配器进行修改也包括在部分已经详细的 联系方式提供同步适配器


由于联系人提供的表中,用层级组织的,它往往是有用的检索行和所有链接到它的“子”行。例如,要显示一个人的所有信息,你可能要检索所有 ContactsContract.RawContacts为单排 ContactsContract.Contacts行或全部ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email为单排 ContactsContract.RawContacts一行。为了推动这项工作,联系人提供商提供了实体的结构,它像数据库表之间的联接。




下面的代码片段展示了如何检索所有联系人的原始接触行。该片段是有两个活动,“主”和“细节”的一个更大的应用程序的一部分。主要活动显示联系人行的列表; 当用户选择一个,该活动发送其ID到详细的活性。详细活动使用ContactsContract.Contacts.Entity 从所有与所选联系人相关联的原始联系人显示所有数据行。


    / * 



    getLoaderManager 。()initLoader 
            LOADER_ID   //加载的标识符初始化
            );       //该活动的上下文

    / /创建一个新的光标适配器来连接到列表视图
    mCursorAdapter =   SimpleCursorAdapter 
            - [R 布局detail_list_item    //包含细节视图项部件
            mCursor                      //后盾光标
            mFromColumns                 //光标的列,提供数据
            mToViews                     //在视图项时显示的数据视图
            0 );                           //标志



     * DATA1中包含的数据行(通常是最重要的一种)中的第一列。
     * MIMETYPE指示数据的数据的类型 


     * / 
    字符串中将sortOrder = 
            ContactsContract 联系人实体RAW_CONTACT_ID + 
            “ASC” ; 

    / * 
     * ContentResolver.query(),除上下文参数,它提供的位置
     * / 
    返回  CursorLoader 
            getApplicationContext ()  //活动的上下文
            mContactUri               //实体内容URI对于单个联系人
            的投影               //列检索
            中将sortOrder );                //排序原料接触式ID 

当负载完成后,LoaderManager调用回调 onLoadFinished() 。之一的入参数这种方法是一个 光标与查询的结果。在你自己的应用程序,你可以从这个获取数据光标以显示它或它的进一步工作。


只要有可能,你应该插入,更新,并在“批处理模式”删除联系人提供的数据,通过创建一个ArrayList中ContentProviderOperation对象和调用 applyBatch() 。由于联系人提供执行在所有的操作applyBatch()在一个事务中,您的修改将永远不会离开联系人存储库处于不一致的状态。一个批量修改也方便插入,同时原始的接触及其明细数据。

注意:要修改单一原料接触,考虑派遣一个意图设备的联系人应用程序,而不是在你的应用程序处理的修改。这样做的更详细的部分中所述 检索和修改与意图


含有大量运算的批量修改可以阻止其他进程,导致糟糕的整体用户体验。要组织所有你想在尽可能少的单独的列表尽可能地进行修改,并同时防止它们阻塞系统,你应该设置屈服点为一个或多个操作。屈服点是一个ContentProviderOperation的,其目的 isYieldAllowed()设置为值 。当联系人提供者遇到的屈服点,将暂停其工作,让其他进程运行,关闭当前的事务。当提供者再次启动时,它继续在下一操作的ArrayList并启动一个新的事务。

不导致每次调用多个事务的收益率点 applyBatch() 。正因为如此,你应该为最后操作的屈服点为一组相关的行。例如,你应该在一组,增加了一个生接触行和它的相关联的数据的行,或最后一个操作的一组相关的一个单触点的行设置为最后一个动作的屈服点。



当要插入一个新的原始接触行和其相关的数据行作为一组的 ContentProviderOperation对象,必须通过将原料接触的对数据行到原始接触行链接 _ID值作为 RAW_CONTACT_ID值。但是,当你创建这个值不可ContentProviderOperation 的数据行,因为你还没有应用 ContentProviderOperation为原料接触一行。要解决这个问题,该ContentProviderOperation.Builder类有方法 withValueBackReference() 。这种方法允许你插入或前一个操作的结果修改列。

withValueBackReference() 方法有两个参数:

值的数组中的从零开始的索引  ContentProviderResult物体  applyBatch() 。作为被施加了批量操作,每个操作的结果存储在结果中的中间阵列。的 previousResult值是这些结果,这是检索并存储与所述的一个的索引 关键 值。这允许你插入一个新的原始联系人记录,并取回其  _ID值,然后做一个“反向引用”的值当您添加 ContactsContract.Data一行。

整个结果阵列创建当你第一次调用 applyBatch() ,其大小等于大小的ArrayListContentProviderOperation对象,您提供的。然而,结果数组中的所有元素都设置为,如果你试图为一个尚未被应用,操作做一回参考结果 withValueBackReference() 抛出一个异常

下面演示了如何将分批一个新的原始联系人和数据。它们包括建立一个屈服点,并使用一回参考代码。该片段是的扩展版本createContacEntry()方法,这是一部分 ContactAdder类中的 联系人管理器示例应用程序。


保护 无效createContactEntry () { 
    / * 
    String name = mContactNameEditText . getText (). toString (); 
    String phone = mContactPhoneEditText . getText (). toString (); 
    String email = mContactEmailEditText . getText (). toString (); 

    int phoneType = mContactPhoneTypes . get ( 
            mContactPhoneTypeSpinner . getSelectedItemPosition ()); 

    int emailType = mContactEmailTypes . get ( 
            mContactEmailTypeSpinner . getSelectedItemPosition ());

接下来的代码片断创建的操作将原始联系行插入到 ContactsContract.RawContacts表:

    / * 
     * / 

    的ArrayList < ContentProviderOperation > OPS = 
             的ArrayList < ContentProviderOperation >(); 

    / * 
     * StructuredName数据行。没有其他数据 


    OPS 建设());


每个操作建设者对象使用 withValueBackReference() 来获得 RAW_CONTACT_ID。参考点回ContentProviderResult从第一操作,这增加了生接触行并返回其新对象_ID 值。其结果是,每一个数据行被自动通过其链接 RAW_CONTACT_ID 到新ContactsContract.RawContacts行到它所属的。

ContentProviderOperation.Builder,增加了电子邮件行对象将被标记withYieldAllowed() ,它设置了一个屈服点:

    OP = 
            ContentProviderOperation newInsert ContactsContract 数据CONTENT_URI 
            / * 
             * withValueBackReference第一个参数的值设置为值
             * / 
            withValueBackReference ContactsContract 数据RAW_CONTACT_ID  0 


            withValue ContactsContract CommonDataKinds StructuredName DISPLAY_NAME ); 

    OPS 建设()) ; 

    OP = 
            ContentProviderOperation newInsert ContactsContract 数据CONTENT_URI 
            / * 
             * / 
            withValueBackReference ContactsContract 数据RAW_CONTACT_ID  0 



    OPS 建设()); 

    OP = 
            ContentProviderOperation newInsert ContactsContract 数据CONTENT_URI 
            / * 
             * / 
            withValueBackReference ContactsContract 数据RAW_CONTACT_ID  0 



     * / 
    OP withYieldAllowed 真实); 

    OPS 建设()) ;

最后一个片段展示了调用 )applyBatch(中插入新的原始联系人和数据行。

    记录ð TAG “选择的记载:”  + mSelectedAccount 的getName () +  “(”  + 
            mSelectedAccount 的getType () +  “)” ); 
    登录ð TAG “创建联系人”  + 姓名); 

    / * 





            日志ê TAG  “遇到了异常,而插入接触:”  + ë ); 



要使用乐观并发控制,同时更新单个 ContactsContract.RawContacts行,请按照下列步骤操作:

  1. 检索原始联系人的版本 与您检索其他数据一起列。
  2. 创建ContentProviderOperation.Builder适合强制执行约束,使用该方法的对象 newAssertQuery(URI)。对于内容的URI,使用RawContacts.CONTENT_URI 与原料接触的_ID追加到它。
  3. 对于ContentProviderOperation.Builder对象,调用 withValue()来比较VERSION 列到你刚刚检索到的版本号。
  4. 对于相同ContentProviderOperation.Builder,调用 withExpectedCount() ,以确保只有一行被这个断言测试。
  5. 呼叫建立()创建 ContentProviderOperation对象,那么在添加此对象作为第一个对象的ArrayList传递给 applyBatch() 
  6. 应用批量交易。

如果原始联系行由你读了行,你试图去修改它的时间的时间之间的另一个操作更新的“断言”ContentProviderOperation 会失败,整个操作批次将回退。然后,您可以选择重试批处理或采取一些其他动作。

下面的代码演示了如何创建一个“断言” ContentProviderOperation查询使用一个单一的原料接触后CursorLoader

/ * 
 * / 
公共 无效onLoadFinished 装载机< 光标> 装载机 光标指针 { 


乌里rawContactUri =  ContentUris withAppendedId RawContacts CONTENT_URI mRawContactID ); 


assertOp withValue SyncColumns VERSION mVersion ); 
assertOp withExpectedCount 1 ); 

ArrayList的OPS =   的ArrayList < ContentProviderOperationg >; 

OPS assertOp 建设()); 









  • 挑选从列表中的联系人,并将它返回到您的应用程序做进一步的工作。
  • 编辑现有的联系人数据。
  • 插入任何其账户的新原料接触。
  • 删除或多个联系人数据。



发送意图访问提供者的一般过程进行了详细描述的 内容提供商基础在节指南“意图通过数据访问。” 动作,MIME类型和数据使用的可用任务值列于表4,而额外值,您可以使用 putExtra()的参考文档中列出ContactsContract.Intents.Insert


任务 行动 数据 MIME类型 笔记
挑选从列表中的联系人 ACTION_PICK 其中之一: 不曾用过 显示原始联系人列表或数据从原始的接触,视所提供内容的URI类型的列表。

调用startActivityForResult(),它返回选定行的内容URI。URI的形式是表的内容URI与行的LOOKUP_ID追加到它。该设备的联系人应用程序代表读取和写入权限此内容URI为您的活动的使用寿命。请参阅 内容提供商基本了解更多详情指南。

插入一个新的原料接触 Insert.ACTION N / A RawContacts.CONTENT_TYPE,MIME类型为一组原始的联系人。 显示设备的联系人应用程序的添加联系人屏幕。显示你添加到意图的额外价值。如果与发送startActivityForResult()新添加的原料接触的内容URI被传递回您的活动的 的onActivityResult() 回调方法的意图的说法,在“数据”字段。要获取值,调用的getData() 
编辑联系人 ACTION_EDIT CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI联系人。编辑活动将允许用户编辑任何与此联系人相关的数据。 Contacts.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE,单个联系人。 显示在联系人应用程序中编辑联系人屏幕。显示你添加到意图的额外价值。当用户点击完成保存编辑,您的活动返回到前台。
显示一个选择器也可以添加数据。 ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT N / A CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE 此意图总是显示联系人应用程序的选择器屏幕。用户既可以选择联系人进行编辑,或添加新的联系人。无论是编辑或外接屏幕,这取决于用户的选择,并显示在你的意图传递额外数据。如果您的应用程序显示联系人数据,如电子邮件或电话号码,用这个意图允许用户将数据添加到现有联系人。联系,


该设备的联系人应用程序不允许您删除原始联系人或任何其数据与意图。相反,删除原接触,使用ContentResolver.delete() 或ContentProviderOperation.newDelete() 



意向insertIntent =   意图ContactsContract 意图插入ACTION ); 

insertIntent 的setType ContactsContract RawContacts CONTENT_TYPE ) ; 

insertIntent putExtra ContactsContract 意图插入名称姓名); 


 * / 

//定义一个数组列表,包含每行的ContentValues ​​对象
的ArrayList < ContentValues ​​> 联络资料=   的ArrayList < ContentValues ​​>(); 

/ * 
 * / 

//设置成一个ContentValues ​​对象的行
ContentValues ​​rawContactRow =   ContentValues ​​(); 


联络资料添加rawContactRow ); 

/ * 
 * / 

//设置成一个ContentValues ​​对象的行
ContentValues ​​phoneRow =   ContentValues ​​(); 



phoneRow ContactsContract CommonDataKinds 电话号码电话); 

联络资料添加phoneRow ); 

/ * 
 * / 

//设置成一个ContentValues ​​对象的行
ContentValues ​​emailRow =   ContentValues ​​(); 



emailRow ContactsContract CommonDataKinds 电子邮件地址电子邮件); 

联络资料添加emailRow ); 

/ * 

startActivity insertIntent );



随时添加一个 ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName一行每 ContactsContract.RawContacts行添加。
一个 ContactsContract.RawContacts没有排  ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName在行 ContactsContract.Data表可能聚集过程中导致问题。
新始终链接 ContactsContract.Data行其父  ContactsContract.RawContacts一行。
一个 ContactsContract.Data未链接到行  ContactsContract.RawContacts不会在设备的联系人应用程序可见的,则可能会导致同步适配器的问题。
始终使用定义的常量 ContactsContract及其子类主管部门,内容的URI,URI路径,列名,MIME类型和  TYPE值。


通过创建和使用自己的自定义MIME类型,您可以插入,编辑,删除,并在恢复自己的数据行ContactsContract.Data表。你行仅限于使用定义的列 ContactsContract.DataColumns,虽然你可以映射你自己的特定类型的列名的默认列名。在设备的联系人应用程序,将显示您的行数据,但不能编辑或删除,并且用户不能添加额外的数据。要允许用户修改自定义数据行,必须在自己的应用程序提供了一个编辑的活动。

要显示自定义的数据,提供了一个contacts.xml包含文件 <ContactsAccountType>元素和一个或多个的<ContactsDataKind>子元素。此进行更详细的部分中所述<ContactsDataKind>元素

要了解更多有关自定义MIME类型,请阅读 创建内容提供商指南。


在联系人提供专门用于处理设计同步 的设备和在线服务之间的联系的数据。这允许用户对现有数据下载到新的设备和上传现有数据到一个新的帐户。同步还可以确保用户随时掌握最新的数据,而不管添加和更改的来源。同步的另一个优点是,它使触点可用数据即使当设备没有连接到网络。


  • 检查网络的可用性。
  • 调度和执行同步,根据用户的喜好。
  • 重新启动已停止同步。



您可以实现同步适配器的子类 AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter并安装它作为一个Android应用程序的一部分。该系统得知在应用程序的清单元素同步适配器,从一个特殊的XML文件的清单指向。XML文件定义了在线服务和内容提供商,它们共同唯一标识适配器的权限帐户类型。直到用户添加了一个帐户同步适配器的帐户类型,使同步的内容提供商同步适配器同步同步适配器并不活跃。在这一点上,在系统启动管理适配器,并称其为必要的内容提供者和服务器之间进行同步。

注意:使用的帐户类型的同步适配器的识别部允许系统检测和组一起同步处理,从相同的组织访问不同服务适配器。例如,谷歌的在线服务同步适配器都具有相同的帐户类型。当用户添加一个谷歌帐户,以自己的设备,所有谷歌服务的安装同步适配器被列在一起; 每个同步适配器同步上市与设备上的其他内容提供商。

由于大多数服务都需要用户的访问数据之前验证自己的身份,Android系统提供了一个认证框架,它类似于,并与其同步适配器框架结合经常使用。验证框架使用插件认证程序是的子类 AbstractAccountAuthenticator。验证者验证用户的在下面的步骤身份:

  1. 收集用户名,密码或类似的信息(用户的 凭据)。
  2. 发送凭据服务
  3. 检查服务的答复。

如果服务接受证书,认证可以存储供以后使用的凭证。因为插件认证器的框架,所述 的AccountManager可以以任何authtokens提供接入的认证器支架和选择公开,如OAuth2用户authtokens。




一个 服务,响应来自系统的请求组件绑定到同步适配器。
当系统要运行同步,它调用服务的  onBind()方法来获得  的IBinder的同步适配器。这使得该系统能够执行跨进程调用到适配器的方法。


实际的同步适配器,作为一个具体子类实现  AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter
这个类从服务器下载数据,从设备上传数据,和解决冲突的工作。适配器的主要工作是在方法完成 onPerformSync() 。这个类必须被实例化一个单例。


的子类 应用
此类充当一个工厂同步适配器单身。使用  的onCreate()方法来实例化同步适配器,并提供了一个静态的“吸气剂”的方法,以单身返回  onBind()同步适配器的服务方式。
可选的:一个 服务,响应从系统用户认证请求组件。
的AccountManager启动此服务开始验证过程。该服务的 的onCreate()方法实例化一个认证对象。当系统要为应用程序的同步适配器进行身份验证的用户帐户,它调用服务的  onBind()方法来获得  的IBinder的认证。这允许系统做跨进程调用到验证的方法..


可选:的具体子类  AbstractAccountAuthenticator处理身份验证请 ​​求。
这个类提供了方法 的AccountManager调用与服务器验证用户的凭据。认证过程的细节千差万别,基于服务器的技术中使用。您应该参考的文档服务器软件,以了解更多有关认证。


前面所描述的同步适配器和身份验证服务组件中定义的  服务 > 在应用程序清单的元素。这些元素包含 元数据 > 子元素提供具体的数据到系统中:
  • 在 元数据 > 元素的同步适配器服务点XML文件RES / XML / syncadapter.xml。反过来,此文件指定为将与联系人提供同步web服务,并为网络服务账户类型的URI。
  • 可选:在 元数据 > 的认证指向XML文件中的元素 RES / XML / authenticator.xml。反过来,此文件指定该验证支持在认证过程中出现的帐户类型,以及用户界面的资源。在此元素指定的帐户类型必须相同同步适配器指定的帐户类型。




流的项目总是与原始联系人相关联。该android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#RAW_CONTACT_ID链接到 _ID的原料接触值。生接触的帐户类型和帐户名称也存储在流项排。


  • android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#CONTACT_ID:此流项都与相关联的接触的android.provider.BaseColumns#_ID值。
  • android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#CONTACT_LOOKUP_KEY:此流项都与相关联的接触的android.provider.ContactsContract.ContactsColumns#LOOKUP_KEY值。
  • android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#RAW_CONTACT_ID:此流项都与相关联的原始接触的android.provider.BaseColumns#_ID值。
流项目的文本,要么被张贴的项目来源,或产生的数据流项目的一些操作的描述的内容。此列可以包含任何格式化且可由呈现嵌入资源图像  fromHtml() 。该供应商可能会截断或ellipsize长的内容,但会尽量避免打破标签。
包含流项目插入或更新,在形式时的文本字符串 毫秒自时代。该插入或更新流项目负责维护此列的应用; 它不会自动联系人提供维护。





照片的原始联系人的数字标识符。这个附加价值,不断  DisplayPhoto.CONTENT_URI 获得内容URI指向一个图片文件,然后调用  openAssetFileDescriptor()得到的句柄照片文件。
A含量URI直接指向由该行表示照片中的照片文件。呼叫 openAssetFileDescriptor()与此URI来得到一个处理照片文件。



  • 这些表需要额外的访问权限。从他们阅读,应用程序必须具有的权限android.Manifest.permission#READ_SOCIAL_STREAM。要修改它们,你的应用程序必须具有的权限android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_SOCIAL_STREAM。
  • 为android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems表,存储对每个原始接触的行数是有限的。一旦达到此限制时,联系人提供商通过自动删除具有最老android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemsColumns#TIMESTAMP行使得新流项目行的空间。要得到限制,发出查询的内容URI android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems#CONTENT_LIMIT_URI。你可以把所有比URI设置为内容的其他参数为空。该查询返回一个包含单个行的光标,跟单柱android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems#MAX_ITEMS。




  • 通过同步你的社交网络服务联系人提供者进行同步适配器,您可以检索最近的活动用户的联系人,并将其存储在以后使用android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItems和android.provider.ContactsContract.StreamItemPhotos表。
  • 除了常规的同步,可以触发同步适配器来获取额外的数据,当用户选择一个联系人进行查看。这允许您同步适配器来获取高分辨率的照片和联系人的最新流项目。
  • 通过注册设备的联系人应用程序和联系人提供的通知,您可以收到一个意图接触被浏览时,在这一点从服务更新联系人的状态。这种方法可能更快,使用更少的带宽不是做一个完全同步与同步适配器。
  • 用户可以一边观看在设备的联系人应用程序联系人的联系人添加到您的社交网络服务。你的“邀请联系人”功能,您使用,增加了现有的联系人到您的网络,并提供设备的联系人应用程序的XML文件和应用程序的详细信息联系人提供一个活动的组合使启用此功能。

与联系人提供流项目定期同步是一样的其他同步。要了解更多有关同步,请参见 联系人提供商同步适配器。注册通知和邀请联系人盖在接下来的两节。



  1. 创建一个文件名 ​​为contacts.xml在项目的RES / XML / 目录下。如果你已经有了这个文件,你可以跳过这一步。
  2. 在这个文件中,添加的元素 <ContactsAccountType的xmlns:机器人=“”>。如果这个元素已经存在,则可以跳过此步骤。
  3. 要注册,当用户在设备的联系人应用程序打开一个联系人的详细信息页面被通知的服务,添加属性viewContactNotifyService =“ serviceclass ”的元素,其中 serviceclass是服务的完全限定类名应从收到的意图该设备的联系人应用程序。对于通知服务,使用扩展的类IntentService,允许服务接收意向。传入意图的数据包含原始接触用户点击的内容URI。从通知服务,可以绑定到,然后调用您的同步适配器更新数据的原始接触。


  1. 创建一个文件名 ​​为contacts.xml在项目的RES / XML / 目录下。如果你已经有了这个文件,你可以跳过这一步。
  2. 在这个文件中,添加的元素 <ContactsAccountType的xmlns:机器人=“”>。如果这个元素已经存在,则可以跳过此步骤。
  3. 注册您的活动之一来处理用户点击在设备的联系人应用程序流的项目,添加属性 viewStreamItemActivity =“activityclass ”的元素,其中 activityclass是活动的完全限定类名应从收到的意图该设备的联系人应用程序。
  4. 注册您的活动之一来处理用户点击在设备的联系人应用程序流的照片,添加属性viewStreamItemPhotoActivity =“ activityclass ”的元素,其中 activityclass是活动的完全限定类名应从收到的意图该设备的联系人应用程序。





  1. 创建一个文件名 ​​为contacts.xml在项目的RES / XML / 目录下。如果你已经有了这个文件,你可以跳过这一步。
  2. 在这个文件中,添加的元素 <ContactsAccountType的xmlns:机器人=“”>。如果这个元素已经存在,则可以跳过此步骤。
  3. 添加以下属性:
    • inviteContactActivity =“ activityclass ”
    • inviteContactActionLabel =“@字符串/ invite_action_label ”
    activityclass值是应该得到的意图活动的完全限定类名。该invite_action_label 值时显示的文本字符串添加连接菜单中的设备的联系人应用程序。

注: ContactsSource是被废弃的标签名 ContactsAccountType





        xmlns:android = "" 
        inviteContactActivity = " activity_name " 
        inviteContactActionLabel = " invite_command_text " 
        viewContactNotifyService = " view_notify_service " 
        viewGroupActivity = " group_view_activity " 
        viewGroupActionLabel = " group_action_text " 
        viewStreamItemActivity = " viewstream_activity_name " 
        viewStreamItemPhotoActivity = " viewphotostream_activity_name " >


RES / XML / contacts.xml







您希望当用户选择来激活应用程序中的活动的完全限定类名 添加连接,从设备的联系人应用程序。
这将显示在指定的活动的文本字符串  inviteContactActivity,在 添加连接菜单。例如,你可以使用字符串“按照我的网络”。您可以使用字符串资源标识符此标签。
在你的应用程序的服务,当用户查看联系人时,应该接收通知的完全限定类名。该通知被设备的联系人应用程序发送; 它可以让你的应用程序在需要的,直到他们推迟数据密集型操作。例如,您的应用程序可以通过读取并显示联系人的高分辨率照片和最新的社会流项目该通知作出回应。这个功能进行更详细的部分中所述 社会流相互作用。你可以看到在通知服务的例子 NotifierService.java在文件  SampleSyncAdapter 示例应用程序。

例如,如果你在设备上安装了Google+应用程序,您将Google+同步的联系人应用程序,你会看到如组联系人应用程序上市的Google+圈 ​​子中选项卡。如果你点击Google+圈 ​​子,你会看到人们在列为“本集团”那个圈子。在显示器的顶部,你会看到一个Google+图标; 如果你点击它,控制切换到Google+应用。联系人应用程序做到这一点的 viewGroupActivity,使用Google+图标作为价值 viewGroupActionLabel




        android:mimeType = " MIMEtype " 
        android:icon = " icon_resources " 
        android:summaryColumn = " column_name " 
        android:detailColumn = " column_name " >




使用这个元素有联系人应用程序显示自定义的数据行的内容作为原始联系人的详细信息部分。每个<ContactsDataKind>的子元素<ContactsAccountType>代表一个类型的自定义数据行的,你的同步适配器添加到ContactsContract.Data表。添加一个 <ContactsDataKind>元素为您使用每个自定义MIME类型。您不必如果您有您不希望显示数据的自定义数据行要添加的元素。


自定义MIME类型你已经在你的自定义数据行类型定义  ContactsContract.Data表。例如,值 / vnd.example.locationstatus可以是自定义的MIME类型,记录联系人的最后已知位置的数据行。
一个Android  绘制资源 ,该联系人应用程序旁边会显示您的数据。这是用来表示该数据来自您的服务的用户。
列名第一个从数据行检索两个值。值显示作为该数据行的条目的第一行。第一行旨在被用作数据的总结,但是这是可选的。又见  机器人:detailColumn
列名从数据行检索两个值的第二个。值显示作为该数据行的条目的第二行。又见  机器人:summaryColumn



  • 联系人组
  • 拍照功能


联系人提供者可选择与相关联系人标签收集 数据。如果与用户帐户相关联的服务器要维护组,该帐户的帐户类型的同步适配器应联系人提供商和服务器之间传输组的数据。当用户添加新的联系人到服务器,然后把新组该联系人,同步适配器必须添加新组到ContactsContract.Groups表。原料接触所属的一个或多个组,以被存储在ContactsContract.Data表,使用ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership MIME类型。

如果你正在设计一个同步适配器将从服务器到联系人提供程序添加原始联系人数据,而没有使用组,那么你需要告诉供应商,以使您的数据可见。在这时候,用户添加的帐户的装置执行的代码,更新ContactsContract.Settings 一行联系人提供的帐户补充道。在此行中,的值设置Settings.UNGROUPED_VISIBLE列1.当你这样做时,联系人提供商将永远让你的通讯录中的数据可见,即使你不使用群体。


ContactsContract.Data表存储的照片作为MIME类型行 Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE。行的 CONTACT_ID列链接到 _ID原料接触到它所属的列。该类ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo定义的一个子表ContactsContract.Contacts包含联系人的主照片,这是该联系人的主要原料联系人的主照片照片信息。同样地,类ContactsContract.RawContacts.DisplayPhoto定义的一个子表ContactsContract.RawContacts包含用于生接触的主照片照片信息。

为参考文档ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo和 ContactsContract.RawContacts.DisplayPhoto包含检索照片信息的例子。没有为返回主缩略图原始接触没有方便的类,但你可以发送一个查询到 ContactsContract.Data表,选择对原始联系人的 _ID的 Photo.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPEIS_PRIMARY 栏里找到原始联系人的首选照片一行。






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