07. Lists & Maps


For reference variables may not be pointing at any object

- Not an object

- A reserved literal value for reference type

Just like "true" or "false" for boolean type

- For reference types, default value is "null"

Local reference variables are not automatically initialized to "null"

- You must initialize them by either calling a constructor or setting them to null

- In fact, Java assigns no default value to a local variable

- FYI: Empty String is actually a String object, not null

Note: Be aware of NullPointerException


Implements an expandable array

- Internally, maintains an array

- No direct access to the array itself (protect data)

- Instead, it provides methods to manipulate the array

- When the array is full, it creates a new larger array and copies the data from old (smaller) array into the new (larger) array

Automatically handles issues relating to length

1. import java.util.ArrayList

2. Allocation of space: List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>();

3. Appending (adding to the end): String item = ...; a.add(item);

4. Inserting before the first element: a.add(0, item);

5. For each

6. Deleting: a.remove(i);

7. Searching: int i = a.indexOf(item); a.contains(item);

ArrayList Manages an Array

Makes an internal array of length 10 - this is the default capacity

Maintains a separate count of the number of elements referenced by the array (the user's perception of size)

If adding an element exceeds the capacity, allocate a new array that is 50% bigger and copy data from the old array into (the beginning of) the new array


Elements are referenced by Node objects

To add an element, a new Node object is allocated and inserted (using links in the chain) at the beginning, end or middle of the list

O(1) means an operation take time less than c

O(log n) means an operation take time less than c * log n

O(n) means an operation take time less than c * n

O(n log n) means an operation take time less than c * n * log n

O(n^2) means an operation take time less than c * n^2

* n is the number of elements and c is some constant

The List Interface

Specifies common methods that must be implemented by all lists

Implemented by ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList, etc.

Java Interfaces

A Java interface allows you to specify methods that must be implemented by a class

You can then use references to the interface, knowing the methods will be available, even though you don't know the specific class used

An Interface reference variable can reference any object that implements that interface regardless of its class type

Generics in Java

Java allows you to specify a class that manipulates instances of some type <T>

- Using type parameters

Complier now can check:

- When inserting objects of the wrong type

- Incorrect return type when getting an element

- Gives compile time error/warning messages

No cast is required for calling get method

Makes your program safer and easier to read

Before Generics (In Java 4 and before)

The Collections Framework stored Objects

You could put any object into a List

When you took something out of a List...

- You needed to cast it back into your type

- You could check types using instanceof operator

Hash Functions

Convert (compress) data into a number (usually an int)

The goal: Two different inputs should generally (and ideally) have two different outputs


Elements (values) are accessed by keys (not index)

- It maps Keys to Values.

Fast to insert, delete and lookup

- But no order of the elements

Keep enough space

If array gets too full, reallocate the array and rehash everything

Performance Comparisons

Array/ArrayList LinkedList HashSet/HashMap

Append After Last O(1) O(1) O(1)

Insert Before First O(n) O(1) O(1)

Lookup by Position O(1) O(n) N/A

Lookup by Value O(n) O(n) O(1) (by key)

Remove Last O(1) O(1) O(1)

Remove First O(n) O(1) O(1)


Among these data structures, which would be better if not best:

- Looking up student records by andrew id over and over?  HashMap

- Managing waitlist for a course?

Maintaining the order  Array/ArrayList

Adding and deleting students at both ends  LinkedList


Pass a Comparator to sort with an alternative ordering

It's a Java Interface

- Create a class to implement it (implements Comparator<T>)

- Need to implement compare(T a, T b) method

Negative if a comes before b

0 if they are identical

Positive otherwise


Writing the code to put your ints in Integers is a hassle

- Same for other primitives

In Java 5, Java will automatically convert between primitives and their Object wrapper classes

- When passing parameters or returning values

- In assignment or math expressions


Just declare ArrayList<Integer>

Put in and take out ints

Autoboxing automatically does the conversions

Sample Final Exam Questions

Compare the use of ArrayLists and LinkedLists? What are the advantages of each?

ArrayList: Lookup by Position

LinkedList: Insert Before First and Remove First

What is a comparator?

It's a Java Interface

- Create a class to implement it (implements Comparator<T>)

- Need to implement compare(T a, T b) method

Negative if a comes before b

0 if they are identical

Positive otherwise

What is autoboxing? Why is it useful in Java?

Writing the code to put your ints in Integers is a hassle

- Same for other primitives

In Java 5, Java will automatically convert between primitives and their Object wrapper classes

- When passing parameters or returning values

- In assignment or math expressions

What are Java Generics? What are the advantages of using generic classes? What did Java programmers do before we had generic classes?

Generics in Java

Java allows you to specify a class that manipulates instances of some type <T>

- Using type parameters

Complier now can check:

- When inserting objects of the wrong type

- Incorrect return type when getting an element

- Gives compile time error/warning messages

No cast is required for calling get method

Makes your program safer and easier to read

Before Generics (In Java 4 and before)

The Collections Framework stored Objects

You could put any object into a List

When you took something out of a List...

- You needed to cast it back into your type

- You could check types using instanceof operator





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