How Adaptive AUTOSAR Enables Autonomous Driving

How Adaptive AUTOSAR Enables Autonomous Driving

In my last post, I discussed virtual ECUs, and I stressed AUTOSAR a lot as a basis for easily exchanging software functionality. However, it was all about classic AUTOSAR, or more precisely, the AUTOSAR Classic Platform. But in the context of autonomous driving, everyone is talking about adaptive AUTOSAR, or the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform.

When the Adaptive Platform first came up in discussions with customers, it basically went like this:
Customer: “We need flexibility in software architectures to do updates over the air.”
Me: “How are you going to do that?”
Customer: “We don’t know yet, but adaptive AUTOSAR will.”

That was a few months before the first release of the Adaptive Platform. So our expectations were high and they perfectly matched the eagerness with which my dSPACE colleagues were already working to support “adaptive” in our software-in-the-loop tool chain.

Of course, there is one fundamental fact everyone should know: Adaptive AUTOSAR is no successor of classic AUTOSAR; it does not replace it. Instead, it is an alternative way to define ECU software and how it is run on ECU hardware – or on virtual machines for that matter.

Why Another AUTOSAR Platform?

What’s the reason for inventing a new Platform? The very first kick-off of AUTOSAR was in 2002, and as of today, the AUTOSAR Classic Platform has a mature version 4. If you are looking for a modular standard to code and exchange embedded software in the automotive domain, you are advised to use it.

But the automotive industry is reinventing itself. With autonomous driving, the requirements for software architectures have changed fundamentally.
Keep in mind, our self-driving cars have to:
1.Communicate with their environment.
2.Observe their environment using a multitude of sensors.
3.Use this data to make lots of driving decisions, most of them critical to our health and, sometimes, life.

Let’s translate this into more technical terms:

1.Our car acts as just another device and is connected to everything. This may include your smart home, but it first and foremost includes communication with data back-ends, other cars, and the traffic lights around the corner.

2.It uses media streaming. Not for your kids in the back but for the sensors that are continuously scanning the environment and generating massive amounts of data to ensure your highway pilot or emergency break works.

3.It needs enough computing power to run fully trained state-of-the-art neural networks to interpret sensor data and make correct decisions.
4.It has to be regularly updated with the latest software after we buy it, and we do not want the hassle of flashing ECUs in the shop.

These items are just examples of considerations that come with partially automated and autonomous driving.

They have a huge impact on how software has to be developed.

Each to Their Own Software Architecture

When you decide how to develop software, then you also have to decide on a specific software architecture, and you don’t do it lightly. Every software architecture serves a purpose.

With the AUTOSAR Classic Platform, you design a software architecture with a dedicated goal. It is all about software that is “deeply embedded”:

1.It runs on small, specialized hardware (in terms of computing power).
2.It is designed for, created for, and flashed to ECUs, and then it works – no need to modify it.
3.Its communication is (mainly) targeted at the cyclic broadcast of relatively small data packets using traditional automotive bus networks like CAN.

None of this works very well with our expectations for autonomous driving above. Just from the three examples we can already see that new requirements have to be met:

1.Continuous streams of sensor data have to be exchanged between two or three functions, as opposed to small packets that are broadcast to the overall network.
2.More computing power to crunch numbers really fast – even with the support of graphics processing units (GPUs).
3.Flexible software that can be replaced at run time and which is also able to connect to state-of-the-art web systems (which do not care which communication protocol a car uses).

The AUTOSAR Classic Platform is just not designed for autonomous driving. Therefore, AUTOSAR created the Adaptive Platform – with exactly the new requirements in mind.

Flexibility Is Key

With the Adaptive Platform, communication between software functionalities is no longer conducted in cyclic bursts, but is service-oriented. An ’adaptive application’ (called ‘software component’ in the Classic Platform) announces which data it is able to provide, and which data it needs. A brokering service finds the correct match and the two applications communicate directly.

What’s more, the lower-level communication is no longer based on CAN or other classic automotive bus systems, which use dedicated protocols, but on Ethernet. In addition to Ethernet communication, SOME/IP [] is currently gaining a lot more attention. As a service-oriented middleware layer, it defines the actual way in which applications communicate. For example, you no longer have to define cyclic trigger times directly in the code behavior.

As someone who comes from the world of the Classic Platform, replacing software at run time is something I understand in non-embedded contexts, but not in an AUTOSAR context. The reason is simple: With the Classic Platform, the communication between software components is hard-wired and brought to life by the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE), which translates the communication from the architecture level to the ECU level. It does so by resolving static macros and translating them to appropriate basic software calls, e.g., for wrapping them into bus messages.

If you want to have software that can be replaced during run time, this does not work. The Adaptive Platform overcomes the drawbacks of hard-wired communication by implementing a service-oriented communication architecture.

As a result, the adaptive version of the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (ARA, AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications) works independently of the actual applications. It just provides the brokering service. Communication is established between any applications that ask for it.

The final result? You can add or replace software at run time, because communication will be established automatically only after you start the software – It is not determined in the design phase, not as in the Classic Platform.

Program Away

A last note about flexibility: We all know that state-of-the-art autonomous driving systems, especially in the context of sensor data processing, are developed on Linux systems. We need all the flexibility an operating system provides, including flexible memory allocation, thread handling, you name it. We don’t want to – and probably cannot – forego this flexibility just because we have to compile our code for a specialized ECU operation system.

Because of this, the Adaptive Platform is based on a POSIX interface. By deploying their applications to an adaptive platform, developers can now exploit all the benefits of their beloved Linux.

That’s something, isn’t it?


My personal conclusion is that the Adaptive Platform is a sister of the Classic Platform. Both platforms have the same ancestors, the same overall intention: Providing methods and a standard to develop high-quality automotive software.

They are complementary: The Classic Platform is specialized for efficient, deeply embedded functions of the classic automotive domains, while the Adaptive Platform aims at the evolving domain of autonomous driving, with all the flexibility this domain requires and which we can achieve in terms of software architecture, means of communication, and processing power.

Therefore, we need both.


Adaptive AUTOSAR如何实现自动驾驶

在我上一篇文章中我们讨论了虚拟ECU,我强调AUTOSAR作为轻松交换软件功能的基础。然而,它完全是关于Classic AUTOSAR,或者更准确地说,是AUTOSAR经典平台。但在自动驾驶的背景下,每个人都在谈论Adaptive AUTOSAR或AUTOSAR自适应平台。

当Adaptive Platform首次与客户讨论时,它基本上是这样的:
客户:“我们还不知道,但Adaptive AUTOSAR会。”


当然,每个人都应该知道一个基本事实:自适应AUTOSAR不是经典AUTOSAR的继承者;它不会取代它。相反,它是一种定义ECU软件的替代方法,以及它如何在ECU硬件上运行 - 或者在虚拟机上运行。

为什么选择另一个AUTOSAR平台(Adaptive AutoSar)?

发明新平台的原因是什么? AUTOSAR的第一次启动是在2002年,截至今天,AUTOSAR Classic Platform已经成熟版本4.如果您正在寻找模块化标准来编码和交换汽车领域的嵌入式软件,建议您用它。






使用AUTOSAR Classic Platform,您可以设计一个具有专用目标的软件架构。这完全是关于“深度嵌入”的软件:
2.它专为ECU设计,创建和闪存,然后工作 - 无需修改它。


AUTOSAR经典平台(Claasic AutoSar)不是专为自动驾驶而设计的。因此,AUTOSAR创建了自适应平台(Adaptive AutoSar) - 完全符合新要求。


使用自适应平台,软件功能之间的通信不再以循环突发方式进行,而是面向服务。 “自适应应用程序”(在经典平台中称为“软件组件”)宣布它能够提供哪些数据,以及它需要哪些数据。代理服务找到正确的匹配,并且两个应用程序直接通信。

更重要的是,低级通信不再基于CAN或其他使用专用协议的经典汽车总线系统,而是基于以太网。除了以太网通信,SOME / IP []目前正受到更多关注。作为面向服务的中间件层,它定义了应用程序通信的实际方式。例如,您不再需要直接在代码行为中定义循环触发时间。



您可以在运行时添加或替换软件,因为只有在启动软件后才会自动建立通信 - 它不是在设计阶段确定的,不是在经典平台中确定的。


因此,Adaptive Platform基于POSIX接口。通过将他们的应用程序部署到自适应平台,开发人员现在可以使用Linux来进行开发。



自适应autosar平台先关的文档资料 为适应新用例的需求,AUTOSAR开发了自适应平台。 一个突出的例子是 高度自动化驾驶,在该环境中,驾驶员暂时和/或部分地将驾驶责任转移给车辆。 这种情况下需要与交通基础设施(例如交通标志、交通灯)、云服务器(例如访问最新的交通信息或地图数据)等进行通信,或使用微处理器和高性能计算硬件进行并行处理(例如GPU)。 此外,Car-2-X应用还需要与车辆和车外系统进行交互沟通。 这意味着该系统必须具备安全的车载通信功能、支持跨域计算平台、智能手机集成、非AUTOSAR系统集成等。 此外,还需要采取专门的措施,保证云服务的安全,例如安全云交互和应急车辆优先。 它们可支持远程和分布式服务,例如远程诊断、空中下载(OTA)更新、修复和交换处理。 AUTOSAR目前正在对AUTOSAR自适应平台进行标准化处理,使其支持客户应用的动态部署,并为需要高端计算能力的应用提供适宜的环境。 该平台的核心是基于 POSIX 标准的操作系统。 根据IEEE1003.13(即PSE51),操作系统可以通过POSIX的子集从应用中调用。 自适应平台的一个关键特性是面向服务的通信。 自适应平台可以使用两种类型的接口:服务和应用程序编程接口(API)。 该平台由分布在服务层中的功能聚类和AUTOSAR自适应平台基础组成。 功能聚类: 汇编自适应平台的功能2016 确定需求规格说明书的聚类2016 从应用和网络角度描述软件平台的行为2016 但是,不得限制实现自适应平台的架构的最终软件设计。2016 AUTOSAR自适应平台基础中的功能聚类在每台(虚拟)机器中必须至少有一个实例,而服务则可以分布在车内网络中。 自适应平台服务包括: - 更新和配置管理 - 状态管理 - 网络管理 - 诊断 AUTOSAR自适应平台包含规范和代码。 与经典平台相比,AUTOSAR开发的实现可缩短验证周期并说明基本概念。 该实现适用于所有AUTOSAR成员。




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