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原创 xcode13 building for iOS Simulator, but linking in dylib built for iOS, 报错

xcode13 building for iOS Simulator, but linking in dylib built for iOS, 报错Intel芯片换苹果 M1芯片

2022-06-20 17:02:32 2126

原创 20200917--iOS之FileHandle,文件操作类

ClassFileHandleAn object-oriented wrapper for a file descriptor.--文件描述符的面向对象的包装者--所以文件句柄就是对文件描述符的包装者Declarationclass FileHandle : NSObjectOverview --概览You use file handle objects to access data associated ...

2020-09-17 15:11:41 669

原创 20200917--iOS之NSURL类,文件定位的对象

ClassNSURLAn object representing the location of a resource that bridges to URL; use NSURL when you need reference semantics or other Foundation-specific behavior.--表征桥接到URL的资源位置的对象;当您需要引用语义或其他特定于Foundation的行为时,请使用NSURL。--是一个对象,有自己的行为的,而不是单纯...

2020-09-17 14:26:46 609

原创 20200803--iOS之Calendar结构体,表示日历

StructureCalendarA definition of the relationships between calendar units (such as eras, years, and weekdays) and absolute points in time, providing features for calculation and comparison of dates.--日历单位(如纪元、年和工作日)与绝对时间点之间关系的定义,提供日期的计算和比较功能。Declar

2020-08-03 10:40:55 774

原创 20200714--iOS之DateFormatter类,日期格式化器

ClassDateFormatterA formatter that converts between dates and their textual representations.--在日期及其文本表示形式之间进行转换的格式化程序。将date作为formatter的参数进行格式化输出Declaration --声明class DateFormatter : FormatterOverview --概览Instances of DateF...

2020-07-14 14:13:39 1352

原创 20200714--iOS之DateComponents结构体,日期组件

StructureDateComponentsA date or time specified in terms of units (such as year, month, day, hour, and minute) to be evaluated in a calendar system and time zone.--按单元(如年、月、日、小时和分钟)指定的要在日历系统和时区中计算的日期或时间。Declaration --声明struct DateCompon...

2020-07-14 11:51:48 620

原创 20200714--iOS之DateInterval结构体,表征日期间隔

StructureDateIntervalThe span of time between a specific start date and end date.--表示开始日期与结束日期之间的跨度的结构体Declaration --声明iOS, tvOS, watchOSstruct DateIntervalmacOS, Mac Catalyststruct DateInterval, CodableOverview --概览D...

2020-07-14 11:27:51 258

原创 20200714--iOS之TimeInterval类型别名,表示时间戳间隔的Double别名

Type AliasTimeIntervalA number of seconds.秒数Declarationtypealias TimeInterval = DoubleDiscussionA TimeInterval value is always specified in seconds; it yields sub-millisecond precision over a range of 10,000 years.--时间间隔值始终以秒为单位指定;它能在一万.

2020-07-14 10:12:55 596

原创 20200713--iOS之Data结构体

StructureDataA byte buffer in memory.--内存里的字节缓存Declaration --声明@frozen struct Data--@frozen属性修饰,表明即便在运行时页不能改变Data结构体的结构,例如增删结构体里面的存储属性。Overview --概览The Data value type allows simple byte buffers to take on the behavi...

2020-07-13 16:20:03 597

原创 20200713--iOS之URL结构体,文件定位

StructureURLA value that identifies the location of a resource, such as an item on a remote server or the path to a local file.--标识资源位置的值,例如远程服务器上的项或本地文件的路径。Declaration --声明struct URLOverview --概览You can construct URLs a...

2020-07-13 11:23:49 493

原创 20200713--iOS之FileManagerDelegate协议,文件管理协议

ProtocolFileManagerDelegateThe interface a file manager's delegate uses to intervene during operations or if an error occurs.--文件管理器的委托,用于在操作期间或发生错误时进行干预的接口。(与文件管理器结合使用)Declaration --声明protocol FileManagerDelegateOverview...

2020-07-13 11:01:00 204

原创 202020713--iOS之FileManager类,文件管理器

参考文章:iOS目录解析-彻底搞懂iOS App的目录结构ClassFileManagerA convenient interface to the contents of the file system, and the primary means of interacting with it.--便于与文件系统内容进行交互的接口,以及与之交互的主要方式。Declaration --声明class FileManager : NSObjectOverview...

2020-07-13 10:42:49 929 1

原创 20200710--iOS之About Apple File System关于苹果的文件系统(文章)

ArticleAbout Apple File System --关于苹果的文件系统Use high-level APIs to get the most out of Apple File System.--使用高级api最大限度地利用Apple文件系统。Overview --概览Apple File System replaces HFS Plus as the default file system for iOS 10.3 and later,...

2020-07-13 09:04:49 487

原创 20200710--iOS之File System文件系统目录大纲

File SystemCreate, read, write, and examine files and folders in the file system.在文件系统中创建,阅读,写,测量文件或文件目录Topics --专题File System Operations --文件系统的操作About Apple File System --关于apple的文件系统的介...

2020-07-10 14:40:07 255

原创 20200706--iOS之分享活动的定义UIActivity抽象类

ClassUIActivityAn abstract class that you subclass to implement app-specific services. --一个抽象类,您可以子类化它来实现特定于应用程序的服务。Declaration --声明class UIActivity : NSObjectOverview --概览You should subclass UIActivity only ...

2020-07-06 10:03:58 255

原创 20200703--iOS之CGAffineTransform结构体(仿射变换)

StructureCGAffineTransformAn affine transformation matrix for use in drawing 2D graphics. --用于绘制2D图形的仿射变换矩阵。Declarationstruct CGAffineTransformOverview --概览An affine transformation matrix is used to rotate, scale, translate, or...

2020-07-03 15:25:04 352

原创 20200701--iOS之分享UIActivityViewController类

ClassUIActivityViewControllerA view controller that you use to offer standard services from your app. --一个视图控制器,你用它从你的应用程序中提供标准服务,例如邮件,连接、复制、粘贴、分享等系统服务。Declarationclass UIActivityViewController : UIViewControllerOverview --概览...

2020-07-01 10:35:27 509

原创 20200619--iOS之Date结构体(时间类)

StructureDateA specific point in time, independent of any calendar or time zone. --一个特定的时间点,独立于任何日历或时区。Declaration --声明struct DateOverview --概览A Date value encapsulate a single point in time, independent of any...

2020-06-19 17:59:02 417

原创 20200525--swift语法之UnsafePointer结构体(指针)

Generic StructureUnsafePointerA pointer for accessing data of a specific type. --用于访问特定类型数据的指针。Declaration@frozen struct UnsafePointer<Pointee>OverviewYou use instances of the UnsafePointer type to access data of a specific ty...

2020-05-25 14:41:18 1100

原创 200522--swift语法之UnsafeMutableRawPointer结构体

StructureUnsafeMutableRawPointerA raw pointer for accessing and manipulating untyped data. --用于访问和操作非类型化数据的原始指针。即对象类型的指针Declaration@frozen struct UnsafeMutableRawPointerOverview -- 概览The UnsafeMutableRawPointer type provides ...

2020-05-25 10:21:01 3344

原创 0317-iOS之UIPickerView类

ClassUIPickerViewA view that uses a spinning-wheel or slot-machine metaphor to show one or more sets of values.Declarationclass UIPickerView : UIViewOverviewA picker view displays one...

2020-05-13 17:14:08 163

原创 200506--iOS之NSAttributedString类

ClassNSAttributedStringA string that has associated attributes (such as visual style, hyperlinks, or accessibility data) for portions of its text. --一种字符串,它的部分文本具有相关属性(如视觉样式、超链接或辅助功能数据)...

2020-05-06 17:26:01 610

原创 200506--iOS之Strings and Text文档目录大纲

Strings and TextCreate and process strings of Unicode characters, use regular expressions to find patterns, and perform natural language analysis of text. --创建和处理Unicode字符字符串,使用正则表达式查找模式,并...

2020-05-06 16:47:10 97

原创 200506--iOS之UITextView类

ClassUITextViewA scrollable, multiline text region. -- 一个可滚动的,多行的文本区域。Declarationclass UITextView : UIScrollView --继承于scrollViewOverview --概览UITextView support...

2020-05-06 13:51:37 152

原创 200506--iOS之Text Display and Fonts文本与字体目录大纲

Text Display and FontsDisplay text, manage fonts, and check spelling. --显示文本、管理字体和拼写检查。Topics --专题Layout --布局class NS...

2020-05-06 11:46:14 124

原创 200504--iOS之CAShapeLayer类

ClassCAShapeLayerA layer that draws a cubic Bezier spline in its coordinate space. --在坐标空间中绘制三次贝塞尔曲线的图层。Declarationclass CAShapeLayer : CALayer //继承于CALayerOverview...

2020-05-04 16:45:53 172

原创 200430--iOS之Core Animation核心动画框架

FrameworkCore AnimationRender, compose, and animate visual elements. --渲染、合成和动画视觉元素。Overview --概览Core Animation provides high frame rates and smooth animations without burdenin...

2020-04-30 14:48:23 239

原创 200430--iOS之Core Graphics核心图形框架

FrameworkCore GraphicsHarness the power of Quartz technology to perform lightweight 2D rendering with high-fidelity output. Handle path-based drawing, antialiased rendering, gradients, images, col...

2020-04-30 13:44:48 176

原创 0428--iOS之UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(_:_:_:)绘图全局方法

FunctionUIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(_:_:_:)Creates a bitmap-based graphics context with the specified options. 该方法使用指定的选项创建基于位图的图形上下文,并压栈(UIKit维护的上下文栈)Declaration --声明...

2020-04-28 11:28:21 1544

原创 0428--iOS之UISegmentedControl类

ClassUISegmentedControlA horizontal control made of multiple segments, each segment functioning as a discrete button.Declarationclass UISegmentedControl : UIControlOverviewA segmented...

2020-04-28 09:24:24 299

原创 0420--iOS之绘图原语,即核心图形绘制技术中的公共方法

Drawing Context Primitives --绘图上下文原语Manage the current graphics environment using Core Graphics framework types. --使用核心图形框架里的类型来管理当前图形环境。func UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() ->...

2020-04-20 11:38:12 99

原创 0420--iOS之UIBezierPath类

ClassUIBezierPathA path that consists of straight and curved line segments that you can render in your custom views. --路径由直线段和曲线段组成,可以在自定义视图中进行渲染。Declarationclass UIBezierPath : N...

2020-04-20 11:11:03 300 1

原创 0420--iOS之UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat类

ClassUIGraphicsImageRendererFormatA set of drawing attributes that represent the configuration of an image renderer context. --一组表示 图片渲染器的 上下文的 配置的 绘图属性。Declarationclass UIGraphi...

2020-04-20 10:26:14 707

原创 0420--iOS之UIGraphicsImageRendererContext类

ClassUIGraphicsImageRendererContextThe drawing environment associated with an image renderer. --图片渲染器的绘制环境Declarationclass UIGraphicsImageRendererContext : UIGraphicsRendererCon...

2020-04-20 10:14:34 482

原创 0417--iOS之UIGraphicsImageRenderer类

ClassUIGraphicsImageRendererA graphics renderer for creating Core Graphics-backed images. --一个图形渲染器,用于创建核心图形支持的图像(图片)。所以画出来的是image对象Declarationclass UIGraphicsImageRenderer ...

2020-04-20 10:03:24 2535

原创 0417--iOS之UIGraphicsRendererFormat类

ClassUIGraphicsRendererFormat --基类A set of drawing attributes that represent the configuration of a graphics renderer context. --一组配置图形渲染器上下文的绘制特征属性。Declarationclass UIG...

2020-04-17 17:07:58 232

原创 0417--iOS之UIGraphicsRendererContext类

ClassUIGraphicsRendererContext --绘图环境的基类The base class for the drawing environments associated with graphics renderers. --与图形渲染器关联的绘图环境的基类。Declarationclass UIGraphi...

2020-04-17 16:41:51 259

原创 0417--iOS之UIGraphicsRenderer类

ClassUIGraphicsRenderer --抽象基类An abstract base class for creating graphics renderers. --一个用于创建图形渲染器的抽象基类。渲染器是用于高效管理图形上下文内存的对象Declarationclass UIGraphicsRenderer : NSObj...

2020-04-17 16:31:03 388

原创 0417--iOS文档之Drawing(图形绘制)

DrawingConfigure your app's drawing environment using colors, renderers, draw paths, strings, and shadows. --使用颜色、渲染器、绘制路径、字符串和阴影来配置应用程序的绘图环境。Topics --专题Color...

2020-04-17 14:57:07 373

原创 0417--iOS之UITableViewDataSource协议

ProtocolUITableViewDataSourceThe methods adopted by the object you use to manage data and provide cells for a table view. --该协议声明了管理table view 数据和cell的方法。Declarationprotocol UI...

2020-04-17 13:53:24 740




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